ITT games with horseshit controls

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The challenge wasn't in the game itself, but in handicapping the player with dogshit controls? That is how I feel about The Thing.

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Man, I remember that. I was really excited for that game, too.

Shadow of the Colossus. I remember being so excited trying it for the first time in like 2009 after so many years of people gushing about it. Then I played it and it controlled like dogshit. I quit the game after beating the 3rd colossus.

The underwater controls paired with a system that's a literal brick that'll give you carpal tunnel is fucking awful

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Pretty much every game made since the mid-90s.

The thing is literally an unfinished game. Lots of wasted potential. Wish someone would remake it because its the kind of thing that actually would benefit from it.

i thought underwater combat was fun with a bowgun they should have tried to include it in other games but make it less painful for other weapons

im left handed

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