Are there any game where the nazis are the good guys?
Are there any game where the nazis are the good guys?
All of them
cute and funny
Go back to /pol/.
Reminder that videos that Extra Creditz and discourse from the far left normalize nazis more than anything a video game could do, if at all
Why does the nigger look constipated?
This but unironically
This but ironically
unironically BASED
Empire Earth (og) has a German campaign where you can win WW2
>You will not post dubs/GET number outside of Yea Forums
>Iron Cross
This is 100% true
you'd almost never hear someone talk anything or even mention nazis in casual conversation years ago
then hear comes these fanatical left-wingers suddenly spamming nazis, nazis, nazis, all over the news, articles, and even discussions, plus using it as some retarded insult like fucker, asshole, jerk
they normalized it more than actual groups of neo-nazis and nazis hiding off in their own little corners ever could have
wolfenstein the new colossus
>he thinks the far left get on the news
lol tell me more
God fucking damn it I fucking hate /pol/. They're constantly making this fucking thread and only focusing on the Nazi part while ignoring the rest of the ultra retarded shit that was said in the video. I bet you fuckers didn't even watch the video you keep making these threads about because if you did you'd know they talk about how people shouldn't be terrorists in counter strike as well, or the ways they want their ideology to affect gameplay and que time in a way that punishes literally everyone in a game.
Day of Defeat
What are some good games that involve mushrooms that aren't Morrowind?
t. getlet.
everyone knows the left was invented in the 19th century with the birth of karl marx
when the french were gutting nuns in the street the call wasn't "let's make terror the order of day" it was "realize the materialist conception of history!"
political celebrity thread DESTROYED by one post from a based user
CNN and MSNBC are far left so they literally are the news
>stop normalizing a time in history in games about historical events
Journalism crash when?
All the Jojo games
>You will not be a huge fucking faggot
Uh, checked.
>buy a game set during WWII
>get surprised when there are nazis
I seriously want to know what these people were expecting to happen.
Battlefield heroes let you play as them which was fun.
Absolutely based and redpilled!
>CNN and MSNBC are far left
>having no political perspective beyond the narrow spectrum of right-centrism of the American mainstream this is the true power of the burger political environment......
It happened 5 years ago
^see this man, Yea Forums?
This man took away your dubs
I hate you. I miss gets so much
Play Civilization 5 with the Hitler mod.
no one cares your doctrinal disputes
when someone's getting smashed in the head by a mob of """anarchists""" it's not someone from msnbc
>right-centrism of the American mainstream
Are you retarded? America post 1960 is a military police welfare state. We are only eclipsed on the left by formal supernations like the EU
Any Kinnikuman game. Brockenman is one of the most heroic and noble chojin, even if he's relatively weak.
Fuck /pol/tards to be honest. Just because Extra Credits is retarded doesn't mean you're all not.
This is why liberals are retarded: they think anyone even slightly right leaning as this caricature.
Remember when the highly advanced minds at Extra Credit thought we were gonna run out of internet? That's pretty st
To make this thread slightly video games, here are the few decent games where you can actually play as Nazis/Nazis military, multiplayer and singleplayer:
CoH Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valor expansions
Hearts of Iron series
Silent Hunter series (3 is best)
Red Orchestra 2*
Steel Division 1 and 2
For those that might want to. How problematic!
*has a pseudo campaign, its a lot like the campaign in Battlefront 2, skirmish maps against AI. Not great but I know of no other FPS with single player that lets you play as the germans.
>Nazi being the rational person who wants to discuss the issue
>"normal" person who resorts to violence almost immediately
They have to go.
Yea Forums is /pol/ talking about video games.
SS marschiert in Feindesland!
Sing along Yea Forums!
to rape jail
see>Uh, you're all just lump us all together! That's why you're retarded!
Not even liberal. Extra Credits is stupid. /pol/tards are stupid. You're equally retarded.
JIDF's here, that was fast
Imagine actually believing that
Epic and Win
Fucking merked
Wasn't that guy confirmed Jewish though?
holy fuck the absolute lord
>greentexting a sound statement
>reply with a no u
Like clockwork.
real life
Who is who in this webm? Aside from the neckbeard with the flag.
listen guys, we need to STOP the nazis!
That's why we're going to dress up in all black and roam the streets looking for people who assault! to stop the nazis!
Holy Shit
Every game.
killzone series
Yes, see Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day. Hitler is a playable character and you get to kill LGBTQ people and abortionists. Good concept, terrible execution. A sequel would be nice, but do it right this time
I don't know about "good guys", but Hell Let Loose blasts ERIKA whenever the german team win. It's pretty sweet
This is why /pol/tards are retarded. They think anyone even slightly against them as this liberal caricature.
>unprovoked violence means I'm right :^)
My friend Yamaguchi has a message for you.
This. I mean, sure, the Nazi bit is completely retarded, but it's just the tip of of the absolute braindeath in this whole video. I mean Jesus goatfucking Christ, this is even worse than the old "VIDYA MAKES YOU INTO A MURDERER"-bullshit; now this thing is starting feel like some actually nefarious fucking shit.
A /pol/tard is trying to explain to boomer conservatives that the "memes" are helping them win elections and shit. He literally says "But what about the memes?!" before he gets choked out.
Sometimes I love this board.
You are when distilled down to your final form. For the sake of appearances you pretend to be anything but. But if there were a civil war. Right-wingers would be on the side with the nazis.
eat my ass and check my dubs faggot
Suck my 4 antifaggots
checked and based
cringe and nongetspilled
Most Japanese games hint at it or outright espouse the philosophy of Carl Schmitt.
Imagine playing an RPG where everyone is equal? Imagine how boring that would that be.
nice 7
hope those 90 year old nazis can still shoot a gun
Well, I suppose that's it then.
If he wanted to have a rational discussion, he wouldn't be wearing Nazi memorabilia.
That would be like me wearing a "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" shirt, talking about how whites should be bred out of existence and laughing about it, but when you obviously get outraged by my behavior, I go "lol dude chill, I just want to have a wholesome discussion :^)"
More like every flagrant degenerate on the far left would be rounded up and gassed, along with their buddies in mass media.
It would be over in a day
did you see her skirt, it was so short
>Forced to play a nazi
>Forced to play a terrorist
>Have to
>No choice
Like nigga just don't the WW2 multiplayer shooting game if you don't want to play the nazis.
>Let people pick what team they play for, but also penalize people for playing the baddies with longer waiting times
Yes, Extra Credits asking white people not to whitewash genocidal mass murderers is just as bad as /pol/ egging each other on to commit mass shooting terrorist attacks like in New Zealand. Thank you, enlightened centrist, for proving Extra Credits’ point and refusing to call little white boy Nazi assholes what they are: fucking evil.
If he wanted a rational discussion he shouldn't have been alone with 2+ black people.
they way they actually die is that they've put themselves in termite mounds that incapable of meeting any of their own resource requirements and they can be turned into real life zombie apocalypses by disrupting the logistics of their consumption
this is essentially how the u.s. gets cool death tolls in all of its gay military conflicts
>reeeeeeeeee take my side
wew lad
Amazing now check this 0
Tyranny, the Disfavored are Bronze Age Nazis led by an immortal progenitor Demi god hitler who has a redirect-damage spell cast on everyone who shares his blood, and he’s arguably the least evil route to go down
Thread's over I guess
you're right, not even knowing what the iron cross is really does make them worse than /pol/
Rent fucking free, zealots.
You know what's interesting about this whole thing?
When they started bleeding subscribers they were celebrating, trying to say "oh it's just the bigots leaving! We're fine with that!". Which means they must have made bigot-friendly content for them to gain those subscribers in the first place, right?
Leftists routinely try to attack any other media personality they disagree with by some association with some audience members that might follow that attacked personality.
But of course we all know that they're just trying to cover for having a shitty argument. I wonder what even brought up that video in the first place? What was the process in writing that? Just trying to make something unique enough it would get buzz? I mean, if that was the case then mission accomplished. I do wonder, though, as they create this, if they truly understand how dumb their entire argument is and they're just hoping through some tweaks of language they can fool some people into thinking they have a valid and smart point.
>heehee guys look at me i'm announcing my report BUT NOT REALLY but yes really!!! am I clever or what? cant ban me mods!!!! W-WAIT YOU CA
Alpha as fuck
it's true, they really should have asked themselves what it was about their content that attracted so many geriatric germans
>Extra Credits asking white people not to whitewash genocidal mass murderers
yeah good luck getting liberal zoomers to stop fetishizing communism heh
fpbp indeed.
>all these Amerilard politics threads in the past 2 hours
Unironically kill yourselves
>First 30 seconds is literally just him saying "what about the memes"
>Dude Porky is so evil
>Go watch my Marvel Movie telling you how evil Porky and his Nazi pawns are.
Liberals are the least self aware people on the planet.
>Which means they must have made bigot-friendly content for them to gain those subscribers in the first place, right?
this is based on the assumption held by room temperature IQ brainlets that everything has to be political, it just HAS to, when in reality what happened before is that it was politically neutral and appealed to both sides
>you'd know they talk about how people shouldn't be terrorists in counter strike as well,
That's when I turned it off. There's good guys and bad guys in games, someone has to play the bad guys. Who else would plant the bomb?
whats with the jump cut? did they cut the part where they robbed him after assaulting him?
The Opposing Fronts was such a good expansion, goddamn. I've never even tried the COH multiplayer and I still sometimes play Blitzkrieg mod as a change of pace from playing HoI2/3 and listening to WWII lectures.
I've been meaning to get into Silent Hunter for a while now after rewatching Das Boot, would you recommend to start with 3 or one of the others?
>if they truly understand how dumb their entire argument is and they're just hoping through some tweaks of language they can fool some people into thinking they have a valid and smart point.
They 100% understand this. You know how they speed up the voice a bit in all their videos? That's for 2 reasons, the first is because art regular speed their writing is both banal and fucking boring. The second is that if they speak faster than your brain can process, you stop thinking and just listen. The words go in your brain but don't get processed. It's a common technique used in propaganda. It's also a technique that Hitler himself used in his speeches. He was famous for starting his speeches slowly, even borningly, where he'd dump all his less radical shit while people can comprehend him, but as he spoke longer he'd speed up his speech and by the end of his talk he'd be speaking at a rate faster than the brain could fully comprehend, this is where all his "jews" and "master race" stuff was. Sadly for extra credits, they managed to say something so stupid that peoples' brains managed to catch it anyway and now their entire channel is in question.
>/pol/ egging each other on to commit mass shooting terrorist attacks
That is unironically CIA fedposting.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Fuck off nigger back to Pol/ with the rest of the trash.
>>Let people pick what team they play for, but also penalize people for playing the baddies with longer waiting times
Did they actually say this? That's some classic leftist passive aggressive bullshit if so, lol.
>wear the flag of an enemy nation
>get treated like a soldier of an enemy nation
What's the problem?
i'm sorry but allowing children to play as "the robbers" will make them think it's ok to mug people
>such a complete and utter faggot that he has to use a balkenkreuz instead of a swastika
You know nothing of true evil. Your brain is too weak to comprehend it. For this genetic weakness that you possess, I forgive you.
Unlike leftists, right wingers acknowledge that inequality occurs naturally. Some people will be born smarter, others more inferior. This is why leftists spend so much time and money trying to force people to think and act the same. They still believe in tabula rasa, that all people are the same, and anyone who steps out of line can "be fixed."
You are simple. You have been deceived by the propaganda peddled by international corporations. I forgive for that which you cannot change. Go in peace.
What the living fuck. Okay so what they're suggesting here is... if you make a WW2 game, don't make nazis OR allies. Paint everyone red and blue. FUCKING GENIUS GAME DESIGN!
They said that every game should be either red versus blue or like Rainbow Six Siege which is just cops fighting cops.
Can someone whose watched that video summarize whatever it says for me? Ever since the "Bandwidth Crunch" video I'm too afraid of contracting retardation to watch anything else by Extra Credits.
That's because siege is a shit game for retards
why is a traitorous larper wearing the skin of jingoism
Yep, you’re superior. That’s why you’re still a virgin.
basado y rojoenpastillado
>God fucking damn it I fucking hate /pol/.
Then what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums?
That's like going on Yea Forums and bitching about how much you hate Tumblr.
Leftists are mentally ill, whats new?
>enemy nation
>not even at war
>for 80 years even
A majority of black youths will brutalize you with little provocation though
>The Opposing Fronts was such a good expansion, goddamn
It really was. I bought CoH1 a couple years back and I'm still amazed at the game. Decent graphics for the time, great mechanically, nice story, and memorable voice acting.
The Fatherland SPITS BACK AT YOU!
Regarding Silent Hunter, I'll be perfectly honest and say that I recommend 3 because the first two are too old for my graphics whore eyes and the following two are missing quite a few features, have bugs and in 5s case require Uplay.
It's been a while though and I hear some talk in positive terms about 4, so maybe give that a shot.
A note on 3, you might have issues starting it. If that happens try changing the resolution:
can you really win more
At about 3:30
>Let players pick what side they're on
>But this creates it's own problems
>Namely shorter wait times for FASCISTS
>You know what, those wait times could be artificially extended, if it meant players could have an active choice in what teams they represent if you say we need people playing nazis in our game
Never mind that he's saying that people picking the baddies in a video games are fascists like it's just so obvious a fact, I really don't see how he thinks you can get balanced teams out of a set up like that. Though desu maybe he doesn't and just wants to set it up so it's impossible to have a nazi team.
He then goes onto say that if your game isn't a 100% accurate simulation of history then you can't use the historical setting as an excuse for having a nazi team in multiplayer.
This isn't the original EC guy is it? He sounds different from the old "missile command is the DEEPest game ever" guy.
>mmmm boots
>you don't get a choice!
But you DO get a choice in pretty much any team based game and if you can't you can just fuck outta the server and join something else
What even compelled EC to even make this video, did he fall for the any pr is good pr meme or did he drink to much kool aid
The thing is he bought the game KNOWING you could play the nazis so he DID choose it.
Why are people more butthurt about the nazis in the current decade than they were in the decades immediately following WWII by those who actually lived through the fucking thing?
>being offended by a defunct foreign government that disbanded almost 100 years ago
Based and getpilled
>he thinks /pol/ is welcome on Yea Forums
Literally because they're taught to be like this in colleges.
Now this is what I call winning.
Sieg Heil!
There are more Nazis in America today then there were in Europe 80 years ago.
We tried this experiment all the way back in 2007 with Team Fortress 2
because people back then they thought they'd killed them all, but some weeds come back
Yea Forums is /pol/
Says the /pol/tard trying to normalize himself into Yea Forums
they are scared to draw Swastika
>playing as Nazis and terrorists means you won't care about actual Nazis and actual terrorists
Over-simplification, sure. But, it's just the same non-sense guys like Jack Thompson shat out way back when. "People can't tell the difference between video games and real life, so censor games!"
They assume you're too stupid to tell the difference and need to tell you the "right" way.
tfw right-wing and live with left-wing parent
at least she's paying my college. i'd finished this year but got a C and was put out of my program. ugh... one more year then i make 45k
it's political strategy focused on gaming democracy intermixed with secular religion
It's not about /pol/ being welcomed on Yea Forums. It's about what morons like you erroneously attribute to /pol/ being welcomed on Yea Forums, and it very much is.
meh 4/10 bait, enough for one (you)
>What even compelled EC to even make this video
To have game devs participate in the right kind of political activism of course. It's also the reason they're complete hypocrites who can argue that violent video games don't cause real world violence while simultaneously claiming that Nazi imagery can potentially cause real world Nazism.
what type of program kicks you out for getting a C, the standard is usually just needing a C- to pass your major
This is some DESPERATE fucking r*ddit cope here, kys estrogent
To be fair the iron cross was more often used to represent the military of Nazi Germany than the Swastika was.
larpers aren't even real Nazis and there were a lot more of them in the '60s (George Lincoln Rockwell) through the '90s (Skinheads). A lot more people showed up to that Illinois Nazi march than fucking Charlottesville.
god i wish that were me
Yeah I'm sure the Japanese would know if they saw a murderous psychopath.
Attack on Titan 1 and 2
>Unlike leftists, right wingers acknowledge that inequality occurs naturally.
Good thing nobody with any common sense gives a shit about nature from a morals/values perspective.
pests are natural, weeds are natural, cancer is natural, horrific suffering is natural. Holding up nature as a moral center is for cowards without the stones to grab nature by the balls and dominate it. If you aren't trying to bend nature to your will to bring up all of humanity to its true potential, then roll out of the way into the gutters of life where you belong, trash.
They're a superstitious bunch. They think drawing or looking at a swastika will corrupt them.
>pretending you’re not a /pol/ browser
Keep pretending, but it’s so obvious your just trying to play innocent
i'm sure while operation paperclip was underway everyone thought they had killed all of the nazis
i wonder if there is a single subject that doesn't involve trivia for a 90s television show in which you have even a smidgen of competence
>When you are so repulsive there needs to be special laws against hating you
To be fair you'd probably want special laws to protect you to had a state sanctioned effort to target people like you less than a century ago taken place.
Isn't the guy a hapa though?
the average japanese person has never met anyone but other japanese lmao
tldr, kys pal
anything below 80% gets you kicked out of my nursing school
my teachers text me that they miss me and they're saving a spot for me, so im just going to work on my BSN and NP prereqs since i can knock a large chunk out this summer and fall
>nobody with any common sense gives a shit about nature from a morals/values perspective
This is the most wrong thing I have ever read. Everything from medicine to philosophy cares about the natural facets of mankind. Did you try to post the dumbest thing possible or is this organic?
>vast majority of people knowing about a secret program
are you even trying, my guy
You literally talk like a /pol/tard and you’re trying to act like /pol/ “isn’t so band compared to these retarded liberals” like we can’t see pass your feigned innocence
>to bring up all of humanity to its true potential
by letting niggers make dumber kids?
I've been here since 2005 and I love /pol/
The version of Silent Hunter 3 on steam only works on Windows XP. It has some kind of bullshit Secu-rom DRM that thinks it's been pirated if you try to run it on any other OS.
not him but kys millennial faggot
Please call me guys
>+1 (416) 433-4077
you're right, that's why doctors treat patients by saying "don't worry, this disease is natural. If you're lucky, it won't kill you. See you for your next checkup in 6 months, if you survive!"
oh wait they fucking don't, they fucking chokeslam nature to the ground and cure that shit.
>german soldier is a bro and saves Jojo multiple times
saving this rabbit
Thanks for confirming your retardation
try lurking for another two years, by that point you'll either have lost interest and fucked off or assimilated properly.
He played all our cards AND checks. How does he DO it?!
everyone cares about nature in terms of morals. it's why a woman will steal from a store to provide food for her own children, but guard her children from thieves.
what no one except deeply autistic people cares about are abstract formal systems with no relevance to a material world. it only apppeals to people that are too gay to count how many teeth women have
>people that spend all their time on an anime forum linked to multiple public massacres saying that they're the best for humanity
Kys /pol/ tard
You're pretty badly informed if you think Yea Forums isn't ''''problematic'''' lmao
It was the forefront of shitting on Anita for being a silly cunt and you know, GamerGate.
>this ESL word salad reply
Reddit would be more your speed, cock sucker
how could i reach this level of power? maybe by checking this 8
It is within a doctor's nature to cure a patient's naturally-obtained illness with cures synthesized from natural observation and natural regents. But you weren't arguing about medicine retard, you were arguing about "morals and values", and arguments over what is natural takes up a lion's share of that discussion.
I’ve been here since 2009 newcuck, kys
Mods are fags.
>with cures synthesized from natural observation and natural regents
>muh /pol/tard bogeyman
I can hate nazis and millennial faggots who overuse the word "literally" you know.
>wojakposter saying literally ANYTHING
You realize that your side is responsible for just as many massacres, right?
The way they talk you'd think there are goose stepping nazis screaming SIEG HEIL MEIN FUHRER in every single street. The opposite is the reality
Hell the fucking skin heads and KKK combined have less presence than an old ladies knitting circle.
They call everyone who disagrees with them, nazis.
It's no different than the boy who cried wolf with these people.
i'm afraid that you call the people linked to public massacres things like "senator" and "chief executive officer"
The mods cannot control you. Take my (you)
>all these supreme reddit gentlemen LITERALLY SHAKING about /pol/
How can you be so emasculated?
>b-but they did it first!
>The opposite is the reality
Yeah, actual unironic communists are running several major cities these days.
mods are unironically disgusting trannies these days aren't they
ugly inside and out, hates everyone almost as much as they hate their parents who are deeply disappointed and ashamed in them
Kill yourself leftie, were here to stay ;)
Saw some fat bitch wearing a shirt that said "Punch your local nazi" and all I can think is where does that bitch live that they have a local town nazi?
yes that would be an excellent rationale for reciprocating in kind
>can't play as bad guys in pvp cos reasons
these are your typical /pol/tards
...Yes? And?
holy fucking BASED
Yea Forumssetera strikes again
He is real in her mind.
Post your face :)
Real life.
>a leftcuck telling someone to kill themselves
Uhh, neurotypically privileged much? I literally can’t take how problematic this post is, I need to go back to r*ddit
>Good thing nobody with any common sense gives a shit about nature from a morals/values perspective.
>Thinking you can impose your morals on reality, rather than the other way around.
Well, I guess its the time in the cycle again. Bye civilization you were fun while you lasted.
Bugs vs Tanks, made by the creator of Mighty Number 9. The Nazi's are the protagonists of the story mode
Yup, literal anti-white muslim death squads straight from middle-east no problem at all but oh baww this white man said he likes white people.
>Be connected with incels
>Be connected with mosque shooter in sweden
>but we peaceful and dindu nothin!
>They're the low lifes! They invaded our land!
The difference between politician and /pol/tards is that /pol/tards murder their kinsmen. The lowest of the low, you're nothing but worms.
The weak should fear the strong.
after you
pantyfa btfo vids are more fun
Any JoJo game where you can play as Stroheim.
The Nazis are still fucks, but Stroheim is a bro.
I just want to kill jews
How much more Rising Storm 2 can I safely play before I join them? I already some times feel an urge to dig a hole in my back garden to protect my rice from yankee imperialists.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
no one "chokeslams" nature. it is closed
doctors go "according to these journal articles, which i hope haven't been completely ruined by corporate cherry-picking yet, this treatment results in recovery x% of the time"
no one goes "our best understanding of nature says no perpetual motion machine, so to spite it i just made one"
that guy's glasses got flung through a portal in time
Holy fuck, you are actually dumb. Anarchy is the philosophical extent of your belief system.
I'm pretty sure the guy sperging out about /pol/ is either a janny or a mod, which is likely why this thread is still up as he's having a little venting moment. You know how it is working for free and all.
commit neckrope phaggitt
>dropping the charade
Hello /pol/fag. At least you're not pretending to not be /pol/ anymore.
I'm pretty sure that mosque that got shot up isn't our "kinsmen" you fucking retard.
I thought they only did that on Yea Forums.
what kind of opposite land is this
politicians betray not only their own people for lucre but also shamelessly kill outsiders that don't bribe them
they are clear defectors not only internally but from the entire species, and obvious targets for extreme discipline
You seem to have the same grasp of science as Rick and Morty posters do.
Tell me, have you ever unironically posted "Fuck yeah, science!" on your facebook feed? Because you seem like someone to have done that.
Yea Forums bitches more about pol than fucking lgbt lmao. you know there are other sites that are further away from pol that you can use to fap to vidya tits right?
unironically nu-wolfenstein. in new order the nazi's are the global power and you play as a terrorist
Fuck you dude. now I have to go to I-hop
Wasnt he a cripplechaner?
This is mostly the case. Although I don't think he's a mod or a janny.
90% of the time it's just asshurt crossboarders screaming and moaning about /pan/cakes every thread. The very definition of someone living rent-free in their heads.
Ho Chi Minh came to us for help before the communists, kind of a mess of our own making honestly. Even after we left, they ended up being more a thorn in the side of their fellow communist nations and were bffs like nothing ever happened between us.
Exhaust yourself fighting the waves of the sea with your fists. If you are so arrogant as to ignore the lessons of our natural world then you are lost.
Humans are not gods. Maybe if humanity survives a couple more millenia some of us may become something close to gods. But right now humans are not gods so stop acting like you're above the nature that governs us.
What happened, bros? Why are we always the bad guys?
I hate underage zoomers.
>literally going to /lgbt/
Look at this faggot
Propaganda and leftists.
I like how this thread erupted into bitching about the guy who shot up a mosque but no one ever mentions the berniebro who shot up a baseball game.
I'm guessing that's a sore spot that they would rather pretend didn't happen.
>your honor its only NATURAL that I murder people
How does it feel to be a noguns limp-wristed tranny also? Your political faction is a fucking joke and has no fucking teeth, pl*bbitor
>Are there any game where the nazis are the good guys?
Why the fuck are you here? You sound like you would fit like a fucking glove on reddit, no fucking joke. KYS asap
>if you're not /pol/ then you must be a tranny
you've hit the nail on the head. same with incel. They're just insults people have been using to make it hard to disagree with them and their problem of the day.
>hating literal communists makes you /pol/
Sure you're not the one outing yourself, comrade cocksuck?
Yeah it barely made the news and got memory holed fast.
Why did everyone in the media literally do what he said they'd do? I mean, he literally called it. He won.
It's kind of like how they bitch and moan about the twelve million but the second you start talking about the gulags, the labor camps, and forced relocations; suddenly they do a 180 on the evils of massive central governments.
If they are just meaningless insults why are there more people that believe in nazism
>You know how it is working for free and all.
It's not for free if they get hotpockets.
they don't care about either of those things, but one of them is something they can try to manipulate people with so they use it.
imagine caring about religious nuts and pretending to be left-wing lmao
Emasculated s.oysucking, noguns lefty or tranny? What’s the difference, and who really cares? Quick dancing around the point and fuck off back to r/games
>What the fuck, bros. I just hate all nonwhite people and laughed when a terrorist shot up the mosque in Sweden. We're not bad.
Berniebros are limpwristed noguns who can't aim or prepare for shit but he also intended to kill everyone there, but we have a moral logic gap where the success of the attempt is accounted for in the moral calculus of the action.
Ur rite my nigga. We should round up all the honkeys that post on POL n make em where swasticas, and then let anifa kill em all w brics n sheit.
>t. Actual nigger, stop being offended for me and fuck off
Except I'm not a communist. Like I said, I think extremists are fucking stupid. Yes, I'm a centrist supremacist and I love seeing you faggots seeth.
>terrorist shot up the mosque in Sweden
When did this happen?
Okay... what's your point?
>oh noes le /pol/ bogeyman is out to get me!
Absolute tranny. Remember, it's down the street and not across.
probably can't fill an airplane with people that have a detailed understanding of the reich's politics bud
it's funny that you think /pol/ is masculine.
Because you keep expanding the definition of nazism.
Why do they hate us?!?!?!
>he doesn't know about Godwin's law
for how long have you been on the internet
be honest
he's so detached from current events that he probably mixed up sweden and new zealand
Nobody said anything about murdering people.
You know who killed entire cities of civilians? The allies.
sounds pretty based to me, but sweden is still going to look like mogadishu in 60 years
going to have to put your back into it
/pol/ is mostly teenagers larping with whatever's cool and edgy. If you read the threads there the bulk of them are really immature and impressionable. Being a nazi being the polarizing term to sjw/liberal makes them think that's the natural answer to show they're against them.
Remember when the NZ shit happened? more than half the people in those threads were sympathetic and not promoting it once they realized what was going on. They're larping.
>jewish looking
>name unknown
>armband on wrong arm
yeah definitely not fake at all
/pol/ is literally evil
I thought /pol/ was all nazis. They don't like like nazis to me.
>shot up the mosque in Sweden
>they aren't blonde and white so they arent nazis xDDDD
so this is what convinces people to join leftypol
If we don't constantly remind people nazis are bad then people might forget that nazis were actually fucking terrible. Too bad people are going so hard in the other direction pretending they didn't exist we're looping into a god damned parallel universe where comically, we're about to repeat history.
>/pol/tards think just because some liberals said retarded shit that suddenly they're welcome here
what's a firebombing or nuke between friends
if we didn't stop the japanese then the communists wouldn't have had an opportunity to kill millions
Welcome comrade
/pol/ is probably the closest I've seen to unapologetic cold blooded evil I've seen online
at least kiwifarms are just assholes
Surely this isn’t a point you can sustain as a leftcuck, what do you think you’re even trying to say?
pol is where you kiwis come from
>why would you like the nazis you worthless white man?
really have big think
I've been here for over 10 years, dummy
>Except I'm not a communist
Sure you aren't. Crying "/pol/tard!" over pantyfa faggots getting KO'ed was merely a coinkydink.
Don't like, faggot. You're an election tourist just like all the other /pol/tards.
I’ve been here since 2009 tranny, kys
Yeah, I know what you mean. COH blew me away back when it first came out, and even to this day everytime I get back to it, I'm amazed how well it's held up. The whole game had so much love and effort poured into it, it just oozes soul. Still one of my absolute favourite RTS titles.
Cheers, I'll start out with 3, it seems to hit the sweet spot between graphics and features/mechanics for me. This is exactly the kind of game I love getting completely immersed into. Thanks AnonI DON'T WANNA DIE IN FRAAANCE
It's not that at all.
What's happened is very simple to describe.
There has been no significant increase in nazis or nazi ideaology. However due to the increase in crazy, fucking retarded bullshit the left does, normal people start pushing away from them, disturbed. I mean think about this
Normal people hear this and step away from them because the so called "nazis" aren't anywhere near as crazy as them.
It's literally people who disagree with the crazy insanity in the left being branded as nazis.
>inb4 TRUMP
Compare the two thoughts and think which sounds fucking insane and stupid
>We need to live in a safe and secure country
One is crazy, one is sane, The people who aren't complete retards will side with the sane thought. It then gets worse when the people screaming the insane thought then start aggressively PHYSICALLY attacking anyone who thinks differently to them. They're crazy people. You don't want crazy people in charge, so the normal people went "Do we want the crazy schizo freaks in charge or some guy being called a modern day nazi... Honestly, the guy being called a nazi isn't nearly as crazy as these people so he's got my vote."
>tl;dr - The left, SJWs, MSM have done more to normalize nazis than actual nazis. They're the best nazi propagandists in the world.
A prank that makes some leftists butthurt =/= evil
If they appeared racially homogeneous I'd at least think they might belong to a Nazi-adjacent ideology, like really militant black-separatists. As it is they look more racially diverse and mutted than most crowds of people than screech about there being nazis everywhere. The guy in the white shirt between the spic and the asian looks like he could be cast in a Hollywood movie as a nazi villain though.
>Sure you aren't. Crying "/pol/tard!" over pantyfa faggots getting KO'ed was merely a coinkydink.
Except I'm not. Extra Credits said retarded shit and deserved to be called out for it. But, /pol/tards are still ultra fucking retarded and are trying to use this as an opportunity to "recruit" or "insert" themselves into Yea Forums as if because the left did some stupid shit doesn't mean that they're not retarded too. You still are.
Look man, I know they both probably fuck sheep but New Zealand isn't even in Europe.
This is now a pinko faggot triggering thread.
>they're ugly, they can't be evil wannabe murderers!
>There has been no significant increase in nazis or nazi ideaology.
>What is Charlottesville?
Sure you have, zoom zoom.
like xem tranny shooters from pennsylvania and colorado
>unironically believing in evil
Holy shit, that's pretty bad. Thanks user, saves me the money and time.
more like they couldn't articulate a single fact about the german state so they aren't nazis
Antifa through a bunch of bombs into a crowd and one guy ran over an obese girl after his car was swarmed
They're not far from saying shit like "stop normalizing violence in video games" now. Maybe we'll see that video within the year.
I keep forgetting the speedwagon foundation has ties to the nazis
This is what actual diversity looks like. Study it well nazi bigot.
Ironically enough, the pirated version from gamecopyworld works just fine.
Sorry, got auto corrected. :^)
Still doesn't change the fact that you're associated with this faggot and you guys act like that's a good thing.
>There has been no significant increase in nazis or nazi ideaology
stopped reading there, you /pol/fags always resort to the same shit that niggers do
>Charlottesville intentionally called Unite the Right because it's a meeting of different rightwing belief systems
>all Nazis
Okay retard
That's the head of a man photoshopped on the body of a vegan woman, right? RIGHT?
Yes, and an alt-righter drove a car through a crowd of protestors and killed a bunch of people. What of it?
Was this supposed to make Nazis look bad?
Being against destroying statues of white people isn't being a nazi.
did they control for adoption
because abandoned children are probably from bad stock more often
>one group that's not even memorable
Pick one
Learn what words mean, retard.
>What is Charlottesville?
A fucking nothingburger compared to contemporary events nobody talks about anymore.
>What is Orlando?
>What is Dallas?
>What is Baton Rouge?
>What is Las Vegas?
>What is Pittsburgh? You know, where an actual nazi shot a bunch of actual jews?
And yet almost every single video you can find on Youtube about Charlottesville has blatantly racist rhetoric being spouted by racists.
Again: Your side drove through a crowd of innocent protestors.
that brown dude on the left looks like a chad who played football in high school.
>killed a bunch of people.
Wrong. If you can't do basic research, get out of political discussions.
How in fuck's name does "New Zealand" get auto-corrected into "Sweden".
pretty sure it's a city in virginia
any other questions an american almanac could answer for you
>pl*bbit zoomer can only spam wojaks
>I’ve been found out: the post
That’s fucking rich, kys
A collection of random fucking people, many of whom hate each other, who were conned into coming together to give Spencer more attention.
>And yet almost every single video you can find on Youtube about Charlottesville has blatantly racist rhetoric being spouted by racists.
Okay? Has nothing specifically to do with being a nazi, as per your original point.
Why yes, I'm a centrist. How can you tell?
Wow I sure do love video games! Don't you love video games too? I love video games almost as much as I hate stupid cocksucking americans who would probably rather kill themselves than not talk about politics for six nanoseconds!
>That's the head of a man photoshopped on the body of a vegan woman, right? RIGHT?
Whatever makes you feel better about it hunnybunch. Tell you what, you sleep on it, and I'll make you some advacado toast in the morning ;)
>unironically going No U
They might be evil wannabe murders, I can't tell from how ugly they are because I'm not a physiognomy pro. Even if they are evil wannabe murders it doesn't follow from that that they subscript to a dead evil ideology from nearly a century ago. Generally both followers of said ideology and LARPers like racial homogeneity a lot so it seems sensible to think that a racially diverse group probably doesn't.
dumb anime poster can't comprehend how the OP is video games related.
>implying modern videogames are worth discussing
who's the real cocksucker?
Ok then, give me proof there has been a SIGNIFICANT increase in nazis and nazi idealogy AND NOT just people disagreeing with the left's insanity.
user, I've never been there and I'm not even a fucking burger. Nazi's have less presence than the people who supposedly fight against them. They barely exist anymore.
>note because you're a fucking retard:
>BARELY EXIST does not mean DOES NOT EXIST, it means there are very few of them left.
>And yet almost every single video you can find on Youtube about Charlottesville has blatantly racist rhetoric being spouted by racists.
I find tons of youtube videos of Antifa calling Jews Nazis while also calling mexicans "Spics" while they beat them. Should I be impressed that you're winning the racism war?
Yes, YOU are the faggot underage leftist reddit transplant
Have auto-fill text for sheep fucker land and type goat fucker land instead
How the fuck do you guys have capacity to discuss this when we are running out of internet?
i don't remember seeing any innocent protestors
i recall seeing videos of a lot of people that wanted to get into violent confrontations tho
Thank god I lift. You know around 2010 when all the SJW shit was popping up online and I was at university and seeing it all around me I nearly bought into it. I thought "all these people can't be wrong". If I didn't start dating this girl who was the most hilariously racist bitch I'd probably be like him. To think just how wrong my life could have gone with just a simple misstep.
say it proud say it clear, NORMALIZE THE NAZIS thank you.
okay that makes more sense
see your own kind contradict yourselves. "B-But we're not all the same!"
Correct, most of you are election tourists.
To be fair, most leftist plebbitors are in their mid-20s - 30s even if they post like children.
An obese hambeast got bumped and died of a heartattack.
This is why nobody listens to you wackjob leftists. You believe complete fabrications and never research anything.
Mainstream leftist adults on top.
Video is wrong regardless. I'm an unironic Nazi (National Socialist) and I don't play pozzed WWII games.
>mosque shooter in sweden
Any game where white people are the good guys.
See this thread? This is an example of what happenes when /pol/ invades a thread on Yea Forums. They suck out all the actual discussion and fun and just spam literal shit. Don't be like /pol/. /pol/ are literally SJWs.
look into the lifecycle of slime mold
>not wanting to be ridden by a mommy dom.
what kind of faggot are you?
Any Gundam game that let's you play as Zeon space nazis.
It would be nice to move the fuck on from World War II already, just saying.
>rightwing retards call anyone they disagree with a dilating tranny
>"b-b-but stop calling me a FUCKING NAZI ;_____;"
>blahblahblahblahblah POL BAD blahblahblahblah i'm a pedophile.
*New Zealand.
one with a functional brain
There are no mommies on the left they kill all their babies.
leftoids were the ones to summon the /pol/ boogeyman, nobody else to blame
People don't even talk about 9/11 anymore, but I hear about nazis and the holocaust every single fucking day.
>what kind of faggot are you?
I know right?
>being anti anime on Yea Forums
You're not welcome here
there is a connection between all of those things
see what I mean, I bet you wouldn't even lick the tojam out of a loli's toes if she stepped on your face and ordered you to do it
Since when are Nazis also liberals? Are you stupid or something?
They felt bad for the victims?
I would if the loli hated niggers.
they quite literally have no self awareness
you are officially banned from being within 10 miles of my family
>trannies call slightly right of center normies NAZIS
>lefties don't seem to like us much u guise :(
and that's how shallow you are, it's always "nigger this and nigger that" try thinking about something other than niggers.
>Did you say something that you clearly didn't say? You are not welcome here.
>trying to co-opt Jojo of all things
The difference is the former is just insulting while the latter actual believes anyone they're calling "FUCKING NAZI" is in fact a nazi.
You know how I know /pol/ doesn't belong on Yea Forums? Because /pol/ hates anime and lolis. If you hate both or either of those things thing you're just as bad as an "SJW" except you're larping as a blond haired blue eyed paladan which is pathetic.
No, kys
The altright is just the right disenginuously using the left's tactics without the institutional power to pull it off.
Would you dress your son as Rei or Asuka for halloween?
basically this
>We don't ACTUALLY believe what we say
Sure you don't. You just ruin every single thread you touch.
Persona 3
>tranny makes a video about how problematic white males are and why they shouldn’t be in videogames
Have you ever watched the video? This has to be fucking bait
I don't have a son. And neither do you. And you probably never will.
I remember how people used to say that Yea Forums was Yea Forums, back in the early 2010s. I kind of miss that version of Yea Forums, even though Yea Forums was full of shitposting back then.
The institutions are always right.
I think you need to lurk moar.
since when do people not believe their insults?, maybe fuck off, eh?
I don't watch videos like that, because I don't constantly think about politics like you sjw faggots do.
yea they felt bad for Tarrant
/pol/ actually believes that the majority of lefties on Yea Forums are transgender
Funny how the rightwing redditor ended up taking over.
now gold balls will hit black people instead of the 50 foot tree's
>no true scottsman
Playing Japanese games as leftist must be torture for you.
Sorry you take it so personally, tranny.
>"hey you know the nazi's were bad and we shouldn't forget that, they literally destroyed and raped europe and killed a shitload of innocent (mostly white) people through their barbarism"
>WTF U SJW U JUST H8 hywtes!!!11one
bomber harris do it again, please, make the hun howl again.
Don't pretend you "Don't believe the insults", because let's be honest. You tell yourself that you're "inherently better" despite that fact you're most likely just as pathetic of a physical specimen as they are. Statastically you likely are a virgin, have no job or a shit job, and you blame the "leftists taking over" for it.
they might as well be, considering the direction the neoliberal left is moving toward
Where does he say that in the video?
By "it" I mean the shitposting, since I already know you're going to misinterpret my pevious post.
no, they just like using germans as a universal solvent. they simply do not like not be in charge, and will do anything to change that. pretend to like barbarians, promise policies with no intention of following through on them, call your mother a nazi, pretend to be patriotic, assault some schizophrenics. whatever it takes tbqh.
pick one faggot
project more friend
I literally see paladin larping /pol/tards trying to argue that anime is bad and try to kill discussion of japanese games on Yea Forums all the fucking time. "B-But no true scotsman!" then take responsibility for those faggots if you're going to argue no true scotsman, because if that's your mindset then you should acknowledge the kind of asshoels you invite into Yea Forums.
Did this fucking moron just claim nazis are being made the fucking protagonists what the fuck is this guy on.
(((Who))) can be behind this post?
>right wing, left wing, chicken wing
do you want me to just say jews?
Guess I hit it right on the money.
>says the noguns
Something far worse than any combination of illicit drugs. Agenda and Propaganda.
>entire world aware of Nazi's
>retarded leftist have learned they can shut up opposition just by calling people a Nazi
>its pretty much become as bad as saying the word Nigger, but normalized
>Entire western culture utterly ignorant of Stalin and the evils of communism and socialism
>Entire West actually thinks Nazi movement was a socialist movement.
how did this happen?
pol believes there's a child trafficking ring under a pizzeria in d.c.
i don't care
Fuck both neofag and /pol/fags to be honest. They're both just as bad as each other in terms that they ruin everyone's fun.
Leftism is a hell of a drug.
Real life
its a fucking multiplayer game you fucking infants. You choose your side, this is the same as saying World of Warcraft forces you to play a forsaken when you want to be the good guy.
Sounds like you should stop giving a shit about what other people say and just live your life. Nobody needs you to police anyone's opinion on Yea Forums or /pol/.
This obsessive need to police people's opinions is inherently a leftist quality btw. Everyone else is just trying to have their ideas heard.
>a bunch of people
>>Entire West actually thinks Nazi movement was a socialist movement.
Well it's not like nazi is short for national socialism or anything.
>But we're not /pol/! Stop calling us /pol/!
>make fun of /pol/
>Wow, okay! Guess we'll just start spamming these /pol/ images now! We're still not /pol/ btw!
>fat chick had a heart attack
As much as I openly support the death of Muslims this guy denounced Donald Trump, /pol/ and the right-wing. He claimed the best form of government was China and was an accelerationist, which puts him more in the camp of anarchist (read: Antifa) than nazi.
imagine siding with the orcs and not being named chris metzen
Sorry, that was suppose to be a "movement wasn't"
You can bring this shit up to college professors and watch the rage fly
>implying I don't have an AR-15 like a proud red american. (with "Under No Pretext" written on the stock like the LARPer fuck that I am)
>Nobody needs you to police anyone's opinion on Yea Forums or /pol/.
I don't police their opinion on /pol/ because I don't go to /pol/. Freudian slip?
>people bring content from their other boards
Huwoah that's fucking wacky shit dude!
It must be hard for you here, outside the reddit echo chamber. You've never seen someone not parot your insanity before
you know it always amazes me how these people want to be taken seriously yet somehow surpass their stereotypes for being ridiculous, can they just not help themselves
>wow stop calling us nazis
>also everyone who disagree with us is a (((jew)))
Hum okay?
That's what the glowies were hoping for, but all they got out of their carefully planned honeypot event was one landwhale. Sad!
so is the DPRK democratic and Juche truly the way?
>We're not /pol/!
>Okay, you've found us out. But now that we're here you shouldn't make fun of us because that's not very accepting.
>It must be hard for you here, outside the stormweenie echo chamber. You've never seen someone not parot your insanity before
>Yea Forums argues about some retard's opinion
>meanwhile does nothing when gamer girls give you herpes
I love this hypocrisy
I dont know are there any games where having sex whit another man is not gay.
Imagine loading up a multiplayer game, choosing to play as a nazi and then screeching IT'S FORCED HELP ME
I understand you come from a site where everyone has a username, but not everyone you have been arguing with is the same guy.
What a bunch of fags
Yeah dude it's a covert op. I'm trying to get internet incels to become super nazis!
They also accused Jeffrey Epstein of trafficking underage girls and Dan Schnieder of being a lecherous pedo.
I don’t need to be accepted by you, pl*bbit. KYS
shes a dirty whore but that won't stop me from fapping occasionally.
No doy. Fucking retard.
>retards get scammed and face the consequences.
Nothing to argue here.
>The word /pol/!
> /pol/ /pol/ /pol/
>Ill say the word /pol/!
You're having a fucking meltdown dude
I just spent 20 seconds verifying that that's not real, why didn't you?
I actually ordered her water. Holy fuck what have I done?
Good then, because I'm not gonna stop calling you out like the fat incel mutt you are. If you ever get tired then feel free to go back >>>/pol
See this thread? This is an example of what happenes when Reddit invades a thread on Yea Forums. They suck out all the actual discussion and fun and just spam literal shit. Don't be like Reddit. Reddit are literally SJWs.
It's called a meme you dip
This anally annihilated plebbitor itt tho.
faggots who buy bathwater deserve herpes
Never, kys you literally shaking tranny
You have this saved on your computer and you act like he's wrong.
>treats the site as if boards are mutually-exclusive
>treats users as if they arent allowed to have individual views on a topic brought to their attention
>replies to users as if they have been making a singular argument, then tries to refute "holes" in it when they werent the individual who asserted the thing in the first place
Remember the times when the whole Internet wasn't sperging out about politics all the time? Those times were nice.
Either your a jew or a weirdo faggot who leaps to the defense of Jews. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
You know you didn't have to open the politics thread...
This is first I'm hearing about this, there any truth to this? Gana do some googling
I agree. r/thedonald ought to go back.
>/pol/ hates anime and lolis
Lolis maybe, but majority of /pol/ actually likes anime. They just don't like you post anime on their board.
it sure was
I have a photo on my computer and so your right.
You must have flunked the fuck out of debate class
maybe go back and discuss this shit on the board it's meant to be discussed, retard.
I for one cannot wait until the day of the bikelock
I never thought I'd say I miss the aughts, but fuck I miss the aughts.
>uh stop calling me /pol/
>you liberal
I hope this is bait
yeah, its a funny picture, but the retard who posted it is acting like it's real
>Not Affiliated wif the Daily Mail
>avatarcuck furry freak
I would tell you to go back to r*dditc, but /trash/ suits you much better
>being this culturally illiterate
>in 2019
whenever I read something like this I can't help but wonder is it's bait. nobody can be THIS retarded. R-right?
to be fair, that hambeast probably had the mass of several people which might have confused the retard
Well if it was one taught by you then I probably would have passed.
>the politics thread
Every fucking thread is political these days.
I fucking hate you all
and you posted Yea Forums content in Yea Forums. wowie
You need to say the word /pol/ some more
Your getting smoked, but if you say that word enough maybe things will turn around
>Also literally on the second time I've used Nanachi in this thread
Hello tourist
how dare anyone impugn the noble name of socialism with a bunch of imperialists that advocated for eugenics and the control of the factors of production by an elite group of meritorious imbeciles
*goes off to 20th century fabian society debate*
kill speedonvhs kill adamantium kill extra reddits.
I think that "go back" shitposting is just very common on Yea Forums, regardless of what site it is. I've seen plenty of "back to Rebbit" posting on Yea Forums, for example.
>Yea Forums content
What did he mean by this?
no he doesn't, that's just what you want to believe
it's just a meme you dip. stop being a retard
Kemono is still furry you dumbass.
Maybe stop invading my hobby so I'm not forced to acknowledge you
You’re all the same to me you disgusting pariah. You’re the fucking tourist, cock sucker
are you a dickhead
I'm a leftist and even I like seeing commies get knocked the fuck out. so what kind of pussy are you?
There was that hotline Miami type game except they changed the bad guys to be black people and stuff
I forgot what it was called
Because the rise in peer to peer media allows the average person to start finding flaws in the narrative, and that makes the Jews nervous and causes them to push the narrative harder.
You people call every anthro character a furry.
bro it's just a bun calm down
And when did you join Yea Forums?
2014? or 2016?
Fucking leave us alone
from what I've heard she wasn't that fat, at least no more so than your average early-30's roastie.
her death was caused by blunt force trauma to the chest. at least that's what the final medical report had to say (you're free to find me a different article/source that says otherwise and isn't contradicted by a more recent source).
>wanting a dominatrix who does't care about you over a wholesome femdom mommy who will give you nursing handjobs and call you a good boy
Go be a faggot somewhere else, BDSM and Masochism is for cucks
Continue seething /pol/, faggots. Take your puritanical antifun culture elsewhere.
There's charts for this you faggot, and kemono is firmly on the "Furry" side of things. Nanachi is literally covered in fur and has a rabbit nose.