Soul vs. Souless
Soul vs. Souless
Right has soul, just not mario soul
is that his real voice?
Sol vs. Sol-less
Even the the first 3 had more Soul
No, he decided to be an other-gender like five years ago and started wearing a yarn wig.
that’s his fucking hilarious trans/asexual/whatever voice
The fuck is this conversation about?
Wasn't that the fag who was spamming his videos on /f/ nonstop that one time?
Last one has soul it just has strange-soul
It's more like angry vs. disappointed
An interesting rundown on the thing that is "shmorky".
Soup vs deoression
The fact that you think it's weird is why it has soul.
What the fuck?
I like how it looks Indian
>Foxdicks Farms
I use Yea Forums to avoid that place but I'll do it for you user
More like Wife-less!
Moon took yo gurl!
Yknow, this is eerily also the progression of Yea Forums to wojack as a character.
If they wanted some artistic/indigenous angry sun, they should have gone with something like this
Right has Zelda soul
Looks like a mask straight outta the N64 era
Is she okay?
Say what you will but I think this is pretty cool
I like them all though
the new one look better you faggots
>disliking the Dissapointed Sun
Why is every single infamous SA Goon some sort of psychotic retard? These used to be the people that made internet culture.
your second sentence does a lot to answer your question
Holy shit It's been years since I last heard this, the tone of that woman is unmistakable
I'm just saying, Shmorky once said "I have a girl, she's a double D, I slapped her on the butt dressed as a bumble bee".
But now, I guess, he's a tranny.
not really, it's just so out of place like wtf were they thinking
>there is no answer to the Jewish question
Holy shit, did she get redpilled?
reportedly according to both her and lowtax, she was kind of being brainwashed by shmorky into believing all kinds of insane sjw shit but eventually tried to break out of shmorky's controlling behavior
lowtax himself thinks shmorky was a piece of shit in all of this, especially when shmorky himself uploaded that audio above
but that's not the reason he was fired by lowtax it was because of his growingly annoying high pitch voice
It was also because Shmorky is an actual pedophile and Lowtax inadvertently let Shmorky near his kids.
Is that the angry sun they made for mario maker? It's really shitty
fuck you I came in to make that joke and FFVII is better than VI
>Fired by Lowtax
What? I thought Lowtax basically stopped doing shit after Boll punched his face in?
wasn't it that lowtax had to keep an eye on shmorky when he was around his kids because he suspected things due to his diaperfur fetish shit
you fags will argue about anything
3 > 1 > 2 > 4
lowtax has told that story about boll before about how boll said it was just gonna be a movie thing but boll got aggressive
personally i love hearing more about boll dodging seanbaby, especially since boll was emailing seanbaby about a fight and asked for his credentials to which seanbaby let him know he was a kickboxer
anyway lowtax still does video streams, usually of badly made games by amateurs
>Lowtax inadvertently let Shmorky near his kids.
He didn't.
Nah he's like some kind of spongebob crossdressing pedoweirdo.
2 > 4 > 1 > 3
Shmorky is a man, right? Just a confused tranny?
He made a comic basically venting his frustration with the tranny question "What form of genitalia do you have?".
I took that as evidence that he wants to be a woman, but knows with a much greater level of certainty due his his age and baldness that he'll never pull it off so he hides within the "genderless" definition.
i wish i had a gf like that desu
Reminder that these troglodytes found companionship
Is there any known context or is she just acting out incoherent delusions built around nothing more than a feeling of being controlled/paranoia?
Shmorky's girlfriend seems pretty based
Yeah, she's batshit crazy, though, but hanging out with that sack of misery only made her condition worse. But anyway, how the fuck did this thread turn into kiwifarms?
what does this garbage have to do with mario maker
nintendo hire this man but unironically
The angry sun fucking sucks, only consolation is that you can just fly over his hardest level