How many of you guys have encountered people playing switches in public; and how autistic were they?
Switchtism stories
i dont go outside
did quentin slit his own throat?
I remember this one guy was so autistic about the switch that he posted about it on Yea Forums all the time and made weird-looking cartoons about it. Holy hell was that some switch autism.
Playing video games in public is pathetic.
I play my 3DS in public all the time. OP you can suck a censored dick you snoynigger
As someone who goes outside, I have literally never in my life seen anyone playing a Switch outside.
Public transport might be a different situation though.
t. un-self aware autist
Not caring what other people think of you is part of being an adult though.
>he hasn't taken the liking what he likes regardless what other people say pill
Feels Good Man
How the fuck do you read in public? I need a comfy silent room and a bed/sofa.
The difference is literally only a matter of how attractive you are.
People will be envious of a good looking person playing vidya in public. Awkward, fedora wearing neckbeards who walk around wearing Nintendo merchandise will look fucking gay no matter what activity they do in public.
>sunday night HBO
fucking normies REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Portables are meant to play around the house, the "on the go" shit is stupid besides hotels or something.
take the not-giving-a-fuck pill bro. It works wonders
>he didn't develop the ability to block out the world around while reading as a child
How the fuck can people play their music in public without earbuds
>See a couple of dudes playing mario kart at a diner
>They're having fun
>tfw no friends like that
Literally only niggers do this
>at work at university dining hall the day Smash Ultimate comes out
>on break sitting in the eating area by myself
>see two guys playing Smash
>start talking them and they let me play a couple matches with them before my break ends
feels good man
Fuck you
can confirm, never seen a respectable person doing this
Ive seen plenty of people on the chicago metro play a switch.
Literally no one cares
Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that Quentin was based?
Did they wear fedoras?
About half my boat owns switches. It's really the perfect platform on submarines.
This. I go buy beer, vodka, an energy drink, and drive back home. I work remotely and don't have friends left in town. Grocery store and the bar is about the only other place I go.
I read that as
>About half my boat owns sandwiches.
No fedoras tho of course a few odd people but thats a given. Most have been normal.
Everybody sees batshit insane people and happenings on public transport in urban areas regularly, so a switch isnt gonna get much attention from people.
I'll probably buy one soon since i commute regularly, admittedly though i might want to consider getting the gray model over red / blue even though i think it looks lame. It passes off more as a tablet.