I had fun playing this game yesterday with Yea Forums, but now I'm trying to do the singleplayer and getting my ass beat. How the fuck do I get good at this game?
I had fun playing this game yesterday with Yea Forums...
If you don't have the gold donator liveries it's a lot harder to beat the single player but otherwise just keep playing survival until you get the hang of things.
Practice. Realize you can and should release the accelerator at times. Try to be critical of what you're doing when things go wrong. The time trial events are a great place to practice getting incrementally better and having feedback in the form of your own times / ghost.
>gold donator liveries
yeah the closest you can get to them nowadays is buying the soundtrack though it still makes things a lot easier
>gold donator liveries
I'm just confused from the start - are there better-stat standard racers that you have to buy separately?
>Just when I'm starting to get the hang of one map, I encounter the next and all my practice goes out the window
Feels bad to suck
Yeah you used to be able to donate to the dev and got golden versions of all the ships though they don't openly have any better stats they are golden which is a huge advantage.
rate this
i need to know if I should change stuff
Just got the game today
Also what do i need to play with you fags
tell me about the VR
It's the regular game, but in VR, not much to say
Runs great and those tracks that use the vertical a lot gives you a fucking great feeling.
Looks good, I made one myself in case someone asks but yours is much better
Also did some speed tests on Staten Towers Zen to get an approximation of the difference between ships on a middle of the road kinda track
Good perfect lap times :
G-Tek - 26.10, Scorpio - 26.00, Omnicom - 25.70, Tenrai 25.60, Wyvern and Hyperion - 25.50, Diavolt - 25.40, Caliburn - 25.35, Nexus - 25.30
Pretty well balanced all things considered
>Realize you can and should release the accelerator at times
Nah that's pointless, even if you want to properly brake it's best to press both air brakes but there's no need for that, a single air brake should be all you need to slow down and take turns just a matter of how hard you press and for how long.
I'd put omnicom in balanced desu
Also is wyvern balanced or beginner?
Yeah Omnicom could go into either category really. Beginner in this case means that the ship's easy to pick up for beginners not that it's only good at beginner levels
Gotta wait for a lobby, looks like all the bng fags are asleep already though
I'm going to bed too, but i hope to see some action tomorrow
No one's around for mp?
Sir, I think you're going too fast
what in the fuck are those lines?
There's no such thing
yo mpbros if you're still there add me on steam
kornflake (picture is a seal)
This game have a decent playerbase?
No it's got a small and dedicated following instead of a sprawling AAA playerbase it's literally shit.
>that 30 day gain
that's us boys