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More like Super Mario Land, except not as good.


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this for video games


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Unironically wanna go

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So nice to live in florida

the mario kart attraction seems like it would be fun

>DKC area
The only one that matters at all whatsoever

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It's that New Super Mario Bros look, with the dead on primary colors. Hate it.


other than this god damn humidity

Unironically looks comfy and fun. Would go there if I lived in Orlando or near the other Universal Parks.
Yea Forums is the theme park board if anything, you stupid fucking board nazi.

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Where's Mizuryu Kei Land Japan you hacks?

>new super mario bros
Get over it already its the mario look

>he doesn't go the theme parks
yeah I'm not surprised, you would need friends for that

Odyssey doesn't fucking look like that. The only games that look like that are the New series, and the 3D Land/World games.

Don't feed the /pol/basedjak spammer with bait. Just report and ignore.

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Not necessarily

rent free


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DK has the better games and the better looking park.

I live 30 minutes from Disneyland. Still ain't spending $700 a year to be a "regular."

This is in Orlando right?

Sunshine themed resort when

>tfw work at Toadstool cafe
>some soi faggot orders the off the menu "blue shell"
>its just a shot of espresso and some blue onions milk
>he gives me a fuckin' tip (they always do)
>have to do the funky kong dance for him
>go on my break
>some kid pukes
>have to call out a "oil slick" to the cleaning crew
>near break room
>some park goer yells out the secret phrase
>"Its a me!"
>must yell back "MARIOOOOOooOOOOOoOoO!" or I get fired
>break room doesn't have tv, only a switch
>hear my coworker bing bing wahoo while I eat my egg salad

I think it's Japan only for now.
I thought they were planning a Zelda section of the park. Like, obviously Mario is the main focus, but I thought there would be more variety.

Hope Nintendo doesn't invest too much money.

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It was confirmed for all parks a while back, or at least just the Mario themed area.

We aint getting this in Hollywood are we

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The original plan was to open with Mario, DK and Zelda but the latter either got pushed back to another phase or cancelled.

>make a bad themepark
>no one goes

Oddessy doesn't take place in the mushroom kingdom you fucking stupid fuck

Okay, now they've got my money.

>mario section
>DK section
>other miscellaneous section
Where the fuck is supposed to fit? Are they finally killing ET and Kidzone?

>Its all Mario themed
>no chill Animal Crossing ride or area


The Mushroom Kingdom in Odyssey doesn't fucking look like the New Super Mario Bros. games.

I wish they made it a mishmash from the beginning. Like, they have limited space as it is. As great as the Harry Potter park is (Islands side), it's not really that big. The castle is the obvious landmark, but the village is pretty small.

If Nintendo is getting a similar size for their park, I don't just expect Peach's castle and Hyrule castle in full-sized glory, but I wish it was more than just Mario. At least have Samus's ship, or Arwings somewhere. I can't believe there's no fucking Pokemon.

If I remember correctly, for Japan, they have a fuckton of land for that, Orlando has that Simpsons ride they can no longer use due to The Mouse(TM). Not sure about the other two parks though.
>phoneposter makes wojak oc

of fucking course

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What does this fucking image even mean?

Because Nintendo doesn't completely own Pokemon.

so are the yoshis a ride or..? i can't imagine letting my kids sit on one of those. i can see them 6 months after opening, paint chipped, vandalized, bird shit, several kids pissed themselves on them. if it's a ride, i want to go on it

do kids even know that donkey kong had his own game

Nintendo technically doesn't own Pokemon. Getting The Pokemon Company involved with complicate things twice as much.

>Only release one ride on opening day
>All the prices for food and merch are jacked up even by Disney standards
Everyone who was interested already went on the preview days, even those $200 lightsabers are going out and you can't even change the battery.

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From past leaked plans, they're going to scrap the whole water section where the Simpson Ride and Diagon Alley are.

>That one employee that triple jumped

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Absolutely embarrassing. You will not catch me there without a child.

Is this just the new "spam fat guys in fedoras when I don't like something"?

Y-you mean crystal?

It's been like this for the past one and a half year.

And I want the neckbearded fat fucks back so badly.

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zelda is pushed back because they are rebranding the franchise. BOTW and it's sequel will have changed the zelda aesthetic and now we have this link's awakening remake that looks like it could fit the giant plastic theme park. who knows what they're going to do. i miss the twilight princess e3 booth aesthetics. i think just a "haunted castle" for zelda would be enough. what kind of zelda ride would even make sense? a slide or a ferris wheel?

Whose child...?

all the toadstoll extras will be midgets and fat short girls. they will have origies when not at work. the smell will be disgusting.

>that one employee who keeps building up speed
I'm getting worried...

Nobodies. He would just go alone is what he meant.

>Go to Marioland
>Try to climb up stairs
>Don't seem to be going anywhere
>Turn back and reach the bottom in seconds
>Ah shit here we go again
>BLJ up the stairs
>Crash into the wall of Miyamoto's secret office where he breeds real Yoshis

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze did well enough it got ported to the 3DS, then an enhanced port on the Switch.

>tfw moving to Florida in a few months
Ive never left New Jersey in my life. What am I in for?

>harry potter opening has record breaking long lines first week
>disney opens star wars a little while later
>noone shows up on the first week
i wonder why

Fuck you I laughed

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A boring get me the fuck out of here kind of state.

Have all the OoT and MM town minigames in real life.

>That one fucker who keeps wave dashing to the front of the line

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Swamps and meth addicts

>moving to Florida
You poor soul.
>from New Jersey
Eh not that bad of a change.
Expect heat, heat, heat, you better know Spanish, 3000% humidity and Publix.
The day you move in go to a publix and get a premier chicken tender sub
Welcome to Florida bitch

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Having sweaty ballsacks before even walking to your car

Tropical Freeze came to the switch only a year ago

Wind Waker ride like the Peter Pan one at Disney. It would probably be the most popular ride in the park too.

>See Bowser doing meet n' greets
>Run over and grab his stupid fucking tail
>So Long Gay Bowser that bitch while the children cry and tell me to stop

im ready

Florida is bad but at least theres stuff to do and the beach is just like 2 hours away at worst.
Living in a flyover is 200000000000 times worse.

New Jersey is a nice as fuck state if you get away from New York. Meanwhile Florida is just old people and drug addicts.

>Been in line for the Mario Kart ride for six hours
>Finally get in and jump into my kart
>Safety spiel ensues while everyone gets buckled in
>Light turns green
>Guy in the kart ahead of me stalls
>No clips through the wall and does donuts for five seconds
>Drives through the finish line backwards
>Wins the race instantly

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>Go to Nintendo World Japan
>Mention Goombella from Paper Mario
>Get sent to a reeducation camp

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ive lived in Miami all my life. the publix subs are a meme I always see on this fucking site. enjoy them if you are a fucking npc.

>Not dressing up as a Chargin chuck and trampling those who stand in your way

Wasn't there concept art for a Zelda live show

>Nintendo Land
>Nothing but Mario stuff with a bit of DK
Cmon, give me a pikmin snack bar, or an FZero bumper cart ride

Is there really that many Spanish people there? Like am I going to stick out as a white guy

Shut up, Cuban. Go eat your ham and mustard sandwich, you Cuban.
Chix tender pub subs are the real deal

Winn-Dixie > Publix
lol jk they're both shit



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>it got ported to the 3DS
Nope, that was Returns.

Wegmans > publix

Wasn't there going to be a kiddie Kirby part? I remember the groundwork being somewhat small but not that small.

I'm terribly sorry, my addicted to cutscene manchild.

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It looks like I will be in the Orlando area. Is the drugs really that bad in Florida? Are there at least hot latina women there

I picked some up with my friends the other day that shit was good


makes me wish i liked rollercoasters

Hahaha no thats a meme, unless youre going to like miami or something.
There a ton but all of them speak English since theyre mostly wealthy legal immigrants, and tend to be really nice people.
Knowing Spanish is a big plus if youre looking for an entry level job, but I doubt you are.

Is that Bowser Castle or Koopa City for the Mario Kart bit?

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>Oddessy doesn't take place in the mushroom kingdom
So you literally didn't play it lmao

If Nintendo built its own theme park independent of Universal or any other company and had as much land as they wanted you still wouldn't get F-Zero or Pikmin themed anything.

How has no one noticed that the people on the left are flossing?

Depending on where you will be it will rain atleast once a day for a good part of the year. The humidity and heat is no joke. Also there will be lizards everywhere. That one takes a little to get used to and it isnt usually mentioned

Yeah man, I think it was right next to the Gerudo Adult Tavern right?

Orlando is a super sanitized city.
It has a couple ghettos like every other city ever but theyre all pretty far off
But Disney pumps a lot of money into keeping Orlando clean.

Do you like Ramen by any chance?

>Do you like Ramen by any chance
Not him, but yes.

I live in the Northeast of Florida. Spanish people are few and far between
If you are moving to Miami you will pretty much be in a foreign country though so hopefully you're not.

It does.

How is it possible to dislike Publix but like shit like Winn Dixie
Costco at least has a niche of being the place to buy stuff in bulk/a great priced gas station, but for general grocery needs, Publix is unbeatable

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What the fuck? Are you faggots actually excited for this? Holy shit....literal manchilds

Ok ok take my money

The one time I was in Orlando it was like a ghost town. The place seemed weirdly empty. Maybe it was a weekend or something I cant remember


Returns sold literally like 8 million copies
oh shit they're probably not kids anymore

If youre ever in Orlando check out the ramen joint "Sapporo"
Ive been to Japan myself and it is the single best ramen joint Ive had outside of Japan.

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>Mechanical yoshi goes off rails and eats a child

attention to detail

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I live in Tallahassee. It's alright. Quite humid, a bit hot and it rains a lot.
Then again, I come from a country where that is prettt much every day on the week. Though Winter was really nice.

Thanks lad.

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>fuck yeah can't wait to spend all day in lines to go on 6 rides!!

theme parks are a meme

will he get something?

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I mean I like real ramen shops, packaged ramen not really unless it’s got a more than one packet.

Someone did mention lizards but I dunno, not sure how that would be a big deal unless I find them in my house or something.

>Jump on Goomba on his way back to employees only area
>Get thrown out

It isn't that great, trust me.

Most locals will be stuck at work, hotels, parks, etc.
If its not tourist season you wont see much people on the streets.
Besides locals stick to comfy offmap non tourist locations.

When I was at UCF in Orlando (2013-2017), I knew a guy who worked on a Nintendo-themed project for his Senior year project before he graduated. He told me that his group and a few others had been assigned to work with Nintendo and other sponsor companies on designing Nintendo-themed themepark attractions, and actually pitch them to Nintendo reps. His group came up with a Pokemon attraction that would be like the Safari Zone but with Augmented Reality goggles, and tablet devices given to guests for their stay, which would be about 10-15 minutes, and they'd get to walk around an area about 3 or 4 football fields in size, and "see", and catch Pokemon for points. As with other attractions, there is no prize for high points, but its there to get people to interact, and at the end of their time, their tablets would buzz and lock the pokeball ability. For security, the tablets would have an alarm if they left a certain area. I was told to keep it hush hush, and then after he graduated, lo and behold news of Nintendo theme park stuff started creeping out more than ever.

I also was told of a group that did Mario Kart themed stuff, but no specifics. I'm not sure if his group's proposal was accepted, or if it gained any feasible traction for actual development, but I remember him being pretty hyped about how initial meetings with Nintendo reps had went. He graduated not many months later and while I still have his phone number, I haven't contacted him since. Seeing as how Pokemon isn't 100% Nintendo, I can only assume something like what his group had come up with was probably put on the backburner if really considered at all, but since he did graduate successfully, I guess it was acceptable work to the university regardless.

Just figured I'd share that. Don't care if you believe me or not, but it was cool to hear about at the time.

Oh shit nigga, I've been there many times before, shit is great. Too bad it's like an hour drive for me and especially through that fucking ghetto ass hood.

>real ramen
Then youll love this

It won’t work unless you say Yahoo! With it

A whole area just for Donkey Kong? He is not even that popular. Zelda should have gotten one.

Yeah sadly its right there bordering Pine hills, the literal worst street in all of Orlando...

Thanks man, I will definitely be checking that out.

miss me yet?

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I mean there were concepts of a Mario Kart attraction that came out and patents along with it but I don't know if they are what that group talked about.

The only god tier option

But they're not scrapping the Simpsons ride and Diagon Alley proper though, right?
I haven't been there in years, since before Diagon Alley started construction, but was there for Simpsons and Harry Potter's first phase.

It's supposed to be in the place of the Amnety island section from the Jaws attraction, after they shut it down and razed it. E.T. and the Barney and Friends theater are the only original attractions left.

>Super Nintendo Land
>no zelda

I want to do that Pokemon Safari shit right the fuck now, goddamn.

I'm betting Wario and lot of others will get huge merchandise sprinkled throughout the park.

It's gonna be all abut merchandise, and Nintendo has a fucking goldmine of characters.

What's the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most Popular hats next to the Mickey Ears (Mario Hat)?

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Post some Idea's you'd love to see but will never fucking come to fruition.

>A kirby launch-roller coaster themed based off the warp star
>Starfox Flight Simulator
>A small museum dedicated to Nintendo's past, similar to the Second Floor Museum in Nintendo New York
>Another small area for playing games that are either upcoming or cruical to Nintendo / Video Game history
Bar/Restaurant based off the Majora's Mask Termina Milk Bar, complete with the fucking alcoholic milk

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We actually are

Disney gets a shitload of traffic from their annual passholders, most of whom have massive blockout dates during the summer. In fact, a lot of them have even more blackout dates than usual because of Galaxy's Edge. I think they went overboard with it.

Also the fact that only one ride out of two is currently open is probably a huge factor as well.

and they are shutting down Kid Zone too, iirc.

Nigga I spend almost every week at a water park with a fast pass
You can eat my whole ass

Suddenly I want to go.

>No Pokemon
>No Zelda
>No Splatoon
>Its just Mario and Donkey Kong
Kinda boring.

>Mario Hat
>Link cap
>Samus Helmet
[spoilers]Yes, Eisner did nothing wrong, if Disneyland Paris didn't flop, the Eisner era for Parks would've been kino.[/spoiler]

Fresh chix tender sub>wawas>anything other pub sub
Also you gotta know the menu to get the most out of the pub subs.
I swear some people dont even order Boar Head stuff.

What? Neither Hollywood nor Japan has Diagon Alley, and Orlando has plenty of room to expand without having to scrap anything.

>yfw season pass holders delay your ride line by an extra 45 minutes

They did pay more, but fuck.

>unofficial podcast for a fucking theme park

Jesus fuck why

these popped up this year so maybe a meet and greet in the mario area with Wario and Waluigi

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I actually thought you were talking about a sequel to the wiiu game for a moment, a way to redeem themselves for 1-2 switch

Just buy a pass then? They are not that expensive

>tfw Wawa in Miami finally opened last month

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>tfw I live in Orlando
>its Brazilian season

>humid as fuck
>your car is literally an oven during the day
>mosquitos everywhere
>half the population only speaks Spanish
>a fuck ton of tourists, especially during peak season
>Publix is God tier

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Theme Park threads actually go on Yea Forums for some fucking reason.

Simple solution

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except that it's retardedly overpriced for regular grocery items
I only go to Publix for the deli, anything else I need I go to Aldi

I would stand in line just to take a picture with 2 legged squid.

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So, i went recently to (february) to Disney World, here is how bad things are on Hollywood Studios:
>Epcot and Animal kingdom had one ongoing event each
>Magic Kingdom had 3 minor parades, 1 major parade, and the fireworks finalle
>Hollywood studios had 15 (FIFTEEN) daily star wars events, 7 storm trooper parades with Phlasma, 7 showings of parts of the movies and one "Star Wars celebration finale" when the park close, and Fantasmic (both disputing the same timeslot in the same park, Fanstamic being much more popular and by far the most watched for obvious reason)
Anyone who knows their shit about Disney World knows Star Wars ruined the park and you cant even step in that park without being assaulted by it.

The new Avatar zone and the 7 Dwarfs coaster had large lines even during winter. The parks are doing well, its SW that is actively hated.

ok but zelda sucks and DK is based

Lmao. DK is the first named Nintendo vidya character. Of course he's deserving of his position in the park.

>no princess brothel

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I can hope they create more stores that are closer to me but I doubt it, but it's too good to not pass up like once a month.

>have a kid who loves nintendo, I do too
>bring him to japan with my wife
>about to get on the baby park ride with him since he's too young to ride alone
>all of a sudden get hit by a horrid stench
>surprised i didn't pass out immediately
>look for the source
>it's an overweight fedora-wielding guy who looks like he's in his 20s
>he cuts in line
>ask him what he's doing
>he says he has a fastpass he booked a month ago
>tries to explain in really bad japanese to the attendant he's top priority
>attendant says that there are no fastpasses and he got scammed
>he immediately has a seizure and dies on the spot
>says "Iwata, I'm coming home" as he drifts into the light

super nintendo world is in color but super nintendo land is in black and white.

>create more stores
Boi, its a family owned joint.
Its not a franchise.

Please no. Someone said the bugs aren’t that bad...

The difference is people actually give a shit about Nintendo, kids hated nuwars leaving only older fans interested.

I just want anything Fire Emblem related. Is that all a man could ask for?

Who would be there? Nintendo only has 1 princess. Peach thats it.

Zelda is getting one.

>the parks are doing well
Not the California ones. They're struggling to cut hours to make up for empty park attendance.

t. Cast Member who is watching his fellow coworkers get gutted to 1 day a week for 4 hour shifts.

>its SW that is actively hated.
Imagine being delusional enough to believe this.

They are gonna at least sprinkle some inklings in there I am sure.
Unless they are worried people would nut on the statues.

I’m moving near Tampa soon.

I know but a man can wish.

>you can't even change the battery.
I hate that modern phones are like this.

>Weekend pass to Disney World
>Access to Goofy's Kitchen
>Enjoying my peanut butter jelly pizza and mickey nuggets
>Fucking goofy bursts out of the kitchen door banging pots and pans
>The angry looking minority chefs start singing and clapping
>Belle out of nowhere wants to take a pic with me

Attached: 0218-goofy-character-dining.jpg (800x565, 61K)

Dawg. Publix subs are where it's at. Wawa is pretty good but too small. Winn Dixie subs are bland

>a state full of swamps
>perfect breeding grounds

Oh buddy...have I got bad news for you...

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Those blockout dates were rescinded and they are even giving a bonus to AP holders to be able to buy 1 parkhopper ticket for a friend for 99 bones.

The mouse is hurting pretty good right now.

dont lie to me

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You are blind. Either that, or you have a superficial understanding of what these games look like.

The simpsons is a cool Simulator, but it could have a high-res rerender. Its obvious the projection render is quite low resolution for a simulator. And why they cant have it anymore? What disney did?

Diagon Alley is their most recent area in Hollywood, with a bloody trainstation that connects it to Adventure, and i think the Gringots ride is the most recent in the park also. There is absolutely no way they are scrapping it.

>tfw got my dick sucked by a married woman in the parking lot of Epcot while she was cheating on her husband with me for 5 months
>she swallowed then we went into the park

Weren't parked near a camera and we waited for like 30 minutes in the car to make sure everyone around us had left and gone into the park. We got back to my place hours later, we fucked all sweaty, took showers, fucked again, and she stayed the night and we fucked again when we woke up since her husband always worked multiple days away from home at a time and was a complete retard who barely graduated high school so he was none the wiser.

And then I moved away from Orlando because fuck the webdev and databasing market is trash there for a fresh grad who doesn't want to get taken advantage of. Everyone only wants to hire pajeets or pinoys fresh out of Valencia or UCF because they'll cower and bend over backwards during salary negotiations at interviews and work upwards of 50 hours a week. North Florida/Georgia area though? Easy as fuck job market, plus hot southern white women.

The thing about Zelda is that each game has its own style so which one would they pick? Wind Waker with its pirate theme? Breath for the wilderness theme? Twilight would be too dark for an attraction.

The only reason fire emblem is popular is the waifu and husbando pandering, they aren't going to cater to that in a theme park so attendence would be very low.

That's only in the spring and summer, really.
Depending on several biological factors, the mosquitos and many other insects will eat you alive.
Also you'll be sweating your ass off non-stop in the summer heat, putting aforementioned insects nearby in a frenzy.

Disney bought 21st Century Fox, so they own the Simpsons now.

>people shitting on pub subs
You gotta ask for boar head meats and cheeses my guys. A lot of employees give you the cheap shit instead if you look funny

Tampa is pretty nice. Just stay away from Nebraska Avenue. That’s where all the druggies and hookers live.
Good variety of nice neighborhoods here, though.

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I mean it's Commiefornia Adventure, so of course it'll never do well. How is Disneyland itself not doing well?

Star Wars is a dad franchise, dude. No kid spontaneously watches those movies. It's all pushed by their parents. If Disney wanted to actively appeal to kids, they'd be going this levels of all in with Marvel.

Diagon alley and the Simpson's area are literally on different sides of the park from one another.

None the less, I see the Simpson's and MIB giving way to Nintendo land.

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Is this a ranking? good god do I really live in the single most active location for mosquitos in the US?

>Princess Mushroom
>The daughter of Luigi
Just stop and take your deviant art ocs with you.

He's literally the world record holder for the world's largest gaping mouth. He has absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo and in fact owns a PS4 instead.

theme parks are fucking RETARDED

Disney is HUNDREDS of dollars to do a few days and has a billion avenues for you to pay out the ass even more just so you waste only 1 hour per ride instead of 3

A Kirby Cafe that won't be fucked and removed due to renting a small area in Japan would be nice

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Well, i dunno about california.

Im telling you that they went absolutely overboard with the star wars pandering in hollywood studios and anyone who actually liked the park is pretty disappointed about how it is now a days. Sure the starwars soiboys might go there to jizz in their pants, but actually arent the target demographic that keeps the parks running.

That's the fanon wiki

The one weird thing about my 5 years living in Orlando was that I barely ever got insects on me. ONLY at night if it had JUST rained, and was a hot night. Otherwise, even if it was just hot, I'd be totally untouched, and that's coming from a guy that would take 3-4 mile walks at night, EVERY night before bed to help lose weight (I dropped 120lbs in 18 months fyi).

MIB is kept relevant because of 3, years ago and then international last year

Why the fuck did Disney make a Star Wars section of Disneyland when nobody except boomers care about Star Wars, and its based on the sequels?

They're both pretty fun, desu.
Always loved the MiB sets though. People need to take 3D scanners in with them and preserve that shit. Make virtual models and maps of the places as they are. Shame so many of the original attractions are already gone.

Are those strawberry hamburger buns?

Well, they might as well leave Universal with the simulator for the time being. Everyone knows its only a matter of time until Disney also buys Universal and every other media outlet in america

i want to see the squid one walking

Because Disney is desperate to recoup the money that they spent buying Star Wars from George. And ever since they have taken over it has been a failure.

Thanks. I’m moving from Kentucky.

Attendance numbers are low for both parks.

Look it up on isitpacked.com if you dont believe me. Average wait time of 15 minutes on a Sunday night with Millennium Falcon being only 45 minutes means terrible attendance.

holy fucking kino

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number four bayybeeeeee H town hold it down

As much as I loved MIB the ride growing up, its aged super poorly and is in a state of total disrepair (looking at the que of the amazing spiderman as well when I say this) and it's on its last legs. I can't see them holding onto it super long especially considering that international flopped hard.

>they're going to scrap the Simpson Ride
Funky's Monkey and Chunky (Formerly Sneed's)

A demon ex machina mech you can climb inside
And I know its not technically Nintendo but a bayoneta ride with one of those things where you go in a flight simulator type room and the chairs rock and move around while shit appears on screen, following as she flies through the sky cutting up angels.

God Hollywood Studios is depressing. I went there with my ex back in September 2018 for a weekend away from Tampa since we had annual passes. The main Star Wars stuff wasn't open yet, and the Star Wars stuff that WAS available (the storm trooper parade, the shops, that one meet n greet thing or whatever) was pretty abysmal. I GUESS talking to the cast members in character was fun for a bit, but then there's nothing to do except see STAR WARS NIGGA just contrasting neat hollywoodsy stuff like the Indiana Jones stuff, the Little Mermaid theater, and all the classic shit. Star Wars just doesn't look like it belongs AT ALL.

It's still active research, but it's been observed that some people are bitten or swarmed more than others, for many different reasons that haven't been pinned down yet.
Things like blood type, the presence or absence of antibodies, carbon dioxide and sweat output, your skin's microbiome and the bacteria you have that make it up, all factor into how appetizing and visible a person's signature is to various insects.

I still don't understand why they upgraded the footage of the ride adding stan lee cameos. but the designs they updated to noone would recognize regardless and all of the footage on the screens inside is still with the old designs from the animated series alongside everything else having its paint faded or peeling off.

No, if I remember correctly, it's just food coloring.

t. went to japan couple of months ago

Basically, they need to make those 4 billion back, plus interest.
When they bought the franchise, they expected they would make 10+ movies, every single one a massive success, they would make countless toys that would sell like crazy, they would make a new shiny SW park that would get 7 hour long lines.
They started building the park, then the movies started losing momentum, and toys arent selling, and the franchise been hammered into the ground

>one company's rankings of how often their services were used
Wow great data

>inkling mascot costume is just a person wearing an inkling head and big kingdom hearts shoes
That's really unsettling for some reason

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that's pretty hot

Universal is weird in general, I'm into the new Harry Potter stuff (RIP dueling dragons and the best que ever) and the new jurassic park ride but the original river ride is in desperate need of a refresh ala Hollywood and the whole marvel area needs to be replaced if they're not going to take care of the one draw in Amazing Spiderman. And don't even get me started on how hard they botched fast and furious jesus christ.

That new rollercoaster they're putting in jurassic park sounds like the shit at least.

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Who else is going to celebrate their birthdays there?

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Well what are they supposed to do? Have a sexy kid dressed in Inkling clothes for grownass men to pose with?

All they had to do was be hands free with the IP and keep the expanded universe.

Their hot take on an expanded universe so far has been the opposite of the midas touch as is their take on the sequel trilogy.

What's up based kendallposter

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Just call it Mario land you fucks. If I can't feel uncomfortable around a park employee dressed as Princess Zelda it's not worth it.

Red King ship ride either ala Log Ride or the 360 spinning ship cause those are always great. Imagine
>Starts up slow, have speakers that play ocean sounds and traveling music
>starts getting intense and battle music starts
>Suddenly song of storms and the ship starts doing full revolutions
>ride ends with a treasure get sound effect


Florida has issues but I imagine any things better than new jersey

Do we know why they took down dueling dragons again? I found it weird since that was one of my favorite ride in that section

it's the dead eyes

Wouldnt that be funny?

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Reminder that this thwomp is gonna get sent to prison after he crushes a guest

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>tfw no Zelda cast member to sneak pics of everyday with my annual pass
>she'll never fall in love with me as I leave her Zelda-themed gifts at her work station where she'll wonder "who is this chad leaving me these beautifully handcrafted Light Arrows?"

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Apparently shit was going down hill maintenance wise and the rider througput was steadily decreasing. I just remember that they stopped painting it before they tore it down and it broke my heart.

Still, driving by the giant jurassic park structure every day on my way to work would still give me nostalgia.

t. Orange county native


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>just Donkey Kong and Mario
How did Donkey Kong make it in over Zelda and Pokemon


are they seriously using downy face zelda for her picture
goddamn can a new zelda game come out cause that portrait is uggo

Man, I don't know why but I really love Dioramas

I think it's the giant ankles leading into the shoes that's weirding me out.

yes, thats practically what disney does with the princesses

>bing bing wahoo kiddie calling anyone else a manchild

Pembroke pines resident here, the suburbs are nice but yeah we got alot of hispanics. Shit dont matter though as long as your not in the city. Being a cuban myself id day the hispanics in the suburbs are all americanized and will behave just as good as the blacks and whites most of the time. But ye ur fucked if u go to miami.

Oh man I went to school right behind Universal. Could see the Jurrasic Park building and hear the screams of terrified Dueling Dragons riders as I walked between classes.

>egg salad
You deserve everything terrible that happens to you for voluntarily consuming that culinary abortion.

Based wordfilter raping this jabroni

The one on colonial? I've been meaning to check it out but wound up just going to the asian grocery there, if it's that good I'll have to check it out though

as someone in orlando right now on vacation thank you so much

Detailed miniatures are fun to watch. Loved these as a kid.

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>Gee mister you sure come here a lot! I think this is the 3rd time I've seen you at the park this week!
>N-no. My boss and my mom say I have to stay here where the cameras can see me, so I shouldn't go to your car with you when I'm on break.
>Okay hold on buster. I'm not a fucking 12 year old. I'm 19 okay? My parents made me get this stupid gig to raise money for my own car.
>*walkie talkie* Mr. Stevens, can you get Jamal and Omar to tell this creep to leave me alone?

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A character meet and greet area themed after Smash. Nearly every playable fighter is given a costume that workers wear that you can pose with even occasional third party characters appear from time to time

He was bigger, faster, and stronger, too

>third party meet and greet day rolls around
>see a bunch of overweight men lining up in one area
>check the sign to see who it is
>Shantae in her jammies

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Lets go further

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I love this.

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>international last year
I'm pretty sure it just came out.


Those are in their late teens though
Sure inklings are technically 14 but they don't look it.

Man... Read up on Dueling Dragons's fate and I had the opportunity to ride it in its dueling state once, but chose not too.

I did ride Rip-Saw Falls before they gimped the final vertical drop after someone broke their nose or wrist, or something... (Before they closed it down and softened the drop, it pretty much felt like free fall with you lifting out of the seat (with no seat belt or bars or rails).
Thing was a fucking safety hazard.

I still say Shantae should have had more modest Jamies but I'm really not one to talk since I wear even less than that to bed on the rare occasion I don't just sleep in that days clothes.

>going during busy season

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>got to ride Expedition Everest before the yeti broke
>rode OG mission mars before they tuned it down because everyone was barfing.
>got to ride the journey into fucking imagination
>riding jaws at night with a super hype and hilarious tour guide
>original elephant poacher storyline on the safari tour at animal kingdom too
>running around camp jurassic with all your friends and spooking them in the amber cave or ambushing them with the water guns.

We'll never be able to go back lads

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I had all of those but the tiny ones. The skullls and Snakes kind of distracted you from the fact they were just polly pockets for boys.

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We can't go back, but we can remember.


>went to Halloween Horror Nights by myself last year
>could do whatever I wanted, when I wanted
>at one point a group of dudebros notices me by myself in line and starts talking to me
>seem weirded out by me being alone, like they can't understand the concept
Pretty great trip, highly recommend it.

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It's actually extremely sexy.


Nintendo should buy Studio Ghibi and Toho and become the Japanese Disney.

Then they can build a multi park complex featuring all three.

>Diagon Alley is their most recent area in Hollywood, with a bloody trainstation that connects it to Adventure, and i think the Gringots ride is the most recent in the park also. There is absolutely no way they are scrapping it.

You're thinking of Orlando. Hollywood doesn't have any of that stuff.

>annual passes and employee entry still blacked out
>merch stock almost out
>hottest part of the summer
>one ride still not open yet

I live in San Antonio TX which is like 80% Hispanic and it's pretty chill, everyone is super nice

You only have to suffer through long lines for rides if you plan your vacation on a weekend in the middle of summer like a retard.

>going to theme parks

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Boomers don't even like Star Wars outside if the original trilogy. They have hated every movie since.

Disney already has Japan claimed.


Amusement parks are for babies and the only socially acceptable way to visit one is if you are the parent of a baby.

At first I thought this was a 'batman regrets giving his mother a bat signal' But I just don't fucking get it.

>go on vacation to Disney World in 2017
>Hollywood Studios only has two good rides
>we ride those and then just kind of wander around bored
>"I guess we should stay for the Star Wars fireworks show, might be cool"
>a typhoon comes and the show gets cancelled
I fucking hate Florida, honestly.

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Japanese Disney does it again! xD

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I must draw this

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>nintendo land
>its just mario

>no stage/ newsroom for off the hook/squid sisters to do their thing
>no inkopolis shops
it still looks cool but I want squid stuff

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Keep me posted

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King Bao and Pom Pom Teahouse are alsKingo a godsend

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Am I the only person in this thread who wished Nintendo opened their own theme park instead of partnering with Universal Studios?

Once you grown some hair on your nuts you’ll realize how wrong you are.

what a fucking homo

Could be those damn Universal Studio Execs in America who only knew about Mario

I'd rather a company that knows how to operate theme parks be in partnership. Or else it'd take 25 fucking years of Nintendo being backwards as fuck and not knowing how to get with modern times before they opened 1 fucking ride.

Universal at least has the knowhow, and while its still seedy, it hasn't crushed its reputation like Disney has with Star Wars.

Big difference. All Disney parks in Japan are owned by a Japanese Third Party who bought the rights to use the Disney Brand Name but have more freedom and control on how to run the Disney parks.

This makes a world of difference in customer experience.

Meanwhile, Disney America runs all the other foreign Disney parks like Disney France.

They don't run Disney Japan on the other hand when it concerns Disney parks in Japan.

You team up with universal because they know how to actually build rides and parks. If Nintendo dod it themselves they would need to grow a talent pool over at least a decade before breaking ground. Plus its way cheaper to buy a section of an existing park than build it from scratch.

Eh... Mission Mars sucked dick anyway. It was either too intense for its own good or it was pussy shit with a stupid “push da buttons, except you don’t have too” gimmick.

Wasn’t worth tearing down Horizons.

On the one hand they'd have way more room for stuff other than just Mario and DK, on the other hand they'd have no idea what the fuck they're doing unless they managed to snipe veteran designers and engineers from Disney and Universal which, let's face it, they wouldn't be willing to pay for. I think just partnering with Universal from the start was the better move.

>I am forgotten...

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>Universal at least has the knowhow, and while its still seedy, it hasn't crushed its reputation like Disney has with Star Wars.
I'm pretty sure that if Disney can survive California Adventure being an unpopular wasteland for like a decade, they can survive one lackluster land opening.

No... Nintendo, what are you doing? I know you're a toy company, not a theme park company. Why are you trying to be a multimedia company? You're not fucking Disney, for Christ's sake.

>forgetting about the Mario animated movie in the works

give it time.

Nah Busch Gardens has the best rides hands down.

>Trying to get onto the ride
>Some 8 year old keeps edge guarding me and abusing invincibility frames

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>there's a Kirby section in the park
>it's for little kids
being a Kirby fan in the west is suffering

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Better a section for kids than a section for LGBTQID...

Of course it's for little kida because the games are simple and easy

at least that means Kirby will have more presence in the west I guess.

also why isn't there an indoor paintball area that's splatoon themed or some kind of slime spray thing, it'd be perfect.

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>try to get to the top of the rock wall
>bitch ledge hogs and constantly refreshed his I-frames on ledge
Fucking Melee Gardens, if there's one thing I
l'll always enjoy in it's revision sister parks it's the ledge rides (though Ultimate Attractions has a few too many free recoveries)

>tfw DK is back in the limelight
is this a new golden era of dongery? We got Tropical Freeze, Mario and Rabbids DLC, Diddy back in some Mario spinoffs, K. Rool in smash, and now this. Feels fucking great.

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Have you seen their IP brother.

>person who's never stepped outside his bed room

>tfw no Marie meet and greet

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Those fuckers killed DarKastle. Can't forgive that.

>no Callie or Pearl to meet and greet
also sauce

>wait times longer than Pannenkoek spent building up SPD

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Canadian expat in Tampa here. It's fine, the weather is a constant hellish fugue but once you get past that, the women are gorgeous and insufferable and there's a boatload of fun shit to do down here. Few rules for a Burgerland state. Floridafags can't drive for shit.

Depends on what you mean by "bad", but probably. Coke and MDMA flow like water the second you go to any kind of club or whatever and that's just Tampa; Miami is impressive levels of degeneracy.

Enormous faggot

What the hell is this, you just walk around and look at stuff?

>Build up speed for twelve hours to skip the lines on opening day
>QPU misaligned, stuck in invisible hell version of the park

>Cool stuff. I can't wait to go with my friends.

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>Wanting to go to a disney park filled with smelly negros, hordes of baboon-like chanting third worlders travelling in packs, greasy obese mexican families fucking everywhere


You sold me.

This. What kind of trashdog eats egg salad?

Does Universal Studios has vegan options? I want to go but Theme Parks has such bad food, its all fried and fatty.

>earthbound land
>has an arcade
>can join the happy happy cult
>learn mr saturn language and culture
>go inside giygas uterus

Kill yourself egg salad sandwiches are fucking delicious you swine

Why isn't Nintendo making their own theme park?

It's a hell of a risky investment

A park based on Nintendo products does not seem like a risk.

You underestimate how much a theme park is. Literal billions upon billions of dollars is needed and to open it.

Am I allowed to touch the Squid Sister mascots?

>all the parkgoers eardrums split from the firce at which you say "Y A H O O" when you finally release your built up speed
>get sued for damages
Fuck this place

>tfw no MOTHER section


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The mindless Universal executives only know about Mario.
If anything expect a Pokemon expansion in the future

we already know that Florida will get Zelda and Hollywood will get Pokemon

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>want to skip the line for Mario Kart
>raise a scuddlebug
>build up speed for 12 hours on top of a urinal
>align qpus
>suddenly some guy in a sonic costume clips through the turnstile and zips to the front of the line

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>have to wait in line with noisy children and irressponisble mothers at Marioland
>have to wait in line with chatty boomers at DKC
>have to wait in line with lolicons and shotacons of every kind at Inkopolis Square
>have to wait in line with soi men at Hyrule Rides

You realise how monumentally big a theme park is? That's ride maintenance, staff, parades, actors, fireworks, people getting mangled in your rides etc. You bet you'd have to be sure Mario could rake in the green befroe you devote a part of your park to him.


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looks fun if you're a dumb goo goo gaga baby who can't even speak yet
any self respecting adult wouldn't be caught dead there.

It's the law for mascot to fan contact.

How are goo goo gaga babies supposed to go if adults don't chaperone them?

Where’s the Zelda, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pokemon? There’s no way this park can be entirely Mario/DK shit. That would be the definition of wasted potential

nobody cares about gets anymore
link some good political bait or a wojak comic

Who has this much fucking money
How do theme parks still exist

>Miyamoto's secret office where he breeds real Yoshis
imagine the smell

>get to touch the Squid Sister actresses
>they can't do a thing

>ugly NSMB style

Ugh where is the SOUL

Don't step on any of the ant hills
Generally avoid grass whenever you can

>that frog band scene

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Fake as fuck, Americans are too fat for all those stairs.

They would have pikmin plushs at least, miyamoto loves pikmin, they hate f-zero though.

>Someone said the bugs aren’t that bad...

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Okay the Donkey Kong Mine kart coaster looks pretty cool.

>Donkey Kong section
Imagine how many times the staff will have to scrub off vandalism about Expanding Dongs

How would a Splatoon themed area work?

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Clothes shops modelled after the in-game gear stores. A food truck or cafeteria with seafood. Paintgun attraction. A big screen where they play Squid Sisters or Off the Hook news clips on the hour, every hour. Roaming actresses in squid idol cosplay.

The pizza will be shit, Publix is worse then wawa but really the only thing that comes close. DO NOT go into a convinience store deli and think you're going to get anything remotely good. Cheesesteaks are not. They might try to put mustard and mayo on an italian hogie and leave out the oil&vinigar. Outside the humidity difference Jersey can get just as hot in the summer, only the summer in Florida is 3/4 of the year. It's more important to understand some spanish than speak it, most spanish speakers understand enough english that you'll be able to communicate.

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No insurance company in the world would cover a paintball attraction at a major theme park.

Its a lot harder to stick out, as in there's enough different sorts of people that being a little odd isn't very odd.

There's a paintball attraction in the biggest theme park in my country.

The original Alien Encounter ride in Magic Kingdom was awesome. I can understand why they tore it down though, every six year old that went into it probably shit out a lung in fear.

Midgets user sexy midgets.

A Pokemon snap ride would be super cool

Nor would any sane park operator include it
>First goober takes his mask off still in the ring and loses an eye
>"I would never take my kids there!!! Did you hear someone lost an eye??"
A key part of the theme park model is insuring even the most suicidal spazz can't conceivably hurt himself on the rides

That's the problem though, if you get a hogie in Jersey you don't have to ask for not shit meat because they don't have an option for shitty hogies in the first place.


>Jack from Animal Crossing shows up
>Storyline about E Gadd accidentally releasing all the ghosts across the park
>Luigi's Mansion ghosts and Boos all around

-Villain Takeover:
>Bowser, Ganon, K Rool, and etc. teamed up to take over the park in their image

IU want to get off Kaptian K. Rool's Wilf Ride

With how Nintendo has handled online play in the last decade I'd never want to trust my life to a roller coaster designed by them.

Looks a bit gay.

reminds me of old Mario TF2 maps

>>A key part of the theme park model is insuring even the most suicidal spazz can't conceivably hurt himself on the rides
Maybe in the US. Speaking for Europe, there are rides where you could easily hurt yourself.
But if the company running the whole thing has abided by all applicable standards, they can't be successfully sued.

Instead some roided out Guido screams at you because you pronounced something wrong (right)

were faggots this obsessed over the ds 3ds or is it only this bad for the switch because the fags that bought 3ds grew to be man children and shill the shit out of nintendo's tegra tablet?


the dong is coming tor reclaim his throne

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...as it's says on the bottom of the web

Here's the mega for the whole thing:


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Zelda fanboys truly are the entitled cancer of the Nintendo fanbase.

[Spoiler]SM64 >> OoT[/spoiler]

How young are you to where you don't know the answer to this question?

Why the fuck would they go with a desert them whilst surrounded by trees?

Never have kids because they'd hate you for being so boring.

Disney is obsessed with recreating Tatooine while not actually using Tatooine. "No no, it's called... It's called Jakku! And this one... It's- it's Batuu!"

mass social media didnt truly truly start until 2009 2010 and this board had better moderation to keep shill threads to a minimum so no i dont know the answer

this looks too good to be true, even the jewmouse land doesn't have that amount of artificial decoration for a reason

>shitwars is dead, so NOBODY CAN WIN ANYMORE
talks like a fanatic.

>yfw they will only hire dwarves to do the maintenance, in toad outfits
>and amputeed in goomba costumes for bowser areas

t. dumbass Disney parks shareholder

Looks kind of small, like it's a park for little kids.

I live in Japan and probably wont go. Maybe a few years after it opens it'll have enough roller coasters to warrant a visit.

counter argument : nintendo owns love hotels and a few porno.

>Nu Wars only
>told old fans to fuck off when they don't like the Nu Wars movies
>surprised that this park bombed to hell and back

You're also paying for a $210 glowstick made in China and a RC droid for $100 that also breaks down fast

Just make it an indoor area, it doesn't have to be that big. Make it a dungeon, and have a little area where people can take a picture pulling the master sword out of the pedestal

Don't talk shit about cuban sandwiches

they better have an aquarium and a petting tank for the splatoon area

I don't blame them for wanting to erase all remnants of George Lucas from their multi-billion dollar franchise.

so before the 3DS even existed?

It's a section of an already giant ass park, they have a finite space

why that literally makes no sense

>It's mostly based on Returns except for Funkey's Plant from Tropical Freeze


>nintendo themed oompaloompas complete with questionable work ethic

because most have something to do with comics and cartoons, I guess? Same reason Toonami is on Yea Forums, it's a dumping ground at this point.

by like 1-2 years

Yes, but surely you must've been around for the reaction to it at that time.

it was a Yea Forumstard around that time. didnt use the other boards until later.

>toadstool cafe
I'd hang out there all day as long as the waitresses wear peach costumes.

well, they were a big deal then too. DS is probably bigger than the Switch if anything.

will you walk away with a Pokey plush

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>Take short test to determine what class you are
>Fight brigands with cast members dressed up as lords from the series on classic mode
>Witness Sigurd bbq irl
Sounds retarded but a man can dream

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good effort but i thought the nintendo park was opening in America?

Theme parks are fucking shit unless you go with your gf in which case that are bearable but not great

They better have funkys flights playing through parts of the park

>Returns over Tropical Freeze

I mean technically it's based on DK Island but still

Stupid fucking cat, learn some fucking manners, shut your fucking mouth before i slam my fist and force it

what the fuck is dole whip?

Maybe there is a god after all.

>Tfw it doesn't happen

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oh shit, i had one of those for some reason
still dont know what the fuck theyre supposed to be

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Looks more like legos to me

>Despise Star Wars my entire life
>Disney buys it and makes it worst
>Normies turn against Star Wars
>Dune movie coming out next year to redpill the masses
Sometimes I love Disney man

They ain't gonna love Dune unless Legendary forces Villabased to inject some "modern" humor in there, or more stylish action. If they actually properly adapt the book(somehow) then I definitely see it as a box office bomb given how much money you would need to pour into a story of this scope

but what if i am the gf haha

>more stylish action
>slowing down your sword to pass through a shield before rapidly accelerating it in one swift motion
>biting down on a fake tooth releasing a toxic cloud into a banquet
>collapsing rocks with artillery
>taking out a legion of fighters on a big ass worm
What are you on about?

Inb4 Iwata’s cryogenically frozen corpse is found underneath the Wind Waker ride

Only the last point has potential for an extravagant setpiece for normies, other sequences like Duke's death have potential for great filmmaking but not anything general audiences would really gravitate towards

>Toadstool Cafè
Burger trash, hype canceled.

>>Normies turn against Star Wars
On what fucking planet?


Things are only going to get worse as the basketball population continue to increase.

>pushes her pram away into a crowd of people to bitchslap the guy

I thought disney had the best security around. This is amateur mall cop shit.

Instead of meandering about you could have gone drinking at Epcot. Best part of WDW.

Super Nintendo Land is planned to be a bit bigger than Harry Potter but plans were that it was going to extend to a new park and have a bridge between parks like Harry Potter as well in Florida. Nintendo Land would be part of the main Universal Park and locate behind ET. A few park insiders mentioned Universal was also in discussion with Blizzard and Microsoft regarding rides based on games for either the new park or rethemes as well.



niggers are so funny

A minecart madness indoor coaster for the KONG area. Golden Banana splits sold in the restaurants.

Why do they get Parkinson's after eating Dole Whip?


>that one employee who Backwards Long Jumped while yelling YA-Y-Y-Y-Y-YA

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>FZero bumper cart ride
Rollercoaster or bust
Bonus points for mid-ride electromagnetic launcher for BOOST POWER

Kino if it maked you spin if you yell "BOOSTO FIYAH"

Disney is really good at convincing people that they're on the ball at every moment, but they're pretty sloppy in reality. Anyone with eyes can see how half-measured Disney World actually is.

Now Nintendo just needs to do their own Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Or maybe they wouldn't. Since all the fun of those games is making fatal disasters, and maybe that's not how you want to advertise your theme park.

Earth stoopid

He Never wrote that.

Tropical Freeze sequel any day now.

WEEEELP, I haven't been to Disney since 1998 and was thinking of planning a trip within the next couple years, but it looks like it's gone the way of movie theaters and malls.

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I can't wait to try the donkey Kong ride. This shit looks cool as fuck.

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i wish i had kids so i could go to this without looking like an asshole.

Context ? lol

> someone will FUCK isabelle /DK in the back room

I hate to sound like /pol/ but do you really need context when these kinds of people are involved?

I thought Florida was full of Brazilians?

I am sad to say this but you're right

Damn the Little Mermaid remake is taking a weird direction

dude imagine if you can eat SHROOMS there LMAOOOOO

The further south you go the more north it becomes.

It's not bad, Galaxy's Edge just subverted Disney's expectations

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There's a certain stage where you just have to look at the statistics and admit that 13% of the toons are responsible for 52% of the crime in Toon Town.

>super nintendo world
>it's only mario and donkey kong shit

hard pass

His wife's

Thunderstorms and old people.


>king's dominion had 30 dollar tickets for all of June
>gardens was still 70-80 dollar tickets
Do they even know how to compete?

4 hours for a fucking Toy Story ride?

I'm honestly surprised none of them yelled worldstar

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I have a Disney pass and I go with my wife all the time here in Orlando, but I might switch it to Universal when the Ninty theme park comes out.

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Looks way too fucking cluttered.

Want a Mario-themed park? Buy a golf course, put some cobblestone paths on it. Make a big Peach's Castle. Add a waterfall and a moat with a bridge. And in the distance construct some round Mario Mountains and put little squinty eyes on everything. There, DONE.

>Mayan temple has a monkey head and not a Kremling

One job Nintendo

The concept looks cool but they better create extra clearance or someone's going to get decapitated if anything goes wrong.

congrats user that was the funniest shit I read all year

t. Judge Doom

the area is obviously based around nu-dkc, of course there's no kremlings

disneyland california's prices keep going up when it WAS crowded lines for every ride were 2-3 hours. we're talkin $15 for a burger while tickets are over a $100

I like it, it looks straight out of Mario & Luigi.

how does this look miles better than the star wars park

It's literally just New Jersey but hotter and with hurricanes.

>$200 lightsabers are going out and you can't even change the battery.
How is that allowed?

damn, that's a great one
got any comparisons for the food prices?

Headpat actresses dressed as Lucina, Nowi, Camilla and Selkie

BotW makes the most sense to me because it's mostly down-to-earth wilderness and because it's probably the best-selling Zelda game in a long time

It's time to grow up

Can’t wait for a Luigi’s mansion to show up.

>3 laps on a relatively short but sweet ride
>laps two and three are rigged to go faster than the first while the speakers blast YOU GOT BOOST POWER after the first one

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the onions is strong in this one

What is this! A park for ants?

It opens in Japan first, then Hollywood and Orlando.

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Will he be stuck in with Marty?

I wonder if it's going to be like Legoland where you can't enter without a kid.

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Looks more like Mario Land than Nintendo Land
>A big fucking DK area instead of Zelda or Pokémon or something
Guess I'll just go to Disney

I have an eye condition and autism so I can skip the lines in all the UK theme parks, it's great.

Only place I'm visiting

Does that affect the theme park rights? Disney has owned Marvel since like 2009 but the theme park rights for Florida still belong to Universal.

>Roller coaster that goes through an intense Turf War match
>A little shopping district like in the game
>The Crusty Sean food truck
>A Live Squid Sisters/Off the Hook show (They've done those before in Japan)
>An Octo Expansion themed dark rdie

They own the contract that was written but they can't just change it. Depends entirely on what was agreed. If it needs to go up for renewal or something Disney could say no I guess. But I doubt that's typical of a theme park.

Because it's at Universal, the owners of King Kong.

>Work at the Toadstool cafe
>Some self-important rich kid comes in wearing the Mario Kart 1st place winner crown
>Orders a "blue shell"
>mfw I get to glass this kid

Look forward to fat sweaty nerds fucking it up for everyone by making everything smell like shit.

>be me (36)
>standing in line for the DK mine cart ride
>alone, so I have to share my mine cart
>get teamed up with some faggot (36)
>the cart seats for people easily
>this jabroni sits five centimeters from me
>our fucking cheeks are touching
Kill me

>Going to theme parks

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I don't have eye condition or autism I just go to the guest services at universal and say I have a stomach condition. All the perks of autism without having it.

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going with friends would be double the cringe so your post is literally a yikes x 2