This has been the greatest year for video games in a long time
This has been the greatest year for video games in a long time
No it hasn't.
Barely anything good has been released this year and there's nothing else in the pipeline for the rest of the year.
>asians pretending to be white
3 good games isn't a great year
Well this thread's off to a shit start.
Theres only been two good games. Resident Evil 2 remake and Devil May Cry 5. But yes its the best year this gen as every other year this gen was terrible.
>in a long time
since 2017
based doomer
yeah I'm looking forward to the ENTIRE market being indie games and ALL AAA developed being Cleansed from existence. maybe we'll actually get some interesting games.
we need the same thing to happen to the movie industry too. actually, everything, really.
is this a man?
she looks hot
>t. Switch owner who traded in his only platforms to buy a Switch and can’t afford a decent PC
ironicaly asian female are white
user, I...
Ah yes, a monopoly of incompetent furries, trannies, faggots and all manner of delusional psychopathic leftist trash, is exactly what the industry needs.
Kill yourself, reddit-spacing cocksucker.
Problem wh*toid? Asians and blacks are taking over and you're just gonna sit down like the bitch you are and take it.
indie game developers aren't just Faggot Furry Trannies. The ones that aren't just don't talk about their political affiliations and end up just making powerful games instead.
as if these huge companies aren't mostly authoritarian left anyways.
>DMC 5
>Anno 1800
The year started out strong then there was a bit of a lul as releases slowed down for March to this point right now.
There were also those 2 EA games. The one that spiced up its own genre and was the most popular game for a while then there was that other EA game that was DOA.
>nobody mentioned Sekiro
Ah, too hard for Yea Forums
But only Pathologic 2 and Baba Is You were good.
What you're saying is literally factually unequivocally pragmatically technically FUCKING INCORRECT you reddit-spacing vermin of a delusional creature.
>This has been the greatest year for video games in a long time
Not really, I only semi-enjoyed one game so far and that was RAGE 2 because the gunplay is really good but I got bored after 8 hours already.
The other games I played and didn't enjoy was: >zombie shit game but its a remake and japs made it so its fine?
the only games i look forward to now are surge 2 and doom
Verbalism. Asian and white are broad terms that refer to differing categories, the former geographic and the latter a skin hue. There are many different types of people living in asia or of asian origin that are white, and in fact whiter than the on-average whitest race on the planet, caucasians.
>b-but I meant orientals pretending to be caucasian!
And how is she pretending to be caucasian? Do japanese people not wear jeans and jackets, or the colour red? Has she had surgery to make her nose bigger? Stupid point.
I didnt even realize she was asian until you pointed it out
>everything good sucks
>d-do you like me now v?????
leave this board
>replying to a fucking pepe bait post in a serious manner
dumb fuck
i think he's saying asians cosplay white vidya characters better than actual whites do.
asians yes, niggers no. Asians hate niggers.
>falls for the reverse-bait
Every time
>"he he i was just pretending"
never an argument, apologize right now
Good lord, that ass.
>There are many different types of people living in asia or of asian origin that are white
small brain
The fuck is your comment even suppose to mean, do you not knnow what cosplay is?
No wonder she actually looks good.
Seethe more brainlet, this game is boring as fuck.