Was TF2's golden age pre or post F2P?
Was TF2's golden age pre or post F2P?
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I still enjoy it
a little bit after f2p came out
Better than overwatch.
It's still in it's golden age. You're truly going to miss it when Valve goes under in your lifetime.
for me, its 2009.
The first 3 months was fun. Became stale after that. When they added more weapons it became shit. I've never seen any game benefit from going free to play
TF2 entered a second golden age once Overwatch started to tank.
Few months after it went F2P.
honestly i've never really felt there was a golden age for TF2, it's always been just perfect the way it is and ive enjoyed it the same since i first played it back in 2012
when meet your match came out and the playerbase doubled for only a day
prae F2P
People communicated and cooperated.
The community was tight, all the sites that accompanied it.
I miss ubercharged.net
TF2 update never
it peaked in Mann vs Machine
Do Jerma and Star not like each other anymore?
I don't know why Uncle Dane continues to make shit for TF2 even when he acknowledges Valve stopped giving a damn about the game years ago.
jerma and star streamed together 3 weeks ago
Pre-Medic update.
Pyromania update
>played for years on 360, loved it
>update to lock classes is released, kills it
>go to try the pc version, learn it has tons of content added on
>Get money in steam wallet
>friend tells me no, wait a week
>do so
>game goes free to play
>saved 20 bucks, lost chance for a handful of old cosmetics
>continue to play off and on again
Its one of a handful of games I keep going back to. Sure I can't aim for shit anymore and I have trouble keeping up with all the weapons, but damn if its not fun for a few hours.
TF2's golden age was pre-hats/new weapons. Period.
The real best era was when you first joined and you experienced the magic of the game for the first time.
Golden Age was when Badlands came out
prove me wrong
Definetely not, the original map pool was too small with only a handful of decent ones
i'll never forget the first time i walked into a brony server, i had no idea what the fucking show was and i kicked out for not spraying porn in spawn.
Sounds based as fuck
For me it was definitely right as f2p went up. All the new content, trading was brand new so very few jews, friends who for some reason couldn't afford 5 bux could now play.
It was all downhill after that though, pre-f2p was easily better. That short time was the greatest apex though.
Probably around 2010-2013. Anything before mannoconomy which fucked all gaming for life is gonna be better though.
It was on the decline before this but Mannconomy update when they introduced microtransactions and trading was the end of the golden age.
Matchmaking killed tf2
The most fun I had playing tf2 was right after it went f2p, I have a folder filled with screenshots where I'm dominating the entire enemy team. If you've never played tf2 before how are you supposed to know to expect the spy and his arsenal of nonsense like the dead ringer? I can't think of another game with a character quite like that.
God I hate tf2 matchmaking so much especially how it wants me to carry retards all the time
Before they nerfed the equalizer
jerma is the only person to actually get better after quitting TF2
This. It's been over 7 years and I'm still fucking pissed it got nerfed.
>handful of old cosmetics
Just one ugly hat and you could still get it by buying the orange box.
>Replay training levels
>Immediately feel that feel
Even for a few short moments, they were magical.
Any time people tell me BAWW NOT ENOUGH MAPS I laugh and wonder what the fuck they're on.
RT but he's normie shit now.
Mannconomy and the subsequent tradefags really turned the game to shit. There were always pubfags that sucked and played for shits and giggles, but once the tradefags showed up everyone focused more on hats than playing the game. Soon, community servers became even bigger circlejerks than they already were. It didn't help that the biggest trading sites and servers were all community owned and thus, extremely toxic and self aggrandizing.
Although, you could argue that the game was doomed to fail when valve refused to support the 6's format, and left hundreds of tryhards to ravage pub servers for years on end.
It's still in its golden age
Peak TF2 was un-nerfed gunboats, so whatever year that was.
post F2P for like a week
Seconding pre mannconnomy.
The memeing about hats was fine until you literally started to get servers clogged up with people trying to trade instead of playing the goddamn game.
It was during the very first medic update, mainly because the kritzkrieg. Past that, it's mostly been downhill although the new maps and a couple of game changes were good.
Really? Thought the Medic update was kinda needed since Medic used to be a boring class.
What's worse is nobody ever realizes this. Switching from community run servers to CoD-style game-finding butchered the variety of the game.
Sniper vs Spy update
>Valve comes back and butchers TF2 and then leaves again
What the fuck is their problem?
>Implying he wasn't normie shit then
Are you a dustbow/ two fort shitter? Release tf2 had 2 good maps granary and gravel pit
pre-caber nerf
>b4nny gets 8,000 views with professional level play
>Star and Jerma get 2 million views just dicking around having fun
Valve: we need to appeal to the competitive players
Uber update was the peak of tf2
retards will disagree
Goddamn please take me back
Oh BOY I am so nostalgic for the days of pubs with ads, cancer plugins and general unstable connections!
People switched over to pubs because they're better under most aspects, if community servers were "so much better" and if everybody supposedly hates pubs, then why did everybody switch?
Pre Gun mettle
also benny's most entertaining stuff is when he plays pub anyways. Professional matches are so fucking boring
Personally, post.
Got the game in 2009, but it wasnt until f2p that I had any irl friends get into it.
Most of them have now bought at least something in it, but the 20$ barrier can turn alot of players away.
I also don't think tf2 would realistically still be in the top 15 without it.
>sold my Gentle Mann's Service Medal for 50$ back in 2011
spent it on beer
After the Mannconomy update the general quality and care Valve put into updates went down even while profits went up. Even Mann vs Machine was conceived as an overly long lootbox first and game mode second. That update itself was the beginning of Valve's terrible throughput in general, probably one of the worst things to happen in PC games. Gaben himself more or less characterized Portal 2 as a negative for the company due to the lack of easy revenue. It may have been better for everybody if TF2 fell flat on its face after 3 solid years and was reduced to just a core group of players running their own servers.
They need to be split in two, they became culturally very different games.
Golden age of pre F2P was Engineer update
Golden age of F2P was uber update and a second peak with the Merasmus halloween update. It was all downhill from there.
Absolute peak was shortly after MvM
When did you stop playing, bros? For me it was when they nerfed the axetinguisher. It was really just the last straw. Because even one of the two worst classes in the game isn't allowed to have nice things.
There were plenty that were far fucking better you retard. Any server worth their salt before matchmaking had barely any of that shit and were commonplace. After matchmaking got introduced, all those community servers had to switch to ads and plugins to stay alive until they died off from lack of new players, who were all getting conditioned to the lifelessness that was valve's pub servers.
Post F2P. Also, I think we can all agree that no matter where we place the golden age it's definitely before Meet Your Match.
God Halloween from 2011-2014 was kino as fuck
the best part of the release was how they made the game unplayable for about a week since they eliminated vote-kicks and hackers were everywhere, and the 1/100 games that weren't ruined by hackers had 90% of the losing team leave at halftime
Not that I stopped, but I felt the burn sometime after the updates slowed to a crawl. Think it was after the Love and War update, or close to Expiration Date.
when they nerfed the base jumper, and turned a reliable trolldier loadout back into luckswing
Finally dropped it for good a little after matchmaking was introduced.
Around 2014-ish. Every server in my favorites, even the popular 24/7 populated modded ones were disappearing off my favorites list. When communities forums for those servers shut down, I just uninstalled.
>I don't know why Uncle Dane continues to make shit for TF2
one trick pony
Speaking as a P2P, it was a bit after F2P update. You had this giant influx of new, fresh players (with enough of them getting decent enough to play against) and the experience on community servers was actually 10/10.
>That feel when you're still sticking with the game for a decade but all the friends you made that were regulars to the servers you went moved on.
I still enjoy the game so I can't relate. It's hard to complain about it when they've gone above and beyond in terms of longevity. I'm just happy it's not a dead game.
For me it was when they removed set bonuses. Sniper croc set and pyro gas station attendant set were both fun as fuck
It was borderline P2W for some.
Pre-Mannconomy, any other answer is objectively reddit.
2012 was the perfect year
>quick play and community servers were both playable
>mvm added to the game
>only weapon variants were strange, festive, and botkiller (no unusual festive battle-scarred war paint sniper rifles to confuse you)
>game wasn't filled with paintable shirts and other distracting shit, most player models were bearable to look at (remember when flames were the most obnoxious effect?)
>only one taunt slot, no conga and kazotsky kick friendly autism
>no iron bomber, no rescue ranger
>only great map additions after the year are process, banana bay, swiftwater
>game files bloated with halloween restricted items / maps now
i don't have much else to say since i joined immediately when mvm came out, but it all went downhill when we saw the robo and summer updates that were just hats
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
The fuck do you live that community servers are dead?
They're flourishing in Australia. 32 player push cart/control point random map servers with mates, shit talking and banter on the mic. Apart from uglier hats the game is largely unchanged since 2012
They weren't that hard to get though
Any pre F2P anons here? I still have the CD Case for this game.
>i don't have much else to say since i joined immediately when mvm came out
Fucking disgusting
I made a point to get all unique weapons without buying shit and it was very very tedious at the time
>then why did everybody switch?
Because Valve introduced quickplay and made it the default go-to for newer players. Nobody 'switched', new players were mostly introduced to quickplay and never needed to use server-finder which got buried.
Nigga neon green/pink scouts were the worst. I vividly remember raging over those unusual hat-wearing fucks.
Not a chance considering some of the responses in this thread
I've played on and off since 2008.
My hangout servers basically vanished overnight sometime around MvM and that was basically it. I wanna go back man
TF2 community is clingy as fuck, if someone as big as dane tried to leave they would murder him
Playing Hydro when it was still possible to after switching to PC from 360 was the most fun I had in TF2
Definitely not fucking true because it remained solid past medic update and the best map, Badwater, was added after release.
I still miss being able to browse regular servers, I wish they didn't get rid of that. Also it feels like there are a lot less community servers but I might just be crazy
The Orange Box era of tf2. After playing Half life and Portal then having no expectations for TF2, booting it up and falling in love with the clean simplicity of the game, playing dustbowl and 2fort over and over again.
>The fuck do you live that community servers are dead?
Ain't saying community servers are dead, I'm saying the ones I played on died. It's like having favorite pubs you like to go to, see familiar faces to fight and fuck around with, shutting down and everyone splitting off to new places or new games altogether. I could only take that so much.
>Playing TF2 for the first time during high school
>Get into post rock and listen to it while playing
>Friends talking to me about going out most nights
>Actually have a gf as well
Every time I think of TF2 it reminds me of some of the happiest times in my life, even if I was fucking awful at the game
No you aernt, community servers have been dying for years. Its all gimmicks and trade servers now, and even then there are still slot less now thsn a couple years ago
Started playing when it was new, played for years. Sometimes I try to get back into it but it doesn't feel the same, most of what has been added feels like clutter but maybe that's just me
pre f2p
any game that goes f2p is plagued with hacker niggers who can make new accounts on the fly
May have? It definitely would have been better if mannconomy never happened. Even if it meant TF2 dying early.
For all the fantastic gameplay design the TF2 team was responsible for, their exploration and innovation in creating virtual economies was awful for the game itself, and the industry at large.
Everything until MvM
I think the first signs of any questionable design was the Heavy update, but you can only see that retrospectively and it wasn't until the Sniper&Spy update that the cracks were visible and until the first community weapons update that they were solidified. Even at the time it was plainly obvious that they were inching towards a cash shop model from that point on.
I played until about a month ago, and only stopped because I've been playing other things
F2P wasn't even bad, just meant that the faggot kids who already populated the game could stop using their older siblings account if they wanted to shit up a trade idle server. What really killed TF2 is simple: significant updates slowing to a single drop every 2-3 years.
It's understandable since it's a super old ass game and the vast majority of people have since moved on to new games/real life as they have done in the past. TF2 still plays fine too (other than the server browser getting completely fucked when they began implementing matchmaking) so it's not as if it died because it became worse mechanically, plus there's the fact that even though it isn't played that much anymore you still can see and hear TF2 all over the internet, even fucking normies can recognize SoldierAgonizingPain3.ogg when it isn't a piece of TF2 related media. That's an out-of-game legacy few games seldom enjoy.
>Played on 360
lmfao how very unfortunate
TF2 has always been plagued with hackers, so has every other Valve game because VAC is objectively fucking useless.
No need to make a new account if your first one never gets banned.
Oh yeah I'm saying the medic update was good (maybe not needed, but a good addition), and that after the update, it all went downhill (and considering the heavy update was the next update, pretty quickly too).
And really it's not surprising that it went downhill, any game using the continuous development or the "games as a service" approach is on a timer until things go to shit; it's inevitable and there hasn't been an exception yet.
Not just variety. You lose out on a lot of choice (the most you get is choosing the game mode and the maps you would like to play, and I'm pretty sure they only run official maps), any sense of community died (no more servers with regulars and people you'd recognize over time, and even the in-game chat seems dead most of the time) and it's much harder to find servers where the average skill level is high.
Face it, you're just a lazy dipshit who's too stupid to filter servers in the browser.
I feel alot of people who played in it's inception feel the same way. I started exactly at the beginning of 2010 and iirc new weapons were already in and hats were really early.
It sucks but it needed to happen, almost every soldier was carrying it
Yep. 09 here.
I hate what this game has become.
>you're just a lazy dipshit who's too stupid to filter servers in the browser
I'm actually pretty good at filtering servers.
>ping : under 50
>map : jump_
Boom, the only important community servers are there.
Also I get banned from community servers if the admin doesn't like me, pubs let me do whatever I wnana do.
Around 2008-2009. Back when Yea Forums servers were a regular thing and actually competed against eachother
The only time I can enjoy a proper community server experience now is through the Party Van during the weekends. I can't find anything populated besides trade and skial servers these days
>the first time you played TF2 is more than a decade ago
Shame the "main" party van has complete faggots for admins
The community servers were already depopulating before matchmaking ever happened honestly, well, save for the gorillion trade, idle, mario_kart, death run, and vsh servers which are still just as plenty today. Nemu's came back and opened a third server though, that was fun to learn.
To think TF2 began as some sort of positive posterchild for continuous and totally free updates, only to ultimately lead the way on the road to hell. That we can attribute the death of Half Life to the influence of TF2/Mannconomy says it all. This game lived long enough to become the villain.
Yeah, pretty much what I thought.
Do they still get away with shit like "ask the cheaters nicely to stop?"
i joined for free so me bad for no reason :(
Even without the damage bonus, the escape plan is still OP. I don't see why they needed to be separated.
Could have just added the marked for death attribute.
>ask the cheaters nicely to stop
Nope, they've started banning anyone that upsets Chug or one of Chugs cocksuckers for "cheating" despite it not actually being the case.
>but you can only see that retrospectively
To be fair it was hard to gauge the shit additions at release since they didn't work for a couple of years.
Teek still gets live every now and then.
every game of upward there's a hacking sniper
today I played a game where both teams had two snipers hacking while being pocketed by a vac medic
There was a period where they hated each other. The story is something along the lines of Star thinking Jerma's girlfriend is a cunt or something (which she kinda is), and then they stopped talking for a while. But they eventually made up youtube.com
you disgust me
furry pound
half the people who play there are tryhard 6v6 players and the other half are drooling furry retards, it's kinda funny
AIDS POOL all the way.
although, I felt like that was a Yea Forums server, not a Yea Forums server.
>tfw we'll never have those oddball servers ever again
I like how you answered only the last comment and not the previous three
>Ree why won't you play on community servers
>Orange 24/7 low grav 100% crits
>2fort RTD !givemeitems
>Trading plaza v5.6
>HIGHERTOWER randomizer
>all of this shit times 1000
>i'm somehow a lazy shit for not wanting to browse through those to land on a 2/24 server
I'm still banned from micspamming those fags back in '09
Can't believe the SAME server is still alive, with the same blacklist it's been growing since launch.
yes you are
when they practically banned sprays
>ywn be excited to get home from school and join your favorite idle server to chill with your friends, and partake in shenanigans
>you disgust me
why, because you could never get past the walls section of jump_academy or something?
Poor me guess I'll just click on the join casual button and join a valve server like a zoome- *match found*
The most I played TF2 was pre-matchmaking on official valve servers. The few community servers I played were only good when it was populated by members or entirely random people. Any time there are random players and a "premium" player they just abuse team-swapping crap to make games one-sided.
Matchmaking system ruined the game, along with all the stupidass "competitive" experience crap guilt-tripping you or even punishing your queueing ability for leaving one-sided games.
Also contracts is a fucking stupid concept that only works in a vaccum.
>max players 24
>server not full, has users playing
>max ping 100
>include nocrits (optional but it got rid of 95% of shit servers and of a shit mechanic)
Holy shit look at that, plenty of playable servers.
I'll amend my original statement, you're not just lazy but also retarded.
TF's golden age was pre-TF2.
Everything went to shit after they added quick play and started favoring valve servers over community servers, the final nail of the coffin was Meet Your Match
screenshot it shitlord.
As if that isn't still full of garbage modded crap.
Kek retard even when you do that there are like 2 viable servers, all the rest is fucking 2fort turbine hightower dustbowl no fucking thanks
I don't think anybody fucking liked matchmaking, it meant you can't just join a valve server with a map you wanted immediately and have to join as a group with your friends if you want to play with them.
TF2 had the best prop hunt
>Wait for server to load
>Join match
>Match instantly ends and instead of going onto a team scramble and restarting the map we go into map voting
>have to wait to play
I hate this update
I can't screenshot anything dumbass, that was for when community servers were still alive.
get tf2 vintage bros, its a mod that aim to bring the old golden days.
The game was good until introduced Matchmaking
Seriously. it was fine, there was NO REASON to add it.
that shit killed TF2 hard.
They should´ve kept matchmaking ONLY for ranked matches or whatever they were trying to do with Meet your match update.
That shit was hideous and the game will never recover from it now unless they straight up remove it.
but before that? great, excellent. it was very fun to pick up and enjoy.
Anyone who says "pre-mannconomy" or "before f2p" are just butthurt failed normies who jumped on the bandwagon and missed out on all the good updates.
>Every single Valve Source Engine game requires or will inevitably require mods (or pirated original copies) to be playable
Kind of funny, really.
2009-2010 was tf2’s community peak. You may disagree if you are a purist or a zoomer but it was the height of server creativity.
>All those hours lost playing balloonfort, toyfort, zombie escape, warioware, 2fort_classic, etc.
Take me back
reminds me that the mayority that """valve""" created are just mods that became full games
mayority of games* FUCK
Before the Engineer update.
now. still tons of folks playing, and it's still a great place to fuck around. it was fun back then, but it's fun now too
Pre hats.
It started to went into trade/idle simulator after it.
No thanks, I’m waiting for TF2 Classic’s update to come out. And even when that does happen, both communities will likely shrivel up not long afterward.
I'll never have a cheater's lament. at least I got the borderlands spy face before they pulled the card game off steam.
You’re a fucking moron and clearly weren’t around for those regular 24 slot community servers without any of that shit. Your opinion is invalid.
F2P, pre tough break. That's were it actualy went downhill.
>tfw it got so bad that one server basically died twice and another was so empty with just randoms playing that you started making it your own in turn getting perma banned thrice
>join a game of advanced MvM
>guy with no cosmetics and no steam avatar goes DPS scout and dies all game
>lose the round, everyone leaves
Every fucking time. Why do these retards not join the easier stages?
For me? It was achievement_apg.
There can only be 2 types of Pyro mains, why is that?
pre degreaser + axtinguisher nerf
>Go into pub
>Stomp the fuck out of it
>Leave without saying a word
The life of a ghost is lonely
Retard that only annoys you when he kills you that one time with w+m1 and retard that never kills you but annoys with pointless flaregun across the entire map and retarded airblast.
>go into pub
>make a sentry nest on the intel
>start insulting the living fuck out of every random person i kill
>every time someone says im salty tell them i fucked their mother
I swear there's always that Pyro who thinks he's hot shit for stomping pubs with a medic on him, but then gets bitchy in chat when the other team gets their shit together. Usually using that stupid "fair and balanced" bind that spastics use.
I swear the only person that actually liked Matchmaking TF2 on Yea Forums that I saw was a 2fort shitter who played by camping his engineering nest in sewers or intel while eating his lunch.
That's how hated matchmaking was, nobody even bothers to defend it.
>playing custom games all day with the boys on ventrilo
>24/7 dustbowl servers
>Before going to bed would start my hat farming bot
>wake up to easy items and rare hats
Take me back bros
Where are people getting these Engineer fests on 2fort? Every time I play that map it's just one scout capping the intel while nobody else plaus the objective then it's over.
You see. There are games that end fast with like i dont know 15 people on the server annnd there are games that never end with usually 30 players non stop where you basically have to get really lucky to join. Before this shit tier update you could invite buddies to join so shit like this was 10 times more popular but now its just a matter of luck.
>That one retard that always talk shit in chat but when he dies he doesnt' say shit
>gets a kill and goes back to talk shit
MARIO_KART... home...
>ywn rocket jump all the way up the building and shoot crit rockets directly into red spawn
>Ywn play a full server of harbl hotel, cyberpunk, mariokart, or dustbowl on a careless summer day a decade ago again
I always talk shit for the sake of it.
>ywn switch to spectator mode and unironically jack off to the hidden portal porn
>be decent sniper
>get streak of headshots from split second twitch shooting
>get accused of hacking and kicked
>Matchmaking for all the core control point maps
>It always puts me into Egypt
>More often than dustbowl
I fucking hate the map now
Unironically youtube e-celebs and streamers do, because they can pubstomp with their 6 friends and not have hackers join in and switch to the other team to kill them.
>the hackusations after taking off all my cosmetics and topping the scoreboard
tell me the kind of player that you hate
>furries in general
no matter what everytime i see one in the scoreboard i usually disconect
Only reason it happens so much especially on EU servers is the stupid amount of hackers and botting. Medic bots are more common though
Pyro really, really needed his flare gun.
>be default heavy
>display the smallest amount of gamesense
>keep killing obvious spies and rolling over the enemy team by just looking at them
>kicked by own team for cheating
furries and russians
No he didn't.
Sad how they even abandoned this in favor of dota. The update with heavy changes has probably been dropped too.
“Pro” players who are actually crutchlets who wear the stock “pro“ player hats and use the same shitty sidegrade weps like black box + concheror. I literally go out of my way to kill them they piss me off so much. Often they are furries, in 2012-2014 they were bronies
you wouldn't have gotten the cheater's for buying the game anyway, it was only for having owned it and not used the idling program in 2009 when hats first came out.
>Guy who has unique binds after every kill
>Only one bind when he dies
Scout main here.
Yes I have Schadenfreude bound to a key.
Are community servers dead?
harbl_hotel... Home.
Are there even any tf2 youtubers left now?
Before those fucking retarded conga taunts and """"friendlys""""" Be a faggot and don't play the game on 2Fort or something not on an actual objective gamemode.It's always some legit zoomer who is horrible at the game and wants to do the "IM NOT EVEN TRYING KICK ANONNIGGER49 IM A FRIENDLY HOOVY :(:(" shtick.
For the most part.
>Uncle Dane
off the top of my head
Fake ass shit.
I can't believe they actually removed sprays. Spraying the starting area was such a big part of the fun culture.
blame CS:GO
I swear pro-competitive TF2 Youtubers are the fucking cancer that killed TF2. I miss fun ones like Jerma.
was it actually removed? I thought it was just disabled by deafult.
>be scout, playing with randos
>most of my team is shit
>the top scorer on enemy team is a heavy with a permapocket medic
>he be talking shit
>point out hes playing the easiest class in the game with a pocket
>kill him a few times
>teams scramble
>he ends up on my team and votekicks me
how can the tf2 community be so based yet so cringe at the same time
I more meant people that more or less solely do tf2, like back in tf2's heyday. Purple does really great videos but he doesn't upload too often. Dane also doesn't a whole lot. Funke hasn't done tf2 in a long time.
The only one I'd really consider a tf2 youtube in the classical sense would be soundsmith since he uploads gameplays fairly often.
that's mario kart you dumbass bitch
mario kart 2 doesn't have that bigass pipe at the back
mid F2P
You see. The based part about every community is the cringe part of the community.
server??? I need a solid reason to play again
It went downhill after the totalwar shit was added
I can tell it's not the OG MARIO_KART from the tower in the background, the pool on top of the tunnel, and the grass texture.
well it aint mariokart2
I just want to play Wacky Races one more time
Daily reminder to avoid that discordfag Merapsco's consecutive failed party van revivals
No thats dm_mariokart2, a seperate map competely to MARIO_KART.
>enemy team has a hacker
>they acknowledge it and refuse to vote kick them
>hacker gets autobalanced to our team
>our team kicks him immediately
>new player joins the enemy team
>it's another hacking sniper
Don't vote kick the hackers on your team when the enemy doesn't votekick theirs you fucking cockmonglers
FUCK I forgot about this map. those were some prime times man
>going cloak spy to stop the bridge
I dont see why people hate iron bomber. It made pipe demo more fun to play but I just cant explain why
Before F2P.
Everyone claiming otherwise is a filthy BR.
user...it was the GOLDRUSH update...and i still remember it like it was yesterday.
>play casual dustbowl
>usually has the same tryhard retards in a group that kick anyone who isnt playing meta and bitches at every moment
>avoids auto balance too until the server dies
>find them atleast twice a week
Why are people like this?
glaring pink / green painted faggots
anyone that tries to be a fashion model with scout
anyone that doesnt at least have a gold medal
anyone that mains sniper that doesnt taunt after each kill
anyone with an obnoxious unusual
bottom of the scoreboard spies
that guy who always covers up the lewd sprays with his one
2015ish, when the last of my favorite community servers finally died.
We were this close to greatness
this close.
>formerly ster and jerma
I keep forgetting which team I'm on.
I liked CS:S more.
Pre sandman and flying guilliotine nerf
The main thing ow got right is making 6v6 standard. The only way to play tf2 is 16v16 or some retarded game mode, why can't I just play the game as it was intended.
Fuck you, that was the peak of online videogames, why cant we go back HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>guy who always covers up the lewd sprays with his one
how based
Fuck I used to have 3600h logged in TF2 (idling included, got the halo though so fuck em).
I even remember being a member of some Elite Spy Group that did spy trick videos. Jesus christ TAKE ME BACK
implying jews even exist
Ask anyone if competitive focus was good for overwatch and they'll usually say no. 6v6 is unfun and stressfull, 16v16 lets you just have fun.
>as it was intended
>9 classes to pick for at least 9 people in the team so scaling it up its 16v16
>the way the game was intended to play
>compfags force their 6v6 logic banning every class banning every weapon pushing on their rollout tactics and reducing this game to boring simulator
Compfags are diesase of this game and the thing that brought the worst update to tf2 basically ruining something that was doing its job better than most of the competetors for straight 10 years.
>why can't I just play the game as it was intended
so 9v9?
trade_abstract2. Home...
More like 12v12 for general play, which is close
that poster is still a dumbass
>Gaben himself more or less characterized Portal 2 as a negative for the company due to the lack of easy revenue.
Source? Holy fuck, if true Steam really killed Valve.
It was at its prime when that kitty0706 guy made team fabulous 2
Servers are for 32 players and maps are for 32 players. If you want full tf2 expirience filled with taunts crits death mutilation and wackines you get 32 players in one game.
underrated correctpost
The TF2's golden age is yet to come, that is when all the faggots move on
>someone sprays Cheese Pizza in BLU spawn
>that file is cached onto your hard drive from valves official servers, which would be huge problem for them
>alternatively, some genius found a way to embed malware into a spray
its no wonder they removed it
>I will never sticky jump onto a sniper and caber kill them ever again
thanks banny, I'm glad you fucks got your way and convinced the dev team to nerf fun in the name of comp 6v6 that no one plays
I have an idea. Now i need a plan.
Golden age was first wave of items and hats. It all went to shit after that.
Meet your Match was the equivalent of Valve making a visit and just slicing TF2's head off so clean that both the body and head still thought they were alive.
Then they undid all the buffs and Meet Your Match brought and that was the equivalent of them dicing the decapitated body's legs off.
I remember when we still thought MvM's launch with it being literally unplayable for the first week and the stupid tour of duty tickets were the biggest trainwreck Valve had done to TF2.
>lights up the whole screen every second giving me eye strain
Why is this allowed
When they changed the Natascha/Brass Beast damage resist to a 20% when reve'd to only activate when under 30% hp, effectivly making it result in a whooping extra 15 health.
I was beyond mad but I still had my Hou-Long Heatmaker touched and in perfect side-grade status until I came back during Jungle Inferno to see that they royally fucked it with a damage reduction and a retarded "extra damage to ignited players" conditional, turning it from a side-grade to a straight fucking downgrade.
Everything I loved about Heavy ended up getting nerfed but the murder of Hou-Loung was just too fucking far, "fixing" something that didnt need to be fixed.
>tfw tf2 gives me headaches because it's the only game that has constant framedips and particles out the ass burning my eyes
This. All sorts of custom content servers slowly died when this happened. RIP surf servers.
Pre f2p. When it was a simple shooter with fun gameplay and a carefully crafted balance.
Go watch the developers commentary, basically all of their design tenants went out the window the second they decided to add loot boxes and new weapons.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why I can't see sprays in TF2. I hear the sound, it's enabled in settings, but I don't see anything. Any ideas?
Sprays don't download in valve servers, so even though another player does the spraying action and you hear the sound, nothing appears for you because there's nothing for the game to display.
Golden age is pre-everything being nerfed. It was pure, unfiltered, raw FUN.
>community of 200 people say demo shouldn't be able to 1 shot pick medic from across the map with caber
>community of 60,000 people LITERALLY don't even know about that community of 200 people
>Valve listens to the group of 200 anyway
Pre-Any Class updates
Adding in stupid alt weapons fucked the game.
Most people really, really won't. It's just something to do at this point until new games come around. It's genuinely not fun anymore.
yep. now its clown fest of retards.
2011 for me.
It’s where I met all my close friends I still have to this day. We are all over the country but meet up very regularly.
TF2 had that magic where you could just join a server and find some bros in no time. I do miss it.
if u wear pyrovision u can see others sprays
when i got scammed by some scriptkiddie while trading expensive unusuals
>put my unusual hat up
>he puts up his
>both ready & accept
>before trade completes his hat suddently turns into fucking scrap metal
>just lost $900 hat
sold my entire inventory to a steamrep mod for less than 70% of what it was originally worth because i wanted to quit asap. i'm aware that i'm a retard for buying digital items but at least i'm a bit more wise with my money now.
why would you lie to someone like that
>TF2 had that magic where you could just join a server and find some bros in no time. I do miss it.
TF2 was probably the last big fps where you could do this
gaming is dead
>mfw this thread
fuck, forgot the music
Heavy update killed it. Anyone who disagrees is underage.
Blasting shit players (and even good ones) as a scout never, ever, ever gets old for me, I can sit there for fucking hours doing it.
Favourite weapon in games like quake, doom etc. were always shotguns and the fact scout goes fast makes it even better
Fact: The last of Team Fortress 2's soul and playability was lost after Tough Shit and Meet Your Rage.
i bet people dont even play custom maps anymore
custom maps were always the best part of tf2
comp faggots and sv_pure ruined games
I remember playing on servers with gnatfreak while he was recording. I miss those days. Some of his vids are a blurry memory of being there. I miss it.
I read you. Whether it's official maps, zombies, prop hunt, dodgeball, hotel hell. You fucking name it. I'll always be able to meet plenty of people having fun messing about. TF2 going downhill is a shame, but what's even more depressing is having nothing else that can emulate that experience.
I just want server browsers back. Fuck this matchmaking garbage.
bought the TF2/Gmod double pack
Yknow every time I feel the itch to reinstall, I read shit like this and it reminds me that it's not the same game in spirit anymore.
>murderball custom map
>had rtd on the server
>rolled noclip, backstabbed some opponents, stole their ball and sat out of bounds until they quit
Good times. Part of the charm of tf2 were the bugs and glitches. Patching everything out made the game more fair but also more boring, like a completely flat field.
>playing Hatism Simulator 2 when Overwatch exists
Post F2P, pre MYM. Community servers were at their peak. Playing on the same server every week and bantering with the other regulars was comfy as fuck.
I first played in beta, so nope. tc_hydro was the most popular map and demo had 6 pipes. It was fun but by no means the best era.
Pretty sure Overwatch has less players than TF2 nowadays
pre-f2p for sure
there were actual communities built around servers, everyone paid for the game so they were less likely to cheat (risk of being VAC banned was higher, instead of now where you can just make throwaway accounts because it's free), less russian trade spammers because they didn't want to pay to play, and this is back before valve added a million tiny variation weapons into the game, so it was a more consistently balanced experience with clear rules
Yeah and Valve still makes good games
not that i've stopped playing but man, i really don't like the recent nerfs
caber is fucking dead
sandman's useless
dr & ambassador suck now (thank god they're at least still playable
The Righteous Bison should be turn into a railgun
Prove me wrong
The axetinguisher nerf was completely retarded. The weapon already had stiff competition with the powerjack becoming the default melee option and the backscratcher being a niche option. Valve has always been pretty terrible at balance but that and the bison nerf is when I knew there was a new balance team that had absolutely no idea what they were doing in charge.
My first hiatus was a little while after going F2P. The final one was at MvM.
Tried to replay a few months ago, but the game ran WAY worse and it was filled with faggot friendlies and market autists.
>tfw never joined the original party van and never got to experience maximum comfy
kill me bros
The Righteous Bison should be reverted to its original state.
It wasn't a bug, it was the function of the gun you fucking compfags.
Not you user, just compfags in general
First time i stopped was a little after Heavy Update
Then i came back a little before the Mac Update
Then i left after Two Cities
And then i came back after Meet Your Match and been playing since
My relationship with TF2 has been very On/Off over the years
I've played since 2008 and put 5000 hours into the game. None of my friends play anymore, community servers are dead and the matchmaking system sucks. This used to be my favorite game, I thought I was going to play it for many more years but Valve has made so many bad decisions with it over the years.
How? That update was shit, it barely added anything noteworthy.
Natasha was broken and gloves were a straight upgrade to fists
And? The Sandman broke the game way harder than anything in the heavy update. And every update before that had weapons that were straight upgrades. Blutsauger, ubersaw, backburner and axtinguisher were all way better than stock at release.
God i miss original Backburner. Nowadays this shit doesn't even register crits 99% of the time
but Mann vs Machine brought new life into it for a while
rent free
Pre Mann vs Machine was truly the peak.
orange map payload servers where mods worked.
They play together again, watched one of their streams where they played Deep Rock Galactic.
im not tho, i think?
No one seems to realize that the CRIT and MINI CRIT markers still show above cloaked spies, I love pulling out the Crit-a-Cola and watching the hackusations roll in.
What is this exactly, and how active is the playerbase?
I genuinely get cravings for frags while I'm away on holiday without my pc. No other game gives me my fix.
I've not traded in a long time, but I'm pretty sure if someone changes their item last second, you have to click ready and accept again.
The Heavy update was fun not for the unlocks (those were awful) but because ever game would have a ton of heavies.
It was like a weird paradox, you'd think having lots of heavies everywhere would cause the game to slow down but it actually sped things up considerably.
Why people spread fake rumours?
They have said multiple times, after a heated DnD season, people thought that they got mad at and didnt talk to each other for more than a year, but what really happened was that they made up the same night of the incident off camera, but jerma had this idea of making a joke out of it, it was supposed to only be for a month or so, but things keept getting in the way.
I wish I did find one of the streams where they explain this shit, all I remember was that in one of them star was playing overwatch and he started ranting on the main menu for like 1 hour, about how people started to spread fake rumours and outing him as a bad guy cuz jerma is so friendly
>32man 24/7 dustbowl
>32man badwater/goldrush
So fucking comfy. Just join in and fuck around with a healthy bunch of regulars
Go to 1:18:58
Ster literally came to his house and pissed on his couch that's how mental he is.
It's had ups and downs. I kinda gave up when the nerfed sandwich among other fun weapons. Gave heavy some gimmicky stupidity to engage in.
Now populated by retarded redditors
i main spy with 2k h
They suffer the same issues with the only real difference being that there are 10+ year old bugs in TF2, whereas the oldest bugs in OW can only be as old as the game. Neither will be fixed, too.
i joined immediately after it went f2p and i think it was great from 2011-2013
>tfw didn't have a problem with matchmaking at first
>got nostalgic tried to find a mario kart server
>only like 2 are left and they're fucking dead
I get it now. I truly do.
>tfw all the servers I frequent shut down because owners moved on to mobashit
Pre-F2P was true kino TF2 where of course you still had retards but they took up two or 3 slots at the most instead of 10
The netcode was far more stable
The models weren't gimped
Every community server wasn't trade_minecraft_neon
The game didn't crash all the time like it does now
>tfw installing tf2 right after beating episode 2 and portal on the orange box
you're probably just burned out from playing it too much.
I started playing after the Medic, Heavy, and Pyro updates. I think somewhere around the Demo update is when it went to shit. Engineer, Sniper, and Spy updates were fine IIRC.
Free to play
Anything after the Goldrush update was a step in the wrong direction
Doesn't help that Yea Forumsirgins actively ruin the game by doing this either just because they want to dab on f2ps
When are they releasing the battle royale mode?
Scout update was when I started having less fun.
Racked up more hours hacking this than actually playing this for real.
Shit's fun to do, I get away with it everytime and I don't give a fuck. I spit and dab at the dead playerbase lmao.
Kinda funny how this reaction pic is actually take from him laughing so hard he cried at a “screaming and farting” comp video.
TF2 will never have a true successor because everyone learned the wrong lessons from it, including Valve themselves.
What people should have learned from TF2:
>Good graphics and perfect visual clarity can co-exist
>Shooters are more fun for everyone involved when hitscan weapons are kept on a leash
>Assault rifles make player interactions really boring and by removing them entirely you open the door to a huge amount of variety
>Quake may be dead, but people will still accept certain aspects of the arena shooter (for example people are fine with rocketjumping but are alienated by bunnyhopping)
What they actually learned from TF2:
>mircrotransactions are easy money
(first) heavy update, scout update was also pretty good, i fondly remember exploring all creative jumps and so forth, spy update with the incredibly op ambasaddor was something anything before the whole hats system really
i still remember laughing at the whole cosmetics things and valve trying to profit that much from semi rpg/crafting elements in an arcade shooter, not knowing a year or two year later servers with the sole purpose of crafting and trading would be set up and 13 year olds will use the game as their first economy simulator. fuck nu valve and fuck gabe newell for ditching fps games and the hl series
2009-2011 was peak TF2 imo. Could just be nostalgia talking though since I still enjoy it these days but back then it did seem comfier.
Back when the only maps on some server rotations were harbl hotel, cyberpunk, whacky races, the blimp map, zombie survival maps, fort wars, and Mario cart variants
The most frustrating thing for me is knowing why Competitive Mode is such a disaster, how they could fix it overnight if they wanted to, and how literally no one ever even talks about it. It's always retarded reasons like
>muh ctf_turbine isn't Competitive
>muh weapon restrictions
>muh class limits
Every notice how Competitive matches never start 9 times out of 10? You ever think that just doesn't make sense? Well yeah, it doesn't make sense at all. The reason matches never get off the ground is because of the DirectX 9.0 limit. You see, if someone tries to join a Competitive match when they have directx 8.1 or something, TF2 will automatically force their settings to be directx 9.0 so they can join. The result of this is that, if they've already played a game session on directx 8.1, their game will freeze during the loading screen to the Comp match, very likely causing them to time out. If this happens, and they never join, the Comp match never starts.
The result of this is that the other 11 people that spend 30 minutes getting into the match get frustrated and never queue for Competitive ever again. You're also alienating people who need to use directx 8.0 because TF2's optimization sucks dick, and so I need to use a config just to play anymore. The obvious result of all of this is that Competitive has less and less players, making matches and queue times worse, making even LESS players. What a joke. I'm not even a compfag. I hate 6 vs 6 for TF2, as well as the idea of restricting maps, weapons, and classes because you think a heavy at mid is OP, but it's just common fucking sense.
tl-dr: REMOVE the fucking directX 9.0 limit on Comp mode. It may be too late because you're retarded and let this go for 3 fucking years now, but it's the only chance.
I haven't stopped playing the best multiplayer game ever made because I'm not a colossal faggot.
Fuck yeah my dude late night mario kart griefing was fun as fuck
pre, but it was still okay up until meet your match
fuck matchmaking, its complete shit
The TRUE golden age was when 1 key only cost 2.55 - 3.33 Ref, now look at the price. The market is fucked
then there's retarded in-game pop ups that ask why Comp sucks dick, but give retarded options like, "ehhhh I feel so pressured to do well, tf2 is wacky casual hat simulator man". The fact that Comp even has 100 people playing at times is a fucking miracle. The whole thing needs to be scrapped.
When my steam account was hacked and used for cheating in fucking dota 2
Fucking rusniggers
phone to trade caused the game to start dying
meet your match was the final nail is the coffin
being shit but not full blown diarrhea is no cause for celebration
Believe it or not there didn't used to be trading
Crazy I know right
>phone to trade caused the game to start dying
This is another big one. I just want to give away any new weapon I get to newbies, but they're never going to have mobile authentication set up, so it's just a pain. Why is the dev team so retarded. People still get scammed, you just made the situation worse for everyone else.
Post f2p before jungle inferno
T. 2013
i have never understood y comp is 6v6 since there is 9 classes and each class plays a role. the games would be more fun and balanced if you could have all 9 rather then just 6. but stacking 9 medics would be fun.
>can only select one of the following
Are they retarded?
Blame 6 fags. They unironically think shit like
>6v6 is more fun and desirable for the average player
>9v9 is bad and a clusterfuck, no one will know what's going on
>it's important to force them to play 6v6 because it's my favorite competitive format and they should get used to it instead of 9v9
Around the time when there was no workshop yet and the tf2 Emporium was a facepunch thread. You would send items using valves Contribute! page and they looked at almost everything and were fully communicative.
Balancing the game around compfags and nerfing all side weapons was a huge mistake. It's a 12v12 party game. The compfags could ban everything but vanilla if they wanted their meme mode to be balanced.
Friendlies give me both more reason to play and more reason to spend money. Why? Because I'm a sadist and it is of great pleasure for me to bully them, while at the same time taking advantage of their tendencies to betray their team in order to both dominate other players AND deal with script kiddies.
he's a tryhad faggot tho.
The game was originally designed for 8 vs 8, but I would take 9 vs 9 or even 12 vs 12 for a nice tryhard mode where people actually play the damn objective. The most fun I've had in TF2 is when both teams are full of competent players who are trying their best to win. I don't give a fuck if someone wants to go Engineer or use a certain loadout, as long as they're actually playing the game and not sitting in a corner somewhere saying POOTIS XD or doing their epic T-pose scout for Reddit gold.
I want whatever they smoke at Valve HQ, because considering both the past three updates to TF2 and the past three years of sales, events and business decisions it must be some pretty good shit.
Pre, of course. 2009 to be more exact.
its modern valve, of course they're retarded
I don't mind matchmaking
fuck you zoomer
It's so hard to talk about matchmaking because it's a nuanced kind of thing. The original vision of Casual mode was actually good, but it was a failure because they removed the old pubs in the process. Of course people are going to complain when you get penalized for leaving a Casual match. The problem wasn't the mode itself, it was the fact that you took old pubs away. What was Valve's brilliant idea to fix this? Bring back old pubs, right? Nah. Instead let's take a 180 from the original vision of Casual and try to make it more like pubs by re-adding autobalance, removing stopwatch mode, etc. Instead of having Casual and pubs work side by side in tandem, each fulfilling their roles, you get a 50/50 mishmash of both that satisfies neither style. Why the fuck is there autobalance in a mode that supposedly is supposed to have actual winners and losers? Why the fuck doesn't stopwatch mode exist for Payload and A/D?
user...sprays don't work anymore...you haven't played this in years
Hardly an achievement
Lazy is top tier content creator, but he's slow as fuck
>owning a 900$ hat in the first place
tradefags are mentally ill
he probably talking about the old ingame trading client
it is disabled you can activate it bia console, but most retards don't know how to do it so sprays are pretty much dead
Just buff its damage, bro
care to share?
They never hated each other. It was just Yea Forums making up bullshit. Beacuse no one here actually watches their streams.
The medic is the one being pocketed you triple n*gger. Not the nig*er being healed.
>tradefags are mentally ill
Can confirm.
Enable sprays in casual and this will become it.
played on and off till summer 2017 then after the pyro update it got boring in a week, so then
The golden age is the age I used to make 50-60 bucks daily jewing retards.
Upward is such a great map, whoever made that should be proud.
Gun Mettle killed the game for me and while I still played off and on I eventually stopped playing completely. Casual ruined pubs for a year+ and the lack of auto balance for like 1 1/2 years was also a huge setback. Casual should implement better auto balance and also introduce a soft cap for classes. It's not fun for either side to steamroll/get steam rolled because one team has 3 snipers and 3 spies.Casual should have an advanced MM parameter to match people based on their most played classes in the past dozen or so matches. That way you may be able to avoid having half your team be support shitters you can't actually support their team.
>payload maps
>he doesn't play vanilla TF2 on XBox Live
LMAOing @ ur sad lyfe
Speak for yourself. TF2 is a game I'll never really "quit." It always pulls me back in; the gameplay is timeless.
Not being assaulted by furry porn in spawn is your deal-breaker?
>I still enjoy it.
Great. Good. Doesn't answer OP's question. When was the golden age of TF2, i.e. when was it at its best
Last time I tried to play I couldn't find decent servers for shit.
It's a shame because I'm unable to enjoy SP games anymore because I don't care about story, characters, progression and shit, I just want an hour or two of simple, straight forward fun.
Imagine the smell
pre-mannconomy so I guess pre-F2P by default
roughly around the engineer update, hauling buildings and minisentries were great (even if a lot of people hated the latter at the time, dunno how it's received anymore since I haven't played in years)
It feels like a neutered shell of a game without the obscene sprays
>first halloween event with Harvest, still my favorite map to this day
it checks out
Was he using the phlog? Every time I come across those type of Pyros they always have it. They build up the meter, use it, medic ubers them and they pretty much steamroll everyone near them.
yes, fur fags should be gased
stealing that one user
Wholesome post.
Remember when you had to unlock achievements to get new weapons?
Good times.
i never really stopped but it stopped being fun when meet your match happened
and it still isnt fun unless its the party van or something
All TF2 needs to keep people happy is Valve showing it a bit of love. Right now it's in the down cycle of "ignore it". If there's an update, they'll say how they want to do more communication. After a week or two they go back to "ignore it".
That's the plan.
Nobody at valve wants to work on tf2 anymore because of their clique mentality and retarded rewards system. The only reason TF2 got any last-minute attention is because the few actual devs still working on tf2 were nearly done on some things and that got the attention of other cliques who jumped on board so they could take some of the credit.
This is also why TF2 was left with half-finished matchmaking and competitive. The cliques that worked on that shit only did so to get a reward based on "esports and overwatch competition!"
Fuck nu-valve
I don't mind it either but I do miss just hopping on random ass servers running weird ass maps
Last online FPS I enjoyed along with Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Now I got a great ISP and a good computer, yet no MP games to play.
a bit after post-f2p
Some time between gun mettle and meet your match. I was so goddamn tired of every day introducing a new lootbox and having valve shill keys nonstop.
initially burned out because i was doing a lot of item trading and idling on 9 spare accounts all to make my main wealthy. i wasn't set to make money off the game i just wanted it to be possible to have sets of immediate finite wealth as updates came around. crafting and trading was so tedious it made me not want to play the game when i was done. once i traded for my first unusual hat i decided to stop playing like a week later. after some months i booted the game again and partyvan was empty so i went to pubs, and all of a sudden, i realized there were ads fucking everywhere. maybe because i was only playing on partyvan i never noticed this transition but it was on nearly every fucking server and it annoyed the shit out of me.
every time i've launched the game in modern times it has never lasted more than a round, or a couple of spawns. i just don't enjoy it anymore, and i don't get it, because i used to love the game so much. it's just not the type of game i want to play anymore.
Valve has too see that this system doesn't work, right? They have to see that doing the minimal for new projects like Artifact isn't working.
Post. I'd say my personal peak was from the game first going F2P till around the time the Two Cities MvM campaign came out
>“But we are also going to build on what we learned, and we have learned a lot. We aren’t going to go all retro because there are too many interesting things that have been learned. The only reason we would go back and do a ‘super classic’ kind of product is if a whole bunch of people internally at Valve said they wanted to do it, and had a reasonable explanation for why it was. But, you know, if you wanted to do another Half Life game and you want to ignore everything we have learned in shipping Portal 2, and in shipping all the updates on the multiplayer side, that seems like a bad choice. So we will keep moving forward but that doesn’t necessarily always mean what people are worried that it mean. “
that statement with
>money is how the community steers work
during that reddit thing about paid mods kind of spells it out
It was best early on before it went F2P and had that lootbox mannconomy bullshit that turned a solid team-based FPS game into a hat collecting simulator.
Like gamefreak, they've already made so much money that they both won't see the consequences until it's too late and are too deluded to accept they're incompetent and have a flawed system. Lootbox money and in some ways the steam revenue will keep that delusion running forever
god i remember the feeling when i finaly learned to rocket jump ...
They've gotten too lazy not making anything substantial for almost a decade. One of these days something bads going to happen to steam and they'll have to work on stuff instead of sucking each other's asses
Mannconomy was the decline, and Meet Your Match was the terminal breath. I miss the Weeabootique
Same bro..same
So, what FPS do you play now?
I need something to fill the void.
the vanilla was the golden age.
>That Soldier"""""main""""" who thinks he's good at the game when he kills free to plays in a pub
>That Spy who thinks he's good when abusing the Deadringer
>That nigger who taunts after every kill and when he gets dominated leaves the game
Valve will continue on its course, bleeding talent who actually want to work on stuff and all that will be left will be lazier devs who want to chase a quick buck and never get anything done. Eventually the company will hit an iceberg because nothing lasts forever, and even though their billions will give them a chance to restructure and prevent disaster they will just remain inert and let it happen. Eventually Gaben's children (he will have died from obesity at this point) will sell it off to Disney.
Before the Tideturner was nerfed into being completely useless
>upward, blu team
>go spy with deadringer
>disguise as friendly sniper
>walk into the sniper spot and bait sniper shots
>run to cabinet to recharge dead ringer and repeat
>try to laugh taunt next to my friendly sniper if I notice he sniped the enemy sniper so they see it in the killcam
It's the stupid small things like this that make me love TF2
>hating friendlies
>being upset about someone else's clothing
>thinking anyone cares about your faggot medals
>enjoying kangaroofuckers acting like filthy abos
>expecting spies not using cl_nigterp to have a place on the scoreboard outside of casul
literally the only thing you got right was the censoring of porn sprays, but thats invalid because you cannot download sprays through official servers and because you are also a stupid nigger.
I guess you could say he's really purple
holy fuck there are zoomers that genuinely think the golden age was after it went f2p
it was before they started adding all the dumb shit in at all you retards
It was pre f2p though some f2p parts.
TF2 fully died when meat your match and it is now in the late silver age.
It's getting on 10 years now
>>and it's much harder to find servers where the average skill level is high.
Oooh boy
>Join pub CP server
>final point has like sentries all jammed into a corner
>attacking team can't figure out how to coordinate a single uber charge to take them out
You've just won the round. You turn the corner and see this.
What do you do?
roll the rng
He has a taunt but isn't decked out in gay cosmetics? wtf
taunt and killbind
Pre hats. Actually, it was best when you had to complete achievements to get all the weapons for the class, before random drops.
>not going in disguise as a f2p and then schadenfreude after killing someone with an unusual and pocket medicgf
attempt to humor him, only to accidentally perform a taunt kill because i didnt realize i was at a bad angle/height difference because i wanted to do it before my teammates could get in range to kill him
I don't use cosmetics but I also don't pay for anything or trade so I don't have the prerequisite taunts. What a life.
Love and war update was peak TF2
I remember screenshotting the bread before the expiration date update as well
I was big in comp 3 years ago, then I decided to study for my highschool exams and never truly came back
Got a gf, a car, a job
busy with uni
bought some hats i always wanted and play pubs every 3 months or so
is there anything like that for teens nowadays?
I don't either until it matches me up in Stockholm for whatever fucking reason
golden era was when i started playing
it went to shit when i stopped
Golden age was release and the beginning of the class updates, ended with player suggested items being introduced. It's too old to really enjoy playing anymore
these sites don't produce hentai
Late 2011, so post.
Regular new patches, meet the Pyro on the horizon.... wait, what in the name of fuck, Meet the Pyro was 7 years ago... I forgot the rest of my argument...
>Meet the Pyro
most disappointing video by far after the bar they set with Spy and Medic
People praise TF2 a lot like the MannConomy and hats in general ruined the game, but looking at the game objectively as a class based shooter...
>Handful of classes amazing, overpowered even (Demo, Soldier, medic, scout), rest are useless
>Game spent 9 years in development being carefully designed as a kind of "scissors beats paper" class balance, but it doesn't work, its better for people just to pick the mobile classes and dance death over peoples heads
>Half the original and most iconic maps (2fort for example) are just garbage
Without hats and proper rebalancing (Which valve is very slow with and seems terrible at), if it were any other company the game would be dead in the water after a year. But the aesthetics and writing and character of the game were fucking excellent.
Even though the game was buggy and unbalanced, and the spy was a weak class in general, it was still fun to play spy in a pub game and do spy things just to hear its cocky french voice mock people when you stab them
The presentation of the game was just immaculate and I think that went a long way to getting people to like it
The modding scene then just ran away with the game, in that you weren't forced to play a strict set of rules and could just do whatever you wanted on fun idle servers, gave the game a fuckton of longevity
Are you shitting me? Isn't everyone a pre F2P user here? Am I really so old that pre F2P is rare now?
Most of the board were only like 10 when it went F2P
I'd say post-F2P.
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I didn't enjoy TF2 much shortly after Jerma and STAR_ left it for good for some reason.
>overpowered even (Demo, Soldier, medic, scout)
6fag get out. Your irrelevant game mode is not at all a representation of the real game, the fact you need to ban weapons and limit classes to ensure your demo/soldier/medic/scout comp remains the strongest is proof of that.
because you're a retard who likes streamers/youtube personalities more than you actually enjoy video games
fuck I wanna go back
I remember when buds were 19 keys and 7 ref was a key
I got into TF2 because of STAR_ and Jerma, you assumptious ass. I don't even watch their streams.
>You will never again spray a big titty girl in front of the enemy spawn, then wait with the Cloak and Dagger and backstab the horny fuccboi that stops to stare at it
TF2 has always been LOLRANDUMB JAR OF PISS garbage.
It's a huge red flag when meeting someone, they're most likely into GMod and those awful LEL STRETCH HIS FACE meme videos.
Gameplay has never been fun and the humor has always been lame as fuck.
Kids did the same on minecraft a couple years ago
Now they do the same on Fortnite.
I started playing tf2 in 2011, man those were fun times. Meet the Pyro was when they introduced pyrovision and all that stuff right? That whole patch was kinda underwhelming.
I know Yea Forums unironically believes this, which is hilarious.
speaking of Minecraft and Fornite, I remember when the TF2 fans harassed the Minecraft fans, and now the Minecraft fans are continuing the cycle by harassing the Fortnite fans.
I wonder what's the next game that the Fornite fans will harass.
well before f2p and anyone who says otherwise is a zoomer or a 3rd worlder
You didn't even know this happened until today you lying faggot.
But the game wouldn't have survived this long.
I feel like Meet the Pyro was the beginning of the REAL end
MannConomy was the start of the decline, but Meet the Pyro was the first point I could remember of the game where people where upset and confused as to the direction of the game
TOBOR leading to MvM was just fucking tragic
the golden age has nothing to do with how long something lasts, in fact the very notion of a golden age is that it's fleeting.
What does that have to do with quality? It was still huge, it came with the orange box ffs
the golden age WAS after the game became F2P.
good joke, but you know it's incorrect.
that doesn't really change anything
saxton hale represents everything that went wrong with tf2
TF2 is literally the best online FPS game.
>Keys are now worth around 50 ref
What went wrong bros
who cares
>limitless renewable resource valued by the market versus resource of set financial value
Why bother crafting items when everything you can craft is shit and the good stuff comes from crates? If they wanted ref to be valuable they should have added some sort of sub-rarity or traits to crafted items.
>crafted items, being hand made, have slightly different designs like being painted for free
>mann co items are uniform design but sometimes come with extremely luxurious effects
Nothing, this was ineviatble anyways since ref is so rampant and so easy to get
a lot of earlier update were pretty garbage looking back.
shit like the scout update, and the sniper vs spy update added some of the worst weapon designs in the entire game.
You craft items to get different weapons. If you're not a simpleton who cares about pretty effects or arbitrary state trakcing then it all works out fine, let those people pay money for it.
Fuck you, bonk and sandman were great
Stun mechanics in FPS games are fucking cancer, thank god they nerfed that shit into the ground
stuns in fps games are aids.
silenced sticky grenade launcher spam is fucking aids, and now EVERYBODY uses it
Good get fucked pyrofag
and that's why it was so great, it made heavies and tryhard soldiers so mad
played it first when it was free weekend
it was good
>played ~700 hours of TF2 this year and barely touched my backlog