>No one is going to buy my game because of Masuda
No one is going to buy my game because of Masuda
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I'll still jack off to your porn if it makes you feel any better.
I'll still jack off to Milo porn if that makes you feel better.
At the end of the day, they'll buy it anyway.
Just buy used games or pirate.
I got a better game, bitch
I want a taste of that scottish ass so bad
I probably will. Don't matter to me if theres a full Dex.
You're an 'orrible cunt anyways, simple as. Go on then ya cunt. Bugger off.
is there a name for this specific collection of poses? I keep seeing it in anime fanart lately.
It's a lovely trend, whoever came up with it is a genius and true master of the artistic principles.
>"we cut more than half of the pokemon roster so we can focus on develop high quality animations"
Oh they will
for the love of god, please tell me what it's called
>Americans actually make a movie that helped hype people up for your game since Japan has literally nothing Pokemon related in terms of animation coming out
>still fuck up and reuse animations and models from the last game despite saying it would animate better
Isn't she Irish?
FUCK I just want to bury my face in that ass until I stop breathing. I can't think of a better way to die
You mean upskirts? Though no one tags it if you want to find more of it.
If we can make redheads, sure. I want redhead hair already gamefreak!
Everyone's saying she's Scottish.
I wish. But there are so many retards out there that will buy it, including a friend who was almost crying when he heard the dex news. Fuck him
Enjoy being part of a game that kids will play for a few hours and then forget. No one will play your game after they're done with the story mode. You will be forgotten
>that mewtwo
Fuck, it looks like fucking crap.
I'll buy it day 1 if we get a barefoot trainer option.
Don’t worry cutie pie, I will.
that, but presented with all 3 angles like that.
>Japan has literally nothing Pokemon related in terms of animation coming out
Are you retarded? The 3DCG remake of the first movie is coming out and it looks way better than your hollywood fanfic shit.
It looks terrible, both visuals and combat itself.
Everyones trying their hardest to ignore that movie, even more since the Pikachu vs Pikachu fight scene was shown.
Why? Did it look that bad?
>just the right amount of chubby
There is literally no chub in that image.
I have a bottle of 15 year old Glenfiddich waiting for a special moment.
Should I crack her open in honor of Scottish trainer?
Only the dex whiners would believe this.
I would do anything for her. She's so perfect. I'm buying both versions just for her.
>and it looks way better than your hollywood fanfic shit.
Said nobody ever. I'm not a fan of the hyper realistic Pokemon in DP, but the Mewtwo Strikes Back remake looks fucking horrible.
What's wrong with it? It looks basically the same as the original but with no background. They might have just been showing off the animation and not the actual completed scene.
Jesus that's awful
Like everything else in this movie it has no weight and is over animated to compensate.
This is barely a step up from most SFM in terms of animation,
I hope so Irish girls those accent desu
Is Masuda gonna be erased like the guy who did other M?
That's the worst CGI I've ever seen
God I forgot how kino this movie was. The tears and facial expressions really make the scene.
Its going to be even harder, Pokemon was banking on it being one of Japans first big jumps into CGI movies with them trying to push it as beautiful and on par with American animation, all while the Dragon Quest Movie is coming out one month after.
Which DQ is the movie based on? Looks good but I feel like I should play the game to get the most out of it.
5, based on the snes release
It's going to be the best selling game of 1019 because masuda is literally the todd of japan.
Fucking based. I would too.
Oh fuck that then I'll just watch and enjoy the movie. That villain looks great.
You mean Sakamoto? He got to come back and do Samus Returns and the normies in the fan base love him again
My nigger that looks like straight trash
I'm gonna pirate it early and tell you all about how garbage it is.
This actually looks cool
I still can't believe they're still doing the full-stop->turn->walk animation. Do people really not see how much little work they put into these games?
someone post the SNAPPU pasta
What's wrong with Masuda
i had a dream where i went to see detective pickachu but it was actually a remake of bevely hills cop 2 with pokemon in it. and for some reason showed scenes from lethal weapon.
But pokefags/shills gonna fucking buy it anyway
He's a lazy retard.
>british-inspired game
>bars several pokemon from entering the region permamently
>shits on the status of the series
>I still can't believe they're still doing the full-stop->turn->walk animation
I still can't believe shills defend it, saying "it's to keep the old school nostalgia style".
The complete dex not being in really killed any excitement for me. Kinda makes me feel like collecting them all was a waste of time since even the creators are getting rid of a bunch of them.
what will the eternal anglo ruin next?
Imagine 15 years from now kids are going to buy their first Pokemon game and get a dex with maybe a couple hundred assorted pokemon out of the total 1500+ at that point. Some Pokemon will never be included in another game again or only have one appearance and then be put on the back burner for another decade, and they'll have events where certain Pokemon come back out of the vault. The series has hit critical mass running the same shit over and over, I hope it dies before it gets too much worse.
Believe it or not, Sakamoto just took a break after Other M to work on other projects, learned what he did wrong, then came back and directed Samus Returns. Most Metroid fans are okay with him these days.
Masuda on the other hand has been shit for a while, so he probably needed to take a break like 2 gens back.
Oh fuck, I didn't think about it until now, but what if this is leading to a pokemon-as-a-service game where you paid money to get pokemon expansions which are just 200 or so pokemon for that particular game.
I bet there are some fuckers who would still defend that.
gen 10 will consist of pikachu charizard and lucario exclusively
Chadsuda's gonna get away with it.
Pokemon lootboxes. For just $5 you can get a random assortment of Pokemon, including a chance at an ultra rare like Charizard or Pikachu
God I can't wait for this game to come out, I love her accent!
God I wish. Retards will still buy these shit games and reward Gamefreak anyway though.
/vp/ is overrun by shills and bootlickers right now.
shes pretty cute
>TCG model
Full fucking circle.
Wait...this is important. Was Leslie the trainer or was he voicing Pikachu?
Man, that scene looks like spiderman's, but it feels soulless without spidey's comments about niggers
>"we want the new Pokemon to get some play time"
I used new Pokemon in my team for each new game's playthrough anyway so it doesn't really apply, and I guarantee most other people did too.
Don't feel bad. They'll make a sprite of you for people to use as their avatar on Showdown.
Yeah, I'm one of the people who always transferred my Pokemon forward, but when playing through the main game I always used Pokemon that I'd never used before. But for the postgame content, I'd pull out my favorites and roll with them again, sometimes adding a member of my in-game team to the roster.
The Killing Machines in that look amazing
We want a Scottish gf
But Scottish girls aren't real
ha I get it she's supposed to be frowning but Gamefreak characters only have one face
>mediocre games through and through
>top tier waifus every single time
Even if pokemon was made by the B team, they at least nailed the character models.
i'll still give you a hug, and not fap to your porn.
This unfortunately. The dream may be dead, but the waifus will be eternal.
i am and my friend and my brother, i wouldn't worry
are there any pokemon in that movie that aren't from KAAAAANNNTOOOOOOOO ?
Animations and models look amazing, the only thing I'd complain about is the light and postproduction effects, I won't lie the style makes it look like a video game cutscene, really wish it'd have a brighter and softer look to match the designs.
Eh, I'm still burned out by how awful Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were and I refused to touch Let's Go, I'll probably take a prolonged break from the franchise. While the whole dex thing doesn't affect me personally since I don't transfer, I still think it's fucking disgusting and lazy.
I fell like I should play DQ 5 to better understand this movie. Is it worth it nowadays? I've played 7 and 8 already.
>blaming Masuda for Ohmori's games
Based. Love this meme.
DQ5 is one of the best games in the series, go for it. One thing that always bothers me is that the canon love interest is so shallow a character the dev team couldn't even write her a personality.
thank me later
She's referring to the Loch Ness Monster (Ness) and urban legend about a Plesiosaur that got trapped in Loch Ness.
This whole thing is a fucking mess because all the models are literally already done, everything in LGPE and SwSh all use 3DS models and animations, just new textures. And Masuda's "balance" excuses are all bullshit because literally some of the earliest confirmed Pokemon are Pelipper and Tyranitar so we are due for Weather Wars 2.0. Balance my ass.
Good Surskit evolution when?
Think I don't realize that user? Do you think my bong education is that bad? I was just commenting on the actual odds of using the word Nessie at all and a similarly named character appearing (thought it's probably the point since she's a water gym leader). Also, that pic was SFW, I wonder why it got deleted.
Quite a lot actually, a lot of obscure pokemon get a bit of screen time.
I just genuinely thought you didn't know, calm down man.
>tfw the games will still make millions no matter how shitty the quality of them is just because of the franchise name
>won't even be a wake up call for Gamefreak because they will swim in money again anyway
Worst timeline
>due to quality concerns
>Fire Emblem got two minor delays
>Animal Crossing got a major delay
>Metroid Prime 4 was outright thrown away and restarted from scratch
>meanwhile Pokemon is coming out half assed and unfinished and the official statement is "we hear you and we don't care, eat shit"
I don't know whether to be irritated or impressed honestly.
reminder that even if they sell 10 million, that's a gigantic drop from 16 million gen 6 and 7 pulled in.
>literally the highest-grossing media franchise ever made
>still act like you are some small indie dev with no budget or employees
>Please understand
Whatever happened to that Japanese worth ethic? Were the rumors false?
>ever trying to compete with Square Enix when it comes to CG
>the same company who just randomly made the best looking full CG movie ever to advertise FFXV, knowing full well that almost no one would even watch the movie
Mistakes were made.
Work* fuck me.
>>still act like you are some small indie dev with no budget or employees
How so? Pokemon is noticably higher budget and scale than any game remotely like it in concept.
Go play Cyber Sleuth and actually see what the game is like beyond the webms of unique attack animations people post, and you'll get an appreciation for how Pokemon spends its budget.
SMT is the better pokemon, I'm sorry anons.
Have you ever worked in a Japanese IT or games company? I have. Let me tell you what it's like. You need to maximize your time spent in the office, but the higher ups don't give a shiit about maximizing efficiency. Thus, staff members spend half their day plugging away at their work half-assedly, and the other half browsing the web or taking a smoke break. You then go home after your 16hr work shift and you think you get to go to sleep but nope. Your boss demands you go drinking with him for the next 2 hours. The last 6 hours of the day are 1hr train rides to and from the office and a 4hr sleep cycle if you're lucky enough to fall asleep that fast. So you come in to work the next day too drained to work efficiently and the cycle starts over. You do this 6 days of the week every week with no holidays except Christmas and New Years. But you're encouraged to work those days anyway. Fuck the Japanese "work ethic". It's all about hours at the office and not about quality of work done or efficiency.
I wasn't going to buy your game not because of masuda but because of ohmori
sun and moon fucking sucked
>Pokemon was banking on it being one of Japans first big jumps into CGI movies with them trying to push it as beautiful and on par with American animation
Do you guys get paid to come up with retarded rumors about pokemon now? Japan has been CGI movies for years, fucking Stand By Me has outsold every pokemon movie. Pokemon movies and anime have never been pushed as beautiful anything, they're budget yearly cashgrabs made simply for the sake of making something half the time. Even more so with this remake.
its pokemon. normalfags who dont use twitter will buy it or buy it for their kids.
it will make money.
>implying the director of a game gets to make a company-wide policy change for all games going forward on the level of this national dex fiasco
Of course it make a lot of money, but people do seem legitimately pissed time go around. I've never seen people this unanimously angry.
at best it's not going to sell well in Japan based on what happened with Let's Go
Otherwise forget about voting with your wallet
God what the fuck were they thinking with the Pokémon designs in this movie?
>it's just dragon Ball
Ehm..."YOUR" game? Yikes!
>no ones
I love this meme
I think you underestimate just how much the fanbase doesn't give a shit and will buy it anyway.
>dex whiners
so I guess you would support it regardless
>Saves the series by killing it
>you'll get an appreciation for how Pokemon spends its budget
yes I appreciate how much they spend it on gimmicks like dynamax
They unironically put more effort into the waifu designs, models, and animations than anything else. Look at the cutscene of Nessa walking into the arena and compare it to absolutely anything else we've seen, it doesn't even look like the same game.
>region looks awesome
>great new pokemon
>new gimmick isn't garbage like mega evolutions were
>cool free roam regions inbetween the routes/towns
>gamefreak still fucks it up
Itself, based on the whole brexit fiasco
>new gimmick isn't garbage like mega evolutions were
giant pokemon isn't really a good gimmick
>region looks awesome
>great new pokemon
>new gimmick isn't garbage like mega evolutions were
>cool free roam regions inbetween the routes/towns
Imagine actually believing any of this.
Giant pokemon were seen in the anime though. So it's not so out of place.
>new gimmick isn't garbage like mega evolutions were
>outright new design for a Pokemon with new moves and abilities, made several niche Pokemon popular and put Gengar on the tier list next to Arceus and outright got Blaziken banned
>lmao cutscene move
>lmao big pokemon
Yes it is. Fuck you.
Kaiju pokemon Battles using my favourite pokemon is an awesome idea. And way, way better than transforming cool pokemon into utter disgusting looking forms, while most pokemon don't even get any special transformations at all. With said transformations being super useful, meaning that you're practically handicapping yourself hard unless you carry at least one of those fuckers around.
Seriously. Fuck Megas so hard. I still remember older generations when we got genuine evolutions for old pokemon instead of mega trash.
Imagine if they put "gotta catch em' all" somewhere on the game box. Imagine getting sue'd the fuck out LOL
>outright got Blaziken banned
Blaziken was already banned before that in Gen 5. Mega Blaziken was literally Blaziken but better.
Why not just have a thing like shiny Pokémon where you can rarely run into extra large or extra small versions of Pokémon out in the wild? Remember when features like this were actual features and not purely marketing gimmicks that got scrapped later down the line?
>Japan has literally nothing Pokemon related in terms of animation coming out
They do, but that only makes it worse. Pokemon anime, movies and sidegames are better now than ever before, yet main series crashes and burns right in front of our eyes.
oops, you get my drift anyways
Z-moves at least had some unique options by virtue of mon-exclusive stones and unique moves like conversion getting unique efects. Dynamax is just "lmao big mon big stats"
>>new gimmick isn't garbage like mega evolutions were
>Better now than ever before
>Mystery Dungeon, Ranger, Stadium/Colosseum games all dead
Sidegames have never been worse. It's all mobile trash now.
They haven't put that tag line on the boxes since Crystal.
>Scottish girls are real
They exist, user.
Why doesn't Pokemon community ever aknowledge that the target audience of their favorite series are kids aged 6-12 who don't even follow game medias and controversies? Their parents will buy the game.
The target audience and the actual audience are very quickly becoming two different things.
I'm pirating this trash first thing once the nsp gets leaked
fuck game freak