Are you buying it Yea Forums?

Attached: Cyberpolice2077.png (1070x1180, 2.17M)


yep, after reviews tho

It's going to get ass tons of DLC so I'll wait for the complete edition.


no. it's gonna be le epic linear cinematic experience thanks to the cutting of RPG elements

yeah I preordered it. even if at worst, it's "gta in the future" that's still worth 60 dollars for me.
plus I want a new game to really push my new pc with.

is this jessi slaughter's dad from way back when? jesus, how many years has it been?

It's going to be overhyped boring FPS shit

It's on gog why would I need to buy it?

>you can't actually be a cop
oh the ironing

The cyberpunk thing to do would be to pirate it, so no. I bet CDPR will even throw pirates an easter egg out of gratitude for not paying for their game.

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (488x516, 280K)

No. I had enough

>stronk womyn meme characters
>childless mary sue main character
>chrischins r evil n dum XD subplots
>tranny/crossdressing garbage
>le evil patriarchy villains

-and all the other general leftist crap that the s o i b o i s at CDProjekt shit into their games. I don't care if they put an extra handful of pretty sparkles on this pile of shit, it's still a pile of leftist shit and I'm not paying to be propagandized.

I was going to wait till release to buy it as I generally don’t like preordering games. However a friend preordered it for me for my birthday. So technically no I won’t be buying it but I would have and someone did for me.


But he's 100% correct though...

Samefag trying to stir the pot.

Threadly reminder that this game is instantly cracked and WILL have cracked updates.

I like FPSRPGs so yeah, I'll probably buy it. Plus I'm fine with paying CDPR for their work.

first game i'm gonna feel bad about pirating since hollowknight. it looks very good.

You know you can pirate steam games too

No, more than likely. Looks like a nice movie but from what we saw from gameplay isn't that interesting.

so exactly what PC fags crave so much and beg for constantly
instant success

>I preordered it
Why? They aren't going to run out, and you don't get a discount.

Good joke OP

Yes, because I'm not a tranny.

>>chrischins r evil n dum XD subplots
Hurr durr realism bad

Yes; I don't let incels, and man children determine what I think.

What about what trannies think? Do you abide their opinions?


>buying AAA

For sure

already got it for free :^)

Attached: 14375405.42_d.png (454x766, 344K)

>can play as dystopian people in a dystopian future
absolutely based, cd projekt red you do it again

Attached: 1545438707477.jpg (554x549, 80K)

>I don't let incels, and man children determine what I think.

Same trash, different bag

no but i'll surely pirate it

I'm extremely hyped for this game, but I can be patient and wait to hear if it's legit good from people I trust.

I'm already waiting for the game. I can wait just a little longer.

Attached: emote now oclock.png (450x590, 320K)

can I regularly kill tranny npcs?

if you call them by the "wrong" pronoun you get instant game over and gog deletes your copy off the computer

Why is Mr Consequences on his face?


Attached: 1562469151736.png (2845x1770, 983K)


Turtlebro's already got me covered

Cant wait Yea Forumsro's

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hand it over, criminal

Attached: 1561641962336.jpg (332x284, 33K)

I participated, where the FUCK is miine???

Attached: 370-3709490_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-steam-wojak-crying-wojak-steam.jpg (820x916, 198K)

Not that user but You get the soundtrack for free if you preorder and considering how exceptional witcher 3 soundtrack was, to someone who was certainly going to get it anyway, a preorder makes sense

You call them by their real "birth" name and they'll do it for you

nigga it's cheaper

Attached: 59353B92-A71E-4AE1-9E29-B03B03ADB0C7.jpg (540x500, 43K)

source: dude trust me

not him but it's the same price for me

Not user you're replying to but cdpr have stated multiple times cyberpunk is getting the same amount of dlc as witcher 3
Use google before posting snarky shit, it makes you look less retarded

if they've said it multiple times then you'll be able to provide source.
otherwise, source: dude trust me.

I dunno, I haven't liked any of CDPR's other games. I wish they hadn't cancelled that fps they were making, that one looked cool.

>Buy game being given away for free.
You now this gonna be on pc right?

There wasn't that difficult and you're still a faggot

Attached: 2019-07-08 08.33.14.png (1428x1361, 215K)

I'm gonna pirate it, I don't buy singleplayer games.

no, it's going to be a mediocre cinematic shooter with no role playing

It will have multi too, but 8 think it will be some co-op like Dead light or something

Only if I can play as a himbo muscle jock who goes around and sleeps with dominating twinks.

The cover has a Bioshock Infinite vibe to it. Makes me cautious about the whole product when the cover looks that generic.

is this bait or just autism

Most games now especially AAA games make no effort on their cover art and just have a close up of the protagonist, or protagonist with his back to you or solid single colour background with the game logo in the center
Tldr cover art is dead

Not straight away, I'l wait to make sure it doesn't set my ps4 on fire and look at some player reviews.

Yep, already did

Attached: 1533442342552342.jpg (538x736, 71K)

In a few years for like 20$ with all the DLC included, most likely.

>buying games at release

works better with Easter the Toad holding the mutt.

Attached: toad 29.png (593x329, 149K)

pirating, yes