Which faction should I join as a centrist?
Which faction should I join as a centrist?
Horde and chill in Thunderbluff.
>as a centrist?
You should play and enjoy both factions like any normal person without extremist viewpoints would. Centrism is all about non-extremism. So as long as you don't go "FOR THE HORDE, ALL ALLIANCE SCUM SHOULD BE RAPED TO DEATH IN THE ARENA" or "FOR THE ALLIANCE, THE DAY OF THE ROPE IS COMING HORDE SCUM" you should be fine.
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.
Warlock or warrior if I'm asexual?
Are we talking modern WoW? Cause the Horde is just plain evil. not even in a "haha, rip and tear, this is awesome!" kind of evil, either. It's the "you should feel bad for yourselves, and shoulder your eternal sin" type of evil.
no, classic
They're just playing Musical Warchiefs again.
If that's the case, join based on what you want to play and do. What class are you thinking of? Would you rather raid or pvp more?
Horde as a Tauren or Panda
Or alliance as a Panda or gnome or dwarf or draenei
Doesn't matter they'll be dissolved next expansion and your character is inheritantly good
kys taurencuck
I want to tank with a warrior the most but people have been scaring me saying I need to completely nolife to even keep my spot in a guild. I also want to do world pvp and battlegrounds whenever I'm not raiding or farming. So I was thinking either human or orc
I want to marry and impregnate a panda or gnome or draenei
This is one of the most reddit things I've ever seen posted on this site.
Humans Worgen Dwarves Draenei Night Elves, Undead Orcs Trolls Blood Elves all have beefs and aren't centrists.
Goblins and Gnomes don't care as much but have their own conflicts.
Pandas Tauren Gnomes Goblins some Dranei and some allied races are pretty neutral
i am addicted to night elf feetâ„¢
Same. I'm addicted to Night Elves in general, though.
ppl like you ruined this race and WoW in general.
Trying too hard to fit in faggot.
You have to go back.
Play pandaren and never leave your starting zone
Either faction, but choose for yourself what the best option is instead of being an all or nothing retard.
>if you like actually good architecture
>if you like shitty African mudhuts
sadly cadence isn't actually this cute at all
I think you can get to max level without choosing a side so just get a panda and chill in the starting zone
>Game is a decrepit piece of shit
>Still have threads for it
It's regarding classic
warlock. you'll get tons of healer pussy if you play warrior, so you probably don't want that.
undead, they used to be alliance but joined the horde
Panda and just never leave the starting zone