Just bought this, what am i in for?
Just bought this, what am i in for?
Other urls found in this thread:
fun for a few hours
A dull disappointment
good music
Forced missions. Brought on by Bliss Bullets and Bliss Arrows? that'll snipe you while you're flying a plane 1000ft in the air
But otherwise the usual Far Cry gunplay, some fun missions, fucking bear and cougar companions, and a decent map.
Why you can only burn shit on Far Cry 2? That shit was awesome, i want to burn more stuffs damn it
A game where libtard game """"""""""journalists"""""""""" were excited because the promotional shots looked like it was going to be a big middle finger to Christians and red states, but then when the game came out, it didn't mock Americans hard enough so libtards cried and whined that it seems to humanize conservatives. Also, some faggots cried that recurring from the previous game, Hurk, now has a father running for congress and one of his lines includes "Obama loving libtards." 5 s o i b o i s from Gamespot had to team up to write one review of the game and one of them actually said he was "literally shaking and felt unsafe" after hearing that line in the game.
Farcry: South 'Murrica. Its loads of fun
>south ‘Mercia
Isn’t it set in Montana?
A good co-op game.
I remember a journo complaining because the game had way to many nogs and that was unrealistic, which basically means '' i wanted to kill more whites''
Biblical kino. You are the Lamb of God. Open the seven seals. Cleanse this wicked world.
It's fun. I love the setting it's real comfy and the side activities like fishing are really fun
a good game
This but one of the worst endings I've ever seen
>Farcry: South 'Murrica
>it's set in the North
He asked about the game, not about the bullshit forced divisive politics around it. You absolutely took the bait, retard.
The pause music is godly
Its not even like the game even focuses on politics outside of the marketing, which Ubisoft clearly does to bait people and create discussions from.
farcry 3
Is Primal worth $9?
>tan lines
Far Cry 5's ending is absolutely perfect.
>Second player doesn't save any mission progress made in co-op and has to play every missions twice
Pretty big fuckup for an otherwise fun game.
A decent 7/10 shooter.
Good music, some good moments (I think), and forced missions if you do too many activities. In all honesty, its an okay game.
It's a deliberate design choice. Dying Light 2 is going to be exactly the same. This isn't Borderlands. How are you supposed to transfer progress between completely different world states?
>middle finger to Christians, we wuz victims jebus saves repent otherwise muh fedora larpagan
The Division managed it just fine. Hell, Saints Row 2 got it right and that game came out like 10 years ago.
It's the same as all the other Farcry games with the added bonus of tearing you away from whatever you were doing to participate in stupid corridor shooting sections
It also runs really well.
The Division doesn't have a world state. Saints Row doesn't have a world state either. You cannot select missions in Far Cry 5. Suppose you are playing in co-op and you kill John Seed. How exactly do you transfer that progress back to a co-op account that never left Faith's region?
Corridor shooting sections? What are you talking about? The only thing that vaguely comes to mind is Jacob's conditioning sequences.
The repetition will keep you from finishing
That's what I'm talking about, yes.
You say that, but the biggest complaint about Far Cry New Dawn was that it was only 10-20 hours long. Most players want Far Cry games to be super long.
Playing a character in co-op creates new save slot that copies host progress.
That creates a whole bunch of child problems because you can't allow those save files to be played without the host because they'll end up contradicting.
There's a reason these games are set up this way.
You can burn stuff in modern Far Cry, too.
I very much dislike the direction the FarCry series has taken with its narrative storytelling. Farcry 5 player-character doesn't have a single line of dialogue.
Far Cry 3 has a lot of good ideas and some crazy polished mechanics, but it is a bit of a slog structurally due to how strictly linear it is. FC4 is a lot better. But FC3 always gets nostalgia votes.
Not as bad as I went in expecting.
best song, don't @ me
also, play with a friend. the coop in this game is lovely. you and a buddy just ramboing the shit out of each mission is good times. and not to spoil the ending, but while driving listen to the news radio when you can. they talk a lot about the events that lead up to the ending, so it's not such a surprise when it happens.
>you can't allow those save files to be played without the host because they'll end up contradicting.
Playing without host would be same as host starting up without you.
Progressing without host and then joining host would just create another save.
Why do you act like this is the way it must be? Ubisoft is just gay about co-op and multiple save states in general for no specific reason.
hello, i'm just one of the most badass antagonist gaming has seen in the past decade.
p.s. john was the worst seed sibling
darwinist antagonist is as cliched as ancient evil awakens
He was an edgy fag.
I hate being forced into those stupid sequences too, but it's one of three regions. At least there was some fun meta stuff involved with it.
Empty world with few enemies.
a fun game to relax to. in my experience, the game is best played very slowly, the attention to small details in the world make it feel nice. weapon variety isn't great but throwing your melee can feel good sometimes.
I like turning on autodrive and just listening to the radio while I throw cans at peds and cultists.