Deep Rock Galactic

This was on my wishlist for a while, but I finally got it on steam sale. Anyone play? It actually is quite fun

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I looked for it but was pretty expensive for my budget, indeed seems fun OP

Yeah thats partly why i waited so long to buy.

19 burgerbucks with steam sale though which is pretty reasonable

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>point extraction
>swarm mobbing me at the mine head
>toss a cluster grenade at them
>hear a grumbling after the initial explosions
>look up and a see a bunch of stalactites falling down
I'm not sure if they killed any bugs but that was cool as hell.

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I think that rocks may kill the buggers

Is it at least as good as vermintide?
I'm a bit put off by the artstyle to be honest
Music also seems a bit boring

its a great game, my favorite part is the lighting. tossing a flare into a cavern and watching it cast hundreds of myriad shadows and illuminate the scenery is fucking radical

It depends- there is a gathering and collection aspect to this that isn't in vermintide. I have yet to explore how deep the weapons go but so far I think it is a different enough experience

How does it compare to something like Killing Floor? Or Sanctum? It vaguely reminds me of those games.

Rock and stone, to the bone.