Is this game as bad as they say?
Surely it can't be worse than Battlefield 1, right?
Is this game as bad as they say?
bad maps
>Is this game as bad as they say?
Yes. Even if it wasn't its still a bad game
Thoughts on Battlefield 4?
3 was better
The shooting mechanics feel over simplified and dumbed down compared to other shooters in the genre yet they aren't streamlined enough to make the game feel like a fun arcadey kind of thing like the new Wolfenstien.
The whole game plays like a lukewarm generic shooter except its a multi million dollar internationally developed megaproject.
It is the posterchild for shitty triple A shooters and feels like a step down from previous entries.
If you want to have a good time then play battlefield 4.
It is cheap and worth the money now.
Plays like a shitty br game which unironicaly is a coincidence because it also has a shitty br mode tacked on
Gameplay at it's core is better than BF1. Problem is Dice doesn't know what the fuck they are doing anymore.
Game modes come and go randomly, like a mode you played last week could just be gone the next time you launch it. Grand Operations is a ghost town, and rush only existed as a portion of one of the GO campaigns. Basically Conquest is the only thing that is guaranteed to be playable.
Maps are really fuckin iffy, but I guess that's up to personal preference. They remind me of the stock maps in BF1 which I personally didn't like. As a medic main, aka smg class, I feel like I'm constantly fucked from how open most of the maps are. Fuck Fjell tho, anyone who thinks that map is anything but dog shit needs to be shot.
The last major update introduced a bunch of bugs like people's torsos being invisible so you are fighting reverse Rayman. There's still a bug where if someone tries to revive you but dies right as the animation starts, you get stuck in the dying state and the only remedy is to leave the match. I've seen people mention falling though the map but I've never had it happen to me.
The campaign is almost a copy of BF1's. It was ok, the German tank commander part is the only one that really stands out but at the end of the day it's just Mud and Blood from 1 but in an urban setting.
Wait for a good sale, I can't recommend it for anything over $20. I think you can sign up for a x amount of days trial of Origin Access if you really want to try it for yourself.
The actual gameplay and shootin' is a step up, but boy did they fuck up everything else. Ask again in 6 months when the Nips are out.
the beginning of the end
copycat of bf3, just worse and with kill bloat
Strike at karkand and wake island are the pinnacle of this franchise.
battlefield 1 had a good atmosphere and looks, but the gameplay was absolute utter fucking trash
is bfv more of the same or what?
Bf1 is a good game and my guess is you both suck at it that's why the hate.
im not buying it untill they add an option to swap female models and voices to male clientside
>inb4 have sex
nobody uses female models anyway
i dont want anyone to ruin muh immersion
bfv is not immersive at all, regardless of women
bf1 is more your league
>this meme again
Either you two haven't played BF4 before it got fixed or you're stuck with nostalgia.
>implying bf4 was ever good to begin with
i get it, it was your first battlefield game so it has sentimential value
but bf4 was absolute dogshit.
easily one of the worst game of the frostbite series.
No they didn't.
They made it playable, they didn't "fix" it.
What are the things that you didn't find it fixed?