Rank them from best to worst Yea Forums
Rank them from best to worst Yea Forums
I know that SotC is better than all of them, so there's that
I know that LttP is worse than all of them, so there's that
All N64 Zelda games aged like shit
SotC is the only good game here
FF7 is the only good game on this list
To think that does games all game out in such short time span.
We never again will have multiple games per year that will be remembered for decades. We are lucky if we get 1.
I'm not doing your homework for you, kid.
And 1 year later.
No joke, actually dilate
Such innovation.
OoT, Chrono Trigger, FF6 are top tier
SotC is good
FF7 eats and so does its fanbase
This but the complete opposite
>tfw tried all of these and thought they were all just okay
I know I still like videogames because I recently tried out the original Doom for the first time and fell in love. I just was not able to get into any of these games that everyone seems to think is the best the industry has to offer.
OoT > ALTTP > Chrono Trigger > FF's > Shadow of the Redditor
LttP > FF6 > OoT > CT > FF7 > SotC
This except the opposite, i loved all of these games recently but thought Doom was an outdated piece of shit
How the fuck is Doom an outdated piece of shit? It still plays great to this day. Explain yourself.
A Link to the Past > Chrono Trigger > Shadow of the Colossus > FF7 >FF6
Take your nostalgia glasses off & maybe you'll understand boomer. There's a reason why Doom 4 is the only one anyone outside this shithole talks about
Either this place has completely rotted your brain with memes or you are just shitposting. Either way you will be getting no more (you)'s from me my friend.
> Contrarian brings up his meme game for absolutely no reason
> Cannot even explain why it's good other than "Muh Influence"
> Cries buzzwords whenever someone criticizes it
Every time, you faggots never even played Doom & claim to like it simply for hipster points
>Chrono Trigger
Combines the very best of Squaresoft and Enix RPGs. Double/triple techs make for a unique and interesting feature. Also introduced most of us to New Game Plus. Genre defining classic.
>Final Fantasy VII
Innovative materia system, cutscenes when they were cool and not overpowering games, goofy side shit, great story.
>Zelda: A Link to the Past
This became the standard for all Zelda games. The NES was the skeleton, but this game fleshed everything out and all Zelda games since, with the exception of Breath of the Wild, has based itself on LTTP's formula
>Ocarina of Time
LttP but in 3D.
Like Chrono Trigger, but straight FF without the Enix influence or innovatio . Compelling story though.
>Shadow of the Colossus
Great, beautiful game. Ranked lowest only based on its lack of influence.
VII > CT > SotC > LttP > VI > OoT
LttP > Chrono Trigger > FFVI > FFVII > OoT > SotC
Bloodborne > the rest
Get fucked grandpas. I was born after 9/11
Chrono > FF6 > LttP > FF7 > OoT > SotC
I would say all the games are solid 8/10 or higher though.