Symphony of the Night
Aria of Sorrow
Dawn of Sorrow
Super Castlevania IV
Order of Ecclesia
Portrait of Ruin
Circle of the Moon
Castlevania III
Rondo of Blood
Lament of Innocence
Curse of Darkness
Harmony of Dissonance
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania: The Adventure
Other urls found in this thread:
What about Lords of Shadow 1 & 2? Y'all seem to avoid talking about them when you talk about Castlevania and metroidvanias and it gets me awfully curious.
Because they're shit
because they were so shitty they killed the series
>rondo and bloodlines
>sotn that high
Look at this fool. Look him in the eye and laugh at his misfortune. Hahaha.
>Putting Bloodlines in D
Bloodlines is arguably on the same level as SC4 if not slightly better
CV3 needs to be at least C tier. it was (and still is) pure kino
>hurr durr let's make half the death fight a fucking boss rush
nah bitch
CV4 Superior
Bloodlines inferior
How canon is Mirror of Fate?
>Symphony of the Night
this meme needs to die. its still a great game and kickstarted the rest, but many of the games that followed improved upon it heavily
How the shit am I supposed to play SotN without garbage playstation emulators?
>many of the games that followed improved upon it heavily
Makes me sad to see OG so low but it definitely hasn't aged well
/vr/ here you are an absolute pleb. Chronicles is the best CV, followed by 3 & Rondo
Play it on an actual PS1.
Ps4, Xbox One both have SotN. Xbox has the meme dub while Ps4 has the extra dialogue, items, and playable Maria
>it definitely hasn't aged well
how so?
I will never understand the love for Super Castlevania 4, its the second worst in my list of played Castlevania games.
Harmony of Despair
Explain, Mednafen has 1:1 emulation
I played it for the first time this year and loved it
No way to play it legitimately on my computer? I'm not dumb enough to own a console in 2019.
I'll try it out thanks
>super whip waggle and hang from rotating room ceiling for 5 mins
>A tier
>castlevania 3, rondo and bloodlines
Thanks for Ruining Souls, annoying PCvirgin
>Rondo and the original
>D tier
>anywhere above them
>Circle of the Moon
>Castlevania III
>Rondo of Blood
CotMfags, everyone.
Can you ruin ruin itself?
I'd swap PoR and DoS and up Rondo+Bloodlines. Dunno if SoTN is that much better than the A-tiers to deserve a tier all on it's own, either. CVIII depends on if we're talking about the American or Japanese versions.
>Bloodlines and Rondo below 4, especially in fucking D tier
stop ingesting dicks
Dawn of Sorrow should be lower, CVIII and Rondo of Blood higher. Rondo is at least A tier.
i dont know man
im currently playing SOTN and alucard MOVES SO FUCKING SLOWLY
and the jump atack glitch is not NEARLY effective as the other games.
for me is
Aria of sorrow
Portrait of ruin
Dawn of sorrow
Rondo of blood
Circle of the moon
Simon quest retranslation
Castlevania 3
Dracula X
Come on
Portrait is garbage, and 1 is S
Ecclesia is A
III is B
This ranking is top zoom zoom
>shitty PS1 emulation in 2019
Goddamn user, have you've been living under a fucking rock these past years only using Bleem! or something? Get mednafen and civilize yourself.
>Castlevania III
>Rondo of Blood
Fuck off and die.
>but many of the games that followed improved upon it heavily
>im currently playing SOTN and alucard MOVES SO FUCKING SLOWLY
face opposite of where you want to go and spam backdash
Emulate psp and Dracula X Chronicles :^)
it's kinda depressing that psp emulation is better than ps1 emulation
doesn't sotn need more than 2 shoulder buttons?
>it's kinda wonderful that psp emulation is so fucking good
I don't understand, why would you rank 3 so low? The rest of your ranking seems on point.
is too fucking easy other than that fucking stairs part in chapter 9 i belive
Here, let me fix that for you
Castlevania III
Rondo of Blood
Simon's Quest
Symphony of the Night
All the Gameboy and GBA games
Super Castlevania IV
Castlevania X (that SNES poorly done hack of Rondo)
Everything else
Fair enough, personally that single part didn't damage the game too much for me seeing how superb the entire first half was.
>puts all of the hardest classicvanias in D tier, and the easiest one in A tier
Wanna know how I know you're a shitter and need to git gud?
They are God of War style games, first one is good if your into things like atmosphere and music. Second one was kinda shit and rushed out the doot. Mirrow of fate is the worst 2d metroidvania I ever played
Castlevania X is the only phsycal copy I'm missing from my castlevania collection. For such a shitty game it's so fucking pricy
This thread clearly shows the retarded rivalry between two different generations of players and games
The lack of respect for the og games is a zoomers crime, but it's the same as boomers absolute lack of knowledge of the DS games
I'll never understand people here dismissing or outright hating on IV for being easy when it's not particularly easier than 1, jap 3 or Rondo (let alone the metroidvanias), and regardless of difficulty it's still a great game.
>not playing harmony of despair anywhere on that list
Well fuck you too
Flip the entire list and its not shit anymore, friendo.
I hate the retarded mode 7 rooms that only exists to show off scrolling backgrounds.
Is Valdys a good metroidvania?
will it run on my toaster?
Let me simplify the list
Garbage: Simon, wiiware, portrait, the first Gameboy game
Must routes: I, IV and Sotn, Ecclesia
Good: rondo and III
Dated/surpassed: the gba games
Bonus: lord of shadows and the Wii fighting game for the novelty factor
All the DS Castlevania's go in A, except for Dawn, which goes in S.
Seethe harder
honestly disagree with a few things here but i'm glad to see someone who appreciates SoTN as much as i do. call me a zoomer but it's still honestly my all-time favorite game. wouldn't really call it "underappreciated" but a lot of people do hate on it waaaay too much.
I hate this word, but you sound like a fucking incel
Opinion discarded.
it's the sonic 4 of castlevania
>Metroidvanias above Classicvanias
>he doesn't love all Castlevanias
Your words are as empty as your soul!
>Classicvanias aside from IV that low
Nice try.
>but it definitely hasn't aged well
It's aged supremely well. Knock-back is not a flaw you filthy casual.
It's garbagio and ugly as sin
No I do I just think Classicvanias are superior
Metroidvanias are less challenging/more tedious
Shit list OP
everyone knows Rondo is the best Castlevania
What's up with people hating on IV?? Are you all Genesis boomers?
You forgot about Legends, Chronicles/X6800, and Adventure ReBirth.
Yes, ReBirth counts because it's actually it's own game apart from The Adventure and it's really fucking good. A sadly overlooked Classicvania.
>Ecclesia is a must
>III is merely good
Ecclesia has intensely boring phoned-in level design. I don't understand why people inflate it so much. Yes, level 1 mode imposes some restrictions that force the player to familiarize themselves with the glyphs and enemy weaknesses, but the level design is still a chore.
It's the one that I enjoyed the most from that era
Portrait was a copy paste mess
Dawn is good, too
I prefer IV over III
People would have played it more if it wasn't tied to a dead system's online eshop.
We need a rerelease with a Belmont's Revenge ReBirth.
yeah those final four areas of PoR were lazy padding.
does anyone know where I can get a prepatched PCE Rondo of Blood rom?
Belmont's Revenge is great, though. The Adventure ReBirth only even wears the Adventure label so Konami could comfortably fit it into the timeline; it's a wildly different game from the original.
>DS games only in B tier
Super Castlevania IV in A, but Rondo/CV1/CV3/Bloodlines in D??? are you high m8
>IV that high
>III and Rondo that low
>soulsborne style castlevania game
Y or N?
only if it's made by FROM and not Konami
>Castlevania 1 and 3 in D tier
>Not in at least A tier
Into the trash it goes.
>soulsborne style metroid game
What now
just play bloodborne
I don't really see the point. We already had Devil May Lite with Lament of Innocence and Diet God of War with Lords of Shadow; if all Castlevania can do in 3D is just copy other series I don't see the point in doing it. It's okay for a series to stay 2D.
zoom zoom zoom
Like Salt & Sanctuary?
switch OoE and CoTM and we have ourselves some based taste