literally a 1 game console, two years+ in
Literally a 1 game console, two years+ in
Other urls found in this thread:
couldn't be less true if you tried
It also has MHGU, Xenoblade 2 if you're into that and Splatoon 2. Other than that yeah. Personally I only own MHGU.
I'm waiting for the revisions so I can buy either the cheap model or the launch model after a price cut.
u forgot legend of zelda
ahaha yes bro its so fun paying $300 to rebuy slightly higher resolution wii u games, patched wii u games, and indie games you can play on anything. its absolutely based
PiiPuu and emulated
>a 3ds game, a bad game, and a wii u game
Strictly speaking MHGU is a switch exclusive since there's no 3DS version (only of MHXX) but I get your memeing.
Oh and Splatoon 2 isn't a Wii U game.
Ps4 is a 0 game console now that bloodborne is on pc
Xbox is a 0 game console since all of their games are on pc
I guess consoles are dead.
Close down Yea Forums. The underage summer fags won
Nincels will defend this
If it wasn't for SMT5 and FE I would have sold the crap console a long time ago. Can't believe I fell for the Nintendo meme again after the Wii u.
I literally cannot tell the difference between a splatoon 1 video or screenshot and splatoon 2 without noticing the resolution or being told
What about Super Mario Maker 2?
The webm simply doesn't do it justice. You need to see the entire sidequest.
Xenoblade is essentially 200+ hours of cutscenes and hallways, exactly like this. It exemplifies everything wrong with cinematic experiences as a whole and demonstrates why games should never be story heavy.
>"hahahaha bro your $300 portable console has all the capabilities of a normal console with faster load speeds by default and full portability with a ton of amazing games that may have originally existed on the wii u but are undoubtably better this time around for the same $60 price tag that every other publisher charges for their games on other platforms, also it's fighting game crossover is literally stealing its competitors' icons which also proves its superiority. lol what a shit console because it can't play persona 5 or 9600p 5093fps!!! xd"
Iterative series are like that, but they're not the same game.
See, this argument only works for video games like Mario or Kirby. It doesn't work for movieshit like Bayonetta or SMT or Pokemon or Fire Emblem. So it's kind of awkward that I half-agree with it.
>Xenoblade is essentially 200+ hours of cutscenes and hallways, exactly like this. It exemplifies everything wrong with cinematic experiences as a whole and demonstrates why games should never be story heavy.
That sounds exactly like some other game that stated with Xeno that I played like 20 years ago
>lol what a shit console because it can't play persona 5
Why include a sentence that invalidates your entire argument
you could say that about almost any game and its sequel.
>lol doom2 is just doom1 i cant see a difference unless someone points out the super shotgun lol shit game shit fanbase shit everything
see how you're an idiot?
until i ever see someone playing with their shitch outside i can't see portability as a useful feature
new ranked modes, salmon run, full-fledged single player, dlc, and even the recycled modes are far more fleshed out this time around. worth the extra $10 with all that plus better performance/optimization and fully portable.
All Xeno games fall prey to this. The entire series is fatally flawed.
see, you hit the nail on the head though: the portability is for when you go to the shitter
yea guess what, OP here, I didnt mean it was a 1 game console in some pointless legalistic technical sense (and thats obvious). its a 1 game console at heart
>movieshit like Bayonetta or SMT
zoomers really are the dumbest fucking cunts on earth
that's hilarious though
Only singleplayer exclusive games I completed on my switch:
>Mario Odyssey
>Bayonetta 2
Games I tried and dropped:
>Xenoblade 2
>Pokemon LGP
>Splatoon 2
>DK Tropical Freeze
>Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
>Octopath Traveller
>Mario + Rabbids
>Kirby Star Allies
Look user, I'm not gonna sit here and be told that 2+ hours of cutscenes is good. You could shove a billion hours of gameplay in my face, and I'll still ask you "yeah, but why are you smearing shit in my face for 2 hours?"
Do I look like someone who wants to buy movies that play themselves, rife with quick time events and mindless button mashing and """"character development"""" like I'm reading a damn book? I supported Nintendo specifically to get away from this mindset, but now they're fully embracing it.
No one cares fuck off ACfag
>it only works for Mario odyssey, Mario kart, Mario maker, kirby star allies
even with your shitty argument, 4 games is still pretty reasonable for a $300 piece of hardware
but either way, zelda/smash/splatoon isn't movieshit
guess pc is an awful platform too
because handheld gaming as a culture has died out, even peak 3ds you rarely saw anyone besides kids actually using it in public. it's more of an "easy to bring it to someone's house" or "be lazy and play in bed" kind of thing, which is still a great convenience and why products like laptops and smartphones even exist in the first place.
Before any smartasses reply I'm gonna say I know Octopath is on PC and I know a lot of those are Wii U ports.
Bro you don't even own a WiiU or splat 1.
>a literal shit analogy
Cutscenes are optional in almost every game that has them just press start dumbass
Good thing I didn't buy any Wii U games before, huh? :^)
That's the problem at hand. Nobody cares for quality anymore.
>but either way, zelda/smash/splatoon isn't movieshit
It really depends user. Can the fandom have a reasonable discussion about the game without it becoming a porn dump or console war shitposting? If not, then it does not have good gameplay, and can be discarded as a low quality movie, like Splatoon for example. People are too busy jerking off to squid porn to care about the actual game, so why should I consider the games good?
Being optional does not make them better. They still felt the need to shove them in my face, somehow thinking that video games need pretentious storywriting every 5 seconds. When you tolerate a tumor, it doesn't magically go away. It gets worse and becomes terminal. That's what happens when you ignore major game breaking flaws. Devs think it's okay to keep them in and add in more, and you end up with full blown cinematic artpieces. I don't want Nintendo going down that dark path, because they'll never come back.
If you ever bought anything on the Wii U, you only have yourself to blame.
>dropped DK tropical freeze
>dropped Captain toad treasure tracker
What the fuck is your major malfunction?
Man am I glad you're in the minority and will stay that way, lmao.
the whole "wii u game" argument is so fucking retarded. like any actual nintendo fan waiting for a zelda sequel for 6 fucking years is gonna go out and buy it for a dead console knowing it's the last first-party game that'll ever come out on it, also knowing that it's the first of hundreds that will come out on the switch.
>people post porn therefore the game is bad
Are you dumb, or just stupid?
I know I'm in the minority. Look at how popular the Ps4 is.
No gameplay discussion = bad game. It's simple as that.
I own a Wii U and was gonna buy Splatoon 1 but realized Splatoon 2 was coming out and my copy would be useless
new switch when ???
Don't take seriously anything he says, he's a mentally ill troll.
botw and bayonetta 2 are wii u games
>No gameplay discussion = bad game
You can't base the quality of a game like that on Yea Forums, especially if they have cute characters. Also even then people talk about the game of Splatoon itself a lot, there isn't too much left that has been talked to death about already however as the meta has developed quite a lot.
I'd like to believe that, but recent days have got me worried
>"like Splatoon for example. People are too busy jerking off to squid porn to care about the actual game, so why should I consider the games good?"
imagine belittling an entire fanbase of literally millions of dedicated fans just because a few pedos would rather use the game for fap material. begone retard
I dunno, man. I guess my tastes have recently been more towards action, exploration, and world interaction. Nothing else really hooks me.
reminder that the Wii U doesn't exist
BOTW, MK8 and Mario Bros U are all switch exclusives
Inferior version, not 97. :^)
Brainlet and mediocre player.
>trannys will defend censorship
Dilate and cop harder.
you literally bought an extremely overpriced wii u and can now pay full price for the games years later (and they were already on extremely outdated hardware to begin with)
it isnt inferior at all, it runs better and has a better pro controller
literally me
Playing JRPGs doesn't make you smart.
>Yes, I bought a portable Wii U with more support than the Wii U ever had and ever will, with games that may as well be new to me, why do you ask?
>You can't base the quality of a game like that on Yea Forums,
Why not? An infinitely replayable game should have infinite amounts of gameplay discussion. The better the game, the better the discussion, since there will naturally be more to talk about. When you can't think of anything to discuss, especially in a multiplayer game, that reflects very badly on the game itself.
I haven't seen a single Splatoon thread since 2015 that wasn't just 250 posts of squid cunny and 250 posts of shitposting. What it sounds like you want is the freedom to shitpost and spam porn, without the consequences that result. And I don't agree with that.
>last game on a dead console
>first game on a brand new console
damn user, imagine being so retarded that you actually think "wii u game" is a genuine argument!
It makes me angry how nintendo won't make it backwards compatible without a fucking dongle. Fuck them.
i agree with your premise, but it always turns out that people who hate rpgs are always complete dumfucks.
more research is needed.
>spending $300 to play zelda (a game running on 2005 level hardware) in 900p/30fps compared to 720p/30fps, in 2017
"nintendo fans" can suck my dick
Name three (3) multiplayer games that meet your standards.
>spending $50 on a game knowing it'll be the last game on the system when you can spend $60 to get it on a brand new system knowing you're gonna buy the system eventually anyways
what the fuck is wrong with her voice
and no I didn't watch 17 minutes of this shit I skipped around I promise
>action, exploration, and world interaction
user those are all things you can use to describe tropical freeze. I'm not gonna force you to finish your games but just give those games a second chance even if you got stuck on a level.
Honestly, I think there's more to it than that. For example, people that have to use their brain all day for their jobs generally wanna unwind with something relaxing.
>Mario + Rabbids
>Golf Story
if you look in the wrong place you'll find porn for any multiplayer game that has an active fanbase of over 100 unique players. not my fault you're new to the internet.
Essentially any game that has multiplayer that can simultaneously keep a discussion for 500 posts, a game that "might" have porn, but it's a rarity in threads. For example:
>TF2 pre-F2P update
>EDF 4.1
Literally wrong :)
>The better the game, the better the discussion
this is like high school tier logic. are youin high school, user?
i know that when you're young, you feel like you know everything and need to let everyone know how smart you are, but you are making a fool of yourself in front of actually smart people. it's fine here, on an anonymous image board, but you should think twice before talking like this next time you're out in public. people will avoid you because you're an obnoxious moron.
lol still seething after all these years
Hey look, a Frogshtitter is being a faggot. Big surprise.
>"splatoon?? bro it's made with actual high-quality 3D models and isn't all pixels. trash!"
begone retard
The only reason these don't have oodles of porn is because there are hardly any actual cute characters in it (unless you're gay)
Splatoon gets just as much discussion, plus gay ass lewd posts. But you wouldn't be able to admit that because this is Yea Forums and it literally doesn't matter what anyone says ever.
>wtf good games can't have good waifus
Maybe on the censorstation4 lol you're pathetic acfag stop posting already.
>people still raging that the PS4 only ever got Bloodborne
get over it already, PS5 is around the corner
2D platformers that aren't metroidvania never feel explorative to me. With topical freeze I quit after I complete a level, not when I get stuck. Heck, getting stuck actually hooks me more often than not. Just got no motivation to keep playing. The game's levels do look beautiful though so I can appreciate that.
>wii u: huge nes/snes/n64/ds/wii back catalog on eshop, free online
>switch: paid online and shitty nes games, literally no games despite being paid $1trillion by retards
>more support than the wii u ever had
Yea Forums is the only place that isn't "wrong" when it comes to the reflections of the fanbase and games on it. You can't judge the fandom accurately on r*ddit or tumblr because they're sanitized for maximum corporate profit, so you can advertise there without trolls or dissenters. Yea Forums is as true as you'll ever see a fandom, without any blinders or sweeteners.
>this is like high school tier logic. are youin high school, user?
I invite you to argue why this isn't true, then. A game with less content will delve into shitposting faster than a game that's spry and filled with life. People keep telling me "no ur wrong" but they can't tell me why.
You should know by my gameplay selections that I don't care about fancy realistic graphics, but I don't blindly stick to pixel games either. what matters is the content.
>Splatoon gets just as much discussion,
Then where is it?
it was made for the wii u, and advertised as a wii u game for years before the switch was announced. its a wii u game
What does that have to do with this? i'm simply arguing that good gameplay can carry a game farther than any amount of cutscenes, waifus or graphics. I thought Yea Forums of all places would see this, but i feel like everyone is letting their bias blind them.
This idiot dropped tropical freeze lynch him
And it also didn't sell that much despite being artistic and shit like journos like it.
just like the Bloodborne machine.
>Then where is it?
Go fetch dumbass. I could post a screenshot and you'd just call it cherry picking. You're impossible to please and I hope every game that comes out adds more shit that you hate.
Splatoon 2, Smash, Mario Maker and Xenoblade are all great.
>I don't care about fancy realistic graphics, but I don't blindly stick to pixel games either. what matters is the content.
you literally refuse to like any game that has actual quality waifus but will praise uglyshit polygons and pixels endlessly. fuck off acfag
im not buying a switch until it has more than 1 game. since the switch had 0 games at the time, why would I give a company $360 for zelda, a wii u game?
>Go fetch dumbass.
Okay, let's find the most recent thread with a Splatoon character in it.
Hmmm, looks like fetish bait. No gameplay discussion whatsoever. How very interesting.
>you refuse to like superficial garbage and just want actual gameplay, regardless of the graphics present
Sounds like me alright.
Why people here assume anyone bought a Wii U lmao
>picks a thread unrelated to splatoon
Impossible to please
>bad game
>wii u game
>gamecube game
>nes games
>worst version of a multiplat
>the 1 game
>a wii u game
>some golf shit
>>>more minecraft
>a wii u game
>advertising/marketing before the game released and the development cycle, things that don't matter at all to us everyday game consumers, are the only things that happened and the reasonable and logical facts behind what actually happened don't matter
ok retard
Tell it to me straight, doc. How bad is my soi level?
yeah because literally everything with good graphics must be superficial garbage. y'sure got me, user
the truth is and can only be heterosexual
It's Smash, which is closely related to Splatoon. Every other result is someone jerking off to crudely made Splatoon art. The result remains the same.
You're arguing that a good game will have no waifu discussion at all which i'm sorry to tell you is not the cast
Is this thread ABOUT splatoon? Just Splatoon? No?
Then shut up.
>Mario Odyssey, Cadence of Hyrule, Arms, Golf Story, Mario Tennis and if you count iterative stuff Splatoon 2, Tetris 99, Mario Maker 2 and Smash Ultimate
And if you, by some freak chance, happen to be one of the 8 billion who weren't dumb enough to fall for WiiU,
>Breath of the Wild, Bayonetta 2, Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8
If you did fall for WiiU and can't justify the price of iterative updates, the exclusive library isn't big yet; but, by the end of this year it'll be there anyways.
That's a more true statement than you realize. Graphics, like everything else, are a shortcut used when you need to hide your failings. why do you think modern movie games and sports titles have fancy graphics? You think their "gameplay" could hold a candle to any previous installments, let alone something actually good?
The PS4 has been out longer than 2 years, though, and frankly Bloodborne isn't even that good.
lol cope
Xenoblade X is far from a hallway simulator, and its focus on story is significantly less than other Xeno games.
Xenoblade 2, while more linear than X, still has large open areas to explore like Gormott, Uraya, Mor Ardain, and Tantal. Even the more linear locations like Leftheria, Spirit Crucible Elpys, the Cliffs of Morytha, the Land of Morytha, the World Tree, and the First Low Orbit Station allow you to go off the beaten path and find optional things. Also, many of Xenoblade 2's cutscenes are optional, such as Blade summoning or Blade quests, and all cutscenes are skippable. Speedruns show that the game can be beaten in under 4 hours under the right circumstances.
>argue why this isn't true
it's just so absurd that i have to explain why your logic is flawed. there are SO MANY games that are complete garbage that get "good discussion" here on Yea Forums. all that's needed is a cursory glance at page 1 to see what i mean.
>constant smash threads with 500 replies
>constant mmo threads with 500 replies
>constant VN threads with 500 replies
there was a thread defending fallout 76 that had 500 replies just a couple hours ago. a game's quality has nothing to do with how much discussion it will garner.
like i said, you're likely in high school and/or probably a bit dim, so maybe you still wont get it after this exhaustive explanation.
what about smash makes it "closely related to splatoon" besides the fact that it's a NINTENDO crossover fighting game? obviously it's gonna have splatoon, a nintendo IP, in it. not necessarily what i'd consider "closely related"
what does that make PC?
a no games system?
no one games on Mac without dual booting into windows, which is just PC then. so?
what non multiplat, PC exclusive 10/10 game has come out since the 8th gen started?
huh faggot?!
With great gameplay, there's no room for waifu discussion. the people who even try just get choked out. A bad game needs waifus to remain relevant, or poeple will just forget about it or, even worse, spot the major flaws in the actual game.
It's a major player on the scene, so I say it counts.
It sure is making it glaringly apparent that if it wasn't for mh3u I would have never bought a wiiu, meaning the last Nintendo console I bought would have been the GameCube. There are some good games out there, but honestly at this rate the switch is a hard pass.
>advertising/marketing before the game released and the development cycle, things that don't matter at all to us everyday game consumers
>are the only things that happened and the reasonable and logical facts behind what actually happened don't matter
those two things are reasonable and logical facts, and matter 100x more than the technicality that it got a switch port because of delays like twilight princess did in 06, except without even any waggle controls. just a few more pixels. its a wii u game
Tetris 99
actually i think it's because technology is making it easier to make better graphics without the development cost skyrocketing
>splatoon patch, smash 4 patch, mario maker patch, and a bad game
Well I say it doesn't count and you're trying to weasel your way out of this
I accept your concession.
>sequels are patches
>With great gameplay, there's no room for waifu discussion
It contains the same fanbase, AND it has the same mindset that "titties and waifus are more important than gameplay". They're practically the same game with those similarities.
>Xenoblade X is far from a hallway simulator, and its focus on story is significantly less than other Xeno games.
The problem is that it's still WAY too focused on the story, to the constant detriment of the gameplay. Every other moment you're forced to sit around and wait for dialogue options to play out, inbetween an empty open world where you sit in one place and shoot monsters with quite poor AI.
>Also, many of Xenoblade 2's cutscenes are optional, such as Blade summoning or Blade quests, and all cutscenes are skippable
Being skippable does not factor into it. The devs still thought it a good idea to shove them into the game, lending to this horrific idaeology that games need to be more story focused. It's ruining the industry and can't just be ignored. besides, you make it sound easy skipping 5000 hours of dialogue, exposition, cutscenes, and etc.
>there are SO MANY games that are complete garbage that get "good discussion" here on Yea Forums. all that's needed is a cursory glance at page 1 to see what i mean.
And yet you listed games whose threads are nothing but porn dumps. Every last one of them is a decrepit compilation of people larping about their waifus and shitposting. It just kind of proved my point.
Why is this particular scene so good for shitposting
Development cost is one thing, but taxing the hardware is another. You'd think they'd focus on good gameplay AND good optimization first, these being the most important elements of any game, regardless of company or genre. Yet these "games" are lucky to get 20 FPS, and will drop repeatedly.
Then I welcome any Splatoon thread that doesn't fall into this.
>dropped tropical freeze, splat 2 and captain toad
everyone genuinely used to think the splatoon fanbase was just smash fans waiting for ultimate to come out. but splatoon remained very relevant and active even after ultimate came out. why? because they're two different fucking fanbases.
and to genuinely think smash is just all waifufags... c'mon user.
how does you having bought or not bought a wii u excuse nintendo from only making 1 notable switch game in 2+ yrs. by now the gamecube had metroid prime, wind waker, viewtiful joe, eternal darkness, melee, sunshine, REmake, & rogue squadron 2
re4, lardbrain
Is there any decent fighting on switch?
>It just kind of proved my point.
you previously stated that your main criterion for "good discussion" was a lot of replies. i listed games that get lots of replies and you immediately disregard them because they're "porn dumps."
you're a goalpost mover. you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, or, like i assumed, you're a bit of a dumb cunt.
>Xenoblade 2
Does it have Japanese Voice option? I can't stand Nip games in English Dub.
Is it necessary to play any previous Xenoblade game?
Like every console that came after PS2.
the only times you see games struggle to get 30fps is if they're being ported from another console over to the switch, and they always run well on the other console they're being ported from.
>n-no, that game doesn't count: the thread
Will the seething over the Switch's unparalleled success ever end?
Yes to the first question and no to the second
Based weebslayer
you're still worried about corporate formalities and not the fact that no average consumer had any reason to buy the game on the wii u, proving that the entire point of the post flew over your head. go to sleep user.
the gamecube didn't even have waglan retard
I play it undocked in my backyard when the weather is nice
Truer than you might think
Portability= freedom to take your games anywhere for any reason. I commute by rail to work and its a lot of fun to relax before work playing Switch for 20 mins. Having an imporomptu 2 player Mario Kart/Smash session in a public place will blow your mind.
>but splatoon remained very relevant and active even after ultimate came out
Only if you consider porn dumps and shitposting to be "relevant". Every thread I've checked in the archives has fallen under that definition. Same with Smash. Why do you think you should be allowed to shitpost without consequence, as if you're above everyone else?
>you previously stated that your main criterion for "good discussion" was a lot of replies
Where did I say that? I remember saying good games would have good discussion and not just be shitposting porn dumps. How'd you get that other statement?
>the only times you see games struggle to get 30fps is if they're being ported from another console over to the switch
Blatantly untrue, and you see this even with Nintendo's exclusives. Whether it's BOTW struggling to hit 30 FPS anytime a town or the korok forest is nearby, or Xenoblade constantly dropping in populated areas, not even the "masters of gameplay" aka Nintendo's affiliates, can actually understand optimization. What makes you think corporate thinktanks would fare better?
>deliberately picks the single returning shopkeeper
>alternate universe 2003/2004
>"mario sunshine, and a bunch of bullshit nobody cares about like smash 64 with more characters - and, and! - ocarina of time, mario 64, banjo, turok 2, pokemon stadium 2, hey you pikachu, and superman 64 if you werent one of the retards who actually bought an n64, LOL"
>he isn't excited for astral chain, daemon x machina, luigi's mansion 3 or animal crossing
>he didn't like splatoon 2, mario odyssey, mario maker 2 or smash ultimate
absolutely trash tier taste
He probably didn't mention it because its shit
Sure xenoblade 2 was rather deeply flawed but there was still plenty of fun to be had there.
>astral chain
Not a big fan of platinum movies.
>Animal Crossing
Not a fan of casual movies either.
Only really excited for Daemon X Machina, assuming it actually fixes the framerate.
almost like microsoft has never put any effort into actual exclusive games for windows ever, therefore the status quo is just fine. meanwhile nintendo, once known for regularly releasing the best games in the industry on their overpriced toy hardware, is now selling the toy without any games
well. that depends. that's your favorite game out of all those.
even during ultimate's first day, week, and month out on the market, splatoon 2 still had hundreds of thousands of players logging in and playing daily.
smash literally has an entire forum with over a million total posts that fall within sub-forums that disallow "waifu" discussion, on top of one of the most dedicated and passionate esports scenes in the whole world.
go get some rest user
Check out the new trailer for DxM, they actually listened to feedback from the demo.
BotW runs consistently at 30 fps. The only two areas it dips are in Korok forest and kakariko village. The kakariko dips are also very minor, Korok forest is the only major drop because they load it up on graphical effects. Xenoblade 2 runs poorly in handheld because they did not have time to optimize it, since half their team was working on botw at the time. It's actually very impressive how well Nintendos first party games run. You look at botw and wonder how that game runs on a mobile console.
if you consider platinum games -- games that are the antithesis of "movie game" and have skiapable cutscenes and a huge focus on learning the mechanics of the game to succeed -- what games do you play? what do you consider a "non-movie game"?
if you say something like dota just kill yourself.
>"legolas" smoking a j
That is the icing on the cake of this post.
>animal crossing
>has all the capabilities of a normal console with faster load speeds
and the x1 and ps4 have full portability
I saw it, the framerate remains unfixed. It's actually kind of worse.
>splatoon 2 still had hundreds of thousands of players logging in and playing daily.
Then where was the discussion? The waifu shit and cunny posting literally increased despite this supposed boom in game numbers.
>smash literally has an entire forum with over a million total posts that fall within sub-forums that disallow "waifu" discussion, on top of one of the most dedicated and passionate esports scenes in the whole world.
And yet they still devolve into shitposting and console wars and even waifu discussion. Silly me for expecting a forum to be consistent with its rule enforcement. Even then, even if you ignore everything else, the fans still hate talking about the actual game and will actively find excuses to ignore discussion of it. All they care about is gloating over their roster pick or shitposting in console wars. I have a half a mind (and another half to boot) to just discard the entirety of the Switch as not worth it due to the console warring it's spurred. Knowing that I can never talk about any of the games without porn spam or the term "snoy tranny" being brought up is frustrating! You must understand that.
who the fuck cares about the average fucking consumer? the game was made for the wii u and released on the wii u. nothing in that game happens if its not possible on wii u hardware. there are no substantial additions to the switch version. the corporate formality IS the switch port
my bad, dlc
so this is a nintendo console mover
>it doesn't matter that people were playing a game, what matters is they weren't talking about it
go get some rest user
user, I don't really care for any kind of context when it comes to framerate. All that matters is that it's consistent 100% of the time. I'm not paying 60 dollars plus tax for a game that only runs well sometimes.
> Xenoblade 2 runs poorly in handheld because they did not have time to optimize it
Well, it's a good thing the Switch wasn't advertised as a hybrid that can become a handheld, otherwise I'd take that as a serious problem.
Well first you'd have to go outside.
>i won't play good games just because a vocal minority on Yea Forums decides to not let me talk about them 24/7
>dude non-playable extra content that you can skip bad lmao (wiki-filler """subtle lore"""" good though)
>dude fans liking the visual presentation of a VIDEO game bad lmao
>whoa why this OP with the cropped porn doesn't want to talk about games? Why are X fans like this?
Every. Single. ACfag. Thread. It seems autism is either a super power or your worst enemy, I know it did no favors for this guy.
One game running poorly in handheld hardly takes away the handheld value.
I mean no one bought a Wii U so they might as well be new
>if you consider platinum games -- games that are the antithesis of "movie game" and have skiapable cutscenes and a huge focus on learning the mechanics of the game to succeed -- what games do you play?
Games that don't have hour after hour of cutscenes? Like Terraria, Gradius, Contra, Pac-Man, Ikaruga, FTL, Risk of Rain, the works. If Platinum is so gameplay focused, surely they don't need this cinematic movie crap cluttering their games?
animal Crossing is a movie, albeit for a different reason. It doesn't want to be a game. It would rather just be a comfy simulator with no challenge, essentially like a mobile game or Gone Home or even farmville. It's basically just there to look pretty and pat the player on the back with no challenge or consequences. It's the antithesis of a video game.
If they were playing it, they'd have game experiences to talk about. Incase you're wondering, I'm not some third party observer here. I bought a Switch AND a Ps4 just so I can give them a genuine chance to win me over. My disappointment with the Ps4 was fully cemented by a combination of FFXV and Uncharted 4, so I hoped Nintendo could bring something to the table. A few rounds of Spla2oon, a few rounds of Smash brothers, and an unsatisfying playthrough of BOTW later, I found myself feeling regret. Xenoblade didn't help, same as Mario Odyssey. I'm trying to meet you guys half-way here, but you're not even helping me out.
>animal Crossing is a movie
A movie with no story? What?
When you don't bother to optimize your game for handheld performance, it kind of does ruin the handheld value. Especially when it's still not fixed, years later.
>non-playable content bad
>wanting more graphics over good gameplay bad
>wanting porn spam instead of game discussion bad
>implying anyone bought a wiiu in the first place
>"every single person in the world who plays video games must be on Yea Forums talking about how great the gameplay is, otherwise the gameplay must be complete shit"
those are two totally different characters
you're being racially insensitive to jellyfish.......
It's like Gone Home. The devs didn't care about a good, challenging singleplayer experience. It's basically a hugbox simulator. The amount of cutscenes doesn't factor into it.
>this game has millions of fans
>can't even find a few of them to actually discuss the game with
What are you guys playing on you're Switch?
I just started playing Smash and Dead Cells again.
Wow what a lineup
>likes specific types of games
>buys games that are complete polar opposites of those types
>doesn't like them
>complains about it on Yea Forums
yeah i mean it's fine to not like nintendo or whatever but god you're retarded
>"can't even find a few of them to actually discuss the game with"
you're not actually looking, like many others in this thread have said
Lmao at the cucktendo shitch
Yes, and it was worth waiting 2 years for that 1 game because it is amazing.
I happen to like video games. I thought Nintendo would be the premier purveyor of such products. Is it not worth the time to complain about my let down expectations?
Then where can I find these mystical fans? Everywhere i've tried, they showed nothing but disdain for people who actually want to talk about the games. No joke, in every smash thread I go in, I try and talk about how much I enjoy playing as power suit samus, then people spam zero suit porn and call me a snoy tranny. How the heck am I supposed to respond to that?
nobody bought a gamecube either and it still had way better games at a faster schedule than the switch, despite being modern hardware for its day unlike the overpriced outdated wii u emulator tablet
no geams
Epic store drama
Video games just suck in general I guess.
I believe he's referring to Super Mario Odyssey, based on his picture
>bought a switch (a glorified wii u)
"didnt buy a wii u"
>didnt hack their switch to get access to homebrew apps, emulators up to n64/ps1, and free games
the basedtch
I remember this wii u game
playstation, xbox, and pc are basically a shared ecosystem of 90% of games, while nintendo is a galapagos island of the other 10%, except somebody dropped a nuclear bomb on it between the gamecube and the wii leaving only cockroaches and other garbage
No, no... that doesn't sound right.
why is tropical freeze 50 dollars on the switch when its 10 on the wii u
>not just wii u games, but n64 games and ps1 games
that rules so much
as someone who owned a wiiu i'm bored af now with my switch
>he isn't emulating gamecube on his switch RIGHT NOW
Yikes... sucks to not know about Lakka....
Right but if you bought a Switch and NOT an actual wiiu than you wouldn't be "rebuying" any games retard. You would be buying the games for the first time on a Switch.
>cherry-picking 3 of the 24 titles on the screen
doesnt lakka still suck ass tho? only portable, no audio, and GC emulation isnt even too hot, im fine with waiting for GC/Wii emulation on CFW anyways
Honestly that's better than a one game console 6 years in
>muh cherrypicking
Let's be honest bro, they're all multiplat or ports except for Splatoon 2, Odyssey, Xenoblade, and Mario Maker 2.
What are you talking about?
who cares? nintendo still hasnt made any games for the shitch. in the future the shitch will be in landfills just like every other console ever whether you bought a wii u, a wii u and a switch, just a switch, or neither. and the switches 2 year legacy so far is 1 game. you should demand better instead of being a stockholm syndrome switch bitch
Will you stop with that already? If you don't like the Switch, there's no reason to bring discussion down to a pre-school level with namecalling.
>A frog
oh shit i forgot they just got psp working too
What about games like TLOU, Persona, God of War, Uncharted, horizon, and various others?
Am I the only one who finds it odd how the only time Xenoblade 2 is ever brought up here its to shitpost with the same webm over and over again?
literally who gives a shit, just play video games you enjoy on your preferred platform
Cucktendo shitch bitch
>but there are others
>Sony also has more than one game
All while an xbot's corpse stinks the room. Every single console war thread
>sequels are now ports to console war retards
moden console wars are literally a cancer killing Yea Forums and are the biggest reason why redditors think wojaks are "LE Yea Forums COLTORE!!!". the day mods ban shitty console war threads and wojaks is the day Yea Forums becomes good again
>metroid prime
>wind waker
>viewtiful joe
>eternal darkness
>rogue squadron 2
>f-zero gx
>not overpriced and outdated
>free pro controller
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
? im a nintendo cum eater and want them to actually make impressive new games on a normal schedule on normal hardware, like they used to. my preferred platform is a nintendo platform with games
>he thinks im comparing the switch to the current competition and not nintendos own track record since before sony and microsoft entered the market
OP here, the other consoles are shit too but Sony and MS have never had a first party output like nintendo so it doesnt matter
How come everyone will go far and beyond to prove OP's console war shitposting wrong, but do nothing when its about sony? I've seen so many threads just like ITT on both Switch and PS4 but the PS4 one is just people calling anything that isn't Bloodborne a movie and ignore everything. Meanwhile, In the Switch thread, everyone lists exclusives immediately
>shit that isnt out yet
>bad games
>mediocre games
>literally who games
>games that are cancerous call of duty esque minor iterations of wii u games, basically glorified dlc
Not enough idorts to be honest. When you own both consoles, you feel disappointment from each.
There is no excitement about the ps4. It's just a solid console, not one of the best or one of the worst.
Why is everyone so angry at each other, just play the goddamn games. The new ones are fun, the old ones are still fun, especially if you didn't own a Wii U, and the upcoming ones are probably gonna be fun too.
it has nothing to do with console wars. the ps5 and xbtwo arent even out yet to compare. see:
>why is a Nintendo-biased board defending Nintendo
Wow wee this is some mystery
>t-t-those don't count
Predictable & pathetic
not the same user but that's pretty underwhelming, feels like a worse N64
I was looking for an excuse to buy a switch since older models are easy to hack but couldn't find a single game I absolutely needed to play
no geams
Epic store drama
The n64 had like 5 good games in its entire life. The Wii u blew the n64 out of the water.
Why don't you?
nobody gives a shit or ever has about sonys first party effort that is now actively cancer aside from kojima. it lets you play all the current multiplat games and thats what its for
>list sony exclusives
>get multiple replies saying they're movies
>didn't even list David Cage and Naughty Dog games
I was an idort kid and had both the N64 and the PS1 and I still played the fuck out of my N64, definitely a lot more than just 5 games
compared to that whole list the N64 looks like a goldmine
nintendo 90s and early 00s: probably half the great games released in that period
nintedo late 00s and 2010s: a graveyard despite the hardware being outdated for easy development and overpricing/surging popularity increasing funds many times over
Terminal. Now open your mouth. Show me what it do.
they dont. the ouya technically had software but nobody will ever give a shit
>list Persona
>it gets called a movie because it's a JRPG
>same person proceeds to list Xenoblade 2 as a must have exclusive
That always irks me.
>praise Persona 5, but shits on Xenoblade 2 even though both are anime games with waifus and same unfunny ''jokes''
Persona 5 is a ps3 game
Two years into the N64's life and we got: Ocarina of Time, GoldenEye 007, Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Wave Race 64, & Blast Corps
first 3 are all time greats that oddyshit is not worthy to clean their shoes
>the virgin who tries saying that both games are different, trying to vindicate one while hating on the other
>the chad who understands that both are movie games and treats them equally
Probably because they are movies. God of War has 5 hours of cutscenes in a 25 hour game, meaning about 20% of the game is cutscenes. For comparison Xenoblade chronicles 2 which is the most "cinematic" Nintendo game has about 10 hours of cut scenes for a 100+ hour game so about 10% or less of the game is cut scenes.
I can do this for more games. Spider man ps4 has 6 hours of cutscenes for a 24 hour game, 25% of the game is cut scenes.
Uncharted 4 has 5 hours of cutscenes for a 17 hour game.
Most of Sony's games are at a 20-25% cut scene to gameplay ratio. That's why people call them movie games.
Banjo-Kazooie and Goldeneye are worth more than most switch games so far as well
so it's like I said, a worse N64. 1st parties that can't compete with their predecessors and few 3rd party titles
>wave race 64
You think you might be blinding yourself with nostalgia?
this thread is so edgy lol
Hey look at that you listed 4 games. Thats half the n64s good library right there.
you listed those games. and the same can be said of the Switch.
that's a really stupid metric for considering something a movie game. Did you ever take into account gameplay quality? When I look at a game, I take into the account the actual gameplay before the cutscene ratios. And this is how I see it:
>God of War could have 1000 hours of gameplay, but it would still be a movie because every other segment is a walking simulator, waiting for the boy to initiate a load screen, or button mashing. The fans never talk about the game and just initiate pointless console wars, therefore demonstrating a lack of quality in the gameplay.
>Xenoblade is a movie because every other moment is waifushit or cutscenes, and the gameplay is just a barebones tool to get you from one setpiece to another. Just like GOW, the fandom also hates talking about the gameplay and just want to post porn and console wars, showing how bad the game is
Your fanbase needs to not be filled with porn addicts and console warriors for there to be any positive video game discussion, but without good gameplay, how will you attract a good fanbase?
The Nintendo 64, in its entire lifespan, got 29 games rated 85 or above (generally considered great - stand out games). The switch 2 years into it's life has 62 rated 85 or above.
>he doesnt know wave race 64 was an absolute banger and one of the most cutting edge games of its time
botw isnt even a fair comparison to oot. its like if LTTP was delayed and released simultaneously on snes and n64
wow a 10% difference, it's totally a movie now. if you don't spend 20 hours playing gacha garbage in xenoblade 2 its percent goes up significantly. a normal playthrough is 60-70 hours.
when does any fanbase talk about gameplay here? pretty lousy metric to judge a game
>a 10% difference
No, that isn't how math works. That is in fact a 100% difference.
>counting 85-89
>counting multiplats
>counting last gen ports and glorified dlc
it has 1 game to n64's 6 (in the same timeframe), and that 1 game is easily outclassed overwhelming by at least 3 of the 6. n64 was wheat, switch is chaff
A good game is a good game.
The good games have fanbases that talk about the gameplay.
>Games in the first 2 years
Pic related. And look how outdated the list on Switch side is with all the new exclusive games coming out for it
in the future nobody will care what temporary amount of mediocre-good software was available in total on the switch when its in landfills. people will look back on the wii, wii u, and probably switch, and maybe all the future nintendo consoles as being the irrelevant boomer dinosaur retirement years of a once vital contributor to the artform
The argument in this thread seems to be that if any switch game is on another platform it "doesn't count" which is extremely retarded, for the simple reason few people own all platforms, especially in regards to Wii u ports. Not only has 75% of the switchs audience never owned the Wii u, but the switch ports are significantly better.
>two single game consoles
literally two homeless retarded homos fighting
the argument is that nintendo is only putting the minimum possible effort into making games for its outdated overpriced moneyprinter you cocksucker
And before anyone points it out, yes this can be applied to all the console makers. It could even be applied to Epic Games and steam, considering how lazy the latter is at making games, and how utterly corrupt and incompetent the former is. the point is that none of them should be immune to criticism. Everyone needs their time in the light which reveals their flaws.
What do you mean by effort? They keep expanding their studios so they're putting more labor into the games. Money wise theyve been putting a lot of money into funding other companies like BamCo to make games for them.
>Minimum effort in his games
>Thats the reason it has more worthwile exclusives in 2 years than Sony and Microsoft together in 5
Can you name even one game they've put out in the past 5 years that's been pure videogamey goodness? Nintendo has been suffering the exact same problems as everyone else, they want spectacle over substance and it shows in their games. Mario Odyssey had a terrible lack of challenge, BOTW ran at a cinematic 20 FPS constantly, Xenoblade is a 50 hour long movie, Smash and Splatoon are esports fodder with zero redeeming singleplayer content, and so on. It's just one problem after another, and you can't even talk about the games because the fans want nothing more than to spam porn and shitpost in console wars.
>Can you name ONE good game
>Here is a list with arbitrary buzzwords i latched upon browsing Yea Forums
Pretty boring
It's the exact same standards I impose upon all console exclusives. To show Nintendo preferential treatment would be dishonest.
valve is a perfect comparison. they used to make industry defining all time greats and now make nothing but get 1000x the cash off providing minimal ecosystem utility. this entire artform is slowly going down the drain.
theres no reason nintendo cant execute like they used to (BOTW) they just prefer making huge bucks off minimal effort like any rational corporate entity
>let/command retro to waste 4-5 years on something to never even announce it and cancel
>get koizumi to wear a catsuit on stage like a creep for a glorified 3ds game
>kill paper mario
>trust a soulless deathspiralling team ninja with metroid
>one new smash game a console with a bigger roster that nobody will ever remember after the next one, while melee still keeps going
>release 1 (one) notable game for the switch in 2+ yrs
more labor =/= more effort
just think out of context for a second guys. you have 60-80 years alive. less if you tragically get killed by another force, i hope this happens to no one here.
youre in your teens or 20s, maybe a few 30s. were all young here. you could be hanging out with friends, trying to bang hot young or milf pussy, learning another language or some other skill, discovering new music, or playing video games. instead youre arguing about which made in china plastic toy has more/less games than the other. tomorrows monday. i want you all to take a 30 minute walk before interacting with technology tomorrow. no phone, no tv, no pc, no internet, no console. enjoy the morning or afternoon sun for a bit first and clear your mind. remind yourself of what happened last night (now) and vow to never do it again. just do it, youll thank me later after you call me a faggot now.
wow, they won the special olympics. congrats
>t. bought a Pii U
I only come to this shithole once every few months. argument is fun and feels good, and im doing it for a good cause
No one on Yea Forums plays video games.
What is even the context here? This game looks so fucking gay, holy shit.
user, if I didn't argue on Yea Forums, I'd probably be a mindless corporate drone or console fanboy who can't think rationally without consulting the groupthink. It's because of this site that I can truly feel capable of challenging what I consider a hivemind, or questioning popular opinion. Woudlnt trade it for anything.
>Wii U (2012-2014)
>3D World
>Smash 4
>Bayonetta 2
>Switch (2017-2019)
>Smash Ultimate
wow such high ground m8
All you need to know is that it's a 22 minute long cutscene that contributes nothing to the actual game part, a critical failing of JRPGs in general.
Yeah good thing I didn't fall for the last one
>blatant porn still not deleted after 5 hours
Did Moot cut the pay for the staff?
Yeah but you fell for this one
>Smash Ultimate
>3D World
>Smash 4
>Bayonetta 2
>Metroid Prime 3
>Metroid Prime
>Wind Waker
>Viewtiful Joe
>Eternal Darkness
>Rogue Squadron II
Gamecube literally had as many great games in its first two years as the Wii, Wii U, and Switch combined. And the 8 in question are more varied, better, memorable, and unique. And nobody can blame technological advance or lack of money since the Wii was basically a complete nonadvancement in hardware and sold bajillions. Neo nintendo sucks cock by choice
The fact that he continues to con people into replying to him shows how low-IQ current day Yea Forums is.
Because spamming porn and inciting console wars is a far better alternative to video game discussion, right?
Bitch, he's just as bad, if not WORSE than any of that. Porn spam and brainless consolewarring is unpalatable enough, it's the fucking SMUGNESS of ACFag that gets to me more than anything else.
>dude cutscenes are bad
no one cares if theyre short, entertaining, good, or skippable
only long boring bad unskippable cutscenes are worth complaining about
You actually forgot the second best one, the first being Splatoon 2.
>yeah, I ruin threads with porn spam and console warring, BUT AT LEAST I'M NOT RUDE
Is that the hill you want to die on here? Cripes, I'm sorry if I seem smug, but I assure you it's completely unintentional. I didn't even know I let off an air of smugness.
>no one cares if theyre short, entertaining, good, or skippable
The only good cutscene is a non-existent cutscene. When I purchase a video game, I expect gameplay, not a choppy mess that I need to constantly skip so I'm not wrangled into 22 minute long cinematic segments. How does that sound like a good product?
>only long boring bad unskippable cutscenes are worth complaining about
I'd love to know the difference between a cutscene in God of War and Xenoblade, or Bayonetta and Uncharted. I'm obviously expecting something like "well one has titties and the other has le evil SJW agenda" so I don't expect any surprises.
im not console warring at all. the only consoles I compare the switch to are other nintendo consoles. but this board is so far gone the only thing that matters to the majority of these ghouls is winning against equally retarded competition so they sperg out
>bad game
Happens to be the best JRPG of all time
>ACfag sperging about cutscenes in a jrpg
Is this guy mentally charged or what? Those kind of games were always dialogue heavy. The static dialogue sections you had back then is the equivalent of cutscenes today, the only difference is in them being voiced and animated. How new can he be?
Not being able to play Persona 5 makes the console even better
>Is this guy mentally challenged
Nope. He's a troll, and a damn good one given that he's been going at this for over eight years at this point, and Yea Forums hasn't collectively petitioned the mods to perma-ban his puritan-pretending ass.
xenoblade is for retards
>The only good cutscene is a non-existent cutscene. When I purchase a video game, I expect gameplay, not a choppy mess that I need to constantly skip so I'm not wrangled into 22 minute long cinematic segments. How does that sound like a good product?
no one cares about what you expect when you purchase a video game. you can either learn to appreciate the diversity of art media with everyone else or insist on having your specific autistic taste solely catered to and validated by everyone else, which will never happen
Cutscene games are literally all that is worth anything in this goddamn industry. The rest is either mindless trash for very young children or mindless trash for manchildren and autistic adults. No responsible grown man cares about anything other than story in a video game.
Imagine being as mentally ill as OP.
Imagine wasting THREE YEARS of your sad pathetic life being obsessed with Nintendo and fighting an infatile crusade against the Switch every hour of every day.
And yet every day he has to wake up in a world where Nintendo remain the most celebrated company in gaming history and the Switch is one of the most successful consoles ever made with a library of some of the most acclaimed games of all time.
I wonder what that feels like?
but thats dragon quest 7
>Actual unique game for the system
Come on...
Smash Ultimate
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Mario Maker 2
Super Mario Party
Splatoon 2
Doom Eternal
Wolfenstein 2
L.A Noire
Baba is You
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Xenoblade 2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2/Fighterz
Mario + Rabbids
I can go on if you want.
I love nintendo more than you faggot:
>The moving of the goalposts
Why is it wrong to hate cutscenes when they're bloated and constantly take you out of the action? Nobody ever gives me a hard time for complaining about cutscenes in other games. I mean shucks, my comment about God of War being a boring walking simulator laced with loading times, quick time events, and cutscenes? Nobody even scoffed at that. You'd think someone would bring up the metacritic score and say I was in the minority when I said I hated it, but no. Not a soul gave me heat for it.
But if I levy the same criticisms against JRPGs, suddenly everyone acts like I insulted them personally. What gives? Why should JRPGs get a pass for this? There's absolutely no point to it. If these games were good, they wouldn't have hour after hour of dialogue and cutscenes. The good gameplay would speak for itself. They could even implement natural storytelling that's the videogamey equivalent of show, don't tell. Yet for some reason this genre gets the greenlight to have hours of exposition, oftentimes outnumbering the amount of time spent actually playing the game.
>you can either learn to appreciate the diversity of art media with everyone else
I don't know about you, but I don't feel privy on following the hivemind of popular opinion. Normalfags are kind of not trustworthy in the good taste department. Look how popular gacha games and sports titles are, if ever you need a reason why.
I think weeb shit is usually cancerous, but people on Yea Forums defend that horrendous Final Fantasy 10 laugh scene, so I do not understand your view here.
Now imagine he will never stop.
He just shifts his focus every damn time.
Did you realize that we dont have sales threads anymore since Sony isnt elling most console now? Nintendo sold most consoles every single months so far and we have
threads about it because he cannot spam his shitty threads anymore.
So he switched now to :
>B...but Nintendo doesnt make good games anymore
What will he do if August and September hits with shitton of Nintendo exclusives?
We will see
You do realize that that's an entire new location and model on Sheldon. That's like saying Majora's Mask is not a sequel because it has similar gameplay and reuses assets. So arguments like that always make no sense.
>slightly higher resolution wii u games
I got bad news for you.
anyone who buys that shit on the shitch is a moron. it doesn't even have anti-aliasing.
>not out yet
>wii u game dlc
>wii u game
>the 1 game
>wii u game dlc
>wii u game dlc
>baba is literally who?
>xbox one game
>wii u game
>bad game
>breddy cool but barely anyone cares, I would probably personally pick it over oddyshit but w/e
Nobody gives a shit, that's like saying Twilight Princess is a Gamecube game, even though more people associate it with the Wii.
JRPGs have the most irritable fans out of any other genre.
Because JRPGs, as much as you want them to fit your hilariously constrained world view, are not even the same fucking genre as those "cinematic experiences" that constantly ape TLOU. It's an insulting comparison that implies the only thing that make a TLOU clone is if it has a story focus, and there are cutscenes in it, when there's so much fucking more that can be blamed on TLOU-clones that JRPGs don't even touch on.
RDR2 is the game for you boah.
I guess the message here is that you have to hate both of them or you'd be a hypocrite. Thankfully I despise FFX as one of the worst games on the Ps2, so I'm in the clear. I mean it's funny, the laughing is literally only defended by pretentious storywriters, forgetting one very crucial thing: the cutscenes exist to serve the gameplay, not the other way around.
yep pretty much.
splatoon and arms are worth playing for like 10 minutes but not actually worth buying.
Yes, like I said he's mentally ill. If he's not making threads about stocks, he'll make threads for months on end about a Switch game's quality based on a cherry-picke screenshot from a youtube video feed. And then completely ignore it when the game eventually gets released to rave reviews and strong sales. Every time.
Its honestly endearding. I love waking up every day and seeing OP still forever seething over Nintendo's ongoing critical and commercial success. It really makes my day.
Thanks for proving you haven't played FFX.
You can literally say that with any PC/PS4/Xbox/Switch game. At heart they are all the same. In fact, open your library of games and tell me how many non-indie games are not a "shit game" to someone (which is impossible), a port of another game or is just a remake or remaster of another game.
it has nothing to do with "popular opinion" or "normalfags". theres no serious appreciator of any art that stomps his feet on the ground screaming "WHY ARE THERE WORDS IN THIS COMIC BOOK LET ME LOOK AT THE PICTURES!!!?" or "WHY IS THERE A SOUNDTRACK IN THIS MOVIE, CLEARLY THEY ARE COVERING UP ITS SHITTYNESS !!"
but im afraid youre never going to understand how you sound because in order to type the shit you do you have to be incapable of self awareness
>Because JRPGs, as much as you want them to fit your hilariously constrained world view, are not even the same fucking genre as those "cinematic experiences" that constantly ape TLOU.
Oh really? You say this, despite the fact that JRPGs like Xenobladre are well known to dedicating entire sections of their games to nothing but cinematics and character dialogue. I point you to my post here for clarification.
I'd like you to look at that youtube video and tell me, with a straight face, that nothing is wrong with that. Humor is subjective, so I'm not going to pick at the game's style of anime humor. What I WILL pick at is that this video GAME decided to waste 22 minutes of my time with segments where I had zero interaction, the only time I ever felt like I was actually a part of it was when I was button mashing through the dialogue. You wanna tell me that this isn't blatantly aping TLOU's style of story-over-gameplay narrative?
>w-well you can skip it
Would that be a valid argument if you could skip the cutscenes in TLOU? No, it wouldn't be. You know why? Because the game was still made by a pretentious hack whose only desire was to try and make a hollywood film with the occasional shootan and corridors. No amount of metacritic scores or sales or pretentious artists can vindicate such baffling decisions that hamper the actual game itself.
Then please, demonstrate the importance of this scene.
Justify why it should exist, from a gameplay perspective. Assume that I do not care about the story, and that I feel nothing but burning hatred for the game not letting me skip the cutscene.
>Smash 4 patch
Fucking cope.
I hope you suck a fat dick.
If that's the case, Smash 4 is a patched Brawl, Brawl is a patched Melee and Melee is a patched 64... oh wait, the game looks different. And your shit Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is not a patched Black Ops 3, I laugh at your moronic idiocy. Go play a real game like Battlefield 4.
>different types of interactive entertainment are not allowed to exist.
No wonder you get laughed at all the time.
I know it's summer, but there's an usually high anount of shitposting tonight.
I'm pretty much just using it as a zelda machine. I pirate all the shitty games that aren't worth money. I buy what I actually want to support.
you suck cock even harder than nintendo does, impressive
yeah now imagine if majoras mask didnt have the atmosphere change and crazy groundhog day thing going on, and wasnt the sequel to nintendos most popular game among their base ever, and came out on the gamecube, and people were saying it wasnt a glorified n64 dlc
>people on Yea Forums defend that horrendous Final Fantasy 10 laugh scene
who? like 1 retard? it's cut and dry undeniable cringe.
Things are getting more desperate now that snoyfags have realised their system is now completely dead. No more games. Meanwhile Switchads have a flood of great titles.
And if they never come?
>theres no serious appreciator of any art that stomps his feet on the ground
That's because modern art critics will literally, and I use that word heavily, LITERALLY will praise shit in a can. Criticism is no longer welcome in the art world. Of course they won't critique a modern piece because it might hurt someone's feelings.And this attitude flows into video games with people scared to criticize a game because their friend, Mr. Corporation, might get their feelings hurt. Notice how outlets will blatantly defend anti-consumer practices and downright bad games, without even being paid to do so. They've become conditioned to never once speak out or critically analyze something. Back in my day we rightfully criticized a movie that had a soundtrack or fancy CGI graphics trying to hide a bad plot or terrible writing, bonus points if it led to going over budget.
If you coddle game devs and journalists, they'll never get better. You're just encouraging them circling the drain.
Baba is you.
It's a puzzle game where you change the rules of the level to obtain your goal. It was showcased in a Nindies showcase along with Cuphead and was played by a Twitch streamer by the name of "Vinesauce." A fine chap if you ask me. But Yea Forums's opinion of him could be different, I do not know.
>What about games like TLOU, Persona
PS3 games.
twilight princess WAS a gamecube game. who gives a shit what most people associate it with. theyre wrong.
I agree that there should be a variety of interactive entertainment. Cutscenes aren't interactive, so they're exempt.
No, I hate both. I'm just saying if people defend FFX, they will defend whatever the hell that is, so I'm saying it's pointless to even say that when you know the answer.
Then you clearly aren't a Nintendo fan, you are idiotic portfag. You call everything a port. You call New Super Mario Bros U a port of New Super Mario Bros Wii. You call Smash Ultimate a port of Smash 4. You call Splatoon 2 a port of Splatoon 1. You probably call Mario Maker 2 a port of Mario Maker 1 as well. Also calling Crafted World a port of Woolly World. You are a moron that cannot tell sequels from actual ports, because all you do is generalize everything.
hes talking about GAMES not C grade movies.
What about TLOU2 or the other titles mentioned? The very logic you say I'm not allowed to use is the logic you yourself use to bar these games.
Announcement in August, release in November
Literally 2DS 2
You perfectly summed up what BOTW2 is going to be.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that scene. You're delusional if you think you can say JRPGs are the exact same thing as every souless Last of Us clone out there.
And for fucks sake, find some new materiel. Xenoblade 2 sucks, I get it. Make you could make a new strawman out of some other game's corpse at this point?
>Cutscenes aren't interactive, so they're exempt.
So thats 95% of video games. Anything with a cutscene doesn't count. K E K
Not him and didn't read the whole reply chain but but there's ZERO excuses to not let you skip cutscenes in any game.
We don’t even know when it will come out
Yet when it comes to Call of Duty and every single Ubisoft and fucking EA Sports game, it's "different" everytime.
Everyone sucks ass on here.
brawl was worse than a patched melee. it was a massive downgrade lmao
why can't they just, oh I don't know, buy a Switch and playing something like Mario Maker, instead of seething while simulating it in LBP?
seeWhat is the point of a video game if you're just gonna flood it with cutscenes and make them C-grade movies? Why isn't Nintendo taking risks and telling the modern cutscene to take a hike? They have the devs, they have the money, they have all the time in the world. This feels like a great opportunity to swing the industry in a better direction.
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with that scene.
Nothing wrong with it? user, it's a 22 minute cinematic segment blatantly shoved into a game for no reason. Why do you see that and see nothing wrong?
In my opinion, a good game at heart should have good gameplay and a good story to tell, otherwise it becomes souless like every single multiplayer game only. A different story with similar gameplay to me is a sequel unless it comes within the game itself. An example would be Infamous 2, although it plays and looks almost the same as Infamous 1, the story is different enough to be call a sequel, however, a game like Dying Light: The Following, although has a far better story, is to me not a sequel, but a continuation of the base game a person can only access the game through the original Dying Light, even though some consider it it's own thing.
The buzzword you are looking for is rehash, not port, you obnoxious shitposting faggot
>Implying the industry would be better if no game had cutscenes anymore
You know what happened when developers told cutscenes to take a hike? We got WALKING SEGMENTS.
BOY I SURE LOVE HAVING TO SLOW TO A CRAWL/BE LOCKED IN A ROOM EVERY TIME A DIALOGUE PLAYS. And they had the gall to claim this shit was "more immersive" than simple cutscenes.
Let developers have their cutscenes, if only to spare us the pain of forced walking segments.
Wasn't the Switch supposed to FAIL?
What went wrong OP?
Have you tried bloodstained?
You literally contradicted yourself by putting Melee and REmake in there. They are literally either patches to a previous game or a port of another game that jusy had a new coat of paint to it, even though it's the same game.
Not yet but I've been meaning to. Been hearing good things.
>You call Smash Ultimate a port of Smash 4. You call Splatoon 2 a port of Splatoon 1. You probably call Mario Maker 2 a port of Mario Maker 1 as well
Everything is correct.
"Sequels" on shitch are laughably bad.
I didnt call splatoon 2 a port. a called it a wii u game. its not even in the range of critical reception we are talking about in this thread. its irrelevant. Generalisation is actually a skill us neurotypicals use all the time to not get bogged down in the trees when judging the forest:
In video games, I'd consider a good story to be one that doesn't have to be said. A good story plays to the strengths of the medium. A book story uses colorful, ambitious wording that gets to the point. A good movie utilizes proper camera work and choreography and environmental tone, mixed with proper pacing. A good video game has the story be natural and fit into the gameplay as much as possible.
Compare and contrast that to a bad book that's nothing but pictures and the wording and grammar wouldn't even be fit for a 3rd grade class. How about a bad movie that uses expensive CGI graphics and celebrity voice actors, having them be in a static room with shot-reverse shot style storytelling. A bad video game is just a string of cutscenes with the gameplay acting only as a weak anchor to bring you from one cutscene to another.
It's all about playing to your strengths, and to be frank mediums shouldn't be mixing and matching unless you have someone at the helm who isn't a hack.
Nothing is wrong with that quest for one reason only:
Because it pisses you, and ONLY you, off.
What the fuck is Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remaster then. That was literally a port of a 360/PS3 game that still charged for DLC. Hell, Capcom has ported nearly all their zombie games on the Xbox One and PS4. And Watch Dogs was a literal port when it arrived to the Xbox One and PS4. Your the obnoxious shitposter here. I hope you choke on your dad's schlong as he penetrates your childhood memories.
>laughably bad
Yes they are well recieved by fans and recieved praise from critics.
yea, I know. not mad tho. BOTW was good and I want moar and refinement
>Implying the industry would be better if no game had cutscenes anymore
It would be better. It wouldn't be perfect, but budgets would drop rapidly. No more expensive mocap or CGI or expensive voice actors. Story needs to be more clever and properly integrated instead of just being in giant clumps of words. Your average cinematic experience will cease to exist overnight. The pretentious indie devs will also drop from the face of the earth.
Walking segments were a sneakier form of cutscene, evolved to sneak under the radar. If you tell cutscenes to leave, the walking segments have to leave too. The general notion would be to stop any kind of non-gameplay from harming the gameplay. Cutting down on story and improving general gameplay would eliminate both walking simulators and cutscenes in one fell swoop.
Yeah, it's kinda crusty, but goddamn If it isn't good at what it actually wants to do, also, If you plan to get the switch version you might wanna wait a bit until they patch it in the 15th, it's kinda bad as of now, If you don't wanna do all that shit, then just get the PC version
>What the fuck is Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remaster then
A remake? Or a remaster? Why the fuck are you so obsessed with buzzwords?
>Your the obnoxious shitposter here
You want to have more discussion over buzzword labeling you faggot zoomer?
>bad game mechanics piss you off, so I'm gonna enjoy them ironically
I shouldn't tell you about my hate of lootboxes , gacha, censorship and DRM then.
>ugly Anime female clips through herself
>Popular gaming device = BAD!
>Japan = WEEB! (Even though this website is literally inspired by Japanese culture, the dramatic irony is making me grin.)
Ironic because at the end of the day, all we do is tap buttons to make things happen. Video games are all the same to me now, and console/PC war shit like this is always a piss off, because it's really only the investers that care about this circle jerk, and everyone else is just a pawn.
>And yet they sell more then most games. And are critically praised.
>No more expensive mocap or CGI or expensive voice actors
You really don't understand how games are made, do you.
That shit you claim to hate so much (mocap, top of the line VA) is already in games, even if the game has no cutscenes or walking segments (see: Half-Life 1 and 2).
>implying pretentious indie devs would drop of the face of the earth if no cutscenes anymore
You underestimate their delusions. If anything, their behavior would get even worse.
if you want me to apply my personal criteria to that list, its actually 6 games for gamecube to 5 for wii, wii u, and switch if we take out melee, remake, brawl, smash 4, and ultimate, when noncorrected its 8 to 8. so you made my point even stronger
(I think melee and remake were absolutely way bigger steps forward than brawl, smash 4, and ultimate too. like not even comparable)
Will admit, I made a grammatical mistake with saying "your" instead of "you're." But you can't come up with an argument... can you pal. Other than using a buzzword like "zoomer." I win.
Mention 3 (three) (tres) games on the switch that are worthy of paying for the online subscription.
And no, splatoon 2 isn't worth jack shit.
Why doesn't OP just buy a Switch like everyone else instead of acting like a jealous booty-blasted baby?
As i said, it's kinda crusty, but don't judge something based on crust alone, even pizza has crust user.
Vinesauce is leftie trash
if it failed it might actually have games, although in the case of the wii u that didnt help
>A book story uses colorful, ambitious wording that gets to the point
t. absolute brainlet. never read real literature
Argument for what? I answered your question, zoomer
its actually amazing how nintendfags defend their system
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Super Mario Maker 2
Seriously, why do people keep forgetting about MHGU? Shit's real damn good, maybe the best classic MH gameplay wise
You sound upset about Nintendo. Are you 14?
>That shit you claim to hate so much (mocap, top of the line VA) is already in games, even if the game has no cutscenes or walking segments (see: Half-Life 1 and 2).
that's because they're still story heavy. ALL of it has to go, or it'll just keep coming back in worse forms like you yourself said before. We weren't strict with cinematics, so they snuck under our noses as walking segments.
>You underestimate their delusions. If anything, their behavior would get even worse.
But with the bar being raised, they would simply be phased out. With cinematic sludge no longer being profitable, their little walk and talk movie simulators would falter and burn before they could even get their steam page up.
>t. absolute brainlet. never read real literature
And what literature disproves this? Does War and Peace have a bunch of ebonics and pretty pictures for the normalfag crowd to get into it? Does Tsar Hunger rely on emotes and memes to get across its crude caricature of russian society?
metal gear games are great and you are gay
im OP and ive been in this thread the entire time never comparing nintendo to a competitor or giving a shit about financials. only their failure to live up to their tradition
>It contains the same fanbase
I like smash. I don't like splatoon. You're a nigger and you've been a nigger this whole thread. LIke a fried chicken loving, welfare collecting nigger. You are that fucking dumb
Because people will pay it
Until the game's sales totally fall off a cliff it's not getting a price cut
Because his parents can't afford one after buying Little Jimmy-OP a PS4 for Christmas.
>only their failure to live up to their tradition
You mean producing the best video games in the world? Yup, they sure let the side down.
I don't know about Ultimate. I consider that different enough, like Melee and Brawl. Having an adventure mode and exclusive content is enough for me to call it a sequel. But to be honest, it's not even new games that get me suckered in, it's the novelty of playing it in a portable setting, where I'm not confined to a television or a monitor. It has enough power to enjoy a game, yet I still have opitions to play them on my Xbox or PC if I want to. That was the whole point with the Game Boy as well, a mini NES, infact when you look at the GBA, most of the Mario games on there were just ports of the All-Stars games + Yoshi's Island, because it was like playing a mini SNES. Even the PSP, a selling point was playing PS1 games on the go and the DS's launch title was Super Mario 64 DS, a remake that was designed for proof of concept and was released for nostalgia. The Switch in this case is no different, and is why it is selling quite well.
>metal gear games are great and you are gay
I'd agree if there were any Metal Gear GAMES to begin with.
I'm sorry user, but it's kind of hard to believe this. Years of seeing shitposted threads just makes the fanbases blur too close together.
>All of it has to go
And how do you propose to do that?
A shit reply that answered nothing except proving that you are a hypocrate by using the buzzword "zoomer."
im not upset, i own a switch i just dont understand how this post can make so many of you man children go crazy
Go back to KFC nigger
you're right ,the switch doesn't have that many good exclusives. what it does have is surprisingly decent 3rd party support, a solid handheld, and actual 1st party quality nintendo titles, something the wii u lacked.
>And what literature disproves this? Does War and Peace have a bunch of ebonics and pretty pictures for the normalfag crowd to get into it? Does Tsar Hunger rely on emotes and memes to get across its crude caricature of russian society?
there are plenty of writers who use simplistic spartan style to great effect. and one of the hallmarks of true literature is not getting to the point. moby dick has a billion chapters on whale biology and other ramblings and its pure kino
Are you triggered that a "NINTENDO" device is selling. Or how this is supposed to be another "NINTENDO WII U" failure. Somebody is in denial.
thats a wii u game on the left, and check it:
>owns a switch
>calls other Switch owners "manchildren" - on a fucking VIDEO GAME board
>starts a Switch hate thread and then starts losing his shit because everyone is laughing at him.
i didnt start the thread jesus man get help
ACFag's behavior honestly reminds me a lot of that Yakuza fag HyperBitHero where he was into the series only for the combat and nothing else and then when people started liking the series for other reasons he got really assblasted to the point he stopped producing content.
You mean by saving the entire video game industry. Without them, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. We wouldn't even have Playstation or Xbox without Nintendo.
My suggestion would be to re-focus game development on pure gameplay, tying into the "get woke, go broke" philosophy. Imagine how many developers would follow suit if a game came out on practically non budget, sold billions, and didn't require any fancy writing degrees. We need to also educate the normalfag masses on having better taste. Have them demand better standards. Fortnite alone makes that hard to do, but I guess we gotta start somewhere.
They're both Nintendo games and both two of the most acclaimed video games in history.
Why can't you handle it?
>1 game
what is that game?
>botw actually runs better on wiiu
Using the term "manchild" already made you a big target on here and made it obvious that you made the post for a malicious intent. Being passive aggressive does not make you innocent. And besides, everyone is a manchild nowadays, thanks to nostalgia clouding everyones minds.
the "its a portable" argument doesnt fly with me. its priced like a home console, the games are priced like a home console, the specs and therefore budgets to take full advantage of the hardware are home console level. also nobody really ever cared for portable games the same as console games, theyve always been second class citizens.
all smash games after melee are useless. just play melee or do something else
Yeah. And Twilight Princess runs better on the Gamecube, your point is...
>moby dick has a billion chapters on whale biology and other ramblings and its pure kino
I always loved Moby Dick for the buildup and tension. Did it quite nicely. Bit of a slow start, but one of my favorite books of old. Though I'm a bit more biased to books like the Scarlet Pimpernel. I guess that's nostalgia talking.
Anyway, the point I was making is that as long as the books are using words and vocabulary and grammar to their strong points, they're taking advantage of the medium. It's much like how a silent film doesn't need sound or color to be good, it just needs good camera work and the ability to confer info to the audience in other ways.
its equally as shitty as the wii u
3d world+smash 4+bayo 2 vs odyssey+ultimate is a special olympics
>Seriously, why do people keep forgetting about MHGU?
World exist. Way better game on the way better platform.
you're right. we would not have a games industry, or discussions, or playstation, or xbox without the wii, wii u, and switch.
I'm advocating FOR the nintendo you are talking about (snes, n64, gamecube), not against it
When the 3DS first came out, it was priced at $250 before being reduced. In 2010, that was about the price of an average console. When the PlayStation Vita came out it was $299, the same price as a switch with a data plan to boot. With inflation, both of those would be about twice the cost now ($500 and $600) which would make it the price of game consoles now. Not to mention if portables are "second class citizens", how come the best-selling game system (with the exception of the PS2) is the Nintendo DS?
Both great games. I liked GenU more though
2 games (odyssey and ultimate, botw doesn't count) vs 8 for the gamecube in the same period. Its pathetic
>RPG has lots of dialogue and story
Oh no.
>games shouldn't be about the gameplay, and should just be vehicles for cutscenes and exposition
Oh no indeed
Oh... I'm sorry.
Also Melee players need a damn shower (with shampoo) in this world, they cannot just crap their pants and think no one would notice.
Not to mention Melee does not have Banjo or K.Rool... so I think I'll stick with Ultimate (Melee is not bad though, and I'm a Rare bugger, so you can shame me all you want.)
holy shit this projection
What about Octopath Traveller? That was a Switch exclusive for almost 2 years before a PC release?
Who are you quoting Doug?
428 replies and 114 posters.
What the fuck is this...
>400+ replies
>nobody has posted any good video games
So what the fuck does this system even have? Been playing botw on cemu so that doesn't count. It's also a wii u game. Smash dones't count either since it's the same shit every year.
Why, Monolith Soft of course.
I'm so sorry the Switch didn't fail like you desperately wanted it too. Instead, its become one of the most successful consoles of all time. Oh no. Are you ok?
gaystation faggots screaming early
Um octopath is now on steam so you retards can stop posting that shit.
If you want good games, here are quite a few on the Switch. Good for portability if you want it, but otherwise get it on PC if you can't be bothered.
Especially relevant since my game of the generation (IE Terraria) just came out on the Switch. And it literally runs circles around even Nintendo's best exclusives like BOTW, in my humblr opinion of course.
>Odyssey is the only game switch has
And that shit is gonna be fully playable on pc within 6 months. What a fucking joke the switch is.
But they never said that
TP is a gamecube game, what the fuck is your point you retard?
are you a retard or a robot? the 3ds was only $250 for less than six months before being $169 because yes, $250 is close to home console money and it was bullshit. hardware price is only one of the dimensions I mentioned
seriously tho lmao the who gives a shit about sales? the ds had a terrible library.
What about Yoshi's Crafted World, Super Mario Party and Kirby Star Allies.
I don't know if they are good games, but I know they are exclusive. As well as Octopath Traveller, that was a Switch exclusive for a long while. What about Mario + Rabbids, that was surprisingly good as well!
Are you fucking serious? Are you 12? Nobody plays that shit.
Xenoblade would say otherwise. Infact, in Xenoblade 2, they say it straight for 13 hours.
Didn't you say this a year ago?
And at what point do you recognise the rampant desperation of emulating a fucking portable system? lmao
Aw... are you miserable that something you do not like is selling. Here, I'll get your pacifier for you.
>switch is less powerful than the phone in your pocket
What a fucking joke nintendo is
>he bought a switch and is trying to cope
mediocre game
it has failed. its produced no games
>emulating is desperate now
Yeah because you have never emulated anything right? Fucking retard. I guess you dust off your snes or n64 every time you play a shitty mario or zelda game huh.
Imagine being this specific type of faggot. Yikes and yikespilled.
Seething with jealousy because Nintendo just keeps on winning.
Did Hiro fire the janitors or something?
Yeah I will cope while I play your games at a higher resolution and better framerate :)
your retarded son is never going to grow if you keep sheltering him, user
You literally did not read what I said you tard.
shut up fag
>Games that don't have hour after hour of cutscenes? Like Terraria, Gradius, Contra, Pac-Man, Ikaruga, FTL, Risk of Rain, the works.
I love all of those games. I also love most of Platinum's library. Most importantly, I still think you're a fucking faggot-ass niggerfaggot, niggerfaggot.
LMFAO he has to desperately try and emulate games I played years ago on broken unstable emulators, without any of the convenience or portability.
Why so hungry for Nintendo kiddo? LOL!
>this thread
>nintendies cannot deal with the fact pcfags cant emulate and run their shit better
Time to grow up and buy a decent pc.
Judging by your colourful and ubiquitous choice of words there. My estimations can vividly conclude that you and a good quadrant of the folk here are infact under age. Besides, I was throwing ideas out, and one of the games has the legendary composer Grant Kirkhope do the music.
Why is that? I'm trying to elevate discussion beyond kids throwing outdated console war slang at eachother. It just so happens that I have a strong preference against certain game elements. Is this such a crime?
At this point I'm just gonna assume you are trying to troll because otherwise I'm just gonna pity you. It's really sad man.
What makes you think Switch owners don't own pc's? PC + Switch is the best combination
Its literally a port of splatoon 1 with some maps changed
Nobody plays those games besides babies maybe you should go shitpost on the /mlp/ shithole.
Aw... did 32 million people also buy a switch instead of your 25 million Xbones... now we need to find the bib for you, and lets not forget about the diaper as the one you are wearing right now is full of shit.
Said the seething jealous baby.
Fucking kek. I never tire of watching jelly babies like you sperg-out over Nintendo. Don't worry, I'm sure the Switch will flop in 2020 for real this time lmao!
Maye read the thread and you will find out, retard. I already suggested that console + pc is the best combo.
What the fuck is /mlp/.
>implying i have ever bought microsoft trash
You are really digging now huh. BTW I own every nintendo console yet still hate them. Weird huh.
You expect me to read all of those shitposts?
First day on 4channel huh maybe look at the bar on the top and bottom.
Proof it with a picture and timestamp. Also post your hand
Well if you were trying to contribute anything useful to the thread I would assume you were dedicated to shove my cock up your ass.
So this is the result of sonycel cope. Mario Maker 2 being the hot thing right now really pissed you guys off huh?
No, but it does make you a colossal faggot. Stop being autistic and learn to enjoy different genres, maybe? Just skip the cutscenes if you're playing Bayonetta, MGR, Vanquish, etc... if you're a faggot, anyway, since the cutscenes are also based.
Aw... are you triggered that you played yourself by spending money to own Nintendo products, which contributes to their success. I'm "vewy" impressed, do you need your milk bottle now? Or perhaps an RTX 2080 graphics card that still cannot play Batman Arkham Knight or emulated Switch games properly.
Uncharted 4 is a port of Uncharted 3.
No, I'm aware of the other pages (Yea Forums being particularly memorable), I just do not know what /mlp/ is even for.
To be precise I technically spent $430(473$ with tax) to play BOTW, as I bought it, a switch and a pro controller all at the same time. I do not regret that purchase in any way.
For real though, I loved Uncharted 4, game of the year 2016. I also as love my Xbox and Switch just as much. This whole thread is cancerous.
So which game is a better time sink, Xenoblade or Octopath?
>animal crossing is like gone home
CHRIST, you must feel pretty retarded reading that back to yourself.
Call me when you get a 97 Snoy
Disregarding trolling, I think the Switch is a great console with a ton of great games.
>the cutscenes are also based.
user, it's things like this that make it sound like you're a crossboarder from resetera. Please don't tell me you mean this, that your idea of a good game is dependent on there being cutscenes in it.
You're wasting your time on fucking Yea Forums. Nothing is useful here
No, no... they are just triggered that their games are now censored because Snoy wants no Bobs in their games no more.
This cannot be refuted. Try me.
what anime titty videogame is that in the right corner
Xenoblade 2. It has 200 hours of content
>one is a terrible game, but only costs 20 bucks
>the other is a terrible game, but it costs 60 bucks
botw is far better on PC
Video proof? And not from youtube. A recording of you playing it on PC.
> All of those Mario games with 97's
> Super Mario World somehow isn't one of them
Defend this Nintendofags
"Our World is Ended". Visual novel type thing.
Wait? You really think so? I thought he was hilarious! How so...
You'd be hard pressed to find a gameplay video without at least one dualie
What if I own both a Switch AND a Wii U but don't regret buying either? I also own a PS4 and a gaming PC. I legitimately can't parse console wars these days, they always feel utterly pointless and as if the people only hate the other console simply because they don't own it themselves. Just fucking save up and buy every console you want, it only took me about a year and a half of casual saving to get both PS4 and Switch
Botw is not a PC game. The game cannot be played on PC. Only an illegitimate copy of the game can run on PC, which is illegal to own and play. If you're admitting to playing the game on PC, you're admitting to committing piracy, a form of theft. This is grounds for a fine and/or jail time.
Dragon Quest 11, by far
This is a snoyfag thread, deleting anything in it on sonygaf is illegal
Metacritic only goes as far as PS1/N64 era, they do not do NES or SNES games, unless it is physically ported or apart of a bundle. Which in that case is no longer a review of the game. Rather the compilation.
what a stupid list
should've gone with actual games that are exclusive to the switch
Metroid Prime 4
Fire Emblem 3H
Link's Awakening
Animal Crossing
Luigi's Mansion 3
New Pokeymans
Bayonetta 3
Astral Chain
Daemon x Machina
Some new Monolith Soft game
Performance wise yes, but I love being able to play it in bed or on the couch while watching tv with my wife. There is a fair amount of value to it being portable. Though I wouldn't say I ever leave the house with it, I just enjoy playing it like a suped up 3DS
This is correct, but GameRankings on the other hand does
OP here still, as I have mentioned endless times this isnt a fucking console wars thread. The PS4 and Xbone are shit too
>this is a snoy thread
>which is why they haven't deleted a pornographic image
>something snoy has been adamant on censoring
You did not think that post out well.
Please do not post this girl again in the future.
>games that arent even out yet
I only made that list to explain games that are on the Switch in a general unscripted view. So it is not perfect. Besides... people are going to say "It's shit" on here... anything that goes against what the thread is saying, they say that... proving they have no defense to go to, with their only reasoning being "trust me bro."
why should I record it myself? I have the game modded with Linkle and 30 hours in it but I don't like it much
I played at a steady 60 fps with Clarity mod to get rid off the fog, at 4k internal res with a gtx 1080 / 8600k setup.
It's not hard to believe that it looks and plays better on PC...
Graphically too, but yes, I own a Switch too and I see your point. I'd still rather play it on PC for the quality improvements but I could deal with the game on the Switch. Just see no point.
well friend even if that was a case, there are certain 1st world countries that allow their citizens to pirate shit as long as they don't make money with it.
You are an actual manchild
It is heavily implied though. Stating that this game console has only "1" game. Which is implying that no one should buy one and should instead play on something else, like a PC or an Xbox (I love my Xbox and Game Pass as well.) That's why people get upset.
VIDEO PROOF OR I'M CALLING BLUFF. Why hide it, unless you are a liar. If you have what you have, prove it, this "trust me bro" does not cut it for me.
I own both Switch and Wii U and even though I don't have my Wii U hooked up right now, I really appreciate how it also handles Wii games as the Wii U outputs over HDMI, making it easier to capture footage for me.
For anyone interested in games, I'd suggest the PS4 + Switch combo as well, but it's down to personal preferences. PC is probably for people who are more into Minecraft-like and FTL-like type games.
it's for hacking and playing indies. Also, Daemon X Machina could be fun.
I'm starting to get a little pissed that everyone keeps forgetting ARMS. I remember being real excited for that game because it reminded me of Punch-Out, and enjoying it when it came out. Like seriously, what did people think of ARMS.
Um... copyright/piracy laws on Nintendo games use Japanese laws, not American ones. You can go to jail for a long time for doing what you are doing. There have been entire websites shut down because they had Nintendo games.