Remember us. Remember we once parsed logs
Remember us. Remember we once parsed logs
Sup bro.
God I want to hug Dulia and shove my art in her cute little face.
trying out WHM, first time really healing (aside from having levelled it to 60 during sb), holy shit
>big burst assize
>holy spamming
>tetra, benediction
>big damage
is this the best healer?
Do you think they'll manage to unfuck AST before Savage is out or do you think it's going to be in the cuckshed until 6.0?
Their track record with the truly awful at release jobs isn't very good.
It's pretty good and pretty fun to play, especially in dungeons. SCH is arguably better for raids, but is also a hell of a lot less fun to play now.
How long does it generally take before servers are open to accepting new characters?
i cannot wait to get that
They're gonna shuffle some numbers around but won't address the actual issues, like the fucked cooldowns and utility on AST
Expect DRG and WHM to get nerfed, SMN and WAR will get buffed, SCH will get a few appeasement changes that won't actually affect the way the job is played, and MNK players will continue to be massive crybabies no matter what gets better or worse
best girl for best expansion.
>Expecting anything to get nerfed
you almost sounded like you knew what the fuck you were talking about
they're open at off hours
>but that's ravana there's no way you'll hit high in current conte-
Riding home
Dying hope
Hold onto hope
>mfw went to bed with 100%
>wake up, check my character
>it's now 98
Why is this allowed?
DRG is overtuned, objectively. It has like 100 less personal DPS than fucking SAM and still has its raid buffs.
WHM probably isn't, but it's doing more damage than the tanks right now and it's hurting their egos.
>DRG being allowed to do more damage than other DPS
>WHM ever having anything to be positive about
did you start playing in 5.0? lmfao
>just finished and no longer have to duck spoilers
Feels good bros. Where do I get Emet EX? And why are the SHB EX's in the Raid Finder and not the duty finder? Yes, I'm new
That a fat noble character actually turned out to be nice and reasonable made me realize that in for some above average writing
Oh dear. And when are off hours? I'm EST and it's just about midnight but are most NA players central or west coast?
you forgot to dilate
>Where do I get Emet EX?
Final boss EX comes in the X.1 patch, so he'll come out in October. For now there's Innocence and Titania.
That's Sam needing some serious repass on their kit/potencies. Drg rdps according to balance trannies is like 2-500 maybe.
SE does not do nerfs
SE does not do nerfs
Why is a healer doing more damage than my MNK?
God, people are absolute shite at this game. Everytime I see some fag at half hp standing 2 feet away from an asylum or sacred soil or earthly star honestly makes me want to just let them die.
Hades EX won't be out until 5.1 most likely. Relevant raid duties go into raid finder instead of duty finder.
Don't be so upset, maybe you're better than me in another game.
I don't know user, do you only hit 80k dmg every 90 seconds like WHM?
Because you suffer for Lyse's mistakes
Okay but why are the in the Raid Finder? Is it always like that immediately after an expansion drops? Is it any different to the duty finder EX stuff?
Um proofs?
AST balancing will go one of two ways, as it has since its release:
>Remains garbage for most of the expansion until the very end, when they overbuy it into SCH levels of broken
>Will get overbuffed at the very start and will remain good for the rest of the expansion
As of right now it's looking like it's on the 3.0 patch, aka the first option. The good news is that the entire player base, JP included, has had a collective "what the fuck" reaction to the healer changes, enough that AST will probably get some much deserved changes by the time 5.05 comes around. The issue is that AST needs a LOT to catch up to WHM/SCH, and they may only get a few changes.
I wouldn't be surprised if come 5.05 the only changes we see are a shorter cooldown on Div, as well as a cooldown reduction on CU/CO, and that's it.
>MNK players will continue to be massive crybabies no matter what gets better or worse
As a monk player I don't even know what SE could do to change it with just number swapping. The class is just the same thing, which is fine if you liked playing monk back in ARR since it's functionally the exact same rotation just with a couple extra button, but it's always been that. Leveling DRG currently and there's so much more shit to do comparatively. Wish monk got shit to spam ogcd that wasn't just forbidden chakra and elixer field over and over. Guess I'm just bored of monk after all this time.
Hey BLMs, can WHMs be your friends this expac?
It's certainly possible.
Some of the biggest problems AST has are low potencies and an overly long cooldown & short duration for Divination.
Those are things that can feasibly be fixed in a balance patch
Currently relevant high level content goes in there, I guess to make it seem more daunting so people are more prepared. It's not actually any different.
Yeah because Six Sided Star is FUCKING USELESS seriously, has anyone noticed how Bootshine does more damage than it 90% of the time? Outside of a quick refill of GL, it's useless
>SE does not do nerfs
>SE nerfed NIN because players were using a rotation they weren't aware of in early SB
>SE nerfed shield swipe by 1/3 and took 2 passes on Holy Spirit nerfing it both times
>SE does not do nerfs
>take my time in the MSQ and clear it in a week instead of half a day
>every Ex learning PF requires you to watch "the video" before attempting it
>start my own PF and it never fills
Man, I like the aesthetics of these thing but the saw design is too goofy, I'm conflicted on it. It looks like a keyblade if you squint.
Hi Illberd, what are your thoughts on the Blue Mage job?
>max ilvl
>not in the mood to level anything else
Keep at it, just label your PF "blind run" or something. There's still absolute boatloads of people pouring in for the new game.
>>every Ex learning PF requires you to watch "the video" before attempting it
I hate people like this. Seriously, fuck them
If you start a blind learning PF, you'll get takers eventually.
A lot of people prefer to do the EX blind since they're not really that hard.
It's because raid finder plays by different rules than duty finder. You can select options to only queue with people who have already beat the duty, certain learning phases or other shit. It isn't that useful because everyone just uses PF anyways to find what they want. It used to be a long time ago before RF was a thing that everything was in DF, but they decided to separate the ex versions and savage fights because people take them more seriously than normal fights.
Why SB didn't had things like that?
>still haven't finished ShB
>took BRD from 70 to 77, then started over and took WHM from 70 to 76
>still only up to the 75 MSQ
I don't even care about the story, it's so fucking boring
I worry they do something half arsed in 5.01 like potency tweaks on malefic and combust (they shouldn't be that shit in the first place) and won't actually touch any of their poorly tuned long cooldowns till 5.1. By that time the damage is already done in terms of perception of the general populace.
Finished Heavensward Quest
Grandpa got the power of God. Does he have echo powers? Also Kino fight as fuck in space. I'm still angry about Ice mommy reeeee. Also why in the fuck didn't we warn edge guy about the corruption, we just happily give the guy the eyes. Also holy shit i finally get to meet trailer senpai..i think, Kino space. Is that Alexander at the end? I really liked Heavensward. But i keep hearing stormblood is doo it anons?
those are always trap PFs, never join those
if a PF has anything more than "learning pt", "clear pt", "farm pt", or a brief description about the strat for a major mechanic, it's a trap party.
Maybe 5AM EST
In the weeks before it was at leadt 1EST
Don't sweat it user, label the group blind run, doing all phases, learn as we go etc, etc, and you'll get takers, people are still just now getting to max level
Anyone got pictures of the new ex mounts?
>lvl 71
>try starting to use the new skill preparatory touch
>durability is all fucked up, CP goes down the drain, waste not barely helping
I guess I'll go back to prudent.
Heavensward is better than Stormblood but Stormblood isn't trash, it's just weighed down by the mhigger part, once you get to Doma it's decently fun
>Half helping worthless Mhiggers
>Half in weeb land with cancer lizards
Buy a skip desu
Stormblood is boring except for the Azim Steppe, but the Azim Steppe was written by the Shadowbringers and Dark Knight quest writer so that's to be expected and cherished.
Rush through, get to shadowkino.
>Does he have echo powers?
No, if you notice as soon as he summons it into himself his demeanor immediately changes from 'I have to end this war' to 'I have to become godking'.
>Also why in the fuck didn't we warn edge guy about the corruption, we just happily give the guy the eyes
He knew about the corruption, everyone just thought Nidhogg was dead.
>Is that Alexander at the end?
Yes and it's a musical journey through pure ludokino.
WHM is balanced like BLM.
BLM is tuned to do a fuckton of dps in trade of you move = dps loss so you do slightly more dps than other jobs to take casting into account.
WHM is tuned to do a fuckton of dps in trade of having to use gcds to heal. That's the whole point of afflatus skills being gcd as they're a method for WHM to consume lilies to have less of a dps loss than as if they used medica II or cure III.
That's how you balance jobs that only rely on personal dps.
Also WHM outdpsing tanks is only verified on 99th percentiles, on the 95 and below WHMs are doing less dps than tanks.
Stromblood is filler. Not shit but not HW or ShB.
Honestly pretty fucking ugly. I got the titania one, and good god am I not using it, ever.
Stormblood is a filler expansion (alliance raid is a retread of Final Fantasy Tactics with Final Fantasy XII characters, 8-man is a "greatest hits" of FF5 and FF6 bosses), but it's not actually bad. It's mostly that it has extremely little to do with where Heavensward left off, and it blows over Ala Mhigo so quickly you wonder why they bother.
Stormblood is boring trash and 90% of the events are filler, you can literally skip everything and not miss a single important detail. It only picks up near the end with the Doma story and it stays interesting as long as Lyse isn't on screen.
Stormblood comes down to primarily establishing the prince of autism as it's most important moment, other than that it's pretty fillerish compared to heavensward
Have you hugged the Crystal Exarch today, Anons? He'll get lonely if you don't visit...
I showed off my minion to him the moment I picked it up.
>WHMs now need to adjust BLMs to do damage
>Zenos is going to make a fucking hat out of Zodiark so no one gets in the way of his fight with the warrior of light
What the fuck is even going on with the story at the very end
I'm one of the few people that got really invested in the hopeless situation in Ala Mhigo, and I'm just mad how barebones that part of the story is in SB
I'm not one to start dub vs sub wars because to each their own and I think they're fucking stupid but, I don't like Emet's 11 voice.
Who cares, it's not meant to be used like that, it's just filler for when you think you're going to lose stacks
>Leveling roulette
>Tank keeps over-pulling and wiping us
>Arguing with tank about some stupid shit unrelated to his performance
>15 minutes after not saying anything he stops to type, continuing the argument
>Does this during a boss' telegraphed attack and dies
>Tank: "gg i could do this duty in half the time bye"
I was hooked at the very start with the Resistance leader telling you flat-out there is no centralized resistance, anybody interested in such a thing is either dead or in hiding, and they don't have any strong bodies to offer up the for the cause. Then, poof, Lyse clenches her fist and goes to Doma.
I wish Nero was the engineer for the scions instead of Cid..
It's because of Lyse. Shitty fap bait before SB release to get people interested in SB.
>just wiped in Tsuyu normal roulette
didn't even know this was still possible
That's because the JP actor is playing it with his 'cliche villain #23' voice
Autism trumps gods everytime, just as we beat every primal that looks at us sideways so too will our battle autist equal Zenos do the same
Literally me 10 minutes ago. To be fair I didn't remember shit about it either.
>Stormblood is filler
Introduces character who will probably be the main villain for the foreseeable future.
I didn’t like it much either bro but it isn’t filler.
This is a lie, there are tons of blind PFs and will be for the next week or so as well.
You know it was that madman Nero who drew up the plans for copying Omega and Alexander in the first place.
Sounds like a blessing
I want to play other games than XIV but want to level everything to 80 first
What's your favorite job?
You can use the Echo to control Primals. Zenos wants (You) to have a rematch with him after each of you eats a Primal (either Hydaelyn or Zodiark) so you can have the biggest one on one of all time.
>get Ravana in roulette
>completely forget how it works; no idea what's going on
>half the group gets knocked off the stage at the first opportunity
Blood trickling down to Hydaelyn indeed.
5.0.1 changes
Combust 3 potency increased to 50
Collective Unconscious regen increase to 60
New Skill: Arouse - Increase fairy healing by 20% for 15 seconds grants 20 fairy gauge costs 1 aetherflow
Removed MP cost on all spells
Standing in Leylines now grants a 5% damage buff for the party
New Skill: Shake it On - Consumes the shields generated from Shake it Off dealing damage equal to the health remaining on the shields.
>Leveling roulette
I hope you were in a level 50 or below dungeon.
I want to hugHimiko
BLM and MCH are by far the most fun in SHB. I hear DRG is too but haven't played it
You can get knocked off the stage in Ravana?
Should I level SAM, BLM, MCH or GNB tomorrow?
There are always retards, t. wiped on my first clear, also died a pair of times to the cleave
>Hates carboys
>Plays carboys online
What did he mean by this?
You just know Zenos is gonna wear no shirt for that fight and make overly sexual taunts every other second
>Emet Selch leaves the world in WoLs hands just in time for Garleans to decide to fuck the planet in every way possible.
>Standing in Leylines now grants a 5% damage Oh christ no
>New Skill: Arouse
Yes, in normal only during second phase though
Please buff NIN yoshi-san
monks will cry til they get their PB reduced back to a state where they can do TK autism again while also keeping everything else like leaden fists and SSS or ana-whatever(Redundant at that point, honestly)
They don't want to refine the basics, they want to pretend they're a big brain melee DPS with all this crazy little shit optimization when its still just hitting two major buttons and then playing simon says.
The discipline is fundamentally flawed and whilst it is fun to use it's powerful armament of spells, the negative opinion upon it's announcement has soured the feelings on many who would wish to master it. Therefore, it would have to be nerfed to be removed from it's limited nature, and that too would sour the people who partake of this embodiment of bloodletting currently.
In closing, Square Enix has handled this in a matter of inadequate performance which has damaged the goodwill of their followers and thus would need to listen to both sides who like this magician class now and those who do not if they are to allow it to enter current areas of end game combat.
Gimme your best Emet quotes
You ever notice Emet-selch's slight hunch in all of his normal poses? Almost like he's constricted by a relatively small form compared to the normal 14-foot tall giant Ascians are supposed to be
Why would our best friend be a villain?
Zenos felt affection for the first time when you beat the holy fuck out of him in Stormblood, his autism now demands that he considers himself in love
>almost cried both after the Mt Gulg trial and the ending one
>Tfw "LOOK AT ME!"
They tricked us with big tits in the cinematic and art, only to deny us by giving her flat pancakes.
Foes and Misery's End added back to the game
For the coolest job, MCH or GNB
To actually be good, BLM
If the shed is comfy for you, SAM
It's supposed to convey the heavy burden of his quest, user.
I just assumed he was really fucking stressed out/depressed
His handwave just screams 'I could give two shits about all of this, fuck off'
>Zenos will be the final story boss of the game
Not sure how I feel about this.
Why is there no 'The Ascians fear the Samurai' image with Zenos yet?
TK is unironically worthless even if PB was on a 20 second cooldown thanks to 6SS and Leaden Fist
It's whatever Not-Anor Londo at 57 is called. Healer did the best he could from what I say
I did cry so don't worry about it
My Chains of Promathia feels overwhelmed me after Amaurot
There's one in the other thread.
>Trying to level all the Crafters equally
>The cost of Lightning and Wind Crystals on the market right now
This shit is getting brutal.
>Final story boss is your best friend
Try Hydaelyn. There's no room for gods in this world.
>BLM isn't cool
Rest is correct
>get suzaku in trial roulette
>some new people
>start and immediately wipe from exploding add
>start again and wipe because nobody hit the feather in the middle
>after asking how they all possibly got to 70 they hit me with the be nice to new people
>mechanics we're dying to aren't even new, they're not even mechanics just kill the adds
Then we abandon because looking at the symbol the bird is flying over and moving to another quarter is too hard
>Zenos saves you from black rose
>he also saves millions of people because he doesn't like to use such "weak" weapons in war
what a complete and utter bro
You know they'll still try to force it even then. You cannot help these autists and make them happy at the same time.
He literally says it's exhausting to be under such heavy light.
Every job is cool, MCH and GNB just stand out in my opinion
Have people who think ff14 has a good story ever actually read a book or played any non-JRPG? lol
if they resolve the whole ascian/garlean thing this expansion whats going to be next
>mfw I get rouletted into a dungeon or trial I haven't touched in years
The Moon.
Easy to judge something you never played/read.
Whatever the fuck is inside the planet that dabbed on the Ascian's in the first place
I don't remember "LOOK AT ME" at all.
>Innocence in roulette
>end up with slashing debuff
>blow tank LB3 because why not, we're about to die and I want to see it
>cut a fucking gash in the sky and bleed the void out of it
>party actually survives the ultimate and we clear it
>Estinien gets forced to do the WoL's jobs and chores during shadowbringers
that was great
>Running low on wind crystals
>Next 9 turn ins all give 80-90
Felt good. Still fucked for lightning, though
Most dont want to admit the changes in practice are better than simply reading about them from media tours. There's a reason MNK is currently the best melee job on Innocence, a very anti-melee fight, and it's because of six sided star and being able to juggle between anatman and riddle of earth to maintain stacks during the multiple disconnects. I still wouldnt say the job has found it's niche, but it's better than everyone assumed it would be
Will they add more things to buy with nuts? Already sitting at 1k and buying materia is a scam
>I had difficulty finding a fault in Emet-Selchs motivations
>he's basically a boomer and I almost sympathized with him for it
To be frank both sides were right but I'm more impressed with the story for bringing this moral conflict to play. The rest was more of the same so I can say this expansion was a very good single player RPG at best but not much of an MMO experience at all. That being said, not many modern MMOs really are proper MMO experiences at all so it goes without saying I suppose.
>half of the race sacrificed themselves to save the world
>remaining half sacrificed saved their lives to feed the summon to save the world
would they truly have wanted emet to kill everything to bring them back?
Well done, ma'am.
There many lands in Eorzea
It's time to just adventure around world
What's Gunbreaker's LB3?
You'll be able to buy armor and accessory upgrades for capped tome gear in the odd patches.
just because other stories are good doesn't mean this one is bad you autist. Just because moby dick is good doesn't mean ff7 is bad
yeah, you'll get your logs that you'll need multiple off to turn in for tomestone accessory upgrades when the raid comes out
Gunmetal Soul
The Ascians created their own apocalypse though.
>mfw I unsubbed in 2.4 right when the game became unsalvageable
I really liked how if the WoL contained the light and joined him, he was going to let the you bring the scions along just because they were your friends, even if he only found you useful.
multiple 70's hun.
Stop speedreading
besides ast and sch it's been salvaged
>one moogle shows up
>I really liked how if the WoL contained the light and joined him
He wouldn't
He says so, but his tempered by primal so he would just find another reason to be a whiny bitch
>see an advert for an FC that's solely for lalas and those who are into lalas
>legitimately considering going for it
Why do I think lalas are so cute?
Pay attention to what Emet and the friendly Giants are saying next time. A noise came from within the planet that turned their powers haywire and caused monstrosities to be created out of nothing, this caused their fear to skyrocket and imagine worse things and the cycle repeated itself.
>Their track record
For balancing anything is pure dogshit.
Anyone expecting them to not fuck something up, be it class changes, new content, anything at all has a screw lose or two.
>Alphinaud buffs the fuck out of Alisaie with shields if she doesn't dodge aoes
>Y'shtola yells at Urianger to adjust when she is casting in an AoE
>Thancred is a parsefag and will kick you if you are doing low dps
I love trusts.
Those percentages are incredibly misleading. The absolute worst tanks just mash their 123 combo over and over and fuck up all their ogcds and burst timings, the absolute worst healers LITERALLY NEVER DO ANY DAMAGE AT ALL
Also: tanks require a measure of skill to do absolute perfect simulated damage numbers, to do 8k dps as a white mage and outdamage your tank you literally only press 2 buttons.
More damage thank every tank with less barrier of execution is 100% getting nerfed and anyone who thinks otherwise is a brainlet
Remember it's a tranny or neckbeard behind them
Being tempered just means he wants to fulfill Zodiark's will. It doesn't mean he doesn't also miss his loved ones and friends, or that he doesn't want to find a successor in mankind.
in my eyes, stormblood is the sequel to heavensward. stormblood was just filler.
>Emet-Selch is a boomer
Its ironic because everyone who defends FFXIVs gameplay is a zoomer
He would. Emet never said a lie and even said he liked being around you all.
shadowbringers is the sequel to heavensward*
>there's only one moogle in all of the first
>he's an absolute lunatic
I thought only female Au Ra were trannies? Is the infection spreading?
>i435 GNB
>can't clear innocence dummy
is this normal or am i doing something wrong?
Where do I trade in red scrips?
And no 80s, obviously.
Dragoons are going to be unbearable this expansion aren't they? I got bitched in a Titania Ex because I didn't run fast enough away to break the tether so they could instantly jump back in because 'muh parser'.
The second one
everyone and everything you don't like is a tranny
They already are, pray they get slapped down come balancing
Parsetrannies are insufferable in general.
>disregarding Stormblood as an expansion just because of a story
Basically proves Emet-Selch's reasoning.
RIP Alisaie
>tells everyone to kill him to take leadership of the hunts
>they don't kill him
>people come back and tell everyone he is dead anyway
If you didn't pick "What, all by myself?" and "I challenge you, Emet-Selch." then we can't be friends anymore, user.
>The absolute worst tanks just mash their 123 combo
If only you knew how bad things really are.
The following big bads are liable to be on the horizon:
Possible, but seems like they are avoiding the "Turns out the light god is evil too" theme. So far she's done nothing overtly negative and the only problem is she's limp wristed. I could see her electing to intervene more actively and thereby become a bad primal.
Exceedingly likely. Him or an avatar of his or perhaps Zenos 'eats' him.
>The primordial terror that began the original calamity
Very likely. Look at the Ivalice 24 man ending cinematic, with a Garlean legion general finding an Ascian-quality weapon able to 'dig a hole to the earth's very core'
For the last time the first ascian you speak to says it begins with the cacophonous keening. "The sound distorts all living things within earshot, and wrests from us control of our creation magicks. ONCE THAT HAPPENS, all is lost [goes on to describe how 'every dread impulse'' is given life and substance]".
Creation magicks require a conscious concentrated effort as Amaurotine dialogue documents. The chthonic screaming disrupts their ability to control their creation magicks. It is not that being scared makes an Amaurotine unable to control their magicks and thus create whatever comes to mind. Whatever takes control of their creation magicks explicitly causes only dread impulses to appear. Nothing good.
>More turn-ins offering Ice Crystals
I've actually started buying up processed materials because it's often vastly cheaper when you factor in the crystal cost: cloth rolls especially so. The amount of time saved will compensate for the lost experience.
We won’t :^)
>or that he doesn't want to find a successor in mankind.
It's possible for him to wish to do it, but being tempered would stop him from actually finding one, because it contradicts goal of bringing ifrit/zodiark/whaatever shit back
when are we getting this as a paladin set
what race should i be
You're a moron aren't you? Being tempered doesn't necessarily mean you're a brainwashed dummy.
Hyur Highlander
Seems like you're a fag with no personality so male hyur midlander.
how much dps should i be hitting do you think? parser says i'm doing 6437. only had 4% left.
It does mean you're brainwashed, it just doesn't mean you can't have any thoughts or dreams of your own.
Post Kino
It does
>Fag with no personality
You meant cat didn't you user
Any good set for healers ?
Where the fuck are the MTQ ex guides? How am I supposed to farm without them
>going from emet-selch to elidibus and zenos
Well I guess this is the last expansion that will have a good story
Not how Hydaelyn and Zodiark work. Only the primals like Ifrit and Garuda strip you of your will.
Only after they add this
How about cute and funny?
>anatman in the rotation
>riddle of fire phase is now just getting in another buffed bootshine
>lack of fast GL generation makes dungeons feel like a chore as you have to slowly ramp up back to full GL stacks with each fucking trash pull
The absolute state of monk.
Didn't she quit making guides or something after getting called out by someone else?
gonna play an au ra
these ain't kino but post more
seething hyurfag detected. If you play it you literally are a boring normie faggot who probably owns an iphone
Does anyone have the template for that?
pic unrelated
>Tataru forces him to do it
Lalafell master race
You know, why WASNT she a dancer? Why the fuck is she a rogue when they could have used her to showcase the new class like they did with Thancred
post HRT pills
>not running ahead of your tank
>Unironically calling someone a normie
You're the only normalfag here user
Go back to /vg/ you pedo faggots.
Has somebody translated it? I mean it's understandable at a glance but i don't want to spend like 30 minutes trying to decipher it
>couldn't mating press the jongleur twins
Shit game.
Wall to wall is easy in that dungeon so either your tank or healer were shit
>The absolute state of monk.
More like the constant state of monk, you've all been fucking whiny faggots since 2.0
Thank you
Probably cause she was taught to fight by thancred, who was a rogue.
Are you the faggot who constantly cries about male characters existing?
how will other expacs even compete
Because Thancred teaches her that way.
Does the shadowbringers story have any scenes where it doesn't really make much sense unless you're a certain role? I thought it was stupid in stormblood when WoL and Lyse went up for their sparring match if you were a scholar or summoner you just fucking charged at her to book slap her shit in.
>I don't know what I'm talking about
Hush, child.
making the cute underage girl a slutty dancer is too far even for Japan.
And yet we're still towards the top of the DPS charts
Shut the fuck up already
headpat SLUT
I wasn't either so whatever
its literally the book of Heavensward written by the boss man of House Fortemps
thank you Emet
10/10 Prime hebe slut
It's a combination of his metaphorical burden, and I'm pretty sure his posture/animation work is the same as the Amaurotine NPCs
By keeping the same main writer.
And getting job designers that actually play healer
/headpat emote when.
Oh it's just an excerpt out of that then? I thought it was something specifically for that scene
>he cant time anatman properly to not get fucked by server ticks
>he doesn't like biggest of the dickus bootyshining
>clearing up trash mattering at all in regards to openers and the like
imagine hating fun
Honestly the only thing I remember was helping healing at one point as a White Mage. I'm not sure if there were any other specific job only scenes.
time kompression
Not really, but there is one scene where someone gets hurt and you can help heal them if you're on a healer job.
I thought for sure Big Boy would turn them into meol
Lmao fuck off normie
Fucking lalas.
>urianger is objectively a worse healer than alph and cant handle the same double pulls
Even as ai ast is shit
Shut up you fucking retard. If you want big deeps, play a BLM. Monk was gutted for 5.0 and no amount of crit bootshines will change that. The job hasn't been this unfun since ARR.
Can't have it because of lalaniggers existing. Same reason Alisaie can't hug is, we don't headpat Ryne, we don't catch Y'shtola etc,etc. Lalaniggers and their potato bodies ruin everything
Page 11 of the lorebook, first one.
"With corporeal manifestation complete, a primal can also project its own internal aether upon other weak-minded beings, corrupting their hearts and minds, effectively creating obedient followers. This "Tempering" can prove a primal's greatest weapon [goes on to describe resummoning]". It is not possible to be tempered and to pursue an agenda inimical to the primal. You are not made into a brainwashed mindless drone (unless you were already dumb to begin with), but you are brainwashed into being a loyal acolyte who will further the interests of the primal above all else.
Emet is both tempered by Zodiark but he also has no reason to wish to find a successor in mankind. He's seen nothing to make him optimistic about us. The final cinematic with the masks in the abyss demonstrate his conviction independent of Zodiark. If he fails, if he doesn't complete his mission, everything was for naught. His civilization and his loved ones and friends and family were for naught, all his and their pain and hopes and dreams were pointless. Emet was never going to not seek the rejoinings because he is tempered, and because nothing the WoL or Scions could do would convince him if he wasn't tempered.
Oh for fuck's sake it's this retard again. You have no evidence to justify that, just your own headcanon.
>Emet: "Yeah we're tempered by Zodiark. Zodiark is the eldest of Primals. Again, Zodiark is a primal. Hydaelyn is too."
There is zero evidence ingame that the tempering of Zodiark or Hydaelyn operates differently. Your headcanon doesn't fucking matter.
>waaah muh TK mommy I want to see BEEG numbers and pretend it's skill intensive
>that look of euphoria in her eyes
what a little slut, getting off on being headpat like that.
Here's your (you)
what the fuck is this retarded post
On Elemental I cleared Titania Extreme by just queueing for it for Duty Completion.
Queue popped in around 5 mins as dps and we cleared on second attempt. The extremes are so easy both Inno and Titania are just primarily queued for on JP datacenter instead of using the party finder.
I'm at a point where I intentionally never use ACT because I know I'll just get upset at what I see and I don't want to be any more miserable than I already am
Play a different job and bitch about that instead. You will never be happy with MNK no matter how much they change it. It's impossible to take you seriously when you've been throwing these tantrums for three whole expansions now.
>tfw you get two crit direct hits back to back.
>just use ACT bro lmao
>b-but bootshine has the big dmg
How about yoshi reworks monk to have just one button and everytime you hit it, a big fat 50,000!!! appears over the targets head. I be that would get you wet, you fucking brainlet.
Gunmetal soul, shoots a huge magitek shield. Bit underwhelming in effect but fits the class's flavor
Alright cool, thanks guys.
Fucking lalas literally ruin everything, making them a playable race was the biggest mistake xiv ever made.
After crit, what should I meld as SCH?
on crystal the fights are both literally impossible. I wish I was joking, I've spent hours trying to kill Titania with like a dozen different groups and they're all fucking terrible shitters
I should just transfer to JP since my FC died anyways and the ping isn't that bad
Guys the Bureau just fucked me up big time rejecting my proposal for a cute, sentient humanoid designed for sexual relief. Said I had something wrong with the concept matrix not "in alignment" with the expression module. I called bullshit but they kicked me out.
Can anyone here have a look at my concept? No one else seems to be interested, going on and on about that weird big noise a week ago, everyone seems worried but it only knocked down my Elidibus-signed katana collection
Lmao like clock work you bring up TK. It's all you faggots can do when anyone critizized the 5.0 monk changes. Here's a fact, whether you like it or not, TK rotation was more involved, and therefore rewarding, than 121212
are my options for servers pretty much only going to be the ass end of crystal?
>living, breathing players are incapable of handling big pulls and complain if you pull more than one group at a time
>Trust NPCs do it fine
It's a potato, man.
Same as it's been
>no crit?
healers have been the same for expansions now
>You will never be happy with MNK no matter how much they change it.
Nah, I was happy with monk for a long time, TK rotation monk being the high point.
spoiler: kino ahead
Alright, thanks.
Crit > Det > Dhit >> SpSpd >>> Piety
Crit and det are your primary stats for healing. Dhit only helps damage and it's extremely rare to find a piece of gear that already has Crit and Det capped. Spell Speed is useless, basically only melded as a meme. I'll never understand why they removed primary stat melds but left Piety and Tenacity materia in the game.
Make your character in the dead of night and all servers will be open for new character creation
The story is literally filler. Unlike in Heavensward we had to reside in Ishgard because the scions were being framed and shit. Then gain their trust.
With Stormblood there was no necessary action to push forward to Ala Mhigo except every character around us was rising that Ala Mhiggan dick. Then out of nowhere we go to Othard?
det sucks on healers
>lines up naturally with all buffs
>use TK and press 3 3 6 with PB
>or use TK and press tackle twice followed by 456
Very involved, especially when you were using all your flank positonals or all your rear positonals and not moving inbetween like you are now
BLM: oh no
Direct Hit or Crit for Dragoon melds?
Also for the retard who keeps thinking Zodiark doesn't temper and it's just some sincere ideological dispute post-summoning (it was when it was 13 v 1. The minute Zodiark was summoned it ceased to be ideological because he is a primal and this is what primals do).
>Level 76: The Best Way Out
Emet-Selch: Will you never grow tired of shuffling your feet?
Emet-Selch: If you have something to ask me, /ask/.
>> Choice 1: Tell me about Zodiark.
Emet-Selch: As I told you before--Zodiark is the creation of my people. The /first/ people.
Emet-Selch: We summoned Him, as your kind might summon a primal--albeit an infinitely more powerful one.
Emet-Selch: And like one of your primals, He tempered us. It was only natural. There is no resisting such power. And so we Ascians came to exist solely to bring about the rule of darkness. His darkness. Of course, some would call us "evil" for it... and they would be fools. Though that is only to be expected, given their innate ability to conceive of the nature of our universe.
Emet-Selch: ...But I believe I am repeating myself. Do you not trust me to speak honestly? Do you hope to catch me in a lie?
Emet-Selch: /Really/. I have no need of deception--and even if I did, I assure you: you would find it quite indistinguishable from the truth.
>> Choice 2: Nothing springs to mind.
Emet-Selch: Hmph. Perhaps I flatter myself expecting you to take an interest in the knowledge I possess. Or perhaps I flatter /you/.
>Emet-Selch: And like one of your primals, He tempered us. It was only natural. There is no resisting such power. And so we Ascians came to exist solely to bring about the rule of darkness.
>He tempered us
>So we ascians came to exist solely to bring about the rule of darkness.
It doesn't suck as much as the other options
Please take a moment to think before wasting a fucking post
>The story is literally filler
Isn't the First collapsing literally fucking over our world kind of not filler?
Tell me what classes under 50 to level up
right because the better options are
Isn't litany affected by the crit stat?
>extremely rare to find a piece of gear that already has Crit and Det capped
More like it doesn't happen anymore since you always get 1 capped and 1 uncapped substat on every single piece of gear since, what, HW?, SB?, regardless, a long ass fucking time.
>With Stormblood there was no necessary action to push forward to Ala Mhigo except every character around us was rising that Ala Mhiggan dick
Yeah except that whole thing where Ilberd faked an Alliance attack on Garlemald and summoned a primal on their doorstep
PLD's AF2 is genuinely pretty close to that
>Very involved
yes, very. Far more than 1212. You'd have to be an absolute fucking brainlet to think otherwise.
You're right about healer changes being what the fuck but the rest of your post is utter fucking bullshit.
Healing between all three healers is roughly equal, SCH healing has basically improved and so has AST healing. AST now has ways to mimic Depolyment tacitcs and even delayed heals to rival WHMs burst heals. In a lot of ways their healing is far more efficient than both SCH who has range issues when it comes to their aoe heals and WHM who is incredibly prone to overheal
The things they need to fix for both AST and SCH are:
>thew new Draw rotation is absolutely retarded and offers very little reward for all the work you put into it, its basically a worse expanded balance and it gets in the way of your Malefic spam
>just damage buffs doesnt make it feel into a buff class
>SCH which is the more fucked of the two
>No Energy Drain means they don't have anything to spend Aetherflow stacks on, this is the most common complaint and probably the first that should be addressed. You actually have nothing to spend aetherflow stacks on after one excog and sacred soil and usually aetherflow comes back up before you can spend the last stack
>No pet actions, seriously what in the ever loving fuck is up with this? WHY do people even want a summoner that doesn't have pets? It makes no fucking sense, I wish people that defend this would just stop existing
>Deployment tactics range and Catalyze not being spreadable do not mix at all, as it stands Recitation is ONLY worth using on Adloquim, you literally lose heal potency and efficacy everywhere else. Using recitation on anything other than Adloquim is essentially overhealing, using it to not expend aetherflow stacks is also a waste because as it stands now they are plentiful as fuck. Because of this DT is only worth using from the tank, and that means theres no reasonable way to land this on everyone at the right time.
Tldr AST and SCH are really fucked and basically need a revamp.
You could make an argument that Heavensward is filler since the Dragonsong War has nothing to do with Ascians or Garlemald which have always been the main antagonists.
crit > dh > ss > det
>Or perhaps I flatter /you/
How was he so smart he figured it out by level 76
Those are b cups
user's probably referring to
>gear has two slots
>only takes 66 of a melded stat
>Your options are to meld two stats or overmeld
>big dick pull mobs
>Trusts refuse to AoE
But the Echo grants immunity to tempering and existed at the time of 6he ascians, Emet even makes a snide remark about ours being "borrowed"
We still don't know 100% what the echo is, it might be a naturally occurring phenomenon or a sign someone's soul dates back to Amaurot
How do I SCH in dungeons? During big pulls, I'm just constantly struggling to keep the DPS alive. Lustrate seems like it should be more powerful considering I only get it 3 times a minute (1-2 times with excog being used). And the fairy beam often doesn't seem powerful for how little time I get to have it up.
I'm sure I'm just a scrub, but yeah big pulls are horrible for me right now. Trials and bosses are just fine.
stop skipping cutscenes mouthbreather
thals balls hours, or just late? i tried till 2 last night, but being the weekend i probably shouldnt have bothered
Is it true White Mage focuses on Direct Hit and Det now?
just get something to 80 already. what are you waiting for?
but if you really want to level something, level lancer. dragoon does a retarded amount of damage right now and its pretty fun to play.
It's 141641, actually
Don’t play monk but why can’t people just anatman before pull?
If you're having to heal dps on big pulls it's not your fault.
Get Drk up so you can be the biggest Warrior of Darkness you can be.
Otherwise just play the expansion already m8
There is no DRG
DRK is on it twice
Weekend you're probably gonna have to be the absolute dead of night, but 2 in the morning should be decent enough time for a Monday night
>Recitation is ONLY worth using on Adloquim
Yeah if all you're running is fucking dungeons. Recitation on Indom is an insane amount of healing
*enters Rak'tika Greatwood*
Anatman only charges when in combat. It can charge from zero, but not outside of combat/pre-pull
I don't even know why I said DPS, I meant tank.
I should go to bed.
This is my favorite night theme, but all of the SHB zones night themes are amazing. Nothing like doing some gathering after a long farm session with this playing
Unga bunga TK was deep
Grug smash button do TWO 22k hits in window!
I'll remind you that although 3.1 and onwards focus more on the Ascians, 3.0 dealt solely with the inner troubles of a foreign community, something that could be repeated ad infinitum.
Recitation indom is good in extremes and recitation excog is good in dungeons
After you hit RoF, you double weave BH and FC. Same as always so that's moot. Then you BT, PB, DK, and BT again. There it is. That's your big dmg in RoF mode.
So does that mean you should tornado kick instead of SSS during transitions?
You're immune to tempering because Hydaelyn already tempered you herself.
_ H
which is harder, titania ex or innocence ex? are they on par with susano/lakshimi on release?
>Healing between all three healers is roughly equal, SCH healing has basically improved and so has AST healing.
>SCH mains actually believe this
Are you actually retarded? Have you looked at any of the log data from the current trials, let alone played Scholar?
Most of AST's oGCD healing spells are weak, and they have absurdly long cool downs. Scholar's healing got supercharged this expansion, it didn't get worse or "made to match AST."
One of the biggest problems right now with SCH is that because your oGCDs do so much fucking healing, you basically have nothing to spend your Aetherflow stacks on, either forcing you to waste them or use them on blatantly useless over healing
I can't believe you believe something so blatantly wrong. Even look at the difference between CU and Sacred Soil, as well as Indom and Celestial Opposition shows you have no idea what you're talking about.
AST has been dumpstered beyond belief. SCH is just boring. There is no denying this.
Oh fuck me, thank for pointing that out. I will remake it now.
And also overhealing you retarded faggot.
You have fey blessing and Indomitability now, theres no need for you to ever use recitation on anything other than Adloquim and MAYBE succor (only because of deployments horrible range).
The Echo protects you from being tempered because you're tempered by Hyeadelyn.
You should NEVER Tornado Kick in shadowbringers unless the boss is below 1%, and even then it's Six Sided Star, Forbidden Chakra (if you have it) and then Tornado Kick for a final burst
thanks for the tips. iv been keeping an eye on the server list and malboro, coeurl and diablolos have been the literal only ones the last few hours, switching between just those three, and none at all
>That will seem a lot less amusing when we are forced to kill them all.
This seems more and more likely. Emet freely admitted that Zodiark tempered him and his allies, and it's not like he's a mindless drone.
They're harder overall sans retards aligning Susano's beach volleyball with the safe line.
>recitation only spent on Adlo
user it's okay to admit you don't play the job
this entire post reeks of casual-tier garbage
We must go save this soul
But if TK has higher potency and you can Anatman your GL back, what's the issue?
If you're making a character you pick a preferred server. Giving up 100% bonus experience for 3 months because of muh erp boogieman is fucking retarded and you can transfer later if you want.
>No pet actions
That's just a retarded complaint.
SSS has higher potency and you dont lose your stacks
>schs complaining they still don’t have enough healing power when they literally shit out healing left and right with mind-numbingly broken oGCDs
schfags truly are a cancer on this earth.
so you're just going to ignore earlth star, Horoscope, celestial opposition. celestial intersection and also lightspeed? Also you have two charges on essential dignity,
NOT ONLY THAT you're going to ignore the job modifiers that make AST heal for more than SCH but less than WHM.
But no, ASTs healing is neutered.
Literally none of the healers have problems healing this expansion, the game has literally always been WAY to balanced, youre full of fucking shit.
The only problem healers face right now is playing like ass, thats the only objective truth here.
I thought Tk had the higher potency.
So what the fuck is TK for anymore then?
Innocence Ex is extremely easy. Just don't fuck up the tethers and you're already done.
Titania Ex has a ton of mechanics.
post it pls
I swear I see your post every thread now, just because you don't like what happened to SCH doesn't mean it isn't backwards ass strong now fucking stop throwing a tantrum already christ.
Right there in my post I talk about how SCH's healing is basically improved, but deployment tactics being ass means I'm saying their healing is ass. Wow the reading comprehension
Titania EX only because people struggle with knockback/Vine move. Both are pretty simple
Titania has a floor because you need to learn the mechanics but when you know the fight you're good. Innocence has a ceiling because the entire fight is dodge the bad and it's all a matter of optimization.
Titania ex has like 4 mechanics. It's not that bad.
Titania's mechanics are less obvious at a glance than Innocence, but Innocence is more exacting than Titania.
>Doesn't want pet actions on a pet class
>doesn't want pet micromanagement on a pet class
>doesn't want to cast things while ordering fairy to embrace and whispering dawn
I fucking hate people like you, you are the reason the gameplay of this game is so fucked
monks ok in actual level 80 trials where it can actually use its new toolkit but its absolutely painful everywhere outside of 8 man shit
>dependent on teammates for chakra
>soloing is absolutely horrible
>dungeons are middling amounts of pain, constantly having to slow ramp up between packs
leveling monk was just miserable and soured the whole experience
here's what id do
New MNK skill: Purification
Consume Five chakra to gain max GL stacks
Anatman: Builds chakra stacks too
Do you really think by listing out just the names of the new spells AST got you make any objective point?
Look at any healing log on FFlogs, or literally do quick napkin math of any of the potencies and you will see that SCH can dump out MORE healing in a LESS amount of time for LESS resources.
Holy fuck, do you even play the game?
>See DPS/Healer low on HP and about to eat a mechanic
>HoS/Intervention/TBN/NF them
>They live with like 100 hp
name a better feeling
>Wearing the eureka tank armor with that hat
What the fuck is that outfit
tell me about hyperion. is it a good server?
I thought for sure we were going to get a scene to top Tesleen once we backed Vauthry into a corner, with all the upper deck residents "ascending" into sin eaters. I expected something to top the horror of her transformation since it happened so early, though of course I now realize anything worse would've probably pushed the rating up on the game.
thats part of the problem, the ones that have been alright and able to be entered have never been preferred ones, iv only seen those locked as well. iv only seen the preferred ones im trying to get into locked
user it’s time to stop posting
You have revealed yourself to be nothing more than a brain dead autist who’s trying to get sch buffed even further
I knew from the moment it was brought out that it was probably onions green. But it ended up being onions green with an extra step
My tank is only lvl73 and I've already noticed that WHM is far and away the most comfortable to run with. Big dick heals, instant cast lily spells, Bene, and Holy all make you feel pretty much invincible whereas whenever I run with an AST or a SCH my health is constantly ping ponging and I feel like I'm made of paper.
Thats not even what I'm arguing here you fucking mongoloidal idiot. I never said Scholar had issues healing, infact the fact that they can only pump out healing is the fucking problem because thats literally the only thing they can expend resources on now. I'm not asking for the class to be buffed I'm asking for the class to be fucking fixed in how it plays. I'm even saying the same about AST.
Okay, here's how you fix 5.0 monk.
Add some way to get a free GL stack like old RoW.
SSS resets both GL and form timer, and is an ogcd.
Anatman grants a GL stack on use, cd is reduced.
I was anticipating a scene with the former at some point involving Ard
a shitty ability you need to spend GCD's to use and it results in mass overheal
>celestial opposition
is unequivocally dog shit now
>celestial intersection
doesn't do better WHM regen or better SCH shield
Isn't even close to as good as thin air or all of SCH's free buttons, just because you list off abilities doesn't mean you're right fucking retard.
SSS, outside of times where you actually need it to refresh GL, pretty much exists to make your "boss is jumping away" burst stronger.
>team mate gonna eat a mechanic
>pop HG and stand in the mechanic with them to cover them
>they get out free and I live with like 10%
This shit happened every fucking day on Mist Dragon.
It begins.
>wanding energy drain and pet actions back is buffing sch
Absolutely fucking ridiculous.
What's wrong with WAR? Is it putting out sub-par DPS? I know my bar is looking pretty lame these days compared to gunbreaker, I have jack shit to do, but I don't think that's going to get addressed until 6.0.
They just need to add full DPS rotations to tanks already. Aggro is no longer a concern, and as long as we can pop cooldowns for tankbusters, there's no reason we should play any different from a DPS.
>look mom I listed abilities, those abilities might be trash and worthless but I listed them so please listen to me.
I absolutely adore that we finally get to see the Scions as characters this expansion instead of the ones that aren't Alisaie/Alphinaud appearing for five minute stretches.
I don't get it
Scholar healing is shit until they hit 78 and get sacred soil regen. Then it goes back to being incredibly easy like the old days.
>I absolutely adore
Energy drain was up there for one of scholars best aetherflow abilities, again you're a brainlet and a retard stop playing the game, I promise you you're a plague to those around you.
>Back pedaling: the post
>When you literally said: "Healing between all three healers is roughly equal,"
You really need to neck yourself.
That was the least amount of effort put into a response that I've ever seen, user.
Steam Charts
>June 2015 (HW launch) peak number = 11,905
>June 2017 (SB launch) peak number = 25,599
>June 2019 (SHB launch) peak number = 41,190
I know Steam means nothing for this game but it's nice to see the game has almost quadrupled in players in just 4 years. Quite impressive for a sub only MMO in a dying genre.
We want to kill the anatman rotation user.
>pugs do dps south on tit ex
>healing between the healers is roughly equal
Did we even fucking play the same game or do you just want to shitpost, you can be honest with me dude.
Pray don't forget us your bygone kin
With one world's end as a new begin
And should our souls scatter unto the wind
Still we shall live on
>a shitty ability you need to spend GCD's to use and it results in mass overheal
It's literally 4.0 plenary. You're meant to heal with a gcd then use it as a ogcd.
trash ideas
Did the dude who wrote hildebrand write the Warrior questline? I forgot how humorous it was.
>dorongo's father offers you her hand in marriage
Remember that the true kino hasn't even begun.
>Celestial opposition is dogshit now
Not on nocturnal
>Horoscope results in overheal
Only on Diurnal because its hard to fit it into AOEs there
>Celestial intersection
Fantastic utility ability, gives you aoe regen or aoe shield on cooldown opposite to your sect effect which makes it actually useful in a myraid of situations.
Creates more ogcds
So am I just blind/retarded or do Gunbreakers get literally nothing at lvl74?
At first this felt super fucking cliche for a final shot, but the more I've thought on it the more I like it. Cliche isn't always bad.
>Take stupidest fucking quest arc
>Turn it and its characters into the best narrative in the game's franchise
Fucking masterclass. Meanwhile Kojimbo gets a narrative keynote. Fuck the world.
It is, it completely is. This game is the very definition of excessively balance. You are fighting for a difference that is less than 5% and its hilarious
I was wondering how the fuck they were going to implement that storyline but the Amaurotines have solved that problem handily
I noticed he didn't have any pants on under his skirt when he was knocked down.
Does he even have underwear?
I'm assuming going north would make the add phase a bit easier?
correct. the job already has enough buttons and more passives would make it stronger than it already is.
SO we all talk about the new skills, but waht do you guys think of the new traits? I like the new enhanced manification RDM gets.
DNC and GNB get little to nothing in between 70-80 kinda weird how all of their shit is spaced out.
why wasnt the the HW mount? this doesnt make any sense
looks like he's about to kill that kid
With Garlond Ironworks managing to reverse-engineer fucking Alexander and Omega I bet the alliance-raid is related to the bad-future that the Crystal Exarch comes from.
Why is it always the Scholar mains who are the most insufferable and obnoxious to deal with?
You'd think being overpowered for six years straight would be enough to satiate them, but here they are, asking for buffs when they're at the top of the chart, again.
>tell tank to pull all three packs at the start of the new zoo place
>pulls two packs and gets fucking crushed the entire time while the dps do horrible dps
Was there anything in the WAR 80 quest? PLD's quest was "LITERALLY NOTHING" again, which I'm pretty sure is a running joke at this point, but Aldis wetting himself for being one expac behind was kind of funny.
72-76 is kinda weird for DNC and GNB. 72 surprised me most of all for GNB since an AoE cartridge-spender struck me as something you'd start off with or get low-level.
well when she does the briars pretty much how they spawn is melee will lose one gcd if they go south instead of north because of briar positions
ARR = Necessary world building
Heavensward = Kino dragon time
Stormblood = Pretty good Japan time and fairly mediocre and rushed resolution Mhigger time that the devs clearly decided to abandon halfway through to focus on Doma.
Shadowbringers: The best Final Fantasy story in writing and execution in almost two decades.
MNK feels like shit and I can double weave consistently. How does NIN play? Even as a weeb the turbo weebness turns me off but I'm not a fan of the DRG playstyle and I'm hearing that SAM is pretty similar to that these days.
Lot of fun shenanigans and Gorge thinking he got cucked for like a full second
>Meanwhile Kojimbo gets a narrative keynote
really? after the abortion that was MGS4? how is that possible?
They are asking for a buff so they aren't literally healing someone that is at 100% health because there's no other option.
I liked it. I like those kinds of endings.
DEPLOYMENT TACTICS: now works on Bio and Chain strategem on enemies
Chain stratagem, 1 minute cooldown, 10 second length
Cost 1 aetherflow now
I genuinely have trouble going back to Jump in older content after the trait that upgrades it to High Jump, it's just so goddamned slow in comparison.
Johann is a faggot
Are you saying you hated the original WoD questline?
I can see it. They needed to prove that they're advanced in order to open up the CT.
Feels like shit even if you can doubleweave. Basically a trick attack bot with subpar dps. I enjoy it but it's very unrewarding right now
yet every other echo user that doesn't have the blessing is immune to tempering.
It is, you and many others in this thread are fighting over an incredible trivial difference and ignoring the actual problem.
I wouldn't care less if they overbuffed AST healing to the point where it outdoes SCH in shields and WHM in regens again, I'd rather them fucking fix their buffs, just like how I want SCH to be a pet class again.
You have a good point, but that seems to be a case of us not having enough information about the echo. Because we have the word of god himself saying
>He tempered us
>[We] came to exist solely to bring about the rule of darkness. His darkness.
Emet never lies, he just withholds truth. And that the Ascians were tempered and exist solely to bring about his (Zodiark's) will is indisputable. We know it is true. The question then becomes what the original dialogue was and from whom regarding the echo. If it was the scions making a deduction then they are clearly wrong and, as I seem to recall one of the ascians saying, the WoL et al have no idea about the true power of the echo. If an ascian said "An echo keeps you from being tempered" then this contradicts Emet and it complicates things but I'd still give seniority to Emet's remarks given it's more recent and it's from a higher authority.
This thought right here is conjectural, but perhaps the echo is not binary. An echo may just not work against the mighty of a supreme primal - as Emet says, "It was only natural, there is no resisting such power". Maybe the echo is resistance rather than immunity. Or the ascians received the echo after their tempering. Really I think the simplest solution is that Zodiark gave the Ascians an echo.
I tend to agree with the other anons that Hydaelyn likely tempered you, given you are the soul of the 14th councilmember who went and summoned Hydaelyn. At best she might be so withdrawn as to avoid tempering more the way Ramuh was, but I don't want to be an apologist for her. I'm on the team of the ancient antediluvian horror of the first calamity anyway.
The trait SAM gets that reduces iaijutsu cast time by 0.3s seems redundant. I mean I get that its to make their double iaijutsu feel better but they should have just made that the default iaijutsu timer and give them another passive like an upgraded seigan or direct crit/direct hits reduce the cooldown of meikyo shisui by 2s.
>All healers are roughly equal
but also
>Scholars can't stop overhealing everyone, yet the exact opposite is occurring on AST
Pick one.
You are desperately trying to paint a worse picture for SCH than what is the reality and it is sad. Just give it up, your autism has the best of you.
He's wearing spats underneath. Yes, I checked.
Enhanced Requiescat or w/e that makes it Instant Cast is a fucking Godsend. Doing content without it feels absolutely terrible now.
I think the echo is a side effect or benefit of being tempered by Hydaelyn.
And I think they all have the blessing (aside from maybe Fordola and Zenos who have artificial echos). You are just the strongest of Hydaelyn's blessed. Arenvald isn't on your level and Krile can barely even fight.
literally they all look like gay ass keyblades because they hold them the same way
it's the worst part about the class
I need to hear Titania again.
Zenos hypothesized that the Echo doesn't necessarily grant you immunity to tempering, but grants you naturally indomitable willpower and that you can use that willpower to reverse the tempering.
What makes DRG so fun according to you guys?
>Creates more ogcds
After running the Twinning a few times I'm kind of amazed how bad some people are at the game. 2 IQ dancers running after me like lonely puppies cleaving both of us with every mechanic available gets old fast
I would just increase its cooldown to 3 minutes and let it spread catalyze so you can negate two or three aoe damage mechanics per fight. 5 minutes if people whine that much about it, the only important thing here is that you can actually use it when it matters and not for those unavoidable AOE mid-boss phases that you fully heal with a cure3 or some shit anyway.
Pet actions need to return, its retarded that every fairy ability is an ogcd now.
If not energy drain, then at least give sch something to spend stacks on that isn't more overhealing. There was an autist earlier in the thread complaining about Scholar having supercharged healing, well...theres your fucking problem. Being able to dish out more potency than other classes is one thing, but thats completely irrelevant to the bigger picture when the game is still basically about healing as little as possible.
Did I hate the banality of a stale mirror universe evil hero plot as stilted as they come? Yes.
No let me tell you what your trying to say
>I don't like SCH
It's not because it's bad or broken or flawed it's because you don't like it. I don't like DRG, not because it's bad but just because it isn't for me and that's fucking fine, stop trying pass off your opinion like there is a fundamental problem with scholar.
You people claiming the Echo is tempering are forgetting some very simple things.
>Ysayle had the Echo and the Blessing, and took actions detrimental to Hydaelyn.
>Ardbert had the Echo and the Blessing, and took actions detrimental to Hydaelyn.
I love the way Titania and Feo's voices change for their mood. It just seals the deal of the mercurial and capricious faefolk. Playful and seductive one moment, innocent and childlike the next then suddenly furious and vengeful.
Oh shit that's a great idea. What would be a perfect thing for a future of perpetual war? Combat Androids.
Awesome, do you recall where he said that? That would be the perfect answer. It makes sense given some of those we've seen with the echo - Ysale and the WoL at least. And the lorebook said the tempering process is a case of willpower vs willpower, not some magic abra-cadabra which is unavoidable. It's just that the willpower of most beings is insufficient against the might of a primal. And a mightier primal has a harder to resist will, but a mightier human has a harder to convert will.
Well you are entitled to your opinion that ignores the fact that the game pretty quickly showed that they were more than just evil universe counterparts of you, and not really even evil when it came down to it, just desperate..
But yeah, you can have your opinion.
>Once parsed logs
Somehow managed to get a negative log
I'm saying SCH plays like ass, and it does because you have to overheal to play it right.
YOU'RE COMPLAINING about not being able to overheal on AST and actually having to use your resources appropriately. I already said it earlier but I don't fucking care if they overbuffs AST's healing to the point where its actually unbalanced, I just want them to fix their buffs.
Blame Squall in Dissidia, mostly since it's the only way to hold a weapon like that and still look "cool".
All of which was according to Hydie's keikau doori.
Stabbin, wheelin n jumpin
Really liking GNB so far.
I'm a simple dude who likes polearms.
>Awesome, do you recall where he said that?
Right before the Shinryu fight when he puts that hypothesis to the test
SB is probably the weakest expansion, though it feels like they tried to put more into it than HW content wise. It's just the story isn't very compelling due to the split between AM and Doma, Doma feels like an expansion cut short, AM is literally a handful of quests, solo duties, two dungeons, and two trials, all coming rapid fire, with no real time spent on anything, and the zones are essentially all badlands style only better than the Ruby Sea, which is 90% water.
Doma or AM alone should've been the entire expansion, as it is, we've got pieces of both that aren't complete. Complaints aside though, it does have some high notes, generally all the trials are good (I'd say Susano and Lakshmi are better than the current expansion's trials ignoring the story leading to them, Shinryu and Tsukuyomi are both incredibly fun, and the four lords were all good fights), Ivalice Raids were some of the best 24 mans yet, and Omega had fun fights that occasionally get shit for being nostalgia pandering but had great fights outside of all the v2 ones (Catastrophe, Chadrnook, and Midgar were all bland).
I specifically made a PF for Titania earlier today that had Blind run, no video needed in the title and got a full group of happy people to do it with in the span of five minutes. It was great because everyone spent the time learning and we progressed further each attempt until we kept failing the DPS check on the adds pt2.
>people hate AST and SCH changes
>the most hated changes are sch
>healer instant queues are now actually a thing
>no there isn't a problem
There is no trivial difference; you are masquerading around the idea that SCH and AST are equal in terms of total healing throughput without any actual substance to back it up.
If you look at FFlogs and actual healing numbers, AST does not contribute nearly as much as SCH does in terms of healing. Bringing an AST right now is not optimal because after you burn through all of AST's tools, the SCH needs to start picking up the slack.
As of right now, because AST's healing is completely free on its oGCDs, whereas SCH loses 80 potency every time they are forced to weave with Ruin II, you force the SCH to give up potency loss and trade WHM's strong healing and DPS capabilities for AST's weaker and more feeble ones.
Because SCH's healing is so absurdly strong right now, you have no reason not to bring them in literally any instance. Indom was good before, but with new Sacred Soil, Recitation allowing for free resources and crit, and Seraph being as stupidly good as she is with shit like double consolation, SCH absolutely trumps AST in total healing output. This is undeniable.
Your entire post and argument relies solely on conjecture. You were literally just tossing out the names of AST's new abilities as an "argument." You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Does SCH need an AF dump? Absolutely. It is clunky to play right now. But that's all it needs, and to insinuate that its healing is somehow "equal with AST" is a severe indication you either don't understand how SCH functions, how AST functions, or both.
one more score left, predict the final score.
>you have to overheal to play it right.
Are you sure you're not actually retarded?
Ultimately everything Ardbert did led to the First be saved from the Light, which averted the 8th calamity. So that worked in Hydaelyn's favor since her whole purpose is keeping Zodiark locked away.
I'm attacking extremely quickly and almost constantly between my 1-4-5-6-7-1-2-3-7-6 combo, Jumps, Mirage Dives procced by Jump, Geirskogul, Nastrond, and Stardiver, and with Shadowbringers I hit like a fucking truck to boot. Also now Life Surge makes ALL hits of AoE attacks like Doom Spike or Coerthan Torment restore HP and crit, instead of Stormblood where only the first enemy hit by the attack received a critical hit and lifedrain.
I have melded my PLD in full direct hit
I dislike it but I can see why people would like it. There's gotta be something super satisfying about just lining up all your buttons perfectly and having the right tools to run anything while bouncing around. Playing other melees is a battle adjusting to every fight, but DRGs are eternally rewarded for being patient enough to put up with the awful leveling experience and basic rotation.
Who give a fuck/100
I am leveling up right now, just hit level 40 on black mage and I am wondering if I need to do the levemate quests. So far I am just leaving them alone, but are they necessary? How many side quests should I do?
I went full skill speed on gunbreaker and I don't regret it.
>b-but muh heal dps
>Who are you quoting
At least read you schizo fuck, your argument is all over the god damn place.
And it needs its pet actions back.
Dude the artwork they used holding their weapon on the shoulder was better. Really pissed that wasn't our stance.
You only need to worry over them if you're missing EXP to do the main story quests. They're irrelevant for combat classes otherwise.
The only things I remember from that whole arc was Urianger showing up and helping you kick the shit out of the evil power rangers, who quickly get dismissed by every other plot thread. I will concede they had potential only so far as SB's writing drew from them. That in itself I consider a GREAT accomplishment, both as prose and a game element.
enjoy your 0.05 increase bro. they nerfed skill speed.
Leves are generally more for crafters and gatherers (especially gatherers). After 50 i don't think there are even any combat leves again.
Generally only do combat leves if you hit a wall and need to level up. But if you focus on one class for MSQ, you should never reach a roadblock where you can't continue the story.
it won't be the final score until there's like 20+ reviews
What a retard i would have literally considered his position if he hadn't fucked me over and called me shit to my face.
>that awkward feeling when you meet an npc with the same name as you
Will it beat OOT
You are actually retarded if you actually think you don't need to overheal. THe things you can spend AF on are all healing abilities and only two can feasibly be used without overhealing, both on cooldowns. If you're not using aetherflow on cooldown, thats MP loss and also meter loss. If you use it with Stacks still on your bar thats a loss of stacks.Theres no way you can use three sacred soils before AF is up again, so you're forced to use excog, and yes thats overhealing.
Well there was nothing for you to consider in his mind considering your soul wasn't strong enough to hold all the light aether.
If you had had a proper ascian soul, you could have done it. But since you don't, he considered you subhuman
Any other PLDs dropping Goring Blade for a split second during your physical combos? Either due to me being shit and losing some small time somewhere or due to being an East Coast fag, Goring drops off for like a split second every time. As in I can start the animation for Goring Blade before it falls off, but it doesn't refresh/reapply until the old one's icon is actually off. I don't remember having this issue in SB so I was wondering if some odd shit changed I wasn't aware of, or if I really just need to step my focus up.
If you weren't using those stacks anyways then they're not actually wasted, stop eating paint chips and keep your hands off your Aetherflow abilities unless you actually need to heal.
Use sacred soil on cooldown, there's 2 stacks gone.
Hydaelyn literally orders us to think for ourselves when starting a new game. Hear.. feel... th... yada yada
Ysayles actions lead the WoL to Midgardsormr, ending the dragonsong war and sacrificed herself to save Wol. Arbard and co killed the Ascien of the 1st, allowed minfilia to go to the 1st and eventually merge with the wol and kill Emet.
Seems to be working out for Hydaelyn if you ask me
>Just did a level 70 dungeon where the tank either refused to turn tank stance on, or had no idea how to
I feel sorry for the next group to run into this guy.
So you actually think not having 6 stacks for moments when you think you will need them isn't important? Or better yet the ability to actually hold on to your stacks for when you need them instead of using them on abilitys on cooldown? These are the autists that are saying they are good at the game, fantastic.
How many times do people find genuinely bad tanks like that guy?
That explanation only works if Hydaelyn can see the future
I got continuation down to 27s, don't give a shit. feels good man.
Been having the same shit, I blame server ticks shitting themselves
I've noticed Tank Stance turning off when entering instances lately. I'll usually notice it during the first pull and I've gotten to checking it, but it seems to be off about 50% of the time I load in to a duty now and I don't know why.
30s cooldown, so its more efficient to spend the last stack on lustrate overheal.
The prince of the spectrum is absolutely terrible though, he's a lame character that's just an excuse to give us a good fight. We could've had a ruler like Gaius who was as much a statesman and excelled in actually running the occupied territory well enough that even Ala Mhigans started to agree with imperial rule and fight back against us, instead we just got an indifferent dictator and his subordinates that only exist to cause as much suffering as possible instead of furthering the empire.
Leading up to SB, it was suggested we were going to see imperial rule in a different light than whips and indentured servitude, either something changed at the last minute or it was a lie.
It turns off if you enter a dungeon that is a different level than you.
>SCH main ignores the post with the actual substance to try and argue meaningless points on smaller ones
SCHfag confirmed autistic, everyone go home
What's it gonna take for WoL to pilot a mech and fight an Ascian in a mech?
We do have Gaius now though, and because of Zenos's autism the empire is now in a state where Gaius may have no choice but to take the lead or else see the entire empire fractured.
That actually makes sense. Thanks user.