>it's a "german PF goes in full orc-speak meltdown and disbands after a couple wipes" episode
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Imagine being a WoW Shill in 2019
How do you guys deal with tankxiety? I never want to pug because I fear fucking up.
Just get over yourself faggot
Just don't be afraid?
I don't get it
I've built up enough false bravado over the years it's not a thing. I come in to parties and usually do well, and if I fuck up, it doesn't get to me at all because in 10 minutes after this run, no one will remember my name.
these are the tanks that complain that healers should stop dpsing and worry about healing
>Pull more than one pack in low level dg
It feels so much worse to tank in low level dgs now desu
but tanking is literally the easiest role
you just stand there and occasionally use one of your mitigation CDs when the boss is doing its long unga bunga cast
Simple know that maps ddr when necessary and overpull
Pop pots as needed and use your cooldowns
If you die its healers fault for trying to larp as dps
i eased myself into it by tanking for my squadron. once i got the hang of tanking in general everything started coming naturally and i switched to maining tank.
How does raiding work in XIV? If I raid with one group and clear a turn in Savage, will it negatively affect another group if I join with them?
What's a good way to find a group for raids? I just want to tank but my current group is too filled with them so I'd like to raid with them on my BLM and someone else as a tank.
>*casts zero mitigation or pops it after they got tank busted
>drops to 5% HP and immediately dies to an auto before your benediction can possibly tick on them because the game is sluggish as shit
By low level, do you mean things like level 71/73 dungeons?
is RDM the most chad class?
Does decent enough damage to not be in the cuckshed
Gives Embolden so everyone wants you over the other casters
Incredibly easy to play, so you can learn mechanics easily, and everyone thinks you're good
Also, because it's so easy to play, it's easy to get to closer to optimizing you DPS
Can raise retards so healers like you
Imagine being a Seething SMN having to try so hard just to do the same DPS as a RDM, and probably lower because if you fuck up your rotation your DPS goes to shit, whereas it's hard to fuck up RDM damage, and if you do it's not a big deal.
Stormblood is saved!
>If I raid with one group and clear a turn in Savage, will it negatively affect another group if I join with them?
Yes if you do it the same week.
that fucker literally popped rampart and sentinel together a few seconds after the tank buster. he also kept casting clemency to keep himself over half health while i had excog on him.
No, I mean ARR dungeons since you don't get a lot of damage reductions at these levels nowadays because most of the role actions are gone.
>How does raiding work in XIV? If I raid with one group and clear a turn in Savage, will it negatively affect another group if I join with them?
Yes, they will get 1 less loot chest if they get a kill with you, or no loot chests if there are 4 or more people who got their weekly kill.
>What's a good way to find a group for raids?
Either use PF to set a recruitment message or use other means, like Discord servers or whatever you want. I think decent Discord recruitment servers are actually the best, PF will make any kind of people to contact you
Threat ain't even a thing now, you are a DPS who can survive aggro better than other DPS. That was literally the only thing to be anxious about
The mechanics you have to face are generally no different than DPS (so if you can do them there, then you are fine). Many times, you don't even have to deal with some shit that they have to.
Out of the three roles, Tanks get it the easiest. Healers gotta heal you, DPS has pass DPS checks, both have to deal with more mechanics than you. You just get to even spam AOE or do you burst window without any repercussion while spamming defensive cooldowns.
And its damn fun. Seriously, try it, its so low risk nowadays.
Which quest cut scene is it where the WoL calls out the Exarch's name? I thought I finished the Crystal Tower quest line, but it turns out I never handed in the one for completing the World of Darkness so I never got the dialogue option.
yes pretty standard stuff. tanks do this shit in PF all the time. also very fun when your cohealer doesn't know what OGCDs are and just spam benefic or cure ii all day and then wonder why they're OOM
Cutscene 5 in the final part.
You can see which are going to have a quest reference because the box actually lights up.
The biggest reason not to tank or heal in this game is because you become acutely more aware of how retarded the majority of people who play this game are, especially the DPS.
I miss having SOMETHING to worry about slightly.
>easy to play
Chad only plays MNK because he enjoys it and doesn't care that he has to work harder for the same DPS as his peers because the challenge is its own reward
Maybe not as a tank, but as a healer yes.
If you can perfectly play an healer (while not going full grey mode), then you can effortlessly play any kind of other role/job in the game close to perfection.
If you want to improve and never tried it try to heal. I did while helping some friends and I became 10 times better
How intuitive are tank swaps in 14 compared to how they are in WoW?
Over there it's basically just wait until they get X amount of debuffs then taunt
just be yourself bro
Just got a DNC who didn't pick a partner not even dance at all, how often have you guys even encountered this level is retardation?
>Like a job, feel the playstyle is perfect
>Then you get that one ability that fucks everything up
Anyone know this feel?
everyone is shitting on rdm right now
dont trick players into thinking its currently a good job to play
Tanking is fine, the true tankxiety comes from doing raid fights and extremes you never done before. The truest tankxiety comes from knowing you will never get a static ever.
it varies, sometimes it's just vuln stacks, sometimes it's two TBs back to back so you have to swap immediately, sometimes you just want to kill that faggot sam.
Ironically, monk was made far easier to play in 5.0 and does even better damage than ever before.
ninja in stormblood
Great, thanks!
They're mostly like you said. You get hit by a strong move and have to switch, 'cause the boss inflicts you with a oneshot from autos vulnerability or some other shit.
Sometimes main tanks get targeted by problematic mechanics and have to switch to let that tank do the mechanic properly.
You can also tankswitch to handle tank busters better (es: problematic tank buster incoming, PLD switches in and uses Hallowed Ground to negate all the damage)
>The truest tankxiety comes from knowing you will never get a static ever.
there almost always someone looking for a tank in PF
What was the ability?
Johann is a faggot
Should I play Samurai or Dancer? Both are my favorite jobs in traditional FF games but now that they are both in FFXIV I am unsure which to go with, so I come to you guys.
I do too somewhat, they did make it really braindead; I thought stance dancing was fun and love the feeling of a well timed CD versus spamming, but I get that FF14 super casual so I'm not surprised they did what they did to tanking.
>Square doesn't release a fourth healer because they want to "focus balancing the three they have"
>Say SCH is OP and needs to be addressed
>5.0 launch
>SCH is even more OP than before, just boring as sin
>AST is now dumpster fire tier and also boring as fuck; a hollow shell of its former self
>WHM is half-decent and only saved by Afflatus Misery
>Healers all around are janky and generally unfun
How is one company so inept they can't even balance THREE HEALER JOBS? We didn't get a fourth healer for this? Healer balance is the worst it's been in ages.
they somewhat fixed it in shadowbringers, but i'm not playing that no damage cuck class right now
I never seen this ever. Only times I ever see open spots in PF is for like 1 healer and only melee DPS.
Knowing that the DPS are retarded and won't actually know how bad you are.
Dancer if you're a slut, samurai if you aren't
Samurai if you like the INSANE DAMAGE, Dancer if you like the INSANE COCKSUCKING to one of your ally. Samurai willdeal some of the highest damage between all DPS, Dancer instead is the absolute lowest.
smarr indie company prease undelstand
Yeah, they are generally clear as day, and usually a nasty debuff that forces it. Tank swaps are fairly easily to notice in this and super easy to transition with Taunts + Toggle off stance.
>playing trannybringers
What does PF mean?
Dancer is fun but if you want to raid you're likely never going to find a ranged DPS slot, it's too popular at the moment
Samurai got fucked over a bit in ShB but it can still be fun if you just enjoy the theme of the class and melee DPS slots are pretty commonly open (though you'll be competing with how heavily desired Dragoons are right now)
Don’t do extreme content and you should never fuck up.
I'll be completely honest I've already forgotten to set my dance partner a few times in roulettes.
I too had tank anxiety until I started tanking.
It's the easy as shit, most of the mechanics in dungeons are for the DPS/Healers. While they worry about not dying you just sit there like a jackass doing your dps rotation and waiting for the obvious tankbuster once every full moon, then you pop your ogcd and back to normal business if the healer didn't also fall asleep.
Honestly the most entertaining thing about being the tank is watching over the rest of the party during the fight, wondering who will most likely fuck up and eat an AoE.
Pussy fuckers, you can post there only if you lost your virginity
>playing a dying game
The idea of "tank" and the three DPS should be rethought entirely. Buff tank DPS to DPS levels, give melee, ranged, and caster DPS a specific binary function in addition to their DPS job respectively. As it stands, tanks really don't do shit as a tank anymore except for hit a cooldown on command. If you made ranged DPS cast interrupts, melee stun, and casters do something, there jobs would literally no different from a functionality standpoint, everyone hitting their designated button when prompted, except that their healthbar wouldn't move as much.
There, now everyone has similar DPS and an important function to preform in raids, """anxiety""" would follow every job since anyone could wipe the raid for their failure.
How are the new crafting skills? The one you unlock at 71 seems weird, not sure if I want to use it or not.
Sadly they're all pretty op
I heard SAM was bad this exspansion and DRG was king though
Why do I keep hearing such vastly different opinions on healers? I see a lot of people saying that SCH became garbage along with AST while WHM became gods and then I see posts like this.
>varis BTFOs every eorzean leader at the summit
>sets himself up to be conspiring against the ascians
>gets gutted by zenos without ever accomplishing anything of significance
What did they mean by this?
SAM is behind BLM in terms of king DPS spot according to FFlogs. It's just SAM's level 80 skill is underwhelming, you only use it once or maybe twice in a 11 minute fight.
someone post some emets, the archive isn't working right
Its a sad think if people would rather watch someone play a game on twitch than play it their-selves.
They design healers in a vacuum and never ask/consider what the other healer is getting. WHM gets the best value here because they're designed to have the least interaction with others.
Balance adjustments are no doubt coming for the jobs by 5.05, especially for the melee jobs since it’s mostly just a matter of tuning numbers up or down a bit.
I would place very little stock in balance as of right now.
Nice, and Sam isn’t a turret
SCH is garbage in the sense that it's not fun and has a few oversight, especially atherflow dumps. Its raw healing is through the roof. AST on the other hand is shit on all metrics. WHM is in a good spot but people are out for blood to nerf WHM.
triggered tranny go dilate
>I see a lot of people saying that SCH became garbage along with AST
It feels like garbage to play, but its numbers are good enough to still be a strong healer. Many people (rightfully so) only care about how the job feels to play, and not about how big their heals are.
bigger is better
SAM is a bit behind compared to other DPS right now, but they'll probably fix him a little with the mid-july or the savage patch. Or, if you're REALLY unlucky, 5.1.
I got you man. Yea I thought the current balance was a bit silly with paladins majorky out dpsing warriors and so forth
There is only 1 single instance in Titania ex where you have the full 15ish seconds of downtime required to get a whopping 500 potency attack off, none in Innocence. Shoha is literal garbage and a thousand times worse than Tsubame-Gaeshi, it's confusing why it wasn't the 80 skill. A second stronger midare every minute is amazing
go back to /vg/ you fucking pedophile
So is the armory system canon, since it's in the opening cinematic?
Is it a WoL exclusive thing? Does it ever get explained why he can suddenly change arm and armor on a dime?
>tanks are back in need for roulettes
Thanks for the kidney stones, suckers.
No Thanks French Language
I honestly for the life of me cannot even begin to comprehend the concept of "tank anxiety". Literally what is there to be anxious about? It's just completely alien concept to me. I mean, I get that there are kinds of video game anxiety, like "ladder anxiety" used to be a thing when Starcraft was still a thing, but what is it about tanking that makes people so scared? It's just bizarre. Is this just an ironic meme like thanking your healers or what?
I don't know why but I have a sneaking suspicion that in about 3 months we're gonna start seeing a lot of
>shadowbringers ruined ffxiv
He’s class changing. No you can’t do it in combat it’d cause balance issues with content
still has more viewers
What you're reading is mostly parroted from people who don't play healers and just go along with the memes.
SCH feels like garbage to PLAY, but its potencies are so absurdly high that it is, for the third expansion in a row, mandatory because the sheer amount of healing it can shit out at a whim is absurd.
WHM became a god in terms of total DPS contribution, and its heals are also really good.
AST, on the other hand, is just garbage all around. It's boring to play and the potencies are so pathetically low that it actually becomes a drag on your co-healer at this point, requiring them to pick up your slack.
So while AST and SCH mains are pissed, only AST at the moment has the right to really bitch about being bad, because it's so absurdly awful right now it has no hopes of competing. Its total DPS contributions trails WHM by 2k DPS and its healing is laughable.
Dilate less
How is the 71 skill OP? Also, what about the brand of the elements skill? Seen some people using it.
And it will be made by angry healers and they'll be right 'cause healers are absolute shit right now.
>SCH is even more OP than before, just boring as sin
SCH is a lot weaker than it was on SB despite receiving more healing abilities. The fact most of their bursts have cooldowns force them to use more gcds than people thought initially as people have 2x the hp that they had on SB with healers still healing the same as before.
But yes, do keep posting that SCH is more OP than before so you can get further into the cuckshed.
>Finish story quest
>15 side quests show up
The 71 skill is retarded.
Leveling scholar, which is faster xp? Spamming roulette or queueing for the highest dungeon?
white mage is as fun as its ever been sweaty
They're just full of shit.
I miss tanking already. I'm swapping to a DPS now because I already do it as a "tank" now just with less mechanics and all I fucking do is stand still. What a fucking joke.
>Has more viewers therefore it's better
You subhuman slime
I know what he's doing, but up to this point I just thought of it as a mechanic of the game, not an element of the lore.
How do I level up properly? I'm 2 levels under the ARR 50 quest and now I can't progress the main story. FATEs give so little exp
Yeah I think once a lot of people clear the story and are left with just the game in its current state we're gonna start seeing some shit.
A lot of stuff is actually super fucked, like healing.
Friends first, at least a friend who's a healer
Next to 80
0-3 blm
4-6 whm
7-9 gub
WHM is fine but the rest? Yea I agree
>tfw only good healer job starts at lvl 1
I felt like the changes to tanks were learning towards what you are thinking from a different perspective, but then they sort of dropped the ball with ranged DPS and Healer and went the complete opposite route.
Tanks = DPS with Damage reduction and threat generation (which is its party utility)
Healers = DPS with Healing abilities/medium party utility
Melee/Caster DPS = DPS with limited party utility
Ranged DPS = DPS with high party utility
Then SCH/AST got their DPS nerfed and MCH/BRD lost most of their support. So design wise, I dunno what the fuck they are doing with their classes. They homogenize some then make other sets radically different from one another.
It costs 20 durability so it's pretty much 2 steps into one. I guess it's good when you consider uptime on steady hand, otherwise it just seems tomatoes tomatoes.
Do beastmen quests. Do dungeons. Make sure you do challenge log stuff.
the issue with healers in this game is fundamentally tied to fight design, it's never gonna be interesting when all the damage spikes are perfectly scripted and can be dealt almost purely with ogcds.
At this point they should have just went in the exact opposite direction by giving them a proper dps rotation like sch had in heavensward, at least that way you wouldn't just spend 90% of your gcds spamming broil/stone/malefic
>Not an element of the lore
Did you miss the part where not Ardbert was a different class every expansion cinematic? He has been changing jobs throughout
>PLD switches in and uses Hallowed Ground to negate all the damage
if my pugs had that kind of coordination, I'd love using my PLD more
>trusting blizzard game viewer counts
I suppose you think Overwatch is thriving as an esport despite the fact that no one talks about it, it's boring as fuck to spectate and the commentators can't make coherent points during the match.
If they don't take their head out of their ass when it comes to healer design, this will 100% happen.
They couldn’t balance four Tanks despite having a clear template on how to in other games
It's always been in the lore. Soul crystals are a lore element that essentially 'load' skills into your brain when worn close to the skin. You're not supposed to be able to wear more than one at a time because it messes with your aetherial flow and can potentially kill you, but WoL is WoL.
Parsefags keep saying WHM need rdps or its RIP since the beginning of expansion reveals.
SE stays course and makes them pdps gods and actually compensates for rdps.
Parsefags are out in force to nerf WHM to be where they was in SB.
Why do people listen to these idiots? Surely yoship doesn't.
If it increased IQ stack by 2 given it costs 20 durab, maybe I'd give a shit about it. Otherwise, Prudent Touch spam is still a go.
So I guess according to most of the thread I should just go Samurai and forget Dancer since everyone is playing the job right now and the roles are basically filled up? What are the chances this will change soon?
>Do alliance roulette and it recruits me to a party in progress
>Alliances arguing about tanks
>Somehow beat Scat and Diabolos first try like usual despite that
I wonder what the hell happened in the span of 20 minutes to cause a rage quit?
Uh user if your your not swapping aggro with off tank and picking up adds during fight I don’t think you are tanking correctly
But doesn't it?
Lyse would be cute if her bangs weren't so terrible
Literally who thought that was acceptable
What should my physical DPS be Yea Forums?
>Yoship : WHMs, what do you like to do?
>WHMs : spam holy
Infinite holy added
>Yoship : SCHs, what do you like to do?
>SCHs : spam broil
Dots removed so more gcds can be spent on broil
>Yoship : AST, what do you like to do?
>AST : suck dick
AST now suck dick
This has to be the dumbest post I've seen all week. SCH's healing kit is largely on-demand and you can crit most of it with Recitation (which also means you don't use a resource) and SCH has so much healing that most Scholars right now are sitting on their aetherflow stacks because they legitimately have nothing to spend them on. The healing potencies are that high on SCH; you end up with way more resources than you need to spend on literally anything, and using them just ends up in more overheating.
That's why the complaints with SCH right now revolve around not having something to spend AF on. Because it means you're just letting stacks go to waste, or you're overhealing with them.
AST, meanwhile, has next to NO resources, thanks to piss poor MP management, low healing potencies, and long cool downs.
It says in the description it only increases by 1.
The warrior of light in the CGI Cinematics is not the same person
There's at least one other npc that changes classes/jobs mid combat: that guy with the limsa lominsa leader. It even does the same sound effect from what I remember.
The tanks are pretty balanced
>views = better
you can always use it twice in titania. once when the giant version adds are spawning, second time after you kill them. but yeah you hardly use it anywhere else and it feels like a wasted button slot. it should have been a upgrade for seigan like how danger zone becomes blasting zone.
>What are the chances this will change soon?
Apparently, some parse autists are starting to doubt DNC, so it might not take that long.
MCH, go shoot some shit
I mean, I'm used to actually tanking, so now I really do nothing. After contenting with the fact that it's not going to go back like it was or get harder, I figure we might as well take advantage of the situation to become actual blue DPS, same for healers.
Did you post this two days ago? If not it's common for the person who is bitching the most and ragequitting to be the one really causing the problems. And with you showing up fixed the alliance's problem.
at least emet was nice enough to leave his cool city behind
Dragoon, take this from someone who mains the other three for each role
shit out them mudras, son
Hence why I wrote 'not Ardbert', because it looks like him but it's not him
not him but have you actually played sch, because it sure doesn't seem like it
I'm sorry for being a retard but what are beastmen quests? And is it worth doing dungeons as a DPS class when the latest dungeon I can do is level 41 while I'm 48?
People just get nervous when set into a position of responsibility where failure means you not only set yourself back, but your peers. It's not just a videogame thing, but it still applies.
DH and Crit is becoming the norm materia for tanks, so you're not wrong. We're pretty much becoming DPS with threat gen now.
I never asked for more reliable balances draws. I got fucked because people wanted less speedrun variation for their dick flinging contest.
Which means 2.
Worst job in the game? noty
>completely ignore them and save them for other jobs
Dont Frogget us.
get fucked general zod
That bad?
You didn't ask for more balance but you also didn't want to use more than damage boosting cards so just like aggro combos, they were removed.
physical melee: DRG
physical ranged: MCH
No, just a lot of effort for little payoff, just like NIN has been for a while.
>Finished HW
>Now I have to go through Lyse and endure a bunch of brown desert zones helping some degenerates instead of comfy snow with elf friends
Best mmo yet.
dark knight feels so fucking boring now when fighting bosses
god why do people say they like this job now?
Only half of Stormblood is in the Ala Migho region and those areas are pretty nice in my opinion.
That sucks.
>More viewers than players
I don't think you should be bragging about it.
ctrl+f katana 0 results found
this is a safe topic.
PLD is just 3 buttons too, all tanks are boring desu
Once you get to Doma and leave the mhiggers behind the zones are pretty
No I wasn't that user from two days ago, and yeah that sounds about right but even when I dropped in there were some people shitflinging before the battle began. I bet the DPS I replaced was a DNC or something
brown desert zones will only appear at the end of the expac when the developers suddenly remembered that Ala Mhigo still exists, so don't worry.
Anyone knows what I should be melding on my PLD gear?
>They won't fix any of them
Fuck Ishgard and its people
A DPS can still steal threat from you if they just autistically single target a single add even though you're clearly going for a big pull, it's kind of annoying but not a big back breaker.
Why the fuck is the gying gap's queue time fucking 28 minutes?
That final sequence with Emet-Selch did remind me of this scene
Because you're a dps
Take that back right now.
Sorry I'm late. I wouldn't have been if someone had told me about this thread earlier.
>paladin is just 3 buttons
>he doesn't upkeep the dot
>he used aggro combo on SB
>what are the ogcd skills and holy spirit rotation
we all talked behind your back and no one wants to play with you
i'm sorry
not a meme, its a legitimate fear for people who are averse to being flamed or tend to self-criticize to an extreme. they dont want to be the reason why the group wipes.
mistakes in dps only result in smaller numbers or just you dying
mistakes by healers result in tanks having to pop cooldowns, sometimes group wipes
mistakes by tanks can easily result in group wipes and they are under "threat" of causing a wipe much more constantly than the other 2.
Shut the fuck up Lyse, Ishgardians are salt of the earth good people unlike you dirty unwashed mhiggers
Is there ever any reason to press Miasma and Bio once you unlock Tri-Disaster and DWT?
The insta-Ruin DWT is giving feels good, but goddamn is juggling it, the finisher, Egi assaults and Ruin 4 feel crazy
go suck a dick
Honestly wouldnt even worry about melding at this point your gears going to be outplaced when eden comes out and then outplaced again when eden savage comes out assuming you do savage content.
At least wait for normal eden gear.
No I'm a tank!
But that's what the duty finder is for...
>I'm a tank
You're a blue dps as far as queue times are concerned since you ain't a healer
look at this retard
why would you not meld 6's into everything
you get them back 100% of the time and its a fuckton of stats
It's not like materia is expensive when the game is throwing 3 of them at you with every roulette.
no, it's a totally irrational fear that you learn to get over unless you were sheltered in high school
the solution is to
1) be at all prepared
2) nut up and stop pretending the world is out to get you
But I can't heal, I have carpal tunnel and its too stressful on my hands
gunbreaker is fun, fuck you.
This, you're missing out on like a thousand stats across the board if you ain't shoving 6s into everything you get your hands on
I get the dislike of responsibility, but how is this a tank thing? Shouldn't this be more of a healer thing than a tank thing, if anything?
Party Finder
>wasting gil on temporary gear
i bet you drink potions every pull too like a fucking tool
>no story mount
>missing all the triggers
This might be the dumbest god damn post i've read in awhile play SCH before you post dumbass
What utility does a BLM bring?
Zenos is a hero
I just want to beat Tittyanna EX already.
Got her to 1% before enrage
As someone who's started healing, it feels like my fuck ups are far more major than tanks or DPS, since if I and my squishy health bar die due to fucking up mechanics, or getting tunnel vision during the fight that's a wipe, unless the DPS can raise
Why did he need a sword so big to strike a mob so close to him?
>kills 1 greatwyrm
>would have killed another greatwyrm
>destroying peace with dragons
>kills innocent people due to false accusations
good people.
user most fears are irrational, people are irrational beings, once someone gets the hang of tanking they'll realise it's piss easy but it can be hard to get over having at least 3 other people counting on you not to fuck up for some people
They remembered they accidentally gave you two in HW.
Cute hats and damage
Said no one ever, not even his own countrymen
So, having gotten DRK and SCH/SMN to 80, is it safe to say all job quests in future expansions will be replaced with role quests entirely? After all, it seems from what i've seen, each 80 job quest wraps up the respective storyline for each job. After all
>You have one final(?) talk with fray/esteem and learn of all the people that you indirectly touched
>You inspire a immortal flames summoner to at least be the second best summoner in eorzea, and learn (at least, your character learns) about fordola and arenvald killing primals with the immortal flames summoner squadron
>You finally fucking find a cure for tonberries.
because after all of those, there really is no place to go further in those stories, really.
Zodiark sleeps tight in the moon tonight
No katanas here to swing
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the King
Big number
Was waiting for a the amaro horn all game then I find out you need all classes at level 80 for that mount what bullshit
All utility on all job's directly correlates into increased damage
>Didn't hit a single trigger
You're not even using a fucking gunblade at that point, just a retarded looking sword
it's 1000 gil each meld
how much of a dumbass do you have to be to not meld 6's
why would you intentionally make yourself so much shittier to save a few thousand gold
Are people dying and?or fucking up mechanics?
Maybe if idiots like those in this thread put expendable tier 6 melds in their sockets this wouldn't be a problem.
How do I do this?
>fresh 80 whm with af gear
>already doing well over 5k dps on titania ex
Holy fuck this feels like this shouldn't be allowed. How personal damage are SCH and AST also doing at 80?
Ala Miggers are fucking scum. Seriously fuck those guys.
>homeland gets wrecked, they don't even have any semblance of resistance
>instead of staying and resisting like the glorious nipponese, they either run away or stay and lick the empires boots while randomly assaulting Ala Mhigans who are doing 1% more boot licking than they are because they're "collaborators"
>the ones who arrive as immigrants make absolutely no attempt whatsoever to make a living or provide for themselves or make themselves useful
>literally just act like criminal thugs and welfare leaches constantly demanding handouts
>constantly whine about how the Eorzea alliance should use their army to go free their homeland for them
>when they don't get their way, start doing terrorist attacks and attempt political assassinations on the leadership of the people nice enough to take them as refugees
>eventually perform terrorist attacks that force Eorzea into another war with the Empire
>once the war starts, the Ala Mhigans do basically nothing at all to help with the war effort, entire country is pretty much single-handedly taken back by the Warrior of Light
>After the Warrior of Light takes back the country basically by himself with minor logistics support from Eorzea, the Miggers proceed to demand more aid from Eorzea and help relocating, and offer no reward or payment to the Warrior of Light or the Eorzean alliance
>agrees to joint he Eorzean alliance, but that basically just means that the other Eorzean countries will need to send their armies over to defend them and they well get no benefit from the deal aside from the fact that Ala Mhigo is fighting the empire
>there was even a possibility that they would refuse to join the alliance after all this shit, they needed to debate it
>in the end, the Ala Mhigians all congratulate themselves and pat themselves on the back about how they, completely by themselves, with no help, beat the empire, even though they did basically nothing at all
>Viera can't wear hats
Propaganda and a few assassinations can arrange that.
Dumb poorfag
So how much of the game's cutscene are unskippable? Like if you're doing tome grinds or w/e it is now, how much are you forced to watch instead of speedrunning?
This guy has the right of it.
WHM are celebrating and the job is legitimately fun to play, but SCH is still so fucking mindboggingly good at oGCD healing that they're 100% mandatory for any serious raid group just like they always were.
If AST does end up getting buffed, it will compete for the 2nd healer slot with WHM. SCH healing is untouchable right now. It will probably be able to solo heal Savage fights without breaking a sweat, while still pulling like 4k+ DPS.
>Amaro are shown ingame to be the most loyal creatures to humans ever that can’t be matched
>To prove your devotion, you have to level all classes to 80
Pretty fitting desu
Just do it, who cares what people think. If someone starts hurling abuse at you, you can block and report them.
There's an Emet archive?
Literally only Castrum Meridianum and Praetorium in MSQ, and if you enter their roulette you know damn well what you're getting into in exchange for a shit tons of exp, and tomestones
You do have your DoHs all leveled up and ready to rebuild Ishgard, right? You ain't gonna
just abandon the bro who helped you when no one did, right user?
The man literally single-handedly averted the calamity by killing his dumbshit dad and ending the gas production. Nothing we did on First ultimately mattered, as soon as the catboy pinged us during the fight with Elidibus and thus prevented us from destroying Zenos' body, the world was saved.
You can skip every cutscene except the main story quest roulette dungeons. That being said if you skip story cutscenes you are a mhigger of the highest degeneracy
don't worry, they'll give us an amaro mount with a different saddle for the Il Mhgeg tribe quests
I already paid Haurchefant and House Fortemps a million times over for taking us in, so why the hell would I bother
Behemoth is shit and I want you guys to take it back.
Fuck, now I have to level them when you put it like that.
Eventually they will. Like they said they plan on adding more each patch.
Should I level all of them at the same time or focus on one to max level first?
is there a class more chad than DRG?
>WoL closes his eyes and thinks for a good minute or two after Aymeric invites him/her to dinner
I dun get it
literally who?
*mog station
Ideally you should do Weaver first to 80, that way you can make most of your primary crafting gear as you go, and your other classes will have it ready and waiting as you level.
WoL has no other goals in life besides being a Scion, they're a workaholic
>do an aethercurrent quest
>actually feel for the NPC's story and want to see what happens next
>wind up doing the entire chain
Son of a bitch.
how do you use the Exarch for trust dungeons after you complete ShB?
I repaid house fortempts by killing dragon Hitler, killing pope hitler, and generally being a pretty good reputation boost to the house by being an honorary member. They won't make me do manual labor
I have tanked and healed literally thousands of instances over the past fifteen years of playing MMOs, and the amount of time someone got upset by me fucking up or by mistakenly believing I fucked up can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And I'm no amazing player and have done my fair share of fucking up. This fear people have of being criticized for fucking up is ridiculous. You're more likely to be called out for fucking up as a DPSer than a tank/healer anyways, since no one ever wants to upset tanks/healers, even when they undoubtedly deserve it.
>clear titania ex 80 times already as whm 444 ilvl
>ast in one group is doing fuck all damage and no healing at all to the point where i see he's pretty much afk
>after they barely scrape to clear the boss after sweating my ass off to heal up all their mistakes i get kicked for "shit healing"
Why would anyone play this role again?
Your main, legal husbando candidate
I'm pretty sure that's why Aethercurrent quests exist in the first place. They always put them in chain quests to get you hooked
>Mch is too spammy, though it's much better than what it was
>Dnc is way too simple to be any fun
>Rdm is less simple but same problem
>Smn seems like it got shafted
So how's Blm this patch?
>clear titania ex 80 times
prove it
Healer anxiety is a thing too, yes.
Most optimal order is all to 15, then Culinary until 37, after that Weaver/Carpenter to 50. Then do whatever you want.
Ishgard tried to try your friends as heretics like ten minutes after Edmont took you in
That's dumb of you. Killing the emperor doesn't magically make the black rose stocks disappear. And since Zenos has no intereset in being emperor himself, whoever gets in charge could still very much use it if he wanted to, not even considering rogue legatus or whatnot who might just steal and use it for some reason.
The same as always.
WoL is a battle autist just like Zenos, but isn't a sociopathic yandere so they're able to do fetch quests instead of getting an erection thinking of that time they killed themselves after having the fight of their life
Is that really the most farfetched thing about that post?
M8 Ive had so much fun as dancer.
Sorry I don't care about your pet minor character.
The first mortal who took the WoLpill, long before Alisaie.
I accidentally bought a Mac digital key. Anyone need one? I can't return it because fuck.
AST 5.5k, SCH 6k, WHM 7.5k
Mind you this is if they're allowed to literally just spam their DPS abilities and never really heal.
In reality, AST and WHM usually have to burn some GCDs for healing and it drops their numbers a bit.
SCH oGCDs are broken so it never has to stop Broiling. At worst it might have to Ruin 2 and lose a small bit of potency here and there.
But tanxiety shouldn't even exist anymore. The worst thing about it pre ShB was people hated you if you did tank stance and/or didn't pull huge groups because things moved a little slower, but also hated you if you did DPS stance because there was the chance the healer would have to change targets for a second on the odd chance you didn't maintain perfect aggro. Was literally a lose/lose.
As a main tank from ARR on, tanking has never been less stressful than now. Don't even have to remind people to use aggro reducing abilities, since they nix'd those
Have you tried healing with a controller?
Why would there even be different keys for Mac/PC? That doesn't make sense.
I bought my weapon already but okay
Im guessing it depends on the tier, because for Tam-Tara I was able to pull like 4 packs at once with no issue.
It's not very hard. I personally went in completely blind without even bothering to watch a vid and in 2 days I already did it 10 times.
based and nolife pilled
really though Ishgard was actually unironically full of heretic cultists that wanted to kill everybody in the ton and had methods of doing so. It's only reasonable that they were suspicious of these weird powerful outsiders.
>world is full
>275 players in que
Get the fuck off the server
>need to level and finish msq
>distracted by other games and stuff
>and I need to level my alt job for raiding
kill me
also who else /drkandmch/ just because of the clone/mech here
you cant.
You know how it is you fucking turret, stay there and don't move for nothing, not aoes, not cleaves, not mechanics, not nothing, you put big numbers up and then you rub it in everyone's faces
That was Minfilia, she's been wet for WoL even before Haurchefant
This, WoL always seek out stronger foes but he's held back by the Scions and responsibilities so he never go full Zenos.
Well that's what I thought when I first bought it and couldn't figure out for a long time why my key wouldn't work.
It should make no difference to a database ticking a box.
What's the easiest DPS to play?
does anybody play this game in first person mode
It's really like I'm playing a todd howard masterpiece
>Long before Alisaie
Somebody didn't do coil and have her salivating over you by the end
Red Mage
What if the Healer rescues you?
No, I'd have to relearn how to play from scratch, and the surgery for my hands is coming up soon
sam or rdm. both braindead
DNC is a 300 IQ class that's why I'm looking for something else
RDM but now we have DNC who is somehow a step down even more so.
Red Mage requires a minimum 200 IQ to play, don't listen to these guys.
beat MSQ, whats my way to gear to be comfortable for future stuff?
Anyone seen Elidibus?
RDM can be played perfectly by a macro, at least DNC has a little something going on.
How fun is GNB compared to the other tanks?
Tomestone gear to get to i439, then EX trials to get to i444. That's as high as it goes for the next week or so.
Funnest tank.
>can't get Seto as a mount
Fuck this game
>Holminster Switch as GNB
>Notice my healer is a WHM
>Say in chat "Hey I'm gonna use Superbolide on this first big pull"
>Pull all 3 packs
>Wait for health to drop low, pop bolide
>Expect bene, get nothing
>3 seconds later WHM starts hard casting cure
>Gets immediately one shot because he was standing in like 30 overlapping AoEs
>Somehow manage to survive thanks to our RDM and the power of kiting
>Healer gets rezzed
>Benes me at 90% health
Thankfully every other run has had a WHM with on point Benes and the itchiest Holy trigger finger in the west.
Somehow, despite DNC being an easy class, it's exclusively played by braindead tanksluts.
Literally the most fun you'll ever have on a tank
Most fun at the moment, you're blue dps that also functions as a tank
Could I share my BLM gear with SMN or RDM? It's really annoying not having any mobility when you have to play with australian tier ping in some fights.
Seriously, DNC has a lot of shit you have to pay attention to. One slip up and your DPS goes right down the toilet.
He belongs to Ardbert only
I love MCH, I loved and mained it in HW, SB and ShB but due to static stuff it's time for me to hang up my hat and go melee. Knowing this, what melee d o you guys think I would enjoy?
everything except the weapon and artifact stuff, yes
I did Susano ex in entirely in first person back when Stormblood came out for a laugh.
How is it at 80? I'm trying to decide if i should level it or not.
DRG is the only melee dps.
That's one shitty thing about this game. Everybody uses the same shit so there's no variety in gear other than your weapon.
did you explain what Superbolide is? A lot of people don't know the abilities of any other class than the one they play
This entire game is braindead easy. It's all 1,2,3 sometimes 4 and sometimes 5 then repeat.
The global cooldown is mind boggling long. Being hard is not a good reason to play this game.
Good, we'd never give him medallions like Ardbert did, it wouldn't be right since we're in a committed gifting relationship with out chocobo
They're more like co-workers, really.
Wonder why so many people still play DNC if it's actually relatively difficult. I wish people would fuck off and drop it so dedicated DNC mains can actually make themselves known among the shit.
We are Ardbert. How they are shards to the source, Ardbert is a shard to the WoL.
It's harder than WoW that's for sure.
No one cares about DPS "mains".
My nigga, tank and MCH has always been my go to. I think i'm sticking with WAR this time though unless GNB is incredibly fun.
Good to know that you at least reached lvl 35 user.
You don't need a primer on class skills to know "0 hp tank = Bene" user. He wasn't a sprout either, he had multiple classes at 80 and every class to at least 70.
Fun as fuck, came from WAR and didn't look back.
Fun burst window of 7 buttons within 3 GCDS that happens every 30 seconds. Way better then the mashing a single button for Fel Cleave.
I've told tanks to use their invulnerability move on a pull, only for them to ask what I was talking about.
There are people doing wall to wall pulls that don't even know what their job's abilities are.
Keep saying that until you get kneecapped at balancing patch, then you'll regret being so cocky
It's not the same. Ranged physical is a blast because I get rewarded for moving preemptively and have amazing uptime. My only oh shit button is sprint and
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Though at that point in time it wouldn't have been a surprise if WoL wanted Alphinaud to rot for fucking everyone over with the Crystal Braves
Suck a dick onions boy beta cuck
Shouldn't we be eight times stronger since we're 8/14 WoL and he's only 1/14 WoL?
WoW after legion
Same, that is why it hurts to have to play something else.
i wanna fantasia to a cat but everyone else is already a cat
Nice string of words there user, did you learn these insults today?
>static stuff
Local static tranny threatening to leave if they can't play DNC?
Honestly, rotations/priority systems are way more complex than anything WoW has ever had.
Apparently not considering he and his buddies were kicking our ass until Alisaie clutched out a win with a blade of light
I'll take it if you don't need it, user.
Half the cat population is bunnies now
You're free
do it so at least then your character will reflect how unremarkable and generic you are.
>You don't like thing
Fuck might aswell just fucking shut it all down.
You aren't wrong tho.
That's not fair, they were empowered by Elidibus, the smartest and strongest and coolest and bravest of all the Ascians, of course the WoL wouldn't stand a chance against a master Elidibus plan
>8/14 WoL is bested by 1/14 Ranjit in their first fight.
>the healers and tanks like me because of my raidbuffs!!
>meanwhile ysholta is salivating over the big black mage dps
rdm logic
Do you actually play on Mac?
Dilate, snowflake
No it's just finding one in general as ranged is a nightmare now.
Is PotD the best way to level to 60
would class balancing be in 5.01 or 5.05?
I am a student who travels a lot and only plays on PS4 when I'm home, and the only computer I own is one so it would help
If you want to do something so mindnumbingly that you'll want to kill yourself then sure
Both. Expect at least potency tweaks but nothing major till 5.1. Unless they call a state of emergencies for healers or something.
I don't know what you think this is, but trannies are the ones who play cats and bunnies.
What other option do I have?
But I like this game because of that fact. It's a relaxing comfy game.
Does anyone have that one NIN at 80 doing the opener? I thought i saved it for when someone mentioned the gcd but i forgot to.
>"Oh Estinieeen. You didn't think you could get away, did you?"
>That DNC number
Has the council of autistic trannies determined if standard step, technical step, and devilment actually make up for ~1.4k it's behind BRD?
>DRKs cumming everywhere about how we're gonna be all dark and evil for months leading into ShB
>Literally exploding with light the whole story and gets cucked by a dead WAR for killing blow to end the xpac
Is this how MNKs felt in Stormblood?
That's for all languages. Some of the chimpouts I've seen for even Hades are surreal.
You retarded? WE were kicking their asses, they kept reviving because they couldn't beat us, Alisaie put a stop to that.
But I don't have access to a dungeon that's around my level.
Female miqo'tes are all Chads, as proven by savage clears per capita
>14/14 Lahabrea AND his slut got soloed by 8/14 WoL
Oh no no no Ascianbros what happened?
are all the worlds still on lockdown? I have a friends who wants to do the free trial
>Tataru goes to Ishgard
>everyone at the bar ends up wanting to fuck her
>goes to Doma
>exact same thing happens again
Is there something Yoshi, and/or the writers want to tell us?
WoL would have easily bested him in the first fight if Silent Lightning didn't stun them. It becomes laughable in the later fights where the attack does nothing to them.
Treat every wave of trash like your name is Leeroy Jenkins.
Most bosses can be tanked by just facing them away from the party and jiggling slightly left or right to dodge shit.
How have you not learned that all you need to do is tell your friend to make their character at like 4 in the morning when there's no one around clogging up the server
My name is The Black Mage and I have an important announcement
I don't want to have to use Aetherial Manipulation or Between the Lines ever again
stop standing near me or my fucking ley lines
don't even stand in line with me or the boss
don't even fucking
They should call a state of emergency for healers.
Queues for tanks in leveling content are going back to normal, but it's still abysmal in level 80 content.
Look at all the 30 minute queues people have just for the final trial.
Seems like a lot of the healers got their shit to 80 and started playing something else like we kind of expected.
story didn't matter as much as the stupid rotation
>Ardbert's party had 3 tanks and no melee dps
what a bunch of shitters.
I probably won't finish every role quest, but what happpened to the cute giraffe GLD?
Name one thing in XIV more complex than Surrender to Madness Spriest
he is a wagie bro
Fem lala or fem miqo?
tell him to wait 10PM PST and then make a character on one of the servers when east coast is sleeping
I guess if more than half of your population is catgirls then there would be more good players among them.
can somebody riddle me why the fuck they make post expansion content REQUIRED to go to the next expansion?
Nigga nobody cares if the saltina cunt wants to go on errands. Let me play shadowbringers ffs
bros...Estinien wouldn't....would he...?
>gets cucked by a dead WAR for killing blow to end the xpac
found the cutscene skipper
Male Midlander.
Because the idea of "being a support" has become ingrained with "I get a free pass"
It's fucking dumb
fem lala easily
SCH people not even playing since they nerfed the class into the floor
Because it's a linear story you dumb faggot
>MNKbros thought it was their time to shine since the main character for the expansion was one and she was gonna be a cool waifu
>An Autistic weeb shows up and shits all over MNK with his katana collection and turns it into the SAM experience
Based Zenos
>but what happpened to the cute giraffe GLD?
she died
Miqo'te, every glam looks the same on lalas.
>per capita
How do I improve as a Dancer seriously?
Ive had a lot of runs in a row where I havent died and done the mechanics etc.
Im proc'ing when I can
Im using my fan dances like the guides say to and the saber dances.
Standard stepping when I can and Technical step when I can.
Is this seriously because almost half of the actions have 50% chance to activate?
I'm actually surprised by the amount of healers I've met staying true to their word and moving off to play something else until AST and SCH are fixed. Many I know swapped to DNC or another DPS job, and others have moved to WHM.
those ones came out before the expansion
it's to build up ingame hype and setup
SCH is still the strongest healing job, it's just fucking B O R I N G to play now. You can literally feel your brain cells dying.
Can we have a WHM expansion now?
>Level 80 DRK quest
Even if he's always with me, I miss him.
Fem Highlander
world development, story dungeon unlocks, respect the fucking content.
>Nerfed the class into the floor
But they didn't do this. I wish DPS and Tank mains would stop parroting whatever garbage they read on reddit. SCH hasn't been nerfed. It got MORE overpowered. It's just boring as fuck. That's what the complaints are about. The job that got nerfed to shit was AST.
Soul Crystal magic BS
They should have expanded more on Ran'jit at the beginning. All we get is a "Oh no, it's Ran'jit! We're in for bad time now." and he effortlessly wipes everyone.
Everyone in Doma and probably Ishgard did, so probably
I dunno I fucking suck too.
If you figure out how we can both git gud then let me know.
>missing yourself
if you're talking about DPS maybe, healing toolkit is strong as fuck now
Wedge's a big boy, he can deal with it
fem lalas have the highest commends in the game
t. github parse of how many people own the parade chocobo
Sup bros, has anyone seen Elidibus?
I ended up staying with SCH. It's boring but it's still stupidly strong at healing and I still don't trust anyone else in EX/Savage content to do that properly.
Don't blame any ASTs for completely jumping ship though. Holy fuck that job is a dumpster fire. I leveled it to like 74 and I'm dreading finishing it to 80 next week. Even double pulls feel a bit hectic.
This is the WHM expansion you brainlet.
Do monks exist anymore? I never see any.
I've seen plenty of monks but no warriors
You can use it twice on Titania and once on Innocence. But you're right that it's a lame fucking skill.
MNKs have always been pretty rare, still playing mine but I've only seen like 3 others since ShB came out.
>we get out the first dungeon with dia and glare
Damn right.
I would normally say femlala but being a lala takes all the seriousness out of story cutscenes.
They are very cute though.
Because anatman is such a fucking stupid shit to use on opener
>lmao server tick
just cleared titania ex today with a monk in the group
Feels bad man.
I feel like Im doing everything right. I even got a 102k crit Quad Tech Step on Titania in my opener. But then I go to FFlogs and its not goo apparently lol.
Healers got gouged too. SCH lost almost all of their DPS, save Broil, and now I don't know what to do with myself during pulls. Art of War is a functionally retarded skill and we're stuck with only one DoT now?????? and no bane?????????????????????????
its a jap thing. even in fgo you need to clear msq just to do a limited event
>still cant create my character
Go to bed you fucking wagies and let me enjoy my week off.
Why is Susanoo's theme so boring?
please ill be good yoshi please
It's hard to say without looking at your logs, I just got an 86th on innocence on DNC. Optimization is basically just aligning stuff with Technical and Devilment is all you can do, try to use Flourish on CD and use the AOE procs even on single target, try to save up 3-4 feathers and 50+ esprit for when you enter technical/devilment.
Always use Devilment immediately after hitting technical finish, then priority becomes Saber dance -> ST procs -> AOE procs -> Standard step if > 4s left. All while dumping your feathers and any fan dance III procs in between. Make sure you're reacting to Saber Dance coming up during this window too because you get a ton of Esprit from technical.
Outside of that window, don't overcap feathers but try to keep 3-4, use Saber dance when it's at 90-100 gauge to avoid overcapping.
And most importantly, keep that GCD spinning. So many bad logs are just because people aren't continuously hitting their buttons.
I just want to level up AST, I don't want to do Brayflox anymore.
>sub 8k dps
>laughs in gun
>Why do I have to do the story in a story centric game to get to the next part of the story
>highest aoe potency of the 3 healers
>muh bane
Fucking scholars man.
You have to feel for wow players really
They probably grew up with the game and now have to watch it lose its throne as #1 mmo.
AST is, for lack of a better term, pure unrefined shit right now. I played it, got it to 80, and then once I leveled WHM and SCH did I realize how fucking garbage AST is right now. Holy fuck. I have no idea what they were thinking.
>120s for a 400 potency AoE regen heal
>90s for 50 POTENCY CU
>Horoscope needs to be double weaved to be useful
>Garbage potencies all around.
Holy fuck. If I play any healer this expansion, it's WHM.
You'll be good but you won't be healer
Are you queueing for fucking coil turn 3 or something?
MCH is a class for apes.
Takes a big brain to play DNC.
>costs more mp
>has worse mp management than whm
>whm has Misery AND Assize on top of their aoe spammable that puts them far above AST/SCH damage wise
Everything in that 2nd part refers only to what you do during Devilment/technical btw.
Ran'Jit is that guy you think is cool but end up being a total pussy when shit hits the fan
Why do they speak like this?
it says here that you have a healing job but aren't queueing with it, please explain yourself right fucking now
I don't want to have done brayflox ever.
>Median Hist. %
The only bad thing about this is having to deal with Square terrible support and high ping
They don't want you to think your petty heroism will save you.
Many of the people that watch these games on Twitch also play that very game you retard
>all healers play the same they're boring now
>but WHM hits harder and has better mp management
Fucking scholars man.
It's okay user! You have more consistent cards now! That you can barely play because you're too busy trying to keep everyone from dying with your awful heals!
Yeah sure thing user.
Does anyone even still know ARR Extreme Trial mechanics?
Where are the best places to find statics recruiting?
>Playing BfA
Nice joke blizzcuck
>literally the easiest job to play now
your shitting me right?
I never had problems with their phone support, they're fast and on point. But their email/live chat support is basically useless.
It literally is not and only proves that you haven't played DNC.
Primal or Aether?
As someone who hated the card revamp from the start part of me is a little happy all the monkey paw people wishing that every card was balance are happy with current state AST.
Can someone post an asahi picture for me
would you a faerie?
>SAM instead of being able to go full SANIC now that tp is gone is more restricted than ever thanks to losing Hagakure and having it's cooldowns lined up.
>Now like all the other meleers SAM might actually dislike Skill Speed.
BLM's current speculative BiS is ALL SPELL SPEED
>Has become opened up thanks to 2 polyglot slots, 30sec sharpcast and Xenoglossy being instant cast making BLM more of a priority system.
I leveled both to 80 because they're my favorite jobs but I currently don't like SAM very much. If I wanted to be locked down to a strict gcd order then I would have just played Dragoon instead.
Don't fuck up feathers so you can survive big windy boy attack, separate tank miniruda 1 and miniruda 2, don't lose your umbrella
Get landslided off the arena because of ping then wait for the easy victory
>Unironically using Anatman in the opener
Fucking why? I've been using pic related just fine in Titania and Innocence EX
Physical ranged is just the role for apes this expansion. DNC burst window is fun, but it's ungabunga as fuck, just slam saber dance every time you hear a ding and dump all those feathers you built up and flourish procs, it's not some big brain shit desu.
Put some pants on your harlot
That's good. Does it look like it will remain wanted in raids or are we going to head back to the WAR/PLD circlejerk?
>flood of light
>warriors of darkness
>crystal tower
So is this the prelude to FF3 or something?
Also what's the best way to lvl gatherer to 60? I've run out of leves
This is an unpopular opinion, but I think current AST is fun exactly because it's so weak.
You really have to use your tools, and AST has by far the most interesting healing skills right now
thanks brother
It's a Vierafag, what did you expect?
Get outta here, you.
if you pick primal I'll give you free items
>Have been playing since ARR
>Still can't dodge weight of the land
You already rekilled Xander, and kicked Cloud of Darkness' ass in the Crystal Tower raids
can we talk about the black mage and his big black DPS
miss me yet?
Where? Who are you?
>parsing orange instead of gold
lol never gonna make it hon
Is this like advanced coping with a shitty job.
user you can get into any group except for the worst parsetranny ones with any class, if you like how Gunbreaker plays, and you probably will cause it's a load of fun, you'll find a spot somewhere. Plus warrior has become completely Unga Bunga and I've barely seen any of them all expansion
WHM is actually pretty fun. I mean the DPS rotation is still boring, but it FEELS good, and that's what matters.
Look at how happy people are with BLM and compare their rotation to something like MNK, NIN, or MCH. It's far less complex.
SCH is still broken in the same ways it has been since ARR, it just doesn't feel good to play anymore.
AST is both dogshit and not fun to play anymore. It is objectively the most cucked job right now.
really enjoying MCH now lads
Did some fairies steal your pants?
so does he dies for good once with kill Shinryu, right?
How many of you are playing SAM because of Elidibus memes?
>mfw my highest class is miner
You use it so you can PB for DPS during raid CDs. You get your 3rd stack then do the PB DPS rotation which is like DK-BS-TS-Demo-DK- (PB falls off here because fuck RoF) BS, and after that go into FoW just before your next snap punch.
You're just doing an old school opener, it's probably not that far behind desu.
If you pick Aether you get access to a decent data center.
every day
Yeah, but the plot of ShB is literally the backstory of FF3. Warriors of darkness fighting the flood of light, becoming corrupted.
I was SAM because DRG was boring in SB and I like the glamor I got for it. I hear DRG is fun now so I'll switch back with time.
They still have short queues in duty finder you know. Sprouts queue for them all the time and they're in the mentor roulette.
I used it for the whole Shad MSQ, the Elidibus memes make it all that much better.
>literally use everything on CD
>most you have to do is hold feathers for devilment
it's RDM all over again just because you think you have procs means you think you're complicated
Could be, yoshi loves III and rightly so, III is awesome
of course not bro, I will always live on in your heart
>the sun and the world can't exist without each other
I like how the ones who liked SB's MCH are complaining hard about ShB's and everyone else is having fun with it.
user it's ok you don't have to suffer like this
I haven't seen a single melee dps player in any of my dungeon runs
I have already forgotten him, he is entirely irrelevant.
I genuinely think AST is more fun to play than SCH and WHM in ShB.
It sucks that it's weak, but those are only numbers. They can easily be fixed in patches, while significant playstyle changes only come with expansions.
SCH is in by far the worst situation because of that
>posting asmonbald
I agree, it's probably my favorite FF too.
Played it since SB, Elidibus memes have just confirmed it was the right choice
Don't meet people off Yea Forums.
Ran'jit was annoying from the first. He had the Zenos problem of "How the fuck am I supposed to be getting bodied by this guy after everyone else I beat the fuck out of?" except with none of the charm or explanation. He was annoying from the start.
i think he got this backwards
Leveling Roulette once then spam highest dungeon. Main Scenario and alliance roulette are also good for xp but depending on how you're feeling it might not be worth the suffering. Skip 50/60/70, the xp reward is awful.
You can very clearly see in the video that it increases IQ by 2 each touch. like, what did you even watch
Only Feo Ul.
user, AST is not holding you hostage. Don't accept that Stockholm syndrome. You can free yourself.
>responsible for liberating Ala Mhigo and Doma
I don't know. Divination feels like a wet fart and the opener is never fun to do. The numbers may prove our rdps has improved but its lost the feeling of being good.
I like SB MCH and I like ShB MCH too.