Are there cheats to skip this boss? He's not hard he's just annoying. I don't like sitting and having to fucking do HP damage to a boss for like 3 minutes straight, then go into his second phase only to make ONE mistake and get completely fucked.
It's just not a fun boss to fight, I wanna be a fucking Shinobi not a fucking monkey hunter. I want to clash swords with another Shinobi, not slice at a monkey for 3 minutes, make one mistake and have to do it all over again.
Other urls found in this thread:
>He's not hard
>dies to his second form
kek git gud retard, you haven't even fought the real monkey lord
If you aren't having fun stop playing the game.
He's not hard, but the game punishes you for making one mistake which inflates the difficulty.
It's the same reason IWBTG is hard because you get 1 shot by everything which makes the game way harder then it actually would be normally.
I just don't find dealing HP damage to something when HP damage does miniscule shit fun. It's tedious as hell, Genichiro and that Horse nigga were fun, it was Shinobi clashing in the field of battle and felt like a good fight.
This just feels awful
>3 minutes straight
You need to parry dance this boss, and hes easy as fuck, you will usually kill him with posture very quickly.
Also, his second phase is best done by circle strafing.
If you use the spear prosthetic when he's headless after the giant swing where he lays there for about 3 seconds, it pulls the centipede out which fills his posture bar by like a third.
>Are there cheats to skip this boss?
Yeah mortal draw
I understand, I didn’t really enjoy this boss either
>kill him with posture
As someone who completed this game, no you can't. The boss is designed to be killed via HP damage.
Sekiro is fun, but the part where every boss has like 3 fucking phases and regens HP is the part where it falls flat on it's face.
Having to fight the same boss over and over again isn't all that enticing or fun, especially when you need to either do a full thing of posture damage to them or delete their bar of HP and do this 3 times.
I almost dropped the game because of that shit.
Is that true? That's cool.
uh oh!
The worse boss in the game is called "bad camera" and he's even harder when he teams up with the boss called "boss in a tiny room".
git gud and have sex
git gud
it doesn't get any easier from there
git gud
Sekiro would unironically be better if it just let me skip to the second phase.
I don't wanna go through all that bullshit again, the fucking game tells me to "git gud", but for what? Every boss is different and might be slower or faster then the last boss. Theres no "gitting gud" when every boss is fundamentally different from the last!
does sekiro have dodge/roll/parry mechanics dependent on camera angle? I haven't played it yet
He's the best boss in the game and also not hard.
Holy fuck if true
First phase is HP damage. Use Oil and Flame Vent with Living Force. Use Divine Confetti if you don't have Living Force. Firecracker if you have no oil.
Second phase is posture damage because he now has a sword. Parry his sword attacks, especially the huge overhead slam. Parrying that one knocks him off balance and lets you use the spear on his head hole which knocks the worm out, dealing a lot of posture damage. You can get one or two hits in before that if you do it quick.
>phase 1 has a ton of openings for full combos
>phase 2 is neutered by purp jug, confetti, and the curse slower item
how bad can you be?
His second phase is definitely doable via posture damage
If you deflect his big downwards swing it does a tonne of posture damage. You can definitely posture kill him once you've gotten his healthbar around halfway down
>Calling other people bad yet cheesing the game
Oh my god, ya'll are pathetic. How are you gonna call someone else bad but then say, "LMAO JUST CHEESE THE GAME WITH EZ MODE DOG"
>Using items put in the game exclusively for that purpose is "cheesing the game"
Are you retarded?
>He's not hard
>waaahhhh help me I cant beat him. Give me the cheats
Fucking GIT GUD retard
>Game is about a shinobi
>Not chessing to win by any means necessary
And besides. Even without cheese the second phase of the ape is easier
I just got the mortal blade, can I one-shot him now? Please say yes.
>user asks for cheats
>give him the easy strats
>omg you guys are so n00b
Sure, retard.
Guardian Ape for retards:
>when he flings shit at you, run towards him and attack as he lands
>when he lays on his back and flails, move to the his side under his armpit and attack him
>4-5 hits max then gtfo
>double dodge literally everything else (two press of dodge button for each attack)
>don't attack unless he does one of the top two
>for second form, drink purple gourd before battle starts
>when he screams, run PAST him in the opposite direction he's facing
>you can deflect his sword swings and do posture damage
>best times to attack him are 1) when he stands erect with sword pointed in air and falls -> dodge to right side and attack him while he's on the ground 2) when he sticks his sword out and slithers towards you, block and dodge to side and attack (near his knee)
>double dodge everything else
>remember to deathblow him twice at the end or he won't die
>Not chessing to win by any means necessary
Ah yes, the Genijiro defense.
Also, you attack directly behind him in his first form, he'll send out a cloud of gas that'll poison you. Only attack during the two windows specified.
>Not cheesing by any means necessary
Yes, and OP asked for console commands or cheats. He's the ultimate shinobi.
>purple gourd
Wait, people die to his terror? Really?
Mortal Draw is fucking dogshit for the amount of emblems it consumes. The upgraded version isn't much better either.
Just run away and heal. Then firecracker him when he gap closes you, get a few free hits, deflect his big sword attack for a big stun and more free hits, umbrella his scream. Ezpz
It can be toggled between camera angle and directional input, if I'm not mistaken. At least on PC.
>umbrella his scream
why do cuckles always say this?
You literally can't have purple umbrella before beating ape.
It can kill you really quickly if your positioning is bad and the camera starts fucking with you.
When you give cookie cutter strats that you saw from your favorite youtuber or streamer, it exposes you as a casual/game journalist who is desperate to fit in. You probably didn't read the item descriptions.
they're referring to the second encounter
>Having a pretty fucking intense fight with this guy.
>Suddenly throws his shit at me.
I laughed so hard that I tilted and got killed a second later.
Just start running when you hear that red kanji sound, my terror bar almost never reached 50%.
>close the distance continuously to avoid the shit throwing
>parry everything
A parry on the overhead sword move will immobilize him for long enough to get a lot of hits in. Once you do that Guardian Ape is easy as hell.
You can also rip the centipede out with Oniwa's spear and do extra damage after the over-head sword drop as well.
I'm stuck on the final boss right now. Can't beat Demon of Hatred or Owlfather either.
Might try to git gud at DoH first, and hope the attack increase will be enough to finish up.
How the FUCK do you dodge monkey mans jump?
He sometimes doesnt even have a fucking tell, he does it point blank.
I've tried running towards him, backing up, side stepping, but he ALWAYS grabs me.
Shit's dumb yo
Hold down run and dodge horizontally and diagonally away if I remember right.
The strength increases have diminishing returns. One more won't beat Isshin for you. Gotta git gud. Mastering Isshin's first phase feels great.
Jump head-kick the ground one.
Run under the air one.
If you're getting hit you're probably locked on and not hustling.
How is it bait when I'm stating facts? You didn't read the in-game item descriptions for yourself. You learned how to play by watching other people, and that's why you parrot the exact same cookie cutter strategies in these threads for shitters. I don't see how you think this is provocative.
Damn. I was getting decent at his first phase a little bit. But I figured 2nd and 3rd phase were much more hard. If I master the first phase, is 2nd and third not that bad?
>stating facts
You mean when you called him a stream watcher with zero basis? He might have read it himself just like you. Fuck off.
>If I master the first phase, is 2nd and third not that bad?
Pretty much. The last phase is actually easier than the second
You die on first try, big fucking deal. There's more than enough dragon drops and you fill exp bar rather fast so losing half isn't that punishing
2nd phase shouldn't be too bad. Watch out for his gun and wind attacks. What's nice about his 2nd phase is he almost always ends his combos with a perilous thrust with his spear so parry the combo and mikiri counter him for a lot of posture damage. Also, ichimonji double is very useful. 3rd phase is ez because of lightning
First phase of Isshin can be mastered like a science since he has the exact same responses every time, so much so that you can breeze through it like Genichiro. Second phase is when things get hectic since he has a lot more moves. Third phase is easy because it's the same as phase two except he gimps himself by using lightning attacks.
For Demon of Hatred, get the Flame Umbrella and Malcontent. Use the umbrella to close gaps and block his dive bomb attack for ez damage. Save Malcontent for the third form and hit him three times with it for a quick win.
just git gud, wipe the snot off your face and stop crying on Yea Forums. are you trying to embarass yourself?
It's annoying as fuck to redo EVERYTHING especially when the boss has an noticeable second phase that changes the way the fight goes.
Sekiro gets away with having no checkpoints cause "it's supposed to be hard!" fucking Contra still had boss checkpoints, Ninja Gaiden still had boss checkpoints, even Megaman has boss checkpoints.
Shit's dumb.
It's not that hard. The first form of any boss will become second nature after a few tries. Emma wrecked me the first time, but after losing to Fire Isshin so many times after, I was able to consistently beat her without taking a single hit.
Le monke is by far the best boss in the game you quadruple faggot. He's not even hard, just don't get hit and swing away when he rushes you
Again user, I never said it's hard. It's annoying. It's tedious, it's fucking boring. It makes me rub my temples in fucking anguish when I have to redo the same fucking fight because for some god forsaken reason, a fucking untrained twig can do more damage to a trained Shinobi like wolf, then Wolf can deal back.
Who the fuck even trained wolf? Why can't he fucking just 1 HKO everyone with a sword if he's literally the protector of the Divine Heir, the entire reason for immortality rests on Wolf's shoulders and he's a fucking bitch who literally gets half his HP taken away with a punch.
>It's just not a fun boss to fight
fuck that, all the ape fights are fun as fuck
>complaining about the ape
you are in for a treat later in the game
Second form is literally easier, no? Just parry and he bends over for you
You fags telling me that you were meant to use the umbrella with flaming monkeyman?
If it has zero basis then it should be easy to refute. Instead he's so mad he can't even use words, and you're mad now on his behalf. Somebody explain how I'm wrong when you're proving me right.
Yep. Problem is, people don't realize the sword turned it into a posture fight so they still try to go for a HP kill like first phase and get raped.
I'm not even the dude you accused of being a "stream watcher".
You can but it's not really necessary. The jump can easily be dashed away from and both fireball attacks can be dodged if you know what you're doing.
Why bother refuting it in the first place when there's no basis? You suck dicks. Refute that.
Are you upgrading your attack with the boss memories?
The only tool I ever used is malcontent because of the implications. Even then you can only stun him for like what 4 times? So the most reliable technique that I did is to bait him using the slam attack since you can attack 3 times and repeat till he keels over so you can drop even more slashes. It's basically fighting Midir but not as worse or hard as that dragon.
>He's not hard just annoying
I feel like this is every shitters excuse. Why is it so hard to admit failure? Grow up and blame yourself.
I upgraded it twice and it seems to have no noticeable difference on the damage it does. If it does, it's miniscule.
I thought it was pretty clever.
>No weapon monster = cant posture break
>Suddenly sword appears = can posture break
Almost every human enemy has some sort of armor unlike Wolf, so it's understandable he takes more damage. Once he had an opening he OHKs though
You don't need it, but it's the only time in the game that upgrade will ever be useful and it lets you ignore his fireballs so you might as well use the thing.
Because if they do that then theyd have to stop blaming their parents for their social problems too
>beat him
>immediately drop the game
Get on my level, loser
Fucking hated this boss. I actually had to adapt my playstyle while it was double-teaming me with blazing bull.
Why do they hate going farther away from the player so much? Just make it so that the camera tracks upwards and goes farther away. Make it so that it only does that during lock-on to stop abuse.
Wait until you meet Monkey Trouble Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, kek
Make sure you do. It makes a difference. BTW don't kill ape until you have the Mortal Blade or you'll have to fight him again in a 2 vs. 1 with another ape
This, you're SUPPOSED to parry him. If you do it properly he falls into an extremely predictable pattern that ends with him falling over. Then you can wail on him or use the spear to pull the centipede out of his neck
First upgrade doubles damage, you just don't notice the effect. I rember trying to beat 7 spear guy without any upgrades because my dumb ass forgot I don't get it auromatically, died like 10 times before I beat him. On second pt I had 2 upgrades, life-changing
>he's not hard, he's just annoying
He's really not that hard. His second form is by far the easiest of the two.
It actually doesn't make sense canonically either. The death system is you teleporting to and reviving at a nearby idol. How does the ape reattach its head, and for some reason keeps the sword stuck through it, everytime you teleport back to an idol?
You can skip that fight? But then you would lose the 2 prayer beads, right? I don't think it's worth, that fight was way easier than the first one.
This is false. Rape Ape 2: Electric Boogaloo spawns as an optional boss no matter what.
People actually used items in this game? Lmao you retards are pathetic
Monkey 2 is optional yeah
Literally just jump. The tell is long and extremely obvious.
best channel
You're mistaken. Dodge/mikiri/parry is dependent on character direction at the time.
I unironically dropped this game when I realized it was more of an adventure game then a cool as fuck ninja game.
I'll wait for Ghost of Tsushima for my fun Shinobi game.
It's a shame too, cause if Sekiro was unironically a game about a Coup taking place and having to save the Divine Heir like it was setting up to be, it'd be god tier in my list of vidya.
But the game falls on its face the moment you defeat Genichiro and the main plot is just "lmao lets stop ressurection!".
can't imagine the face of this faggot when he has to deal with the horror yet again later in the game, kek
considering every boss can be beat in 5 minutes or less, I can't really feel with that
like, that's the length of a typical level in Sonic the Hedgehog
I have died to it once or twice and only when he pinned me to a corner.
The ape can be much easier to deal with using the spiral spear. Provided you use it sparingly.
beat him first try
you're going to get raped at headless then
I don't really understanding what you're trying to say here. You don't like the supernatural elements?
Just give up now if you can't get past him. You gotta fight two of these bastards at the same time later on.
BTW if you're too far away to run towards him, you can parry his shit throw.
I like the supernatural elements, but having to run around killing monkey's and snakes and other animals when I could be stopping a Coup and taking revenge on the nigga who took my arm MGR style is boring.
The game has a perfect set up, then drops it for a subplot that feels like it belongs in a DLC
i understand his first phase is annoying but his second phase little combo that he starts when he crawls at you like a worm can be parried until the very last slow overhead hit, and if you get it right you'll do a fuck ton maximum damage
in short, just keep at it, he is not annoying if you use the right tactics
You can skip it but you lose out on some good items. Just do the Corrupted Monk level before Rape Ape and you'll never encounter the 2 vs. 1 because you never need to walk through that cavern again. People have also said you can kill Rape Ape the first time with Mortal Blade and they won't spawn at all, but IDK if it's true.
You can't kill the ape the first time with the mortal blade. The two on one fight is harder than it seems. It's only the ape's second form, which is his easiest, with another ape that can go down within a few attacks.
Yeah. The story feels very weak after saving the kid and turns into a fetch quest game. I didn't mind because I enjoyed the gameplay so much. GoT looks like a turd though.
Thanks. The trophy guide I followed must have been wrong then. It says the 2 ape fight is missable if you have mortal blade before ape.
Only grind attack to 14, after that the increases diminish hard (instead of +20 damage it's +8).
>you never need to walk through that cavern again
Pretty sure the idols go down and the game makes you walk through Mibu again in order to reach the divine realm if you haven't already done the second ape fight.
Just ichimonji is ass
Literally best tech in the game
Tsushima is going to flop. Sucker Punch hasn't made a decent game since Sly 2.
I don't really know what I did but I never had to fight the ape a second time
Jump away if you want to be extra sure.
It seems to follow fighting game rules, jump counters ground grab.
deflect a bit, use firecrackers, use openings to double ichimonji to build up more posture.
>tfw no fun as fuck Samurai Stealth game with the difficulty of Sekiro, except about stopping a military coup of your province in feudal japan times
God, sekiro really dropped the ball
I always fought them before Divine Realm. IDK if you can truly skip them then. Both fights were among the most annoying in the game though.
>He's not hard he's just annoying
Is this the ultimate cope?Whenever someone says this I know they're at peak asspain, crying salty bitch nigger tears.
Strategies aren't cheesing you incompetent idiot.
Did they fix the blood marks in the cave since release?
There's not enough phases to warrant it and eventually you get good enough to perfect the first phases. By the end of the game Genichiro should feel like any other mook.
you've made the exact same post 3 times user. Are you seething this much over something someone else said?
Definitely wrong. Why Wolf doesn't use it the mortal blade to end the ape the first time, who knows, but he doesn't.
>losing to his second phase
The most obvious parries in the whole fucking game.
How are you this bad?
You have to backflip into the east side of peach's castle.
This also threw me away. Aside from the big ass arena it's obvious that something will be going down here but blood being scattered is just a lack in foresight.
The idols don't go down, I skipped them my first playthrough since I did Monk first.
Literally just get to the idol right after the area before you go after the boss. You can fight corrupted monk before guardian ape.
This is my first post in this thread, and the only person seething is OP who can't handle that he sucks big monkey dick and has to try and make excuses about how it's the bosses fault that he keeps dying
>he's not hard he's just annoying
no you're bad
I literally died to him 50 times the first time I played this game. He was the git gud moment. Now I can steamroll him easily the first time on every playthrough. You're bad. Git fucking gud
First time going down there I thought the snake would show up again after stabbing his eye
Are you retarded? Yes, you absolutely can easily destroy both forms with posture. The second form you're SUPPOSED to.
you're the one making a deal out of it asshat, keep raging
>Yea Forums tells me "you'll git gud by the end! All the bosses teach you how to git gud!"
>Literally just throw myself at bosses until I win
>Won just spamming firecrackers and other items
>Literally learned nothing and can't even parry a normal enemy effectively
Why did Yea Forums lie to me? I didn't accomplish shit
Well yeah, because samefagging is still same fagging and it's pathetic.
Because you're a fucking retard. I bet you don't even like Subhuman.
I only cheesed two mini-bosses and got to the Owl 2 fight and yet I still suck at parrying.
Geinichiro being a "learn 2 parry" test is a fucking lie, he is the easiest boss to parry in the entire game. Parrying the Lone Shadow faggots is more of a test than kicking his jobbing ass.
the fuck is subhuman? Only thing I dont like in this thread is the namefag
His second form is all about dealing posture damage by deflecting his attacks, the last one in particular, which if done correctly knocks him over and allows you to get some good hits in.
Cheat engine. Just turn off death and have fun with the game. It's a funner way to learn parries and the different stages of bosses without having to restart every time or cheese like a bitch
Will we get a Soulsborne game withi Sekiro combat Yea Forums? Will Elden Ring be it?
I did the corrupted monk before the ape in my second playthrough and I could've sworn they did. Ah well.
Only the Ashina castle ones ever go down. You can always go there from Mibu village.
No one who actually has played the game thinks Genichiro is the parry barrier. It's supposed to be the second phase of the monkey and the Claw dude but apparently this thread shows how fucking stupid Yea Forums is considering you have people in here saying they killed the second form wit HP and then complain about it being hard
Posture should only increase when you block or fuck up a parry.
Parrying perfectly only to end up with a Posture bar that is one hit away from stunning you is fucking retarded and goes against the idea of constantly engaging the boss.
Sounds like a great DLC side/alt-story idea.
>he struggles with monkey
oh user i have bad news for you
Imagine actually ever complaining about your own posture in this game lmfao what in the hell.
>hold l1
>use Ichimonji
>Use Ichimonji double
>literally just spam parry
>intentionally have your posture break on last hits so you have a new posture bar
Please learn to fucking git gud
But I beat the monkey without learning to parry and if by the Claw dude you mean the Jiraffe nigger, you can "parry" that fag by spamming the deflect button like a retard.
This, the fact that enemies like Genichiro who are the same size as Wolf, can fill up a posture bar like 20% every hit, but Wolf a trained killer shinobi can only fill it up like 5% every hit is retarded.
Posture really only serves to artificially inflate the difficulty of the game for no reason, yet user's praise it because "it allows you to take hits just git gud!"
You parry everything in this game by spamming L1 like a retard. There is barely timing in this game. And you probably die way more to the ape than you should have, or had a 40 minute fight rather than 3mins
It's a known fact that only like 50% of people posting in this thread have actually played the game.
Probably only about 10% actually finished it, I bet most people quit around Owl 2 or Monkey.
Actually I just remembered, some of the idols do go down, but the fight is still entirely skippable.
I saw a streamer that ran & poke every boss. We taught him how to mikiri Isshin's attacks in the stream chat. Never knew it could be done but he proved it.
Like I said, retarded.
Having to disengage the boss and run away to hold L1 for a while to my Posture goes down or being forced to outright fuck up a parry so my Posture breaks when it's convenient is dumb.
The game wants you to be constantly fighting the bosses and not being passive or trying to keep your distance and yet Posture is designed in such a way that engaging for more than one combo is extremely likely to end with you being killed.
Monkey is the hardest boss in the game besides Isshin. Died probably 30 times on it. People who say the second ape fight is harder are fucking liars because the first ape fight made me a master at it. But the absolute dread of beating the first ape, then IMMEDIATELY ten minutes later having to fight two apes almost made me quit playing. Only to feel like a boss when I oneshot them because I spent the last day of my life getting raped
Then don't fucking run and pick one of the other options you stupid fucking autismo
Wow, so many options user
I remember when it first came out people were SURE that only imperfect parries drained stamina and everyone was shouting "GET GUD" when somone complained
It's such a stupid mechanic. Just turn on Cheat engine and toggle max posture. It's a dirty fix but it works
This game is not hard. If it was, it would be far less than 9% of players finishing all bosses.
Just admit, you're a scrub. It's OK to be bad at something, just fucking admit it though and stop pretending like the game is unfair when you're just incapable of getting gud.
There's a difference between blocking, parrying, and perfect parrying. Spamming L1 won't get you very far.
I am pretty sure the idols also do some time shit
Like I said user, only like 10% of people in this thread have actually finished the game
Perfect deflects can't be broken though, only send you to max and as long as you deflect you won't get broken.
Untrue, in his second form stab and pull him with your spear prosthetic after you deflect that attack where he stands up and raises his sword
Well then I missed that memo. Proof?
>He's not hard he's just
>make ONE mistake and get completely fucked.
Nigga, stop lying, you're getting your ass handed to you and you're bitching out. Yeah, I haven't opened the thread, but I already KNOW you got mad (You)'s from this. But you DESERVE to know you a bitch-ass pussy.
>it's not hard!, I simply just die a lot
Then it's hard you fucking retard. Difficulty is difficulty. Stop trying to do your retarded mental gymnastic around it.
I cheated at this game cause fuck Fromsoft faggots, a game should be fun AND hard, not just hard.
I wanna be the guy
Punch Out
Splinter Cell
All of them managed to be hard as balls on the hardest difficulties, but they were fun and never stopped being fun.
Sekiro stops being fun when the entire game is just one big boss rush wank.
Some honest advice for Demon of Hatred is that you should get the supernatural finger whistle thing and treat him like a DaS/DeS boss.
It's honestly a bummer considering how cool he is that it ends up being dodge and get in pot shots like back in DaS1 for this. Pretty big let down imo.
Not him. They definitely do on some level considering you teleport to Hirata Estate and doing stuff there affects the future and you can take stuff from there to the present. It kind of fucks up the story because having time travel in any story turns it into "why didn't they just do X with time travel instead of Y." The games story is its weakest part.
What the fuck am I doing wrong against the Lone Shadow ninjas? They always rape my ass no matter what and that one guy who summons dogs in the second Hirata Estate forced me to cheese an enemy for the first time in the entire game.
Retard alert
Dante's battle theme from DMCV.
Have you beaten the boss in Ashina dojo? If so, then you have one you can always train one on one with until you figure out how to beat them. Fuck taking on more than 1 or 2 though.
>Dragonsblood makes you canonically immortal
>You can only die once before you get a game over
Also, you can mikiri their kick perilous attack, and obviously jump over their sweep perilous attack.
Silver Bullet unironically made my dick hard
I have fought and defeated that guy but I still struggle a lot against them.
They build up my Posture like crazy and some of their attacks seem to fuck me up no matter if I try to block, parry or dodge (not talking about perilous attacks, of course).
What I'm saying is that the mook that was with the boss always spawns. So you can take him on one on one in the dojo until you figure out their patterns.
Mikiri is your best friend when they do that thrust kick shit.
Other than that I don't really have a good piece of advice for making them easier
>Genichiro usurps the entire kingdom
>He goes through the trouble of kidnapping Kuro and cutting off Wolfs arm
>Instead of using Kuro to make an army of immortal soldiers or doing science and research on how he works he challenges Wolf in the castle
>He jobs like a bitch and loses
What the fuck was even the point
You can die more than once if you unlock extra resurrections.
Talking about that, having them restricted to one per phase was dumb. Let me use my resurrections however I want, you fucking faggots. Why the fuck can't I waste them all in the first phase if I feel like it or use them all in the last phase if I managed to not get killed till that point? It's not like they can be used in every try, you need to recharge them after using them.
I think you need the Divine Heir to agree to make a path with you to become immortal.
That's why both Geinichiro and Owl are shown asking Kuro for a pact only for him to say "lel no fag" and fucking off without them punishing him for it.
The game is also filled with the failed products of either Geinichiro or the Senpou monk's experiments on immortality.
2nd phase is way easier
You can use items like the Droplet and Jizo Statues to restore resurrection node use. You can also use them to revive like up to 6 times per fight.
So from where the fuck does Kuro come from? Was he part of some family that got killed or just a special child born from a normal family or one with no family at all? He is clearly not related to the Ashinas and yet lives in their land.
Were the people in the Hirata Estate supposed to be his family members? Because I got the feeling they were just allowing him to live there.
>Hanbei calls Sculptor Sekijo-dono
Lemme guess, Isshin gave him that nickname which is why he was so amused when he gave you the name Sekiro.
He's one of the most fun bosses. Why would you want to skip him?
>tfw DLC never because of OOOOOOHHHHHH ELDEN RING
Hurts just a bit.
Tomoe seemed like pure DLC material, I doubt they won't use her for one like they did with the Old Hunters in Bloodborne.
Maybe From will come back to Sekiro..eventually.
>Difficulty is difficulty
All difficult things are not the same. Theres artificial difficulty and difficulty that activates your almonds.
>beat Owl 1 after a gajillion tries
>go into the second fight with him thinking I have him figured out and it will be easier
>nope, he rapes me before I even get him to his second phase
Why am I so bad at this game?
Journo tranny detected. Fuck off to resetera
stay mad seething fromsoft fag.
Read item effects
Hit a nerve did I? qq moar, your tears are delicious
>Literally make post first
>Make a reply to me and seethe
You hit nothing lmao
Unironically stop playing. This game is the worst of from software.
Yes it will
There's the glorious Nippon samurai family that rules Ashina and then there's the Dragon's Heritage bloodline that lives in Hirata before it got fucked up by Owl. Isshin mentioned having to take Ashina back from people who beat them before which is what we see in the jntro cinematic. Dragon guys are their own thing. I'm not sure if he's a descendant of Takeru considering Tomoe dragonrotted the hell out of him or if the heritage just randomly picks a child to bless.
Just do this:
parry2win lmao gitgud
He's an easy boss when you know how, the only vs part is how fast he unleashes his terror attack. The game reuses too many bosses through, it kills the excitement and fun. No other souls games did it anywhere near as much as this.
Can't you leave ape and get the other incense ingredient first? The first time I saw him I just noped out of there and beat him hours later.
The fire axe was my best friend against ninja minibosses.
>spend hours collecting shit to go to the Fountainhead Palace thinking it's in another plane or some shit
>it's actually on top a nearby mountain
Why do people even bother with the incense shit whose ingredients are protected by extremely dangerous enemies? Why not just climb the fucking mountain?
There is no such thing as "artificial" difficulty you absolute retard.
artificial difficulty fucking lol
It's magic on some level considering what lives there so if the game says you need magic items to get there then you can't really say no. Besides climbing thst fuckhuge mountain would take days, and they didn't have the time.
I dunno user. From what we see of it, it's a really tall ass mountain. I don't that the average joe would be able to climb it.
lmao filtered
How does the passage of time even work in the game? Is the story supposed to only take place in a few days despite a player probably being struck for hours in a signle area?
An average Joe would stand a smaller chance of beating all the shit that is protecting the incense ingredients. Just climbing the mountain seems more plausible.
Absolutely seething. I wonder how many hours you wasted respawning because you grinding your face against a wall more than actually improving.
It's really pitiful to base your self-worth on how much nonsense you can put up with before you finish a game
I can get why the average joe wouldn't be able to get in without some ye olde mystical item, but I was also pretty upset that the palace wasn't some otherworldly nirvana like the game made it out to be.
I played the 2nd phase like a Dark Souls boss. I ignored posture and just chipped him down.
It's a game so time only moves when you reach major plot points. Since you wake up at the temple for the first time the during the day and kill Isshin at night then it supposedly all took place in one day. A perfect player can get everything done in like 12 hours so that's what's canon.
U dum
In Chink mythology, semi-divine immortals live on tall-ass mountains above the clouds. I'm not sure if Nips have an equivalent though. Also, the Fountainhead Palace is really just a fancier version of the fishing village from Bloodborne.
I bet you played bayonetta with continues. By having to restart from the beginning after death eventually leads to perfection of parts you once thought impossible and actual improvement.
Mibu Village is the Fish Hamlet ripoff.
The Fountainhead Palace struck me more as a Healing Church HQ ripoff.
This but for every boss. Got filtered then just explored the world. Eventually I got filtered by 4-5 different bosses and had to git gud on at least one of them.
Try 22 minutes:
>glitches through walls
Doesn't count.
Maybe you should git gud, user.
>artificial difficulty
Mortal Draw and spear.
I know but Wolf wouldn't be speedrun autist that knows Ashina like the back of his hand, can airswim and glitch through the floor, and goes for Shura Ending just so he can shave off 10 minutes. A normal perfect playthrough would take like a day.
Lmfao you fight two right after
I beat him after like 10 attempts on release when there were no guides available. it's trial and error op. figure out what you're doing wrong and do something else. stop banging your head against the wall.
>Not muh coup story.
Curb your autism.
>can parry everything except perilous sweeps and grabs
>arm is about to hit you without a red kanji
>get hit
>WTF how was I supposed to know you could block that, artificial difficulty much!
why didn't genichiro just tell the other ashina people how to use lightning so they'd stop losing to the purple guys
also what if more than one person tried to get through the castle gate at once, what was gyoubu gonna do then?
Nah he's OK. We gotta give this idea to Miyazaki ASAP.
wow this is honesty the best representation I've seen for this gif kek
Because lightning is so easy to counter that if the enemy learns how to counter it, it'd be used against them. It's a trump card that only works once.
so the shelter stone is just a big kidney stone
You're young. Wait until you meet the pair, you'll miss this guy.
Genichiro is a beta idiot, that's why
>run away a lot to heal, use the trees for grapple if you must. The only reason you can't run away against swordies is cause they recover posture, or use projectiles. You're doing health not posture and the ape's turd is an easy dodge.
>Upgrade flame vent as much as you can and bring oil. all you have to do is run away, chuck an oil when he stops moving, run away again, then charged flame vent when stops moving. Smack him a few times while he writhes.
>Run away from second phase. Parry his sword combo. Use the spear and pull on his neck hole 4 times.
It's really not too hard once you know his gimmicks and stick to running and dodging. The flame vent really eats him up fast with the bonus oil damage. He shouldn't even take 3 mins for the first phase. Maybe all phases combined. If you're getting hit you aren't running away enough.
>running away and dodging
Why the fuck do I have to fight this nigger like he is a Bloodborne boss when the rest of the game tries to drill into you that it isn't Bloodborne and you shouldn't be running around?
You don't. Anyone who says ran away or use the trees is just as bad as you are
>parry parry parry parry Mikiri
>parry parry parry parry jump goomba stomp
Repeat until he‘s dead
Wut? Why do you have to fight Artorias or O&S differently then all the big dragons and monsters? There's two different types of bosses, Sekiro just inverts the relative quantities of them. Bull, ape, the chained ogres and maybe some other boss/es that may be spoilers are supposed to be dodged and stamina killed. That's why the flame vent does fuck all to people, it isn't worth the time you waste not smacking their posture, and their attacks are too fast and hard to predict to set it up often outside of a follow up to a mikiri or sweep punish. Gyoubu and the Drunkards are a half-and half. you may get them with posture, you may get them with stamina. In general, they have big health bars and obvious slow attacks and dodging and trying for stamina are strong paths to victory, whereas only parrying makes them tougher. Are you complaining about a game mixing up its style and forcing you to use more of your options? kys you're self.
I fucking hate people like you, people who are so fucking arrogant that you think everything you do wrong is the fault of something else, you'll never take responsibility for your fuckups, you just keep finding something else to blame because in your mind you can NEVER do wrong
I honestly hope you die before you pass on your shitty mentality through children, because people like you completely fuck up the world with your selfishness
>Bull, ape, the chained ogres and maybe some other boss/es that may be spoilers are supposed to be dodged and stamina killed.
Wrong. You can parry them all without issue.
>Gyoubu and the Drunkards are a half-and half. you may get them with posture, you may get them with stamina
If you get with with stamina then you are a fucking retard.
>In general, they have big health bars and obvious slow attacks and dodging and trying for stamina are strong paths to victory, whereas only parrying makes them tougher
Maybe if you suck at parrying, otherwise their obvious slow attacks only make them easier to parry and punish.
>Are you complaining about a game mixing up its style and forcing you to use more of your options?
I am complaining about you being a retard who thinks a game designed for constant combat and parrying would suddenly introduce a boss that you are supposed to dodge and run away from.
Like other people have already said, you can parry him and kill him that way, at most his second phase will force you to run away when he does his autistic screech. Only retards spend the whole fight running away and using items to kill it.
>kys you're self.
no u
you can't read games. Before the ogre you eavesdrop and hear two guys bitching about how it doesn't like fire. The merchant behind you tells you about the flame vent. The ogre has grabs that are tricky to dodge, can't be parried and are very punishing. He is very beatable by parrying, but it takes way longer. Dodging and going for stamina, or getting the flame vent makes the fight significantly less annoying. The game is trying to get you to try a different approach. The drunkards spend half their time on grabs, or trying to drink and spew poison. If you aren't going for stamina damage during these windows you are wasting your time. They have no thrusts and no long combos more than like three hits. They totally take longer to kill just trying to parry and counter attack than dodging behind and going for ichimonji double or flame vent tech. The half-and-half comes from the fact that if you get lucky and they do a lot of sweeps your high monk or even jumps can get them posture broken faster than stamina. I'll admit gyobu is kinda misleading. Onikage takes the animal bonus posture damage from fireworks, so you'll always get posture before health.
if hes annoying you are having hard time
kek get fucked OP