I wish I could play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the Nintendo Switch for the first time again.
I wish I could play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the Nintendo Switch for the first time again
And I wish the cabal would stop spamming their off-topic waifushit on Yea Forums.
Me too. Best anime game in a long time
I want her to wet herself while riding on my back
>Me too. Best anime in a long time
Playing torna now
The forced sidequests are kinda tedious
It was a decent game, but didn't spur that feeling in me.
You just made it angry
>The average Xenoblade 2 secondary
I wish I could play Persona 5 again for the first time.
I don't. Grinding for Cosmos really burned me out.
Still havent finished. 300hours in and trying to max out all unique blades
But I love Persona 5.
>Was gonna bang the two deleted posts but I accidentally refreshed
Oh well
>I wish I could play Xenoblade Chronicles for the Nintendo Wii for the first time again.
I fixed that for you.
>Looks like she has a puffy vulva but it's just a padded suit
Is Xenoblade 2 the most overrated game on Yea Forums?
Atleast you can look forward to the next Monolith Soft game.
That's not Planescape Torment
I'd like to play it for the first time six months after release so I would know how it would play after all the patches and shit. The game was pretty roughshod at launch. Lots of crashes. Tons of map pop-in. Garbage performance and frequent resolution drops. No easy mode on Tiger! Tiger! Overdrive Protocols were rare as shit and hard to farm. Et cetera.
I wish I could too before they got rid of the only good thing in the game.
Wait they modeled her body under the suit?
Actually i guess they would've needed to anyway. If you've played the game you already know the suit is frumpy
That ass though
I wish Nia would show me her minge
that's probably New Vegas honestly
>tfw no cat gf
So why did mythra a 500 year old sex machine blush at the mention of penis?
Never played this game so tell me
Do the game force me to play with this stupid looking pants child forever or i can change party and pretend that this shitchild doesn't exist anyway?
You can change your party, but you'll be missing out on the best blade in the game(well not best gameplay wise, she's just the best)
wish i knew kos-mos was worth using, drew her on Rex in chap 3 but hated ether cannon
If not for how they ended it, i'd say it was subpar at best. they sold out to the god awful neptunia fanbase type "Fans" who only care about anime fanservice and tits. while thats not necessarily a bad thing, its WAY too forced. It feels like the game is selling itself on it, not it being a bonus. shit like tora being a closet pervert otaku, everything with poppi and giga rosa, and all the overtly sexual/romance tones really bogged down the game. Xeno was at least pseudo serious with its pseudoscience. This just iosnt. its like a bad saturday morning anime with a 2deep4u twist that barely makes a dent.
His outfit gets upgraded to gigachad-tier later on
Kos-mos is better on a 2nd play through anyways because her affinity chart does not get completed until the end game.
So if X2 is next how do you guys think they're gonna make it. Will it still be on Mira, if so how? etc..
My ideas so far are
>there is actually more Mira than just those 5 continents
>takes place with another city on one of Mira's moons
>Hollow Mira and there is a giant system of underground lands like journey to the center of the earth
>Timeskip and something happens to change up the 5 continents to make them almost entirely different
Just some thoughts. I'd like to hear your guy's thoughts on it
It's her bath model. I just deleted the towel.
I've always described the story as an above-average Tales plot until the tenth chapter of the game. That being said, even Tales usually doesn't go as heavy on the trashy fan service as chapter 4 did in Xenoblade 2.
People always say the game is just it's art style and yet here it is still being talked about almost 2 years later. People want to ignore it's staying power just because some people were only interested at first by the character designs. It's a well made game overall and the only good RPG Switch has still. Miss me with that Octopath shit.
can you make her naked in a litterbox on all fours looking back at viewer maybe an embarrassed and happy version
>Above average
Wrong on all accounts. any pre 2008 Tales game is leagues above Xenoblade 2. Xeno 2 is generic boy meets girl romance shlock with a small subplot tossed in.
I wish you could make Nia use her Blade form while in Driver mode.
Ew no, Fuck off thirsty perv. go to /3/
I wish I could play all of the Xenoblade Chronicles games for the first time again.
Are you really gonna use Phantasia as a counterexample when that game had no plot for roughly 30 of its 40 or so hours of play time?
Eh, just use her bathing suit outfit, close enough
Not my fault you're incapable of reading into subtext. Do you need every single moment of a game to guide you with a big green arrow and paragraphs of information?
Nia is the best Xenoblade waifu, catgirls are my weakness!
>implying no Xenoblade Chronicles game had fanservice before Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Fuck off Eric.
No, but you know what I could use? A villain that isn't a sitting duck with minimum screen time and doesn't reveal his true motive in the last five minutes of the game.
Am I a bad person for really liking censored Mythra? The implied body stocking is an insanely horny design and the free Crit Boost VI doesn't hurt either
Thank you for demonstrating you're incapabale of reading.
>Muh eric boogeyman
So anyone who shows a modicum of critisism to you're supposed perfect game is a shitposter now? XC has fanservice to a serviceable degree, light romance plot with melia that never gets anywhere, and some side quests. ITs not part of the main fucking story and shoved in your face with HEY GUYS LOOK, JAPANESE CUSTOMS ISN A FICTIONAL WORLD THAT ISNT EVEN JAPAN, ISNT THIS ALIEN PLANET SO CULTURAL?!
I look exactly like this guy
>Final fantasy 1
>Dragonquest 1
>Wizardry III
>Legend of zelda
>B-but i don't see the villain until the very end! bad motives!
And yet all the greatest RPGs and adventures of all time were successful by doing so. Perhaps you just have terrible taste, and need a book to be read to you because you lack any form of imagination? Yeah. I'd say so.
Even as a defender of some of XC2's shortcomings I do feel the story just got sidetracked too much by bana, and Alcamoth 2.0 (indol).
How is the 3DS port if I've never played the original?
you're stuck with him for over half the game
it's literally the same shit except a space suit which looks even stupider and makes even less sense
Bad, don't play it. Play the Wii one instead.
You underestimate the autism of waifufags.
But you already know this, considering you are one.
You can't even say what's so good about the game, you're posting your same waifufag images over and over.
Unless you're emulating the best way to play it is on Wii U(where you can get it digitally), so either that or getting it on Wii.
A virgin made this.
-'d your mom
Is there a mod where everyone speaks Japanese except Nia?
When your response is like this why would I bother? You've already decided you dislike the game. I don't get people like you.
You're saying waifufaggotry has nothing to do with it while being a waifufag yourself.
You lack self awareness.
I want to give Nia a piggyback ride and have her soil herself both ways.
I played it on 3DS for my second playthrough. It's perfectly playable. The 3DS version only includes the dub but that's fine because playing a Xenoblade game with Japanese audio is pretty soulless. Playing on the Wii U/emulation might look better, but if you're asking about the 3DS I'm assuming you consider something being handheld a feature. XC1 makes a perfect transition to being a handheld game.
I have no idea what half of that meant.
I don't even like girls faggot.
Then you want to be a girl, which is even worse.
haha yeah that'd be funny as heck user lol but just for laughs you know
>Final fantasy 1
Who the fuck praises that game's plot as anything but a bunch of dumb bullshit? The whole Garland/Chaos twist was retarded. Besides, your goal that game was restoring the world via the crystals, not vanquishing some evil. The bad guys were just obstacles in the player's path and their defeat wasn't the end goal of the story. Defeating Dhaos WAS the end goal in Phantasia, so he really should have had more of a presence in the story.
>Dragonquest 1
Literally baby's first turn-based RPG. It was intentionally simplistic to appeal to the lowest common denominator and to be capable of being mass produced on a low-memory console cartridge. It's aged like milk to boot.
>Legend of zelda
Zelda is an action-adventure series where the plot is expected to take a backseat from the get-go. Its games don't put you through hours of railroaded story events - they make you explore dungeons, do side quests, and other more gameplay-driven tasks.
Anyway, what the hell does this have anything to do with my original point about Tales? You've changed the subject way too much.
>implying it isn't true
The fact you had to revive the thread at page 8 just to say this says a lot.
It's up there
>muh bumping thread
B-but someone has to bump it!
>Tfw Vess and Gorg's cooking affinities
No, there's no good discussion to be had in these threads anymore.
>playing Xenoblade X
>get flight module for the first time
>this comes in
You're forced to use him a bit and he's easily the strongest driver, but I personally benched him as often as I could. Zeke is the main character as far as I'm concerned.
I've noticed the cabal gets extra triggered when I criticize Rex.
They never care that much when I talk shit about Pyra, Mythra, or Nia, but they get really angry when I even imply Rex was a bad character.
They must self insert as him.
Fuck user, go see a docter. ur skin is not supposed to look plastic
My only problem with Zeke is the amount of time some of his animations require.
I mean, he IS a shit character, and he is more or less mary sue tier. Zeke is literally the same premise as Rex (bladeater who would have died if Pandoria hadnt offered part of her core) with asperations of being a decendant of Addam and thus wield the Aegis.
But he does it so much better
Shit, even Zeke's romance with Pandoria is done a million times better than Rex x Pyra x Mythra
To his favor Zeke was disgusted when he found out that Tantal's royal supposed ancestry was fake.
I have the game but still haven't bothered putting it in yet
Did we play two different games? The fanservice is only a footnote to the overall narrative, and it only ever plays it up once.
Is Pyra a heavypon?
>You honestly call that a penis?
This is something I never understood either. The fanservice and the "cringy" japanese joke segments with Zeke and Bana account for maybe 15 minutes of the entire 100 hour game.
On December 1st, 2017 we reached peak state of vidya girls. Though many will try, a girl more perfect than this will never debut in a game.
nah, that's hollow knight or near a tomato
Take your meds schizo
>290h in
>Lvl80-81 party
>Have all blades except kos-mos
>Have like 9 side quests left, almost all blade quests done, only Agatas left
>Still cant beat final boss
I wish I would be lying, but suddenly I have teouble with bosses after I hadnt played for a while
I enjoyed the gameplay of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna quite a bit, but I can't stand Chronicles X
Will I like Chronicles 1?
Are you still mad the mods deleted your last thread, and moved the one before that one to Yea Forums?
>near a tomato
First time I hear of that.
Guys, how do turn user rightside-up again? He can’t beat the game while he’s upside down!
Yea Forums only cares about the sluts in Tomato. Hollow Knight is truly shit though. Looks good but smells bad.
Post porn so you can get banned again.
I'd say it's likely, give it a try.
Goddamn now I might win
Because you're new.
You'll also never be the anime girls you love posting so much.
I have been off of Yea Forums at my girlfriend's house the last 3 days, but your retarded schizo posting never fucking changes and it's always obvious so when I decided to go to Yea Forums after getting home again before going to sleep, saw a nice XC2 thread, I decided to click on it and was greeted by your autistic schizophrenia as the first fucking post as almost always happens because you are mentally deranged and unhealthy obsessed with this game.
So go take your fucking meds, schizo
Be careful his buttbuddy mod won't ban you for saying that.
Chain arts a bunch put orbs on boss, then chain attack with atleast 4 orbs and if you can manage to break all 4 then free tons of damage.....
....or you can just give Mythra or Fiora high crit rate and use an Avante-Garde medal for E-Z mode
Just chain build up as many orbs as possible and when he starts winding up for the OHKO laser use a chain attack. If you don't finish him off it'll be close
You sound pretty mad.
It's also funny you're calling me a schizo when you're claiming to have been at your imaginary girlfriend's house.
What don't you like about X user?
What did you like about 2?
It's kinda funny how the cabal says X was casual because of Skells, but you can win every single battle in XC2 that way.
Don't worry they all die anyway :^)
It wasn't a good game, but I'm glad I played it. Great experience, LOVED the soundtrack.
Leftherian Archipelago is seriously a GOAT
News flash, when you don't have mental disabilities and don't treat your body like trash it's not difficult to not be a lonely incel that leeches off others
What's your girlfriend's first name?
I want a more streamlined game actually, going from a open world like mira to maybe space exploration or creepy abandoned space ships/stations or something.
Monolith is amazing at open world but i want to see them try something more small scale, it wont make sense to explore mira again unless we go to the other side of the world.
Honestly i didn't figure out the avante-garde medal build until I saw it online, only thing it doesn't trivialize are the tougher challenges in the LoC.
I get fucked up when additional npcs get summoned
Complete the Dark element Arts chain to seal reinforcments
I want to put my tongue on her girl part...
You're fucking weird as hell but it's Megan.
Ah, that's my sister's name.
What a weird coincidence.
You'll have to fight through all that minge first.
That's nice
It's probably about time for you to take your meds m8.
I'm not bullshitting, that's actually her name.
I know you're not her boyfriend though, he's a huge beta normalfag, and probably gay.
Oh trust me, I know you're not her brother since her brother isn't a pathetic incel that relies on his family for everything, though he's certainly a bit autistic
Do you know her brother's name?
>grinding for Cosmos
>not using the automated core farm
mash b for nia
I know all of her family. But I'm not such a fag to dox them all to some autist mad at being called out for his mental instabilities
Part of me is going to die inside if XBC1 gets re-released on Switch. Just got to Mechonis Field in-game.
Yes it’s ugly, but being able to play while on commutes outweighs that over the Wii version.
That's too bad.
Can you at least tell me the letter it begins with?
after meeting nia I want a welsh gf now there are like 40,000 welsh people left on this planet we must repopulate
A "B"
Damn, that's not me then.
I was hoping we could meetup in real life.
Trust me m8, wouldn't want to. The amount you hold back your brother just sounds fucked up
I love you think you know anything about me or my brother.
All I know is that you leech off of his emotional insecurities and aggressively prevent him from seeking counceling because you know it would end your meet lifestyle
That's my boyfriend Andrew, not my brother.
I recognize that type of posting, you were posting on the vinesauce thread yesterday. Still mad that user told you to eat shit?
U wot m8? I don't even watch vinesauce, never saw the appeal of any streamers aside from occasional demo d stuff
you'll call it god
Underrated if anything. By far the best JRPG of this and last generation.
I love how you can't see the irony.
It's a good one, but I prefer others like the Gormotti Forest one. youtube.com
going through the game playing as Rex is boring as fuck
my first playthrough I didn't use him at all and had a bunch of fun, only realized how shit he makes things the second time around
what a lame character
I want to be killed by trying to put my dick inside Poppi Alpha!
uhh stop that
>I-It's not all waifufaggotry! This game has s-staying power!
>a single post
Don't pretend that isn't 75% of every thread.
See also
Barely even 12% of the posts in this thread
The majority of posts aren't talking about the game.
I haven't even played the game, I'm just a loli shitposter. It's on my watch list though
Of course you didn't, none of the cabal actually played it, they just watched Etika.
And here's another one.
didn't that dude take like a whole year to finish the game
Discussing the character design is bad now?
Every single thread that dumb image is posted, these threads are just the same dumb images, the same dumb comments, and the same dumb memes.
Discussing any female character what so ever is waifufaggotry
and with dumb complaints just like yours that contribute nothing?
If they refuse to change, why should I?
I can't defeat Chickenhead Dragmara, for whatever reason I could defeat all the superbosses even Kurodil and Ophion but I'm having issues with it. What do you reccomend?
Just wear stuff that prevents break or toppling and just try anything to get your accuracy up so he can't dodge
I just played as Morag and kept dodging its big attack. Was pretty easy.
Well, if your aim was to shame me into actually buying the game, I suppose you succeeded!
I don't give a shit if you play the game or not.
Yeah I tried that but for whatever reason Mòrag didn't work too well with it. She was quite useful against Ophion though.
i wish i could scratch nia's ears a little, strictly as a good friend, to help her feel better because rex is out on a date with pyra for the sixth day in a row, with nothing untoward happening between us, because why would there be any sexual tension
>he has a g*rl fetish
This is the type of deep discussion that goes on in cabal threads.
>literally new sort of shitposting that wasn't here before
unironically a discord tranny
I'm interested in joining this cabal. Anyone got a link?
Ask r/Xenoblade
Just talk positively about the game and your in according to Eric
Is cabalposter the ACK of Xenoblade threads?
Can Kabal join the cabal instead?
If only, then the mods would actually permaban him like he deserves
I really like xenoblade, xenoblade x, and xenoblade 2, but the xenoblade 2 threads are the worst. XCX threads were max comfy, these threads are pure garbage.
You can thank the cabal for that.
They can't because one mod enables him and lets him does whatever he says. It's like MM threads and LC-kun.
>XCX threads
Which barely exist, it's just lumped in the general xeno threads.
At least LC-kun stopped of his own accord, this absolute mental case is literally going to be doing this for the rest of his hopefully short life
the who
I meant the XCX threads back when XCX was still relevant (so, long before XC2 was announced)
Xenoblade 2 discussion is great, it’s just that the down time between that discussion is filled with waifuposting and hardcare shitposting rather than nothing. XCX also didn’t have the most insane shitposters and falseflaggers desperately attached to it, along with people that can’t tell the difference between said shitposters and actual critique.
>Wanting someone to die because they don't like a video game you like
The absolute state of the cabal.
I wish I could have sex for the first time again
Why? Do you like tutorials that much?
Praxis is super accurate. Basically never misses if you need it.
You'll want topple resist aux cores (Dagmara's auto-attack inflicts topple), Nullify Reaction blade art (Master Art inflicts full driver combo) and a triple Burst Symbol chain attack build for a quick kill. You can cheese it pretty easily with evasion Mythra build.
This goes against the cabal's narrative.
I wish I could play it on a platform that holds resolution at 1080p or more.
Why did you bump this thread from page 8?
when's the next game?
No, you don't get to do that, I asked you first, now explain yourself.
Who are you?
Sorry, I forgot you're not allowed to post in threads unless they're on the first five pages
Explain why you bumped the thread from page 8, cabalautist.
Number 1 fan, is that you?
Never mind, that tells me everything I need to know.
Heavier than Gonzales
Kek love how he makes this same reply every time he’s pushed into a corner
>mfw finding out that Roc has boobs
I remember you cabalfag, where are your secret Discord Screenshots?
The ones from the thread with your complete mental breakdown.
Where you claimed you were a paid agents trying to save Yea Forums?
That's who I was replying to, idiot.
mods on Yea Forums don't do their jobs, what can you do about it? filters only help so much
I'm not deflecting, I didn't even bump on page 8.
I stopped playing it about 20 hrs in and I just can't bring myself to go back, I don't even know why I stopped. Is it really worth it bros?
20 hours would put you partway through Chapter 3 I think, which is where the game starts to pick up.
you payed for a game, either continue or sell it
Was that one youtuber right in saying that the game is shit because you can just leave your controller idle during combat? Is the game really like that?
You can only do that against really weakshit enemies, try it with most encounters in the game and you will die
If the enemy is weak enough your AI partners can keep you alive indefinitely and you can autoattack things to death.
This is an absolutely fucking retarded way to play the game and only the most retarded eceleb would complain about it.
No, you would be killed by any enemy outside of the literal tutorial area of the game.
>Didn't even know she could form change
>Experiences intro cutscene
What eceleb said that, just so I can avoid them forever.
>they are retarded
>I should also be retarded
great nud
Nice bump at page 10
Not him but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it was Dunkey
I miss them
Bad game. Cliche anime tropes, story is very bad, characters are boring save for the comedic relief guy and Nia, gameplay was just pressing four buttons and nothing else.
Don't post retarded shit and people won't respond from page 10.
Only got yourself to blame
Why this was deleted? It was just the ingame 3d model.
>boring anime tropes
>japanese "humor"
>rotation mmorpg combat
The world is pretty cool, though
Roc is Roc.
Put that ass away, Nia
Hold up this has nothing to do with X- oh...
Pneuma is underused, she should have been a new game+ blade.
there was a webm from a german review that was a joke about how a rock could beat earlier parts of the game or something, but IIRC the overall review was still pretty positive about the combat
Is this better?
Is there any outfit Nia doesn't look good in?
go cunny post in hell
Mods hate video games.
Cabal shitposter loaded his gun
Why is XB2 such an embarrassing game to witness when the previous games had just as much cringey anime bullshit?
You didn't even play the game, why do you care?
>Lure one enemy into combat
>End up attracting way more in the middle of the fight
>Swim away to save my life
>a wild King Piranha appears
captain pollution was right, fuck nature
aspars are kind of cute
You haven't truly played a Xenoblade game until you've gotten gangbanged by the local wildlife
No, but I remember somebody tried to say this a few months after the game came out and even posted a webm to prove you could leave your controller idle during combat. He blurred out the enemy's levels though and was fighting things 30-40 levels below him.
I fucking hate comedy "reviewers" like that.
Always pretending to he so clever for being critics, with their fan base sucking then off and taking their words as gospel.
But the second you point out their retardation, they immediately retreat back into being "comedians", just wanting to be funny and not accurate.
Dunkey and yahtzee are the absolute worst about this
Get off your high horse. It's just a video game.
The game does have AI controlled party members and basic attacks trigger automatically like they do in most MMOs.
Unless you tried very hard to engineer the situation (like fighting low level enemies as other anons said), you can't just afk.
>he says on a video game board
Or are you a fan of those e-celebs?
I feel the same way OP. Or, even for the second time again...
I hope for XC3 they don't listen to the "fans" whining about the tone and still give it the comfy SoL feel for the first few chapters. Don't give a fuck about anime tropes or w/e.
same brother
>finally start up Saga
>the Eng VAs are shit
how could anyone sit through this
Outside of Xenoblade 2 and Dragon Quest 11, why are modern JRPGs so fucking shit?
I want to _be_ Nia
>family trauma
>wanted criminal
>friendzoned but forced to stick around because homeless
>healing duty
Only upside is dromarch being your bro
I wish I could go back to the first time I picked up a controller for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Switch....
So I could promptly put it down and get back dozens of hours of my life that I wasted on pure shit.
That's one mingey cat.
Delicious bulge. I bet she has huge balls but a small cute dick.
she isn't a futa, that's just her massive minge causing the bulge
xcx is shit
i farted and shulk came out
Puffy Vulva
What does Nia's minge smell like?
Like Heaven
not like rex's cum lol
>I will never see this scene for the first time again
>My heart will never melt like this again
Fuck Rex, though
That scene was genuinely bad.
you genuinely did not enjoy the game on the same level as me
I seriously don’t understand why people get so triggered by that scene. Nia never expected anything from Rex, and even when he pulled his response, she just laughed it off and came back better than ever.
Only when we got to the cuckshit. Her speech before it was easily the best non-Malos delivery in the dub
No, but the response itself was awful.
I tried my hardest to get into this damn game. The start was interesting, then it started to get worse with chapter 2 and 3. Stopped playing for a while at chapter 4, but then I came back and started getting into the combat. By late chapter 5 the combat was starting to get old and the early parts of chapter 6 were so bad I almost deleted my save to prevent myself from ever being tempted to come back.
3ds I'd babt more
>the response itself was awful
It wasn’t exactly great but how was it awful?
The deliberate pause to make it look like he was going to say yes. Completely kills the mood
ds with a supercard ds2 with a ez3in1 is all you need