The sun has fallen out of orbit with the Earth and will collide in 5 minutes! Your only chance of survival is to get in a shelter full of
A. Cawwadooty faggots
B. Halo kiddies
C. Praise the sun! xD
Make your choice Yea Forums...
The sun has fallen out of orbit with the Earth and will collide in 5 minutes! Your only chance of survival is to get in a shelter full of
A. Cawwadooty faggots
B. Halo kiddies
C. Praise the sun! xD
Make your choice Yea Forums...
C. Praise the sun! xD
Deez nuts
C probably at least has a halfway attractive girl and won't smell as bad
Gta online
Does everyone who chooses option C just die?
Halo adults
Why not putting big thrusters on the planet to leave while staying close enough to the sun's rays, where the warm is?
C OP xD simply ebin
Well I should rather died then livng in this shitty body anyway
>Dark Souls
is this post from 2010?
All becomes one when the sun comes to earth.
XD good image. How do you upvote on here?
Relax man, i mean no harm.
I'm just the sun paying a visit, don't you like my warm rays?
Sun falling out of orbit is the first and last sign of the merger.
>Pick C
>Other faggots leave to praise the sun and die while I get a comfy shelter to myself
this is my favorite meme.
That depiction of the sun always scared me as a kid for some reason
We come in peace
fuck off, darkie
At least in cawadooty I can do flashy shit.
How does that door even work? It has a spinning whee handle but no actual associated locking mechanism
Here comes the sun, tchuru chu chu
There is, you just can't see it well because OP's image is so small.
Truly the most philosophical thread to have graced Yea Forums
thanks sunfags, you made this happen