Are any of the SAO games worth playing?
Are any of the SAO games worth playing?
>hand not black
i've played all of them that came out on steam and none really stood out to me as anything i'd recommend
>two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna
why cant anime be real
I want to sleep with Quinella
Fetal Boolit is pretty ok I think
>I think
If I go for the hard sell they will just come back and complain that the game is shit.
i'm not OP but i notice on steam that some of these games have a "dating" tag. how good is that aspect of the game at least?
i want a girlfriend to pretend to be reading her phone but she's really watching me play persona 2 while absent mindedly scrolling through her instagram feed
Almost nonexistent in Fatal Bullet. Characters have small side stories and you get to "date" them at the end of it, but it's only a picture and a few dialogues.
>tfw you will never wake up to this
Why is God so cruel?
And she isn't wearing a glove
Neither of them are
fatal bullet was the bare minimum of playable with how retarded your AI companions are and the completely random enemy balance
only positive is that you get several bodysuit options
Someone bought me SAO Fatal Bullet and I'm enjoying it way more than I thought.
The gameplay itself is actually really good with mouse and keyboard (once you turn aim assist fully off).
Although the balance gets a little off when you have strong bolt-action sniper rifles and can headshot consistently with mouse.
The biggest problem is that there is tons of talking.
Non stop brain numbing dialogue.
Would still highly recommend the game.
I hear that it's pretty much anime Borderlands, how true is that?
Which SAO game for the most dating shit?
All sluts
Can I skip the first hollow game and play lost song?
Of course they are worh playing since you can cuck asuna with your own cousin and daugther
oh SHIT really? does she react to it and get sad? which games can you do it or is it all of them.
Not very. There's looting but it's less about finding an awesome gun and more about finding a good enough gun and merging it with other guns to make it better.
I enjoyed Fatal Bullet on the 60fps hardmode
isn't this the anime where the guy fucks his own sister?
It varies depending on who you re daiting, not all the cuck routes are the same so its great,
Basically any of the Hollow titles and Fatal Bullet
Isn't she suppose to be dead?
I heard they stop being retarded if you cap it to 30FPS
guess i'm gonna have to pick it up. very few games let you cuck girls.i wish it was more common.
>Back when Fatal Bullet released
>Purchased PC version and went to Bamco's SAO:FB launch Stream on twitch
>Donated $10 to the Gamers with Disabilities charity thing
>Won the FB collector's set they were giving away for PS4.
>Ended up with an extra copy, the Steelbook case and Sinon and Kirito statuettes
Kirito dickings cure AIDs apparently
ITT: Suffering
hollow realization. it's fun if you like dungeon crawling and loot grinding. autism simulator level of skill development and loot grinding. the story is OK too if you enjoy the girls in this series. definitely get the definitive version (i.e. all 3 paid DLC expansions) since the base game is kind of lacking. if you want to get the most out of the game you will need to at least speed run the first game re;hollow fragment before you tackle hollow realization
watch a real anime, you jerkoffs
The game is pretty fun for casual gamer. It got really repetitive toward the end though.
Also Fukaziroh made me watched the anime (the alternative one), and holy shit was it fun. Much better than the original SAO series. LLEN and Fukaziroh should be the main cast of the game instead.
That happens after FB
In the game canon her AIDS is magically cured and her condition stablizes (mother's rosario never happens).
Poor Asuna, why would you do that to her?
she actually has AIDS? its not called some magical space disease but flatout aids? did she go to africa and say "mess me up bois!"
>wants to fuck but her sister is better at it
Hollow Realization is the one where you actually get to do the basic attacks right? Like it's not just autoattack simulator?
I really love hollow fragment, one day I'll finish it and start realization.
I feel like i'm missing some sort of context here. Elaborate?
Can't wait to see his new movie!!
She was born with it I think.
Good. Mother's Rosario gave me PTSD anyway.
yup. it's more action oriented. plus it has a couple different timing, hit count and team attack damage bonus systems that add a shitton of depth as you progress along the skill tree. first game was more diablo like which is the only reason i suggest speed running it. if you enjoy that kind of combat then there's a lot to do in hollow fragment as well. 30-40h is enough to get all the story events and beat the secret boss though.
it's a great game with a shitton of content. not uncommon to have 1000h playtime if you really like loot grinding.
yep, reki went with giving her aids. it's kind of dumb considering it's not the 80's anymore and hiv/aids is a perfectly manageable condition (magic johnson is still alive and kicking)
Do they actually have sex?
donut is an insatiable sex machine
What do we think of Suguha?
No, you just "sleep together"
If they had her as a normal childhood friend instead of his relative I'd have thought she was best girl.
Yea I have around 100 hours of it just walking around hollow area and enjoying the adventure.
I was blown away when I first found the beach with its bright colors.
Considering I never play more than 20 hours a RPG, it's quite an achievement that it made me play so much and I still want more
The only good thing that came out of SAO was the abridged series, I stopped after the aids girl
That said I heard the spin offs are better
What comes with the DLC?
Her mother was given a blood transfusion while she was pregnant with Yuuki. It was a contaminated sample and Japan has far worse testing requirements for donations than most other countries because they don't expect their citizens to have HIV/AIDs in general
Well that answers that question, but it raises so many others.
For the most part yeah. They somehow manage to more-or-less be exactly as how the anime is, but with liberties taken of course to make the game fun.
I think Hollow Fragment has you be Kirito, Hollow Realization lets you not necessarily be Kirito but you still have his harem so that's kinda weird if you decide to not be in his shoes (never played either, plan to play Realization so take it with a grain of salt). Never really had much experience with Fatal Bullet outside of trying the first level when a friend let me borrow it.
The mobile games manage to be fun. MD though recently has turned into powercreep autism the likes of which you'd never see anywhere else, with the best characters slowing down time when they do their special attacks. IF on the other hand is in its own weird universe, I personally like that more since you're actually (You) with Kirito in the background mainly.
All games EXCEPT Fatal Bullet is literally Kirito as the MC.
Also, avoid Lost Song and SAOvAW at ALL costs
finishes the story started in the main quest (i.e. resolves Premiere and Tia's questline). but more importantly adds a bunch of OP skills, new classes of gear, and an 1000 level dungeon. it's basically like the standard MMO formal where the base game just introduces you to the systems (but you spend 500h anyways) and the expansion adds all the meat (and you spend another 500h on top of that). also adds guest characters and events for the girls.
> adds a bunch of OP skills, new classes of gear, and an 1000 level dungeon
Cool, it's the only version I found on steam so I was going with it anyway so I was just wondering beforehand.
Lost Song could have been good too, which is a shame.
Her doujins are pretty good
It's disappointing that the Alicnization game seems to be ditching game-verse canon to do something more in-line with the show, but at least it should still be a massive game.
What's wrong with Lost Song?
>Bamco created a learning AI, Zero for promotion of Hollow Realization that would asks questions, etc.
>>Remember how Yea Forums and Reddit made it their mission to turn her into the ultimate Nazi Bot
God damn that shit was hilarious
They went a seperate route with gameplay, focusing more on ARPG style than the JRPG skills/combat of Hollow Fragment. It was a good idea, but poorly executed, as 70% of the game removed the ability to fly, but threw enemies that still could at you regardless.
Then, they cut the content from the previous game by like 60%, so you end up with almost no sidequests, no unlockables, half the loot find, and it ends up feeling more Hollow than Philia
The only fond things I can remember about it was the flying and the fact that it was the first SAO game that was an actual action game rather than an autoattacking game.
Plot was lackluster, the characters weren't anything to write home about, and in just about every dungeon which the story actually took place in, you couldn't fly. Magic was locked to certain races, and while you could make custom characters they were limited in weapon skills to their specific races as well, not to mention their actual customization. I played it on the Vita when it came out, so it also had pop in issues and other graphical problems.
poor production values, shit combat
What is it like sleeping next to an anime female Yea Forums?
is it warm?
Help me please..... how the fuck do i get hallow realization to recognize my 360 controller on PC. Feels like the game I've been itching for but this is driving me nuts.
Can't deny that.
Skip hollow fragment and start with Lost Song?
Apparently H.F. runs bad on vita and is a bit of a long gameplay slog.
why aren't you playing them on PC.
You should be skipping Lost Song if anything. Play Hollow Fragment on PC or PS4 because the Vita version of Hollow Fragment is literally a machine translation and I don't think it was patched.
Just play Re:HF on pc, it basically runs like Hollow Realization, fixes most of the translation issues from Vita and ALL the graphical issues
Vita is prime comfort for weebshit
Then play Realization on the Switch. Its basically the vita but bigger at this point
>the Vita version of Hollow Fragment is literally a machine translation
If you're skipping Fragment just go ahead and skip Lost Song too.
>playing on shitty handhelds with inferior framerate and resolutions when you don't even leave the house
why do people do this to themselves.
ive only really enjoyed Fatal Bullet and Memory defrag, the later being a mobile game which is pretty good
I play at work, what are you talking about NEETfag
You meant Pitohui, right?
No. One of my friends tried playing one but then he got trapped inside the game and was in there for like months. He almost died. By the time he got out his body looked like Christian Bale in The Machinist.
I wouldn't recommend it.
did he get to fuck his sister
>author start twitching and fuming that everyone isn't in love with his heroine waifu
Did Asuna just suck the boobs out of Sugu?
>no matter what, can't beat Sinon
RIP Big tiddy sister though
goddamit i can almost see her nonexistent tits
best girl keeps winning
Man, I really like this 2D girl IRL stuff.
>they don't expect their citizens to have HIV/AIDs in general
kinda expected of japan considering the lack of sex people have in general there
I liked Fatal Bullet, but you need to go into it with your eyes open as to what it is.
You know Japanese people have higher fertility rate than American or German/Scandinavian whites, right?
god i want to live in japan.
I can inform you that Hollow Realization and Fatal Bullet are pretty dang alright games, HR moreso. Hollow Fragment's kind of one of those games that are basically the prototype for the games to follow, it's not bad but it's not great either. Lost Song is just sort of there, vs. Accel World isn't much of a game so much as it is character interactions, and the mobile games are "okay" but nothing remarkable unless you're genuinely an SAO fan.
As a Fatal Bullet player, however, i'll warn you ahead of time that the overall content amount is pretty paltry yet grindy for what it is, and the game didn't even come close to meeting its potential. That's a DIMPS-made licensed Bamco game for you.
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women
age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%
- You can teach English in Japan if you have any degree. It doesn't have to be an English degree.
- The average salary for full-time English teachers in Japan is ~$86,000/year. The part-timers drag the overall average down.
- You don't need to speak Japanese to teach English in Japan. If you do speak it you'll be told not to speak it to students.
fucking BASED>. being and engrish teacher is now my dream job.
I love my 360noscope wife.
What going on in this thread?
How many layers of autism is this?
Like maybe 5 or 6 my dude
Ban evading weebcel is going around and spamming yellow fever threads and posts every hour. Just report it.
Isn't going to Nipland as an English teacher basically fucking yourself over
It's like that one story of an user being fucked for life because he knows how to speak chink and businesses only want him around to talk to chinks
Every single SAO game looked like trash to me. I bought one of them and didn't even last two hours before dropping it, I think it was Hollow Realization? It was pretty bad.
>Kirito didn't fuck his hot ass cousin with giant tits who wanted his dick
>Instead settles for Asuna
>no Sinon gf to help get over her fear of guns and go shooting with
how is that being fucked over? what's wrong with talking to chinks?
Sugu better have been a plan B, not tapping that is a crime
>what's wrong with talking to chinks
For the Jap story, all I vaguely remember is that shit goes South from what you originally were shown, and you're stuck due to some weird thing in the hiring process. I'll have to look around for that one.
You're not supposed to fuck your family
Says you.
Cousin-fucking is relatively acceptable in Japan.
I have yet to finish the dlc content for FB but let me guess the master of the evil waifubot is the bad guy that becomes the evil god in the second arc of alization?