>game has an ingame clock
Game has an ingame clock
>game's day and night cycles are in real time
>no ears
>clock doesn't stop when you pause the game
what if wojak was alive
>ingame clock makes me wait for store to open
>go to store at the time it opens to advance story
>have to wait until tomorrow
>no timeskip option
What game does this as good as Majoras Mask?
>game continues even if you turn it off
>day and night ingame are out of sync with day and night irl
>Countdown timer before place explodes!
>Your characters are still doing victory animations after each battle
>the clock doesnt even matter
>the clock is the level
>game has giant ominous clock that ticks up every time something happens
>when it gets to 12 it summons the fucking apocalypse
>game where OP kills them-self
Sorry, I meant to say 'themselves'. Just looked up the correct word, thank you for educating me
what if we were alive
>Game's clock runs off real time and the sun moves as it does in real life
>if you take too long the villain starts fucking everything up
>Turn game off.
>Restart the following day.
>It's the next in-game day.
So, what, did my character just fucking stand there staring at the wall for however many hours while the game was off?
>game has an in-game cock
name 1 game
>pause in digimon world and alt+tab to go cook something
>in game time kept going
>he doesn't play skyrim with timescale set to 1
It's like immersion is just a joke to you
what the fuck even is immersion if you can hear family members screaming and yelling in the background
>Game has day/night cycle
>Night exists near purely to lock you out of most places and force you to wait until its day again
>Game logs how many in game days have passed
>This is largely irrelevant as there's no time limit
This one gives me minor anxiety when I see it in older RPG's. Bought Planescape on sale and I had to make sure there wasn't a hidden time limit when I got to the cube and spent like 20 in game days in there due to all the backtracking and resting.
>he doesn't have the police siren mod
loads of laughter!
Black and white didnt have this, but minced weather depending on what it was doing irl where you were, so I'm sure it's possible
Nah, he went and found an inn, slept, then moved back to that spot before you turned the game back on.
>Player character ages.
>Nobody else does.
>It's not even based on time.
The fuck was this about?
>game tells you you've been playing too long
what if all the wojaks we draw are alive and ocme to existence in an abstract wojakverse?
every wojak that was ever drawn or created is now out there living, the first and oldest ones about tfw no gf, the nintendo soi ones running away from the golden sony ones anal voring them, the retarded ones being taken care of and looked after by the smart ones, the boomers, the zoomers, the NPC's repeating lines of script, and now they're experiencing a new influx of wojaks that is the ones with ears.
Game devs desperately trying to fulfill what promises they could.
>Game has in game clock
>Leave game running for 100 in game years
>Everyone's the same age and act like no time has passed at all
What the FUCK devs ...
sounds like........ r....real life........
am I ......