Well, this is trash.
Well, this is trash
explain why
I mean it’s more of the same from the first Doom so that shouldn’t come as a surprise.
more the same but with bigger bastard monsters and crueler level design
You are trash.
ya it is
level design goes to shit at about level 8 or so
still most of the additions were good
The first 1/3 of the game is bland as fuck, the middle 1/3 is legitimately abysmal(The Factory and Downtown being the standout examples of garbage), and the final 1/3 is just okay.
Thank Sandy Petersen for retarded levels
If you take it as a modding platform, it's good.
Fitting that the new games are published by Bethesda.
Doom is just the Skyrim of FPS games, absolutely terrible & people need to use hundreds of mods to make it worth playing. Which is why nobody ever talks about the base game & cries about mods whenever someone criticizes it
Doom 1 shotgun is more fun than the super shotgun.
go back to fortnite, zoomer
lots of people talk about the first three episodes
See! Whenever someone talks shit about Doom, the faggots in the fanbase can only resort to crying hollow buzzwords like "Zoomer". Nobody on Yea Forums ever played Doom, they just read a Wikipedia article on how influential it was & claim to like it for hipster points
Literally just used zoomer yourself. You just made your own argument invalid
I beat it last year, it was really fun. In your face.
Play any fun map packs yet? I just played one called rainbow that was neat :)
Why do people think Plutonia is better than TNT? I thought Plutonia was quite shit honestly.
the only really bad level in doom 2 is the citadel. every thing else ranges from mediocre to very good
>Nobody on Yea Forums ever played Doom
[citation needed]
Nope, just played vanilla and was shocked that the game still feels so good
I liked it. It's a lot more devisive than Doom 1 though. Both are good games.
>nobody on Yea Forums plays video games
"my ass" 2019,
>larger maps with more monsters
>more interesting puzzle elements
>more enemy variety
>fucking super shotgun
Its great though. Except that one city level. Fuck that level.
Try out Hexen while you're at it. I advise pirating because the steam version doesn't work for a lot of people
levels are a mixed bag but it's still GOAT
>larger maps with more monsters
Not an inherently good thing. In fact its a bad thing most of the time.
some of the levels are really horrible but it's still fun for the most part.
what the fuck is hitting me
Didn't Randy Pitchford "Start" a bunch of levels in this game?
Not OP, but Doom2 is shit without Brutal Doom (or Hdoom) mod.
It loses the essence of being fight alone on a extra-terrestrial base and invading the hell deep inside.
After this, fighting on earth is just boring. But new weapons and mechanics of Brutal give is a soul.
sounds like a lie he would tell
Shit, you might actually be retarded
Shit level design but great OST and super shotgun saves it from being bad
What a stupid retarded child. Your mother didn't have a coat hanger?
I like Downtown even if it is way too big.
That's just it, he only "started" a bunch of levels... either in one of the Doom games, or something else in one of the build engine games. As in he could say he was a developer, but really he threw some shit together and had others actually do the level design work.
>he doesn't like Barrels O' Fun
low test
He "Worked" on both Duke and Shadow Warrior but I'm pretty sure he never touched Doom at all.
Throwing around meaningless buzzwords? Guess you don't have a real argument anymore
Yes, your post is in fact trash.
You probably played it via DOSBox like an idiot. While it's fine if you're used to playing that way, if you're a fucking stupid modern gamer (and by what you said, you are), you need a fucking modern sourceport. Get gzdoom and configure that shit to modern FPS controls and crank up them graphics.
Just don't fucking do goddamn "Brutal Doom" like I'm sure a bunch of fucking asshats will suggest. It's shit.
You're trash
That's Shadow Warrior.
How it feels to play Plutonia and Evilution.
That's what it was.
Bitch I still have original doom floppy disks, what kind of dumb ass thoughts were in your head when you made this comment.
He geninely thinks everybody here is as young and uninterested as he is
I just feel like it drags on a bit too long, when the levels are already big enough that just going through them takes you some time trying to get the secrets starts feeling like a chore
Still better than Plutonia
play Call of Doom it's weeb and good
Worth it just for modding
I play Doom the way it was meant to be played. On period appropriate hardware with no gameplay altering mods.
You probably fell into the nukage eh?
With only one revenant left too.
>Hipster points for pretending to like something popular
I gave up on it when I got to barrels o fun. I felt guilty as fuck until I realized everyone else hated it.
barrels wasn't that bad, the only painful part was the pain elementals causing shit to explode
I love and hate the archviles.
got any more footage?
Not much for now. I just got the converter to record these a few days ago and tested it out on this goddamn level.
>liked doom
>fine with doom 2
>fucking hate doom 3
>love doom 2016
I think this is just about the normal opinion on the doom games
It honestly felt like some random wad. found off the internet. I felt none of the professional game design which could be seen in the first game.
>fucking hate doom 3
>love doom 2016
pleb as fuck
Dw user, just do pic related and you'll have fun
Super official DOOM rankings 2019
Doom 2016 > Doom > Doom II > Doom 3
i play through it at least once a year and have done since i was a kid. don't shift your trash taste onto other people
zoom zoom
so good
3 is better than 2016.
2016 is just brutal doom in HD. It should have been Doom 64 in HD
that was a sexy rocket dodge
>Which is why nobody ever talks about the base game
The thread you're posting in is talking about one of the base games.
I love and hate archviles, but I just plain hate pain elementals. Thankfully, I think they'll be less annoying in Eternal. Smaller hitboxes will make it easier to hit the demon itself instead of the lost souls it spits at you, and more open levels give more room to dodge.
UAC Military Nightmare
God, I hated that level.
I want to play Doom 3 at some point. Should I get the normal version, or BFG?
Doom 3 tried too hard to look like a horror game without horror aspects. 2016 at least embraced what everyone wanted, it's hard to be afraid of something while simultaneously ripping and tearing
It was one of the first memorable games I played on my first PC along with Stunts and a few others, but none of those had me stuck to my seat at 2AM scared shitless playing in the dark. Not even sure if it was the first FPS I played but it was something else.
>Doom2 is shit without Brutal Doom (or Hdoom) mod
Are these the only gameplay mods normalfags know about?
I totally blocked those assholes out of my memory.
Normal. BFG is inferior in almost every way.
>nobody wants to play moon man
BFG edition takes a little scare out of the game with the shoulder light and is more forgiving with health and ammo. In short, it's for casuals
>I think this is just about the normal opinion on the doom games
I think a lot of people have warmed up to 3 in the past few years, myself included. It's not really a Doom game, but I think it's okay on its own. Feels like the devs were more interested in replicating Half Life 1 with an added horror twist than classic Doom.
Well, this is bait.
>Should I get the normal version, or BFG?
The original has better lighting/textures and is easier to mod. BFG edition is also easier since they added ammo everywhere for whatever reason.
>Doom 3 tried too hard to look like a horror game
>2016 at least embraced what everyone wanted
BFG since its more doom than original Doom 3. anyone telling you to get normal D3 is a faggot
Anybody know how to play doom 1 and 2 In VR? I see the youtube videos of it and wolfenstein in VR and it looks kino.
>I've never played doom 3 but I won't admit to it
The post
Last timei played doom was literally saturday
Go fuck urself
Based OP
Yeah, it's overhyped nostalgia garbage with the worst level design in a shooter ever.
>But muh double shottie muh new enemies!
Double barrel it's legitimate OP and all the new enemies are annoying as fuck to fight.
I did. It was my first Doom, actually.
Also, fuck you Zoomer.
>t. didn't use enough dakka
Yeah honestly I hate pain elementals more than chaingunners at this point. At least chaingunners die quickly.
>BFG since its more doom than original Doom 3. anyone telling you to get normal D3 is a faggot
BFG is just a more expensive version of 3 with worse graphics, lower difficulty, and a mod thrown in. If you want the shoulder flashlight so much just use the duct tape mod for the original.
>loved Doom 1
>liked Doom 2
>loved Doom 64
>fine with Doom 3
>liked Doom 4
It may not be the popular opinion, but its the right one.
i've played though it several times, it's a good game, solid gameplay but let down by cramped levels, survival horror type encounters and half the weapon lineup and generally not making use of the monster lineup.
miles better than 2016 because the fundamental stuff is solid
>everyone on this board is as young and stupid as me
fucking kill yourself, you stupid cunt.
Loved, doom played in on for years online though the dwango, zdaemon, skulltag, finally zandronum.
I tell you what nothing beats fast pace shooter where your character can go like sonic.
LCS doom is the best. It reminds me of the dark souls of doom very hard and unforgiving while also being random.
Any old school doomers would love LCS in between some DM.
>new enemies are annoying to fight
They're the only enemies than are fun to fight with in the game
>not liking mindless violence with an awesome soundtrack
Literally the only bad thing is that I can't hit anything because I'm headbanging so hard
You're a fucking retard that has no idea what the fuck he's even talking about. Lots of people played doom.
Leave you filthy nigger.
Whats that?
Why the levels in Doom 2 feel so random, in the first game the progression feels pretty good and makes more sense despite not having any reason to because it's divided by episodes, I think the graphics play a big part in this since I remember more variety in the look of the levels of Doom while in 2 everything kind of blends together and the next level feels more like you magically transported into some other area which is not a bad thing in itself but it does feel like a downgrade from the first game.
Fuck sandy peterson but without him, we wouldn't had the thousands of custom wads we have today.
My mistake not LCS, but LCA complex doom.
Basically more monsters, more weapons. Only 1 life no respawn and its randomizes the enemy. Like it could be an imp but there are like 20 different types of imps. With golden boss like one too. They even have addon that ramps up the difficulty the longer your in the map.
I don't like watered down console horseshit
I think this is my favorite Doom song.
Are you going to buy Romeros new video game? He is starting small and if this sells he can make his kickstarter shooter idea, Blackroom.
Is X-Com with gangsters. Coming to all systems.
>le PC master race
Fuck off
No you are trash
who knows, they were definitely trying to make them more challenging and experimenting with the game's mechanics though
not the platform, the game design
>BFG is just a more expensive version of 3 with worse graphics
Nothing to do with gameplay
>lower difficulty
Only because you don't have to switch back in fourth between your flashlight and gun which was fucking retarded anyway. Also doom was never hard to begin with.
>and a mod thrown in.
Refer to previous answer. Also good because i should spend more time shooting instead of fumbling around in the dark
>Love Doom
>Like Doom 2
>dislike 64
>moderate on Doom 3
>moderate on Doom (reboot)
>pause kickstarter to make a proof of concept demo
>never delivers
Yeah but zenimax won't let them add mod support.
As long as people port the weapons to GZDoom like they did with Doom 4's weapons, then I'll be fine.
mods wouldn't save the new games anyway
>Nothing to do with gameplay
And? You'd still just be paying more for an objectively inferior port.
>Only because you don't have to switch back in fourth between your flashlight and gun which was fucking retarded anyway
No, BFG unnecessarily adds a bunch of extra ammo and health to levels.
There literally isn't a single reason to buy BFG.
Still better than Doom 3. And that's coming from someone who played D3 first.
>Are you going to buy Romeros new video game?
I might. I'll wait for a demo though, because I don't really like XCOM's two actions system or its ~cinematic~ presentation.
I would have liked to mod snapmap to remove the hard enemy limit.
that wouldn't even be possible due to the design
Tricks and Traps is the best DOOM level.
i'm THE zoomer and i was playing doom just a few moments ago, you're just nigger tier retarded
As an actual zoomer (Born in 2001) i can say that yeah i play and enjoy doom. Before however i would only play gzdoom cuz i thought the game was better with freelook, but recently ive found the error in my ways and have found the default controls to feel so fucking good. Currently playing through doom on pr-boom plus, mainly so i can adjust sensitivity amd resolution. Its amazing though. Also pistol starts after you die teach you that save scumming is useless in fps
why didn't they just make the fucking demo
To piss you off
>falling for boomer propaganda and thinking autoaim is better than freelook
All it does is make aiming easier while also making it more frustrating because sometimes your shots wont go where you intend for them to go. Anyone who thinks Doom is better with default aiming is a fucking moron.
I tried chocolate doom for a more authentic blast to the past because I'm a faggot like that but it literally hurts my eyes too much.
good bait desu
Get used to it.
Quake is better
Quake > every Doom game
prove me wrong
I couldn't really get into Quake. I found most of the enemies annoying to fight.
Barrels o' fuck off Sandy
If you prefer playing the game on modern sourceports, go ahead. Who cares if a bunch of anonymous faggots think you're not hardcore enough because you're not trying to get the most authentic experience possible?
I don't care what you guys think I'm just lamenting my shit eyes
shout out to decino
I didn't find it that bad, gzdoom looked only a bit smoother
>not using Crispy Doom
I feel like I was already pushing it on a CRT monitor at 480p, did you played it on an LCD?
guys how do I get the castlevania mod to work in Open Touch Delta?
Doom was a landmark game that pushed games forwards. Skyrim is a watered down sequel to an already watered down RPG that actually relies on mods to make it a real game.
At the very least Doom gets a pass because it was made by roughly people when your dad was picking zits off his forehead in the locker room, and it still revolutionized gaming. Skyrim was made by hundreds of people in 2011 and did nothing but simplify it.
Sandy Petersen's Quake levels were much better than his Doom levels.
I'll wait for what Civvie thinks
are you e-celeb dicksucking redditors ever going to leave?
He already did Doom 2, falseflagger.
>calls his series "pro" doom
>doesn't pistol start ALL levels
>doesn't have -fast on
>savescums during TFC and doom 2
>can't handle not aiming vertically
Go away Cancer Mouse. He already did Pro Doom 2. The real question is, when are Pro TNT and Pro Plutonia coming out?
Please explain how this post came across as dicksucking, when it’s obviously shitting on him.
>can't handle not aiming vertically
Drinking Monster compensates for that.
The level design is like something you'd find in a fan wad
The enemies range from pointless (hell knight) to acceptable (revenant) to annoyingly unfun (pain elemental)
You get the super shotgun far too early
Quoting someone isn't hypocrisy you braindead fucking retard
he complains about the autoaim in his savescum filled doom 2 video, even the pסny walkthrough guy has a more legitimate playthrough
>t. pleb with no taste
by mentioning it
go back to where you came from
Why are you watching this guy if you hate him so much?
Doom 3 was unfairly shat on and I'm glad that people are warming up to it
Ah, I see. You’re severely retarded. Got it.
>Brutal Doom (or Hdoom)
No, it’s still shit.
I bet you like doom 2016
know thy enemy
They've obtained the most publicity so that's a given. Only /vr/ appears to even remember Yea Forums's own catalog of mods and modders.
Hell Knights are a reasonable alternative to Barons of Hell depending on the mapper's needs.
I don’t. Doom 64 is better.
There was a great silent hill themed wad i played a few years ago. Forgot its name but the atmosphere and level design kicked doom 2's ass up and down the street.
Soundless Mound?
probably one of the few genuinely good doom video makers, that peter guy he brought in to do the nightmare run was pretty bad though - try watching that map31-32 video without wincing
Have you played doom64ex the totally tubular PC port of doom 64 that does it right? It's radical man it's like playing the game the way it was meant to be played even though it was only ever made for Nintendo 64 man such a bummer for everyone who had to play it on that man
What about civvie11?
he doesnt even show how to quick kill cyberdemons with the bfg
Hes pretty bad at games but not as bad as shillmanlives
refer to
Hell Revealed II
And he sucks at Blood.
Barrels is cancer UV pistol start. You have to beg for the Pain Elementals to get infighting and then clean up their 10 million Lost Souls. After that it’s easy but fuck that.
He has stated countless times he plays the games as they where on release or as close to it as can be handled you want some gold go look up his pro postal series
>had urge to play Doom
>haven't owned Doom in fucking forever, multiple PC's ago, on long lost floppy's and shit
>get the whole series off the Steam sale
>hmm, whats this Brutal Doom thing people were talking about
>download it
>blown the fuck away
>music rocking my balls off
>new weapons
>can look up and down
Goddamn this shit should just be packed right in with Doom on all vendors at this point. Best FPS I've played in over 10 years.
Ancient Ayys.
>can look up and down
those things are not related to brutal doom, you brutal doom shitter
zoom zoom
>tfw having to play it on XBL Arcade
>tfw Fists - Pistol - Shotgun - Chaingun - Rockets - Plasma - BFG - Chainsaw - Super Shotgun - Fists
>tfw can’t whip around to shoot shit, takes a full second to 180
No Rest for the Living is great at least. One step below a build engine game. Fuck the devs for putting the only backpack at the end of the last level though.
>not watching decino
Instead of playing brutal doom play nightmare and prove you really are tough
It's more of a puzzle game than a shooter. Quake is the same but for brainlets. I don't see the appeal.
Please be joking
This might be more your speed OP
how do you not only make your mod soulless but actually give it negative soul
>slaps on a silencer
holy fuck
This guy is 100% correct and all the replies seething at being called out proves it.
>buying doom
>guy says something dumb that's almost certainly bait
>people make equally shitty posts to call him an idiot
>hurrrr shitposters shitposting other shitposters proves anything aside from Yea Forums being a terrible place to talk about video games to begin with
Here's your (you).
>has to play Serious Sam on normal or else he can't handle it
Well, this is zoom zoom zoom
Feels weird replaying Doom after binging through Build Engine and Serious Sam games, Doomguy actually has acceleration and friction.
>Crucified Dreans
>Speed of Doom
>Zen Dynamics
>Soundless Mound
>Newdoom Community project
>Back to Saturn X part 1
>Going Down
>sam on normal
may as well not even bother playing it at all
hey man unfortunately you are incorrect on the internet
>hi res mods
disgusting casual
that's just gzdoom
If played without pistolstart, then you did not play Doom II.
>not enhancing your game
Filthy consolet, go back to your Smash Brethern. This is a proper gentlemen's thread for the Personal Computational Device Rules.
I don't disagree with serious Sam being frustrating
You know about Crispy Doom right? It's chocolate but with double the resolution and uncapped framerate. It's vanilla and doesn't hurt your eyes.
I got over it and now use GZDoom.