What is the best Legend of Zelda game?
What is the best Legend of Zelda game?
The one with the cutest Zelda, which Four Swords.
God, I want to fuck every single one of them while the others watch and finger themselves in anticipation.
The one where Link crossdresses as a girl.
There's more than one, user.
Majora's Mask > Breath of The Wild > Link's Awakening > Minish Cap
Literally don't play anything else but these 4. Sequel pending.
>What is the best Zelda game #12142423434
This won't turn into shitposting, insults, or a porn dump that dies quickly
Playing through all of them for the first time coincidentally, Minish Cap is my next game to play, but so far my favourite so far is probably Windwaker or Ocarina of Time, it might have been Majora's Mask but I played 3D instead of the original so it didn't quite live up to my expectations.
The Oracle games. Windwaker, BotW, and the first 2 games are next, followed by a slew of other great titles I don't care to list since it would take forever.
Skyward Sword may be a shit game, but it has the most top-tier Zelda design of all time.
Best 2D is ALttP with ALBW shortly behind it. The other 2D games are almost as good as those two.
The 3D games are all 10/10 with Majora hanging back slightly
Original: 9
Sequel: DNF
ALttP: 7
OOT: 9
MM: 5
WW: 6
TP: 8
SS: 4
BotW: 5
LA: 7
Oracles: 6
MC: 7
A link to the past is the wrong use of the Super Nintendo's increased memory. Instead of making the game bigger, wider, and freer they made something comparable to the original but stapled more of a narrative to it.
While OOT is even more limited, it's an elegant hack around the limitations of 3d polygon environments and tiny stupid 64 cartridges.
>Didn't finish Zelda II
It's way more fun than the original.
>Yea Forums likes breath of the wild now
Do the old 2D Zeldas still hold up?
I've always loved it. Yea Forums isn't one person, Anonymous.
According to your pic, my dick says BOTW, but my heart says ALttP
Most of Yea Forums always loved BOTW. Those who do not are just seething so(n)yboys
>WW Zelda (Tetra) is the sassy Osaka girl
>LBW Zelda is genki girl that doesn’t realize how lewd she is around you
>BoTW Zelda is the nerdy Tsundere
>AoL Zelda is the little sister
>OoT Zelda is Ara-Ara~
>TP Zelda is the Cool Beauty Cake that loses her cool around you
>SS Zelda is the childhood friend a heartless MC like you will never pick.
When will we have Zelda daring sim?
A Link to the Past with Ocarina of Time in close second
Who cares about games post the princess.
Brap Zelda's brapper isn't nearly big enough
It's so obvious you were born after 2000
The one she isn't in (much)
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Breath of the Wild
Tastes vary, but at any one of these three are guaranteed to rank highly enough for anybody.
99. Try harder, Boomer.
Dic version
>Jealous of OOT charm and success i see
I liked OOT while you are the jealous faggot idiot that still refuses to accept that got everything wrong and views others zoomers for liking such old good memorable game, just kys yourself.
Most of Yea Forums, for some reason, likes BOTW
>the virgin Zelda
>the STACY Hilda
>Hyrule: has the triforce
>Lorule: has no triforce
I think this says everything that needs to be said about the situation.
>Dem sfms with midna with huge cocks fucking zelda
To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the 3D zelda games.
Majora's Mask and Ocarina or Time are good, the rest are meh.
The series shines its best in:
>Links Awakening
>Oracle of Seasons/Ages
>The Minish Cap
>Both 2D and 3D games made before it was better in everyway
Pieces of garbage like that just needs to pruned from the internet
>oh yeah this girl is so cute
>but something's missing...
>oh, right! I can't get off to this cute girl unless I see that she has a dick! the dick is the most crucial element! I'm not aroused unless I see the dick and balls!
Explain why futa isn't gay
>When will we have Zelda daring sim?
What do you think the Hyrule Warriors sequel is going to be about?
Actually the last time we saw Lorule they had their triforce, meanwhile Hyrule...
>Triforce's whereabouts are a mistery in two timelines, in the third one it left forever or something
Breath of the Wild is my favorite followed by MM and AlttP.
A Link to the Past.
I can get aroused to them without balls, plus it's them fucking Zelda that's hot. Why are you so obsessed with thinking futanari is gay when you got regular porn with men in there?
The original. End of fucking discussion.
Only NES Zelda games are top tier. Other 2d Zelda games are average, and 3d Zelda games are absolute dog shit.
Except the CDi games, which are trash covered in dog shit.
>see thumbnail
>think the rock they're sitting on is Zelda's engorged ass in leggings
I've been in too many fat threads
Another Universe cross over with the story mode focusing on BoTW, AoL, and and LttP. A new OC villain to give an excuse for the traveling between worlds. Finally every single character from the first game will make a return for free mode still.
I like Wind Waker the best despite being an Ocarinababby.
For 3D I'd say Wind Waker > Twilight > Ocarina = Majora > Breath > Skyward
For the 2D one's I've played I'd say it's LTTP > Oracles > 4 Swords > OG Zelda
I wonder if Lorule and the Twilight Realm exist in all the different settings?
>Cell-shaded Midna
>TP-style realistic Hilda
Imagine the possibilities
My favorite is Breath of the Wild.
If Zeldas are all just Hylia deciding to reincarnate herself, is Hilda a reincarnation of some other goddess?
Only SS Zelda is a direct reincarnation of Hylia. All other Zeldas are are just her blood descendants nothing more. That being said I’m sure Lorule would have the same concept.
Botw. Not a joke. Even the DLC is great.
Zant's attack to Hyrule happens after OoT but the twili being sent to the Twilight Realm happened before so yeah, the twili exist in all timelines, you can even see the broken mirror in BotW
About Lorule I don't see why not, if a fallen timeline Lorule exist a child and adult timeline Lorule probably exist too
Absolutely, Lorule is just alt-Hyrule so the Hilda must be the reincarnation of a goddess, multiples Ravios have been great heroes in the past and Yuga is probably the the Ganondorf of that world, or maybe Agahnim
>big nose, ginger hair and forehead jewel like Ganondorf
>pale skin and betrays the royalty like Agahnim
>sorcerer that wants the Triforce (specifically the Triforce of Power) like both
>Yea Forums is one person
Holy fuck we've got a Big Brain Academy graduate over here. How'd you figure out Yuga was Lorule's Ganon? Was it his pig form?
Yeah accordin' to ALBW Lorule never had a ganon and technically shouldn't have had a Ganondorf. It doesn't really make sense unless you just go by the games logic that everyone in lorule is a mirror of Hyrule which just assumes you literally ignore every other Zelda game where Link and Zelda are a unique feature.
People far too often interpet Lorule as a mirror/opposite instead of a similar land that just fell into decay.
>tries to look like a smartass
>proves he's a retard
Based. Yuga didn't have a pig form, he looked like that because he FUSED with the guy with the pig form
>accordin' to ALBW Lorule never had a ganon
>source my ass
>guy looks like Ganondorf, Vaati, and Ghirahim had a baby
>turns into a pig monster as the final boss
>not the Ganon equivalent
Would have been way better if Hilda was the end boss to be honest.
>Actually can't defeat her
>Have to stall until Ravio shows up and she uses all her energy to femdom him
>guy looks like Ganondorf, Vaati, and Ghirahim had a baby
Yeah that's my point, retard, he's the Ganon equivalent because these reasons, NOT the pig form because he only became a pig after fusing with the actual pig Ganon
I just use Ganon and Ganondorf interchangeably because I don't give a fuck about the intricacies of a game for children.
Well they needed Hyrule for Ganon. It was for the ToP but for for all intents it was as much for Yuga to take over Ganon as well.
What the fuck are you talking about? That has nothing to do with what I said
What sense would ganon make in lorule? There is no triforce for him to desire
WRONG. SS cutest Zelda.
They needed Hyrule for the Triforce, not Ganon, Ganon just happened to have the Triforce of Power like Zelda had the Triforce of Wisdom and Link was destined to have the Triforce of Courage, that's why Hilda pretended to be friendly to Link so he can become a full hero, obtain the last piece of the Triforce and they can steal it and have the complete Triforce. To say they didn't have a Ganon because they needed the guy with the Triforce of Power is like say they didn't have a Zelda because they needed the princess with the Triforce of Wisdom, they did, but none of them had a Triforce because it was destroyed long ago
>he's not Ganon
>but he is Ganondorf
>because lore lore lore blah blah blah
I don't really give a shit whatever
>there is no Triforce
But there WAS. If you just destroyed the Triforce between OoT and ALTTP Ganon would still exist, it's the same in Lorule, they had a villain that fought for the Triforce for thousands years like Hyrule, that's exactly why they destroyed it. When they destroyed their own Triforce the villain just went for the one Hyrule had, that man is Yuga
My favorite game is Wind Waker, absolutely gripping story I'll never forget. Even now when I watch some cutscenes I can feel the kino flowing through me. Loved Links expressions, fun combat, cool side quests and secrets to explore. Yeah sailing around was a chore but isn't that it's only flaw?
OoT is the classic, but desu I haven't replayed it ever after getting holder. I remember as a child I just kept playing even after completing the game because the world was so charming, I loved the feeling of going to Hyrule as a child and shopping, I loved fishing at the sea, stuff like that.
TP was kind of meh, the wolf gimmick was shit and Midna took up all the plot despite not even being relevant at the end
I barely remember a thing about SS, the art is worse than I remembered, damn. It was a forgettable game I guess.
BotW was hit and miss, some good things, some bad things, I'd put it above TP and SS though but that's it.
As for non 3-D, I did play both Links Awakening and Oracles as a kid but never finished them because I always reached a point where I didn't know where to go. I also tried to get into ALTTP at some point, but didn't.
Personally, TP. Objectively, I'd say either OoT or ALttP are the definitive Zelda experiences.
>Hyrule: Triforce the result of Demise's curse
>Lorule: Triforce destroyed and restored without any known curse or strings attached
The Lorule Trio was so great, they made them one-offs because they have to continue that forced formula with Link being a hero, Zelda being Zelda and Ganondorf being evil. Those three are too good for the series they're in.
Is this some obscure autistic copypasta Jesus Christ dude I can practically smell the autism
>about 100 years after WW, ST happens, where you fight Malladus, the king of demons
>Malladus appeared for first time in the world's history about 100 years before ST when the spirits of good sealed it within the land that became New Hyrule
>in other words Malladus appeared for first time around WW era, when Ganondrof, the king of demons was killed for good
>according to Hyrule Historia, Ganondorf was freed from the hatred curse of Demise, the king of demons, when he was defeated by Link and Zelda in WW
King of demons Malladus is the new incarnation of King of demons Demise's hate after King of Demons Ganondorf's failure in the adult timeline and you can't prove me wrong
That's not my post, hell I don't even agree with it as I'm not exactly a WWfag, but the opinions seems pretty sincere.
Then why are you in this thread?
>which game is best thread with a high chance of some good porn/ecchi dumps
More like, what is the best Zelda incarnation?
Too late
Spirit Zelda and still to this day is the best, even after getting kidnapped. All the other Zeldas following her were trash.
>After , discussion took place
>Gets pissy over that user mentioning Yuga
>Cries about Zelda being children's games
>Says he doesn't give a shit
tl;dr came for porn, got mad when the porn stopped and actual discussion took place
Plenty of fapbait there kiddo.
>Gets pissy over that user mentioning Yuga
LOL what you know there's more than one person on Yea Forums right?
Yep, and the other guy that replied to his post didn't go into an autistic tantrum.
You already made an ass out of yourself, no need to beat a dead horse.
>an autistic tantrum
KEK whatever dude keep thinking I'm mad about Link's arms being blue or whatever other autistic shit you care about