Do you play videogames with your girlfriend, Yea Forums ?

Do you play videogames with your girlfriend, Yea Forums ?

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Other urls found in this thread:$ english -rewrite

Jokes on you, OP. I fapped twice today so this image won't affect me as much

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It's not really her thing so not often, but we sometimes play Minecraft for a couple hours. It's fun.

We had this thread last week

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imagine the smell

i dont have one and i am very lonely

Got damn it I need more of this sweaty bat pussy



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It was good then, it's good now.

Anyone else here cant stand looking at screens with total darkness around? Shit strains my eyes.

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You’ll get one man, it’s easy, just go out a couple times

The one with the frog girl was better if this is the artist i think it is.

He rape she tho

Im the opposite

Met my gf playing LoL, been together 5 years and play vidya with her almost every day.

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>Dark Souls Demastered box
>DS3 ui on the screen
shit doujin

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how do you do this?


How big is his cock?

This whole thread explains why parents get divorced more so nowadays.

its an uncropped page, just saucenao it$ english -rewrite
Have at it all this guys stuff is great

She's really desperate for that elo boost huh

I ran into a high school friend and he asked me to play with him and his friends. My gf was one of his friends. Eventually we all got on cam and she thought I was cute. I met her in person at a mutual friend's birthday and soon after that got together. At the time I had more or less given up on finding a girl and it kinda came out of the blue.

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Ah, it's alright anons. You go on ahead without me. Let me just lay here for a while and rest. I'll catch up eventually...

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absolute lad

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Thanks for letting us read your blog mr. normalfag.

A-user, are you o-ok ? user... ANOOON !

batgirls are best girls

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There's no need to be angry friend. I can't imagine coming into a thread like this and actually being butthurt someone has a real response. I play games pretty much all day every day still while avoiding going outside as much as possible so it is what it is.

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If they're not the vampiric type, sure.

My girlfriend just broke up with me. Just a few months ago we were playing spyro, hoping to finish it together while we cuddle. Just like that, shit is ruined. Woman are fucking weird.

>Not the White Christmas

Yes I do actually. Normally she watches me play instead though. A few times she rides while I play, shits so cash

I want those feet on my fucking face


How do I meet new people, Yea Forums?

Also bat girls are top tier. That tomboy monstergirl bat doujin does things to my heart.

i have never seen a rewrite as of 2019, they don't exist or my filters are just that good.

We got close by playing TF2 and CSGO together, then moved on to Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege.
She doesn't really like non-multiplayer/story based games that aren't co-op, though, since she'd rather just watch TV.

My wife and I are going through Dragon's Crown.
Considering she loves her some tig ol bitties, I'm surprised she's playing Elf.


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It's bad for your eyes to stare at a glowing screen in the dark anyways. That's your eyes telling you to fuckin quit it.

use a yellow filter dumbass.

fuck off Woolie

Just man up and let her give you a nibble.

As long as she bathe and shave.

>There's been like no really good new mango doggins on sadpanda in forever
>It just keeps drowning in more western shit

We play a lot of Switch games together, like Mario Kart, Smash, Mario Party, and Kirby. Otherwise she usually prefers to just watch me play games like LoL and single player games Breath of the Wild. She has her own Switch so we oftentimes just play our own singleplayer games while in bed.

They probably dont exist anymore but i habitually filter them anyways

Wait, I recognize that unimportant side character

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That doujin is 10/10. The MC isn't a pussyboy pushover either, which is a huge breath of fresh air.

i like when she chupped him and it made his dick bigger to bully her sweaty smelly bat pussy harder.

I was talking to this girl today, very nice and was hoping it could be something new and refreshing up until she told me her little brother watches anime and plays videogames all day and basically explained to me he is a victim of natural selection, not that she’s wrong, but burning a loved one like that is a turn-off, when will women learn denigrating just speaks about your own personality ?

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Don't mind me, just posting the best monstergirl series

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Used to play every game under the sun with mine. Halo, LA Noire, warframe, borderlands, KH, that mickey game with the ink, etc.

BEWARE of "gamer" chicks though. Chances are they're chatting with 50+ guys on their accounts. Gaming is is monkey branching for them. It's no secret that female "gamers" skyrocketed with the rise of streaming, social media, and online play.

Just trying to keep you anons' hearts safe.

Mostly puzzle and party games, but if I get her a little tipsy she'll suck me off while playing doa x3 or senran games.

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>tomboy monstergirl bat
Please user

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hey what the fuck bitch i've been up for 30 hours

Why didn't you admit right then and there you love videogames.

yeh but also what a qt

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>when will women learn denigrating just speaks about your own personality
You're on a website where all people do is talk about how they're so much better than everyone else. So I don't think that's really unique to women.

That just makes them even better.

What's the cutie from?

I don’t know, didn’t wanted to sound mad for something like that either, neither I was rude, but it was an emotional letdown that’s for sure
True, but they do it very often with their loved ones, talk to girls with boyfriends, and if you have better grades/job/looks than them the subject will quickly arise

It will probably get better. I used to watch anime with my first girl and when we broke up it felt weird to watch it for a while afterwards.
Now I'm engaged to someone else, many years later. I have a hard time loving this person, as I may be starting to fall for my friend's wife.
I do not know why this is important but I just wanted to let you know.

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It's a pretty short read, but cute and funny.

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Thanks, looks wonderful.

>tfw clingy aspie cute gf
I actually met her in fucking Habbo Hotel 3 years ago and it feels like I've hit the jackpot, she likes videogames and we play often (Borderlands, Terraria, Paladins, etc) but she enjoys watching me play as well. She's getting more and more into anime and I'm just molding her to my tastes, feels good.

>tfw clingy aspie cute gf
I actually met her in fucking Habbo Hotel 3 years ago and it feels like I've hit the jackpot, she likes videogames and we play often (Borderlands, Terraria, Paladins, etc) but she enjoys watching me play as well. She's getting more and more into anime and I'm just molding her to my tastes, feels good.

Why the hostility to that helpful user? I don't understand.

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what he meant to say was
have sex

>post sauce
lazy sloth

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If you get done reading it and want something similar, I could also recommend this.

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>the happy ending is also the sad ending.

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How the fuck did I doublepost, I don't have a gookpass.

Do not denigrate the sloth.

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Bit gay lad

Maybe the same will happen for you too...

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Oh shit, i didnt know there was more than two of those.

I just gave my five foot tall gf a brownie with some potent weed to try and it was terrible, I should have known it was too much. She threw up and just sat there next to the toilet half asleep for a long while. Now I've convinced her to get into bed and she's sleeping tight, but I got worried for a while.

I feel guilty as fuck, she's really not into drugs and I know she agreed to try it just to please me.

I wish I was the guy on the right.
>tfw no qt lamia wife to have cute lamia children with and raise lovingly

fuck off with your meme normalfag incubus, faggot
make way for a patritians taste

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This chapter is sad. Hopefully I get to finish it before mods nuke this thread because of the GFur.

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That egyptian lamia one was pretty good too.

I know you are in this thread bat bro from GDQ 2019 threads.

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If i start reading again is the guy gonna be still not getting with the small wolf girl? Lenka i think her name was

Do harpies lay eggs? Are those her kids?

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Dude, don't make your gf eat pot brownies. Pot brownies are gross even if you're trying to get really high.

It's fine if they're unfertilized, right?

They get a lot closer, as does the rest of his harem. It looks like it's setting up to be Jin becoming a Zoo Keeper to his animal harem.

It's a comedy manga. Don't expect deep plot.

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Harpies lay eggs whatever they are pregnant or not. And yes, in the story the Harp saved the guy's life with a fried egg

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so what's the name of this manga?

Yes, harpies lay eggs. No, they're only her kids if they're fertilized.

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>tfw you'll never have a family

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She likes Battlefront 2 (2005) with mods, but she doesn't have much experience with shooters, so she fails a lot and gets sad/angry everytime she plays.

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I don't expect deep plot. I just want 1(one) meaningful kiss between the two.

I wish the updates were more frequent. Why is it that girl mangaka are the slowest? Pocchi puts out 4 chapters a year of Ane Naru Mono.

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It's already been posted in the thread,

What would their parent think when they find out their son married a monster girl?

>before mods nuke this thread because of the GFur.

Wait, why would it be MY fault and not the other 80 offtopic posts?

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I see. I'm sure this information will be useful in my life at some point.

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Here's the sauce niggas

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Fucking delete this, user.

unfortunately. she fucking cant just let me be. she drones on and on about everything she does in the Sims "I got cc for putting things on top of microwaves" just now and I can't install any rape mods in skyrim because my computer desk faces the table.

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You're the only one posting porn, dude. FURRY porn. That's double illegal.

I'm so fucking ugly bros I don't know how much longer I can cope with knowing I'll be alone forever.

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I should really learn how to get around sadpanda but I never bothered to do it even though I've seen it for so many years now. I'm so useless.

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Are you talking about the taste? we were more interested in the effects, but the dose was too strong for her. I'm an idiot.

So, what is it that house mice have, Yea Forums? It starts with an S, ends with an E, and is two words. I'll give you 3 guesses.

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Depends on the parents.

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Suicide is looking better everyday

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I'm starting to get a little worried. I'm 25 and have still never fucked, kissed, held hands with, dated, asked out, or been asked out by a girl. I'm scared that I might get old, regret not socializing, but find that it's too late and I wasted my life.

Fuck that shit

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Thanks bro

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How are you even supposed to find someone who shares interests like vidya?
Talking to someone out of nowhere in public seems creepy and places like conventions seem like they're for pre-made groups of friends.

He was the guy who did that panda girl one too, huh? Someone just posted that the other day.

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I’ll give it ten more years and then probably kill myself if a miracle doesn’t happen. I’ve seen bigger wastes of life than me have kids, so no point in ending it before then just in case. But after that, I’m fucking out of here. No way in hell I’m doing 40-50 more years of this shit.

I can continue being ignorant and lazy. thank you user

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i want a thic smelly bat gf shutin

Before this thread dies, which is better to play with her?
>Battleblock & CastleCrashers
>Borderlands 2 & Borderlands Pre-Sequal
She's preddy casual.

Last I checked "talk about video games" was still a rule.
Just don't report me.

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>tfw your standards exceed the realms of reality
i just wanna marry a monster girl bros

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>tfw no lioness GF to pamper you while you sleep all day

The Mc looks ripped. Thank god.

no her taste in games is terrible, usually weep trash. I sit beside her and make fun of her and the game she's playing.

>She loves getting bullied.

>having a nice monster girl thread
>faggot tries to ruin it
And some people wonder why gays are so hated


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>tfw I'll never marry my perfect demon wife
/x/ lied to me

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I met my girlfriend at a D&D game my roommate put together at university. We got along, started hanging out outside of the game, and started dating.

>tfw you want to be proportionally ant sized bf to a cute girl

It's all equally impossible oh well.

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kill yourself for using the term tig ol bitties you normalfaggot cunt

Based user

Quick name 3 chill manga that you are reading now
The Way of the House Husband
Bijin Onna Joushi Takizawa-san
Farming Life in another world

Battleblock and CastleCrashers are fun.

Oh, it's the same guy who did the thicc volleyball girl. Great.

I play Battleblock and B2 and have a great time with her. Really likes Battleblock for some reason. We just got Duck Game and Terraria which should be pretty fun as well

>lives only a year
>goes to high school