So, which Resident Evil is the best?

So, which Resident Evil is the best?
and why is it 3?

Attached: 1450961457126.jpg (225x225, 10K)

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What if Resident Evil 3, except the protagonist was a Licker?

Attached: Resident_Evil_2_Licker_01.jpg (1200x782, 86K)

It's 2, actually.
Then it's 4
Then it's Outbreak
Then it's REmake
Then it's 2, again.
And THEN it's 3.

3 is easily the best of the PS1 classics.
The REmake is still however the peak of the whole survival horror genre.

I'll settle this thread for you right now
>REmake > RE2 > RE2make > RE7 > RE3 > RE4 > RE6 > RE > RE0 > RE5

Attached: Inezh.png (317x234, 117K)


I played REmake as my first RE game
The atmosphere and everything was awesome, loved it

>CV that high
>1 Original that low
Fucking terrible

Will they introduce new enemies guys?


I played the dualshock edition to be fair so whenever I think of the original I think of this

Most fun: 4
Best online/co op: 5
Best atmosphere: REmake
Best boss fights: 1
Best enemie: hunters
Best music: 2
Best side content: tofu

No, it's REmake > 2 > 1 > 3 > RE2make > 0 > CV > 7 > 4 > 5 > 6

I like Code Veronica best, but I can't tell you why, I played them all when I was a dumb kid [except 1, never played that]

>7 above 4 or 5
But that’s your opinion, I disagree. But ok

>liking 5

>Not having friends
I'm sorry

S : REmake REmake2 RE2 RE4
A : RE3
B : RE5
C : RE7
rest i dont really care about

>Best enemie: hunters
Low int

Get these RACIST games off my board.

Attached: 50-cent-middle-finger.png (512x425, 349K)

God Tier: REmake
Top Tier: Resident Evil 2
Great Tier: Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 4
Good Tier: Code Veronica, Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil Revelations 2
Okay Tier: Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations
Bad Tier: Resident Evil 6

It's the truth.

Attached: RE6.png (1024x576, 757K)

>having friends that like 5
I'm REALLY sorry

Patrician list.