I can't imagine a steaming shitpile of a studio that is CA managed to make this game this good (even though it's nowhere near 9/10 by any means and is missing alot of stuff)
This is me putting together a rake of MK15S carriages, using my favourite shunter EVER, the diesel-electric BR Class 08, also known by it's nickname the "Gronk"!
As you can see, it's quite a long train when assembled! Don't worry though, the Class 08 has more than enough power to haul these carriages, though the maximum safe operational limit is 15MPH, so even though this stretch of track was a 50MPH limit it was still a nice calm ride. What lovely views.
until dawn was a fun time with a group of friends.
Christian Martinez
yeah, outlast 2 was a bit disappointing, dragging on with the same boring gameplay loop, and the lackluster ending. Outlast 1 had memorable bosses and even though it was shorter, it felt like i accomplished more. Outlast 2 was like 80% "Gotta get to the mines. gotta find the mines"
And here we are, the finish train delivered to the platform sidings, waiting for its engine to take it away and complete the passenger runs they are bound for. A job well done but there's no time for a pint, we've lots more shunting to do!
Oops! It appears I wasn't paying attention while I was shunting and not only did I go over the yard speed limit, I got complaints from passengers! The lads around the yard will rib me for this.
Friends? Like people watched you play IRL or you streamed it?
I felt the same, I wish they actually did something in 2. They didn't need to add combat, but add something that makes it .. Different from the first. The lackluster ending didn't help at all.
I know it had ties to the first game, but I hope they expand on it more. If they ever do make Outlast 3 some day.