>videogame has cute romance even though its not its main focus
Videogame has cute romance even though its not its main focus
Why did spiderman cheat on MJ with this homeless girl? I still haven't seen it due to this.
Nigger, Peter doesn't even meet MJ until he's in college.
him trying confess his love for her was pretty much the primary focus on Peter's side of the Spider-man story.
right cuz the rest is following the canon right? dumb faggit
You're the one who brought it up, retard.
I'll still say it's like 25% of the whole movie
good, as it should be.
What the fuck?
How much Iron Man is in the movie?
guys, did you know that [insert avenger here] died? i wasn't sure, so it's a good thing the film kept reminding me
Zombie Iron Man shows up
That's how it actually went down. MJ/Harry/Gwen were from his college years. Them being introduced in high school was something from other adaptations.
>"I want to talk about the new Spider-Man movie. Should I go to Yea Forums, or Yea Forums, as he originated as a comic book character? I'll post it on the video game board."
Spiderfag is for kids. Prove me wrong.
fuck both of those places, this is preferable
twist was super obvious, illusion scenes were cool, got nostalgic when Back in Black played
>Talk about it with a bunch of people who know jackshit about the franchise
Off-topic shit is off-topic shit
Nice goal post moving, retard.
I waited the whole movie for Mysterio to reveal MJ being black was actually just an illusion, colour me disappointed.
>longtime ginger character suddenly becomes black
well you can stop crying there are comics and cartoons whee she is still a that so stop crying
Dumb knee grow.
>twist was super obvious
Really now? The movie version of the comic book villain all about illusions is, as a matter of fact, a villain using illusions. Of course it was as obvious. That's like saying Thanos snapping half the life away in infinity war was obvious.
>stop being disapointed or disgusted!
Fuck off
Based Spodes bestowing the god seed on the wayward brown woman
Mentioned but pretty much very little. Not to the point where suddenly RDJ shows up as a ghost in Peter's dreams.
Well, yes. That is a counter example. Infinity War easily could've been one movie. Thor actually kills Thanos, they use the gauntlet to bring everyone back. Roll credits
With how they're selling Far From Home, it'd be more shock if Mysterio was a good guy. Anyone with passing knowledge knows he's a baddie, I was expecting some Mandarin level twist.
>jk Simmons
Kill yourself onions guzzling Disney nigger
Spiderman always felt like one of the most shallow and uninteresting superheroes to me.
>gets bitten by radioactive spider, but all of his superpowers just boil down to his super talent with technology and science.
>fucking trademark "superhero" stunt is just a concoction he came up with because he's a brainiac.
Sorry Lee, but Spiderman is shit. And his new movies are even worse.
>Hey, the Washington Monument was partially built by slaves, you privileged cishet tour guide!
I'm kind of hoping Mysterio decapitates this gutter rat MJ by the end of the film. Don't even get me started on what Holland said recently about straight white guys.
>Peter Parker was just an attractive, intelligent, likable, athletic, well-dressed, teenage LOSER
Dumbest superhero in existence famalam.
>no multiverse
>nick fury goes full retard
spider man played it really safe but they did justice to mysterio
That wasn't Nick Fury
>nick fury goes full retard
But it wasn't even nick fury
you guys obviously saw the shitty in theatres version instead of the real camrip version
That's a whole diferent character though
It was an after credits scene
Pls tell me that she isn't Mary Jane
MJ never went to college with Peter, or High School. She was just his neighbors niece. He went to college with Gwen and Harry but then Gwen died so he started fucking MJ but then she fucked off and he started fucking Black Cat (best girl) for a while til she came back
Can't wait for your Batman review where you argue he should fly and be blind like bats
Is that his mom?
FFH was good but Kinoverse is the new gold standard and the MCU just looks lame now in comparison. Comic book characters belong in animated movies.
Can’t wait for a Noir solo movie with Nic Cage monologues.
Christ, Zendaya is fucking disgusting.
He's only in high school for his first few issues though, in movies however he is forced to stay younger, if you restricted what he can have in his movies to just his pre college stuff you would run out of things to make movies from
Isnt that from MTVs spiderman lol
It was alright, definitely not as good as homecoming though and the final fight kind of sucked.
Did you guys notice MJ and ned have exact opposite amounts of neck
Is this the new movie? I would have expected them to drop the character since she was so unpopular.
that pic just always screams female monkey to me
he was supposed to be an Elliot Rodger tier incel in high school but the spider bite made him into a Chad
ok we get you hate women and you're racist lol
that goblina is mj
unironically this was the best scene in the whole film. also at the very end where it happened again and he got to beat it with spidey sense
this is actually the best marvel movie in a long time tho, and people should go see it
Don't you mean female night monkey?
They fixed her. She’s not a #WokeBae anymore so much as a weirdo who’s into conspiracy theories.
Flash is some pajeet live blogger. That's the real fucking crime here.
>calling out ugly cunts is raycis
No. Besides, Zendaya looks like a FTM tranny, I'd be hating men if anything.
Does it actually spoil endgame?
Doesn't bother me since I refuse to watch anything with Carol Danvers in it anyway but that will be a problem with my plans to see if with my sister since she won't want to be spoilt not having seen it yet.
Oh that sounds cool. Glad to see they listened to the criticism.
>character who is connected to Iron Man feels impacted by his death and expectations
"Wooooooooow can't believe this keeps coming up!"-retard
shit taste
Tony's death is pretty much the entire point of the story.
Does it really matter when Peter is a little bottom bitch, May a whore and MJ a goblina?
The facts that Tony is dead and that everyone that got dusted in Infinity War came back are explicitly stated multiple times in the movie.
is that Joosten? did she get HOLLAND'D
I take more offense to the big bad bully being a little bitch just because EEK!EEEEEEEK! MASCULINITY EEEEEEEEEEK
yeah that's the most fucked up thing. I can deal with Mary Janiqua, but this? How could they make him an ugly pajeet? This is Flash Thundercock?
literally better girl and should have been Gwen was 3 feet next to her
thats pretty cringe
>>gets bitten by radioactive spider, but all of his superpowers just boil down to his super talent with technology and science.
Thats not spiderman at all, thats one bad set opf movies that made up a bunch of shit. Spidey has always been a kid in a home made costume with web shooters with a vast scientific knowledge in a poor setting. Fuck the toby trilogy for derailing everyone with its awful retelling.
Into the Spiderverse was lit tho, not everything is hopeless.
At least his clique is realistic
>diverse group
>fat white woman
>faggot white kid
They know their audience.
I do like spiderman but the MCU spiderman is one of the most shallow and uninteresting heroes in the MCU and even compared to the other spidermen.
>won't watch a movie because character he finds unsavory is in it for a few minutes
This is actually cringe. Not even the meme cringe that we usually deal with here. What you said is straight up the faggiest thing in this thread. Do you stay inside all day because you don't like your neighbor and you might have to wave to him?
The movie opens with a high school kid's shitty tribute to every hero that dies in endgame
I wish Zendaya kept the curly hair in real life. It's cute.
Amazing how they've managed to out-dull fucking MCU Thor.
The damn trailers to spider man spoil endgame
Can we ALL agree that JJJ appearing was pure kino?
>what is pacing/structure
You're a fucking idiot.
Really even fucking Garfields bipolar spider-man that shit was rough i didn't even feel bad when Gwen died
They fucked up by not making his father abusive either, everyone knows Flash's father is supposed to be a piece of shit.
I miss his hair though
So is the big bad of the MCU currently the fucking guy who made the ironmonger suit in iron man 1?
Spiderman thread yesterday during EU time
>Chill discussion, people having fun talking about the movie and what they liked
Spiderman thread today during Burgertime
That was pretty fucking good yes
Compare that to what we got in Shazam.
Spider-Man is the best hero because he doesn't start out amazing. When he gets his powers, his first thought isn't to fight crime but make mad bank.
He also started off incredibly antisocial and spiteful. Watching him grow into the heroic, upbeat lad in his college years was a delight.
Self improvement and Spider-Man are or at least, were synonymous.
Simons looked dead inside and I don't blame him one bit.
MTV Spider-Man is a continuation of the Raimi films taking place between 1 and 2.
You have brown skin
Fucking this. And not just him but THAT him.
remember when we used to be the ones making fun of easily-triggered sjws?
>all the little mistakes "Fury" did during the movie
>peter always gets his life completely fucked and has a million good excuses to give up for good but never does
i love him so much
that 5 seconds of JK Simmons alone made the whole movie worth it
unironically the single greatest role casting of all time
Zendaya is ugly
they are randoms in the background fuck off retard
>Carol Danvers
She's in it for like 5 minutes. She appears for a couple mins in the beginning, then fucks off till the end to get her ass kicked by thanos
What are some good games with cute romances?
Where did you get that from. The fact that mysterio worked on barf or what? I haven’t seen the movie but I read the plot.
I'm still pretty early in Romita's run of Amazing, but at what point does the timeline go on "pause", so to speak?
Considering stopping when the characters and whatnot stop actively developing since I know this good shit won't last.
I'm not really entirely sure what was meant to be implied by him getting away the a copy of Edith. Maybe it'll come up again in someone else's movie but I don't think it's gonna be a big deal.
race mixing is gay
I still think it's fucking hilarious that WAMAN POWUR was the breaking point for so many of you dumb faggots for this decade long Disney cash grab, as opposed to literally anything else at all.
I feel like telling MJ who he is this early is a mistake. One of the best classic spidey tropes is “Peter wants to maintain his relationship but has to keep skipping out on dates and can’t say why.”
>Carol Danvers
Aside from bringing Tony back to earth Captain Marvel does literally nothing until the very end of the movie in one of the absolute dumbest action scenes ever devised.
I thought it was bad writing. Damn was I played. Well done.
>thread on Yea Forums a bit ago sparked talk about a mirror world like dc has with earth 3 in marvel because of this shit
it was fun reading the exploits of the Web Shooter
good luck with that the ending Mysterio films himself dying to spiderman and sends it to JJJ and reveals all of Spider-Mans info to him
No it’s great because the Russos deliberately punished the stupid cunt for being a stupid cunt and have her do next to nothing. Brie Larson is a dog.
Way too obvious with that one
He's a skrull now? I might watch it next week
Redpill me on far from homophobia
Joost isn't that hot, especially with that horse face of hers.
RDJ left but it's still the RDJCU.
Mysterio is the best part of the movie
Everyone knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man by the end thanks to him
The postcredits scene is the skrull that was pretending to be Nick calling the actual Fury to explain what happened in the movie.
Piss off to /pol/ or Yea Forums
Isn't that most jrpg games?
What did she do to you personally? Why do you think this way man? They didn't punish her, they simply couldn't find many other ways to insert her into a story that they had been working on since long before she was hired.
I'd like to see a Spider-Man movie where for once the villain doesn't know his true identity
>Big bad of mcu
Mysterio is just mysterio
Mistakes like what?
What do you mean? Doc Ock and Sandman had no idea who Spider-Man was for the majority of those movies. Unless for whatever reason you think them finding out in the last 10 minutes completely disqualifies them for some reason. But, Electro in TASM 2 definitely never knew who Spider-Man was at all.
He's talking about William you morons.
He became alex jones
It should be obvious given every other appearance of Nick Fury in the MCU. In this movie, he's extremely incompetent, loses his temper quickly,whines, and just has a general spiteful attitude. Nick Fury literally never acted like that before even in Captain America 2 when SHIELD turned against him and he was on the run.
The Greengoblin didn't know till the last of his movie either. Even Beetlejuice didn't know until his daughter set up the pieces for him.
Did it day that was Edith? I thought it was just him getting away with the video data to frame Peter.
> Why did spiderman cheat on MJ with this homeless girl?
he doesn't know.......
Even the movie establishes him as just a lackey dude
He was Alex Jones in the PS4 game, to the extreme. They toned it down here.
Green Goblin finds out about halfway through. Maybe a bit later but it's definitely a fair bit before the climax truly begins. I would understand someone counting him as knowing for most of the movie. Honestly I didn't even think about Beetlejuice mostly cause he's not even really a villain just a bit of an obstacle but yeah he also doesn't know for most of it.