Is League of Legends dying?
Is League of Legends dying?
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No, to be honest the game will likely be around for another 10 years, unless something major happens. Best bet of this game dying is current audience grows up and doesn’t have time for it anymore and the younger generation isn’t interested in MOBAS.
I wish it would. Game was great from s2-5. After that it turned it became about mobility, 3 hit passives, and easily accessible damage items with massive gold efficiency. Tank and mage items repeatedly got gutted because adcs/assassin's were crying about how unfair it is to be outsmarted and outbuilt.
Is it too late to get into this game? Friends keep recommending it to me.
Everyone I know who plays LoL says it's a trash game yet they continue playing and they continue giving Riot money every time a new line of skins come out. LoL players are brainwashed.
I want to have sex with Riven.
and thats a bad thing
Do it for her
LoL is infinitely better than DOTA 2, the only people who disagree are neckbeard contrarians. LoL is inherently more competitive as well, since it has way more players than DOTA 2 AKA more competition. Not only that but DOTA 2 looks like shit, and plays clunky as fuck.
probally end up just like wow
The game might not be dying, but the fucking champions are.
i miss him
Cringe, new Morde is infinitely better in every way
League was never good to begin with, it was just babby's first DOTA clone and came out when the only competition on the market was HON, which was behind a paywall and had a more DOTA-esque art style.
League primarily sold on its marketing, from the shit slinging "No more DOTA" campaign, buying out dota fansites and turning them into league adverts, shutting down, turning into a dramapost about icefrog and advertisement for league of legends, and using its suggestion subforum for its hero and item designs.
I think most people are just growing up and realizing that League is pretty shitty. Its the Yu-Gi-Oh of MOBAs, lots of people learn about it from its anime and start playing it, only to realize its shit later on when they discover better card games like MTG.
And funny enough the past few seasons they've been trying to overhaul the game fundementally, reworking heroes left and right, but by doing so they're making the game more interesting to watch, but not interesting to play.
new summoners rift has more soul, it has actual shit on it, the old one was just bright colors for no reason
>He actually believes this.
League has no depth, just a long fucking grind to play different heroes.
Its metagame is also really shitty, it has a ban system, and a role system, but people aren't allowed to play the heroes they want half of the time because of autofill and bans, and the rigid nature of the game makes playing more then 2-3 champions and more then 1 role pretty much impossible.
Hero designs are also really really fucking bad, they're all designed to be low IQ combo casters with spammable poke and no resource management, just spam your abilities and all in, more interesting to watch on twitch i guess, but after a few hours of playing this style of game it loses its fun factor, the macro game of league is by in large really really basic, to the point of just being plain dumb.
I wish it would die, so that Valve realizes trying to make the game more casual, newbie friendly doesn't make the game more interesting, it only causes your userbase to drop off like a cliff.
>real soul
Riot Games has the best marketing team in the industry right now with tencent backing them.
League will never die because of this, unless the chinese economic boom finally crashes, which is keeping most of the western trashfire games afloat like League and WOW.
>Nobody even brings up Dota 2
>League fan immediately cries over Dota
God you're pathetic.
Fucking retard, learn grammer
As long as they keep selling waifu skins to chinks league will never die.
>I wish it would die, so that Valve realizes trying to make the game more casual, newbie friendly doesn't make the game more interesting, it only causes your userbase to drop off like a cliff.
God I hate what happeed to Dota. I don't hate LoL, it's an ok game, but Dota going down the same route League did and ultimately just ending up worse off for it is painful.
Avoid all MOBAs they're shit.
>hurr le LoL fan boogeyman
Not really. Game changes every year, but I do not recommend anyway.
I hope so
Its been slowly dying since DOTA 2 came out. LOLfags just don't want to quit because they probably invested so much time and money into it that they're experiencing a sunk cost fallacy, or they just want to play the worst waifus in mobas.
It already died and became a completely different game that will probably go on for like another 3-5 years before repeating the process.
user let's be real even if you don't like LoL Dota died way faster than LoL did or is and LoL seems to be recovering in popularity now partially due to teamfight tactics.
>they reworked mordekaiser and removed his heavy metal references
what the fuck, I haven't touched league in years and I'm still offended
>assassins can burst down bruisers and even tanks at any point in the game now
I hate it. I fucking hate it.
They game is actually really well balanced. People think it's unbalanced only when they play against and lost against someone better than them.
Its retarded as fuck, League of Legends is built on memes, I guess heavy metal isn't zoomer friendly.
LoL lost all soul when they overhauled the map
>Make it so every form of damage in the game is conditional on landing some bullshit
>Just make everything an instant kill because nobody will die in high level play otherwise
Riot is so weird LoL is bandaids on top of bandaids.
League was always basic bitch, but it had some semblence of depth in its macro gameplay.
Problem is they keep nerfing depth by removing macro level big brain choices, removing/reworking items, and 'fixing' problems with blanket bandaids that only make other problems worse.
Right now true damage builds are the meme, and there is no way to counter it, especially since CC in league is pretty bad, and quick play is retarded in that you can't counterpick the enemy team, you can only really counter pick your lane and hope your other lanes don't feed.
League isnt booming as is did 3-8 years ago
But also League isnt dying.
TO put it plainly, it's stagnating. It is neither going up nor down its not a good thing but its technically not a bad thing its just there. Chinks controlling Riot made shit ton of other mobas, all catering to chink money and those are exploding like hotcakes in a nuclear power plant. Tencent, who owns Riot offered riot to make a mobile version and riot said
>Chinks: ching chong your belief is wrong
And those mobas made for chink mobile rake in more money than riot will ever know what to do with, however riot doesnt get any of that money. They lost an opportunity to become top dog
Probably the only smart thing riot ever did desu.
Big problem with most online gaming right now is they have to cater to the chinese market, and unlike the west, china loves pay 2 win.
>friends force me to play league
>kindred is a pretty cool concept and has a neat theme
>she's fucking trash
>balancing the game for everyone around pro player
shiggy diggy
They* aren't trash if you know what you're doing, but that champion only attracts degenerates that can barely function IRL let alone be good at a video game. Quit watching porn.
League isn't though, pro players play older champs who are easy to execute because they're better in team play, but riot keeps reworking/releasing champs who are based around basic low IQ all in combos that are not consistent for competitive play.
if you can tell what is happening in this than League is the game for you
do any guys play this anymore? I have only seen girls play this game in the last five years or so
two redesigns indicative of everything wrong with Riot's modern design philosophy duke it out
Only koreans, because koreans get paid to play games.
just play team fight tactics its less RNG and less rage inducing than league
>try to make a dumbed down version of another game
>end up making a really boring version of battlerite
Two combo casting spamfest heroes, where one loses because they don't have true invisibility unlike the other. The lowest of IQ in hero design.
Honestly it has the chance to become better than ever now that it's not super popular anymore
Riot could make the game good again now that they don't have to cater to the fortnite crowd anymore
That was Irelia making a play mistake by not using stopwatch in prediction of the instant attack after her damage reduction buff wore off and then not jumping akali with Q after stopwatch.
lol Tencent has ownership over both brands is Yea Forums ready to bowdown to their chinese overlords tell me a game without tencent's fingerprints on them
ya i like melee also how did you know
avoid at all costs.
take this advice from someone who truly values your well being and a lol player since 6 years, avoid at ALL costs.
The game is technically pay to win, I mean with a shifting meta and champion pool combined with 100+ champions is quite ridiculous to grind out.
I'm sick of Blizzard not updating Overwatch. is league a good competitive game to get into? the only things i know about it are the kda girls
But riot is already catering to chinese market its been doing that for that past 5 years even more so. Theyre already neck deep in china's asshole, literally making a LoL Mobile version wouldve made them so much money. The result of chinkery would still be the same as it is right now, but theyd at least have a shit ton of money
just play heroes of the storm instead
What's hard about that? It's just sped up
Irelia initiates on Akali with her chain dash, Akali uses her own dash and pops smoke to evade, they briefly duel, Akali fleeds, Irelia crucially misses her skillshot and her ult, akalis smoke comes back off CD and she kills Irelia
I heard that blizzard killed off al development for that game though
If you can tolerate people shitting on you for not knowing what you're doing, and no one offering to help you be a better player like any other game, Eventually you'll find a champion you really like, and you'll love playing for a time and stomping people, then Riot will nerf it into the ground and make it useless so you have to repeat the process.
I'm a Shen one trick I would've just walked away
>But Koreans play this game
So it must be the most big brained game in the world
Holy shit that's epic.
They did, skele crew now
its not sped up though
Based, any of us could be rank 1 on multiple servers if we cared enough to try. It's nothing special.
If fate has taught us anything it's that tits sell. Leegs quality gets worse every year (holy shit fuck Yumi) but tits will keep it afloat
>tfw one of the few in my friends group who actually managed to leave the game
I literally miss nothing but Vel'koz.
I didn't say that I could do it, just follow it
It's the team fight clusterfucks I can't follow
it still has people working on it
I mean if you are going to choose between two casual games with semi-retarded dev teams hots is a lot more fun to actually play
the new champ is all about Ass and Feet they know were their porn will go
League of Legends is like Yea Forums
Everyone acknowledges that it's shit, but they still come back to it because they don't belong anywhere else.
To be fair the game was good before 2018, when they had their big push for Esports, that came with a bunch of reworks for HOTS that lead to the game becoming unfun as fuck, by trying to make the game competitive by forcing esports pandering changes down everyone's throats they made the game worse.
Thus they fired their esports development team and left the original hots team there, who were already on life support before HOTS started gaining some traction for being the Smash Bros of MOBAs.
Esports ruins games, and thats simply a fact.
Ex HotS player here. Don't play HotS, I used to love that game, but fucking Blizzard killed it. It's like D3...
Don't like LoL community that's why I don't play it.
Kindred is one of the best jungle right now wtf man
Koreans also play starcraft for money, and starcraft is the lowest IQ RTS out there, it just has the highest clicks per minute.
I used to envy the streamers and pros that made thousands just by streaming League, but after a few years playing it it seems just as miserable, if not moreso, than an actual desk job.
too bad no one gives a shit about her
Imagine being so low IQ that you play the same hero for months if not years on end and thats considered being 'pro'
I haven't played hots in a while honestly. I usually just do quick memes with murky when I do.
I would still be playing league if the fucking forced meta wasn't shoved down my throat and every new hero or champ revamp is the same system.
3 hit passives, slows on Qs shields on W, jumps on E, the only thing that feels different are ultimates and passives, everyone is just like half of somebody else. It's too much of the same shit and I like to play mobas.
Even shitty smite felt different enough and that game was just a joke to me but it least allowed me to have in a way fun.
Tried League, Smite, Hots, Dota and other dead shitty f2p mobas on the whim only thing that stays fun to me is dota because, "Anything can work".
>Is League of Legends dying?
The game is already dead where it matters, NA. 3 years ago League's playerbase was only 10% NA. That number is probably 5% by now.
League is literally being kept alive by third worlders and europeans.
If not LoL, is there ANY game worth getting into?
Same for Dota. ARTS/Mobas/Whatever you want to call them have always been more popular in the third world countries because Dota 1 was immensely popular in third world countries. While everyone was moving onto HD consoles and affordable HD output monitors/computers, third world countries were stuck in their internet cafes which still had shit computers that only had Warcraft 3 (and thus of course Dota 1).
As someone who hates third worlders it's kind of sad I think one of the greatest games ever created is also the one that first world countries ignore and third world countries worship.
Maybe I have shit tastes.
LoL is mostly english players still but I was surprised after redownloading it a month or two ago to find that I'd frequently get angry chinamen kda players.
dota, fighting game of your choice, wow classic coming soon, any single player game you find interesting
How fast do you think teamfight tactics is going to be popular? I give it 2 months
autochess has been popular for quite some time
I think TFT will be pretty successful considering it's a popular IP and a lot of people don't really play league for the gameplay
Very accurate. I've been playing in SA servers for years and continues to be dominated by peruvians. Also, chinese players make up a good part of the user base.
don't get into it man. I never went too hard on League but I played a fuckton of Dota. MOBAs eat into your life like nothing else. I'm 100% convinced they're some sort of Chinese experiment on how to turn someone into a neet
What made LoL grand was the same thing that keeps it from completely dying. The fact that it runs in any toaster.
t. Toaster playing third worlder
Why do you hate us user? It's not our fault rich people can't appreciate the games you like.
I find you loud and annoying. As a Texan poor Illegal Immigrant Mexicans are flooding into Texas, begging for handouts, dumping 9 anchor babies per family all over the place, voting into power the people who will give them free handouts at the cost of my money. Even worse they still jump the border to flee their pathetic shithole but then still wave their stupid Mexican flag with pride.
Then I go home and Dota 2 is infested with fucking Peruvians. Thankfully Valve have implemented some form of soft region lock so that South Americans almost always end up on the opposite team, so I get to kick their asses now instead of suffering them like I did before.
If it makes you feel any better I'm fast becoming disgruntled with white first world rich kids too. They're doing the same shit Mexicans are -- flooding in from their shithole states that they ruined by voting into powers that would fuck their economy into oblivion. They flee to Texas for work and cheaper living, then turn around and exclaim how they can't wait to turn Texas into just the same exact home that they fled from. The 'Californization' of Texas is happening at a fucking dismally rapid rate and I'm only getting more bitter and older, while the world around me is getting shittier with loud annoying brown people and now loud annoying white people.
they need to add more cute yordles
The abilities reference metal songs or bands.[2]
Obliterate Obliterate, the grindcore band from Košice.
Indestructible Indestructible, the song by Disturbed.
Darkness Rise Darkness Rise could be referencing the song, Atlas, Rise by Metallica, or The Rise Of Darkness by Immortal.
Realm of Death Realm of Death, Beyond the Realms of Death by Judas Priest.
Also, Mordekaiser's mace references Nightfall by Blind Guardian.
hot sweaty* sex
>get mad at people living their lives in other countries because america is too retarded to control its borders thanks to reagan and the libs >make a giant blogpost about
They bank on pop culture so no.
Don't worry about him, he's Texan, their opinions are based entirely around the idea that they're texan, its like trying to argue with a fundamentalist christian over the nature of the universe, which most of texas is mind you.
I'm also texan and I hate mexicans too.
I just wish I had edited my post a little more.
League was always a dead game, Riot has always marketed it as a bigger deal then it really was when most of the world outside of NA still prefered DOTA to it.
Seriously, are you going to argue that league was ever good? It was always a mess of a game, it was the marketing that drew people in. Not to mention they've been in bed with twitch since twitch became a thing, its why they've been allowed to get away with adhoc view botting for so long, twitch finally told them to fuck off with the client embeds but they still give out blue essence for watching streams, and stream watching is the most consistent way to get blue ess so if you want heroes, you better put the streams on in the background.
I would say that those are some legit reasons to be upset, but by no means think that all third worldlers are like that. I'm a leftie and I can tell you that lots of people in my third world shithole would completely agree with you. We hate ourselves more that you can ever hope to hate us.
>most of the world outside of NA still prefered DOTA to it.
Literally only china.
wasnt s5 cancerous tank meta ?
fk off the last time i remeber it beeing great was s3
i wish it did. i fucking hate it but im so addicted. it would probably be my favorite game of all time if the client werent so shitty.
dude just play a different game
rito doesn't give a shit about you playing the game, you owe them nothing
I quit after demoting from dia1 to dia4. Just realized having to listen to 1 feeding retard and overall onions mentality these game attracts just clicked me off.
So you ask about League of legends dying. But in what sense you mean dying because if you mean game is about to fully dissapear then we'll, it will take time because of marketing what makes a great job keeping it alive.
But if we talk about dying in sense that is this game is losing its fun and soul then... LoL it's not dying, it's already not only dead since season 4 but also it's corpse is devoured by vultures, maggots and other kind of corpse eating creatures.
LoL's best times were season 1 and half of season 2. LoL's good times were before season 1.
In my opinion riven patch was the moment when LoL started to be shittier every patch. Mostly because as mentioned RIOT started to remove any way to win by outsmarting or outbuilding others and started to go into "MUH DYNAMIC GANEPLAY" because "MUH ESPORTS" also they wanted audience of kiddos who pay with parent money, by removing any ways to outsmart RIOT literally gave handicap to kids who can win by mindlessly running and jumping around like "toddler on coffee with redbull instead of water" and spamming QWER on someone older than 16 years old who actually starts to be more likely to think before move. And that jumping like monkeys looks "more flashy" on e-sport shows. Today Riot is literally shitting on tanks by gutting tank items and empowering anti tank items(RIP force of nature).
In past aka season from 0 to 4. LoL was really fun and balanced and allowed you for smarts and diverse gameplay style. And almost all champions were viable. You actually needed skill and brain to get high "ELO" Or "division". Even being OTP was viable.
Today LoL is basically unbalanced as fuck, and even if it has more champions the viability is like FOTM what means like 20-30 champions from that pool have impact in game and like 10 champions in that group are so strong they are insta pick, insta ban. In order to climb you have to constantly use FOTM champions.
the few friends that i have play league and playing with them is one of the only things left that truly makes me happy and glad to be alive.
wtf is that in the pic?
its a despairing wojak
well as long it keeps you going i guess
i hope things turn out well for you user
the sheer hate and seething dotards have for it will keep it afloat all on their own
>i'm better than multi region rank1 player
eat shit faggot
don't listen to Yea Forums for one
just try it with your friends and see for yourself you dumbass
this garbage killed the game for me, i just can't enjoy getting dive bombed every game by these fucking champs, fuck this game.
It feels legit really fucking slow now, Not just in the laning phase but just the general movement of it
Like I used to play a lot of Malz and vlad until they fucking gutted both of them, and trying to play them now is like i'm walking through fucking snow
I don't know what they did, but it's like they made it all slow to allow retards to not get overwhelmed by those faster than them in button presses
This. I can't stand league's kit design after playing it. Anduin unironically converted me into being a healfag too.
If it's Aram/Normals you're an NPC that's almost waking up.
In the west? Yeah. MOBAs have totally disappeared from the normalfag's consciousness in favor of battle royale stuff. In the east? Nah, not a chance. League is still shattering records for concurrent players, revenue, and more. teamfight tactics is a good way to try and stay relevant, and I think it's pretty fun, but I wish it had a mobile client. I don't know much about dota but solely because I can start a match on the shitter I find myself playing it significantly more.
>not playing exclusively aram/normals
not that user but rank with "friends" is just a surefire way to expose that one cancerous tryhard who also sucks ass, and will sour the relationship for the entire group
>hurr projecting
of fucking course I am, but it's also happened three times now, it's not just a coincidence.
How the hell is it even possible to enjoy heroes of the storm or Overwatch lmao those games have less depth then 90% of mobile games.
Isn't HoTs dead already what the flying fuck?
hots is dead yes. They removed all but a skeleton crew, I think they're pushing out updates that were in the pipeline already but once those are done it's done getting new content and it will just coast for however long, or until their next endeavor fails and they try to regroup.
It failed because they literally segregated new players from the rest of the game, so new players would get queues of upwards of 15 fucking minutes, while regular players would have queues of 1-2 minutes. It fucking baffled me and I could never get friends to play because of it. They could play a god damned match of league in the time it took for a game of hots to pop.
>remove devourer
>remove kindred's passives
>replace with slows on jungle camps
>not that user but rank with "friends" is just a surefire way to expose that one cancerous tryhard who also sucks ass, and will sour the relationship for the entire group
I been though so many League communities since 2014 and plunged my dick into asian E thots enough already being high ranked with my group.
The point is have you also noticed high ranked players have all the functioning groups of friends? and the outcasts are in those aram/normals modes as well? Looks like iv been at the opposite side of where you are, this is insanely interesting.
>It failed because they literally segregated new players from the rest of the game, so new players would get queues of upwards of 15 fucking minutes, while regular players would have queues of 1-2 minutes. It fucking baffled me and I could never get friends to play because of it. They could play a god damned match of league in the time it took for a game of hots to pop.
This explains why I get 5-10 minute que times when I tried to get back into Overwatch last year.
Not to mention that the game was boring as fuck. Nothing you ever did mattered. The absurd lack of depth didn't help it to the slightest and everyone was an hp sponge.
Why do you hate melee?
Probably, but China will suppress numbers like they always do until they can fully shift their efforts into TFT and whatever else DotA2/SMITE are doing so they can "borrow" ideas
the fact that this game thought The Tribunal was a good idea is proof enough they were on borrowed time
I've been on both sides, being the sperg, and dealing with other people spergier than me and being the catalyst for the destruction of the group. If by "those high ranked players" you mean famous people, of course they have competent players around them, they're famous. They could be ass picking booger eating retards and still have competent friends, anyone who wants fame will do anything to leech it. See:hafu's entire existence and career. pokimane too. Whether you like them or not for other reasons it's objective fact they rose to relevance by thotting around and leeching viewers from other popular/"good" players.
Anyway, yeah, i wasn't saying you'll get less retards and stunted fags in aram/normals, just that they're the mode you play with friends unless you want your friend group to be destroyed by some tryhard you didn't know was such a tryhard.
t. collegiate professional player who got his scholarship paid for by league 2012-2016
It's always the worst player on the team who's the whiniest bitch.
It's more fun for me because it's a lot more about mechanical and tactical skill in teamfights than farming, rotations and item knowledge. It emphasizes on the parts of mobas that I like the best while de-emphasizing the parts I like the least. In addition it doesn't have the problem League has where the game is decided in 20 minutes and takes 20 more afterwards to close out. It forces you to fight and encourages it, unlike league where you win before fighting and there's only one objective on the map worth fighting over anyways. It's a series of either getting something uncontested or having to back down from contesting something. I'd rather play something where the right choice is to fight at least 80% of the time.
Autism in one sentence; congrats.
>reinstall to play TFT
>see missions for playing the regular game
>play a couple matches
>play another
>it's a losing match
>nobody says anything
>the only communication is one assclown passive aggressively pinging other people's death timers
Thanks for reminding me to uninstall again, dumbfuck. Enjoy your shit game. And the funny part is that riot thinks that the community has a "toxicity" problem when the game itself is what makes people act like that.
Naw if you're really saying then what you are you already know LS and Korean analysts coaches claimed in such a refined game intelligence can equate to *Ranked performance* if met in proper criteria.
The point is there is a lesser quality of life if you play with shitters, people that play for 1-2 hours a day don't have sustainable friendships that are as strong as think. The point of this is people that play for 5 hours a day and still haven't escaped silver for 5+ years have some kind of learning disability.
This is my connection in regards to normal and Aram.
>always the worst
nah, there's plenty of times where one of the better, or even the best player is the biggest fag, because other people are so far below them that they just get assmad because they're going to lose or have to hard carry and haven't resigned to it yet.
>All this flash and no substance
It really is just SMITE and DotA2's bastard
Hey who remembers HoN
I've never seen that because I'm always the best player on my team.
Mute the pings if they bother you. A match with no one talking is better that one with people being shitheads anyway. Just play the damn game.
I forgot my issue with that is that it's just a time sink to kill time *Not Alone* rather then ACTUAL relationship building. Been through at least 4+ groups like this but still in contact, but I moved back to consoles last year.
If you're playing league with real life friends, as I was assuming, you're generally not going to be playing for any longer than an hour or two at a time. That's my own personal experience. I was diamond at my peak in s2 so I can't say I know what insinuating my playing aram and normals for fun when I don't want someone to lose his shit because he's braindead has to do with anything.
intelligence can equate to ranked performance, but intelligence can also equate to people getting better paying jobs, and living happier lives. Say what you want about 4channel but the average user is average or slightly above average intelligence, and yet there's a fuckton of neets and losers. rules, exceptions, yadda yadda.
Dying in the west but alive in the East. Their worlds or something in china filled an entire stadium
>too bad no one gives a shit about her
I do
>white hair
she checks all my fetishes
I do, 2.0 was the worst thing to happen to the game, 3.0, aka "We want the league of legends money" overhaul nailed the coffin shut.
The league of legends model only works for league, because league champions are milk toast as fuck, meanwhile if you have a 5 carry team or 5 support team on dota you're at a major disadvantage unless you have a meme strategy
t. cuck that died
I doubt it. I think there's a pretty substantial amount of people that play the game just to buy skins. 90% of the player base could vanish overnight and Riot would still be making billions from whales.
Whales aren't more then one person.
Those people that are proned to emotional outbreaks to begin with will have there leave eventually, yes 70% IRL friends 30% online friends gaming is pretty huge where I live.
If no one in you're group asserted any kind of dominance to those types of players or set things straight you need to figure shit out.
I totally understand what you're saying though but I figured all those thing out to begin with. But sadly I get 200+ ping now in League so I peaked my ranked.
>Skin collecting
Mobage was a mistake
>low ranked shitter
every bronze I elo boosted sounded like a literal mouth frothing retard or a child.
Get you're voice chcked user
I want to lick Jinx's sweaty tummy
Not at all, it still seems to be the go to game for most people.
Kindred feels too easy to kill and too hard to gank with, I prefer nocturn, pretty rarely seen, attack speed nocturn, with awakend dragon gets up to like 3/4 attacks a second, I've melted trynds before they could press R while having a zhonya and GA specifically to kill them because they were fed and I wanted to make sure they lost the 1 v 1.
>Why can't we just have 5 assassins in the game, healing? PFFFT!
Healers are rare enough as is in this game, them trying to create assassin/tank/poke supports more than straight up shields and heals, not that I mind the others, Pyke/Braum/Vel'Koz are good fun, but I like sustain supports too. Soraka heal nukes are great to deny that assassin utterly.
>When you want to play more cyberpunk games soo bad that you start getting good at assassin Jhin. Full lethality + 2 Crit items Jhin melting people from across the map with soul harvest is quite satisfying, and him not gaining attack speed gives me the perfect excuse to do it too. a 30 second ult that melts people with the cyber punk theme playing in the background as you pop it feel so based. Them scrabling to get out of your range as you ult the 4 v 5 they think they have is peak euphoria, just remember, true Jhin players don't get pentas, because they know to stop at quadras. [spoilers]44444444444444444444444[/spoilers]
play the superior game.
I always thought they kept making healing in DOTA way too strong as they kept making more and more items that gave you the ability to heal forcing hard supports, but the worst fucking way to play dota is as a hard support because if your team is good they carry you and you feel like shit, or your team is shit and you feel like you can't do jack because they keep feeding retardedly
Seriously, mek was the only item they should have had a healing component to it, guardian greaves and urn was a bit too far.
>game concept based on RNG
>less rng
Greaves don't stack, they're basically a way to buff late game supports by combining mech with mana boots so they have an extra slot, urn is fine, it's mainly used by gankers, most hard supports don't live long enough to get charges, because they tend to be squishy. If you're not playing hard support right or if you're steam rolling, you'll also probably have money for that stuff. Since most of the time your money should all be lost on wards and maybe a blink dagger to get away from danger zones fast, after warding.
>thick thighs
>weapon is literally a hula-hoop
>mean rich girl attitude
>league was never good
probably true
>league was never big
lmao it's still in the top 3 watched globally
Unless you have 4 friends that play don't bother.
Also listend to everyone else. This game is way too addictive.
Well in past I played LoL like crazy at times before season 1 , all season 1 and 3/4 of season 2. Literally day without at least 4 LoL matches was a wasted day. And when I had opportunity I literally played even 10 matches or more in one day. It was fun at solo and it was even better if we made Lan parties and together with my friends played LoL. It was fucking awesome and fun. Game really was balanced(because riot cared about real disbalance problems not some kiddo whining or "Muh ESPORT") and was some good mix of power fantasy, heroic fantasy and dark fantasy + some spice of kawai when it was about champion design. It had soul.
But riven patch was a herald of shit what was about to happen. Mordekaiser was nerfed to ground for no reason by taking away from him the only way he could defend himself on lane (what of course could be bypassed by simply attacking him when he has no minions to charge shield from).
And the shitfest started. And then riot decided to make game "Muh fast action as flashy and shit" because "Hurt Muh it looks nice on "MUH ESPORTS" what means that shitfest even intensifies.
All tactical stuff became nerfed, turrets got nerfed, tanks got nerfed. WELCOME TO LEAGUE OF ONESHOTS. Teamfights from epic manfights turned into 2 teams camping waiting for someone make mistake just to burn all cooldowns and in 0,001 seconds is over, and dare to not wink or you will miss a teamfight.
Also design, every new champion is either edgelord, some gacha fag, or waifu. Maybe Kled was last exception from that rule and is actually a good design, but sadly he has really weak influence in game. And all champions who were not fitting the new LoL image got nerfed into ground or reworked from fun to total unfun.
Today I only fap to female LoL characters and I don't even play this game for many years.
>>the only communication is one assclown passive aggressively pinging other people's death timers
>Thanks for reminding me to uninstall again, dumbfuck.
WEAK MENTAL, you just let some rando on the internet decide your attitude and ruin your fun.
The only toxicity problem is that weak skinned people like you haven't died off yet. Get used to it, snowflake, nobody cares about your feelings.
Yuumi is pick or ban every game
Reworked Akali was pick or ban until the nerfs
Pyke became a team's signature champion
Sylas has been picked a lot until 9.14
Neeko is picked almost every game
I hate how characters like Cho'Gath and Bard are stuck in this fucking piece of shit.
It's been dying since season 5. Fuck riot, revert the taric rework or give me a legacy server you stupid fucks.
Well now I know why Morellonomicon exists. It's an item that reduces healing on champions you attack for a few seconds, for those who don't know.
I dunno but I've been having fun playing Jhin.
It's the only reason I picked up this game and I don't regret it.
If it is they'll release another waifubait video with skins and boom
Dude, Malz and Kass are such a cool fucking design
I love the void shit so much
But they're getting ruined every other week
It's like they do it on purpose
I still play league and have been playing since season 3 (which i thought was the best season with ap nidalee and gragas before they became shit)
The problem with this shit is while it adds more depth to the game and characters it also props them up above all the other characters in the game. They need to be stronger than the older non-polished characters otherwise the rework/new character is for nothing and that is the problem.
Then you end up with 2 pools of characters: The post rework/new characters that fit the design riot wants for the game and group 2: characters that are outdated so they need to be weaker or you won't see the polished stuff a lot.
Think I am kidding? Look up characters with new releases and reworks at the top and compare their playrates to all other characters. They want you to love the newer shit so you see it more on streams and high level and everyone ignores the weaker less polished shit so no one plays it. You see the same people play akali and irelia 100 times and don't even know characters like rammus, kog maw, volibear even exist until their reworks come out.
I played more than 3000 of this garbage. The only game I feel like I wasted my time playing. I've hardly played it at all in the last couple years. But now I've been playing that new tactics mode and I can't stop. I should be playing my jrpgs or something more substantial.
Healers conditionally extend TTK so that fights can go on longer and characters can perform feats their kits would normally never allow for. It provides consistent gameplay for supports that isn't entirely just reactively cucking the enemy. The point where healers become a problem is with stuff like WoW PVP where their ability to heal themselves and each other is so great that they're tanks unto themselves and are a struggle to bring down even with good focus.
A big problem with LoL supports is that they're made with way lower standards for gameplay than aggressive characters. If point and click stuns aren't okay then neither are point and click shields, boosts and heals. They need to be more creative with the actions that lead to the effects because that creates more interesting gameplay.
been playing it daily since beta
dont play it faggot
Old characters only exist to be jobber mook NPCs to the stuff that cells. This is why only certain characters have counterplay, while the fast, normalfag appeal ones are basically zippy stat sticks.
Reworks should change that in time. I theorized since the map change that this was the style they want the game to look. Then irelia akali poppy and ezreal visual updates showed the true "look" they want their characters to have. Once every single character gets a rework to fit that animated look then there will be balance because every character got the attention they need to move them to "pool 1". Once they all reach that marketable level of remake that current irelia and akali were in then they can focus on balance instead of making 1 set stronger than the other.
It's a great game to play with friends. I seriously hope none of you are retarded enough to waste your time playing ranked Solo/Duo queue for e-peen points.
he was literally right about this btw, healers ruin every game they're in
Urn now upgrades to spirit vessel which cuts healing and regen by 70% or something when used offensively
>Gook experiment on how to turn someone into a neet
Isn't that Yea Forums
Only thing that still makes me feel a modicum of happiness playing this terrible game is spamming the Fizz troll face emote at every opportunity.
yes. all the high elo players say the game is dying and nobody cares about it anymore. it's on its way out. it'll never "die" like some games and there'll always be people playing because it's just that big but its heyday is long gone
I don't get why everyone keeps saying LoL is not dying especially when everyone who was addicted to it are now addicted to Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
He isn’t wrong in this instance. Dota does not have healers like what Soraka was either, Soraka was literally that “healer casts heal!” Mmo parody image but in an assfaggot; a 100% passive hp/mp dispenser.
Don't do it. I lost some friends to it please don't do it user
that's why I want the fighting game to come out soon
It's stagnating, which is ok considering how old it is. Definitely not dying or dead.
I miss it bros.
Do it
>Qiyana comes out
>everyone is busy with TFT
>first champion to be ignored in ranked pick/ban in a long time
>take time to learn her since shes uncontested
>abuse her and climb diamond
Yeah, thats based.