Is making video games really that stressful? I mean it isnt coal mining; this just seems like whiny zoomers destroying the industry.
Is making video games really that stressful...
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Luckily I don't like nearly any modern western game devs so this news phases me in no way.
How did we go from people like John Carmack, who can spend entire days programming and reading about math and technology; Or Iwata, who literally saved Melee from being delayed; to faggots who can't work with premade engines and think that working in tech should have the same level of complexity as being a paper-pusher?
so you're basically saying everyone should be on carmack and iwata levels?
Carmack is an android sent back from the year 3000, he's not human and his work ethic cannot be compared to us fleshy meatbags
Those two are their own bosses. You're retarded for coming up with a shit analogy even by Yea Forums standards.
Imagine getting socialist ideals and your political beliefs about unions and workers' rights from a guy who's literally never had a job other than politics in his entire life and owns a vacation mansion for every season in various places across the US.
Do any of you idiots have actual jobs. I don't know about the actual videogame industry but anything tech related requires long hours of coding and managing different projects by certain deadlines on top of marketing. Marketing and advertising also isn't fun and rainbows like how Yea Forums imagines it. There's negotiations and having the analytics sense to know where trends are moving to before they even happen.
God it's like you're all high schoolers
lol don't care
It would be good for society
They weren't always.
>anything tech related
>implying it isn’t easy
>Marketing and advertising also isn't fun and rainbows like how Yea Forums imagines it.
I know lots of people in marketing and advertising and coding and all they do is babble all day.
Everyone in marketing should be shot.
Isn't the whole purpose of Unions to make sure that no one is able to do work without the Union? Otherwise you put all your members at a disadvantage. Good luck making indie games illegal.
and how much of that revenue is from MTXs
Your analytics can't predict shit.
At most you can predict what reddit will do, not what your customers will do.
Those two were not divorced from the fruits of their labor.
Modern devs work crunch so that their boss's boss's boss (who's never played a videogame in his life) can fudge some numbers to inflate the company's stock value so that his golden parachute is bigger when the bubble inevitably pops from decades of releasing unfinished products.
The incentives are not the same.
I'd be more curious to know how much revenue is from sales within the first 2 weeks due to big marketing push
some people actually like and are good at what they do but lots of people got into programming because they wanted to make video games or fell to the programming will make you rich meme
If it was a dev team like Re-Logic or Team Cherry, who constantly work their asses off for free to make new content for their game and genuinely want to make a 10/10 product, I have nothing but sympathy for them and hope that they get every penny of revenue that they've earned.
If it's some pretentious asshole who made a 5 minute walking simulator about the evils of white privilege and donald trump, then I couldn't care less.
have you ever made a game?
Do you know how Unions work? All these people talk as if Union members get a percentage of each sale, that is never what happens. When you join a Union you just get mild insurance benefits and vacation days, they are all still salary and it's generally low. Why do communists act like joining a Union means you stop getting paid a mediocre salary? It normally lowers your salary, to pay the Union.
>hur dur you must made game to post here
fuck off shill
Because they were programming geniuses.
>Is making video games really that stressful?
being a faggot is immensely stressful
If they're talented, why don't they quit and start their own indie company? Those are all the rage now and they can start up a youtube channel to interact with fans and make it more personal
yeah man, adding k. rool and banjo to ssbu nearly killed samurai jack.
if you havent made a game, why are you making posts pretending like you know how hard/easy the industry is?
Any job can become torture if you spend all day doing it, get paid like shit, are constantly stressed, performing mind-numbing shit, having to tend to awful people and so on. Dick-waving you level if discomfort is pointless, as proving something is worse doesn't in any way make the other thing better. If you spend 18 hours a day at work and your boss takes a dump in your coffee, that's objectively worse than 18 hours with no shitwater, but at the end of the day you'll both still commit suicide eventually.
There's honestly too many people. No sincere effort can stop of these nefarious Unions OR corporations because there's a million more mongoloids who outnumber you and don't care or notice about any of this stuff, there being no frame of reference for them.
>Why do communists act like joining a Union means you stop getting paid a mediocre salary?
Learn the meaning of "collective bargaining" retard.
Not him but no it wouldn't. Take a few minutes to think about what such society would actually look like and you'll understand.
not all unions are equal
>implying these are jap devs they are talking about
This is all western programmers bitching, Jap devs get worked into an early grave and say thank you for the privilege.
based and hicks pilled
>If they're talented, why don't they quit and start their own indie company? Those are all the rage now and they can start up a youtube channel to interact with fans and make it more personal
because none of them are actually talented. they want a job at activision or EA games, aka industrial cancer. those types of corporations can only exist when they have fields of pathetic, low energy, barley functional employees they can control and mismanage. THOSE people think unionizing will somehow make them worth more, when in reality, they should just git gud, but they never will, because they're useless faggots.
it has never been more easy to start your own company, especially a software/vidya company. anyone working in software clamoring for a union is an ultra limp wristed fayget cuck soi goy looking for sympathy handouts.
lol you know he's like an average actual baby boomer, right? For his demographic, that's normal. If you have not had a stable job during the whole time you've been out of your parent's house and are able to retire in comfort, you've been doing it wrong. Why do you think people detest baby boomers so much? At least Bernie Sanders knows baby boomers used the system and kicked down the ladder so that for millennials, that future is untenable.
But please, tell me more about how absolutely privileged an average baby boomer is - it's truly enlightening and is such a big mystery as to how that happened!
Corporate bootlicker. Maybe if you post more you’ll get an extra fast food shift
>unions demand higher pay and working benefits
>industry starts to slowly shrink, outsourcing work, investment goes down
Unions favor the already hired over the ones who arent, making it harder to get hired and protecting union members from competition
Like any IT industry, crunch is common because marketingfags, businessfags, and higher ups have no idea what entails development.
So they run around making stupid promises, dumb deadlines, poor scheduling, and shitty demands.
Its definitely not something a union could ever possibly fix though.
Not when its a fucking begging organisation with no power over how industries actually work.
That's a nice theory but which Union do you know that's well paid? The only Unions I know about all make less than me, because I work DevOps which I can do privately so if someone isn't paying what I want, I go to someone offering more. Collective bargaining isn't with you in a Union, it's against you.
>Union becomes only option for employers
>They have to pay you a 5% (wow!!) boost
>All employers on board
>5 years later
>Unions only option for work
>Salaries below what would have been market standard
>Union is only work option
>Can't work anywhere else
Again, collective bargaining of Unions isn't for the workers. It's for the employers and union bosses.
>believing unions are the enemy of the people
>believing what a billionaire whispers in your ear
>not realizing that of course a billionaire/corporate shill would be against unions
Imagine listening to some brainless faggot on Yea Forums
I know, it was more of a rhetorical question. Those people really just want a stable job instead of to actually make games. Except a lot of them choose to work in a luxury industry and aren't actually that skilled. QA testers, code monekys and digital "artists" can all be easily replaced, who would have guessed?
I'm actually a part of a union and a software engineer (not games). Why wouldn't you want to join a union?
You are a waste of blood and water
Unions gave us the 5 day work week, it was a great achievement. Unions of the present are regulation bloat that suppress your wages. No non-boomers will get rich in a Union, private work is your only option because you can demand higher salaries for higher quality work, or leave to competitors. Unions make sure you can't do that.
They're overworked and underpaid. They might just sit at a desk all day, but in actuality that's actually worse for their health than if they were moving around or standing all day, contributing to even more stress. I'm a programmer but luckily I get paid a decent amount and get treated quite well by my company. I love playing and making games in my free time but the things I hear about game dev companies make me glad I never bothered to try working for one.
Why are unions socialism but oligopoly conspiracies free market?
The only solution is for all the large video game sellers to die and for video gaming to return to the age when video game companies were mid size hobbyist companies, decreasing the disconnect between the sellers and makers of video games. Rinse and repeat for all mediums/nations.
>so that for millennials, that future is untenable.
It's literally not. A lot of millennials just do retarded shit.
t. graduated from an in-state college with minimal debt and a large network from doing relevant internships.
boom roasted
You think you know anything about business? You sound like a high schooler in the middle of remedial economics. Grow up
Because self-loathing faggots that want to stay unhappy and not have nice things to own the libs.
ending up middle-class is perfectly fine there's no need to be filthy rich and honestly anybody who actually wants that is delusional. Also anything with enough time will accumulate too much bureaucratic horseshit
Based. That’s a vote from me for Bernie.
Game devs are the most oppressed and exploited techies in the industry.
I honestly wish these culture warriors just off themselves, they’re beyond hysterical and their tiny brains can’t comprehend better living. It’s like they’re angry just to be alive
How many jobs have you held? If you say more than one, you already have been robbed of your ability to work at one job, be loyal and work hard, get a pension, and eventually retire.
Pensions are a thing of the past. Company loyalty no longer exists. It is normal for millennial to jump from job to job, not because they necessarily want to, but out of necessity (i.e. low wages, want to move up but can't, mental exhaustion, etc.) Baby boomers lived the fucking life man, just admit it.
>You think you know anything about business? You sound like a high schooler in the middle of remedial economics. Grow up
kid i have sold 3 start ups and have 4 LLCs going right now. all software related.
>muh pay
>muh union
>I am hurt ughhh too much video game making today
“Millennials” extend to people in their 30’s, you self-hating waste of life
I have zero debt but worked 3 jobs to pay for my schooling up to a ph.d. A baby boomer had to work a fraction of that to ensure they had zero debt.
>work for a union
>pay ~$60 a month
>they literally don’t do shit for us except negotiate for discount on ham catalogues
The company denied us having a national holiday off this year that was added because of the change in emperors and the union didn’t do shit. Unions are a fucking meme. Give me back my 720 dollars a year and keep your shitty fucking ham coupons. Goddam I hate unions.
Whatever lies you need to tell yourself, limp-worsted weakling
They are, but if they want to stay that way, honestly their blubbering and crying is such a waste of oxygen that the stress from making themselves stay so angry and miserable will naturally kill them off since the human body is incapable of tolerating a high-amount of daily stress, hence low life expectancy.
At this point, they are doing us a favor by slowly killing themselves with stress.
If you don't try to be rich you won't even hit middle class. That's a lesson everyone should be taught.
>NEETS discussing unions
go away baby boomer apologist, the future is now. No one cares about moving heavy apple boxes. We galaxy brain now
>Is making video games really that stressful?
>The creator of the Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai, is having trouble with his right arm, and it's impacting development of the latest entry in the series, he wrote in his Famitsu column.
>Sakurai said he's getting "calcific tendonitis" and apparently they also found several ruptures in his arm. He notes specifically that there's a feeling of fatigue around the flexor muscles that turns into pain when he tries to use a keyboard or game controller with his fingers. He's now using a track ball and learning to do other day-to-day functions with his left arm.
>Masahiro cites a hectic work schedule for contributing to these issues, noting that he often comes in on his days off to work on the project and catch up on things, but with his body giving out on him, he's likely going to have to cut out the extra days.
>Until his right arm gets better, he's forced to gnarl his left hand around a game controller in order to do any sort of playtesting work on the current version of Smash Bros. "I've had to control two characters at once in a lot of game projects up to now," he said, "so as long as I keep it to simple moves, this works well enough. It doesn't go that easy with the Nintendo 3DS version, though, and the debug camera is pretty hard to control. Still, now I realize how important it is to have your health. I'm glad I'm still in good enough shape to work."
Coal miners get paid if they work overtime.
It's the same story with any passion that people have. There will always be companies looking to exploit naive people that just want to get paid doing what they love whether it be art, music, or game dev.
Why don’t you get a job moving apple crates, you disappointment? Your grandfather would spit on you
And this is a bad thing how?
people complaining about videogame unions have never made a game before
consumers shouldnt complain. fuck off
>Yea Forums
>FUCK greedy jew companies for ruining gaming!
>also Yea Forums
>FUCK employees of video game companies for holding greedy jew companies to task for ruining gaming!
At the expense of dreaded black lung and who knows how many cancers. Jesus Christ, I feel for those coal miners.
OP, you faggot, you have to understand that programming, making games, etc. is actual work - not necessarily physical, but it takes a heavy mental toll, not to mention the loss of sleep. The way game devs. are treated is inhumane - crunch time culture is toxic.
>starting out as a boss coming into the industry
God, youre a fucking mental retard. How do you think they got to where they are? By being competent and not fucking horrible at their jobs.
$10 have been deposited into your account
Modern game companies are run by jews, and their employees are lazy hacks. No contradiction.
>programming will make you rich meme
how the fuck is it even a meme, do you realize how much code we use on a daily basis in the modern world?
Project harder faggot
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they didn't have it easier, and I'm not saying college isn't over priced, but it's not really their fault when people are spending even more ridiculous money going out of state, blowing money booze/party drugs, or not getting experience outside of the classroom
I've done construction, lineman work and intensive IT work.
All are equally bad, while I'm not physically as exhausted after a 12 hour IT day, my mental state is pretty much toast. When I worked outside doing IT lineman work (ie laying fiber cables, going into manholes, fixing copper, etc) everyone would complain the inside guys did nothing and worked less than we did.
Having done both I'd say they are equal. Intense ling hours coding and doing sysadmin stuff is incredibly draining mentally, were as doing outside labor is incredibly draining physically.
The real issue is that people on either side of the road thing the other side works less. Now that I'm an inside guy, everyone talks about how the more labor intensive side of things doesnt work as hard, because we stay late more than they do.
Working fucking sucks.
Literal geniuses, also games were much smaller if you go back to Melee or Doom. required much less people than they do now.
You are expecting Yea Forums users who have never worked an honest day in their lives to empathize with people who do the work. These faggots just want video games scanned into their brains without a thought of how the sausage is made
The point of a union is to make negotiation between employees and employers possible.
Without a union, you have no choice but to take your boss's dick or lose your job. Pajeet's always willing to work for less and in more inhumane condiitons than you.
>just get a different job
Forcing employees to uproot themselves every time they want to make a demand of their boss that they can't back up as an individual is not sustainable.
Put differently, why would you bargain individually when you could bargain collectively? It just makes economic sense.
The customer is always right faggot. You deserve nothing for making digital entertainment, except for what people deign to give you.
Im not for unions but it's pretty clear shit is not so great right now. Wages have been stagnating for decades.
Gain more life experiences, fucking chud. You talk like you’ve never had a friend in your life
>muh crunch!
They're estrogen filled _soy_ suckers with low t and no passion.
faggots who don't deserve their job keep their job somehow
faggots who don't deserve their job keep their job somehow, and also everyone gets paid less
Because the moment they made video games a degree you can study, every useless fuck is trying to get into gaming, not realising they have neither the skill, intelligence or creativity for it. Gaming used to be a work of passion, now it's just a shitty job.
Us entitled gamers expect a bare minimum in each aspect of whatever triple a game is coming out that is far more demanding than it was before. A lot of stuff is barebones, lazy, etc. But the amount of work to keep up with graphical/animation/physics/etc. Standards is significantly more than it used to be. Tldr: MK11 took more effort and people than MK1
Try expressing yourself without memes or buzzwords, you bottom feeder
>Pajeet's always willing to work for less and in more inhumane condiitons than you.
Build skills that are objectively superior to Pajeet’s then you faggot. Make your skills niche and useful so that they can’t hire pajeet to replace you and so you don’t have to pay some shekelburg owned union to negotiate on your behalf.
Cope harder. I'm sure all those experiences were worth it.
imagine sucking CEO cock and being okay with it.
>my union bad so unions bad
watch out, we got albert fucking einstein over here
valve should make more
>Build skills that are objectively superior to Pajeet’s then you faggot.
do you have any idea at all what an H1B is or how it works financially
>God it's like you're all high schoolers
They literally are, user.
I wonder how poltards deal with the dissonance here. Like, big corps are evil crony capitalism but at the same time workers' rights are communism.
A video game makers union is the best thing that could happen to the industry. If all of the American workers unionized, every big company like Ubisoft, Activision, and Sony would most certainly conduct sweeping layoffs and outsource development of major franchises overseas to non-union workers. This would enrage the SJW influencers who have demanded change for the last 3 years and they would boycott the industry. This would in all likely hood cause these bullshit companies to stop catering to their feminist, progressive demands and we can finally get video games back.
And what skills to recommend that someone learn to not be replaced in the vidya industry? You seem to spouting shit without having a real answer.
Sounds great. Let's have a race to the bottom with India's labor force. I can't see any downsides to this.
This whole fucking thread is retarded because nobody in it is over the age of 18 and/or worked a salaried position that they didn't get from their super rich dad.
Unions are an absolute good for literally everybody EXCEPT the companies that exploit their workers. Period.
Like that's some kind of fucking achievement, $1500 200 years ago when your grandpa might've been worth the air he was breathing was worth something, and if he didn't think so he could drag his ass elsewhere and ask for a job and have a 50/50 shot at getting it so long as he wasn't stupid enough to ask for a management postion
If unionization means the further collapse of this current industry then I am all for it.
>OP, you faggot, you have to understand that programming, making games, etc. is actual work - not necessarily physical, but it takes a heavy mental toll, not to mention the loss of sleep. The way game devs. are treated is inhumane - crunch time culture is toxic.
and you're fucking delusional if you think activision and EA employees creating unions is gonna result in any less of that. they'll just now be forced to pay a percentage of their paycheck to some corrupt union, or lose their job, whilst the union spends the money to support communists candidates in political elections.
protip: we wouldnt have video games if it were not for free market capitalism and joining a corrupt, modern day, pro-communist union while working in an luxury entertainment industry in a capitalist society is about as retarded as someone can get.
here is the very long(lol) list of membership benefits of the IATSE, promoted by bernie sanders in that tweet:
the many benefits include:
a "free" credit card offer!!!!!!!!!!1111
and a "free" weekly electronic newsletter!!!!!!!!!1111
all for only $224.00 a year!!!!!!!!111
based and communism pilled!!!!!!!!!!111
Except unions don’t belong in tech and programming and video game development.
It's called doublethink, and it's something the right is really good at.
>pajeet will make games that I, an American will love
Actually, he probably will. You were born dead.
the many benefits of ITASE union membership!
They belong in literally every single job that offers wages for labor.
No exceptions.
Poltards are well versed in cucking themselves for opportunists. Corporations are evil globalists, unions are evil socialists, Jews are simultaneously planet dominating and feeble insects. I am shocked we have not seen poltards’ heads start to spontaneously combust, I’m sure the human brain can only handle so much mental gymnastics
no dude he totally dunked on you, it's just not MEANT for tech jobs, yknow
these jobs are supposed to be for PASSIONATE people and if you're not willing to work for less than an immigrant on subsidised labour then it's just not a job for you
That’s for you to figure out, you’re the faggot man child that “wants to work for video games” but also expects a 6 digit salary to magically come with a starting position. I would love to get paid 150k/year to stay in a field and pick strawberries but mexicrements can/will do it for significantly less so I gave up the childish dream and developed real skills.
>Customer is always right
Only neets like you and fat cats say this shit, anybody who's ever had a job ever knows the customer is a fucking retard
>other jobs bad, so your job not bad
>No elaboration
Thank you for proving my point. Have a nice day.
>There are corporate anti-Union shills on Yea Forums
>There are retards who believe blatant corporate propoganda
Why do you think /pol/ likes Republicans so much? They need someone to stoke their outrage organs while they work for scraps under the boot of an oligarch
>tfw you have never given a cent to either of these rich capitalists in your life
>tfw you haven’t contributed to the exploitation of game devs
Feels redpilled man
>>There are corporate anti-Union shills on Yea Forums
>>There are retards who believe blatant corporate propoganda
look at the UH-MAZE-ING union benefits you can get for the low low price of $224.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The customer is why you have a job you fucking retard. Do you think payment for making video game software is a human right? The only reason any video game ever succeeded is because they were profitable.
>one union
No, they’re just entitled little divas from Silicon Valley.
Dev here. Yes, no other kind of job has so many failure states.
You may spend weeks doing something just so that it breaks in unexpected ways and there's nothing you can do but start over. Specially true the bigger the team you're working with. People do something that breaks something else every day.
Yes. Why shouldn’t you elevate standards?
You just keep recycling the same brainlet take that bad unions mean unions are bad.
This goes deeper than corporate shilling. This is philosophy 101. Form and matter. Read a book you fucking bootlicker.
A regular Charlie Kirk over here, continues to post one out-of-context link and BOOM roasted. Got us, faggot. Keep talking like you know shit about having a job
>Reddit, Vice, Polygon and Kotaku singing praise for the marketing of Wolfenstein The New Colossus, saying it will "BTFO conservatives and incels"
>bombs horribly
>>tfw you have never given a cent to either of these rich capitalists in your life
>>tfw you haven’t contributed to the exploitation of game devs
>Feels redpilled man
Ahh yes.
I remember being 12.
sup king. When the revolution comes I'm sure you'll be seen for the genius you are.
But for now I've GOT this DICK, and it needs to be SUCKED
Don't forget indie devs now hate Re-Logic and Team Cherry for being successful.
Have you personally fucked those men? Why are you so prissy?
Crunch is not exploitation. Fucking millennials, I swear to god. At the end of every fiscal year, there's a 3 week period where I'm lucky if I even see my wife. I am very fairly compensated for that crunch time in my salary and benefits. I'm a senior regional marketing vice president. It's part of the job and I knew upfront before the promotion.
Also, the last 2 or 4 days of every month (depends if it falls on a weekend), my wife works past 10pm each night. She's a marketing admin manager.
Only wageslaves that get paid by the hour can't understand why work time fluctuations are perfectly normal. Companies are not going to hire extra people for the 2 weeks a year that they get slammed. Business doesn't work like that. Not as if they could hire a temp with the training to do the jobs, anyway.
keep it up. Maybe you'll get to hold their balls
>I am very fairly compensated for that crunch time in my salary and benefits.
i'm sure this helps game devs immensely, thank you for your service
If the internet didn't exist how many lads would be learning programming instead of declaring themselves trannies?
And if everyone was in Unions, not only would membership dues be lower, but worker compensation from employers in the form of pay, benefits, and vacation time would massively overtake the comparatively miniscule fee.
>saying it will "BTFO conservatives and incels"
The funny part is, literally only Yea Forums was ever saying that those places said that. Nobody on Reddit, Vice, Polygon or Kotaku ever actually said anything about "Conservatives an Incels". That was all an inside job, reinforced through dogwhistles and twitter cherry-picking. Yea Forums and /pol/ both like to hand-craft their own battles.
>Melee or Doom. required much less people than they do now.
Blatantly false. Those chucklefucks at Wavedash games had 3 years, 30 people, and $4 million, using a PREMADE ENGINE like Unity, and they couldn’t even make a game a fraction as good as Melee which is what they were aiming for. Melee which had 25 characters, and whose engine was made from scratch for a new console. And that’s considering they were blatantly ripping off from it in movesets and mechanics. They couldn’t even finish 8 characters in 3 years.
its literally THE union comrade bernie sanders is promoting and suggesting for homosexual vidya dev faggots to join in the screencap posted by OP. post one of these unicorn GOOD union for homosexual vidya dev faggots to join or STFU becaus THEY DONT EXIST. MODERN UNIONS ARE SCAMS. only worthwhile unions to join are for trade skills and while beneficial, are super corrupt to the point where if you dont join the union, you don't work, basically shake down rackets and doorkeepers.
Gabe Newell liberalized the market to such an extent that all of the same personalities that vouch for unions reee'd that there was no special counsel to pick winners and losers among indies now that their shitty walking sims can't make it.
Can someone explain to me where Carmack got 0x5f3759df from in fast inverse square root? What the fuck is he doing with numbers that big like he's Paul Dirac or some shit.
Why do Americans hate unions so much and love being ass fucked by multi billion corporations?
Here’s the problem - you're not wrong, but you're projecting your personal experiences onto professions that you admittedly do not have. So maybe you yourself don’t have all the answers to how businesses and governments should be run. Is that fairly say?
>I'm a senior regional marketing vice president
>I'm a polluter. In a healthier society I'd be raking muck or in prison.
No surprise you don't mind the crunch. You sold your soul.
>games became fast food shit rather than staying passion proyects
industry crash when?
The fact that you believe this is proof that you are deepthroating the boot so hard it's causing oxygen deprivation to your brain.
>And if everyone was in Unions, not only would membership dues be lower, but worker compensation from employers in the form of pay, benefits, and vacation time would massively overtake the comparatively miniscule fee.
and if everyone just decided to have world peace, it would just magically happen and everything would be great! -t. faggot(you)
I swear to god I've seen this exact post word for word before.
programmer --> game developer
family doctor --> plastic surgeon
Vice literally made "gamers are nazis" videos about it.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you with all that corporate cock in your mouth. Please speak up a little louder.
>where if you dont join the union, you don't work
this union concept is hard for you, huh?
Lmao at all of the trannies screeching for uninspired because they’re too weak to negotiate for themselves ITT. How can you expect to be paid fairly when you spend 3 hours of your daily work shift dilating in the bathroom?
I don’t want a union because it brings it down to the lowest common denominator. If I can out negotiate and demonstrate how I’m superior over my coworkers I should get paid significantly more than him. I don’t want bullsht “everyone wins and gets a 5% raise yearly!!” Union negotiation. I want to crush my coworkers by showing them how much better I am than they are.
Not with that attitude. It’s amazing that people like you will reject a better world because your small brain can’t fathom not hating yourself. If life is so painful for you, why do you continue living?
only retarded boomers say shit like this lmao
Making games is hard, you give the men in suit stupid timelines and end up seeing that you cant deliver in time so you crunch to deliver.
it’s not the coding that’s stressful, it’s having to deal with project managers
Anyone else think a video game crash wouldn't be such a bad thing now?
>All the hipsters leave
>All the diversity hires fuck off because there's no money in it anymore
>All the publishers go bankrupt
>All the CEOs get jobs elsewhere
>All the investment money dries up
>It's back to people in their basements making video games from the scraps of the industry once more
>No more bitching and moaning that the industry is too prosperous and they deserve to have some of that money, too.
>my coworker is my enemy
it's all beginning to make sense now
Spoken like a true unemployed-cel
Unions are pretty good in some sectors, in some they are not. You can literally fire every single code-monkey and replace them within a day which makes the union meaningless
You literally are a fucking high schooler.
You are comparing literal programming/game design geniuses to your average code monkey on the lowest level of the corporate ladder possible for them. The times havent changed, Carmack and Iwata were self made millionaires and had the drive to match it. Your average person at a corporation has no desire to work this long.
Also, consider the difference in what theyre working on. Carmack made his own revolutionary, innovative game with a very small, close-knit team, with near full creative control. Meanwhile, your average programmer at a game company these days is probably working with a team of hundreds of people, with 0 creative control over the game. They may be spending 80+ hours a week programming fucking lootboxes or something, knowing full well theyre actively working their ass off to make the game shittier and have 0 control, as if they complain they'll be fired. They are two highly different experiences.
Grow up. You clearly have no idea what a job is actually like.
Unions are great. "Unions" are cancer. If you're required to join one, it's not a union; it's a racket.
Such rackets killed most privatized industry of the rust belt, now they want to do the same to the tech sectors so it, too, can be sold off to China.
Too true. A lot of it stems from the 80's, when companies started to become divorced from the idea of creating a workforce and moved to the idea of making a profit.
Here's a fun read that explains a lot about how our culture is on the worse side of things. It's the only article that I've read more than once.
>$0.02 has been added to your account
You *ARE* being exploited though.
In your salary contract, there's a clause about the amount of time you're required to work. That amount cannot, by law, exceed 40 hours a week, and everything you do beyond that amount of time is purely, as stated in your contract, by your own discretion.
However, you work that extra time anyway. Why? Why not just walk out the door? You did everything your contract stipulated, why stay?
>Companies are not going to hire extra people for the 2 weeks a year that they get slammed.
Of course not. Not when you're so willing to gloss over their complete inability to properly manage resources. If this two week time period is a regular occurence, they should know what they're doing by now, and your willingness to stay later only enables their ineptitude.
That's exploitation.
It's stressful in a way that to make a good game you essentially have to sacrifice your life to do so
With a coal miner you essentially do your job and go home, with a developer it's more like you do your job, and continue to do your job and your only rest from your job is after the product has released which is then plague with bugs so that's more shit you have to take care of, and than finally once that's all done and you think you have some rest 2 weeks later it's
>Part 2 when?
It's a type of creative work which gives you very little but demands a lot.
Unions are a fucking joke though, fuck that
I work at a fortune 20.
Go dilate.
lmao that guy probably pays to post pro-corporate propaganda
Indians are gross but at least they aren't obnoxious violent retards like certain OTHER races heh
No it came from a van attack in Canada in which the person posted memes on /r9k/ pertaining to the incel community and then the media used the term to push a new category of "terrorist" group in the first world and made it a new viral slur for white loners and virgins. You're obviously a tourist who don't know what they're talking about.
>I'm sorry, I can't hear you with all that corporate cock in your mouth. Please speak up a little louder.
>Not with that attitude. It’s amazing that people like you will reject a better world because your small brain can’t fathom not hating yourself. If life is so painful for you, why do you continue living?
you niggers realize unions are just more corporations right? except they're not even producing anything of value, just shaking down other corporations that do produce goods and services. look into the fucking union bernie is promoting, its literally a thinly veiled scam.
Does Daddy Corporate at least give you a reach around while he fucks you in the ass for making these posts? Probably not. Shoulda unionized!
Word of advice, next time you try to lie on the internet - no one says “fortune 20”
>americans thinking they have hard work hours
Fucking pansies, asians literally die in their cubicles working for black companies and they haven't unionized.
>I want to crush my coworkers by showing them how much better I am than they are.
KING, I've got this dick. It WON'T suck itself.
And who connected the dots between"Nazi" and "Incels and conservatives"?
That's called a dog whistle. That's how the right likes to operate.
They can't compete with the left on raw terms, so they create a code and tell you that every time the left says X, they mean Y, which allows them to manipulate the narrative and build resentment for their opponents at the same time.
It's a propaganda trick as old as time.
That's cause they suck. Making a mod isn't the same thing as making a game, these hacks got really full of themselves. When you just want to imitate something without adding anything new, it really shows. Literally look at any other retro-revival kickstarter.
Now the actual melee team, the one in 2001, they definitely had much less people than Brawl, Smash 4, and Ultimate, and slept in the office for crunchtime, as is the standard for Jap companies. Just because this shit happened in the past- doesn't make it okay. Yeah my grandfather worked in a factory when he was 9, that's not "oh he was tough", that was child exploitation. The tides changed and child labor laws were established. If we continue to bootlick for higher ups and work in worse conditions, it's never gonna get any better.
same as the animation industry
Games dev is a luxury industry. Your entire career depends on people bothering to go to the store and buying your entertainment product for their games player. Your career and success within it is not a right.
Because decades ago, Unions stripped out almost every major industry we had when they became corrupt and shiftless.
We used to have a very comfortable life where a factory worker would work 6 days a week and provide enough for a family of five. Now, factory jobs are more scarce than ever, and all of those industries have dried up and moved elsewhere because the requirements set upon them by unionized labor outweighed the cost of dismantling their industry and moving it overseas.
So people see the tech sector and realize that it's only a matter of time until that section leaves, as well. Most of the parts and coding for that isn't even done in this country, already. Unions would be great for the industry but would almost result in 90% of the major code and tech companies instantly shifting their work forces to China and India and canning all of their devs. Microsoft outright imports foreign workers to take the place of their standard coders and designers, as an example of how this can and will backfire if they give into the whiners.
knew Yea Forums was a communist board
shouldn't even be surprised, all the sony fans and cali posters should've clued me in
Imagine thinking that corporations being coerced into compensating workers fairly via negotiation is 'shaking down'. Fuck off, shill.
>Meanwhile, your average programmer at a game company these days is probably working with a team of hundreds of people, with 0 creative control over the game. They may be spending 80+ hours a week programming fucking lootboxes or something, knowing full well theyre actively working their ass off to make the game shittier and have 0 control, as if they complain they'll be fired.
and why should someone programming loot boxes for EA deserve anything except a slow, painful death?
Are there modern unions in Canada/America that can be an example of success? Seriously the only times I've dealt with them indirectly was helping run a smash bros tournament[\spoiler], and the unionize venue staff was pathetic. They'd drag their feet while settings up, take way more breaks than should have been allotted, and end up not being close to ready. I'm talking an amount of work that 5 smash autists would have done in 4 hours just so they could have a mock tournament.
>unionize so you can have the union demand that even the lowly retards that don’t contribute anything get a yearly raise!
>surely you won’t mind taking a smaller raise so retard mcbunblefuck can get a raise this year too, right? It’s only fair!
Stay seething, I work in finance at one of the top 20 Fortune 500 companies. Is that better for you? Shouldn’t you be dilating and demanding government gibs right now?
less power in the hands of publishers, more in designers and developers. the consolidating big triple a companies are the reason the industry is as shitty and non innovative as it is and ought to be punished.
Preach it brother, REAL men work themselves into an early grave by the time their 60. Workplace health and safety and better working conditions is for fucking pussies.
>workers banding together as an entity to negotiate with corporate leadership is the exact same thing as just having corporate leadership
It’s very easy to tell who didn’t pay attention in high school. If you hate unions, you should give up having any weekends or vacation days.
Because they need a paycheck and theyre being told to by their manager. Blame the management, not the worker.
So a terrorist attack in canada means a video game made by an american company is somehow against the alt-right?
What the fuck are you even saying?
Yes, any privatized union where you can get your ass canned if you don't meet up with a quota.
>cali posters
There a lot of California posters here? Huh
If Cali is such a great state, while are so many people there lurking here?
>Unions demanding fair working conditions and compensation caused this
>Not the fact that the current system enables corporations to offload their work to what are essentially slaves
>Instead of stopping this, we should just get rid of all the compensation that makes Western Workers uncompetetive
Holy fuck, the shilling is real.
Too fucking late
Should have said that in the 90's
Megacorpopolies have fucked the modern perception of games so much that they can never be divorced from them
Monopoly is the enemy of innovation
>confirmation bias
nice argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions
They need to unionize too. The asian mindset of "for the company" only really benefits the men at the top over there.
Greed is universal.
I didn't realize I was in the company of ROYALTY on my mongolian basket weaving forum.
How did you do it? How good does taking demon dick every day feel? When did you feel your spirit leave your body?
>That's called a dog whistle. That's how the right likes to operate.
You realize the point of dog whistles is that dogs hear them, right? When you connect dots that aren't there because it makes sense in your twisted worldview: that's called being delusional with a side of projection.
Are you having a stroke? I'm just describing the origin of the "incel" meme and how it came to be and then you make some confused question in a non-sequitur manner.
>Thinking that you get compensated more for harder work instead of just the bare minimum of what the company will pay to keep you
Fucking delusional.
imagine working like a japanese salaryman but the pay doesn't even make up for it
>asians literally die in their cubicles working for black companies and they haven't unionized.
and you want this for the us too? We live in a global economy. Labor conditions will equilibrate without collective bargaining.
>>Unions demanding fair working conditions and compensation caused this
You're fucking retarded.
Read up and kill yourself. Literally murdering people in the dead of night because they wouldn't agree to their terms is a far cry from "FaiR WoRkiNg ConDiTioNs"
I have a top paying job with no government assistance whatsoever, I just like the idea of a better society. Unfortunately, people like you with weaponized autism get in the way of improvements
I want to see one of these whiny faggots painting a fucking office building or washing dishes in a Chili's on Friday night. Absolutely zero concept of what actual work is. Fuck 'em, learn to code.. .
The problem isn't that they want change, its that they don't want enough. They want things to stay relatively the same (games with no heart or artistry made on an assembly line) they just want a bigger paycheck. The only way for both the consumer and creator to benefit require there to be far less creators, and thus far less jobs. Sorry, but games made by six gorillion different people aren't very good.
They should strive to be.
in countries with no minimum wage or very low minimum wage like Sweden the average person makes a much higher wage than the average American and has much better working conditions. collective bargaining works and that is a fact at this point
Don't bother, it's painfully obvious he has no fucking idea what he's talking about and is making shit up.
The answer is to get rid of all the 3rd world scabs(remember that term leftists?) and then force corporations to pay living wages to the citizens of their nation-state as a priority.
Why aren't there any modern political ideologues that complete the logic equation for free shit and protections? They got some great ideas and then go full retard and go "free shit and protections-for every single nigger that crosses this line." Like holy fuck, SO CLOSE YET SO FAR.
That makes even LESS sense
The term "incel" comes from an internet community started to, originally, help gay and trans women find sexual partners.
The idea of the "incel" as a sexually frustrated guy who may or may not have right-leaning political inclinations started with the whole Elliot Roger thing
one of them is painting a fucking office building pixel by pixel in photoshop
the other one is creating an animation of some guy washing dishes in a Chili's on a Friday night, on Friday night
>Imagine thinking that corporations being coerced into compensating workers fairly via negotiation is 'shaking down'. Fuck off, shill.
the free market does this all on its own. if employees dont want to work at fucking EA, they dont have to, they can go work anywhere else or start their own studio. the workers get paid what the market can bear. paying a portion of their paychecks to some communist group to harass their employers is brainlet tier.
>CEI site,retard.
Keep sucking deeper, though, maybe your boss will reward your hard work (lol) if you work the shaft for twelve hours on Sunday without complaining.
>>surely you won’t mind taking a smaller raise so retard mcbunblefuck can get a raise this year too, right? It’s only fair!
I literally wouldn't mind. I don't expect you would understand.
You realize you aren't Napoleon right? You aren't leading great armies into battle. You aren't putting cities to the sword. You aren't taking their women. All you're doing is transferring wealth between other little rat men like yourself. You sold your soul so you could be GAY. At least Genghis Khan had something to show for his deal with the devil.
LMAO your grandpa got fucked by being forced into a shitty job AND got brainwashed into thinking it actually meant something what a fucking cuck
>Because they need a paycheck and theyre being told to by their manager. Blame the management, not the worker.
they arent required to work for EA, making loot boxes, and ruining the industry. they could fuck off and start their own studio tomorrow. instead they choose to be a wage slave for an evil corporation. and your solution is they should pay a percentage of their slave wage to some communist group to harass EA? thats retard logic.
>It’s very easy to tell who didn’t pay attention in high school. If you hate unions, you should give up having any weekends or vacation days.
yikes and zoomer-commie-corrupted-public-education-pilled
The free market does not do that on its own. You know what millionaires and billionaires do when they get tax breaks? They horde the money for themselves. Why do you think CEO salaries have skyrocketed in the past 40 years while employee wages have stayed the same?
Bernie is playing the long con of vast unionization. He's a pawn of the Steelworkers. The AFL-CIO will get their hooks into the software devs' unions, you mark my words. Screencap this post: the UBEW and Steelworkers, who control the AFL-CIO (so if you're an AFL-CIO member you're fucked and they don't give a shit about you), are pushing hard to this to make even more money in dues from shitheads they hate. Look up why certain jobs are "exempt" from overtime rules. You sit in an air conditioned office and make 25 bucks an hour anyway, or most likely much much more.
Check the federal labor law and see what shit these assholes are pulling.
>Workers have great individual bargaining power and can find tons of open and waiting positions everywhere
>Everyone has 50,000 trust fund dollars in their bank accounts to risk on a business that is incredibly likely to fail and tank their life savings
Holy shit, the shilling is really out of control
>Why aren't there any modern political ideologues that complete the logic equation for free shit and protections?
There are, those are called extremely racist nazis.
Now donate to our open borders campaign.
read up nigga
1500 a month for what I'm assuming is like 40-50 years ago is not bad for menial work like lifting apples.
Anyways, you're a dumb bitch.
Nice buzzwords, guess you don’t have any inherent values if you’re just going to sprout your faggot nonsense
>Just start your own business
Retards thinking non-capitalists have the capital to start a business.
You cannot deny that the auto and manufacturing unions were not corrupt as fuck. You can claim every history book on Earth is problematic, but they were still breaking people's kneecaps and murdering foremen at the end of the day.
It is so bad that they're still investigating them over it today, long after the industry flat out abandoned them, because they became little more than organized crime syndicates.
Keep whining and moaning.
If nobody buys your game, you don't make any money. How do you posture your way out of this basic logic? Are you just in too deep now?
just give the man at the bank a firm handshake and look him in the eye and give him ur resume
Unions are part of the free market retard, do you think they're government owned or something?
whats that have to do with anything?
Seeing Bernie pander so hard makes me so upset. He has a whole goddum harvest of low hanging fruit after a term like this but he'd rather "rally the people," choke down the millennial with shameless campaign targetibg and indulge the current office's victim complex when, however right Bernie is, always inexplicably strengthens the former's backing. You couldn't ask for more of a "the coast is clear" open and shut election, and he comes acting desperate out of the gate.
>Happened literally 100 years ago
>UAW is killing people _today_, not fifty years ago, not ten years ago, _today_
Wow! I am sure glad we enabled this crime syndicate posing as a union to show those
robber barons from 100 years ago.
There's never going to be a decent middle ground for this there?
Bernie has articulated exactly this position.
>b-b-but he raised his hand at the debate
That was about healthcare, not labor. If you think people shouldn't be taken care of, then you and I come from different planets.
>. You know what millionaires and billionaires do when they get tax breaks? They horde the money for themselves.
yikes and retarded-commie pilled. most millionaires and billionaires are millionaires and billionaires because they choose to invest the money they made into more money making ventures. most millionaires and billionaires sit on very little capital, they re-invest it all into new ventures whereas wage slaves just spend their excess money on trivialities. the reason CEOs get more money is because they are skilled at turning that money into even more money via proper investment. its not because they're evil hoarders, its because they know how to turn money into more money, thus people give them even more money, so they can get a cut of the even more money that they make. learn2jew.
>Its definitely not something a union could ever possibly fix though.
Sure, it just depends on the union.
If its the american kind that ends up being a corporate tool to make things worse for the worker, then no you are right, it wouldnt be able to do anything.
If its the good kind that assassinates porky though, then we are talking about real good changes :^)
Right wingers never argue in good faith, so no :(
this entire post reeks of underage
>The free market does not do that on its own.
america is the most successful economic country in the history of the world and its 100% because of our free market economics.
all smoke and mirrors, money is not relevant, only labor and production capacity make things.
They are living off of scams.
this the type of nigga who think the avocado toast meme pertained to reality
>I'm a faggot that couldn't argue anything using logic before emotion
Is that the good faith you meant?
That’s all nice and dandy boot licker, but what do they do with the “money that turns into money”? Why did a $1,000,000 salary turn into a $10,000,000 salary?
this the type of nigga who think the avocado toast meme pertained to reality
He has to rally the people, his campaign is literally based on grassroots support of pissed off poor/young people. The mainstream fake news isn't gonna do him any favors, so for his campaign it makes sense to make it something that rallies support at an individual level.
Did you know that countries like america calculate the rent that people who own their homes would be paying to landlords if they were renters, and add that to their GDP numbers?
Its all collapsing behind the curtain
this nigga wants to suck half a dick
>Form a union to address workplace issues
>Workplace issues solved
>Union still exists
>Still have to pay union dues
>Union cannot be dissolved
>Literally cannot leave the union if you want to continue working in the industry
>You are now stuck in an endless cycle of having to pay the union to do things you do not believe in and if you even dare to work outside of the union then you are effectively fucked because your rights are no longer protected
>Original problem has been replaced with an arguably worse situation and will never be fixed because it's practically impossible to deal with unions
Unions ruin industries because they never leave when the problem's fixed. Just take a look at any industry where unions have been introduced and you'll always see the same pattern. A short period where things get better before nosediving destroying quality and being so impossible to work with that big companies just resort to outsourcing everything.
I hope they all die
Nice emotional rebuttal, are you on your period
So they're basically paper clip maximizers?
You worthless retards need to do some hard thinking and get out in the world before saying shit like this and believing it. All it takes is for you to get off the internet and participate with the rest of society to understand the world, let alone even attempt to grasp economics. Don't vote.
>A short period where things get better
The union at work
>before nosediving
subversive elements take hold
A sad story, happens all the time, because people do not enforce strict enough ideological purity.
The point of linking that article is that unions and anti-union activists both have body counts and continue to. The big difference is that anti-union interests mostly kill third-worlders these days. But they kill enough Americans too. Or is starving from not being paid a fair wage the fault of the employee?
makings games has changed. the amount of people and talent it takes, the departments, ethical work environments ect. it's not bad, but it's almost a STEM job to a certain degree or at least it can be at certain levels.
I'm perfectly fine with whatever outcome destroys western gaming studios for good
Rebuttals require arguments, you brainlet societal reject.
>his campaign is literally based on grassroots support of pissed off poor/young people
uncle bernie gonna tax joe the plumber to cancel the debt of retards who got useless degrees
You didn't even address that damn point.
They invest it so it can turn into 100,000,000 and in turn invest that to make 1,000,000,000 and the cycle continues until the day they die.
...what rock have you been living under these past 6-7 months? People are getting worked until they're broken. The FIELD of work doesn't matter obviously
how the fuck does this have to do with anything regarding work conditions? have you ever made a game
>no no I'm not a free shit for infinity niggers guys, I'm one of those smart leftists
>healthcare? FREE, FREE FOR EVERYONE, take a trip to America and get some on way out
When you advertise free healthcare, you're advertising to 3rd worlders to hop our fence and get some
Disappointing, you're not the real deal. Bernie folds to whatever the woke crowd croons for. You do not complete the equation. I bet you don't even support harsh punishments for 3rd scabs caught within the borders or the employers who hire them.
There used to be a name for people who turned money into money. They were called usurers and they were publicly executed.
The robber barons are here TODAY retard.
As always, females.
Don’t breathe, chud. You’re living in Reagan fantasy land, let us know when you’re ready to cope with the real world or if you even want to try
>>Happened literally 100 years ago
corporations are still fucking killing people for unionizing, they've just outsourced all their assasinations to places like latin america where they can get away with it
>"free college etc"
>how pay for it?
>"tax the rich!"
>meanwhile actually middle class anons like pic get taxed to hell
And how does that improve society? Or your life?
So they really are paper clip maximizers.
What kind of fucking schizo makes this shit?
This. What really makes all these union shills unbased is that they think the current western games industry needs saving, when the best thing that could ever happen to vidya would be for everyone involved in these giant megacorps to go out of business.
>Millionaires and Billionaires are filthy rich because they keep shuffling capital around between themselves while trying to shrink the pool for everyone but themselves as much as possible
Yeah sounds about right.
>the middle class gets unfairly squeezed
>"bernie did this"
In healthier societies people who polluted public discourse were executed.
We have to go back.
Because the more money they make the more they invest back into the economy.
>middle class
>Workplace issues solves
Stopped reading there, corporate fuckboy.
It doesn’t work like that. Going to the UK doesn’t automatically entitle you to treatment. If you broke your leg over there then they’d help with that, they’re not going to suddenly start paying for your cancer treatment just because you’re in the country. People who complain about free healthcare just show how stupid they are and how much their head is stuck in the sand. You could pay like $50 a month and be better off if something bad happens with the monstrous healthcare bills you have. >you got cancer! Here’s your prize, $500’000 medical bill.
Maybe you guys wouldn’t be so scared of an ambulance trip either.
>make over 100k a year
>middle class
Dear god I hope you are a troll
God, I wish we could kill liars and propagandists today. What a better world
>they re-invest it all into new ventures whereas wage slaves just spend their excess money on trivialities.
Oh yeah, totally.
Because, after rent, bills and food, my $1400 a month paycheck can totally be used for venture capitol.
Joe the plumber's taxes will cost less than whatever he pays for healthcare at the moment. Meaning less money is coming out of his pocket in general. The only people that are actually gonna get fucked over are the ultra rich.
Because game making is tertiary good and not an essential labor. The whole industry, including working in it is a luxury, born from the excess capital people have to give you. It was always that way even when people were working from their garage. The "entitlement" of games making doesn't increase because the industry got bigger, in fact the reason these companies is that they're now so big nobody is in charge of anything. It would be better if all of these companies collapsed and gaming returned to self involved developer clicks then be make work for all of these diploma mill wagies. I have no interest in buying their product in the first place.
This has been proven false many many times since at least the 1980’s. It is a fantasy, that money is stashed in the Cayman Islands for private use only
>it's lower class anons think they're middle class and get confused when they see actual middle class
this is top comedy
>even the black couple that saw no increase is sad
No its right, most people who are worried about the government taxing them are actually poor but believe they are middle class.
In general most americans identify as the group whos robbing them blind for some reason, and will gladly get themselves killed covering their escape come the revolution.
Making 100K isnt even middle class depending on where you live.In certain parts of California, you're still low wage, surviving heck to check.
"Middle class" is a fucking weasel word that no one can even define, anyway.
And makes more money for themselves and give nothing back to the worker or consumer.
I cannot imagine, even ironically, that someone can be this retarded. Do you really believe that they got rich by playing by the book? maybe 1 in 10.000 did, but the rest gamed the system. They aren't skilled, they just know how to exploit flaws in the system because they have enough money to do so
Please never post again
>The only people that are actually gonna get fucked over are the ultra rich.
yeah and trump is gonna drain the swamp
yeah its a liberal word meant to confuse people.
Best stick with bourgeoisie, labor aristocrat, proletariat, and lumpenprole
There's no where in california where someone making 100k has to live paycheck to paycheck.
>Making 100K isnt even middle class depending on where you live. In certain parts of California,
Oh fuck off.
Average rent in Los Angeles is 2,000. Anyone making 100,000 a year is making 8,333.33 dollars a month.
They can fucking afford it.
>There used to be a name for people who turned money into money. They were called usurers and they were publicly executed.
true story that Yea Forums will call bullshit:
my ex's parents started a small tech business with ~10 employees. grew to around ~50 employees over half a decade. got investment of ~20 million for partial ownership of their company from investment firm. became more successful and grew to ~200 employees, then got investment of ~100 million from same investment firm. then bought out their only real competitor, an international firm in europe with half that money, hired on another ~100 people. became more successful. eventually got bought out by large international, public tech company for over a billion dollars + shares in the larger company. THAT company then got bought out by a large giant tech conglomerate known as microsoft for 20+ billion, resulting in hundreds more millions from the shares.
and those two people started a half dozen companies before that, beginning back in their 20s, living in a one bedroom apartment, working in hotdog stands to pay their way through school., some of their ventures failed, some succeeded/were sold, but that last one was their big one. and now? even retired, they employ over 100 people just to manage their affairs, charities, and never ending personal projects.
the communists here on Yea Forums will REEEE and say not true and i wont care but its 100% true and literally why america has the most successful economic system on earth.
some people have the money making skill, others dont, and then there are communists scum who will never ever ever ever stop REEEEEEEEing about how not fair it is.
100k a year is literally borderline poverty in California.
>Hurr Durr don't tax the rich, just keep taking it in the ass from them and maybe you'll get a better job
Any job where you're likely to get fired after finishing your task is stressful
Bernie has more integrity behind his words than Trump has, he hasn't flip flopped on shit for over 40 years. Try refuting my first point.
See you pivoted away from the 3rd world invader problem and went to the native costs problem, which is valid and good. The problem is that even if you have free healthcare in isolation for anyone who hops a fence, you'll have entire continents of people who will take medical vacations to put their 80 year old abuellas on dialysis, and take quickie free emergency room visits. That doesn't even completely solve the problem of healthcare AMONG natives because over half of the United States doesn't even pay into the system which is where most of the money actually comes from. This isn't a deflection because all of the nordic models that leftists worship take place in a country with 8 million populations in which over 80% of the populace contribute to the system. We do NOT have that and that is not superficial. You cannot blow off these basic numbers, unless you plan on forcing people to work, which would be good, but Bernouts don't really strike me as the type of people who have those convictions. Their more the "work if you want" type of people. Again, failing to complete the equation. Bernie is a weak leader.
And where'd he get that start up money you fucking shill?
>How did we go from a guy who, when receiving an award in rocket science, said that it was "easy" and "not as hard as making video games" to these guys
The fuck do you think? Carmack is a freak.
>all these seething pathetic numale responses
You're all weak, worthless and dispensable.
No, it's what millionaires think the middle class is.
Middle class is 40 to 80k a year in gross income across both spouses
If you make enough to buy a house with two years of saving and no morgage, you are not middle class dude.
>pick super expensive house to rent
If you rent that while making 100k you're a retard.
It's like some minimum wagie buying a porche 911.
>oh man Yea Forums will call bullshit on the totally anecdotal and proof-less story I'm about to share that totally proves my point and its not a lightning in a bottle whatsoever
Even if that story is true, they got incredibly lucky and you know that, dipshit
>Try refuting my first point.
he supported hillary after they stole the nomination from him.
>inb4 but but but he did it to oppose nazi trump
again, what was iwata story?
And the name of that company was...?
Try reading the thread.
Unions are a meme tand this has been explained a dozen times you fucking morons.
All I got from this is that some people are obsessed with making money and others are obsessed with being human.
>Tax the rich
>The rich just move or unload their assets into some tax haven
>The only people that get affected are smaller business owners who's total sum income of their business puts them in a higher tax bracket
>The rich get away tax free while the people who end up paying are the working class
Happens every single time.
For me it's Carmack
40k is working poor not middle class.
The idea that six figures is still some meaningful delineation is laughable given inflation.
>Bernie has more integrity behind his words than Trump has, he hasn't flip flopped on shit for over 40 years. Try refuting my first point.
bernie is a communist scumbag who has never worked a day in his life and was literally kicked out of a commune for being lazy. trump took a small loan from his father and turned it into billions, hires tens of thousands of people, and provides goods and services all over the world.
why the fuck are you on the videogame board then, retard boomer?
No, really, how much are you getting paid to shill against Unions?
>DON'T tax the rich
>They find ways to siphon the wealth from the rest of us
>Within a generation, we're all the way back to feudalism.
so the rich really suck and we should just expropriate their wealth?
We should have universal basic income but only if you volunteer to be sterilized.
>And where'd he get that start up money you fucking shill?
they earned their start up money via the smaller businesses i mentioned in the story. their company started as literally a website between the two of them and grew to less than a dozen people, then to the 100ish all off their OWN money that they EARNED. they only started getting outside investment after their company had grown so large and fast that outside firms wanted to bet on a 'sure thing'.
It's only middle class to make 6 figures if you live in the richest part of the United States, which already classifis you as an outlier not medieval or average.
>Is making video games really that stressful?
Of course unless you make your own game on the side but if you work for someone you are put on deadlines and most of the time have no say in ideas
>complains that videogames are not essential
>on a videogame board
>cannot grasp how a big industry should pay their workers a fair amount and not work them to their wit's end
God the elections truly ruined this place. I can't believe you can have better discussion on cripplechan than here now
That doesn't have anything to do with my first point. The part where middle class people would be saving money with socialized medicine, because raising taxes for that is actually less expensive than paying your fucking jew insurance company and your hospital premiums.
Secondly, I agree with you. It annoys me that he supported Shillary, bitch literally rigged the DNC against him, but ultimately it was two factors. Defeating Trump (which you don't do with a fucking centrist but whatever) and more importantly it shuts up the champange feminists who accuse (still accuse even to this day) of Bernie dividing the party and "stealing" votes from Clinton. It's bullshit that he had to support her, but it was a situation that didn't really have a good end to begin with.
The reason they are having problems unionizing is the people leading it are the useless positions that of course want to bundle themselves together with the few valuable employees as the industry continues to bloat to unsustainable levels.
Whats the company name user
Come on, we're all waiting
Those people were passionate about their work and loved what they created. Most of these other faggots are basically NPC code monkeys that are only doing it because "videogames" or "tech" is their only defining feature.
It's impossible to have passion and love for what you make in today's industry, because there's no creative freedom anymore. It's just doing what the executive tells you to do.
Why do you capitalize union? Union isnt a proper noun, retard. You're really stupid. And worthless.
Where'd they get the money to start the smaller businesses?
>It's impossible to have passion and love for what you make in today's industry, because there's no creative freedom anymore. It's just doing what the executive tells you to do.
except its never been easier or more possible to start your own software/vidya game company in the history of computers/vidya games than right now, faggot. all you need is a computer and MAYBE an internet connection.
Nobody wants to work 60 hours a week in a Skinner box making a Skinner box for Zoomers while watching diversity hires play around on design and pr teams as you slave away in an entry level position drinking piss from the old boys upstairs jerking off over stock numbers.
>game devs get unionized
>new releases start to trickle up in price
>soon $100 for new games
No thank you! You should work hard and be proud of creating a video game millions will play and potentially enjoy.
I never understood why these /pol/ fags supported big insurance. It's the world's haven for kikes to make their jewgold off betting on people's health.
I make $2500 a week before taxes and I doubt I'll ever afford a decent home in LA county. You need two incomes of at least $100k to be barely middle class.
I write guidance and navigation software for missiles and airplanes and it is the coziest job in the world. I'm not stressed one bit and my shit is literally the difference between all out thermonuclear war causing the planet to go extinct or not. The only game dev people I have respect for are the guys that make the game engines. The rest of the developers deserve the code monkey hellscape they inhabit.
>Be not part of a Union
>Think I work really hard, since I work extra hours and make top tier results, and deserve a raise
>Boss laughs and says no
>Threaten to move to another company
>Get fired
>Get replaced with another worker more desperate than me who will work for less
>No other company will hire me for a salary higher than what the most desperate person will do it for
>Become desperate and resign to working for less because I'm broke and have no ability to stay afloat without wageslaving
>the american dream
>I write guidance and navigation software for missiles and airplanes and it is the coziest job in the world.
No you dont. I wish all you larpers would instantly die when you post a lie to the internet.
>Crunch is not exploitation
Unpaid crunch is you fucking imbecile. Boomers, proving once again how awful they are
You have absolutely no idea how crunch time is to code related professions and you still have the gall to think you're better because "Look guise, I do crunch too!!" Your crunch is not the same, dipshit
Everytime you say something a boomer that has no idea how it works has to open his fat fucking mouth thinking he's hotshit. Fuck off
We will go back to 5 year apart releases and up to $100 games as the devs all make 6 figures+
>support immigration and minimum wage
Wha's the pay like?
>Middle class is 40 to 80k a year in gross income across both spouses
Maybe in Kenucky. Not in California.
communist here, i believe you
but your entire story focuses on money, and nothing about what they actually made.
How many tech companies does google buy up that go nowhere? For all we know them selling the company could have hurt humanity in the long run.
>Where'd they get the money to start the smaller businesses?
started a two person website, incorporating as an LLC cost less than 200 dollars, even less back when they started. designed their own site, made their own content. first employee they hired was a part time accountant.
starting a tech business does not require 50,000+ dollars like this retard thinks
I blame Boomers for the intern culture
Back in the day during a real apprenticeship your mentor had to sponsor your living and shit now they just expect you to do it for free to “get your foot in the door.”
I'm 100% serious
In the ballpark of $150k depending on my bonus in middle America.
They're used to sucking billionaire cock. I don't know how they can be so anti-jew and pro-capital, the two go hand in hand.
The average and median income in the United States is 60k per year.
The United States population is Lower Class by a fucking crushing majority.
taxes are a liberal scam the correct solution is to shoot the rich
>5 year apart quality releases for $100 and everyone benefits
I don't see the problem with this, honestly. If we include DLC and Season Passes on the average AAA game, it already well exceeds the $100 pricetag.
imagine being such a retarded fucking american that you throw away your own workers rights because you hear the word "SOCIALISM" and shit your pants and scream over it as your CEO overlords continue to bury you farther into the ground
>not in California
It depends where in California. You won't get shit with 80k in San Fran (and why anyone would live in the Bay Area is beyond me regardless). That's solidly middle class in the Temecula area, or in San Diego County. California is more than LA and San Francisco.
>I never understood why these /pol/ fags supported big insurance. It's the world's haven for kikes to make their jewgold off betting on people's health.
are you retarded? "big insurance" literally wrote the 1000s of pages of legislation and regulations behind obamacare. obamacare was literally a bailout for big insurance.
>Blame immigrants
>Not corporations
Imagine thinking unions would actually help and not just be another layer of corruption
>I can't afford relastate in one of the most expensive counties in the world so I'm not middle class
Any job is stressful if it eats up all your time, pays Jack shit, has absolute fucktarded management, and is un constant danger if being lost. So yeah. Game dev jobs can really suck.
>tfw would unironically become a democrat if they had the exact same policies except also adopt ethno-nationalism.
Boomers ruined literally fucking everything, from economy to healthcare and they still think their opinions are worth something
Most of the successful ones rode an economic wave before the 80s depression and they still think they have any right to say its easy to make it big
Bunch of burnable trash, honestly
You're a faggot larper. I know people that work for aerospace companies and they would never mention their job on Yea Forums of all sites. You are a pretend make believe loser, and you probably always will be.
yet /pol/ continues to support it
>That's solidly middle class in the Temecula area, or in San Diego County.
>Blame immigrants
I never blamed anybody. Dumb fuck.
40k is no way middle class lmao
That’s like two 12.00 a hour low skill jobs.
Middle class is at least 80k - 100k range where both partners have some college degree and work in a skilled trade
health service is far more expensive than it should be because of government involvement
But user!!!!! Making a videogame is easy user!!!!!!! They just need to work harder >:((((
Um yeah, retard. If you can only afford to rent, you're not middle class. What's hard about that for you to understand?
Ethnicity is a scam started way back when, and is used to control you. It's like religion-- keep the masses separated, placated, and tearing at each other's throats, and they'll never think to overthrow their comfortable masters.
>>I write guidance and navigation software for missiles and airplanes and it is the coziest job in the world.
>No you dont. I wish all you larpers would instantly die when you post a lie to the internet.
>I'm 100% serious
dont bother arguing with these commie faggots. they will REEEEEEEEE to death before believing people who work at boeing, lockheed, etc play vidya games and shitpost at work. in their mind nothing exists excepts fat men in tuxedos and top hats with monocles and the poor oppressed working vidya game wage slavies.
>a bunch of jobless neets thinking their opinions on whether workers should be able to unionize or not matter in the slightest
Obamacare fucking sucked too, your point?
Medicare For All is the only health plan that's not concocted by the crypto-jews.
>on an anonymous image board of all sites
You can keep flinging insults but it's not going to change the truth
>I'm 100% serious
Woah, this changes everything! I believe you now user!
This isn't reddit where you can claim shit and be done with it, post proof or fuck off, larper
notice how what's considered "middle class" keeps going up and up?
ever consider that the reason for that is that the floor is going up and up, which means people in general are better off than the last generation was at the same age?
yeah but the rich hate obummer and the libs so we should love them and lick their boots
>Ethnicity is a scam
Lots of people could benefit from collective bargaining but people are too stupid, selfish and short-sighted these days. You need solidarity to have success as a union.
I read a comment on /pol/ about how whites are smarter than blacks because we come from cold climates where you have to plan for winter to survive. In Africa, the food is so abundant year round that you dont need to make smart choices.
You know that’s just projecting the truth
Nobody who works in San Fran lives in SF. Outside the few streets that are littered with needles it’s where all the super rich people live so the medium income there is waaaaaaay higher than other parts of Cali.
>because of government involvement
Sure, but the parts of government in the pockets of the healthcare industry.
Under capitalism government becomes an instrument for corporate interest,
Saying 'government doing things is bad' is retarded, government doing things is what ever the people its doing things for is. If its doing things for corporations, its bad for the rest of us, if its doing things for the rest of us, its bad for corporations. The solution is to remove the mechanism that gives corporations and other interests disproportionate influence over government. That mechanism is the accumulation of wealth.
socialized medicine was literally concocted by crypto-jews
>but your entire story focuses on money, and nothing about what they actually made.
i was purposely vague to avoid posting real life connections on fucking Yea Forums. derp. their company was and is actually still a very successful subsidiary and an actual positive force. its educational related and i will leave it at that.
How nice of you to tighten Master's leash around your own neck for him.
>politics thread has been up for over two hours
>harmless monster girl thread gets deleted 80 posts in
fuck this, check my 4
Post proof then, loser. Post your paystub from your company.
Oh wait you wont because youre a pathetic bitch.
I suppose you never complained about your 9-5 job?
I know plenty of successful unions. Where I live, union jobs are one of the few that pay a decent living. For the effort of a year taking night classes you can get a six figure job. It ain't easy. But the idea unions accomplish nothing us ludicrous. Quite a few certainly do.
This is a pasta you fucking tards.
Absolute brainlettes.
Professional triple A dev checking in. Ask me whatever you want to know about the industry.
Or because the inflation and numerous economic recessions and the growing difference in wages between the rich and the poor fucked the currency
Nah everything is chocolate and roses, carry on
Prices are going up, but wages aren't.
>imagine being such a retarded fucking american that you throw away your own workers rights because you hear the word "SOCIALISM" and shit your pants and scream over it as your CEO overlords continue to bury you farther into the ground
what country do YOU live in and how many actually great games has it put out? 90% of great games are made in america or made with american capital or made in one of our vassal states like japan.
Imagine having to be larp bitch on Yea Forums and posting about "writing guidance and navigation software for missiles and airplanes" when in real life you work at dominos pizza lmao. Just imagine.
>Sure, but the parts of government in the pockets of the healthcare industry
no - the state permeates modern medicine
take a guess at how much of a typical hospital's budget goes in to "compliance" costs from state mandates in both the billing and medical records departments alone
Jannies don't care as long as it brings people to the site. It's why politics threads stay up and niche ones get deleted, even if they are videogames
Have some tits as a reward
we're all the same race. the human race.
I like how they think that it's completely impossible that a literal rocket scientist posts sneed threads on Yea Forums and that everyone is as much of a loser that they are that they couldn't have a job other than gas station clerk or whatever.
I could do better and show you my white triangle but you guys still wouldn't believe it.
You know it's the extreme end when people are being paid over $100k a year to clean human shit in the streets. San Francisco is such a horrendous place, as a Californian I wish we could just nuke the fucking place.
>yet /pol/ continues to support it
/pol/ has never supported obamacare and pretty much decries insurance as a jew scam right up there with ursury. fucking brainlet.
You dumbass, socialized medicine literally exists in every other first world country on this earth. The USA is the richest nation in the world by far, you'd have to be a massive bootlicker to believe that all the opposition to socialized medicine in the states isn't the work of all the fucking crypto-jews in America.
>He said as he turns around and listens to people living in major city centers
You need to be 18 to use this site
It's easy? It's easy to program an entire game while working a full time job at the same time? Are you mental? Not everyone can live with their parents forever like you. It's like being a damned artist or writer or something. You cant just "make it work". You need to make a living then devote all your remaining time to making your game. Which some people do, but its nothing close to easy.
prices are going down, and wages are up
the consumer pricing index doesn't take into account improvements in the qualities of the goods that get bundled, nor does it add in new technologies which dramatically improve our lives
>Tightens Master's leash another notch
It is time to play a free VIDEO GAME made by socialism! This game was produced with out a single dollar of profit in mind, and is a gift to all peoples.
Let this be a lesson to everyone.
Nothing is truly worth it unless you do it for yourself.
It’s why Iwata never wanted smash to be competitive. He spent so many nights and days just grinding out Melee to get it perfect. Then come these little faggots that figure out wavedashing, other tiny lil holes in the game.
This man put so much heart into this game he couldn’t fucking bear to see any of it seen as imperfect.
He loved that game more than most of us love our dogs. To ask that of someone working for any corporate entity is just foolish.
they enjoy their massive, cushy government bureaucracies in Europe
what bureaucrat doesn't?
Yes, it would, but be realistic, for fuck's sake man.
I dont know what a white triangle is but I know you're a cringe loser playing make believe on Yea Forums on a sunday night lmao.
You work at dominos.
>/pol/ has never supported obamacare
It supports the people who wrote it; the healthcare industry.
Then post it. What are you waiting for? BTFO us, come on
Oh wait, you can't because you're larping like the retard you are
It's time to stop posting
>haitians literally eat fucking dirt
>leftists trying to say that the country isn't a shithole
diversity is our strength
I used to live inland of the bay area and it used to be nice and relatively affordable. Now it's just fucking mini San Fran.
Makes me sick.
>Wages have barely risen in 40 years
>Cost of living is 10x what it was in 1955
>"Prices are going down and wages are up"
You retarded or something, mate?
>the average boomer is a millionaire who earned it all through government funds and getting money from corporations
Fucking Bernie supporters are full on retards
>"the healthcare industry"
yeah everything is monolithic
makes it easier to think about if everything is a blob that doesn't need to be differentiated
>Tightens Master's leash another notch
>there was no slavery in africa until the evil whiteoids brought them the concept of race
>notice how what's considered "middle class" keeps going up and up?
>ever consider that the reason for that is that the floor is going up and up, which means people in general are better off than the last generation was at the same age?
these commie fags will disagree no matter what evidence you provide, they're retarded.
nevermind the fact that the average american home is larger than almost all other countries on earth,has multiple big screen tvs, air conditioning, a car(or two), an internet connected super computer in their pocket, and a fridge full of whatever garbage food their heart desires, etc, etc, etc. american "communists" are the absolute worst of the worst entitled faggots who have no grasp of how good the average american has it.
how purchasing power is measured is against a basket of goods that hardly changes even though it should change
learn it
>Get a union at my job
>Management are no longer allowed to set targets or openly express their expectations of us
>If we deem the work physically unsafe, we don't have to do it anymore
>Management are made to tell use how great of a job we're doing, even if it's not a great job
I don't need to btfo you guys because I'll still show up to work tomorrow either way.
Cave Story is the best socialist game, bar none.
>race is skin color
Sasuga retard
>It supports the people who wrote it; the healthcare industry.
um, no sweetie, absolutely not. confirmed newfag.
most people don't ever want to admit that living conditions have improved, because they want their dissatisfaction and bitchiness to hold more weight
people being dissatisfied and bitchy sounds even worse when what they're bitching about and dissatisfied over was worse for people of the past than it is for them
Wow! Thanks for admitting you were larping and concending the argument! Better luck next time!
your cell phone can do more things than several hundred thousand dollars of specialized equipment could do just 20 years ago
>minimum wage was 12 dollars an hour in 1979
Communists are literal retards
Sounds like it's a pretty great deal for you. Are you going to list off any downsides?
This is valued as a two person household
Lower Nigger Tier
>less than 20k a year
>probably voted for Hilary
Low Class
>40k a year
>can own up to a 250k home
>lives paycheck to paycheck
>no college degrees
Upper Low Class
>40k to 60k
>own up to 300k home
>mostly lives paycheck to paycheck
>maybe a vacation a year
>maybe a college grad
Middle class
>60k to 80k
>owns up to 400k home
>toss up if they live check to check or have savings
>both are college grads or trade school
>1 family vacation a year
Upper Middle Class
>80k to 120k
>up to 500k home
>save money
>both college grads
>1-2 vacations a year
Upper Class
>120k and up
>any value for everything else
>See how good things are!
>Why the fuck do you want things to be better for everyone!? Just be grateful for what you have!
Your argument would make a bit more sense if the us wasnt one of the most loosely populated first world nations with one of the worst public transportation systems (making owning a car mandatory to actually working for a living), if having having that pocket supercomputer wasnt essentially mandatory for any real job, and if having a few luxury items like TVs wasnt necessary status symbols you need to get anyone to care what you think. Si yeah, Americans have it great, having all these mandatory extra expenses piled onto their lives just to compete with other Americans to live.
>>Get a union at my job
>>Management are no longer allowed to set targets or openly express their expectations of us
>>If we deem the work physically unsafe, we don't have to do it anymore
>>Management are made to tell use how great of a job we're doing, even if it's not a great job
>company goes out of business within months due to sharp decline in quality and quantity of goods/services provided
did you just argue that life is good and can't be better because a cell phone is a thing that exists?
I don't think I have a brailet wojack that's good enough for that statement
This is the same tier as someone that doesn't believe someone is over 6' or has an 8" penis or makes 6 figures because in their mind that's so outlandish and crazy that no one could not be a loser and post on their secret club. Stay mad, crybaby.
(btw all of those apply to me, except the penis, unfortunately)
things are getting better for everyone
you're not being asked to be grateful, you're being asked to keep your bitching aligned with the facts and not misinformation
Every industry deserves a union so greedy executives can't screw you over.
I dont see how two people can make less than 75k plus a year as adults if they are both working full time. It's not especially hard to get a 40k a year job.
>tfw my salary is about to break to the 120k barrier if I nail my next interview
Wish me luck Yea Forumsros!
>Middle class makes up less than 1% of the population
So far, there's none. We also get regular hour breaks instead of them splitting them up during the day. They complain that it ruins productivity and makes us more tired, but under our new union rules, we're allowed to rest every hour for 5 minutes if we choose to. We strong-armed our workplace into accepting our union by threatening to strike on a sale day.
They're making enough money. They just can't abuse us to make more than they need anymore.
This is actually getting sad, you're feeling the need to justify yourself and proving yourself to be better than everyone because someone called you out on your larp
Don't worry, life gets better!
how on earth did you get that from what I said
if something you have can do things that people 20 years ago would have had to spend millions of dollars to accomplish or that they could never have done AT ALL, that is something you should add to your "calculation" when comparing the present to the fucking past dipshit
>The people in this thread unironically sharing anecdotes about busineses and labor to justify why union bad
In what ways are these complaints not aligned with reality again?
it was indeed. It was written to cause problems and guarentee government bailouts, thus insuring the industry got more and more money. At the last minute the house stopped the bailout part, and so only the problems remained.
just bee yourself, dude!
I make less than 40k a year and don't live paycheck to paycheck, everyone doing hard drugs or something?
liberals, not leftists
they're as different as the AfD and the Republican party.
someday you'll learn
>myth: race is only skin deep
You literally proved my point
>Tightens Master's leash another notch
things are actually getting worse now for the last 10 years or so
you must live in a cheap area. Money means nothing with out context.
t. europoor being buried comparatively infinitely more far into the ground by his bureaucrat overlords
>Cherry picked studies with sample sizes of less than a thousand people
user please stop you're going to choke yourself on that leash!
Fucking millennial indiecucks! In the past a small team made Triple A games without knowing anything about it in a couple of days.
purchasing power in the wage calculations you're "citing" (alluding to) take into account no improvements in the baskets of goods which they're measured against, and don't add in new technologies that vastly improve people's lives at all
Purchasing power-wise, it was actually higher.
I'm just enjoying seeing how butthurt you continue to act after I apparently dabbed on your career choice.
Probably also live in a flyover where you pay 800 a month on rent
Also paycheck to paycheck means a household who doesn’t have 6 months worth of living saved in their bank account for emergencies
92% of Americans live check to check
>Corporations making multi-billion dollar profits are actually walking such a thin line that they'll declare bankruptcy if their employees will take an entire hour long break
So you've just been completely brainwashed then?
Leftists not liberals.
New technologies mean newer problems
If everyone can operate something as """""""""""""""""""""""""complicated""""""""""""""""""""""""", where does the market for those jobs go? They cease to exist and new ones, with harsher intelectual and maybe physical requirements are made
Technology does mean better minimum living conditions, but don't kid yourself and pretend that life isn't hard, it's just a different kind of hard
Great. I have to have one or I get fired from my job. Forgive me if I don't see it as a luxury that I'm forced to spend $200 on a phone so I can send emails remotely at all hours of the day.
no they aren't
you're just a negative dipshit who wants to bitch
prices of almost all things have gone down, and that's in spite of trillions of dollars of government expenditures which take your money, overspend it, and then take effectively take your money again through inflation
120k is low as hell and not upper class
I'm working professional and never made below that. Upper class is like 700k and/or seven figure investment/properties wealth.
>Country gets ruined by Western policies
>"lol fucking poor brown people what idjits"
>Meanwhile Daddy Capitalist is fucking his ass
My house is worth 400k, although prices have doubled over the last decade.
Sure you are, my fellow 6', rich, shitposting adonis! I'm sure you are!
the tractor unemployed more people than any invention ever has in the history of ever, over the shortest period of any technology
did the tractor result in A) more or B) less human prosperity
You can write off your phone as a business expense for taxes if you’re not getting compensated monthly for your phone bill.
I think you can write it off either way I’m not sure anymore.
Likely live somewhere with a relatively high cost of living. I'm barely out of paycheck to paycheck range making 48k a year, but I live in a place where a mediocre studio costs 1300 a month and a car I have to have or my round trip to and from work would almost be 5 hours a day costs me 2300 a year in insurance because it's a "high risk area". Some places are really fucking hard to break out of the brraking even quality of life, especially when you live alone. I have an interview tomorrow for a job that pays better and is in a place where all that would cost me almost as much. I hope it fucking works out.
read the entire post my man
>prices of almost all things
commodities. and their quality has gone down
meanwhile the prices of important things have gone up while also decreasing in quality
people couldn't contact one another at all without being at a land-lined phone 35 years ago
it wasn't possible
>he doesn't live a life of his own choosing
Get a 2B2BR with a roommate closer to work in nicer area.
>Creating a Union in not only a saturated market but a competitive saturated market
Nice job, you've ensured the Union will only exist as a gatekeeper to kneecap workers and will only work to steal power from them because it will have zero bargining power.
>Also paycheck to paycheck means a household who doesn’t have 6 months worth of living saved in their bank account for emergencies
I thought it meant people who are incapable of living outside the means of their current paycheck.
I live 15 minutes from where I work.
The fuck is with you Boomer retards? Why do you think that all I want to do is slave away at my desk all day? Literally the only reason I have a job is because I have to, if you think that I'm gonna work 100 hour weeks for fun then you can fuck right off. Unemployment is so insanely low right now that I can walk out of my office tomorrow and have a new job by the end of the week. I have the power to demand whatever I want, and I'm going to use it
Sorry if I'm not gonna settle for the exact same position at the exact same job for 50 years like the rest of your generation did. It's stupid attitudes like yours that make wonderful exploitable workers, the capitalist CEOs wet dream, workers who will accept sub-par conditions for literally no reason besides peer pressure
I don't know how it is in freedom land but over here in Europe we aren't literal slaves
no I'm too annoyed with these insufferable negative nancies who think their lives are "wah wah so hard my parents had it so easy wah" when living at ANY time more than 20 years was not fucking utopia
>Unemployment is so insanely low right now
its actually 21% counting people whove given up
Everything is relative. You make enough you could retire in your 40s if you lived like someone making 40k a year. Simply out, you make enough money that living anywhere but the very most expensive places in the country pose no financial hardship for you.
and now we've been split up from the ones we love because, hey, at least you can call them.
Never before have people lived so far away from the people they actually care about for the sake of a paycheck.
you're what I mean by people disassociated from reality
Source? I'm actually interested.
I'm just so happy to want buy a house in this market. I camt wait to make someone rich buying a house for dog le what it should be and then get fucked when the market collapses again sometime this decade.
How can Yea Forums go from bit ching about boomers to telling people who don't want their jobs to suck shit to suck it up. You all sound like my fucking dad when he's drunk.
> Not building inter-generational wealth with business
Yikes not going to make it bro
>Yea Forums is one person
You might as well lump in gen x'ers in with that too. I think retards are fine being abused because they're more afraid of change and being responsible for their life than sitting around wasting away in the same cubicle.
Because Unions only really exist to further the establishment in this day and age.
My company lost a million and my entire department was layed off
What are some easy ways to make money so I don’t kill myself if I can’t find a job in three months
you can live near other people if you want to
you choose to go elsewhere in order to engage in commerce which will net you a bigger paycheck, and you do so with less regret than anyone would have had to contend with 30 years back because you can actually still keep in constant contact despite not being physically proximate
your parents can live in California and you in Florida, and you can still see and hear from them every day if you wanted to
You gotta have money to make money, and my parents are fucking buffoons incapable of planning for the future. If I'm lucky I might have something up and running by the time I hit retirement age.
i aint clicking that shit nigga
Looked. Those run about 2500 plus. And I unfortunately am not good with other people. I could save a bit of money, but I find it unbearable I need to make 70k+ a year to live decently and alone here. I don't like half the couples I meet not actually caring about each other and into being together because living alone is impossible. Feels dystopian to me.
>infrastructure is literally crumbling around us, food is coming in smaller packages, gas and electricity is going up
>but some porky on youtube says its better so i guess im just imagining everything
Yea Forums has been brainwashed by brand loyalty and consumerism to believe that corporations have their best interest at heart and that anything anti-corporation is also anti-consumer and anti-employee despite the fact that corporations do everything they can to fuck employees over at every opportunity.
>all these bootlicking fags ITT
I am an accountant at UBS
You are being lied to by corporate
Chiming in as youre fucking stupid and unbelievably detached, fuck me your 15y/o brain is insufferable.
When the work force base is large then the employer has all the power and the employee is expendable. Secondly a complete free market favors most those who exploit.
Secondly people require work to fulfill their responsibilities. Unemployment is not an option and finding alternative work is not easy, swift or always financially suitable.
Youre literally yet to grow up and realise youre ripe for getting fucked in the ass when you have a family.
>but my consumer
The same consumer who just thinks lazy bumb get a real job or who are just apathetic in all real terms?
yeah - disconnected
Make 3d porn games, unironically
Minimum work and patreon retards will give you thousands as long as you catter to the right fetishes
If you give up your opinion doesnt matter.
Have sex.
Damn user that sucks, my parents bought my first car and and going to help me with my first house, and I’m planning to do the same with my children one day. Good luck though
>dont like your job? just quit bro
amazing advice. thanks, reddit.
The issue isn't that they're afraid of change. The issue is that they've been conditioned to believe that corporations legitimately have their best interests at heart so anything that might harm a corporation's bottom line will also harm them.
He said those figures assuming a two person household. In that scenario even if you kept your job you would be supporting a person who makes nothing if you remained at that level.
Oh boy, nothing more fun than your kids ruining your legacy by destroying your businesses within a few years of your retirement like what happens 90% of the time.
>if you think that I'm gonna work 100 hour weeks for fun then you can fuck right off
That's the problem, games like Doom were a passion project, people worked overtime because they were so invested in their work, now it's just a job because companies want regular releases, and customers demand graphics be as detailed as possible, teams are no longer manageable, and collective visions are out of focus.
So your parents literally were part of the .com bubble bursting?
How do I even promote that
On reddit or pro hub or what? I feel like you have to get lucky to get money for that.
This. I twist the screws on my employer whenever I can. God knows they do it to me.
why is Yea Forums so retarded and fickle
Unions are for fucking brainlets and talentless hacks who are not good enough to become valuable to the company on their own merit. (With the exception of jobs like miners or cleaners where employees can't become important even if they are good, and they do need a union)
How much are your real wages increasing by?
How much are the CEO of your company's wages increasing by?
Is it the same rate? Why not?
Simple questions you can ask yourself
>no rebuttal, repeating allegations
peak idealism
It matters because eventually those people wont be able to keep living by whatever means they currently are, and by then the number will have increased to say, 30% or so.
>you should always work as hard as you can to make your bosses even richer
Unions are always a good idea because they provide a stage for the workers to galvanize their goals and aspirations from the field they work in.
However, Unions are easy as fuck to corrupt and often funded by the very companies they are supposed to be standing up to.
There's a dedicated /weg/ thread on /aco/. Promote it there and see what the retards think is the new hot thing of the month and do it
Make it available at F95 and create a community there, most paypigs dwell on that shit site and bam, 4 k a month until you get a job
In other words if you are not a genius you don't deserve to be worth anything?
Nice social security you have there
make stuff for furries
get filthy rich
Confirmation/survivorship bias
Only two percent of patreon creators make more than the federal minimum wage. You only know about the success stories.
I agree NPCes exist to support me, an actual person of value. They dont deserve anything more.
Maybe every career isn't for everyone. I'd rather have less AAA shovelware and more competent and passionate vidyakino.
Games now have no soul.
>Only two percent of patreon creators make more than the federal minimum wage
Yeah if all you had to do was make a tiny patch every 2 months and write excuses to keep the few whales you hooked how little could you actually live on?
You can make another DOOM with a small team and lots have.
I wasn't aware that rent and food was tied to how little work you actually did.
I have enough left over to afford a stay at home partner.
I'm not interested in comparisons between other people, I'm interested in whether or not I can live a better/more interesting life in this time than I could in the past
I would have a tiny fraction of what I know without the internet
I would know a tiny fraction of who I know without social media
and I would have far more tedium with less reward in my life if I lacked all of the modern amenities that allow me to spend less time doing things I dislike and more time doing things I like - many things of which I like that not only did not exist in the past, but COULD NOT, like VIDEO GAMES.
If they arent trying they literally dont matter. How could they? The entire purpose if checking unemployment is to g6afe how hard it is to find a job when you want one. If you arent look I'll ng you dont matter by definition and by intent
>you can only be an asset if you work more hours
Found the brainlet.
If they are easy to corrupt, it's not a good idea. Ideas are only good when they pass the reality test.
For most jobs you don't have to be a genius, just above average. And yes, if you're low tier and don't have what to offer you don't deserve to earn as much as the top tier people who contribute more. Why is this hard to comprehend?
watch the video
they discuss this subject fairly - it's a historian and an economist discussing an article by an old harvard econ professor