Have you ever played a video game where you had no idea what was going on and were as equally confused as the main villain
Have you ever played a video game where you had no idea what was going on and were as equally confused as the main...
hell I don't blame him, I'd be confused by that ability as well, though its a bit more easy to digest than his own ability is.
really its quite simple, one takes away Cause, the other takes away Effect, the particulars are irrelevent.
turns out one is just straight up better than the other though.
what other characters have an all purpose, OP "NO U" ability.
>really its quite simple, one takes away Cause, the other takes away Effect, the particulars are irrelevent.
Dumb headcanon
GER is basically a stop sign
Any action taken against Giorno gets reverted to zero
can someone answer me whether or not diavolo can just donut people while his ability is active
because if not how the fuck did narancia get spiked and how did trish disappear from the elevator
if yes why the fuck does he just throw blood and wait until it ends to punch people, is he just cocky or what
I think Giorno’s the only Joestar that intentionally subjected his villain to a fate worse than death. And that’s terrible.
Well, he is the son of Dio
That's literally what it does tho.
Diavolo wants his opponents to feel their donuts.
>whether or not diavolo can just donut people while his ability is active
It depend on Araki's mood.
he is the son of Dio so it's fitting in a way
King Crimson: Skip Scene
Gold Experience Requiem: Stop
>he never saw the fight between Kars and Joseph
it's best not to think too hard about it because it doesnt make sense, there is no established rule
the best answer is that sometimes Epitaph predicts Diavolo donuting someone and in those instances Diavolo can skip the attack. other times, epitaph doesn't predict that so diavolo cant attack in the skip.
He is Dio’s son, after all. Always found it cool how Giorno has a little bit of both Jonathan and Dio in him.
King Crimson skips time
GER resets things to zero
The cause and effect shit is made up by fans who want to act smart by making connections that don't exist.
reminder that jojofags are the bronies of anime.
Kars has a release though. Not even Made in Heaven could save Diavolo from his torment.
god that was such a good ep bros.
will they make the ending good? the hour long special will probably have a bunch of original stuff
same, without it taking up too much of his character either so he still feels like the product of his own choices rather than the product of his bloodline
He doesn’t know that though, GER says Giorno doesn’t know the ability and afterwards he says he doesn’t quite know what happened, only that Diavolo won’t ever reach reality again.
yeah I should just let it go and move on instead of overthinking this shit
are you guys ready for next week?
The real answer is that King Crimson's basic ability was to be able to manipulate causality within the erased time to an extent that was limited once Araki realized he had written himself into a hole he couldn't get out of for the second time in one part, and even then had to asspull requiem stands and Giorno somehow being destined to get the arrow.
Kars' was pretty bad. Valentine nearly got stuck in an infinite spin loop.
It Stares Back was exactly like that. Fucking great game though.
What’s Kars’ release? Or is it that he just stops thinking?
There really is no perfect answer, because KC is simple inconsistent.
One somewhat valid explanation would be that in cases of Narancia and the elevator, he was (somehow) already within his famous range, and had time to do what he wanted during KC's effect.
If you stay out the of the range, he can't touch you in the deleted time, so he has to resort in throwing blood and such
He can't interact with things during erased time no, during King Crimson time proceeds as fate predicted and everything happens and everyone is subject to the actions in erased time except for Diavolo. Think skipping pages in a book, the pages are still there, Diavolo just ignores them and what happened in them. Chucking blood in Giorno's eyes is probably just an Araki forgot moment, or it doesn't count since Diavolo didn't physically touch him or some shit like that. Since he can't interact with things during erased time he has to position himself so that he has a near 100% chance of victory after the time skip returns to normal, and that's why the World and stopped time is superior, since DIO is capable of anything during it
this image is retarded because it implies DIO cares about giorno
Time reset.