You are not afraid to kill; I am pleased. The last thing I would expect from the brother of Paul.
You are not afraid to kill; I am pleased. The last thing I would expect from the brother of Paul
Other urls found in this thread:
Finally started playing this game for the first time, fukkin love it
you're next bitch
I've got nerves of steel.
Am I supposed to not kill people or does it not matter?
Stick with the prod.
Killing is badong.
Take your best shot
[Spoiler]Flatlander woman[/spoiler]
you gotta wanna use the flamethrower a little
I knocked out every NSF soldier in Castle Clinton and she still says this
One of the NSF soldiers there has a heart condition, and will die of cardiac arrest when knocked out.
The courtyard is a haunted indian burial ground. Trespassing on it whatsoever will illicit her comment.
>place 5 LAMs at the end of the hallway
bye bye you mechanical hag
it make paul get pissy but no it doesn't matter
When it comes to killing regular human enemies, only the first two missions remark whether you've killed people or not.
Why is this?
The baton (I think thatd what its called) can knock people out with a single hit to the back. Make use of this and the stealth playstyle becomes way better. It doesn't really matter what you do though. The GEP gun is very fun.
because after that shit goes down and you aren't doing "missions" anymore
Prod with the prod.
But you still have dispatchers and other people who observe your handiwork. Maybe they felt it was too preachy and wanted JC distancing himself from UNATCO as absolving him from responsibility regarding enemy casualties? seems kinda wrong
I don't think after that anyone but Paul would care about your methods unless there were direct consequences that affected them, and even if you save him he's out of commission for a while and I don't think he's in a position to even know what you're doing, much less how
I don't know for certain, but I assume if you're not dissuaded from lethal violence the first two times the game tells you about it, you're not going to change your mind in the future and it would just be preachy.
They were fucking.
Laputan Machine
Nah he just wanted Orange.
I love the humor in the vending machine conspiracy in a game entirely built upon conspiracy theories
I miss Jensen and wish he got closure in a third game
Fuck it, I'll reinstall and do another playthrough.
69 decides what build I do and which JC I pick.
I have a feeling once you get turned into an older model cyborg like them, you really can only fuck other cyborgs
gep gun only
Black JC all in swimming
I wish they managed to add the UNATCO path in the game. Would’ve been fun to explore for sure.
Reminder that Nameless Mod 2.0 is coming
Fuck you, you no fun allowed having bitch.
This game would be impossible to release today.
Too much semi-truths being told in there.
At the time, everyone was laughing at all these "conspiracies".
But now, people are not laughing anymore.
Because they're starting to notice someting is going on. Something fucked up and bad behind the curtains of politics and the media, and society.
It's not a surprise more and more people distrust mainstream media more and more. Lots of studies are put forward in this direction.
We are being lied to constantly, these people fight basic truths and we can't even tell where the fuck does politics and power lies anymore.
I can't wait to experience all the in-jokes of a forum I've never been to.
Deepest lore you mean
Melee build
You mechs might have copper wiring to re-route your nerves of pain, but I've got a pistol.
That vill be adequate.
>At the time, everyone was laughing at all these "conspiracies".
Are you kidding? At the time I pointed out the lack of mentions of anything in regards to Jews. There's like 1 line in the game referencing the Rothschilds and it's in the same sentence as the Rockefellers are mentioned.
Dude, you can only go as far in popular culture.
Naming the Jew in any way, shape or form is the bravest and most deadliest thing to do in this current era.
It can kill you, you can socially die, lose everything in your life, be completely ostracized etc.
But yes, I recommend everyone to read Culture of Critique as well as Judaism Discovered from Michael Hoffman.
Jews are a threat to humanity, more so than any other secret group or lobby.
And I mean it. Because I've read too much about them. And I know what they're doing and what they're capable of.
What a shame.
>he fell for teh j00z meme
Good worker.
Why do you think books that have never been debunked like the ones from Michael Hoffman and Kevin B. MacDonald are now censored from Amazon, you imbecile?
>wtf all these jew hating books explain everything, it all makes so much sense now
You are supposed to choose what you think is best. The game only comments on it a few times and ignores it for the rest of the game. A game with forced morality choices is boring and its more interesting to allow the player to choose who they deem acceptable to kill and who not to. In my recent play through of the game I made an effort to only kill obviously augmented people who were hostile to me while letting everyone else live.
The only people who give you any shit about use of lethal force is Paul, who's working with the NSF and obviously wants as little of them killed as possible; and Sam Carter, who only really berates you if you go out of your way to make more casualties than necessary, e.g. charging in through Castle Clinton's front doors.
After you're through with UNATCO and shit hits the fan, you never really work with anyone that has a good moral compass, even Tong encourages you to break into Paris homes for supplies while warning that you might have to 'deal' with the police. And if Paul survives, he's too fucked up to keep an eye on what you're doing.
Deus Ex just gives you the tools to be non-lethal if you would prefer to do that, you don't get any real rewards or punishments for your choice - as it should be.
Jews are obsessed with erasing "hate" from every human being.
But where does this hate speech even come from pretty much originally?
We might find an answer in the Talmud. Mind if I drop some of Talmud quotes in here and see who is truly filled with hate in its essence, in his heart and its being? Who has in their Holy Scripture some of the most disgusting, hateful and bigoted citations?
>you don't get any real rewards or punishments for your choice - as it should be.
And then they fucked that up in Human Revolution.
Why do you type like a fucking conspiracy blog? Is your brain so cracked that you actually talk this way in your head or is this some top quality bait?
>At the time, everyone was laughing at all these "conspiracies".
Conspiracy theories, no quotations. And the vast majority is still laughing at them.
It's somewhat fascinating when you look at who usually ends up believing those theories. It's not necessarily a lack of intellect. More often than not, it's a lack of education and a pronounced personality flaw - the incapability to accept any authority other than his own, which leads to a severe distrust in authority figures in general. Combine that with narcissism, an unhinged ego, the lack of scientific theory, Dunning-Kruger effect, maybe mental illness and hard drug use, and you suddenly it's easy to see how places like /pol/ can sustain themselves. The bible says that faith can move mountains. Sadly, it can also make you cling to a belief despite the facts pointing in a different direction. Funnily enough, being confronted with disagreeing facts will make those people believe even stronger in their ideas - the phenomenon has been dubbed "backfire effect". That's usually the point when they start feverishly looking for holes in said evidence while accepting flimsy explanations out of confirmation bias. Thanks to the internet those people are not isolated anymore. Instead, they fuel each other.
>never been debunked
Is Kevin MacDonald’s Theory of Judaism “Plausible”? A Response to Dutton (2018)
one of several critiques, of your the operative word "debunked" is subjective, and like any conspiracy theory there's always a convenient out
>are now censored from Amazon
not sure what you mean as it looks like both of them are still being sold there. I would've figured that removing them from the site entirely and thus depriving shoppers of discovering these authors would've been a smarter play if someone wanted to suppress their thought
was it right?
Because in that instance, it's less a moral choice on the player's part than it is a way of establishing how the other characters feel about lethal force
It makes sense to me but I have no real body of knowledge to base my assumptions on, only that it sounds convincing, especially compared to JC's more naive sounding counterpoints in a time where his entire worldview is being radically challenged everywhere he looks.
Also consider that just because it's spoken by a supposed supremely intelligent AI it was still written by a regular person
Based Kungpow-poster.
Cofnas' responses have already been addressed back and forth by MacDonald.
Cofnas tried and made a nice effort but wasn't succesful in defending his critique of CoC.
The main point was that we shouldn't say that Jews were responsible for the progress or apparition of some revolutionary movements in the 20th century when in truth they were all jewish and acted many times from a jewish point of view, from their ethnocentric interests etc.
It's pure denial.
And yes, CoC has been outlisted from Amazon, you cannot buy the book there anymore. Too popular, too good reviews etc.
Same as been done to Hoffman and others. And who is responsible for that, you think? Jewish lobbies. Mainly the ADL.
Why is the ADL able to censor books from Amazon?
That's one question many of you will not answer, of course.
>Why is the ADL able to censor books from Amazon?
Bad reputation from the league blasting Amazon is not good for business. Dead simple. However, the league's influence is limited if they only got individual titles from the guy delisted rather than his whole bibliography. This doesn't help your conspiratorial stance.
>conspiratorial stance
Wow. Seethe harder.
>you can socially die
I've never heard this said better. It's like an Orwellian/Stalinistic kind of death where you no longer are acknowledged to exist.
The Conspiratard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a pseud, gullible, grifter, ill-informed, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a conspiratard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out." One cannot defend himself against the tinfoiled.
It's almost like people don't want to associate with tinfoil hat nutjobs shouting about tha joos. Company you keep and all that.
Going further than that, I've had friends who have tumbled down into that kind of rabbit hole, they changed radically in personality and far right bullshit and "exposing the truth" became their sole interest in life, it certainly isn't easy to maintain relationships with people like that, which only further leads to their social death, which is more of a suicide than a murder by the JIDF that you're alluding to.
Imagine trying to lampshade consolidated Jewish influence in media, news, politics, corporate interests, and law as conspiratorial.
Yeah it's just a conspiracy that Jews exist and act like how Jews act.
Just keep saying it's a conspiracy, I'm sure that will work for you.
and now you're resorting to frogs, typical
>It's almost like people don't want to associate with tinfoil hat nutjobs shouting about tha joos.
Keep playing it off as conspiratorial and address nothing about any demographics, historical, or biblical context.
Are white people so retarded they can't get that Jews, like every other group, have a racial consciousness where they align on certain issues 95% the same way?
You glow so hard.
Dumb frogposter.
green frog bad
>not even 60 posts in and the thread is already devolving into /pol/ack shitflinging
well we made it farther than usual, so long lads
>they don't buy my garbage they must be spooks
This is why trying to reason with you people is impossible, you instantly denounce anyone who isn't shocked or amazed or "awoken" by the same drivel that's been spammed ceaselessly for the past three years on a fucking video games board.
Go back to your hole and stay there, this was supposed to be a dude sex thread and now it's yet another joos run the world thread.
>dude sex
Yet another cultural marxist.
Trying to push his agenda.
Another line break for some.
Just in case, though, we're police.
This is a Deus Ex thread after all.
>Using the word spook unironically.
Also nice spacing faggot. Go back.
You can't try to blast people for double line breaks when you mash the enter key like you're writing a fucking haiku
The line break is because of reddit.
>posts reddit screencap
>"hurr go back"
sorry I'm not in on the latest fotm /pol/ terminology, but you'd know better than me I'm sure
Not my cap faggot.
What does this timesplitters cosplay have to do with desu xD
Wrong answer. Weak argument. Jeff Bezos is a libertarian and up until recently, the last few years, every kind of book was available on Amazon.
The real answer is power pressure. That's what the ADL is. Networks, connections. They censor and put labels (antisemitic etc.) on intellectuals that criticize their power and their crimes.
Would you say Julian Assange is a tin foil hat nutjob? Kevin Shipp? Snowden? Are conspiracies real? What is a conspiracy to you? Aren't conspiracies just how modern politics work? What is power? Who gets to decide in this world? etc.
What terminology is he talking about that you don't get?
Retarded chapoposters are ruining this board.
thanks for confirming you're just another /pol/ migrant who saw "conspiracy" on the front page as an invitation for some half-assed recruiting
gunny also gets mad at you and withholds some good shit if you kill too many people im pretty sure
I don't see chapops derailing this thread, only you.
>Can't post a Deus Ex thread without it being swarmed by literal communists.
deus ex never brought up the joos, only you did
>rev up the nonsequitor screenshots folder while ranting about woke antisemetic books
>also play the victim when people tell you to fuck off
I love the /pol/ playbook, it's got it all
the guy who runs the armory at UNATCO, he gives you some free shit if you talk to him when you come back
Is this bait or are these guys just retarded?
It's so fucking obvious they aren't from Yea Forums.
I don't think you realize, but you've been talking to maybe 3 different people. You're basically the one ranting to no one.
That's Sam Carter. He only withholds some ammo if you go charging straight into Castle Clinton.
It's easy to villify people who believe in CT's especially the dumb ones, like flat earthers. But when you really look at them - well, just watch the video. Those people are friends and community. Of course they're united. When someone is a social outcast, they bond with other social outcasts
In as much as Invisible War was a let down, the philosophical dialogue in IW is still the only game that properly follows the original Deus Ex. JC Dentons plan for a new humanity in IW is kino as fuck
shit right, must have forgot. I think it's time to go back in for another go, it's been long enough.
Is the Malkavian mod actually worth playing, or are the videos on youtube everything there is to see?
I never found this guy in my playthrough and I thoroughly explored every area in the game
/leftypol/ get off of this board. You aren't welcome.
He's in the illuminati house
It helps the System to put low IQ tin foil hat flat earthers communities and reptilian believers, or "Annunaki beliefs" into the same category as people who actually research secret societies, esoterism, groups of interests, lobbies, oligarchs...
Bot /pol/ and /leftpol/ need to fuck off if we're being candid here you fucking nigger this is a games board not a da jooz/da capitalists board
You're the one ruining the thread with your 'DA JOOZ' nonsense. Fuck off.
/pol/ is always here. /pol/ talk only happens when communists from reddit and /leftypol/ feel like they matter for some reason.
go hunt your imaginary boogeyman somewhere else and talk about games, you're literally just as obnoxious as any leftfaggot or reddit user rn
There is at least 1 communist and /pol/acks posting in this thread. Stop acting like it's any one person.
His nicknames gunny, zoomer.
is R Lee Ermy still alive? I don't want to check
Well as long as you have an enemy to shitpost with in the thread I guess it's fine if you keep shitting it up with off-topic garbage, carry on.
Or all of you could fuck off, people who care about vidya would much rather you do that instead.
April 15, 2018
Talking politics in a deus ex thread? BAD MAN. BAD. THIS IS VIDEO GAMES.
Number one: In 1945 corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent.
Number two: In 1900 90 percent of Americans were self-employed; now it's about two percent.
I thought I remembered hearing that but I blocked it out
Number one: Thats terror
Number two: Thats terror
at least post the picture of the NSF dude on top of the statue of liberty saying this instead of making your /leftpol/ mask slip with a pic of karl
Don't think you know something about the commander. Here's a picture.
It count as assault if you enter the compound through the main entrance
>JC Dentons plan for a new humanity in IW is kino as fuck
He essentially ends the human race and turns them into mindless drones. How the fuck is that "kino"?
JC was fucking 23 in this?
theres no way this fucker was 23.
He looked to be about in his mid 30's or something
follow your own lead asswipe
I was really hoping for a comfy late night deus ex thread before bed, but it's turned into a /pol/ thread.
Go get a job you racist motherfuckers.
>mindless drones
He says outright that the AI will facilitate, not assimilate. It's a direct digital democracy with a literal god AI keeping it on track
Observation: Deus Ex is Olaf Stapledon: The video game
Malkavian mod was updated recently
booby trap.
>modding deus ex
I went through the soda machine entrance
>wasting your time modding a video game
>not reading the books presented in the game
Placing one does the job too
Encourage acts of terror. I'll load you up.
You had to grow up without your parents, but I lost my pocket knife, which requires more courage?
What the fuck was her problem?
Inferiority complex and unwavering loyalty to a fault. Not too complicated.
She was just another parasite
Flatlander woman
>mechanical agents have killswitch that destroys them instantly
>nano agents have one that kills them after a long ass time
How is that an improvement?
>you need to come close to mechanical agent to activate killswitch
What were they thinking?
Obviously Denton came from a hilly area which made him superior
Apparently it's a math joke
Paul was such a fucking faggot
What terrorists? NSF only targeted military and UNATCO officials, so they were legitimate partisans
>Navarre's killphrase, Flatlander Woman, is a reference to the novel Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott, about people living in a two-dimensional world, in which women are just lines. They are invisible when seen edge-on, and dangerous because they are very sharp and can inadvertently cut people in half. The killphrase is a reference to Navarre's cloaking power and her deadliness.
Not really a math joke.
You got a single fact to back that up?
>Navarre's cloaking power
The what now? She could cloak? Huh.
Number 1: That's terror
Whatever faggot, how about Paul telling his ass-buddies to not shoot me while he screeches at me for daring to look at them in a bad way?
NSF traffic children and are pedophiles. the gate code to enter castle clinton is 666...........
Number one: there were no civilians on Liberty Island and it was next to UNATCO HQ
Number two: there were no civilians in Castle Clinton except one little boy who snuck in
I mean isn't he technically about 1 years old in it? Chronologically anyway.
You got a single piece of lore ro back that up?
the sick and homeless are spies?
use only crowbar and plasma gun to kill
Is there any games where you can just say "fuck it, I'll join your conspiracy" and it's not just non standard game over?
Holy moly!
Ah shit I forgot about 'ton Hotel and metro. I take it back, they were terrorists
do your own research
It will only change some responses the NPCs have here and there (mostly Paul, honestly) but the game doesn't really judge you for killing or is autistic with giving you non-lethal achievements/xp the way cucked modern games do.
Try playing DX in Ironman mode and only allow yourself to reload auto-saves between levels, you'll see that the lethal approach when discovered at least is rather realistic because you'll die easily if you only stick to non-lethal shit. Personally I play like that and have JC be non-lethal when not discovered and fully lethal when discovered, but I also kill certain targets on occassion. Feel like a "professional, no bullshit" JC that wouldn't blink twice before killing some gang member/terrorist is the most canon way to go.
Reminder to install GMDX
You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands.
There was no mention of child trafficking or pedophilia in NSF in Deus Ex
>"JoJo Fine of the NSF?"
That's not to say NSF was a terrorist network, but it certainly harbored terrorists and opportunists looking to exploit their network for personal gain. It's actually an angle Ion Storm never really bothered to explore.
Invisible War
>At the time, everyone was laughing at all these "conspiracies".
I'm sure the information is out there, but I never understood if Spector was writing a 'let's pretend right-wing conspiracies are real' game or if he was a genuine right-libertarian. That was the dominant ideology of computer nerds back in the day.
says you sir blind as a bat
Reddit game, Reddit thread
Do hentai games count?
Okay, where?
scroll up
Majestic 12
in a body bag
They intended to have it so that both views could be expressed and valid but ended up having to gimp that aspect and railroad the player due to scrapping their idea for a Unatco storyline.
Reminder that they were going to have Austin, TX in at one point, with a major quest centered around a Russo-Mexican alliance against the American government, with FEMA camps holding prisoners at the US - Mexico border.
It's really not that far from being truth taking things into account today.
There was no mention of NSF doing child trafficking anywhere in the game
it's the thought that counts
then where did the children come from?
I implore you to reconsider.
The NSF are terrorists, they want people dead d-d-dead
I don't know if you know, but there's an easter egg in Deus Ex 2 confirming the maintenance man really did switch the orange and lemon lime cans to fuck with gunther.
What children? NSF didn't have any children locked up anywhere. There were children in the streets, in homeless' tunnels, there was one sneaky kid in Castle Clinton, but there was not a single child anywhere else the NSF was, and those that were near to NSF (the one in CC and those in homeless' tunnel) were free
I didn't know that, pretty funny. Less funny because it's after the fact and they had time to realize people found it funny. If it was something in the first game I'd be super fucking impressed.
>I never understood if Spector was writing a 'let's pretend right-wing conspiracies are real' game or if he was a genuine right-libertarian
The impression I get from interviews was they started off with just using real world conspiracy theories as a laugh but were a little surprised about some of the things they discovered about the American government. They never become conspiracy nuts themselves and I don't think they ever went full blown libertarian either. Just play Invisible War and you'll see they are reasonably sympathetic to the idea of government "overreach" when necessary and less inclined to attribute the motivation of such behavior to megalomania.
If you read the datacubes scattered around, the NSF soldiers took hostages in the 'Ton because they knew Unatco was closing in and that they would be killed on the spot.
They were scared and desperate to buy themselves time and to try to make a quiet exit.
Unatco doesn't take prisoners, they don't negotiate or provide clemency, and Walton Simons proves this if you go watch him interrogate the soldiers they detain.
They put JC out in the field to send a message to the NSF, and thus forced their hand to act and steal the Ambrosia. Paul was trying to hold it all together the entire time up until Unatco kills their commander in New York (Lebedev).
Thats the point exactly. At first you'd dismiss gunther of being paranoic, but then you start unraveling all these conspiracies and looking back you start wondering if the maintenance man was really messing with gunther.
>Why is this?
The meta explanation is to just tell the player that non-lethal is an option. Remember, people only knew games like Quake, Doom, and Unreal before this. So shooty shooty is the expected default. The idea you could sneak around avoiding enemies, or hitting them with a taser was mind blowing.
>The what now? She could cloak? Huh.
yeah, you see it if you actually fight her in the subway
did you even play the game? clearly you didn't.
>decide to kill her on the plane
>whip out the shotgun, point blank
>apply directly to forhead, she doesn't die
>pump all of it in the following battle
>still doesn't die
>die, reload
>tap her once in the back of the head with the normal pistol
>dies in 1 hit
worst shotgun in the history of shotguns
No, JC was only augmented in the last year. He's 23 years old, and grew up a normal life. The time you see him in a vat he's just being augmented.
>If you read the datacubes scattered around, the NSF soldiers took hostages in the 'Ton because they knew Unatco was closing in and that they would be killed on the spot.
>They were scared and desperate to buy themselves time and to try to make a quiet exit.
But the first thing the NSF in' ton does when they see you is kill hostages, same in subway station
>tfw they had to cut the story where you side with them
I wonder how that would have been. Wish we could get some more details on that.
I always killed her on the plane. Good to know.
You also see it if you try killing her on the 747.
Takes a couple GEP rockets to actually kill her because she'll fake you out.
>What the fuck was her problem?
Psychopath who gets paid doing what she loves: killing people. It's all a big fun adventure. She is fully aware of the big conspiracy and doesn't care. You see her in the NSF labs.
Okay fuck off, you failed to give one example of lore or a place with children locked up. If anything, you have never played the game, or are just a weak bait
You got BTFO
>le capitalists
weird how so many of them seem to be jewish when only so much of the general population is. obviously different power structures flow into each other, but if you know anything about Jewish history then it becomes increasingly hard to deny their influence as an ethnic group over most others.
Stop samefagging
>Because an enemy conspires to do evil, I cannot find happiness or a gf
Who are you quoting?
I'd imagine a showdown with Paul at the very least. Maybe save him for the ending and Bob/Simons kills him or something.
I never knew you could actually save Lebedev until fucking years later on a replace, it just never occurred to me to shoot Navarre - I did it completely by accident the first time
I also never knew about the MJ12 base in Hells Kitchen that foreshadowed everything until randomly finding it years later
>Is there any games where you can just say "fuck it, I'll join your conspiracy" and it's not just non standard game over?
Deus Ex.
[Spoiler] >not knowing how to spoiler [/spoiler]
this is what giving up looks like
I can't speak about the subway because I can't remember whether or not they're scripted to intentionally blow it, rather than their AI triggering the detonators.
Thinking over the implications of the Ton incident.
I found it very interesting that UNATCO was talking about sending you to Hong Kong, and then you betray them and you go to HK anyways.
I get the impression that you would be going to the same locations, just that your quest giver and person in the radio is different. Instead of going to HK and allyng with Tracer Tong, you go to HK and kill Tracer Tong.
The game would still likely end on you killing Bob Page in Area 51, just that you were loyal to UNATCO.
there's a video a guy who glitched into the cells to talk to the NSF soldier captured at UNATCO, and the NSF soldiers talking points are pretty basic SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED REEE stuff
NSF is right, but that doesn't mean they aren't feckless rednecks just doing it because they want their guns. NSF is right for the wrong reasons, UNATCO is wrong for the right reasons. Part of the games theme is that things have become so convoluted you can't tell what's right or wrong anymore.
>the rothchilds
>the illuminati
>not jews
Not really. It was supposed to be, at one point, that you could remain loyal to Unatco and eventually work for Bob Page directly, which would have revealed a side of his character they weren't able to express in the released version.
They also planned a fourth ending where you could have agreed with him at a later time.
Hong Kong was an even larger hub at one point with references to an area by the canals they completely scrapped called "Pirate Island"
They were also going to have a mission set in Austin, Texas that entailed freeing prisoners from FEMA camps at the US border amid a war between the US and an alliance between Russia and Mexico.
How is being able to defend yourself a wrong reason?
Staying with UNATCO would've probably seen you working with Manderly and Carter trying to hold to the spirit of UNATCO despite Simmons riding their ass
>I get the impression that you would be going to the same locations, just that your quest giver and person in the radio is different. Instead of going to HK and allyng with Tracer Tong, you go to HK and kill Tracer Tong.
Considering that's pretty much exactly how they did it in Invisible War you are probably right.
>Not really.
You can't join the MJ12 conspiracy, but you can join the Illuminati conspiracy. Illuminati at least believes they're guiding humanity while MJ12 were way more obviously antagonistic.
Makes sense, it is a niche video game from the 90s, I doubt they would make entire new levels for a branching story path considering how much they skimped on shit like character models or the pure kino voice acting, or the fact that the path was scrapped altogether.
Isn't Manderly totally corrupt and taking bribes? Isn't it like kind of impossible for Manderley to be innocent and not know that the Grey Death is a man-made virus? The guy takes direct orders from Walton Simons after all. If he were lower in the chain of command, I could see him being ignorant.
>How is being able to defend yourself a wrong reason?
the actual conversation is pretty even handed, both make good points.
IDK about him taking bribes, but he's basically Simmons bitch yes
I would assume that the nano agents would have been capable of disabling any mechanical killswitch with their augs, and the way the nano augs work it requires a slow killswitch.
cringiest titles alive, I hate seeing these recommended to me, I already played the game I don't need a video highlighting the most heavy handed "things ain't like u think" dialogue
Manderly is kind of an inconsistent character. They seem to potray him as simultaneously being a cowardly yes man, someone trying to make the best of a bad situation and an active participant in an evil conspiracy to rule the world.
There definitely seemed to be overlap in Hong Kong with regards to the fork in the story that they were going to have. Probably was just as you say, going to Hong Kong regardless, but with different characters and dynamics.
There was interview a while back with Spector and some other leads on Deus Ex that had them talking about Hong Kong and at one point it was a larger level than what's in the final version.
Realistically, what could Manderly do? If he doesn't do what he's told he's just replaced and shuffled off. At the very least he can attempt to run the Bureau like it's an actual law enforcement agency and not just the public-private militia of Bob Page
So, how many of you took Manderly out?
I love when people call someone a shitty troll/weak bait after replying to them 5 or more times.
again, I didn't even realize you COULD kill Manderly when I first played. I also didn't see a reason.
BTFO again
>I also didn't see a reason.
Oh, so you payed attention and didn't just think he was a some evil dude that needed to be taken out?
...haha, some people...
I'm pretty sure Shadow the Hedgehog is the only game to do this right, in recent times (circa 2006)
I think that was the angle they were going for but the execution isn't quite there. Manderly just seems to go through massive personality flips instead. Especially when JC leaves Unatco. He doesn't come across as being between a rock and a hard place, he comes across at being pissed off he's being pushed out as a power player in the conspiracy and he hates JC for that.
Simms outright says he was a nobody and I did a job for them by killing him. At that point I had bigger fish to fry, and I was still operating under the mentality of being a cop.
Unironically true
On the other hand these dumb schizos are fueled by Sionist shills and disinfo agents like Alex Jones while they try to cover up the actually passable conspiracy theories.
Like say you know 9/11 memes? Even normies were laughing at "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" and "9/11 was an inside job" despite there ACTUALLY being a shitload of theories and evidence. Just saying "hey i think 9/11 was a false flag attack by the USA government" will get ridiculed because it's le funny meme at this point (probably forced by actual CIA glow in the dark niggers, they actually did posted on imageboard, i remember seeing a report on "underground memes" like Pepe where CIA niggers were posting on /mlp/ or something)
Luke bruh who cares that modern Islamic terrorism was funded by CIA, right? Who cares that Al-Qaida and Bin Laden were CIA puppets on government funding, who cares that 9/11 was a starting point for the war in Iraq and enforcing policing the state, who cares about that, right?
Most of the people now will reject any conspiracy theories as dumb because only dumb people believe in them, see: flat earthers and chem trails
>despite there ACTUALLY being a shitload of theories and evidence
there was a shitload of theories, no evidence. Don't be fucking retarded. The US Govt is way too fucking incompetent to pull off 9/11.
This is the problem with people. They assume there's a hidden, malicious hand when the truth is just that people are stupid, petty, and self absorbed.
To be fair, he's not completely wrong. I've been seeing "chud" used on here lately, and only chapotards use that term these days.
9/11 wasn't a false flag, user, though you could argue it was an inside job ONLY on the grounds that the US government could be argued complicit in the attack's success given that they were fully aware of an impending attack, had already fully considered the use of jetliners as weapons, and even as the airliners bee-lined for the trade center, they voluntarily called off the fighter strike to down the jets prior to them reaching the towers, turning the possibility of hundreds of deaths into thousands with billions of collateral.
They knew Saudi Arabia was complicit and chose to sweep it under while instead invading Iraq and starting the war on terror under false pretenses.
there's two children on the castle clinton map
one escaped, seeking food
one remains inside castle clinton
surrounded by armed guards who refuse to feed him
the boy is by a dirty mattress
you're going to sit there and call me a troll for seeing this as what it is?
it's castle fucking clinton
the key code to get in is 666 you get the info from the kid after feeding him onions food
USA had a long history of false flags under it's belt though
what? it's not child prostitution for the lowest of wages (food, onions, candy bars) unless there's a narrator that chimes in and explicitly says LOOK HERE GOY THIS IS CHILD RAPE
>and even as the airliners bee-lined for the trade center, they voluntarily called off the fighter strike to down the jets prior to them reaching the towers
How was anyone supposed to know the plan was to deliberately crash the planes into the WTC? This is not a case of government complicity in an attack on America, it's a case of people forgetting hindsight is 20/20.
Paul has you get a datacube to show someone is taking bribes I think Manderley, but I have never actually read it.
Not to mention the fallout of our occupations, absolutely fucking up the Middle East, displacing foreign populations and shouldering NATO with the burden of it all. But hey -- money, oil, war economy, and (slave) jerbs.
The Man Who was Thursday is 10/10
Nigger JC with all point into swimming, full lethal (including allies and neutrals), if someone can't be killed right away you need to kill them as soon as possible.
That's a convincing counterpoint
The same exact group attacked the trade center before in 1993 with the same goal, though that attack failed.
Even then I personally wonder why they didn't down the second jet in the same exact attack pattern, after the first jet had already slammed the first tower several minutes prior?
Hindsight is 20/20, and we were screaming for blood in the wake of the attack, and our economy was (and still is) being held by the balls.
I guess my real question is if the lies and the carnage were all really necessary. Was it really worth it to the average American citizen of middle-class standing? Was it worth anything to the poorest have-nots in America? Was it worth it to our allies in NATO and their citizens?
I'm not privy to interviewing Bush and his cabinet, and asking the exact questions and addressing the exact topics I would have liked to. Others have addressed some at least.
Animals need to die too
But shit, some of that information had to be revealed through various leaks over the years.
It wouldn't be public information otherwise.
Every play through
>this is the super sneaky non-lethal playthrough
>I will be the bat. The darkness. No one will know
>I will be armed only with a prod, tranq darts, pepper spray, and a baton
>this will be the most fun to play
>As soon as I get the laser sword I switch to full lethal kill everythhing on site since it's easier
>LAMs everywhere too
>Pepper spray to incapacitate rooms of guys so I can murder them with my sword.
Even the gameplay is a meta commentary on JC's transformation, even his fundamental police training is a lie and he slowly (not so slowly) learns how the game really works.
Just because stealth and non-lethal is an option doesn't make it a good one, not when gep guns and plasma rifles exist
>Even then I personally wonder why they didn't down the second jet in the same exact attack pattern, after the first jet had already slammed the first tower several minutes prior?
The only armed jets anywhere near the area hadn't even got airborne before the first impact, and despite going on afterburners after taking off from the boston base they hadn't reached manhattan yet when the second hit.
>Even then I personally wonder why they didn't down the second jet in the same exact attack pattern
You do realize you are talking about blowing a plane full of innocent people out of the sky, right? These planes weren't hijacked and then flown around for several hours before hitting the towers. It was like 20 minutes between the hijacking and the impact. And they weren't all hijacked at the same time. I don't know why you expect government to be omnipotent and omnipresent. It takes time for information to spread and for that information to be acted on.
%%flatlander woman%%
Why contain it? s'cooooooool