>try to do all the sidequests
>character levels up too fast
>game ceases to be challenging
>no difficulty options
If you do the DLC it only gets worse
Borderlands sucks
Excuse me, but Borderlands is actually the best game ever and you're mistaken friend. You have to beat the game to unlock the next difficulty and who LIKES being underpowered anyway?
TVH Mode
BADASS post my friend, whats your favorite flavor of soi
Why are people mad about Snorederlands 3 being exclusive anyway? This franchise has been shit from the start and was pretty much BTFO by Destiny.
>got borderlands on sale
>run through game solo since no one was playing anymore by then
>alright FPS, but you are forced to follow the path
>wanna go ahead?
>sorry, enemies are too strong, you'll barely scratch them
>everything is a bullet sponge taking entire magazines of ammo to kill by the end
>play siren or tank, or be underpowered compared to either
>don't even think about taking on ultraboss unless siren or with group
>get borderlands 2 as a gift since I wasn't buying that shit
>go to play game solo
>enemies level with you, so you never really get stronger, the numbers just get bigger
>every character is non-stop snarky comments
>dialogue is even worse than first game
>even Tannis went from weirdly obsessive and rapey to LOLSORANDUM
I don't know why anyone bought any game from this series past the first one.
Tannis being lolsorandom is because she has TEH ASSBURGERS now and the writer REALLY wants you to notice
But Zero is the best dude and he has a cool helmet
destiny is even worse
I played the first one for like an hour, it was like playing WoW on an empty server except the quests were even more boring and the starting zone was Durotar but uglier.
>unskippable cutscenes
>boring backtrack
>shit tutorial
>retarded npc personalities
>ugly artstyle
>poor optimization
>crappy hitboxes
>enemies are either bullet sponges or 1-shot
Yeah it's one of the most overrated games of all time. I bought it, BLPS and all the DLC's like 2 weeks ago for $6 on steam sale and I still feel like I was ripped off. I hate it
You skip the backtrack if you quit load
What were you playing on?
>4 games just for the first level at bumfuck 2am in the morning
You're barely figuring this out now? Check the archives if they even go back that far to get your borderlands 2 bashing fix.
It's the perfect skinnerbox
Destiny is actually on the upswing. Even in the court of normie opinion.
Shadowkeep is gonna blow the gates open if they deliver
I really liked it, honestly. I grind my Zero to Level 72 OP8 cause it was the max at the time. Now I can't stand to hit the new cap because I spent so much time on this game that it leaves a bland taste in my mouth if I try now.
Destiny the always online game with no challenge that struggles to make content up to the standards of other games?
ITT friendless spergs
Literally every thread on Yea Forums. Take your marketing elsewhere.
>load up game for the first time since it launched
>not even done the 2nd sidequest
>'ugh it said this was quickmatch'
>'when's the round over'
>forces the rest of the team to carry after ragequitting
Is this the quality of people who play these games now? How do you accidentally start a game's entire campaign?
*Beep Beep* Superior game coming through.
The game gets even worse with friends retard.
Borderlands 2 or TPS? Which one is superior?
i'd say tps, but that's just because of the added mechanics with verticality.