This is a video game. Hard to believe, isn't it?
This is a video game. Hard to believe, isn't it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, you barely play the game, its more like a movie
you mean a movie
>I haven't played the game, so I'll just parrot memes about the console it's on
>Hard to believe, isn't it?
Not with those hoody pullies
>dumb down batman movie game
100% it and all dlc
Scarlet Spider is the best Spider-Man, prove me wrong
An awful one at that. It's laughably easy even on ultimate difficulty and the main missions are pure garbage. Replaying the game feels like a chore.
>woah spiderman something big is coming, press x when the prompt appears to dodge it!
i have and it sucks m8
Not at all, it looks like one.
it's a movie so yeah, hard to believe
Raimi is better, but i love both suits
It literally is an Arkham ripoff. They even copied down the stealth and even they couldn't do that as well. The devs have talked about shamelessly ripping off the Arkham games too
I liked the Raimi movies but the suit looks like ass. The lighting hits the webbing really weirdly so whenever you aren't in extremely dim or specific lighting it looks terrible. The blue portion of the suit is also far too purple.
>googled an image of someone else's copy
What exactly do you gain from lying like this?
but at least arkham games was done perfectly fine
spider-man was always boring and shitty
sad thing i like to play spiderman since psx
>shit brown hand
like clockwork
Scarlet Spider 2 exists, as well as mk1 armor and last stand.
>tiling detail textures
YIKES keep that shit in 1999 PLEASE
stay mad
Only moving through NY is fun. (and feels safe)
When you find enemies its like:
Square square square
And gimmicky enemy n°1, 2, 3...
Auto QTEs make this movie-game more enjoyable
>press button in video game
>thing happen
you sound like a fucking retard
>too stupid to shitpost properly
Are the DLCs worth getting? Do they add more random crimes to freeroaming?
It's a pretty fun movie game but it's still basically a movie game. Definitely a slog if you do anything other than the main story. Some Taskmaster stuff being the exception.
>QTEs are fine as long as there's shallow open world segments in between
Yeah it looks like he just cropped an image from google search. The game is pretty bad though, wouldn't recommend it to anyone as someone who's 100 percented the base game. Unless it's on sale for 20 bucks or less and you have money to waste then I'd say go for it
>that filename
It's called Yea Forums x, retard
Dear posters, you may think that this image is merely a real life photograph, but I must warn you: THIS IS A **VIDEO GAME** SCREENSHOT! This is NOT, I repeat NOT a real image! Yes indeed, my friends, Insomniac has partnered with Sony Entertainment to bring us a daring visualization of reality... all using the power of the PlayStation 4.
die zoomer
It looks like a video game though. Sorry marketer kun
Looks like real life holy shit
Okay, that post was pretty cringe and blue-pilled.
fags still mad
I never understood why you would do this. Is it to hide that you don't have any images saved from before 2016 and you're too lazy to fake the filename? What's the point?
its a fun game. i got it for $20
I mean if you've never been outside before then I could understand why you think it looks real. It looks nice it just doesn't look realistic
Find the exact same image then retard. It's not hard to just reverse search it or look in the archives.
I think the Raimi suit is the best suit Spiderman has ever had to be quite honest
Where's the game part of this video game?
Except none of it is quicktime you fucking faggot, its all real time
Seriously whats the point of you niggers making threads like this? Do something fucking productive, even if it means making a thread thats actually interestinf
ebin maymay bro
It looks incredibly shitty during rainy weather. Like a really glossy sweater
>i-i-i-its a movie game
can you retards say anything new
You're right but the scarlet spider suit in this game blows
Even Raimi's Spiderman is better than the ones that came after him in the movies. His has the most depth and character to him. Has the best suit and most interesting mary jane so far
PC poorfags and nincels still seething about it being exclusive?
>Most interesting MJ
>Whiny, unappreciative whore
You like her more because she's white, that's it
Not that the new MJ is accurate either but Dunst is fucking abysmal
looks fine to me
No that's very clearly a video game. Feeling that buyer's remorse again, consoleamigo?
this why did he want her in the old movies anyway she was fucking everybody
I think you're mistaken, dude-- this is and you're clearly looking for
>You like her more because she's white, that's it
What the fuck are you talking about you schizo, kill yourself
It's a shittier Arkham and unless you started on this board today you know what the general consensus on Arkham gameplay is
>being an autistic NPC sheep with no personality or opinion of it’s own whatsoever
you must be retarded
>how dare you get more famous then me
It definitely is a ripoff of the Arkham games. The side content being even worse than the Arkham games though. It's hard to decide which is better. Aerial combat gives more variety than Arkham's fighting but on foot combat is pretty boring in Spiderman.
Everyone loves arkham gameplay until it's a ps4 exclusive, just look at sleeping dogs and witcher 3.
>best suits released after i 100%ed the game
>no desire to replay it yet
it's not fair
Congrats, user. Stopped him in his tracks.
Last time I expressed my opinion that Fallout 76 is good I got told to kill my self
The scarlet spider is a thrown together costume. Ben just needed something vaguely spiderman-esque to beat dudes up in so he put on plain red spandex and tore the sleeves off his hoodie and drew the spider symbol with a sharpie. Every aspect of that is lost in this version of the costume.
It's funny because most people who criticize the Spiderman game are met with strawmen consolewar arguments. At least have a shred of self awareness if you're gonna try spouting memes my dude
It's funny cos most people are criticizing it for consolewar bullshit. You're already in a meme thread as soon as people said it was a movie.
>favorite suit is one of the last ones unlocked
>have to beat the game and then get halfway through the story again before unlocking it but by then I'm burnt out anyways
thanks for nothing
haven't played it since it came out, but I'm thinking I need to at least try out the Raimi suit now
>enjoying the game
>mj/miles mission
>close game
I believe the latest one he took from a cosplayer he beat up
>movie game
>game isn't based on a movie
What's it feel like being a fucking moron?
Did you even read his post?
Or maybe the lot of is just bait and people who are jealous? It's not real criticism so why act like a victim from it. Why don't you try accepting real criticism from people who've played it instead. Retard
Except there's an option to autocomplete the QTEs, leaving the entirety of the rest of the game.
>Everyone loves arkham gameplay
I've only ever heard arkham gameplay brought up as a negative comparison
I swear to god if they don't add the Spiderverse Miles outfit to the sequel or the next update or whatever, IF THEY LEAVE OUT THAT FUCKING GOD TIER OUTFIT AM GONNA FUCKING FLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Probably just by a bunch of assblasted weebs who hate the fact that the Arkham games are the best action brawlers ever made and shit all over anything made in Japan
Same here
It's the most uncreative combat I've ever seen. I've always seen people shit on the Arkham games too. Dunno what that faggot is on about
ITT: Conjecture and anecdotes.
It looks good. It's one of the best looking games, period. The gameplay is fun but has a few flaws (like ANY game). Put down your childish affiliations to whatever gaming system you use and admit it.
There are like 10 button prompt scenes in the entire game. Yakuza has more button prompts than this
Oh, a video game you say, I will give it a pass. I don't have a games console, only a Sony Movieplaystation
No it's definitely brought up by normal gamers who dislike feet gliding enemy lock scripted "combat". Sorry.
Its okay when japan does it faggot dont you know
You know there's tons of posts in this thread that aren't arguing about consoles right? The faggots that defend this game seem to always ignore that. I say that as someone who's played the game too.
>shittier arkham
That's bullshit and I don't believe it. Arkham combat is far stiffer and slower paced in comparison. You get a lot more freedom as well as a faster pace in Spoder-Mayne.
>dude it's fine you can just let the game play itself and watch it like a movie
keep digging that hole deeper lmao
Obviously, the hand isn't black enough to be someone from Yea Forums
No one said anything about weebs or nip games though. Are you schizo?
I will once i see one
Okay retard
yeah, it's almost like an entire trilogy of batman games helped propel the superhero medium entirely
Okay dumbass
Ok retard
Future Foundation is my favorite suit. So fucking happy they brought it in as a free update.
I'm not criticizing the Bamham games. I'm saying that Spider-Man isn't a shittier version of them because it plays differently. Now, ASM2 was a shitter Arkham for sure.
WTF is this shit?
Arkham combat is a rhythm game whereas spiderman is a proper action game, albeit an action game on training wheels. Im an actionfag who loves ninja gaiden, mgr:r, dmc, godhand etc and had a pretty good time with spiderman whereas I can’t play arkham more than 5 minutes without falling asleep
This is just bamham combat except you slide unnaturally to even further away enemies
Just a way to save resources I think. Some of the gadgets are reused textures in game but look different in the menus. Pretty lazy but eh
Why would they put in fast travel when swinging is really fun. Even if I had to go from one end of the map to the other I would still swing all the way there
>i have autism
Considering MJ is gone to fake Ukraine and Miles is gonna be taking her place as side character, and that the spiderverse Peter costume is in the game I think its a safe bet that he will have that costume in 2
>came out multiple years after paragon
lmao welcome to the party I GUESS
>30fps locked
>current year
lel snoyfaggots are an embarrassment, very very sad folks. believe me. many such cases!!
She's just mad that she turned into a mutant after the first movie
Ok dumbass
>i cry watching movie trailers
Why this suit looks so bad? Holy shit
>except you slide unnaturally to even further away enemies
He's Spider-Man. He webslings. You say that like it's a bad thing.
How is that comparable to arkham at all?
>press button to punch
>press button to use power
>defeat enemy
That's a dead ringer, chief.
game has huge pacing issues and lackluster combat
>Confirmed for never playing the game
If the enemy isnt close you will not fly across the map doing flips to hit them like bamham. You only zip across if you use the webzip punch. Dumb bitch
It is when goes to random offscreen enemies with no real input from the player
So have you never played a game that has cutscenes?
How would you improve the combat? Give actual gameplay mechanics as examples or even a bother game.
>Shit graphics
>Shit gameplay
>Shit suit
Wew, such a faggot dicklet
>game has huge pacing issues and lackluster combat
You can say that about any game though. Like Witcher 3 or Skyrim.
The game has a subtle targeting system with the left stick. It can get pretty janky because of the camera yeah, but it's not intrusive. It's less the combat's fault and more that the camera can't keep up with it, unlike in Arkham where the camera follows Bats very carefully because the combat there is slower.
Not the guy you're talking to but the game DESPERATELY needs another combat button and triangle doesnt fucking count since its literally just a webzip. The combat becomes so fucking repetitive watching Spiderman do the exact same animation every single time.
Also the fact that the gadgets are locked into a radial menu and not on the dpad for quick use is embarrassing.
I love the game but the combat is basic shit
It does have bad pacing issues. The story feels like a mess especially around Martin Li. Playing through the story on ng+ feels like a slog.
I love this game and can't get enough of it. Looking forward to new game plus. It scratches an itch that I have for beat-em-ups that nothing else fulfills.
Why do Sony products send Yea Forums into an autistic rage everytime?
confirmed for not playing the game. Kill yourself.
I'm a sonychad. Having good games isn't unnatural for me
Because sonyfags are so defensive and easy to troll
>The combat becomes so fucking repetitive watching Spiderman do the exact same animation every single time.
That I can fucking agree with 100%. It'd be nice if he had different attacks for different enemies. Kicking ALL THE FUCKING TIME just feels so weak and cheap.
Yeah I love how detailed the suits are. I fucking nut when I got the other scarlet spider suit, it looks perfect.
what is this? from a game?
As a ps4 pro owner I'm assuming half of it is bait and others are just people that are jealous. The exclusives for this console are pretty lackluster but I guess that's my fault for buying into the meme.
I think it might be a mod of the Ultimate Spider-Man game or something, it's definitely some kind of cel-shaded model. The character itself is May "Mayday" Parker, an AU Peter and MJ's daughter who becomes Spider-Girl as a teenager.
I did like what’s there for what it is, but don’t ever expect gameplay to have any more depth because the devs have outright said accessibility is their #1priority.
Technically you are agreeing with him.
Agreed. I used in the last DLC and it doesn't look good at all.
By that mean Holland Stark suit it's better in that way.
Mayday best Spider-Girl
Built for spidercest
It's from a shitty mobile game
Do you enjoy being this new?
You know breath of the wild cant even hold a solid 30 fps right nintenb@by?
Nope because Kaine is the best.
Okay Yea Forums, if we get clone shenanigans, who do you want to voice the other clones and do you want Jessica or Ben?
t. seething weeb
>People still play/talk about the Spider-Man game
>Nobody is going to even remember the Avengers game a month after it releases
What were they thinking?
Seething about what tho
Because the plebs are jealous of us the Sony Chads
>it's ok when snoy does it!
Does each of the suits have a mission or are they just skins you can unlock/purchase.
it's a very nice looking game. haven't played it though.
>doesn't know that mj has her own arch and everything
mcu shill spotted
Spider-Man 2099 is the best and you suck dicks
If I'm stuck choosing, the only way I'm taking Jess is if I can play as her as an alternate costume with voice acting which would never happen, so Ben. He'd hopefully have a Scarlet Spider costume that looks more like the original idea of something just put together last minute.
Eh, I don't think they should be jealous of us. The exclusives aren't that great.
looks incredible, basically real life
I'm hoping the sequel keeps true to its word about getting the symbiote(s) involved and gives us cool-ass symbiote suit options. Also hoping the combat is less Arkham-like but I feel like that's a fool's wish
Three are part of the main story. One you get for the black cat missions. The rest are unlocked for various accomplishments
cute feet indeed
>people still coping not being able to play the secret goty
top kek
real talk, is this worth getting?
I don't mind movie games that much, but i hate shitty gameplay
The PS4 exclusives are basically the games I enjoy the most and look forward to besides what CDPR makes
Pretty hard to believe some soi chugging hacks would dare tacticool the original Scarlet suit when the whole fucking point of it was being a makeshift costume, yeah.
How do you know they won't?
The people who are telling you "it's a movie game" user have never played the game. It's pure cope. This is the most "video gamey" ps4 exclusive, of them all. It's pure video game. If this wasn't just on PS4, it would be praised as one of the best pieces of vidya ever.
You're nearing GR2fags' levels of delusion.
What is GR2? No idea what that is, user. Unironically stop coping, though.
*makes Spider-Man 4 in a video game*
It's so real
Pfff, hahaha! That looks terrible. The muddy textures and the... clunky combat... the... t-the web swinging has no-- it doesn't have any momentum and... and...
Jesus fucking Christ, I can't do this anymore. It looks so fucking good, AND fun. I want a PlayStation 4 so fucking bad, you guys, but I've already got a Switch so it'd be disrespectful to Nintendo. Gotta stay strong, gotta keep Iwata's dream alive, I gotta, I gotta...
But damn... I really do love the PlayStation 4...
You know what? That's it.
I just can't play on an inferior console while everybody else gets the best. I mean, come on: God of War, Spider-Man, The Last of Us Part II, The Last Guardian, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Bloodborne... They're just so much more advanced than anything I could play on my lame old Switch.
No, it's time for me to change for the better. I'm selling my Switch and getting a PlayStation 4. I'm getting EVERY exclusive, and playing the hell out of them. I deserve to play GOOD games. So do you, Nintenbros.
This is for every poor bastard still stuck with a Nintendo console. This is for all the crazy sonuvabitches out there who cling to the PC and Xbox despite them only having shitty indie games and multiplats.
This is for the players.
The gameplay is decent for a super-hero title with combat strangely being the most in-depth part instead of the swinging however the plot is just complete shit outside of Pete and Ock's relationship and the developers did absolutely nothing in regards to avoiding common open world pitfalls instead choosing to include them all so many "missions" are just tedious side activities copy pasted and finally avoid the DLC, it's really shit, adds nothing aside from costumes that don't even have their own powers, and cared more about it's own half-assed plot than gameplay. Overall get the game cheap, it's not worth full price.
Hahaha holy shit cap this
It has without a doubt, the greatest camera mode in any video game.
Nobody's talking about it now.
>Those annoying Mary Jane Segments with crouch around corner gameplay
>Nothing bad ever happens to Mary Jane
>Bitchy White hair womyn shows up and kicks in spidermans shit
>Never get to shove her face in and prove her wrong
I miss when female characters were allowed to have flaws and an arc, and be wrong.
While you are right about most things here, the combat and swinging were bretty decent for me and made shitty side misions bearable. I did like the story a lot and the boss fights were solid too
>My boy Kaine
My man
they fucked up this armor so bad, its straight up 90% black when actually playing the game when its supposed to be white
It's not worth it. Unless it's on sale for less than 20 bucks then go for it. Has little replay value and the combat gets really boring the second time around. Upgrades are trash too. I was memed into buying it instead of another game.
>the combat and swinging were bretty decent
That's what I said
>the boss fights were solid too
I honestly can't really remember them outside of Electro and Ock. They didn't leave a lasting impression although I do remember thinking it had nothing special.
Based. Lying user on suicide watch.
>the usual incel whine
*is secretly the most graphically advanced video game of all time because it didn't have to worry about coming out on other consoles and devs could juice the ps4 for all it's worth*
Rhino and scorpion had some great banter and the 2nd mr negative fight with a huge demon in the back reminded me of the old ps1 spiderman game. Mechanically they were meh but the dialogue, cinematics and spectacle made em good. Overall, the whole game suffers in the name of being accesible to normies
Yuri looks baked.
the swinging is kinda shallow, they dont give you any freedom really to be creative with it.
the combat is pretty good and you can be creative with it and i think itll be even better in the sequel.
raimi suit best suit
I hated the Mary Jane in this game too. She was insufferable all the time and her missions were the worst part about this game. She's a hypocrite and has narcissistic traits. The liberal undertones this game sometimes had made me cringe. Especially when it made Sable come off as a strong independent woman when she's really just a murderer backed up by guys in armor.
>there is cutscene and qtes
Combat is good. Balacing is good. You only pretend to not like because Sony name is on it
Idk i feel like going fast in this game required more skin and felt more organic than just pressing boost and flying across the map. I liked the pendulum physics and dual hand web swinging in two more.
>Bitchy White hair womyn shows up and kicks in spidermans shit
never happens you retard and you beat the shit out of her in the dlc you incel
Good times
retard is mad about a mercenary doing her job
It's probably for the best he doesn't play the dlc. It's very fucking bad. Also kill yourself and learn what an incel actually means.
It's over a year out. People weren't talking about Spidey besides during e3 a year before.
Didn’t play the DLC, don’t you see her without her costume on?
literally just make Spider-Man 4 posters all day in this game
>Jessica or Ben
Please, don't make me choose, I like them both so I can't decide.
>Overall, the whole game suffers in the name of being accesible to normies
Agreed as it was one of my biggest gripes as well. Take the soundtrack for example, ripped straight from the MCU and so forgettable that I can't remember a single song meanwhile take any song from the SM2 game and that shit is catchy as hell:
Then you have no lesser Marvel heroes teaming up for side missions, plot was very safe, and it just lacked that comic edge. Too MCU for my tastes.
you didn't play the game did you retard
Do you think her being a mercenary makes her better or something? God youre dumb
The soundtrack sounded like Raimi shit.
you sound like a fucking retard incel boy and she never beats the shit out of spider-man she hit him 2 times retard thats all
>canon to the comics
>fun action setpieces
>four different gameplay styles with actually fun Stealth
>led into a comic book arc that was eventually adapted into a film
>no one talks about it and most people who saw the movie doesn't even know it exists
Please milk my dick web dry
Looks like it came straight out of the movie.
>Hard to believe, isn't it?
Not really.
And that's why it's good. A huge step up from the generic elevator music you get these days in modern super-hero shit.
speaks more about the movie than the game honestly
She is a bitch. She deserved two spider-punchs
do you know nothing about silver sable or are you mad a girl did something
I'm not even the guy who originally responded to you. Kill yourself illiterate
He means Gravity RUsh 2.
I want to make a thread talking about GoW. Help me bros
Sable gets the best of Spidey multiple times and is somehow able to keep up with him in a fight.
>tfw mj looks freakishly identical to my first kiss
ok you mad retard
Yeah I do, what's your point retard?
>no one talks about it
Can't speak for others but I always recommend that game to anyone looking for some decent Spidey vidya. Made for comic fans not casual movie fans and was so good because of it. Still waiting on that 2099 open world game.
I had this downloaded for PS3. Played a level. Then stopped. Is it worth playing?
An animated movie
t. edited pic
top cope kek
>This is a video game
Don't lie to me, I know that's a SNOY exclusive
she is in a world with other super humans you idiot and you think spider-man was going all out or something
This game would have been way better if you died from falling.
>those reflections
holy shit
what’s the problem with the pic?
>Literally u mad bro the resposne
You can't even shitpost well after making yourself look like dumbass
I love how this shit casually dropped on PS4, but if a game of this magnitude dropped any PC/Nintendo console, they would never shut the fuck up about it.
You just know.
>Ultimate Spider-Man is eter Parker instead of Miles
This shit is just the only thing i wanna see in the Spider-Verse comic and it get fucked so far.
it's short as hell, but it's a fun brawler that never outstays it's welcome. Sequel is ass.
I literally bought this just so I can play as Ultimate Spider-Man. We need a new Ultimate game or an HD rerelease with better cel shading on par with the Spiderverse film.
Next time, post actual footage. Makes your cope stand out more, user.
It's funny because the two people that actually posted proof of having the game are ignored in this thread.
>she is in a world with other super humans you idiot and you think spider-man was going all out or something
Whoa there bucko, no need for all that hostility. I'm just saying that for a Spidey that's supposed to be in his prime and eight years into his career, this until now random gets the drop on him, somehow bypasses his spider-sense and roundhouse kicks the shit out of him, acts like a cunt and tries to kill him repeatedly, and goes toe to toe with him while being a regular human. Not a super one.
I love how people going against this game are getting btfo from every angle. First the user with the fake game, and now this
How do we stop the spideychads
Same here. Any game that uses the formula gets shit on too. I'm glad Yea Forums still has taste and knows teleports across the screen autotarget rhythm combat is mediocre trash.
By making swinging have a consequence instead of falling 200 stories and landing on your feet like nothing happened. It's already piss easy, they could have added SOME challenge
Miles wasn't a thing for at least two more years afterwards.
yes i am, can you explain me what the problem with the pic?
How in the god damn fuck did they get this running on a PS4? What the fuck?
Bendis fucked up bad by doing that. Didn't even let Peter take down Norman either.
What does that even mean?
are you retarded or something
Pretty sure that's the Pro.
Just beat this today. What the fuck at Aunt May dying? There's no way Peter allows that to happen again.
>muh sunset
It looks like crap at normal daytime and night.
This is secretly the comfiest game of all time. There is something relaxing about just casually swinging around the city.
>graphics over gameplay storyshit
No, it's not a real videogame. Shit like that belongs in Yea Forums more than Yea Forums.
>wanting Miles in anything
I sincerely despise that after years of trying it was fucking Sony that made casuals like him with that shit Spider-Verse movie. He's a complete Gary Stu that has been nothing but a detriment in comics and is even responsible for not only shitting up an entire universe but one of the best Peter's as well just to push him. Miles can, for now and forever, fuck off for what he did to Ultimate Pete.
>h-h-how did this person hit spider-man
you know this shit happens all the time right why are you mad a girl did it
fpbp nigger faggot op should go back to plebbit
>muh cope
Stop coping. First it's the game, now it's the time of day? kek
why are you trying this hard to look as stupid as you do
looks like a ps2 game
ps2 graphics
reddit tier game
Yea Forums is reddit
Yea Forums+nel is reddit
all of you are reddit
Spidey isn't auto-target
stop coping
And then afterwards when Peter and MJ drive off into the sunset, making all of us think that Pete finally got a decent send off and can finally just be at peace with his one true love but not really because his universe got erased so he basically died a second time but then his universe got restored and he's working with the Ultimates now and still with MJ.
Metal gear rising: revengeance is a 3 hour game yet its still a fuckin blast
>tfw live near NYC
>ywn freely swing around NYC
It really doesn't. You just want to purposely hate on it, since that's the hip new thing nowadays.
you only posted the e3 gameplay webms where the game is set in sunset, the only time it looks good
the lighting during day and night isnt nearly as good looking.
>and still with MJ
>not Gwen
>Not Jessica
Pissed me off desu. Him and Gwen were a lot better and you could tell Bendis broke the two of them up last minute just to appeal to the OMD crowd. Peter getting back with MJ (for some reason) JUST before he dies? Imagine my fucking shock.
keep the mad up
What's he coping with though? Genuinely curious since he actually owns the game
Will the sequel have to be set in NYC too? Spidey is NYC but it'd be real boring to go through the same city again.
yep. those reflections sure look amazing
why are you trying so hard
I just use it to hide my dumb filenames.
Yep, that's cope.
I love how you're frantically running around on your ps4 taking these shots, trying to get them as bad as possible, and failing kek. also don't pretend to be somebody else
holy nostalgia
Besides bloodborne and having a fun go of Detroit I feel like buying a pro was a worse decision than the wii u
>not Kitty Pryde
Ultimate Kitty Pryde was fucking wet for Peter Parker, even when he died she still wouldn't get over him.
I like the game but the reflections and windows in the game are fucking weird. It's pretty clear they were an after-thought and get pretty non-euclidean at times. Doesn't impact the gameplay but I'm curious as to how they managed to accidentally produce this weird shit that most devs struggle to do on purpose.
You're trying, very, very hard user. You know that is a tiny area of the game you go in for literally 3 seconds. You don't need to be on these levels of cope.
I hope you're not running out of specific cherry picked pictures now, are you user? Don't want you running out. Maybe get on your ps4 OG and find a few, quickly.
this game looks so bad compared to actual pc games
Fucking shit she completely slipped my mind. I also loved those two together. My main point was that Peter and MJ were shoehorned together before he died and he was better with Gwen. No doubt he would have been even better with Kitty because she would have been able to save him.
You know that I already replied to his post first right?
The reflections sometimes look good. But when youre climbing up a building or if you're on the surface they look awful. They start to get more detailed once you're almost at the top of a building though.
Sorry to disappoint you retard. Also what do you mean by "as bad as possible"? That's literally how my game looks too
>Combat is good
>Arkham button prompting through the whole game with the impact/shock gadgets acting as an instant win and web blossom/shock fists being one the best suit powers available early
It's functional but I wouldn't call it good. The game's enjoyability is heavily reliant on how deliberately constructed the set pieces are, and that enjoyment diminishes the more it has to rely on its base mechanics. That doesn't make it bad by any means but it does make it a cinematic game.
looks terrible, anything in RDR2 shits on that
stop coping
I felt slightly robbed at $20. It reminded me of Phantom Pain in that it has a very strong, polished core of gameplay but nothing to actually fucking do with it besides the same canned open world encounters padding out the gametime
MCU shill and white race hater spotted.
>You know that is a tiny area of the game you go in for literally 3 seconds
reflections being shit is a thing in the whole game
you are that mad its not on pc
>Ultimate Kitty Pryde was fucking wet for Peter Parker
Keyword "was." She ends up fucking Bendis.
Coping with what though? I literally have the game and have already posted proof
This was the same webm used at release, again and again. Stop coping.
I wasn't pretending to be you. Just offering another reason why someone would have the randomizer on.
you know the old mj fucked a lot of guys right
did you save those on reddit or what
>they're still using that webm from pre e3 footage
tippest of toppest of cope
don't lie
But how would you change those things though? In the game Spidey uses gadgets - you don't have o use them but they're there. How would you implement them in a way that doesn't resemble Arkham?
Limit and nerf their usability like the spells in Witcher? Make them one and done things or passives that have a chance to occur like critical hits? Arkham obviously set the standard for this type of gameplay and it works especially well for Spidey. What's bad about that?
Stop coping.
>they're still using that webm from pre e3 footage
the spidershill itt has posted nothing but webms from the e3 and reddit screenshots at sub-1080p, he probably doesnt even own the game
k then
Honestly as someone that leeches off his friends PS4 this game was fine until the end where it just shits the bed. I mean when the mercs show up. The DLC was also one of the worst things I've ever had to endure. Well except the start of the first one.
Not 'was'. Even after he was dead she was still fantasizing about their what if. They would have gotten married, moved in together, he would have joined the X-Men - real sad stuff for her.
top cope
nice opinion
He got cucked by the Benis, user. Don't dwell too hard on it. It's an inevitability for the Man of Spiders.
He's not wrong.
>this absolute lack of AO
rdr2 looks worse than gta v with a lighting mod
the game got harder and you couldn't git gud, it's fine
RDR2 looks and plays better on the Xbox One X...
Top fucking kek
the game felt way too safe to me, wound up boring
like every aspect of the game design was decided by committee then focus tested thrice
No she didn't She was a party girl, but there's nothing that ever said she was a loose girl or a slut.
Not him but why don't you at least post a good looking webm? Have you never done this before? This looks like it's on the ps4 pro too. Blurry as fuck
>like every aspect of the game design was decided by committee then focus tested thrice
That's exactly what happened.
Stop, unironically, coping.
>She was a party girl
Party girls have been the biggest sluts in the United States since the 70s.
holy shit guys, godrays! :o
the dlc sucks? this thread made we want to play again but i dont know how committed i am to starting over the base game
I'm not sure what I should be coping with. As I have the game too
true cope
>No she didn't
she fucked flash harry and John Jonah that bitch is loose as fuck
>the Spider-Man games all do a much better job of capturing the character than all of the movies combined
why can nobody do it?
that's fine then, you're dismissed
stop coping by going out towards sea to find the npcs on the boat.
ok retard
>the dlc sucks?
Not him but it really does, if it wasn't for the costumes you get with it I'd have way more buyers remorse. Nowhere near worth what they're asking.
Well you got me there.
But you don't. That's just three guys.
Thank you, sir.
It's weird you'll say that but me posting proof of having spiderman too is coping. Unless you're a different spammer
>ctrl F
>No Noir suit
Damn wish he was taller or bulkier.
three to many and she almost got back with harry in 3
Noir would have been great if they included the coat but developers are too lazy so it's a 6/10 at best.
Wait, we're talking the Raimi films? I thought we were talking comics.
Yeah they somehow fucked up on that. Ghost Spider and Resilient are fucking jacked. Not Kaine though.
>a flight sim looks better than a Spiderman game on gaystation 4
was this what he wore in that shitshow Spider-Island
flight sim should look good as fuck. why wouldn't it?
What, you didn't want more of her?
>Hold square to knock them into the air
>jump and punch
>MAYBE web yank guns and slide under shields
>Use SpiderBro and win all fights with zero effort
Sure user it was to hard that it almost made me quit.
You fags who constantly spout movie game at anything that looks good or has a story are seriously the dumbest fucking posters.
Pretty sure it was just an update of the SD Noir suit. I doubt they'd put in effort for trenchcoat physics.
Woooow nice GRASS dude huh? Game totally BLOWN duh fuck out, amirite? HOOORRY SHIT! This nigga coming at me with fucking GRASS! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
I already knew but my first interaction with that bitch solidified that I was anything but the target audience for that game. So Zoomer that I'm still recovering from the cancer she gave me.
Pfft, who needs Noir when there's Third Echelon Spider-Man from the award winning Splinter Cell series.
true cope
yes the Raimi films
What are the best visual settings to have on with the Raimi suit? Motion blur at 3 feels like the actual movies from the 2000's
>A Flight Sim
Try Hard
Depression Era /fa/ > Cold War/Modern Day three-eyes
>buying the dlc
I did unfortunately and everything I said happened in the game.
Hope u like crouching behind ojects with Miles and Mary Jane
why are incels so invested in defending this mediocre ass game? go back to press circle and triangle to "awesome" you fucking snoytards
Man for a bunch of neckbeards that like to criticize game's "grafix". Y'all sure don't understand the technology behind it.
I think my first priority would be addressing if instant stun/incapacitation is a good idea to begin with, and if it is then there would need to be more enemies who could counter it.
First off, yes it does its how she's introduced. Play the game you retard.
Second, The issue is that in the main game without buying the DLC this is never resolved in the slightest because then it would show a woman being wrong, which is illegal.
Why is that no one can decide what the tragic even in Miles' life is?
I mean you have a point but it's pathetic when you only choose to respond to bait like his post
stop projecting
The tragedy in Miles' life is that it's a weak copy cat of Uncle Ben's death, only with a twist.
retard she got captured and almost killed because how she is play the game before you shitpost
Calling this entire thread bait would be optimistic.
Zoom in then compare it to Spider Man.
20 years ago, someone would think this was a fucking movie if you told them it was in game engine graphics.
Pretty much is full of bait. Cope seems to be a very popular buzzword now
itd still look better
Spider-Man looks great but the detail on the suits isn't anything exceptional. Devs understand that the player model will always be on screen so that's what they put the most work on. It isn't unique to this game.
This. Devil May Cry has done this for years.
Spiderchads win again
Pretty much, the npcs look awful in this game and their mouths move less than half the time they're talking. Still appreciate the effort gone into the details though. I wonder how well this game would look on the pc. Maybe then there won't be as much framedips like when you use the electric punch suit power
>posts a cutscene
>if I just say words, hopefully somebody on Yea Forums will believe me
They have Holocaust man in the game!?
>that lack of AF on his back texture
No its pretty easy to believe. I've got the game but haven't started it yet, my nephew was playing my copy and it didn't look that amazing (ps4 slim) but decent enough. Not greatly better than Sunset Overdrive on pc (or framerate)
Only thing Spider-Man lacks is an iconic combat soundtrack
Why would you do that? Just lie, on the internet?
Well if you wanted gameplay you only had to ask.
As a Christmas present/update, for FREE.
Okay admittedly that looks god tier.
It looks a better on the ps4 pro. But I don't think to the point where you should buy one just for that. The upgrade in graphics for enhanced games aren't that large in difference
>INSTANTLY moves the goalpost
So predictable.
Ass detail that could rival even postapocalyptic japanese androids.
How is posting gameplay after you complained I didn't post anything from in-game "moving the goalpost"? you can see how detailed everything is in that webm. He's some more in-game as well.
It's not an afterthought. It was designed that way since it would be too demanding for the PS4 to render tons of different interiors, it was best to do it in a procedural way. Same way as Watch Dogs.
This. Spider-man puts that focus on the suit textures. Other games put it into ass.
The joints give it away.
They always give it away.
>Thread is slowly turning into Marvel vs Capcom
>posts a cutscene character model to show how "good" it looks
>it actually looks like garbage in-game unlike spiderman
I feel like the camera mode is cheating. The devs can take as much time as it usually takes to put out 30 frames on a single image, so it makes sense that they would take advantage of that to make it look unreasonably good.
You do know that the photo mode in Spider-Man touches stuff up as well right?
Iron suit Spider Man>>>>Noir Spiderman>>>>>Scarlet Spiderman Spider Man>>Negative Spiderman>>>Ghost Rider Spiderman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Punk Rock Spiderman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rebellion Spider Man.
If you used the meme reddit Rebellion suit then you have shit normalfag taste. Search your heart, you know I'm right.
arkham knight did both combat and stealth way better than spider man. and story too.
fuck it did everything better pretty much.
I'll agree only if your tell me which Iron suit you mean
>arkham knight did both combat and stealth way better than spider man
>touching stuff up vs completely different model
Goddamn the Raimi suit looks so fucking nice.
Oh shit...I guess I didn't realize there were multiple versions. I'm talking about this one, because I thought this was the only one. At least this is the one I used for most of my playthrough.
I think combat is about on par with Spiderman but it definitely did stealth way better. There just isn't enough variety in the Arkham games for it to feel like it's fresh each time. Even though the upgrades in Spiderman are pure garbage the gadgets and suit powers are better
Yeah. Like my dick.
Every other suit > Absolute dog shit > MCU Spider-Man
FPBP kek BTFO sonyfags
Put me in dat screen cap niggaaaaaaaaaas
You do know that touching stuff up means loading up effects and textures the game can't handle in motion right? this is what's so funny about you giving me shit because the entire thread is filled with lies, every single image using touched up models and effects yet it's only my shit you have an issue with because it's not from Spider-Man.
Fucking kek.
Ehh, I'm more of the scarlet gold Civil War suit guy.
it's true
combat in arkham knight is 100% seamless, 0 interruptions and manages to have more variety and gadgets than spider man. In Spider-Man there's like 4 enemies and you have to constantly pause the combat to navigate menus to change gadgets. It completely breaks the motion of combat.
Then on Stealth Arkham Knight just has way more refined mechanics and variety in enemies faced as well as stealth gadgets.
The story in arkham knight is also serious, unlike in Spider-man where Peter is always making cringy jokes which make it fucking impossible to take anything seriously because he never seems to believe that there's any danger whatsoever.
I see so many pussies who didn't play ultimate mode.
Didn't even realize that suit was in the game, but I will admit that looks nice. Red and Gold do clash well with each other, plus the arms on his back are neat.
mad kind?
Not sure if I should laugh at that midair pose
>because he never seems to believe that there's any danger whatsoever.
That's literally his way of coping. Tell me you realize that.
The game is great but the DLC is weak as fuck. Especially the last one. A bunch of corny mafia stereotypes from the 80s suddenly get their hands on future tech and they are a problem? I didn't realize these goons had military planning and precision to where they could knock over armored convoys. And then you had mooks with jetpacks and shields but still talking like they got all their dialogue from the Sopranos.
Kek. Didn't even notice.
I agree with you about the story as a Spiderman fan. The Peter in this game feels like he was manufactured by out of touch boomers in a meeting room. His cringy jokes make it hard for me to take this game seriously at all. Even more so with it's awful pacing and short length
> Spider-man where Peter is always making cringy jokes which make it fucking impossible to take anything seriously because he never seems to believe that there's any danger whatsoever.
This is "fun is a buzzword tier". Holy shit did you just discover Spider-Man or something. That is literally, LITERALLY, what he does.
I fucking loved all that. You're talkin classic spiderman horseshit bud.
The Peter in this game feels like a little bitch.
I don't really care if it's his way of coping. That part of his personality is never explored in the game. He merely comes off as a total clueless retard who's fabulously optimistic about everything despite a nuclear sized gas explosion having just been dropped on his city. I couldn't take it seriously, which is a shame because the story is actually pretty good for the last part.
But here's another problem I had - the story reaches its best bit and then rushes until the end. The last 3-5 missions are the best but they're too short. Everything before that just feels a bit like boring fetch work.
It's from the preChristmas update. A late but welcome addition.
Given the story we just had and coming off the punch of Aunt May's death the stories of the DLC just felt tacked on and unfinished.
arkham city is better
>The Spider-Gremlin
Read a comic
Stealth in arkham is way better but spidermans combat is leagues ahead of arkham combat. Its one of the main reason why i never got invested in the series
You're right but I still loved the corny monsters with future weapons
They were. They announced the DLCs like a month before the game even came out. Classic publisher jewery.
Because Bendis can't write for shit and decided that throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks was all he did with Miles. I'm still salty they didn't bring Peter back and just let him take over as Captain America, instead of just having him fuck off after bitch slapping Osborn then fucking off until their universe was destroyed.
The comic only does one thing original. Miles is ACTUALLY responsible for Aaron's death.
Guess what, anons. I like BOTH Arkham AND Spider Man!
Me too user, i had fun with both, sometimes i still play the challenge modes in the arkham games
noooo you cant do that
It just felt weak though. In comparison to what the city just went through with super villain attacks, then the Sinister Six, every criminal breaking loose, the city descending into anarchy, then being occupied by a foreign army with future tech, a virus that nearly killed everyone and then...mobsters? Who supposedly were able to steal and take weapons from this highly trained elite army?
>stand in the circle pressing Y and X
>occasionally use a designated gadget for special type of enemy that can only be defeated with said gadget
>continue standing in circle pressing two buttons
This is literally what arkham combat is holy fuck go play a proper melee action game. Spider man reminded me of Devil may cry babby mode which is still much better than arkham
why did someone put in the time to render this
Well that and Arkham is more rhythm-based while Spider-Man can have rocket enemies launch an attack while trying to be hit by a Heavy unit and the game would prefer you dodge the rocket instead of the Heavy's attack.
Me too.
Same reason that if you pause the game when Peter has his phone out, which you would never see unless you do this, if you zoom in on it, it has scratches where he has dropped it, and the name of the person he is talking with
>mash square and triangle
>occasional dodge for that enemy that has a frontal shield
>continue mashing square and triangle
is this really what passes as a good combat system?
this is your brain on reductionist shitposting
When you aren't held back by Xbox and PC hardware, amazing things can be accomplished.
More exclusive focus for PS5 i'm hoping.
Not him but you don't make a compelling argument either. You're just using a strawmen
>use the corner pull/hop as my main method of web slinging for a good portion of the game
>that ozcorp research station where your webslingers aren't working
just swinging around the city in that game was so much fun
Yeah positioning is critical in spider-man and different enemies attack simultaneously that require you to decide what to dodge quickly unlike arkham where there was a scripted multi counter option or i-frames during countering a single enemy. Arkham combat is trash tier
do they show a good shot of her face, I remember there was drama after people found out that the face in the corner during the phonecalls was modeled after some tranny dev
>outs himself as not actually having played the game
But that's the thing user. I do read comics. And the shit Peter puts up with in this game from the people in his life while rolling over and spreading his cheeks is so accurate to the comics it bothers me.
Also read my black ass
zoom zoom
will look for you now, user
Not him but dodging is certainly not “occasional” especially when enemies with jet packs, guns, and rocket launchers show up. Direction of dodging is also important as you can dodge into fists of other enemies if they are attacking simultaneously
I'd say the only thing that breaks the game is the auto-finisher that allows you to do a second one right after using one of your Focus bars as a freebie.
Is this game actually any good? I liked far from home. I keep holding out because I think it might come to PC eventually like sunset overdrive
I used the Electrically insulated suit the most because I felt it made Spidey's ass look better
It's pretty good if you love Spider-Man. As far as PC never ever goes, the developer has a record of producing exclusives for the consoles, so there's that.
it was fun, i rented it from redbox and 100%'d it over a weekend though.
Definitely fun to swing around new york stopping random crimes
Yes its good
I enjoyed it enough to play it 3 times and fucked around in post-game just taking down random crimes until the DLC came out. I will never play the DLC a second time. And I too liked Far From Home and just see more MCU complaining to just be old hat from Homecoming.
I can play it on Playstation Now you impoverished moron.
Post more Party Hardy ass
That's a spider not a video game
looks too clean to be IRL
>FF suit.
WAIT WHAT, I thought Raimi suit was the last one?
Last one for 2018. New suits are still going in.
>nier, p5, rdr2.
Might as well return your console since your taste in game is worst than your dad's in condoms.
>thought that was supposed to be Anti-Venom from the screenshot
the Future Foundation was so dumb I blanked it out from my memories
>a symbiote-based suit in this game
based user destroying lying ninteniggers one by one
There's this pretty fucking hot parody comic of the first issue where Susan is an insatiable slut. I came buckets so I guess I can't complain too much.
Does it have the color shift for stealth like the comic? I doubt it but that would be fucking cool if it did...
oh no some random virgin insulted the vidya i have. what will i ever do