Thinking of playing deception and ys. Are they worth it? Anything else?
Any action jrpgs on vita?
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Deception isn't a action rpg
The only thing I remember from Deception IV aside from the horse trap is Laegrinna's thighs and legs.
What is it then? Looks like action rpg, i know it was on ps1 or something.
Yeah nice design
It's more of a puzzle game
I call it "Tower Defense, but on the move"
Pretty accurate.
Anyway, yes, Deception isn't an action RPG, but it's good fun and fairly unique, would recommend checking it out anyway.
Freedom Wars
Hmm, i'm afraid i would get bored fast, that's why i'm looking for action jrpg, cause i barely finished any classic jrpg or strategy
What's rpg about freedom wars? It's less of an rpg than monster hunter with similar mission based gameplay, it's not a long journey rpg thing which i'm looking for.
Vagrant Story, FFX/X-2, the Ys series, Tokyo Xanadu, Persona 4 and uhhh some other shit but idk right now
Thanks, but i've played vagrant story a long time ago and it is pretty good, but it's more of a vats eve rpg, ffx is a tradition turn based rpg, same for persona 4. Tokyo xanadu i'll try but it looks kinda unappealing.
Nigger, you have internet so easily cheack anything
Also, the Nightmare Princess is like the complete edition, because it also contains Blood Ties.
Nigger, the more reason you have to give it a try if you know nothing about it because there really is nothing like it, and on top of all you won't lose money by pirating.
Deception kind of defies genre. Not really an action game as its brand of trap-based action is too detached and contemplative, yet not really a strategy RPG despite drawing from elements of the genre such as its grid-based trap setups and consideration of environmental mechanics and terrain. It's kind of its own thing, really. That said, if you are considering getting it then get Nightmare Princess as it's Blood Ties but with a shitton more game. Action RPGs I would recommend as well are Soul Sacrifice Delta and Freedom Wars, though the latter should be approached with caution as it can definitely be a bit of a pain without friends.
What can you even get from that trailer? It's really fucking weird. And you can't really get the opinion from rpg trailers/info on internet, they are either very nice or just boring.
Yeah don't bother then. I'm an action jrpg kind of guy and mainly use deception IV for a good wank. That red head is so hot.
Ok, so i got it that it's a trap/saw kinda game, which is really interesting but not at all what i expected?
If you want a "long journey" type of game and like Falcom, I'd look into Brandish the Dark Revenant. It's a PSP game but it was localized super late and it's a remake of the first Brandish game, which is kind of a slow paced action RPG series that draws considerably from dungeon crawler style gameplay. It can be a bit cumbersome to get a hold of but the stage design is fantastic, it's kinda like a game of nothing but classic Zelda dungeoning, except for men. A fair contender for my favorite game to be released this gen (if localizations count).
Get Ys 7 on the store. Also get Soul Sacrifice Delta.
Why is there little to no porn of Laegrinna and Velgurie (or however you spell her name) it makes me sad.
Yeah, mate, i played brandish, i was talking more of a "VITA' game. Or one that is ps4/ps3 mulitplat. And is brandish even an action game? I thought it was more roguelikish
SS i played, and liked a lot, but didnt play delta cause fuck that, i already bought the physical game, and delta is not even cartridge format. I thought inafune blamign capcom for being corporate means you are against that thing, and in the end he does exactly the same thing, though this time you don't expect the ultimate.g thing like in monster hunter.
But my vita is hacked, so can i transfer my save to delta?? Is online dead or what
Roguelikes are randomly generated.
I meant in fighting style. I think i've played some super old roguelikes and pokemon dungeon.
The main difference there is that stuff like mystery dungeon is turn-based. Enemies make a move every time you make a move. Brandish is completely real-time, enemies make movements independent of your actions and combat's more about finding the correct timing in their patterns and defenses. So no, I wouldn't quite say it's the same thing, Brandish is more interactive and closer to an action game than mystery dungeons.
Don't know Deception but I recently played through Ys VIII and I really enjoyed it. You should do some research to see what you're getting into but it was a good time
Ok, it still have my old save file from psp from 2009 or something lol.
Hearts R is bretty gud as well
Yes you can transfer your save and yeah online is probably dead at this point.
Lost Song's the best action JPRG