Just a reminder what will happen when when Wow Classic releases:

Just a reminder what will happen when when Wow Classic releases:
1) Zoomers who have top parses that never played anything before Cata will take all the world firsts and win every other race, clearing MC in under 2 hours because 1 mechanic per boss and 1 button to press per class and quit because there is nothing else to do in shitnilla.
2) Nostlarius veterans and other private server fags will be dabbed on so hard by zoomers from retail they will never recover, because not a single private server guild made it even in top 500 on retail and nobody will give a fuck about their opinions either.
3) As soon as these two pillars "vanilla was hard and challenging" and "private server veterans are good at this game" of vanilla community will be shattered by reality, it will die altogether.

Attached: wow-classic.jpg (1024x512, 93K)

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It's going to take people a long fucking time to get to 60. Max level content is not going to be a huge challenge, but that's really not the point. The game is going to appeal to those who want a social experience, who want to enjoy the journey.

>It's going to take people a long fucking time to get to 60.
This isn't 2005 anymore. Anyone can average at 7 days /played 1-60. Spergs will make it in 5.

yeah but I have a life and a wife. It took me about 5 months to hit level 49 lol.

next thread try less reddit buzzwords

also, theres so much shit to do whilst levelling it can take a long time, with vanilla levelling is just as fun as end game.

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why does classic trigger so much people? it's baffling lol

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Already canceled, kid.

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>so much shit to do whilst levelling
Such as?

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This will help getting people all grouped up for the tanks to pick and choose what groups they will join.

It doesn't even have a setting to tell you what the tip will be and if they have anyone in the group that can wear anything but cloth already, useless.

>clearing MC in under 2 hours
Did they remove the roaming diseases/tics/auras from the bosses? Classic Molten Core was absolute hell.

dont care playing shadowbringers
i played on nost, was fun back then, but the instant ecelebs like sodapoppin started advertising nost it quickly went downhill, and got shut down
private server community was complete shit from that day on
classic wow community is a thousand times worse than the post nost private server community

>social experience

Attached: journey.jpg (656x400, 77K)

i will play and enjoy classic at my own pace fuck you OP! who gives a shit about zoomies

not that guy but,

gathering materials for professions, doing dungeons, questchains for useful trinkets, playing the AH, battlegrounds in different brackets, class quests, etc.

>gathering materials for professions, doing dungeons
not exclusive to classic
>questchains for useful trinkets
this is still lvling, but I'll give you this one
>playing the AH
when wow tokens exist? lmao, good luck playing anything
>battlegrounds in different brackets
not exclusive to classic
>class quests
this is still lvling

So 1 thing? Woah, vanilla is so cool.

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>not just picking a pve server
>thinking enough people on the server will be sympathetic to your cuck list that it will be socially enforced

>reduce all gameplay of every game to "playing the game"
>one thing

Based retard

implying soda will even be in a top raiding guild.

>there is so much to do in classic wow while lvling!
>name a few
>well, you can do some lore quests related to your class and trinket quests.....and all the other stuff that you can do on retail and every other expansion private server......
Are you retarded or pretending?

Sodas a closeted fag and annoying as fuck. Blizzard is complete shit these days and wow sucks cock.

Fuck this thread

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wish it was out already

He was openly gay before exploding on the begging for money from underage boys scene.
I bet he loves that situation though.

>pls can I play bfa with my friends
Wanna know how I know the person who made this never played BfA?

No he wasn't. He was with sheri way back then lea. He might not be gay but he sure acts like it

I took the pill, Anons. It's on my 2nd screen right now. Best story/expansion since HW

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blizzard will break this addon so fast

>spend months researching and deciding on class
>friend now wants to play alliance
no idea what to roll now.. was gonna be undead rogue. now buddy is going gnome mage. what's a good fit to duo with a gnome mage?

He's right though. Especially because it's summer. Never underestimate people.

this shit is going to be dead a week after release because it's boring trash designed to farm monthly subscriptions from addicted losers and zoomers don't want to battle chinks to farm mobs for a thousand hours.

Some people like to blame WoD, and others like to blame Legion, but speaking as someone who used to be an addict that can't stand modern WoW anymore, both of those expansions had massive issues and others from before even then are still around now.

I don't want to see WoD's mission table ever again. Stop it, Blizzard. Stop making me use it ever. I don't want to recruit disposable units and I don't want to assign glorified pets (sans all fun) out on quests.

Fuck Legion legendaries and all the RNG they represent, including things like caches.

Fuck Artifact Power, Azerite Power, Assblasting Power, or anything else using that fucking AP initialism, grinding it is a miserable nightmare that is literally designed to ensure the player never feels 'done' gearing when they used to have the endpoint of being decked out in BiS gear

Fuck titanforging and every other hyperforging bullshit, thunderforging and all that on Isle of Thunder was a mistake at the time and it's a mistake now, just have a fucking heroic, nonheroic, and I guess mythic version of gear, we don't need fifty different titanforge variants of everything and it just makes shit more frustrating.

Fuck item upgrade at the goddamn ethereals, that shit was a mistake. Somehow THIS is still in the game, be reforging hasn't been added back in so we can feel less punished when we get gear with stats we hate.

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>Wishes he would be treated like an anonymous player


All the Diablo-esque loot systems they put into the game were the reasons I quit. I remember when my guild in Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King could full clear the current raid content in a night and a half and then just have the rest of the week to do whatever: be it some dailies, PvP, dailies, other games... because we did the one thing we needed to do to worry about upgrades. We were set and it was more than possible to get complete best in set before the next tier. But then more and more of that shit you listed just made everything more and more of an endless grind as getting all Titan/Thunder/Whateverforged on Mythic difficulty after you cleared both Normal and Heroic was always a thing. Fuck all that. They became so obsessed with trying to make players feel like they needed to play instead of focusing on making them want to play.

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The servers will die after naxx, just like every vanilla server. Blizzard will offer free transfers to the latest expansion to try to get more people hooked