What new weapon types would you like to see?
Hard mode: No more transforming gimmicks
What new weapon types would you like to see?
Hard mode: No more transforming gimmicks
A faster blunt weapon.
Battle Bongos
A giant railgun.
Bo staff of some sort. Like an insect glaive without the bug, emphasis on ko/exhaust, maybe even status.
a harp or piano weapon
an axe without any transforming gimmicks
Two fucking huge gauntlets.
I want them slow and KO focused. NOT CLAWS
Sounds cool. Can they have like steam rockets on the back to punch harder kind of like gunblade fists mechanically that do KO damage?
poopoo stick
What's even the point anymore now that pretty much any weapon can do decent KO damage?
A special designed one like the Wyvern Ignition Greatsword can, but not all.
In my mind, it's like a Hammer mixed with SnS.
That's hunting horn
I thought of spear of kinds that you could also throw, but at the same time there is glaive and lance already that havee spears, so i can't think of anything. They made up some really dumb looking weapons in frontier like tonfa or some bow like melee weapon.
Bring back the dog they considered adding in Gen
You're not restricted by nintendo hardware any more, do something fun with it instead of blinding me with fucking particle effects
Halberd or pole weapon of some kind. Something where the gimmick is that different individual weapons do different types of physical damage.
Something like a saw.
A puerto rican credit card
The only other weapon I would want to see is the tonfa. Other than that I don't want to see any new weapons
Some kind of sharp weapon in one hand with a blunt weapon in the other, that you could apply a kind of liquid to in order to give it a temporary specialty, like making it exhaust easier, or break parts easier, or something like that.
A raiper or a monster tamer of some sort, and no insect with the glaive doesn't count.
the scrapped ones that were considered at one point
>early gunlance which was originally an RPG used over the shoulder
>Hunting Hound
any other answer is absolute trash
>mfw you get in a boxing match vs Brachy
For me, it's the magnet dookie
Well frontier had tonfa and magnet spike. Explore had accel axe. And they haven't brought back MBG since they cut it.
I thought of a few more gunner weapons.
Revolver:- Another gunner type. All ammo types have 6 shots. Certain revolver types have either speedfire or speedload. Speedfire can hold for a second to fire all 6 shots, speedload can reload all 6 shots. You can use items while the revolver is drawn due to one free hand.
Javalin:- several small spears with a shield, uses coatings like Bow. Several different Javalin types, Heavy, Medium and Small. Heavy has 3 Javalins, Medium has 5, Small has 7. Once you throw all Javalins, you hit a button to "Draw" the javalins out of the target, sort of like a magnet, to the shield, dealing piercing damage through the monster. Heavy is obviously suited for pure Javalin damage, medium is a good midground and Small is for tons of smaller hits for elemental/status during the "rip" attack.
See fellow Worldbro, at one point the Hunting horn used to have different instruments as a weapon no matter how silly it was. Yes it actually use to look different and not just the Bone Horn with a different colored scale.
Nunchuks or flails would be cool
You mean
>God tier: something that actually matches the world and would make sense as a weapon
Example: a portable Dragonator
>High tier: scrapped weapons
adding on to your list, beta Insect Glaive which was a Mace+Owl
>Mid tier
bring back Prowlers you fucks
>Shit tier
Frontier and Mobile spin-off weapons
Pile bunker gloves, being able to charge attacks.
A chain scythe that is almost completely based on elemental damage and the swing effects change depending on the element it's using, it's also a mid-range melee weapon.
Nunchucks that are meant to do fast blunt damage. Basically the hammer to the greatsword that is Dual Blades.
Tonfa Sai that you swing around like Nunchaku and throw like Bola
I just want a Shotgun or Gauntlets.
Or ShotGauntlets.
Power based fist weapons like the Beowulf ones in dmc3. Short range but high attack and some movement worked into the attacks, kind of like the sword and shield have. Shit like super strong explosive/rocket punches/kicks too. A cross counter type move would be cool too, but probably would either be broken or worthless
>I want a shotgun
Spread Ammo with LBG or HBG?
dual bowpistols
this sounds great user! what should we call it though, something like blade and blocker?
If they ever added in Big O style piston gauntlets I will never play any other game ever again.
The Poke and Protect.
elemental dildo
Maybe make it connect together kinda like CB?
You don't get the joke do you?
Caestus, real ones not the db skin
Dual greatswords
Shield only
>Two huge gauntlets that allow you to string together punches and do fancy combos. Has a quick dodge like duel swords in demon mode that allows you to weave around punches. Bar fills up as you hit the monster, increasing damage for each level but drains completely upon being hit.
>Rapier weapon that's fast but deals little damage, comes with a wolf that you can command to attack the monster or provide support.
>Boomerang weapon that can be thrown or used like a blade up close, while thrown you are defenseless but head shots do stun damage.
>Duel revolvers that fire very quickly but take a while to reload, comes with slides and other fancy dodges.
>Scythe weapon that has a spinning move like the hammer and functions as a long, fast, cutting weapon (slower than long sword but more damage.)
>Ninja stars that add effects on hit, ranged weapon that doesn't have to reload but has a delay in between shots.
No we don't, hammer needs to stop getting cucked
no... no I dont
Now i feel sad
The only good one is the rapier dog, and that's because Capcom thought of it.
Scythes are basically a Longsword skin.
The Joke is the Original poster described MHGen Sword and Shield which had the unique Oil mechanic which it does not have in World, basically turning the SnS back into the middle ground between Hammer and Dual blades it is.
I wanna throw a jew at the monster and then the monster gets sued and loses it house and is forced to sell me its parts cheap just to survive while its wife takes the eggs to go live with her mother.
Sythe and/or Knuckles. The former could be longer reach, but the gimmick is that you need to hit on the Sythe's sweet spot. Maybe you could use it to hook onto monsters and pull yourself up, or yank a monster that's stunlocked towards you or something.
For knuckles I just really want a cool fists weapon that isn't a twin blades recolor. Don't want it to be like tonfa though from that other monster hunter game.
Big flail
Make stun great again
a big fucking flail
that actually sounds cool
Make it also have two variants. Light and Heavy. Heavy version is slow with short combos that hits hard, but you will also have the option to do a light block akin to the SnS. If you can parry the attack it will do blunt damage with stun damage and you will get a small buff that will boost the damage of your next attack. Can charge up like Great Sword or SnS.
Light version will lose the ability to block and the damage will be lower. But you have access to longer combos and you will perform attacks when dashing.
Yeah I just came back from playing Yakuza.
>a portable Dragonator
A fucking pile bunker would be cool
>Big flail
These are literally weapon skins for Longsword and Hammer.
An Axe. It doesn't transform, it doesn't build up phials, you just swing it around. You can use stamina to swing it around a lot.
Also, a Spear. It doesn't have a shield, it doesn't have a bug, you just poke with it. It has a long reach.
The pile bunker weapon from bloodborne was pretty nice, could go for something like that
The great boomerang concept from Gen.
The problem with those is that they feel too weak and situational in every game. Plus I’m tired of firing pellets from a “gun” powered by a string. No nigga I just want to punch that shit out.
This isn't fucking Dark Souls you inbred fucktard.
The weapons need playstyles.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here. A spear that turns into an axe temporarily?
some sort of weapon that is a hybrid between being melee and ranged, like a blade chained to your arm or a kusarigama.
Not in the MHW they are
>a portable Dragonator
I don't care if it was shit they could easily repurpose Void Piercer and turn it into a unique weapon. I'd imagine it working like a super Heavy Bow but with Gunlance's small ammo capacity. You could even put cool shit with it like detonating a Spear to push yourself back from the force of the explosion to avoid shit
>Feel weak
Stop using Spread 1 then.
Something you wear. Your attacks are you throwing your body weight at the enemy. Falling over onto them. To death.
A flail on a chain that attacks based on momentum and odd angles and timing
Just would like to commend everyone hopping in on the "Gauntlets" idea. You are men of culture and taste.
We need something for the gamer girls
Like a broom or frying pan
Can cook the monster a shit meal then nag it to death.
Before the whole claw meme, I wanted a Whip in MH so bad. Blade whip maybe?
Chameleos tongue model, Rath tail models, Khezu head model, baby Lagia model, etc.
Make them returning, with long chains like kusarigamas or make them explosive and expendables I don't fucking care
For sythe, that's my reasoning for it to exist. Longsword used to be just a skin for Greatsword, but it was elevated in it's own thing. I think sythe could graduate to it's own moveset in a similar way.
Blade whip would be good for tripping monsters up
The regular carving knife as an actual weapon
A fuckin drill weapon would be sweet
Just two weapon ideas. A basic axe and a basic spear.
What's that supposed to mean? We have simple weapons like Greatsword and Hammer. Why can't we have a simple Axe and Spear, too?
Raw Damage is directly tied to your armour rating.
Then the issue you have is removing a pool of weapon types from Longsword.
It's like people going "Lol just an Axe" or "lol just a spear"
These things exist already as skins of the weapon types we have, and new weapons need to have a unique playstyle beyond just a weapon shape.
So like a SpearAxe combo weapon?
what about if you were to change an existing weapon, how would you change it?
i'd give the gunlance some sort of flamethrower capabilities where it can shoot a stream of fire and fire flaming bullets but it has limited fuel on a gauge that must recharge
Because what the fuck can a regular Axe or spear do that the Insect Glaive, Switch axe or even the greatsword lance and hammer already provide?
You're a fucking moron.
Caestus / Gauntkets because evryone wants to KUNG FU DRAGONS IN THEIR UGLY FACE!
>Basic Axe and Basic Spear
Way to not understand the point of Monster Hunter there bro.
The weapon types are not actual weapon specifics, but a playstyle.
Greatswords can have clubs, Axes and anything in it.
Longsword is often glaives, scythes and so forth.
>A basic axe and a basic spear
I don't understand. A basic spearaxe? Why are you saying basic twice?
I think it's because they don't want Gauntlets to just be Ryu cloned abilities.
make bow charge plus an innate property of higher rarity bows because having an integral build component be behind such a massive grind is annoying
An El Glocko card?
I have several!
Thank you piston gauntlets could not think of the fucking name.
That's a joke Gunlance design though.
this better win the contest just give it similar textures to Iron Weapons so it fits in
>Remove more armour skills
Oh boy, even more options for just rushing full damage generic skills!
You must love World!
I miss my Zinogre guitar
Whats even the point when World's Bow already was gutted due to losing arrow types and charge types.
I wish people would actually consider weapon niches that still need to be filled, instead of going purely by concept/visuals.
A scythe that turns into a rifle and shotgun
Fuck hunting homo
They need to turn it into a Guitar Axe
man it did but they were all so fucking shit. Is it so much to ask in any game for the Meta weapons to not be monster heads on sticks? Seriously it really is that except in P3rd and 3U where you at least there were guitars and harmonicas that you would use next to one type.
The only two saxophones in the entire franchise are absolute garbage
A slingshot that turns into a M1 Abrams tank
It's already "never not take this skill under any circumstance" in world, it's not like it's a build CHOICE
I want a weapon that lets me summon other monsters in the area/that I've captured to fight with for me
You know what? Yes.
Thats not a spearaxe dummy
its an axespear
Heavy bowgun is already in the game.
>Giant frying pan
Already exists
Honestly I don't know.
I would like a shield and sword that doesnt play so gay like sns, but we got 2 of them already.
Also would like an axe, an axe that actually gets used you know not like cb and sa, but we got 2 of them.
Spears are also nice but ig is already kinda spearish and lance too.
I got you Fampai
Whips, dual pistols, and some sort of gadgetry/machinist shit that relies on traps, grenades and other shit.
Vehicle. Like a Palico Tank for hunters but more fleshed out mechanically.
Something like a gunlance but that's actually made with shelling the shit out of monsters with your big-ass gun in mind instead of that combo nonsense.
That bigass boomerang they made concepts to put in Generations. Hunting Hound would be cool too
Unpopular opinion, but before adding any weapons I'd rather they take some out.
IG, CB, SA are all too anime. They don't fit the feel of the rest of the weapons and stick out like autistic thumbs.
Not a weapon, but an outfit makes you two palicos in an overcoat
Sickle and Chain.
Dragonator fist weapon that requires long reload time for large damage with the spike.
Ultra heavy bowgun (turret bowgun?) that is super slow and unwieldy unless you take the time to set it up into turret mode. Would fire faster and stronger, but leave you unable to move. (or if you had to get out of the way, you could leave the turret mode planted in the ground while you ran off, but you'd be without your weapon until you picked it back up)
Hand axe. Functions like sns, but slower. also you can boomerang throw the axe.
Musket. Only holds 1 round until reload, but shots are powerful (if not a bit innacurate). long reload times.
That's really all I can think of that might at least somewhat fit in universe.
>removing content because I don't like it
and fuck you too I guess
Maybe something like a bike so you could carry it on your back when not riding it. And give it chainsaw wheels. You could swing it around with the wheels revving, then put it down and ride on it. Doing so reduces sharpness but greatly increases mobility.
I'm going easy mode and adding in a transformation gimmick because I like it.
Gauntlets with kinsects on each of them. Triangle/Square are left/right punches respectively, acts as a slow heavy hitting brawler/karate puncher with short range, but can guard using the kinsects.
Token transformation is fire off the kinsects, and now your punches are faster and like boxer combinations. Keep it simple with the kinsects just tracing your attacks as best they can like if you were to shoot pollen with IG at something. You lose the guard, but get a Dual Swords dash instead of roll.
Hitting with the kinsects, either on or off, builds meter for super moves with them. So even though you attacks are faster with the kinsects off, the kinsects are hitting slower and you're building less meter. And the supers are probably Street Fighter inspired, because Capcom loves that.
A whip with customizable tips to select element and cut/blunt damage inbetween hunts.
Gauntlets but they're finger guns
I love it, would make the 'too anime' fags have a stroke though.
>brawling gauntets with a short range alternate fire shotgun that charges the more you punch
A rare high IQ post on Yea Forums about Monster Hunter.
something that transforms
fuck you, you're not the boss of me
Worldfaggot detected.
Nah fuck it, I'm gonna expand on what this dude said. No gauntets/caestus. Your technically unarmed, but your body is your weapon. Martial Arts is equipped when you unequip your weapon.
Your raw damage is tied to your armour stat. There's armour with better skills for unarmed melee, of course.
Mounting a monster is essentially grappling, punching, kicking and kneeing the monster. A successful mount on the monsters head ends with your hunter doing a massive Headbutt to the monster with KO damage.
You can do kicks to the monsters legs to trip it. Shoryuken uppercuts for high reach. Mainly karate moves. Your 'big' move is a big karate chop that can be charged like a greatsword.
>Too Anime
>Monster Hunter
are you fucking 12?
>calling a series where you and your cat team up to kill massive creatures (some of which have literal world ending power) and wear them as over the top and impractical armor too anime
something like this but instead of an axe its a boomerang that you can also throw around with absurd jet power
Maybe something like an arm cannon? A gunner weapon with the gunlance's shell mechanic at close range and the option to fire bomb-like cannonballs as ammo for ranged explosions.
Base form is a 2h spear stance with thrusting attacks and a pole vault like bug staff because why not
Transformed mode turns it into a sword of 2hand-flail with immense range and KO power but there is a dead spot close to your hunter
Could make strikes in one mode benefit attacks with the other via a buff or something
Ding Ding Ding, we now have ONE person actually thinking like a MonHun Dev.
Ding Ding Ding, we now have ONE person actually being a faggot.
A giant kebab stick that allows you to impale enemies one by one on it, keeping them alive and struggling, acting as your spare hp or lives
That's one of the stupidest, most overly complex ideas in the thread so far.
So yeah, you're right. Just like a MonHun dev.
A boomerang
You can use at as a melee weapon or a range weapon. In melee it's similar to SNS in terms of moveset, range and speed. Range is a charged shot similar to bow, determines how far it goes and the overall power. There's a sweet spot for damage where the boomerang reaches its max range and begins to come back.
There are both cutting and blunt variants.
honest question man do you really consider something like that any more complicated than Gunlance or Charge Blade?
yes you stupid monster hunter dev
Gunlance is a pretty simple to use weapon. Charge blade is a bit much though.
it's a towel twisted really hard into a whip so when you smack the monster's ass in the locker room it'll really smart
and it's also a TOWEL at the same time so you can wipe your huntress down when she gets dirty
It would be nice if we had more weapons that had an integrated element, in same fashion that the gun lance's shells makes it inherently a fire weapon.
Some sort of magnetic weapon for lightning element.
Something that makes use of expanding pressurized gas for ice element.
Some sort of weapon that uses a water jet cutter for water element.
Gunlance is a weapon that has 3 different styles of gameplay depending on which shell type to play optimally
Either make the Prowlers a proper class with different weapons (such as claws, swords and boomerangs), armor skills, armor pieces and no level gimmick, and bring them back as a staple of the series, or give me a boomerang ranged weapon already
Tonfa are literally this. There's even tonfa with fist designs, making them effectively piston gauntlets.
Gunlance no, that's pretty straight forward. It's a gun you poke with, like a big bayonet.
Charge Blade? Yes. It's an axe, or it's a sword and shield. With the press of a button it acts like a completely separate weapon. Just like this idea, which is a glaive or a whip. Why turn into a halberd for close range? Why isn't it just an extendable whip?
Get this. a 3 quarter staff that transforms back and forth. from solid to a whip like chain sword. the solid form would be a dumbed down glaive but the whip form would be like fucking nunchucks
This starts playing when you get into the zone.
Gun Hammer expanded into its own weapon type where you load bowgun ammo into 6 slots on the hammer. Pull the hammer's trigger in time with the hit connecting to the monster to apply amplified elemental damage or status affliction based on the shots loaded.
But will it let me show who’s the boss of this gym?
I want the slow and powerful one strong hit type not that flip around the air do Smokin Sick Style garbage. Leave that for a different game.
The utmost heights of taste.
>Afraid of making something simple, effective and iconic
>Shoving in useless gimmicks because god forbid a weapon has a niche
>Nonsensical transformation to make it a proper jack-of-all-trades, master of none
Sounds like a MH dev alright.
Make it real
A pet class, but instead of standing back giving orders, you are mounted on it. Maybe have it based on chaining small hit and run attacks without taking damage to build up its courage to launch a strong attack
If they ever bring back underwater combat, an Exhaust Trident. On land it’s basically just a big fork but there’s exhaust pipes in the prongs, and revving it like Red Queen in DMC makes it do more element or status damage on the next hit. Maybe even carry over Red Queen’s rev mechanic entirely, it’s satisfying as fuck. Underwater, when you rev it propels you at high speed like a little underwater jet ski so you can zip around all over the place with ease. Exhaust Trident would be to swimming what Insect Glaive is to mounting and aerial attacks.
Dual Greatswords. The slowest, chunkiest weapon of all but if you manage to get a combo going long enough without getting fucked up you start swinging faster and faster until basically you’re a tornado of metal and monster parts kept in motion purely by inertia. You become a beyblade basically.
A long ass whip that can coil and spiral into a circular shield at high speeds. You can snare a monsters legs with the whip mode then retract it back to shield mode, doing big damage as it rips its way through the monsters legs to coil back up. In shield mode you don’t have any attack options except counters. Essentially let’s you go between big attack and big defense but never both at once.
Tower Shield. A big standalone shield that acts as a close range blunt weapon. Has both guard points and a counter to keep you up close to the monster. Build up energy by absorbing blows from the monster with your shield, then unleash it back at the monster.
I would like a version of Gunlance without the shield, making it more mobile.
Also bring back prowlers.
Bonus, the shield also is a pile bunker
A canon on a chain used as a flail
seriously, I want to shoryuken a rathalos
the most vanilla weapon in this thread.
Rathian sword and shield is already this
Bone greatsword is already this
Needs a charge attack and tatsumaki
Arial attack is a dive kick.
Mount attack is a two handed bash.
>Big O was so good they actually had a 2nd season produced because of the cliffhanger ending.
It was a different time.
It’s already lost to the overdesigned CB
The trident and whip are neat ideas. Underwater will be back one day, maybe not soon but it will eventually be reworked and implemented again. Too much potential to just forget about it
A good JAPANESE style game instead of westernized Worldcrap.
Two handed shield. Normal attacks are shield swipes and tackles with super armor. The gimmick is blocking build fills up vials (perfectly timing them fills them faster) that you can use on a big counter move that deals a lot of damage and has a secondary effect depending on vial type
I feel like this would just work better as a new SnS mechanic, seeing as how it already has blunt damage on the shield bash, and you could use the coatings the same way you can use other items while your weapon is unsheathed.
Giant Boomerang.
It has melee attacks, alongside a chargeable throw attack. When it's out from being thrown, movement speed and dodging distance are increased, but you can't attack until your boomerang returns.
Gigantic chakram.
I dunno if you want it to be crazy turn it into magical spinning chainsaw chakram or something.
You belong in jail for your stupidity.
I just read the thread and now I feel like a retard. I skipped gen so I didn't know :(
>. I skipped gen so I didn't know :(
That's why you are a retard.
why not let SnS equip their hunting knife to use on the Shield arm for some extended combos? knife strikes could even do something like soften parts similar to you clutching works and change animations like the shield drop becomes a knife drop
I don't know why dual swords gets to monopolize the twin weapons department. And no, fucking tonfa/piledriverfists from frontier don't count.
I think hatchets and maces with unique combos and speeds distinguishing them from dual swords could be fun.
But mostly I just want heavy polearms. Like, no shield. Just a big ass halberd or pike. And no, I got another thing that don't count: the guan-dao being a longsword. Fuck that.
Also bring back greatswords that look like greataxes, charge blade and switch axe are wholly disappointing in the axe department.
by the way I'm meaning like having the knife being equipped like an item, not an armor piece
I didn't like the idea of "styles" or whatever they are. I realize that you can use guild style for vanilla gameplay, but it just didn't attract me. I did pick up XX on my switch recently though.
chain scythe
three-sectioned bo staff
meteor hammer
something along those lines
>bring back Prowlers you fucks
They should. They'll have to make the cats more customizable again to pull it off though.
A flail. New blunt weapon with good reach and damage, for longer reach attacks you kinda have to charge it like the hammer but by spinning it above your head. That spinning also does damage so if a monsters down you can charge it on their head, and finish with a powerful down slam
the only stupid shit with Prowlers is really how their stats are handled. If they ever come back
>Attack comes fro their weapons
>Passives come from their armor
>Skills are determined by the tools they equip
they want to dance around the fact but Prowlers are a weapon. They should barely be treated any differently than Insect Glaive is
>Two huge gauntlets that allow you to string together punches and do fancy combos. Has a quick dodge like duel swords in demon mode that allows you to weave around punches. Bar fills up as you hit the monster, increasing damage for each level but drains completely upon being hit.
Uh huh...
Big giant ball of death on chain is what we need
Mount attack should let you choke the monster out with the chain for fuckheug KO damage
Make it so you can drop your shield for lance to increase damage but lose protection.
A giant dick
So I can fuck the monsters
>Also bring back greatswords that look like greataxes, charge blade and switch axe are wholly disappointing in the axe department.
Did they remove the KAS or something? I haven't played anything after Tri.
My nigga.
imagine if Prowlers came back and they had Boomerang Gauntlets and Hunting Hound as their two specific weapons for the species. It would be a hell of a lot better than what they have in Gen/GU
For a time, Storm Tonfa was primarily charge attacks and boxing dance when the other styles were either aerial or evasion-focused, before merging the entire kit together.
Palicos should have weapons just like the hunters, and then be able to equip moves related to their weapons.
A bo staff that can transform into a scythe
>Bo staff mode: Fast combination attacks, attacks that land on the head build up "reaper energy" for your scythe
>Scythe Mode: Slow, sweeping combo attacks with extremely powerful finisher moves, if reaper energy is built up and your finisher move lands on the head it deals double crit damage, if a double crit finisher kills it decapitates the monster
Also I know most MH fans would cringe at this but a magic weapon would be cool
just want cool gauntlets
>little palico with bulky armor and a lance
Length mechanic when?
of course magic is a stupid idea. Magic does not exist in the ingame universe, even the Witcher crossover flat out mentions this
This gave me an idea
It could be like slower, blunt DB, but also a little brother to GL
I like the idea of technical weapons and fast combo weapons and more transforming weapons and mid range or grapply weapons but despite the fact that joke weapons certainly exist and despite the fact that monster hunter is FAR from a serious series, I find it really hard to see a lot of these weapons... working. Like, I would have trouble justifying anybody taking nunchaku into a monster hunt except Bruce Lee himself. And honestly Switch-Axe/Charge Blade, even nu-Gunlance, already have far too many moving parts.
Flails and bladed chain weapons I could kind of see working. It... kind of seemed appropriate in Tou-Kiden but Tou-Kiden also kind of sucked.
Siege weapon greatshields sound super fucking cool but I'd like to meet the crazy motherfucker in the monster hunter world who first thought "maybe instead of waiting for the monster to lumber over to my entrenched siege weaponry I should just lug it over there to them."
Fuck it I want all the missing shit back.
Magnet Spike
Medium Bow Guns
Give all that. Game-play variety is extremely important for repetitive hunting shit.
Explain how weapons retain their element long after the monster they're made from is killed
Explain Elder Dragons that may as well be gods, like Amatsu or Dire Miralis
Kusarigama. I still think this would be perfect for MH. The weight deals blunt damage while the sickle deals cutting damage. MH still doesn't have any chain or whip-like weapons either.
I thought it was more that they don't understand magic. The ancient elder dragons are such advanced biological functions that it sure seems like magic to me. I still won't let go of the theory that true elder dragons are feral bioweapons from an ancient war for space colony independence.
Some of the armor descriptions sure seem magical in nature. Like, I thought that was the whole point of most monster armors. That the skills are you being actually infused with the monster's essence somehow. Be it really advanced lost biotechnology or just straight up magic. I mean, fatalis and joe armors in particular seem more like they are infesting, even possessing you.
But okay, okay, no magic. But how about functional magic? Like staffs with monster organs, heads, etc, grafted onto them that you load phials of monster blood/bile/piss/what have you into?
Three-Section Spear. And I've always thought the Mega Boomerang item should be it's own weapon type.
>explain how weapons retain their element after monster has been killed
I guess that taser I've owned for year is simply just magic
>explain Amatsu
wow are you really bringing back PYROLITE shitposting?
What niche would MBGs have in post-MHW games? They'd definitely be used if they still existed, but I'm curious as to how they could be differentiated from the other two. Well overdue for a new gunner weapon either way.
Also, Magspike in general is largely designed around Frontier's current level of powercreep, I don't think it would be the same if it was imported. What I've heard of Accel Axe is apparently quite similar.
Kick motherfuckers with explosions and do a quick burst to launch into the air and kick a monster in the head.
Medium Bowguns should make normal shots relevant. Just like... actually aim and shoot at things worrying only about hitting weak points instead of piercing to multiple hitboxes or just bombaring with pellets/clusterbombs.
Nothing beats dual blades, so i dont care. I guess they could make dual hammers.
>I guess that taser I've owned for year is simply just magic
You're telling me that if you went outside, killed a skunk and took out its stink sac you'd be able to spray people from now until the end of time?
>wow are you really bringing back PYROLITE shitposting?
No, I'm not asking you how it breaths water I'm asking you how its constantly followed around by a hurricane
it's explained in item descriptions. The Heavenly Dragongem is an organ that causes that
>Also, Magspike in general is largely designed around Frontier's current level of powercreep, I don't think it would be the same if it was imported. What I've heard of Accel Axe is apparently quite similar.
Redesign them to fit. MHW is aped anyway so it disn't matter.
>What niche would MBGs have in post-MHW games?
Ideally Wyvernblast, Wyvernsnipe and Wyvernheart are allreday segmented to three, so reclassify Wyvernsnipe to mediums and make MBG's all about range.
That guy worded it wrong. The issue isn't that it's designed around Frontier's level of powercreep, the issue is that the weapon is built specifically to fill a niche in Frontier's meta and be useful there. It could be fun in main series, but it would require major rebalancing and a completely different look at the concept of the weapon. Tonfas would fit much more easily with some balancing
Both normal and pierce shots got fucked hard in MHW. Since the loss of pellet magnets a long time ago it's nice to see Pellet be relevant again in the form of Spread, but goddamn. Critical distance mechanics are kind of fucked as well, at least in older games there was some kind of drop off you can gauge but that's practically non-existent now. Take a few steps outside of the best distance and the shot does dick for damage.
LBG RF is also harshly lacking in variety and Auto-Reload shots are just a brick.
A tiny net.
>but it would require major rebalancing
This is not a deterrent. World is the model going forward so they might as well do it now.
I hate how fucking elaborate the wacky new weapons are in Fronter ZZ
What are you gonna do, fight fish?
Tonfa or caestus or something like that
Not frontier's version of course
A gun that shoots smaller guns that shoot in midair.
a giant blade with no hilt, on a long-ass chain
something fist-related
For both modes, Magspike uses directional evasion motions and a marker that enables repel/flight mobility on where it lands. It also has a parry whose behavior changes between modes, and a pin attack similar to paralysis that had a high MV when you finish it. The weapon didn't ship with multiple styles like Tonfa or Switch Axe F (who was a special boy), Extreme style was the basis and quite literally the only option. The weapon would have to do something new with the magnetism to stop it from just being a transforming weapon that just has mid-speed cutting + low-speed impact modes.
I suppose Clutch Claw has a somewhat similar approach to the marker stuff, although it's not quite the same.
What we really need is recital mode HH back.
Very nice idea. I'm on board for that.
Sometimes the monster needs to be caught alive though. A tiny net is a death sentence.
Jet Javelin. It would be rad to chuck a razorsharp thrown spear at a Rathalos to knock that red fuck out of the sky.
A Pile Bunker gauntlets that do fast close range damage or at the right moment the pile can either piston-back for break damage after a stun combo or get rocket launched out of the gauntlet like a ranged javelin ammo type that only has two big damage uses before needing to be reloaded.
Toukiden tried its hand at it, but it's like an aerial weapon where the counter weight is used to keep up airtime and stretches of mobility. They also did a whip weapon in the sequel which involves throwing kunai that you can cling onto or detonate. Although they are the games where you wish you were playing MH instead.
>Pile Bunker
Being able to Big O a faggot Diablos in the face is too good an idea to ever make it.
I'm aware, I'm a Toukiden fan as well. I'd like to see a MH take on the weapon though.
Drive Blade from Etrian Odyssey.
>he thinks hunting hound or boomerange blade were good ideas
fuck no
This sounds retarded but Shovel. You can deal decent blunt damage, or small cutting damage. with the shovel head. The real damage this thing does is what it digs up with, Lvl 1 charge is a small konchu sized stone, Lvl 2 charge makes you dig up a circular stone shield that you can parry with, and Lvl 3 charge has some delay, but then you can throw a fucking stone pillar. Lvl 4 charge is accessible after Lvl 3 charge, but it just throws out another stone pillar with cutting damage.
Riders on mainline would be fantastic, but I don't really know how could it work, maybe you can ride your monster to control it's attacks directly or just command it from distance like a kinsect but if the monster HP gets low it will dig/fly away to heal and you will be powerless in the meanwhile.
Would be cool to use a smaller and cutesy version of a monster to defeat the same monster.
>it was so good it had to be killed by executives to prevent it from overtaking the most pushed show of the syndication
>he didn't play Toukiden
So like monster hunter stories?
>all those unique, visually distinct, colorful designs
i miss it bros
Yeah pretty much, but without a specialized weapon that the riders use (Hammer, SnS, HH) instead just the kinship stone of the monster to control it.
Revive the Boomerange Blade with catching guantlets. Bt don't make it just boomerang looking. Return style rebound weapons can look like a lot of things, favorite style is the big flying anus.
>frontier closing
>gonna lose my fucking sick valsablos swaxe and hammer, and garuba tonfa
Slice and (protect from) Dice
Give me the Medium Bowgun, let me customize my bowgun as I wish, I want to make the ultimate bowgun, as agile and versatile as a LBG but as strong as a HBG even if it looks like a deformed hell spawn of a gun and is only good for 1 (one) ammo type, normal LV2 in RF with HBG tier power while on siege mode is all I need.
Alternatively just give me a new gunner weapon, a harpoon or whatever.
Fist weapons that let me pick up and throw smaller monsters and objects
What about a crossbow? MH's weapons tend to come in pairings.
Aren't the bowguns already crossbows on steroids?
Show so good execs had to drag it down I'm so glad I spent my youth watch Big O on Adult Swim.
Monster Hunter sized Flail or whip or cat'o nine tails.
That sounds like something from Prototype
Would be pretty sweet honestly
How about a rock? is literally just a fucking giant rock a boulder if you will, you smash and push it around and throw it at monsters for HUGE damage, it has raw up the ass and cannot bounce because it is a giant fucking rock, the only catch is that you have to slowly move it around when unsheathed and each attack consumes stamina but you can just stay behind it to block attacks, you will, of course, sharpen the rock as well.
Just imagine, pushing around a giant fucking ball of monster flesh with a rock inside.
Somewhat, but conventional ballistae are still a thing instead of giant mounted bowguns.
Dual bowgun pistols or a heavy bowgun pistol with hammer fanning.
Every time I see someone wanting a halberd or other polearm, I remember that there were at least two that counted as Longswords in older MH games.
Notably, GS has Halberd/Judgment and Decider.
Daily reminder
Turn GunHammer into it's own weapon type. Fire rounds to propel yourself around or for various quick, powerful strikes, with the downside of needing to reload every so often. I would think something like Gunlance but with blocking replaced with extreme burst mobility.
...I think I just described the Boost Hammer from God Eater...
HAHA YOUR PREMIUM KITS ARE WORTHLESS NOW MORTAL they’re shutting down Dragon’s Dogma Online too, I get the feeling that COG is gonna be dissolved and it’s resources incorporated into other Capcom studios now that they’re incorporating online elements in all their games and focusing on a global market. COG just doesn’t have any reason to exist anymore.
Rapier and handbowgun
focuses on extreme horizontal mobilitiy, dash forward to stab, dash away to shoot until it overheats, dash back in until it cools off
sort of rips off the Bloodborne kind of aesthetic, kind of a horror movie monster hunter type
>Monster Tamer lets you use small monsters and herbivores to beat up large monsters
>Killing Deviljho with an Aptonoth
Fund it
Stay in the shitposting threads and never come back, you ducking disgrace.
Stay fucking LIVID that its never coming back tendie
Remind me why they needed to make F a separate weapon instead of a style for Switch Axe?
Pray against all odds that Iceborne has unique weapon models for final level upgrades
The Frontier ones are supposedly built off a stronger iteration of Swaxe found in ancient civ ruins or some shit. They put the F on the end to rebrand it, so you know that it's not a piece of shit.
aren't these people considered to be the weird hippies in Monster Hunter lore?
A musket.
Really big boomerang.
Charge Blade, but instead of Sword and Shield that turns into an axe it's a greatsword that turns into an even bigger greatsword
>Tigrex LBG changes to this weapon class
>But stays the same size
Same reason they have as many weapons as they do already. For the playstyle and fantasy. In the same way a sword user could all viably be a super strong badass, a ninja edgelord, or a wannabe samurai, this dude might want to just flail people with a weapon that's not bigger than him.