Have we talked about this yet? I'm really excited for it myself. Would think after the new Shantae hype that this would be hyped for as well.
River City Girls (Wayforward and ArcSystemworks)
Other urls found in this thread:
the director is a huge pro-immigrant anti-trump faggot, so no, fuck off
didnt look to interesting to me but i dont really enjoy beat 'em ups in the first place so whatever
i'm assuming this game is related to river city rumble in some way?
>waifubait design
>already have boyfriends
River City Ransom, yes.
Yes, we've had threads since Wednesday and there's already a thread .
That has zero to do with the quality of the game, dipshit.
Yes, more local co-op beat-em-ups please, put it in the bag with the others
Actually fuck off
Ok thanks, was not aware.
>so no, fuck off
>actually fuck off
I'll have to remember that for next time.
As opposed to a russian bot? Fuck off, Alyoshka.
last thread I saw about it got deleted for some fucking reason
shit looks fun, it'd be a day one buy if it weren't for the fact that it's coming out right around when all the other games I'm actually excited for this year are dropping. Will definitely keep tabs on it at least.
Yamada is cool.
Just like real life.
not gonna stop me from thinking the girl that looks like Blossom but in a jacket is a total babe
I want her to smash my kneecaps with a baseball bat
>being anti-retard is a bad thing
Ok retard
Looks really fucking good. Pretty hype.
Trump is the weakest president we've had on immigration since before you were born, fuck off.
I keep going back and forth between wishing I was one of the bfs rescued by them and wanting to be one of the dudes they beat the shit out of. It's a strange feel.
Video games.
is he can i see his twitter? how can anyone be unconditionally pro-immigrant in current year.
>he believes the fixed stats
God, you're pathetic.
>No making a game with Guilty gear art/emgine
Arcsys is just a fuck lazy
Fuck they made the hard coprs Uprising
Dude, learn how to fucking type.
You're pathetic.
do they really have boyfriends?
The objective is to save the boyfriends.
have sex
buying two copies now
They're delinquent associated, it isn't a big deal.
will pirate
>I'm coming, Kunio
Not the first time she's said that.
oh no no no no no
>feminist garbage
Fuck off.
trump is a faggot
I don't understand white men at all.
taking bets on whether this dude is going to be outed as a rapist or pedophile
You sure?
Nice false-flag.
The issue isn't his retarded political views, but the fact that he is a pathetic creep. See: I wouldn't give this guy a cent unless he was literally starving to death. I certainly don't want to consume any media that came out of his weird, little head.
Probably both.
How did you know?
I'm leaning more towards rapist, but probably both.
I'm gonna place my bet on harmless creep, I don't think he would have the "power" to force himself on a girl.
that meme only works on websites where social networks are built organically and people aren't filtered by interest
you can be some incredibly sheltered burger and live in a twitter circlejerk where there are no russian posters, but you can't do that here
I like the style but the fact that the protagonists have boyfriends bothers me
I don't wanna play as nonvirgin whores
This will be kino.
can't be kino with nonvirgin heroines
Don't you have a person game to go self insert into.
I enjoyed them in the 1994 game.
New one looks nice from the little bit shown so far other than the UI clashing with the sprite work pretty badly.
Possibly the most pathetic post on Yea Forums right now.
>THING but with anime girls! XD
It's so tiresome
fuck off retard
enjoy your game about roastie whores from a FUCK DRUMPF studio
The trailer didn't really impress me. The game is being made by WayForward, so I don't expect it to be great, but it will at least be decent.
was this supposed to be funnier the second time you posted it
Cat, are you trying to imply the beat em up genre is over saturated? You a dumb cat.
Have sex incel
At least there are no bisexual people.
Calling someone a "roastie" just cements you as being a permavirgin loser. You don't have much to worry about video game wise anyway, there'll be plenty of other games and VNs for you to pretend to have meaningful experiences with women in.
>people freaking out over characters older than them in a series they know nothing about and never planned to play
wait how did you get my game design document
i have a lebanese fiance
its ok she might not love me but she doesn't have a choice
enjoy getting married to a roastie
We need more of this, not less.
buying three copies now
have sex
That's just unnatural, they'd probably just leave them for the Double Dragons because they have nicer outfits
Controlled really well from what I played at AX, Combo system could use some work but all in all solid game.
Double Dragons have their own girl to obsess over.
no thanks redesigns look like shit music was trash and the people behind it seem to be way too vocal on twitter with there political opinions so i don't trust it
>hey man, you need to learn the separate the art from the artist
>except when the artist disagrees with me
i wanna play scott pilgrim
Game journalist?
>I won't play this because it has the wrong politics
never said that but ok
So honest question, when has wayforward ever injected anything political into their games?
buying four copies now
why are you people such good salesmen
what's wayforward?
last i checked not yet but who knows they could surprise me like they did when they released the shantae trailer and the music was shit in that aswell
It's exactly what you said, cuck. Then again I guess I shouldn't expect someone who doesn't even know the difference between their and there to have reading comprehension.
The director shouldn't have mentioned politics if he didn't want his game surrounded by it.
>not yet but
Nah, no buts faggot. Come back then a precedent has been set.
but i didn't say that at all more than anything i hate the redesigns and the music
Do you guys even play video games?
Pirate it. It's not like you would hurt someone else's budget.
The guy can mouth off about whatever he wants on his own times. If his bosses want to control what he says on twitter then that's their deal. Other then that, freedom of speech. Learn it, live it, love it. Or git out.
all i said is i don't trust people who are outspoken politically
Of course not. We post twitter screencaps for easy (you)s.
creators of barbie and the magic pegasus, shrek: ogres & donkeys, spongebong squigglepants, marvel puzzle quest, cat girl without salad, and river city girls
How does not buying something from someone you disagree with make you a cuck? Does cuck even mean anything anymore
How about you judge the game itself before knee jerking over twitter posts like some sjw? Wayforward hasn't put out a single politically charged game yet and there's no reason to believe they will any time soon.
it means stop making your own decisions and let me tell you what to do
Why you all hating on our mighty god emperor Donald J. Trump. What did I miss?
I can't wait for the inevitable doujins where they both lose a fight and get raped.
You're cucking yourself out of a good game over personal baggage. Dumb cuck.
if you saw my original post brainlet you'd see my main problem is the redesigns and music
>duh I dun liek it cause it's sjw
uh huh
>THING but censored! XD
Fuck off and dilate, you piece of shit.
It's actually about ethics in video games.
You're a funny guy, also it looks like a pretty standard beat em up, not that special
>game with cute girls
>this is tumblr shit!
Back in my day the world made sense.
if you were smart you would've let that be it and people would've continued to believe you but now you've exposed the fact you're baitan
OH NO NO NO NO!!! Mods confirmed for massive soi swallowing cuckolds yet again! They never fail to do so and they did it once again the madmen!
Everyone tried to prove himself being shit without proofs. Now he did the job by himself being on presidency.
A beat'em up releasing in current year alone makes it special. Honestly though, it doesn't have to be anything more than a solid game.
>Neither of them are Sukeban's
Time to make a compilation so I can repost it in every river city thread.
Do you even like video games?
This guy is so fucking pathetic
Thanks for this.
what kinda compilation are you making?
>shantae 5 on the way
>now this
Why is this post so fucking funny to me kek
Is the setting meant to be japan or america
Very true.
what fucking language is this? did i just develop aphasia
Its okay to be mad, sebbie boy.
While I won't diagree with you, a director is responsible for the image of the product he is working. If he openly says he has reservations about the game ("ughh, cringe, I'm a 39yo making a highschool girl game, sorry!"), he shouldn't even be part of it.
lol this guy is cringe but his game looks great! I really really hope it will have online.
>Kyoko and Misako attending the same school
This pissed me off more than the director's being a cuck.
that is not how you reverse a hat
Are trannies roasties? They get turn outside in after all. Anyway, you should dilate, faggot.
Wasn't the original game suppose to be about the guys mainly? Why the focus on the girls? Can you even play as the guys in this one?
>Beat em ups
I don't know if i've ever played past the 1st level of a beat-em-up
They had one job and they blew it.
play turtles in time
Playing as guys is gay. How do you not know RCR
If the game comes out good, I don't really care. Besides, twitter really isn't representative of anything. So many two faced personalities and line towing with a healthy dose of virtue signaling. I stopped caring about the lives of people on it a long time ago. You should to.
All permavirgin losers completely unable to cope with never having seen a vagina in person. Check out the VN general on /vg/, they'll have plenty of recommendations for you guys to fill the void.
You missed out, zoomer.
This series is huge. There was a game with those same girls playable on the Super Famicom. They're just revisiting them now.
>Why the focus on the girls?
Because wayforward exclusively makes games with cute girls. How new are you?
seething tranny
Falseflag tranny.
Fucking shameful pussybeggar. Here's hoping it doesn't seep into the game.
>tfw no disinterested phone poster asian gf
So they can't make good games without involving waifushit? Yep, sounds about right.
I would be completely ok with this game, it's a nice change of pace plus a throwback to old school beat em ups. But the lead dev is a big fucking feminist pussy soiboy, so I don't want to give him any support or money.
Normally I wouldn't let politics change my opinions on things like this, but just getting tired of devs being full of shit and pandering, so whatever. Might buy it on sale, but until then I'm fine replaying RCR or the other one.
I'm with people like Game looks cute and fun, I'll buy it and hopefully enjoy it
Twitter people like mombot are definitely gonna shit on the creep of a dev tho, next sexual predator added to the list, but that's a different subject
What the fuck is this new idiotic insult, first time i've seen it
oh no what will I ever do there are cute girls in these good games what will I do ;__;
go back to tumblr roastie
Oh wow how can you be 39 and still be as awkward as a teenager?
welcome to Yea Forums and enjoy your trip back to twitter
we've evolved to only need to communicate with three words, comprising the phrases "have sex" and "dilate"
this discourse has become exquisite
>Normally I wouldn't let politics change my opinions on things like this, but just getting tired of devs being full of shit and pandering, so whatever.
Seriously, if the game is good, who cares? Sawyer of new vegas fame is a huge lefty yet whenever he gives advice about creative shit he never, to my knowledge, brings up politically charged bullshit.
this fucking sjw shit from some creepy rapist pedo is being shilled every fucking day on here now
fucking fuck off
I'm trying to communicate how ridiculous it is to say that character design has any impact on the quality of a game. The discourse is veiled under turning the insults around. This game in particular is hilarious because the cute girls are being called waifu shit by tumblr, and tumblr shit by Yea Forums, basically everyone is acting like morons. This game looks fun and great but people don't wanna talk about video games they want to share twitter screen caps and say "dilate"
user asks on a video game sub board of an anime image board.
Rate my art, Yea Forums.
>basically everyone is acting like morons
Thank the culture war for that. No one has principles and just wants to get one up on perceived enemies.
materially benefiting your enemies is stupid and will not be reciprocated
you need to drop this talking point
Only if you rate mine.
wojack cancer.
Don't know why I keep coming back, the meme of never leaving is real
At least it's only around releases I wanna talk about, it's always a new variation of the same two people
It's like the nerd version of ebonics really
Sawyer's creative process for almost the last decade has been to write one line of dialogue then charge a fat cheque for them to attach your name to a game.
i'll talk about it i dislike the redesigns for kunio and riki
Miss me with that gay rhetoric. If someone creates an enjoyable product they should be rewarded. Period. Doesn't matter how much faggotry they spew on twitter.
you can't even accurately comprehend and restate behavior that you see before your own eyes and in this thread.
people that complain about waifufags are not from tumblr, they just think your games are bad and you only buy them because they have girls in them, and they are probably right on the second point.
Ty hopefully you enjoy it if you buy it but i don't think i'll ever pick this up same for underground
you're missing the point
it's not like these people stay here
i'm sure if you ran into their social circle on twitter they would be doing it there
I'm only buying if it supports online multiplayer
I didn't play the PoE games since they bored me to death, but he's talked about some of the research he did for new vegas. I think him becoming a gun nut while researching firearms for NV is just a meme, but he did do the research, along with looking into survivalist stuff and desert agriculture.
i'd be surprised if it doesn't
>Western developer post-Scott Pilgrim game
>main protagonists are female
It's gonna be shit.
your life doesn't revolve around your gay baby toys brah
if i didn't know you were just being disingenuous, i'd suggest you take a break from video games until you can comprehend reality, because you are trying to pressure people that would unironically be hounded out of their jobs by the political movement that you want them to enrich
just mind your own fucking business and let them buy whatever they are comfortable with
there's no word on if it will yet and I'm not sure if wayforward has supported online before now? I'm not really familiar with their games.
Not to my knowledge. Too many new beat'em ups only have local coop.
Fag sounds like an imbecil that doesn't even believes in the same project he's working on. Is he refering to himself when he mentions the [cringe] part? That does not bode well at all for the game.
>your life doesn't revolve around your gay baby toys brah
Video games is serious business, gaylord.
>the political movement that you want them to enrich
Please do not start that culture war bullshit now. It's so tiring. I'm just of the mind people should be rewarded when they do good and punished when they do bad. ezpz
>just mind your own fucking business and let them buy whatever they are comfortable with
I mean, yeah?
Yeah. He's ashamed of writing stories stared by teenage girls.
>when the internet outrage machine sets its sights on a game you're interested in
uh-oh! haha
>grovelling and begging forgiveness for being a man writing dialogue for girls in a videogame
The absolute fucking state of modern males
stop wasting my time with your disingenuous bullshit dude
I would be too tbqh. Ashamed because I'd like it.
This is the faggiest and most insecure shit I’ve seen response I’ve seen in a while. Congrats.
game looks great and I'm laughing that both "sides" are outraged
try using your english syntax
Why don't you suck my dick, faggot. I hear it's a great way to own the libs.
K, I'll boycot this shit (not that I was really interested in, too animu wannabe, but the animation seemed cool). No way I'm giving money to ppl like this.
might just compile a comprehensive list of everyone involved in this project to own the libs
The average /leftypol/ user thinks only women can write stuff starred by women, so his current work obviously creates cognitive dissonance on him.
If he's so ashamed of being a male writting about cute girls, why not refuse the project and pass it onto some female staff? He's clearly supportive of more female roles taking over. Surely there must be a female employe capable of doing his job with actual passion, unlike what his words seem to imply about himself.
>No sukeban deka game
>No Asuka Gumi Yakuza game where you beat up other girl gangs & take their territory
>A river city random spinoff is the only time Yea Forums wants to talk about Japanese Girls beating the shit out of each other
Do you guys not know this is a genre in japan? Please tell me you at least watch Samurai Films & Kung Fu movies.
when have you ever seen anyone voluntarily vacate their position to achieve their state goals like that
>the lead dev is a big fucking feminist pussy soiboy
Can you post examples? Where's your proof of his fagotory?
But your life doesn't revolve around gay baby toys, right? lmao
Your first mistake is assuming twitter people genuinely hold the ideals they virtue signal.
not really
are you literally so mentally retarded that you cannot keep from making situations worse
know any cool asexual animators that would good to laugh at for three days
>not really
uh huh
are you a video game user
>river shitty:cuckarinos
no thanks i dont play #sjw pandering trash aimed at reddit
what does this even mean? I'm a lib explain
i don't know ask turning point usa or whoever came up with it
He told him to search soiboy tweets of everybody involved in the game so he could show to everybody that this game is cultural marxism.
"culture war" "cultural marxism" "own the libs"
you are like a jigsaw puzzle of mental retardation
but we're not even on /pol/
It just means when right leaning people adopt far left tactics but it's okay when they do it because it's to own the far left.
asks the frogposter
>Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.
help guys compiling lists of people is not ok
you are a serious person that should have the right to vote
Cultural marxism is a real thing, tho.
>complain about SJWs hunting down every single developer on any newly announced game and scouring years worth of posts until they find something "offensive" to crucify them over
>then do the exact same thing yourselves but in the opposite political direction
if the game itself is fine, then who gives a shit? If anything I'm more worried after looking him up and not seeing a stellar body of work (only notable thing I came across was "original concept" for mighty switch force) than whatever his retarded political opinions are.
i'm sure there's some definition of own the libs that's possible and if you have an eye infection an understanding of cultures as a symbiotic superorganism in competition could be described as war
but let's not kid ourselves about the utility of these phrases in our discourse
>"when they go low, we kick'em!"
Do you really want to be like those people?
Reminder that the original Kunio and Double Dragon creator is a Japanese right-winger who fully supports Trump.
tit-for-tat is the best strategy, actually, but i'm purely motivated to annoy someone that wastes my time being a faggot on this image board
And now an entry in the series is being directed by a lefty. Who says the left and right can't work together!
>scouring years worth of posts
They were made like 4 days ago.
>he deleted them
He's afraid.
They don't have a single ounce of empathy for me. They would kill me if they could get away with it.
I sure love how every single thread always ends up like this.
>tit-for-tat is the best strategy
lol not if you actually want shit to change and/or deescalate, you dummy. If you want to show that the narrative is false, the best thing you can do is not play into it.
>They don't have a single ounce of empathy for me. They would kill me if they could get away with it.
If all you want to do is go on a liberal murder spree, california is right over there, user. Go for it. If you want to see those parasites excised from society though, you'll have to be more thoughtful and less petty.
>the lead dev is a big fucking sexual predator and even Tumblr sees him for the creep he is
You're welcome.
But I don't wanna kill them. I just use their commie methods against them.
I just wanna play as cute girls and beat up all the boys.
no it is always good unless you intend to completely destroy an opponent and will ultimately demonstrate the utility in co-operating instead of aggressing
you will never win by getting owned repeatedly
you've flanderized your "enemies" and mistaken the squeaky wheels for the actual meat
Shitposters have ruined the board and mods are too busy deleting video game threads to deal with it.
this board used to be dead and then it was shitposting
there was never a point where it was good
I'd rather it be dead.
you sound well
Yea Forums was always better talking offtopic shit than actually talking vidya. Are deepsea threads still a thing?
If the choices are rampant shitposting nonstop forever or a couple of people get to actually talk about video games on the video games board but it's slow, I'd take the latter.
Not him, but there's already proof in this thread.
you're in luck, hosting is extremely cheap
Not him. He's a designer, not a dev.
He's literally the game's director.
>save the boyfriends
That's actually very good. And hot desu.
>"stuff written by older men about teenage girls is automatically cringe."
Oh hell no. I hope this asshole doesn't negatively affect the game in any way.
wayforward games are not noteworthy for their writing in the first place
fortunately it's a beat 'em up and not a 40 hour rpg
I really do wish he could obtain sex for his blatant pandering. He probably really needs it.
They don't have boyfriends, they arent real..... you can jack off to them all you want and no one is gonna care.
this is pathetic but only chads here would notice this
>wayforward games are not noteworthy for their writing in the first place
But their games are good, right? At least I want this upcoming game to be good.
>tfw you will never get saved from a kidnapping by your girlfriend.
there are a lot of licensed projects that i wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, but i've played contra 4, bloodrayne betrayal, their shantae games, their mighty switch force games, double dragon neon, ducktales remastered, and the mummy demastered.
the shantae games are kind of fun/cutesy casual games. risky's revenge is a little stripped down, pirate's curse is the most fluid because it doesn't entirely revolve around stance changes, hgh traded time on the game for playable characters i think.
bloodrayne is janky, but it had more challenge than the typical shantae game, which made it interesting for me at least.
ducktales remastered would be a great salvage of the nes game, if it didn't have a bunch of cheap assets made from 3d models. it's worth playing, since ducktales is probably one of the most fun of the easy nes games.
double dragon neon is ok.
the mummy demastered is not bad, but it's a little short for its price. i'm sure they did what they could with the budget they had, and is probably the only thing related to the "dark universe" cinematic universe that i am aware of.
might have missed something, but in general i think their games are ok, and often have good osts. no promises for this game tho
'only decent thing
Why are some of you guys upset that the objective of the game is to save the boyfriends?
they are doing the trollering