What kind of games do Poles play?

What kind of games do Poles play?

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The end is nigh capitalistcucks

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CS 1.6, HoMM3, Stronghold

I don't give a fuck about those third world monkeys
delete this stupid thread, retard

Gothic was huge when I was growing up.

>third world
I was there last year, it's like west but white and women are actual women so it's already beats 90% of our western world.

seething amerimutt

who cares?

I don't know, but your mother smoked more poles than the Luftwaffe.

Look at this bunch of SJW commie cunts.
Why are you all mad at the OP?

t. seething leftypol tranny

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Gothic 1 and 2 and nothing else.

off to work wagie, that cagies not gonna fill itself and mr shekelstein needs a new a house


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you can't join the 40% if you do nothing all day tranny

I keep seeing kurwas in f2p mmos

90s and early 2000s RPGs. Polyaks go crazy for the Gothic games and HoMM in particular.

>Third world

Jesus I now Americans are uneducated but god damn...

Poland is like one of the whitest country in the world it's great

lmao at the seething Marxists itt. Based poles

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They play games where you're banned after making offtopic threads

Leftists have no place on Yea Forums

based fuck the subhumans

everytime i tell myself it cant be that bad, that all this leftist stuff is being exaggerated, more evidence comes to light and shows me that it is indeed that bad

what are some games that take place in a concentration camp?

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hello i'd like to order 4 polacks with extra salt


>literally a saudi mercenary
>lost in a war against commie sandal-wearing sand people

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Any games about a man who refuses to give up?

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Can confirm

we need communism (preferably leninism) in the west, it would genocide all the trannies and SJWs and put the ones in good physical condition in labor gulags along with all other brands of degenerates, and sooner or later a powerhungry dictator is gonna take charge as de-facto chairman for life and I can be his loyal commissar when he genocides dissidents.

Gothic 1 and 2 are pretty fucking awesome

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idk fucking witcher or some shit

Worms Armageddon

Leftism thrives on identity poliyics.
>muh lgbt rights
>muh wimminz rights
>muh minority rights
Marx was a feminist for fucks sake.

Gothic. I'm always wary of people who don't know Gothic.

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World of Tanks, every fucking match has one of those assholes spamming "siema, kto pl?" and usually playing like a total retard.

>Lauri Torni
>reading his wiki
God fucking damn.

Kurwa, might and magic games, alien nations 2, red alert 1-2

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>communists talk on a corporate owned and controlled forum about invading and taking over another forum which has a flat heirarchy with a single gook running the whole thing
*circus music plays in the background*

>threads like these, make me wish Generalplan Ost would have been carried out.

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stay mad germanistan loving cuck

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I think we mostly play RPGs and strategy games.
Met a lot of poles in total war games, SimCity and paradox games

>Off to cleaning my toilet and shower polak

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What a lazy bait

>germanic cuck mad that Ahmed is fucking his wife and he has to clean toilet

im morrowind guy myself but Poles truly love gothic for some reason, idk why maybe it got shilled super hard back in 2000's or something

>Did your whore of a sister complain about Otto fucking her in the ass again, for you to be so mad?

nah, I have a really good job and don't need to worry to be beaten to death by sandniggers or get acid thrown into my face for not believing in the goatfucker religion, stay mad cuck and have fun over there

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stop replying to bait you retarded fags

>Good job
ahhh Mr. Herzog is mad about productivity being down again? Gotta earn that hourly 5 €

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> I live in abject poverty but at least I cant see darkies while fueling my crippling alcoholism.

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locking themselves in cars and falling out of trees while raking leaves games

>,,you must be in the west to earn good money" meme
>the east is poor meme
>still ignores the fact that Muhammad and his friends are having "fun" in the west and the politicians don't even give a flying fuck about this
truly amazing. Now excuse me, I must go and buy some groceries without the fear getting run over by a truck of peace.

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>groceries at 9am
do pracy robaku pierdolony

Merkeldrones don't know the feeling of living in a nice house near Gdynia and enjoying the coastal view, not obstructed by rocket scientists and doctors.

You know what annoys me about this image. Poles are pretty based in modern day even tho Poland has a lot of problems. However this guy that "killed communist" lived in cucked Poland that got split by Germans and Russians and after that heavily cucked by Soviet Union. "Wow badass he calls communist non humans" *gets cucked by Stalin* would make more sense if it was an American soldier honestly

What? Polacks are high tier players who master any game they play.

>siema kto pl?
Maybe on lower tiers with 200 wn8 niggers, anyone above orange stats writes it ironically, since it became an inside joke.

Confirm that the following games are having insane huge popularity:
- Gothic I / II . Apparently people are still modding this stuff along with huge ongoing project "Dzieje Khorinis".
- Tibia - not sure how huge, but still active community. A game when you can lose precious loot when you die.

Is Soldat still alive?

>CS 1.6
I am pretty sure a notable population had migrated to CS:GO already.

there are still a ton of polish and russian cs 1.6 servers.
most people who migrated are children and zoomers around 14-22 years old

>out argue the opposition

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I mean people can whatever they do with their lives, but i still think that arguing with someone on 4kanal about shit that nobody cares about is dumb as fuck.

I'm more entertained by the thought of leftists out-arguing anyone.

>Poles goto MMO

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Gas those Jews 2019
Lootboxes ruined this series for me honestly

consider that a few redditors on a subreddit that is likely quarantined or otherwise condemned by reddit as a whole is definitely not proof of "all this leftist stuff"