Bros... I miss him

Bros... I miss him...

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it's your own fault

will there be a new deus ex? plz let it be so

I don't think there will be anytime soon

Eidos Montreal has said that the series "isn't dead" but they're working on some stupid Marvel game so it'll probably be a while. Shit sucks, I really liked these games.

>just bought mankind divided from the sale
what am i in for?

yeah, they just filed for a new logo in march and opened some positions at eidos montreal in april
it's happening

There were 5 years between HR and MD, and apparently that was only because they redesigned the engine. So if there isn't a sequel by 2021 I'd give up on this series...

all the focus is on capeshit now

it feels like a prologue of a sequel to human revolution

Yeah, rip.

Good gameplay, with a story that ends abruptly

I miss JC more

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Me too bro, me too. . . ;_;

>Canon ending was blowing up the facility
That made no fucking sense.

The only ending that made any sense was to broadcast that the Illuminati were a bunch of dickheads and everything was their fault. Not exactly sure how that was supposed to bring about a dark age or whatever shit was implied either.
you can google the eidos jobs thing

the canon ending is the broadcast didn't matter and it blew up anyway, hr kind of implied that though the conversation between page and everett

I think the canon ending is that the Panchaea collapsed before a message could be broadcast

That's also dumb. "JK, nothing you did mattered at all." Cool, dude. Excellent storytelling.

Well no shit nothing you did mattered, it's a prequel

Probably next 5 years. I enjoyed Adam in MD and I want more of his story.

>the only people in Adam's life who didn't want to fuck him over were aria, Pritchard, and mccready
>his story will inevitably end with his clone killing janus
Adam had a hard life

That game is so cheap, i haven't played any Deus EX game but i saw it with all the dlc for $5 so i got it anyway

I love jc denton so much, jesus christ

the real shame is that if Deus Ex 4 ever comes out it'll be a story where the clone stuff is entirely dropped because it went over 90% of players heads, or itll end up confusing 90% of players

They could never do JC well ever again

dumbass bitch

MD is dx4

Good times, user. MD is buggy that'll require a hard reset to fix, but its still very enjoyable and immerses you into thia transhumanist world very well. I bought it on sale for a couple bucks and it was well worth the money.

He is called iron man now.

Theres really nothing left to fill in. Deus Ex HR goes into MD, that sets up everything for the first game. Then Invisible Wars finishes up it all.
If they add anything to the series its going to be retconned shit. Literally nothing of consequence could happen to change the outcome that leads up to the conditions in the first game.

Eidos Montreal is NOT the lead developer on Avengers, Crystal Dynamics is.

i forgot about IW

yeah, EM is leading a different Marvel game (guardians of the galaxy if rumors are right)
regardless they will be stuck making this shit forever once avengers is a resounding success

if i had to make a new deus ex it'd be centralized around adam fighting his sleeper clones and ultimately killing janus then it'd tie into the first game as volkard rand is never mentioned

Worse music, art direction and story but much better gameplay. It'd be a great game if they didn't cut it short to turn it into a trilogy.

I didn't get the "soulless" meme until I finished Human Revolution (9.5/10 easily) and started Mankind Divided. The start was okay but I played for a good 13 hours and didn't like it at all.

MD is a game where if you don't enjoy doing sidequests and environmental exploration you just arent going to enjoy the game; the main story is the least interesting aspect of MD

Jensen managed to send a message (whichever one you prefer he did), but Picus made it worthless by flooding the infosphere with so many false stories and rumors that nobody knew what to believe and just stopped caring. Panchaea collapsed in all endings because Jensen destroyed the Hyron computer that was adapting the facility to the water pressure.

Have yet to find a game that has the same brilliant level design as the Deus Ex games.

Honestly I really liked the game, but I never gave a single fuck about the bulk of the main story. The bombing, the forgettable black girl, the slapstick agency Jensen is working for. Its like they took inspiration from an early 90s cop drama on how a police department should look like and be run. Its very comic book in a very bad way.

like i said, the main story is awful, but the side quests that all tie together and hint at adam being a clone are pretty interesting. the bank heist DLC probably has some of the best level design in a game since thief 1

A fucking unoptmized game.

The main character of MD is a clone sleeper created to get close to Janus. He isn't the original Adam. That guy died.

Hopefully the original writer left a detailed outline of the third game and whatever new writer they get isn't an egotistical fagnugget and goes with it.

still basically adam, or at least an adam that thinks he's adam, which all depends on your own philosophical standards of what it means to be i guess

Just understand that the game was meant to be released in the same way as Hitman - as a season of content - but they decided to turn it into a full game very late in development but without.... Finishing off the season of content.

So basically blame eidos getting a boner for seasonal release content that year.

You should play Arkane studios games like Prey and Dishonored, I feel like you’d like them

janus was already confirmed part of the council of 5 m8

It was SE that ruined the development of MD. The EM devs routinely had no idea what the fuck was going on and things were constantly getting changed around with very little time to adapt.

imagine if it turned out he wasn't janus

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That would be the biggest buzzkill ever

He probably won't be anymore since they'll likely get a new writer.

Not mine. I bought all the shit on release.

Meh, was tired of playing prequels and Adam is no J.C.

i like them both equally

>sequel hook ending
>criminal past ending
>this fucking part of ACP
>sequel delayed indefinitely
it's not HL episode 2 bad but damn what a blue balling

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MD is far from a soulless game, it's not always well executed but you can see the dedication that went into it

He was a good man

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>there will never be another Deus Ex game as long as you live
I didn't ask for this bros

Human Revolution 2, only it runs like ass.

Time between HR and MD was 5 years, the next Deus Ex probably won't be until 2021.

>Jensen had the cute pilot, the goblina, TWO cute AIs, and Aria lusting after him
>He still cares about that skank Megan who not only fucked him over, but also pretended to be dead while fucking another guy and not giving a shit about Adam after he literally lost half his body trying to save her
Fuck Adam I want more Deus Ex but not if it means more Adam

and now she's getting PAGEd, god damn

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>after she stole his DNA and used it to base her entire career
She never cared about him. He was just a golden goose and he had stopped laying eggs.

I saw a lot of passion and dedication in Human Revolution but definitely not Mankind Divided

The clone premises was the closest the games ever felt like the original Deus Ex in terms of conspiracy

There was a decent amount of passion in they design of Prague. Unfortunately it's still the only fucking hub and a good third of the game makes it a pain in the ass to actually explore and move around in. The level design in Golem city was good, but it was pretty clearly designed around augs and not the other way around.

>look up ACRONYM clothes because of MD
>All of it is totally overpriced hipster garbage that looks like wanna-be milsurp shit for 100x the price of actual milsurp
Do people really buy that garbage? It looks like it's trying to appeal to the technical wear demographic but you could just buy actual military surplus for pennies on the dollar and get the same look and functionality...

>the train station bomber walks right past you in the opening and turns his head away from you
>the woman stalking Adam is there shortly before the bomb goes off, and again when Adam goes to the LIMB clinic
>you can find the apartment of the woman Adam tries to save crushed beneath the rubble
>you can find proof that the airline hijacking in the intro cinematic was a coverup for Illuminati activity in the bank

Someone on the team liked their small, inconsequential details

Being able to find out your pilot's a rat and then do nothing about it was silly. JC would never have let that slide.

It's also EXACTLY how Invisible War handled the choices from DX1.

>win an argument with Sarif over information he's been sending through a hole in his own firewall
>it's all sketchy shit on Adam's childhood and real parents
>doesn't even verbally acknowledge it he just goes to China

I liked HR and MD, but the thing that bothered me most is that you can easily uncover hard evidence of the conspiracy by hacking everyone's emails but you can't do anything with it. There's stuff that leads directly to Page and Morgan and Adam has a few powerful allies of his own, but he keeps acting like he's fighting some losing battle against an untangleable web of lies.

The Typhoon takedown is always the most silent way to eliminate Sarif.

>mfw played Deus Ex in reverse and HR and MD feel like complete downgrades

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That's the worst part, Jensen acts like the shit you uncover never happened.

You forgot to mention that the opening where Adam is sitting on a train and wakes to find a women also during and resting her head on his shoulder. That woman is the doctor from the agency that turns out to be the illuminati spy.

Yeah it became extremely evident that she's a horrible person

what's he up to

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how the fuck did mankind divided kill this series so thoroughly?

Squeenix pulled a Squeenix, pumped too much money into the game and didn't sell enough millions of copies on day 1 so they iced the IP.

Lack of mainstream appeal I guess. Ive found most fans of the series have issues with MKD but still generally enjoyed it.

SE's standard fair of excessive budget and inflated expectations. On top of this they negotiated a Marvel capeshit license and figured it would be more lucrative to have their studios work on that. It might even be true that they internally shelved Deus Ex before MD released.

One time use DLC items that you'd lose if the game crashed and you couldn't get any of it refunded. Tacked on bullshit mini game, painful Android app shoehorned in, totally abandoned by the time most people actually played the game.
SE tried to increase attach rate by expanding the franchise and ended up treating it like a $2 whore.

Disappointment with the story but the gameplay and exploration is decent

There's a part in MD where you meet Janus in an abandoned building and talk to him. You have some Intel or files or something that you obtained by stealing them and Jensen wants to go to the cops and Janus (who is just a hacker for all we know) has to remind Adam that he stole them and thus they couldn't be used as evidence. It felt so stupid for Adam to even suggest that idea, and for someone who was probably never even a cop to set him straight felt really patronizing. Not to mention how many of the side quests are basically Adam helping criminals commit crimes while he was a part of Interpol felt really lame.

How the fuck have I never seen or heard of this before?
The level of detail they put in this goddamn game was amazing. I truly hope a sequel didn't get shitcanned, the series deserves better

>hack Sarif's secretary's email
>email reference to L DeBeers who Adam can easily deduce refers to the Illuminati bothering Sarif
>Lucius DeBeers face plastered on magazines as the richest man in the world
good thing he's a clone or forgetting this detail would seem silly

But yeah the sidequests and System Rift have him uncover evidence of Morgan Everett and Stanton Dowd's involvement. I guess he just didn't figure to pass these on to the collective. Must be the brainwashing.

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I miss that couch desu

The criminal past DLC is fucking great. Something about being stuck in a new location with limited items always appeals to me. Plus if you die (since it's supposed to be a recollection of the events) Delara is like "hold up Adam, you didn't really die come on". I just imagine Adam sitting in her office and being like "then I ran down the stairs and the guards blasted me with a shotgun and I died!" And Delara just l puts her hands on her temples and tells him to quit fucking around.

He could've dealt with the inmates and guards before filming that to cut down on all the bullshit background noise

>Two AIs
Eliza and who else?

Considering the circumstances you could imagine her internally shitting herself about the brainwashing fucking up.

it's making me want to just go and do it myself

>"then I ran down the stairs and the guards blasted me with a shotgun and I died!"

Reading this in Adam's monotone voice made me chuckle.

yeah, rip

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What the fuck are you on about? Mankind Divided ends on a cliffhanger.

A criminally underrated game that you will probably really love with your exceptions set somewhat lower than they would have been at release.

Hopefully. But a hiatus at this point isn't bad, were it not for the fact that SE might elect to learn the entirely wrong lessons if it's too long, and the same goes for EM. If the reboots get a reboot themselves that can't be good.

just finishing up my 4th 100% playthrough of MD, bros its so much fun whys it have to be over so soon

Looks like I'm going full contrarian here.
I thought MD's length was fine, not everything needs to be 60 hours long
The DLC was ass. Wet dog ass. Hated all of it. Had to force myself through that prison bullshit. Great idea, poorly executed.
The final boss was a complete let down.

Stll a good game though. Hope they wrap of Jensen's story. You guys play non lethal, right? RIGHT?

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>I thought MD's length was fine
It's literally the fucking same as HR, god I absolutely hate this meme. ADHD retards.

>100% playthrough

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what did you do with the biocell user

>adam jensen
>set in the future
>born 1993
>older than most of Yea Forums


Jensen was promoted to SWAT this year

JC's story is done, I would mind a Paul prequel though. Or hell maybe a side story about a rogue MiB.

It had some pretty good tracks, like theme from the brothel.

How does one get recruited into the Illuminati? I bet they're some kind of gay hazing involved in the initiation

I think people mean the main quest when they say it's short. If it wasn't for the sidequests you could beat MD in like ten hours. Even less if you didn't go the stealth route.

So was the original plan likely him creating Janus and the Juggernaut Collective as way to make a power play for Illuminati leadership, only to get outplayed by Everett, who in turn gets outplayed by Page?

Be born into a super powerful family and have a 180 I.Q

If you read Zhao's emails in HR, you make a lot of money, do some important work for them and then send them an email begging them to let you into their secret club

but page was a dummy and stole people's work and slept through his meditations

Through tidbits we're given they either approach you if you do something great enough to make a significant impact on the world like Sarif or Darrow, or if you're born into a wealthy family. Essentially they target people who are likely to be able to expand their influence over society.

Zhao is already in the Illuminati but she's more of a stooge that has to follow her marching orders. She wanted to be promoted into the upper echelons with Everett and Page.

Page was Morgan's protege, he got in through nepotism.

God that's weird to think about. We're halfway to the start of HR compared to when it came out.

And why would you do that?

>It felt so stupid for Adam to even suggest that idea, and for someone who was probably never even a cop to set him straight felt really patronizing.

Not just the fact that it's common knowledge that illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible, but the fact that Adam apparently had a brain fart and forgot the countless, thoroughly corrupt cops he's run into over the course of two games. One phone call from any guy with a big desk and fancy title and all that evidence would be thrown into a safe and buried, never to see the light of day again.

>implying isn't fucking amazing

Some people (not me) care a lot more about the main plot than about sidequests that will likely have no consequences and never be mentioned again.

you ping their radar and then they bother you with emails and phone calls like a recruiting agency

Maybe I'm weird but I liked HR's soundtrack better than MD too. HR's music felt otherworldy and complemented the theme that mankind was on the cusp of something great. MD's music just feels depressing, like no matter what I do there's no hope and everything sucks. I didn't like how at every turn MD made me feel like nothing I did mattered and I couldn't help anyone (even though that was obviously the theme of the game).

And if you refuse then they ruin you in any way they can. Finding out that Sarif everything and that TYM and Belltower won in the end sucked.

*Sarif lost everything

>Worse music

Wut nigga? Mankind Divided's soundtrack is god-tier.

Michael McCann does good shit. Hated that they didn't bring him back for XCOM2.

The only one I really liked was the nighttime bank heist.

So was Nathaniel Brown a shithead conman setting up an aug ponzi scheme, or was he genuinely trying to do what he said and just didn't have enough time? I genuinely couldn't tell.

What you didn't like was what I loved about it. They wanted to make it depressing and they absolutely fucking nailed it. I felt that atmosphere with my soul.
I don't think HR's music ever actually fit all that well, what with how you're always two steps away from shitty ghetto alleys. And those felt very far from "something great".

I'll admit that I did love it when the tense "running out of time" track in London got mixed into the rave club music while you were looking for the guards, and Marchenko's boss music was pretty fitting.

JC Denton is a much better protag.

Theyre different people, Jensen and JC are great

I don’t think this is true. How was Pritchard able to contact Adam if he wasn’t the original?

Because the clone has all of the augments from Adam's body

maybe it would be better if he died in panchaea
maybe he did

Does it really matter? /ourguy/ JJB quit Eidos some time ago. The man responsible for giving the new Deus Ex games their distinctive look is gone.

Why'd he leave?

Its fun to play but the story is almost all filler. Still better than most modern western games

You're 100% right. I do like those games!


Pritchard is able to contact because he was the one who programmed Adam’s infolink GPL tracker.

he handed it off to a subordinate for md

He did visuals/art at Eidos, he took a job with another company where he's a full fledged game director I think


>listed as Executive Art Director of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

What do you consider better? Say, within last 5 years.

He left like three months ago. Probably because nothing is happening with Deus Ex any time soon.

'Executive' titles are one step away from honorary.

It's totally lame that pacifist is counting from the HR prologue. Not only do those mercs deserve to die, it's a total dereliction of duty for Adam not to stop them.

user, it's just a game. And the term pacifist is clearly defined.

>entirely external cheevos
Just play the fucking game.

Pacifism is famously about only killing people who were asking for it

Pacifism only makes sense when you are in the position to give such mercy.

Invisible War was actually pretty cool it was just too easy and had too much backtracking

>not stylin' on niggas so you can interrogate them after action

Remember the mission where Adam flies off to Mexico to save Sarif's kidnapped niece? And then fights his former SWAT commander turned into a cyborg with the stolen Typhoon? And falls in love with an augmented special agent who then dies?

It was right before he went to China the first time

Maybe I'm too /smallbrained/ to get this but what?

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It's from the comics

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Who knew that Jensen was still mourning an even more recent loss and latched onto finding Meagan even harder as a result

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Does Jensen still have a benis? Or did it get removed with a typhoon launcher?

>cyber titties

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In HR he only had his legs amputated below the knees, so probably. Maybe it got implanted with dermal armour and the cloaking system as well

Does that mean clone Jensen's dick has its own Titan aug?

I just finished MD for the first time. Here’s what i thought about it:
>great gameplay, really liked the cover system as well
>decent soundtrack
>good amount of quests
What i didn’t like:
>bad voice acting
>bad/weird animations
>bad dialogue
>bad ending
>did not like art direction
I give the game a solid 6/10, i can see the hard work the developers put into the game but i think they focused too much on the graphics and the realism. HR is aging like fine wine, it has a good balance of all the positive and negative points i mentioned above. It Holds up pretty well 8 years later.

Jensen is hot Robocop, there's almost nothing original left

MD's shower scene seems to imply he has since has his legs amputated at the hips so he might not have a dick anymore

That's not strictly true. His torso, his legs above the knees and most of his skull are still human

Consumer revolt, Squeenix tried to extort money out of people who had already preordered by inventing an "augment your preorder" bullshit, also final game shipped a mode chock full of predatory microtransactions and this pissed off people to no end.

His torso is almost entirely artificial with skin stretched over it.

That's not true, his legs are entirely artificial.

Is there any good summary either written or in video form of Adam's clone plot? I have tidbits of information but I probably skipped a lot of emails and secrets I didnt pick up on my first couple playthroughs.

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Dermal armour is explicitly stated to be implanted under real skin

Only in MD, in HR the email in the LIMB clinic clearly states his legs were only amputated at the knees. His thighs and hips are still his own.

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He doesn't have organics inside that torso


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MD's augs show that almost all of his organs are artificial.

No really, where the hell is Simons?
We've got Page, Beth, DeBeers, Dowd, Morgan, even fucking Manderley on the conspiracy table. But there hasn't even even a single hint of this motherfucker in the prequels, is that right?

>no more ADAAMMMM ever again
they shouldnt have even bothered bringing Sarif back without his real voice

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An infinite loading bug

"..Wait, that's it? It's over?"

Good level design.
Oodles of conspiracy hints.
Excellent environmental detail

Fatal errors.
In your face mobile tie-ins.
Leveling system that still artificially rewards pacifism, particularly the kind of """pacifism""" where you go out of your way to knock out everyone.
Still being rewarded for tediously hacking literally everything.
A main storyline that's all pissing around with no real payoff.

Simons is the same-ish age as JC though right? I always saw him as Page's gorilla, not especially as smart as him or an equal in intrigue but someone he sends when a forceful touch is needed, someone that was replaceable as well

Simons was Page's lackey. Page is still in his protege phase and though I forget the exact timeline of his conspiracy I really doubt he's anywhere near far along enough in his turn away from the Illuminati to have brought Simons on board. Simons only got big during the gray death epidemic

I liked the prison DLC a ton actually, I thought the level design was excellent and there was plenty of reason to replay it. It was the other DLCs that lacked in appeal.

I never played the DLC (or finished the main game) but now I really want to. Is there important story stuff in the non-prison DLC?

If you haven't finished the game, why even bother with the DLC?
That said, I didn't catch anything too important. Although the DLC clearly fits clearly into portions of the main campaign, it doesn't contribute that much to it and is pretty self contained.

I'm interested in giving it another try. I liked it, I just had other shit going on at the time. But my time is limited so I don't have the time to play through DLC if it isn't worth it.

fuck squeenix and fuck you faggots for not buying it eventually
hopefully 2077 will revitalize it and more good cyberpunk games will happen but JJB and other key people left so even if we get adam's third game it'll be shit

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The level design in the other DLC is fine, even interesting at times. I just didn't that there was much reason to replay it, since there weren't many decisions to make.

Desperate measures is a short filler mission that got chopped from the game. Don't bother with it.
Just started system rift, seems more promising but it's too early for me to tell.

Fuck you bitch I bought it on launch, btw I love you

Thanks guys.

I bought it on launch because I didn't fall for shitbag outrage merchants whining about it having "pay to win" DLC

I never asked for this

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These Games are so much better if you don't connect them with the old Deus Ex Games.

They completely rape and misunderstand every aspect of the lore but if you view them as their own thing they are quite good.

he died in human revolution

I can't get into this no matter how much I try

After MD and that tease at the end I cant help but want even more. I bought all the games on Steam during the sale and damn it it makes me weep we wont see these again any time soon.

top kek
fags like this actually exist
>yes master, please give me more shit to eat