Red pill me on this guy. I know about his public spergout on here already, but apparently there was worse shit that he did before? Also, will it ever be finished?
Yandere Simulator
Other urls found in this thread:
Keep your shitty eceleb gossip in reddit, thanks.
>d-dont talk about video games here
I remember he threatened to kill himself and went offline for a few days after he got rejected by a fan on his Discord server.
He has mental issues but I'm pretty sure we all know that already.
He lamented online about how he wanted to brutally murder his parents and how children should go through a “sex test” to prove they’re mature enough for sex. He’s absolutely shit at coding and steals ideas from Persona 5 and Hitman. It’s been literally years and he still can’t program the first rival in the game because he’d rather program easter eggs or stream vidya, living off his 2000$ a month Patreon money.
What game? yansim is vaporware worse than duke nukem forever.
>about video games
>Red pill me on this guy
Do you suffer from a congenital disorder that makes you extra retarded?
Duke Nukem Forever is a game that exists.
What game?
two thousand a month isnt enough to even rent where i live lol
How is DNF vaporware, retard? It came out and it fucking sucked. How did you manage to become this stupid?
Stop pretending to be retarded user, it's not funny.
>public spergout
what happened?
user if you wanted (you)s just ask. No need to pretend you're retarded
People like the game, and he's making a living, I don't see the problem. No one is being forced to donate to his patreon.
Wait isn't this Eva? Did he close his stream down and start tying to dev? Is current Yea Forums old enough to remember stuff like eva or keef?
He is a faggot that think he knows how to make games and has fallen victim to feture creep to the extreme
Yes, that's him. He hasn't really changed at all.
where do you live that the costs of living are so retardedly high?
Go to bed Alex
Is he still streaming? I mean twitch killed almost every fun stream community and his was down to less than 50 viewers years before twitch came around.
Not that user but I wouldn't be surprised if it was somewhere in NYC
Does he even work anymore? Sounds like his paypigs have him covered.
He looks like Ice Poseidon desu
I'm pretty sure he still does but just not on Twitch, I've never actually had the nerve to sit through an actual one I've just seen some quick highlights from them when people are pointing out dumb stuff he has done. Also pic related is how he looks now.
>that clip of him talking about the proper way to write the code that he's writing
>proceeds to do it the dogshit way
What really gets under my skin is that he knows exactly what he's doing wrong and exactly what to do right and he proceeds to do it the shitty way.
>that clip of him acting like an ape and banging his desk after dying once in Cuphead
>that clip of him pulling up a photo of his waifu and making licking noises
I swear he has the brain of a child.
he spammed Yea Forums to falseflag as an Indivisible marketer because of his retarded grudge on the Skullgirls lead developer that criticized him
he is a shitty programmer with shitty ideas and likes rei ayanami and is also a whiny ass bitch who whined about girls and sounded as though he was gonna be the next eliot rogers
he doesn't get a smooth framerate on the game he's literally making holy fuck
Find someone called Sisefs and ask her how Eva lusted after her 14 year old poon after she spammed his admins with her nudes back in the day.
>Children should go through a sex test
I suppose in hindsight it was rather obvious now wasn't it?
Not him but I'm in Califuckingfornia and my rent is $1920 in a pretty nice area. 1 bedroom. Washer/dryer inside. 1 garage.
yeah mmd technology requires a fucking cgi workstation to run
He thinks he's a good programmer and spergs out when someone gives him feedback about his shit methods
He thinks this fucking improves anything
Please stop posting this picture. It looks like an uglier version of me, and it makes me self conscious.
this isn't improving the functionality of the code, just making it easier to read.
I barely know coding since my degree is in mechanical engineering. Are cases in any way preferable when an If statement is just as easy to write?
It's improves readability, and makes it easier to maintain (add, modify or remove items).
Switch statements are preferred to if-else chains. The problem is that he doesn't need to use one in the first place.
There are only 7 valid things a day can be. He should have an enum called DayName (or whatever) with the 7 days as its only values, then the entire method can be replaced with
Day = (DayName)ID;
And that way he won't be using gross string comparisons anywhere to check what day it is either.
Wait I haven't followed this guy in years, he STILL hasn't implemented the first Rival? Of like 7? What the fuck has he been doing? Like, didn't he have a publisher or something that was going to help?
How is he still making money? His game should have been finished in under 2 years, hasn't it been like 7?
>still not an enum
Didn't this guy get boatloads of money from patreon?
Literally just hire one half-way competent dev.
> didn't he have a publisher or something that was going to help?
The partnership with tinybuild ended a year and a half ago because he couldn't handle someone else refactoring his code and got defensive whenever they made a suggestion on how to improve something
I hate webms
Every place I've seen him use if/else chains or switches he should have used object oriented design.
meekrat looking motherfucker that used to shill his shitty stream on Yea Forums and make unironic tfwnogf threads way before wojak.
He faded into obscurity for a while after he got banned on sight, then found a niche to milk dry.
That shit was the best read. It's almost amazing that someone far more qualified than he is actually told him what could help performance and he was just like "nah fuck this guy".
I have no idea who the fuck this guy is but didn't he once post on the Gaia Online forums complaining about how ugly he is?
This guy must be a true faggot In real life
Why would you link an image criticizing his code when it isnt even readable you retarded mongoloid
>give the people who speak anything bad about you a caricature that is suppose to demean and shame
>only makes them more excited and proud of it
imagine not knowing how to expand an image in the year twenty fucking nineteen you absolute moron
>when it isnt even readable you retarded mongoloid
is this the power of retarded phoneposters?
I knew it! That's why U.S. companies are looking for programmers in my country. They pay here 2000 USD which allows us to have a good life, but it is a horrendous salary for people who live in the United States.
>post yfw someone even slightly competent just takes the game and actually improves on it in their own way and yandev seethes
>everywhere tl;dr is basically ''nu uh''
That would trigger his inferiority complex after he sees how much better an actual programmer is.
>int num12 = 0;
>int num13 = num12;
>float single71 = (float)num13;
my programming is extremely rusty and pretty basic knowledge but what the fuck is the point of this? isn't this just three steps simply to get a float 0 which could be accomplished in 1 step?
this coming from the faggots who actually think chain if else statements are bad practice
>implying they aren't
not only a phoneposter but a coding brainlet
9/10 times there is a better way to handle the situation. For example,
If you don't think that if else chains are shit when they can easily be swapped for switches you're the faggot.
fuck off, alex
go away Yanderedev
I tell people about the greatness of bitwise operations and how it would really expedite a lot of shitty boolean logic checks as seen in this code.
Yeah, you're right. This is the same guy who says that only people with good computers should be able to run YandereDev. Can you imagine, though, that this guy is much like a lot of amateur programmers actually working at AAA development jobs? It's not far from the truth, even. You recognizing that puts you a step above them.
Just buy a more expensive computer bro, works on my mainframe
First off, nobody is saying that chain, OR NESTED rather, if else statements by themselves are bad. You're retarded. It's Yandev's approach in general that is bad. And by this account, I assume your approach is also as bad, if not worse.
i was gonna falseflag as eva falseflagging as user and sperging out but im too lazy
Since this game is taking to long did someone else take this concept and make a game or is Yanderedev still in the clear?
yes, we all know your undergrad CS courses taught you about switch cases
that doesnt make if else statements bad practice. especially in cases with few possible scenarios the overhead from using a switch is usually even a minor downgrade in performance
99% of people here criticizing him are brainless parrots
[3:54:23 PM] Zombie: I saw your post about the differences between C# and JavaScript/UnityScript on Reddit, and since it was pretty much 100% wrong, I figured I'd offer to explain them to you, and what can be done about them. Interested?
[3:54:34 PM] YandereDev: um...
[3:54:46 PM] YandereDev: What did I get wrong?
[3:55:00 PM] Zombie: Mostly just the reasoning behind why those things were the case
[3:55:05 PM] Zombie: For example, the f suffix on values
[3:55:19 PM] YandereDev: Well, it's true that you do need to put an f suffix on values in C# but not in JS
[3:55:21 PM] Zombie: In JavaScript, there's only one numeric type, and that's a double
[3:55:28 PM] Zombie: In C#, there are numerous numeric types
[3:55:34 PM] Zombie: the suffix lets the code differentiate between them
[3:55:35 PM] YandereDev: This is wasting my time
[3:55:36 PM] Zombie: no suffix = double
[3:55:40 PM] YandereDev: You're talking to me so you can feel superior
[3:55:43 PM] Zombie: f suffix = float
[3:55:45 PM] Zombie: m suffix = decimal
[3:55:51 PM] Zombie: I have no desire to feel "superior"
[3:56:04 PM] YandereDev: I'm right, you do need to put an "f" suffix, I am not "100% incorrect"
[3:56:10 PM] YandereDev: You just want to be smug and condesending
[3:56:17 PM] YandereDev: Your reason for contacting me is to be a dick
[3:56:18 PM] YandereDev: Goodbye
[3:56:24 PM] Zombie: If that's how you want to see it, then okay then
*You have been blocked by YandereDev*
I'm pretty sure a chink company made a phone game with the same premise
>For a long time, I was extremely reluctant to consider the possibility of bringing another programmer onboard the project. I didn't want to risk losing weeks or months of my time teaching someone how the systems work, how to modify various aspects of the game, where important files are located, etc. I didn't want to risk "merge conflicts" that occur when two programmers modify the same script and then have to resolve conflicting code. I didn't want to risk the programmer modifying my code in ways that make it alien and foreign to me, impeding my ability to make progress on the game. I didn't want to risk losing time waiting for a programmer to fix a bug he had caused. I didn't want to risk being forced into a situation where I'm reliant on the assistance of someone whose personality is difficult to tolerate. I didn't want to risk all of the other annoying headaches that come from working alongside a programmer instead of just working solo.
>In 2017, I actually did work alongside another programmer for about 5 months. And, tragically, all of the fears described above became a reality. The programmer made a small number of meaningful improvements to the game, but overall, the majority of the work he did was to go over my code and re-write it without actually improving the game's performance. For example, changing (foo == false) to (!foo). Busywork that had no actual impact on the game.
A glance into this guy’s history explains much on the way he is now. The shmuck is just an “idea guy”, which would be ok if he wasn’t so far up his own ass or at least halfway competent. The worst aspect about him is how he can never take criticism. That alone was what revealed his past identity before anybody here knew him as anything other than YandereDev. I remember him always asking people to give him all they got over here and yet when real critique, or even suggestions, for his work shows up he flips. The guy just wanted people to suck his dick and tell him there is NOTHING wrong with his work and it is perfection.
Does anyone have that screen cap of him going how people here were “biting the hand that feeds”? That post legit made my stomach churn.
He would have faded away into an autistic obscurity if it wasn’t for Pewdiepie shilling his game. In the end the guy just wanted a circle jerk about him. Which is ironic because after leaving here not even eight-Chan or reddit wanted him after seeing him for who he really is.
Did you actually read ? In this instance, there isn't a need for branched logic at all if you actually think for a fucking second about what the code is actually trying to accomplish
All I ever see of Yandere Shitulator these days is MMD models on Deviantart.
Who here living that gremlin thug life, where my gremlin bros at?
it does when you have to add new shit in the future
when you start using hardcoded if/elses with stuff like animations, hair color, face types, etc. (which he was doing) you're fucking up hard. that stuff needs to be stored in a more cohesive format so that you don't add 15 more statements every time you wanna change something.
one more time since you didn't hear: fuck off, alex
Guy looks like a budget Shia LaBeouf that evolved into a mediocre Randy Pitchford double.
What is your favorite GOOD yandere content?
dios mio...
Do you honestly believe that has even a remotely significant effect on performance
Thats literally all you people parrot. Criticizing his code has become such a meme people have forgotten what it would even entail
Shit bros he finally found out that 4channit is full of ayy lmao goblins.
that's not about performance, that's about keeping a maintainable codebase so that it doesn't take 15 million years to get to the first rival.
fuck. off. alex.
This was when people were still on his side wasn't it? I remember people going yeah you stick it to the big man before realizing that he have a personality of an enema.
>I didn't want to risk "merge conflicts" that occur when two programmers modify the same script and then have to resolve conflicting code.
He's speaking like a true idiot who has no idea how version control systems actually work.
hi alex.
I dunno, I don't really like most yandere shit.
But I like some characters like Yukako from Jojo, even though I don't really follow the series. I think that is it, really.
This is what happens if you don't follow examples and try to invent everything for yourself every step of the way
he looks like me
t. Alex
Sorry to hear that
You can't just say that then not post a pic, user.
>You recognizing that puts you a step above them.
the disturbing thing is I'm a guy who was a CS major for only two years in uni then switched majors (over the math requirements, I did good in the CS classes themselves, but I digress) who hasn't touched any code in literal years and still recognized that. Yet he does that exact fuck up 3 times in that image's code. In fact unless he's using some of those extraneous stored values in the bottom right portion you could at the least halve the code required, probably more actually.
>I like my code to be messy, borderline unreadable, and a bitch to edit because it improves performance slightly
I will literally choke you if you give me that shit code and tell me to add stuff to it
what the fuck
if you want your dev to optimize performance, let them make your code readable first to make their job easier
This comes up every thread and I always have to correct it.
Merge conflicts in Unity aren't the same as just having a merge conflict with simple code.
They are the worst, they should ideally never happen but there is ALWAYS someone who accidentally commits a change to a prefab that they shouldn't or a scenefile, and a bunch of people don't notice and then it fucks everything up a week after it was done.
where's the women we're gonna rape
Not him but some parts of colorado are getting stupid.
he looks like toby fox?
someone make a side by side image of him and toby fox
He spent 5 and a quarter years making what amounts to a tech demo that despite looking like some jap porn game nobody has ever heard about, runs smoothly only on serious gaming rigs despite his audience being underage Markiplier watchers. He’s chased off his publisher, a lot of his volunteers and income.
Unity? Oh. I don't have any experience on working with Unity, nevermind then.
There’s no women so we rape each other.
mmm I don't see it too much.
If you're referencing the picture when he was younger and in that blue shirt I can see it a bit but even then he was nowhere on the goblin-tier like eva is
goblin slayer can't come soon enough to deliver us from our lives
You could save yourself a lot of trouble, and even under the hood code, just by working with bitwise operation. If you have a bunch of values that are either just true or false, you can save your program a lot of computation just by storing their values in the single bit of a variable, and just use bitmasking to check for their boolean values. Even if you want to check several at a time, you can use bitmasking, then. Especially if your compiler is smart and/or you use your preproc macros to work things out, your bitmasks will be the most efficient way of doing boolean checks.
I mean, checking multiple true/false things in one simple bitmasking? You can shorten a lot of shit near logarithmically, even less.
I remember there was some screenshot of YanDev code where it was just a bunch of checks of string equality or something, and it was so much redundancy that could have been saved by said above approach to coding. I swear by it because it's useful and saves you on the under the hood work. I'm not even talking about not nesting ifs, or using switches or whatever. I'm talking about having a stupid string check when you don't have to, and can save yourself the grief with mere bitwise ops.
So imagine if you were working inside a scene for 2 hours and someone else was accidentally working in the same one. Basically one person's work has to be completely redone in most cases. That's why ideally you have a game designer being the only one in certain scenes hooking up the work of other people, but in reality shit ALWAYS happens. I hate it.
Yandev explicitly mentions merge conflicts on scripts, which is just a text file of code, so the things you said were valid. Any good source control system like perforce lets you check out files which means nobody else is able to edit it while you are, which helps prevent most conflicts.
So.....this is what turning rich does to you
Leave California dumbass
Reminder to play her superior game instead.
What would've been a better way to handle this conditional? Using a switch statement? Data object? Nitpicking.
It needs to be fundamentally refactored, the entire premise that the logic works off of is wrong.
So basically you're saying YandereDev is stupid anyway.
of course
The float values are retarded, but this is just one function block branching out to scope calls within each conditional. This isn't the main logic, just some of the AI I'm guessing.
Stop pretending you haven't done both of those things, you just were lucky that there wasn't a camera pointed toward you at the time.
get out, nigga
why would he need a conditional for every single situation with multiple triggers
what would that be?
sounds like a swell guy
Instead of doing one long conditional block he could've kept all the conditionals away in a data object, traversed it using companion objects for overarching methods that call for each scenario and used passive helper functions for each call tucked away in its respective class. This is messy, but I'm sure this guy isn't a programmer by trade and game developers have the worst code I've seen.
He should be able to store a data structure that contains a witnessed type and a game over cause, if there really are situations where those are different. They shouldn't be stored as strings, they should be stored as enums.
It looks like some witness types take precedence over others (eg weapon and blood causes a weapon gameover) - the enum could just be ordered by priority and a list could be kept of all events witnessed (given that it seems like any combination of things can all be witnessed at once), and it just does a loop through to determine which witnessed event in the list is the highest priority.
The fact the entire thing is wrapped in an "if teacher" is completely wrong since it seems to only change a label string. Fuck knows what that's used for, but the person type (assuming teacher, student etc are all different types he's storing individually as a bool for amateur reasons and has this entire else if chain copied for a different person type) should just be another enum and he can add that variable to the string without a need for an if statement.
Morimiya Middle School Shooting
thx user
If he didn't want to be condescending, why publish a private fucking chat?
To show people that yanderedev was being a cunt
Jesus, that image makes me mad. He likely has no fucking clue what he's doing with the lighting set up and has reached the point of delusion where he thinks his game is graphically intensive, despite it looking like a pile of shit scrapped together from the asset store.
He can't even get 60 FPS on his own fucking PC. A game developer should never be saying crap like that.
Yanderedev seems like the kind of guy that openly talks shit and spreads lies/rumors about people he doesn't like.
It was probably posted to show that Yanderedev wasn't a victim nor bullied and is in fact 100% responsible for everything negative said in that convo.
Before being a failed game developer he used to steam full time and post on Yea Forums like a true NEET before streaming was even popular. He got a lot of flack because he was really whiny and used to go on tangents about being a lonely incel like an Elliot Rodger.
OH NO! YandereDev's nemesis' game got funded even though we did all that falseflagging!
YandereDev bros, we got too cocky..
YandereDev bros... We celebrated too early
they cheated and literally broke the sites rules to get it funded
>broke the sites rules
i just remember them being super rigorous and guilt-trippy on all their social media
YandereDev bros.. How did this image fail us..? How did YandereDev's nemesis' game get funded??
MikeZ.. He was mean to YandereDev and MikeZ got away with it.. It's not fair..
IIRC it got an extension for the date or something.
So...other than a highschool computer science 1 course how else can you learn to code?
Unironically best post I’ve seen on this website
he spent years on 1 game with in game store asset and still has not completed it. he is sucking his fans dry and knows when its done he doesn't have the brain power to make anything else. i fucking hate him so much for not only being such a fucking leech but being a leech and being smug about it while not showing anything that back up this assholeish nature
>bu- ma videogame i m-m-made
fucking games been being made fore years now even longer then indie games and AAA. fucking faggot
University/college course
Well shit. Thought there would be a book or a YouTube video.
There probably is, but self teaching is never going to be as good as having someone to correct you
He should change game.
Plot will be: More than 1 yandere lusts for senpai's dick
And game will be battle royale between yanderq Chans.
Literally just a dictionary.
2 lines of code for all that shit, best possible look up time.
t. programmer
get lucky like YandereDev and get in a chatroom full of coders willing to help you and give you advice. Or get extra lucky and get personal advice from the coder that inspired you. Just don't take the advice and criticism as an insult like a retard and then start a never ending grudge about it like YandereDev
>Have rooms full of experts willingly to help you step by step
I know people who would pay thousands for that kind of attention
but user that's where YD lives as well
I've heard that he has a pretty cute gf
>Stop pretending you haven't done both of those things
>pulling up a photo of his waifu and making licking noises
even the average sperg hasn't done this.
My absolute favorite thing was when he trashed talked Deer Simulator after E3 and everyone called him out of it, so he back tracked and was like 'nah guys I was making a pun! Yan-Deer Simulator! get it! please give me more money so I can stream'
i-it's futureproofing... the technology needed to run it smoothly simply doesn't exist yet
Unless it was a recent change, I'm pretty sure he still streams on Twitch.
I know you're in here somewhere, Eva. I'm impressed you haven't killed yourself yet.
come on user
don't tell me you've never made rapefics of fighting game girls that you like to beat up in fighting games and made forum posts about wanting to kill your parents for suggesting for you to go to college
I'm positive he lurks
as the saying goes, ''you're here forever''
you don't just leave
I'm sorry, is this something eva has been caught doing or is this be biggest projection ever
Eva has done all of those things
he's making a joke, user.
>will it ever be finished
His Patreon has only been going downhill, so unless he manages some grandiose comeback, his days are extremely limited in whatever dim limelight remains.
at first i felt so bad about getting that one lucky win over him in blazblue online over a mistake he made that cost him the match against my scrubby litchi
but now i'm proud of that match and it will forever be online now
i'm still a scrubby litchi in bbcf
The Way of the Spoony
Shut the fuck up faggot, you want to know more about this guy's personal drama.
How the fuck is that videogames?
I know you are used to acting like a female but that doesn't make it right.
Kellycookie WHERE
Good times tho. Still remember some of the old group that used to watch him sperg out on his old vidya streams. Then he became a writer for that website and wrote reviews about how sexy female videogame characters were?
man, wild times.
neat. where can I download it?
Am I the only one who relates to YandereDev and his misery? I can't read or watch any of that stuff because it reminds me too much of myself and the pathetic loser I am.
I cope by telling myself that 3/4 of the anons posting in threads like this, go harsh on his past quotes and posts because they want to feel like they are not the same as him in any way.
If YandereDev reads this, I want you to know that you can only and ever blame yourself, life is this unfair.
Didn't they get like two extensions?
Indivisible looks like trash, but mike was right
we're all autistic on some spectrum
but he's an entitled and whiny cunt about it with an ego
no wtf lol but is right about autism
Is YanSim the quintessential example of what NOT to do as an indie developer (if you can even call YanDev one)? What lessons can aspiring indie devs learn from him?
Factory and enums instead of fucking strings
they can learn to do everything the exact opposite way that he does
or to copy him and just collect free money for life off a terrible concept without doing anything
Nice to see Hadoolket still around. I remember seeing you around in BBCT threads
I don't feel the slightest pity for him. All the negativity he gets is a result of what he says and does.
He starts these threads too, btw, because he's desperate for the chance that even 2 anons per thread might consider his falling patreon.
>Yandere Simulator
how much was he making in his prime
>Fired capable programmers that can make his game playable, easier to develop in general and optimized
>Spent a lot of time Twitch streaming, presumably for clout and cash
>Spent FIVE years developing the game with next to nothing to show for it
>Development is bloated with constant new features, instead of creating a design document and sticking to one vision
>Game is a jack of all trades, master of none
>Uses store-brought assets
>Freaks out at the smallest bit of criticism, even from Patreons
Is this what happens when an "Ideas Guy" makes his own game?
I ran into him in Persona 4 Arena before and he was pretty shit at that game too. All he could do was spam auto combo with Chie. I assure you you're still better than him at whatever fighting games he plays.
i'm so happy he left Yea Forums and then reddit called him out.
Don't respond to emails.
If you get the same question more than once, address it in a blog post or use twitter one hour a week
Don't create a group identity for people who dislike your product.
Don't show your face
Don't let your game dev persona and product get associated with edgy posts about murdering your parents or stripping reproductive rights you made 12 years ago
Sit on any negative comments you want to make for a few days, sleep on it.
Work every single day, don't let anybody catch you slacking off, playing vidya
Take harsh criticism, it's really useful, don't reject it unless it has literally no substance like 'looks shit'. Push it, get more info, find out WHY it looks shit. Guys who want to hurt your feelings online will outline the weakest points in your design, and that ends up being massively helpful.
Yandere Simulator? I had more fun playing with a calculator!
yawn-dere simulator wouldve been better
>Is this what happens when an "Ideas Guy" makes his own game?
nah, the ideas guy would actually make the game but would have not deviated from their vision by a single inch with no consideration for the player, so the game is terrible from a player point of view. either that or not even gotten to the alpha stage because they can't code enough to get a working game.
Yandev is just a egotistical narcissist with a fragile ego and grandoise dreams with a splash of sociopathic con man mixed in
i recently got into bbcf due to steam sale, and i'm still using litchi
i currently get my ass kicked all over by (true?) pink squares and the ilk but i think i can generally hold my own against the general intermediates, not too bad for a few years hiatus from the series
but tbqh i only am playing now because of the lack of players in kofxiv online
wait, who? mike z plays persona 4 arena?
tall order for the average person. Shame one needs both programming talent AND good moral character to make games. We would have a lot more stuff if the process only demanded the later.
>Yandev is just a egotistical narcissist with a fragile ego and grandoise dreams with a splash of sociopathic con man mixed in
He un-ironically comes off like he's just an incel that's doing this with the hopes of getting famous and laid. It doesn't seem like he has passion for this game anymore.
Yea Forums hates Undertale for some reason, but TobyFox is what indie devs SHOULD be like. Hell, he barely shows his face in public and is using his own money to fund a sequel. The Stardew Valley guy is another good ideal to aspire to as well.
I didn't read the post correctly. But I actually ran into Evaxephon/yanderedev. Mike Z would probably kick my ass.
Anyone who owns a gaming PC is a fucking faggot
Has he stopped inserting superfluous bullshit in his game like dumb easter eggs? If not, why even bother developing the full game if it's not gonna be in the full release? All he is doing is wasting time.
i'd believe it, he does not seem like the kind of guy who could competently play a game, let alone program one
i'm not even just pulling the i have a cs degree card here which i do but even self taught programmers should be able to tell why his shitty programming technique sucks
Why is there no agdg on vg right now?
Worse. It's like a Monkey's Paw curse. Eva knew just enough about coding in Unity to get a working prototype off the ground, and the concept was just novel enough to gain traction among the growing subset of ironic internet weeaboos. But Eva wasn't a real programmer, he doesn't understand how to build games in a way that lets them be modular enough to actually develop. He also doesn't know how to manage a project, and he definitely doesn't know how to handle fame. I mean we give him a lot of rightful shit but he was basically a dumbass teenaged/early 20 something kid who's primary social interaction was Yea Forums. A lot of people in that situation would react how he did. Hindsight is 20/20 but it's easy to build up a god complex when you're succeeding pretty wildly and you already have a pretty high opinion of yourself to begin with.
But now it's like he's trapped inside of this shitty pre-alpha build. His game runs like shit because every single character uses the same 5000+ line class that has to check hundreds of conditional statements on every frame. It's at a point where iterating on it is nearly impossible because even a small change/addition wreaks havok on this massive, bloated codebase. He'd probably need 6 months of hard work, totally rebuilding the system from the ground up just to get out of the hole that he's dug himself in to. All the while his patreon is slowly dwindling, his fame is being replaced by infamy, he's burning bridges, and worst of all he's proving his """haters""" right. EvaXephon is a tragedy for the ages.
To be fair, you can have more fun with a calculator than most AAA games
nah dude you just need a POWERFUL gaming pc to play something as EPIC as Yandere Simulator
>he does not seem like the kind of guy who could competently play a game
He used to be a Let's player.
A very shitty one.
There's a reason why people knew him as EvaXephon.
Just California. That place is a shitty place to live, which makes me wonder why so many people choose to live there.
The sad thing to me is all the art assets and things people donated to the project are trapped inside it. Were it open source, they could be repurposed and reused.
I know you're just being sarcastic but building a proper codebase is what let games like Hitman: Blood Money have crowds like they did in that Marti Gras level on PS2 hardware. It's important, dammit. Not just for building new features on top of existing ones, but also for not melting top of the line processors with a game that wouldn't even be graphically impressive for the PS3/360 era.
Nothings fucking working user. Please sauce me.
I just keep getting back to the archive where they literally don't give sauce there either!
The exchange was originally from an IRC channel, but there's a pastebin floating around. I'll do a brief summary in greentext form.
>Eva is a young shitposter and self-taught programmer
>In his teenaged years idolized MikeZ and loved Skullgirls as a sort of testament to what one passionate person can make through their own skill/determination
>Wants to emulate his hero
>Works on creating his own fighting game engine to eventually make his own fighting game.
>Gets as far as making an update loop, no QoL features for future development
>Shows it to MikeZ over an IRC channel
>MikeZ calls it an amateur work that would be impossible to develop for, says he needs to work on it a lot more
>Also says his programming is really lackluster
>Eva basically just wanted praise for doing any work at all
>Didn't get any
>His ego sufficiently bruised, he goes full Syndrome from The Incredibles, vows to make his own indie game just to spite MikeZ, claims it'll be bigger than he ever was
>Fast forward to now, Eva's codebase is an amateur, lackluster work that's impossible to develop for, proving everything MikeZ said right
Bonus points: It was basically impossible to discuss Indivisible for a while, Mike's latest project, on Yea Forums because of his virulent shitposting against it. Dude literally has nothing better to do despite "leaving" Yea Forums years ago.
Try yandex.
The game and its English patch is literally the first option that appears when you search "Morimiya Middle School" in google.
did he really name that function IfElse()?
Let me see if i understand this correctly. You mean have one variable and have a bunch of boolean results stored into them?
so if my store variable in binary is like
10000 i could potentially store 5 different boolean values into them by doing bitwise operations?
Is this what you mean? can I have an example of how it looks in code?
How the hell did I miss this? This is going to be a fucking ride I can already tell.
there is no incentive to even finish the game. the game cant be sold because nobody wants to touch the premise (killing kids)