I haven't watched a single extra credits video since their Hatred one.
Are these guys still relevant?
I haven't watched a single extra credits video since their Hatred one.
Are these guys still relevant?
Other urls found in this thread:
when you qualify something as relevant you sound like a complete douche squirt
Why does the shitty thumbnail art make me irrationally angry
Aw man I can't wait for more communists to push propaganda!
Racism is good, because it tells people why giving free shit to niggers is a complete waste of resources, and stops resources being poured into a growing drain
Sexism is good, because having a family gives women a purpose in life, and without a purpose women become unhappy. It reduces unhappiness.
Discrimination on sexual preferences is good, because people with mental health issues such as anxiety will have to face their mental health issues and overcome them, instead of getting addicted to various faggot-slut fetishes.
White nationalism is good, because white countries are pretty good in comparison to others, and having more good countries results in more good countries.
I understand that communists mean well, but they have the mistaken belief that women and minorities can build society as well as white men can. They believe discrimination is unnecessary and serves no constructive point, and based on this false belief, push the globohomo agenda.
Racism, sexism, sexuality discrimination and white nationalism can cure them of these false beliefs, and stops well-meaning but miseducated people from paving the road to hell with their good intentions.
Also hi ShareBlue / MediaMatters / whoever you guys are!
Based unmedicated schizophrenic poster
So let me get this straight, because I sure as fuck ain't watching the video... is he complaining about one team playing as Germany in WWII shooters?
The person believes, unironically, NAZIS BAD.
how many of this exact fucking thread do we need? what do you get out of this? if you hate this dude so much just stop giving him so much free advertisement
They're as relevant as anita, which means only Yea Forums still talks about them because only Yea Forums is stupid enough to get riled up over their drama.
He legit thinks people playing the nazi side will be indoctrinated. Same for games with a "terrorist" side.
they've always been retarded
They are based and right. Nazi wh*toids is a huge problem in gaming
>He legit thinks people playing the nazi side will be indoctrinated. Same for games with a "terrorist" side.
But user ... these days it's getting harder and harder to tell what's real and what's a game.
You keep making threads about them, so I they must be.
If they were relevant they wouldn't have to say crazy shit to get attention
No. He was bad when he debuted on The Escapist 10 years ago and he's even worse now.
seething resetranny
Post the spirit history or whatever video so we can all laugh at these faggots
its not popular to say this but not verything hitler did was evil, and no his nationalism wasnt worse than satan, and no ever jew or even the jewish community werent floundering saints just trying to better germany. so what does this mean when i say this?
if i dont condem hitler i advocate genocide and ethnic cleansing, (funny i dont remember saying that, in fact it sounds fucking crazy like some of hitlers military strategists). i also obviously hate jews and deny the holocaust, (no, my grandfather fought the nazis you fucking retard im proud of him for doing it and jewish hatred is irrational, but so is pandering to them or making antisemetic remarks a criminal offense.)
thanks for bumping this thread right before it died with more politics, faggot
>only Yea Forums still talks about them because
the video has over 100k dislikes are you saying Yea Forums did that?
given post ww1 germany and its burdens hitler did a lot of good for germany , and untill faggots and jews can recognize that every policy he implemented wasnt a kill order for every non aryan then history will repeart and the next genocidial lunatic might not be a white guy, but a black or jew. i mean apart from the ones that already are or were but whitey stopped.
You FUCKING nazi. Hitler was literally a cartoon villain like Skelletor and everything he ever did was pure evil. The nazi party had no political goals other than to spread evil throughout the lands and eradicate all traces of goodness (I.e. the Jews). Don’t you dare try to explore themes of moral relativism or portray historically “”””accurate””””” characters in your video games or I’ll have you fired from your job.
>Don't worry, I'm an expert on not being a Nazi, let me lecture everybody on not being a Nazi because you're all a few video games away from starting a second Holocaust.