>want to play game
>remember THAT part/feature/aspect
What's its name
Want to play game
women in the game
Persona 4
The three seasons of anime you have to watch in order to actually play the game
Silent Hill
The gameplay.
7 days to die
The stupid leveling and perk system they added
Bloodborne and the spooky forest, whatever it's called.
Majoras Mask
1st cycle
MGS3 after the Volgin fight
>Witcher (any game)
>that fucking combat
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
That first time you go into the ancient Mayans temple and it turns into a jump scare game. I'm a pussy and can't handle horror
Dead Space's asteroid defense section
Takes like half an hour tops including all the cutscenes, how fucking ADHD are you?
>Megamam X5
>Zero Space Stages
weapon durability. Can't fucking believe the Master Sword can also break too
>isshun never shuts the fuck up
I just wanna figure it out on my own damnit
>Destiny 2 New Game
>The entire Vanilla story
The starting grind in general. Hoping you find the life crystals and good accessories early.
I wanna play super mario galaxy 1 and 2 again but I have to buy another sensor bar
Fucking star bits
Even the fucking hylian shield can break, its such bullshit
>Bikanel Island
almost all of Jak 2 and 3
>the island in RE4
>the desert and spaceship in castle crashers
>have to grind in DMC to get all the cool moves
>replaying any shooter with RPG elements and your character starts out moving at the speed of death with the stamina and durability of a potato chip
Vampire the masquerade
More like the loading screens
Master sword doesn't break
>Spiderman PS4
>Mary Jane parts
>Miles parts
>the boring ass puzzles
Based Hamez
Route B in Automata.
>bought tw3 because everyone sucked its dick
>can't get past the awful combat
god fuck me
>doesn’t constantly have his weapon inventory full
You’re doing it wrong, retard.
i miss my psp
The skill trainers in Kingdoms of Amalur. Whoever designed that system must have been dropped on their head and stomped on as a child
You wanna get that Seal piece, don't ya user?
>Dragon's Dogma
>everything leading up to reaching Gran Soren
>failing quests by doing them out of order
The starting areas of both KOTORs
>master sword breaks
w-what? does it like, dragonball-from-dragonball itself?
Just light 2 candles and set them a foot or so apart
the sensor bar does nothing but emit light for the wiimotes to find
Not even. You can start the game and leave the first cycle in 20 minutes
Weapon durability is the worst video game mechanic. it even beats out hunger.
It doesn't "break" but it runs out of energy and you can't use it again until it recovers
>Persona 5
>wanna explore the combat and abilities
>have to play through life of slice shit
sorry, but I when I use my time to play videogames, I want to actually play
>couldn't do that one hard stealth mission so uninstalled
Dwarf Fortess
My autism dictates i need to deface the environment into a defensible position before I start actually building a fortress.
Digging moats, redirecting water sources, making chokepoints, building walls. Digging into mountain/hill faces a couple z-levels deep.
It really burns me out before i can begin the other base layout stuff, cant seem to stop though either.
>building walls
This shit is the worst, especially if you want them all made from the same material.
>Mass Effect 2
farm minerals
The entirety and especially the later parts of the ARR questline
chapter 2 of witcher 1
dark souls 1
Everything after bell gargoyles
KH gummi ship missions
I remember trying Witcher 1 once but turning it off after 30 minutes because I fucking HATED the weird, floaty combat. Does it not get at all better in the next two games?
What? Just play the fucking game.
Of course it gets better but you won’t hear that from any of the faggots on Yea Forums because NEW BAD
I like how easy it is to spot people who have never played a game.
Dead space 2
Eye machine, never fails to give me anxiety
Rocket League
I suck
I wish there was a mod to skip this, but last time I checked there wasn't.
Max Payne 3
All the unskippable cinematics and locked animations
I'm trying to but it's making me watch a million fucking cutscenes and keeps taking control away from me.
Brave fencer mushashi, the Fucking RAFT and that fucking steam tower
I'm you. But i do it on Gnomoria.
Honestly a timeless game with no bad parts.
It's good until you beat O&S
Or maybe because Witcher still has terrible gameplay.
Diablo loot kind of sucked desu
Infinite rollspam
>Any classic RPG
>the 1.7 million random battle slog
just edit progression.xml and change 1pt to 3pts per level
>makes the game now tolerable
>theHunter: Call of the Wild
>every fucking step scares animals within 300ft away
>8 hours and no fucking animal
>connected to near empty servers 10 times before i finally get a game where everyone's playing soldier with australium rocket launcher
every. single. time.
enemy variety is kinda low
It's on the 3DS
Vanguard Bandits. Fuck those robots that do a shitton of damage, and then counter attack for a shitton of damage.
thats just all of dark souls
unless you mean pvp. in that case get good at rollcatches
Unless you're a good goyim and buy the DLC.
>Dark Souls 2
the base game is a fucken travesty
The DLC is in many ways worse than vanilla, that's just the stockholm syndrome kicking in.
t. guy who dropped vanilla at launch out of disgust and played Scholar two years ago
>why yes I do play WRPGs for the combat instead of just lowering the difficulty, how could you tell?
I don't really play games I don't like
Farming for life fruit and weapon drops in hardmode is way worse, hopefully 1.4 will fix that shit
>Bravely Default
anything past the first four chapters
>like 90% of games i have
>they require deep thought, skill, or strategy
they make for the best games, but goddamn do i prefer to relax most of the time
Wait is that James? lol
> game mechanic forces you to experiment with it's fun gameplay, forcing you to use your imagination to use things in the environment to attack combat situations instead of running in like a retard swinging your sword for twenty seconds until you're done
> weapon durability sucks
you're a fucking faggot.
>xcom 2
>the awful, boring slog in the beginning to get to have soldiers with enough skills for fun gameplay
I will live with the fact that weapon durability won't go, but I won't let go of the fact that the master sword is also the subject of this.
Go fuck yourself and everyone that defended it. I won't back down
basically any game with a mandatory tutorial sequence
smash bros
the fact that i have to be a good sport to enjoy the game to it's fullest (and i am not a good sport)
No I mean how the recovery of stamina when you're at 0 starts faster in DaS3 than in the other souls games, that coupled with how little stamina rolls cost in DaS3 compared to the other games, it makes it more of an infinite rollspam.
it's on a fucking timer, you sperg. and you should have tons of fucking weapons from taking down bandit camps if you didn't RUSH IN USING YOUR WEAPONS ALL THE TIME and do ACTUALLY INTERESTING THINGS with the environment like the game WANTS you to.
Also, you're retarded for defending this.
But thats the best part
twiilight princess
the beginning
I'm not defending it retard. I'm saying its a problem with the entirety of dark souls
any competitive game, the fact that im awful at anything multiplayer :(
20 minute long, shitty Space Harrier segment
Combat Arms
>40% are hackers that kill you with a knife from 80m distance, through walls
>another half are speed hackers
>If you kill a noob with a knife or pistol, you are banned for "hacker"
>if you kill someone with a granade, rocket laucher or spining-machine-gun you are banned as well
Fuck this community.
>this faggot defends weapon degradation
Laugh at this faggot
FFX Blitzball tournament
The starting levels in the KOTOR games.
Does the first game have a skip for Taris?
You just have to learn that weapons are expendable and be open to use any and every weapon in the game.
Don't post my husband here, please. Thank you.
Bloodlines - the sewers
Spending 3 hours downloading and configuring mods
yep, now he plays mario kart on switch
What? You dont like wandering around the Ebon Hawk, determining what happened on the Ebon Hawk and repairing the Ebon Hawk.
Ebon Hawk
Dark souls
all of it.
MGS: Peace Walker's bosses all being massive bullet sponges that take several millennia to beat
Fucking hate the forbidden woods. I've played through that game so many times and can zip through all the other areas, but I always manage to get turned around when I go through there at least once. God forbid I actually have to get an item there other than the chunk.
Story chalices are still worse, even with the ability to skip some now.
Any Fire Emblem game
The combat is fucking boring and slow
Is this game even good now? I've owned it forever, I though development died.
Terranix or whatever the fuck
>triforce chart/shard hunting in the OG wind waker
i legit dropped a yearly playthrough because it was fucking boring
V levels in DMC 5
It's more early access abandonware shit. Devs realize they can't (or don't have to) fulfill promises and slowly stop working on the game at all.
why not play WWHD?
Kotor 2
because my WiiU got fucked up and I wanted to do my yearly playthrough
HD spoiled me too much
He's completely right, the BotW system gets you to actually use all the weapons you find around. It's fun and keeps combat dynamic. And it's not like the Master Sword even breaks or anything.
Dark Souls I love the game but
>capra demon
>anor londo archers
>four king(past NG)
>demon ruins/lost izalith
>bed of chaos
assassin's creed
uPlay login
Fucking sharkings
>brutal legend
>the RST bits
Looks like it was abandoned. But still fun somehow.
I like to try/build shit like Pokemon/other franchise cities or CristianTemples and defend it from gobos. I'm building up to a make a Lavender tower entirely made of dead goblin/foe bones.
Tales of the Abyss
Akzeriuth and everything after
Meant to say RTS but still
can't emulate?
>Wanna fight Jeanne again
>Have to do that stupid shit first
These games really need a boss rush mode
Patapon 3, the third or fourth castle with those retarded stone giants that almost always OHKO you unless you grind for 10 hours in hope of a good item or spam tondenga every fucking time.
I've played it and have damn near platinumed it. The constant going back and forth from the hunters dream to wherever is the one major problem I have with it. The other is frame rate drops constantly, but thats the ps4 for you
Halo CE, the flood section on legendary
Bloodborne, Mensis Nightmare
Dark Souls I, Anor Londo
FNV, the part where you go to do stuff with the families, you know the one
OPs mom, after sex
Any non-stealth game with stealth sections. I dare anyone to name a good one
dwarf fortress, the first hour or so of laying out your fortress and slowly expanding the industry until you can do shit
Saints Row IV
gold saucer
Oh fuck you got me. That was a good one
Dragon Quest Builders
> Cannot stand having to rebuild everything from the ground for every chapter you play
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
> Having to play checking guide or every single chest to get all the available spells on the game
>Hey what if we made Quickman's level again with a worse flash stopper and have the boss be yellow devil, except this time he takes 15 minutes to kill even on easy?
the other Zero stages aren't so bad but god is the
First just terrible
>xenoblade 2
>rare blade farm
>removed "don't forget me "
I'm playing through that game again. This is the second time in maybe... 12 years? I don't remember Telos at all from the first time and now I know why. Nothing fucking memorable happens.
>Shadow of Mordor
>unskippable orc intro
This. Fuck Taris, fuck Telos station and fuck Telos. I have a soft spot for Peragus though, I like the atmosphere.
>want to replay Tales of game
>remember tedious puzzle sections
retarded comment
Tales of Xillia 2.
This scene always makes me sad.
Peragus isn't all that bad unless you play as a Consular, it's actually quite atmospheric, everything about Telos is shit though.
30 minutes of unskippable opening scene
>the grind to get to the fun parts
>not the tempels
Shadow of Rome.
this is me with most JRPGs, it's not even that their is so much narrative as it is boring narrative that you get told about over and over again
Persona 3
The endless amount of exposition in the beginning and 90% of the game being grinding for levels
Loved its Tactical turn base RPG meets QTEs
Loved the arena stages, character designs music and lore
but so help me getting thought that 4+ hour slog of a tutorial world map
its not a bad zone, but yeah, especially the snake part is just so long
its the biggest from zone right?
Is there literally any reason to play Jak 2 this day and age? Combat is simplistic, GTA 3 but Cartoons is meh, theres only like three platforming levels, who cares about Jak story, graphics are meh. 1 is at least the best collecthalon of PS2. 2 has literally nothing going for it.
>people will be most likely to vote for sinjar
>all those historically accurate but near naked female gladiators
modern "gaming" would have a stroke
Half Life 2 Route Kanal
Skies of Arcadia
Green Moonstone Crystal story arc.
Metro 2033
>can go guns blazing but heavily encouraged to stealth kill
That amazon world zone and the lore/stories would certainly have them writing up a sea of click bait
>special gentic men are needing to breed with amazon's and there is usually 1 or less of these men per generation that basically fucks everyday to keep the warrior numbers bountiful.
>grinding in any persona
C&C renegade
I fucking hate visceroids, like holy shit kill it with fire or the ion cannon
Shit online
Friends too busy
>Ball babysit puzzles
I miss that game so much
> with high pitch gibberish narration
On A Rail is awful
>the player is forced to do the same shit from the first half in the second half
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea
developers that ran out of budget i guess
totally correct as much as i like the series (up until it got shit anyway)
xenoblade 2's voice acting. the original japanese voices suck too.
> witcher 2
> iorveths path has a forced stealth section in a game where stealth doesn't ever come up again.
Diplomatic Immunity in Skyrim
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Everything that was added in last 2 years
Wait what happened?
>capra demon
Shield+lightning miracle
Master key
>anor londo archers
Run to the right and shield till knight falls
>four kings
>demons ruins/lost izalith
>bed of chaos
Destroy orb, save and exit x2
Make a save file every time you replay after the tournament.
Except your inventory is always full, none of the weapons play any different, and the only thing it adds is constant inventory management to make sure you aren't wasting your good weapons on random mooks and min maxing damage when you pick up a weapon. Also never forget how amiibo and dlc cancer added nearly pay to win style mechanics to fucking Zelda.
I really hate the Midgar section of FF7
>deus ex
>those mechanical spiders
Fallout 2, two hours of walking back and forth between towns until you finally get the car. Of all the things F2 did better than the first, pacing is not one of them.
>Thriller Bark level in Pirate Warriors 3
Healing to full now takes 2 weeks, because realism
Drinks get frozen and you can't drink them if it's cool outside
Bionics nerfed hard to the point where you can only get them once you no longer need them
Iconic knife spear nerfed with tedium by making it randomly break
Many others I forgot
Deus Ex Human Revolution
The boat DLC, it's not bad but it completely breaks the pacing of the original game. Tried to replay the game multiple times and I always drop it when the DLC starts.
Kotor, Taris
Kotor II, Peragus Station-Citdel Station
>Didn't think much of it the first time for some reason or another.
>Second playthrough, read and watch dialogue more thoroughly.
>Her existential dread build up before she falls.
>That constant belief that she is worthless and useless because OG Milla is OG Milla.
>Those skits where she asks for purpose and everyone sans Ludger and Elle answer her complacently.
May not be remembering that last part well.
Xillia and Xillia 2 were shit in terms of, "Anniversary," titles and their complete lack of anything except fun combat and great skits. But some of the writing was really great in Xillia 2.
>Any Borderlands
>The fact that after a certain point 95%-99% of the guns dropped by enemies/found in chest suck
>Due to UVHM only 1-2 builds are viable per class
I seriously hope the new lilith DLC helps with the latter.