So the power....of Kojima...
So the power....of Kojima
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this looks awful
the animations
the gameplay
the graphics
Looks fine to me.
Well what the fuck is he supposed to do
cringe, only sony ponies would slurp up this kind of garbage
For some reason the webm is a sped up version of the trailer. Not sure why.
>h-he's fast!
probably for benny hill music to play
It isn't you autist
Yes it is. Anyone can pull up the trailer and see it's sped up. Not even sure why you're trying to push it as real.
for me everything looks alright
the problem is there's nothing there, it looks as empty as metal gear solid v between outposts
I literally did and it's 1:1, it's probably your shit PC
They've shown destroyed towns in the game as well. How do you expect them to portray an post-apocalyptic world?
>the gameplay
yep looks shit
>the graphics
Man I love Yea Forums sometimes, not even the best looking game coming out is allowed to have good graphics.
The one good thing I've seen about this game so far was the decision to go with the decima engine and some photorealistic environments because of that.
im losing my fucking mind
I wouldn't mind long stretches of emptiness with navigational challenge, you could just put on an audiobook but pause it when shit starts going down.
nah its ok for kojibro to make empty wastelands crouching simulator its not like he had a failed experiment called mgsv beforehand
>uses the "best engine" ever yet graphics are mediocre
>gets btfo by a flight simulator
leave him alone i love him
nothing comes close to this
>photorealistic environments
>tfw ur still the only person who seems to understand the walking simulator gameplay for what it really is
Post something better thenn
Honestly looks silly.
having a game about those monsters inc containment guys chasing you on the run is a pretty neat idea
some photorealistic water right here
not how it works
what gameplay
has kojima explained in detail what this revolutionary strand genre going to be like?
RDR2 shits all over it
this, but DS still looks damn good for a gook
I fucking can't wait to play this. It better have SteamVR support.
wtf if it's sped up that means it's even WORSE in reality because it's stupidly slow.
Looks washed out as fuck compared to
>dude high fov lmao
are consolebabs really this easily impressed
this game keeps looking worse as we get closer to release
Flight Simulator only looks good from a distance and most of the map terrain is made automatically from satellite imagery. For Death Stranding they have to make every minor detail look realistic by hand.
that's because of the fog
the game has amazing weather
Jesus Christ before I read the text I thought this was an image from one of those "NINTENDO, HIRE THIS MAN" videos.
Lets be real, water in ~every~ game right now looks like complete dog shit. The only game I've noticed to have really gorgeous water is AssCredd Odyssey(Origins might have had it but I didn't play it), and .. God forbid, Sea of Thieves.
Also, until RDR2 comes to PC, I think theHunter Call of the Wild has some really beautiful scenery.
Looks like your average western shit where the animations are stiff and archaic, the controls are clunky and unrefined, the AI is primitive, simplistic and easily exploitable and 90% of the budget and development time went into cutscenes, marketing, hollywood e-celebs and mocapping.
>game where you are flying nonstop
Don't think anyone can beat R* at water. I remember GTAV blowing me away in 2013.
>RDR2 comes to PC
It would look so good. Too bad we won't see it until 2021.
I can post a webm of someone running in any game and it'll have the same effect
Almost like it's easier to design than a game where you have to actually interact with the terrain
stop posting this screenshot
the ps3 trees and lack of any ambient occlusion makes it look ugly as fuck
see I can be dumb and nitpick still frames too.
No you can't.
nice jelly
I also enjoy Kingdom come deliverance(even on medium settings it looks great)
But the combat is straight up ass.
Forgot how good that game looked. Didn't even really notice the water though.
>interact with the terrain
>literally empty grass fields and deserts
>the grass doesnt even move when you walk through it
DS looks shit.
>dat horse animation
>>the grass doesnt even move when you walk through it
Based blind retard
>no Joosten rendered lovingly in 4K
Honestly what is even the point of this game? Why even bother? Why did you do it Kojima?
do you guys think it's worth it to exchange your ps4 for a ps4 pro?
ps5 is around the corner and will do the same thing but better.
If you have a 4k display and can find one on the cheap then maybe I guess? I'd wait though.
Just wait for PS5
nice I'll wait then, is it confirmed that it will be 100% backwards compatible right?
it literally doesnt
Meanwhile in actual games like Wildlands (which looks better than DS) the grass actually moves when you walk through it, its called TURF effects
I'm sure there might be some horses in DS.
you know what motion blur is rite
the whole environment is blurred in that picture
in the death stranding screenshot only the bottom is blurred
Well yeah why would they blur everything?
video games look like that now!?
to hide the shitty graphics
How do you go from sprinting full speed with a huge backpack on, to full halt, dodge jumping backwards?
Because the animal is in focus.
In death stranding the camera is tracking the player character and the ground close to the player character. Everything else is effected by motion blur because the camera spins around that axis.
Quiet is for snuggling and playing in the rain. Not for horse, we have Nu-Lara for that. Please stop.
fragile has a retarded nose and troy has a prisonbitch mouth
>Söyima wasted all his money to get a bunch of c-listers who only ever starred in Netflix movies
>he was so proud of it
>gets absolutely BTFO by some polacks
>all these literal whos
The art for this game is unprecedented kino
a really fucking good pair of boots
You're both breathtaking!
I'm not falling for it again. MGS4 & MGSV were both fucking dumpster fires.
>prisonbitch mouth
That's very specific.
>that complete lack of AO
>lod turns to shit 15 metres away from the camera
cant wait for next consoles
>Mads Mikkelsen
>The Bond main villain
>The Star Wars main character
>MCU Dr. Strange main villain
>Was in a Rihanna music video where he got tortured to death by a near naked Rihanna (Bitch better have my money)
>Main protagonist in 2 movies Polar and Arctic recently
>worst Bond
>worst Star Wars
>Dr. Strange mattering
>some has been punching-bag mattering
>so literally who movies
I've been a fan of most Kojima games but this just looks boring
For a moment I thought you were making a list for all of these actors, that's how irrelevant they are.
>It's just a walking simulator bro
hades looks alright at least
seems Kojima was influenced by Rockstar's focus on boring gameplay in RDR2
Competently, but I'm quickly learning that was too much to expect.
wow a vehicle
the innovation just keeps coming
to be fair, it is netflix trash
Hollywood is aching to have him star in their movies. He has been in everything AAA.
Lea Seydoux has also been in a ton of high end shit.
Same goes for Norman Reedus who is single handedly carrying a huge TV-show.
You are all 100% delusional if you think they are no bodies. Even Troy Baker is one of the biggest in video game voice acting. You may think that is meaningless but that just further proves how delusional you are.
fuck off pajeet
>deliveries are loaded on your back, adding weight and taking up space
>each equipment you bring (e.g. ladder case) adds additional weight and space
>the heavier your load, the slower you can change your velocity/direction without losing balance
>your center of mass may also change based on the space taken up, giving each movement direction different safe max values
>exceeding these maximum values causes you to fall over
>this includes maintaining balance while swimming
>when your backpack collides with the ground, equipment is knocked off
>enemy attacks also knock equipment pieces off your back
>if you don't risk your other equipment trying to go back and pick it up during combat, it's gone forever
>porter drones take a load off, but have limited mobility and are easily captured/destroyed
>porter drones are also at the mercy of the physical environment (seen slipping off a cliff in one trailer)
>if you lost some equipment you need to get around, good fucking luck, better find another way around without losing even more equipment in the process
How the fuck is it incompetent? It's literally supposed to be a journey through a destroyed world and that is exactly what we've seen
Fuck, I agree, why am I even excited about this? Maybe since there's no fucking lore and characters to ruin this time, Kojima might be more consistent.
Literally a movie Holy shit
Are you new to Kojima games?
>Lea Seydoux has also been in a ton of high end shit.
lol, and the few "high end shit" she was was her playing a small role
>Norman Reedus
hasnt done shit after and before walking dead
>mads mikkelsen is a c-lister but not keanu
reaching hardcore levels of cope ITT
reeves is waaaay more popular and well known than mads shittelsen
yeah and do you think it would look photoreal without it? fucking retard
I like Mads but nothing he's starred in even approaches the Matrix or John Wick in terms of popularity/exposure.
>Mads the only one not crying like a bitch
MGS4 is a great game.
All the cringe fanservice is only cringe outside of its context. While playing the game the atmosphere conditions the player to accept what is given to them. That is why you only started hating the game when people on the internet made fun of it. MGS4 was seen as a masterpiece for years and everytime people replay it, they rediscover how fantastic the game really is.
MGSV was unfinished and it was Kojimas fault. But I would rather have had P.T. and Death Stranding than just MGSV got a more polished ending and more side missions.
MGSV only needed those two things to be a legendary game.
And Diehard man
>MGS4 is a great game
An actor doesn't need to be a lead actor in everything they are in to have pedigree or to be recognized. Regardless she was a main in Spectre.
Most media that has actors has only 1 or so people who is a main actor type. Not everyone needs to be the main actor of everything.
I'm excited, I've never played any game of the Strand genre before.
>Strand genre
now he's making shit up because people have been stroking his ego like there's no fucking tomorrow
it's literally just CTF
>realistic by hand.
the went to Iceland and took pictures
popular thing bad. Yea Forums is worse than reddit's game page
And then they had to recreate and adjust models based on the pictures down to each rock and blade of grass. It's a lot more work than just inputting data from satellites.
for reference, not the same as 3D photoscanning
Hideo Kojima presents Hunted Monster World
>skin looks like wax or rubber
>everyone's crying over how bad the script is
I'll buy the game on sale but for the love of god stop pretending this cringy garbage is somehow profound. You're not a child anymore to like this type of shit.
I can understand what you're saying but I disagree, I played MGS4 when it came out and being a hardcore MGS fan, I was 16 at the time, and yeah the game had great moments, it even made me cry, but just an hour after finishing it I was looking back at it and I realized I didn't like the story at all, all I wanted to know was who the fuck were the patriots and the game didn't deliver at all, it should have ended early because it was way better as a mystery. Ocelot was fucking brainwashing himself to believe he was Liquid, fucking what? Every fucking question made in MGS2 was answered with "nanomachines", I vividly remember when they explained Vamp like that, I was like come the fuck on, why does he drink blood then? If they explained that I don't remember it. I think it was offscreen.
The thing is, it didn't NEED an explanation, why does Psycho Mantis has powers then?? What about Vulcan Raven? Are those fucking nanomachines too? Also I still have a hard time believing what happened to Raiden considering the ending he had in MGS2, but whatever, it served more for the impact of that E3 trailer revealing him than for the actual story in the game. The final bosses were really lazy, but so they were in MGS3.
But my biggest complain is that the game is just boring as fuck, I had no incentive to play it again even though I beat MGS1 to 3 like 10 times each, chapter 3, 4 and 5 are complete shit, their only good point are the cutscenes. I do believe the game was extremely ridiculous on a lot of ways on purpose, but that didn't make the game or its story any favors. I could only get that Kojima was fucking sick of working on this franchise when playing the game.
I didn't hate it but I wish it never happened, the MGS2's ending was fucking fine and MGS3 was a nice entry in the series, we didn't need more than that.
Not a single game made by Kojima has ever been good. You're just realizing this now, which may come as a shock, but he's been talentless for ages now. Look at the original MGS series. It's nothing more than pretentious cinematic movieshit.
I know that's gonna get me alot of hate, but it's something that needs to be said. Games should never be about the story. They should be solely about the gameplay. And a game that needs every 5 seconds to shovel a codec call into your face just isn't that good IMO.
>the MGS2's ending was fucking fine and MGS3 was a nice entry in the series, we didn't need more than that.
lmao, literally no one thought this until in the mid 2010s videos on youtube started popping up explaining how MGS2 was "genius".
>John Wick
>movies that make a couple of hundred millions
>was the villain of a Marvel movie and one of the best James Bond movies
>was in a Star Wars movie that made more than a billion
But yeah, I bet John Wick and Matrix overshadow Marvel and Star Wars.
Fucking cringe dude. Can't believe an actual human being wrote this shit
When you add actors to a videogame is because your videogame can't stand out on it's own, see Death Stranding being a walking simulator, and CP2077 being a generic FPS.
take that
this, fucking brainlets ITT.
I've been reading analysis on MGS2 since before 4 even came out, and everything was there from a long time ago, there was even a VR theory that made things really interesting, youtubers just grabbed those analysis and made them videos to get some cash, of course it would reach a bigger audience. MGS was my fucking life when I was a teenager, brainlets always hated MGS2 because "hurr Raiden is gay", but there were a lot of people who saw there was way more to it.
>well you see there's a narrative reason for why the game sucks ass so you're not allowed to criticise it
>Games should never be about the story.
Wrong you retarded nigger.
>Not a single game made by Kojima has ever been good.
No shit, Sherlock.
did you miss his last game that hardly had any story?
And you forget when Kojima told everyone who started memeing about MGS2 being a "post modern masterpiece" to get a life.
If you want story, go read a book.
You call 5+ hours of cutscenes "hardly any story"? Cripes user.
>Dude look at how incompetent these directors are the whole movie takes place in a wasteland how will my ADD-riddled brain cope with this
Post a screenshot with more grass.
>try to move away from making movies, since everyone asked him to
>make game entirely focused on the gameplay, with little story
>people shit on the game, mostly because of the story, even though there's almost none of it
And then these same people complain that DS looks like a movie, when he made a game focused on the gameplay and all you could talk about was the story.
>5+ hours of cutscenes
good job doing a quick youtube search without actually clicking on the video to see a good portion is gameplay, anyone who's played MGSV knows damn well there are not 5 hours of cutscenes
Damn, look at RDR2 and DS competing to have the open world with the least amount of stuff in it.
I still don't have a single clue what this game will be like
Walking while listening to dialogue is not gameplay. This wasn't an argument for TLOU or Uncharted, why in the heck does it now apply for MGS?
MGS5's story didn't suck because there wasn't enough cutscenes, it sucked because it was yet again another "missing link" game that didn't explain jack shit
>Games should never be about the story. They should be solely about the gameplay.
That would just be fucking boring
>Death Stranding is a movie
Thanks for the input. You lost.
you are not constrained to walking in MGSV
That's the thing, the game was about trying to make an actual game, and not a movie.
There was almost no story because that's what people asked for after MGS4.
And now people go on to complain that DS is a movie.
MGSfags need to stop pretending they give a shit about the gameplay, even more when they praise MGS1, 2 and 3 so much even though they play like absolute garbage.
Wow, it's almost like Metal Gear doesn't work as a dull as dogshit open world game where you do the exact same inane shit over and over.
Giving it at least some semblance of Metal Gear wackiness and a fun plot would have gone a long way to making it a half-decent game.
Yeah, the other half of the time is spent crawling.
Gameplay is now boring? You don't want to interact with a medium specifically built for interaction?
Sup reddit. You do know they dickride kojima all day. Maybe you should go back
>Death Stranding is a movie
Well yeah it's a Kojima game after all. That's what he's good at and it's what the fans want.
V's gameplay was worse than the other ones though. Maybe you really, really liked grinding for research points because you're autistic though.
RDR2 has plenty of neat shit all over it's map. If MGSV is anything to go by then DS doesn't look too good.
>Gameplay is now boring?
Are you fucking retarded or what.. ? Gameplay exclusively is boring compared to gameplay with a story
No, MGS only works as a dull corridor with cutscenes every 5 minutes.
This is why i'm glad MGS is dead.
All cancerous trends.
>yeah the game had great moments, it even made me cry
I would love to know what your bar is for what constitutes a great game then. Sure it wasn't necessarily the best MGS game but you cannot deny what it is.
Yeah people play it for the narrative are you fucking dumb or what?
Yeah not to mention wildlife that's actually worth hunting and a ton of cool random events. To compare RDR2's open world to MGSV is fucking retarded.
Honestly, i'm not very sure about DS, i fear it will be a MGSV 2 in term of dissapointement, still a good game, but far from the old ones. i still preordered it, but i literally have more hype for the next MG than DS.
No it doesn't, RDR2 was the most phoned in game Rockstar has ever made.
They are so lazy that they decided to just copy Ubisoft open world mechanics and introduce a fuck ton of grinding.
RDR2 was the MGSV of the 8th gen.
It's a game that Rockstar clearly made only for the money.
What was the crowning achievement of his last game? What was the best part about his last game again?
>Gameplay exclusively is boring
t. zoomer who can't appreciate PacMan or Tetris or Gradius or any other games from the golden ages. I bet you don't even have a ZX Spectrum.
this "game" is going to flop and Kojima will finally be exposed as a hack
>still arguing after you had to desperately post Mad Max as some sort of ''''argument''''
>Yea Forums says a game is going to flop
Well, confirmed success then.
>excited for death stranding
>excited for cyberpunk 2077
>excited for final fantasy 7 remake
>preordered all three
I would rather kill myself
troll smarter not harder
Honestly can't tell if this is a shitpost, coping, or damage control
MGSV is an 8th gen game retard
low quality bait
>No argument at all
Simply epic
That's the thing, I don't want "cool" random events that involve shit I don't care about like helping some random civilian, I don't want to fucking hunt animals in a cowboy game, these games introduce gameplay mechanics to pad out their worlds that have absolutely nothing to do with the context they are in.
Maybe because if you remove the padding you only have about 10 hours of game left.
That sounds too interactive and videogamey. You'd probably be more suited to a let's play.
>crawling is not gameplay in a stealth game
>I don't want to fucking hunt animals in a cowboy game, these games introduce gameplay mechanics to pad out their worlds that have absolutely nothing to do with the context they are in.
Ok bro I forgot people play Kojima games exclusively for the gameplay, nobody ever talks about the stories
No it wasn't, it was a PS360 game that got upscaled to 1080p on PS4.
There's a reason the open world is so damn empty and it's because if it has more than 10 soldiers the 256MB RAM of the PS3 would blow up.
Not like more soldiers would make the game better.
Both MGSV and RDR2 are flawed at a conceptual level.
So catch a train/cart everywhere and ignore that shit you stupid spastic.
It's not Call of Juarez, it's a Rockstar game, and that's what you got.
>he doesn't want to fist fight some giant circus freak in a bar at the behest of a fair maiden and then go chasing after he midget companion as he throws fireworks at you
jesus, learn to have fun
You're a retard. Google photogrammetry
A really good game is something that gets stuck in my head for a long time and just makes me think how great it is, and with every replay you find new things to be excited about and new details that make the experience even better. The first 3 MGS games made me feel that, MGS4 made me wish it never happened because it retroactively ruined the previous games because of all the butchering to the story. Also the problem is that it didn't make me want to play it again because of more than half of the game feeling like a chore. After MGS4 I just stopped caring about the franchise, or at least not as much, it felt like it was ruined.
It's like a lot of TV shows honestly, even though usually the later seasons go to shit (Lost, GOT, etc.), they're still entertaining, but definitely not great like when they started.
I can't like Fragile because i fucking hate Lea seydoux, she's a cunt and literally bought her career.
She was one of the first in the Weinstein meetoo movement, would be funny if she do the same to Kojima.
Your post is some pretentious shit
hack shitposter
No, Call of Juarez is actually fun, Rockstar made a game where i'm supposed to say
How about you take all these "realism mechanics", you cram it up your ass and you focus on making a game that feels fun to play, Rockstar?
Hell, they focused so much on that pointless shit that they couldn't even bother making something to bait whales succesfully with RDR Online.
No I don't.
Ah yes, the same excuse idiots use to defend MGSV.
Do you even know what photogrammetry is? Do you think they just download a fucking rock onto the PC, no adjustment needed?
learn to appreciate art user
>talking about MGS5 crawling
>brings up ladder climbing in MGS3
I don't know what kojima did to make you asshurt, but I assure you he doesn't acknowledge your existence
> it's a Rockstar game, and that's what you got.
That means nothing nowadays.
GTA SA is also a Rockstar game and is much more fun than all the crap Rockstar has made ever since.
Rockstar has no idea of what to do, and it seems like they don't even care and know that they are going to sell anyways, so they are just going to pump out more empty open worlds full of retarded "dynamic events" that feel like shit to play since they put animations and muh technology ahead of gameplay.
>seething because someone suggests games should have gameplay
did you even play the game? the sidequests were fun as hell and extremely varied.
wrong, it was a ps4 game that got downscaled to ps360
>There's a reason the open world is so damn empty
the reason is laziness
>Not a single game made by Kojima has ever been good.
Immolate yourself shit-for-brains. You are not smart because you are contrarian, if anything you prove that you are a brainlet.
Video games aren't art, and shouldn't strive to be, otherwise the gameplay ends up suffering because the "artistic vision" isn't compatible with fun.
>Call of Juarez is fun
>some random shit about realism mechanics
>grr I hate that they focused on singleplayeer
you baited me so far, good job
Harvey was a freak. What else should she say? There is literal proof that Harvey was as bad as they say.
>empty open worlds
>full of dynamic events
Do you have actual unironic autism
No it wasn't, the game began development and there were tech demos way before there were PS4 kits.
The PS4 and XBONE versions are lazy as shit, they just upped the resolution, slightly uppes the view distance and that's it.
>They are so lazy that they decided to just copy Ubisoft open world mechanics
Elaborate further on this.
Adjustments is not the only thing you said retard. You said recreation, which is not what Photogrammetry requires. Photogrammetry is literally used to create models by taking photos from multiple angles.
>Metal Gear
>No gameplay
How do I acquire this level of retardation?
You see that mountain...
Then do tell, what artistic merit did I miss in Kojima's generic movie game about how war is bad and how le patriots are evil? What could justify 500+ hours of cutscenes, dialogue dumps, codec calls, and walking down hallways?
They can't use photogrammery to model the entire map you utter retard
Kojima is and has always been a hack. Only hacks take credit for other peoples accomplishments and this faggot has constantly been taking credit for inventing the stealth genre despite the first stealth game coming out a decade before Metal Gear.
It was being made for next-gen, why do you think it was downgraded?
watching cutscenes does not count as gameplay.
go play pen and paper games if you dont want art in vidya
He hasn't played the game.
It's not that they focused on the singleplayer, it's that they focused on the
instead of making a fun game.
I'm mentioning the multiplayer because they focused so ridiculously much on the technology shit that they didn't even do a proper bait for whales and microtransactions.
Most of the game's development was spent on shit that you will only notice once.
Everything related to resource gathering and base building.
A complete waste of time that should be removed from the game.
Full of shit that barely has anything to do with being a cowboy.
Why the fuck would a cowboy just help random people?
The difference is you had to look for something as tiny as tree textures in a flight simulator to get your point across.
Compare that to an entire lake you have to walk though that looks bad.
Yeah no shit. I see they've clearly put alot of work into creating such a dense map. Clearly needed millions to do it.
>Why the fuck would a cowboy just help random people?
I don't know have you ever watched a spaghetti Western which is what the game's based on, based retard?
Because the priority was running on the PS360.
Why the fuck do you think the game was already running on the PS3 when the PS4 kits weren't delivered yet?
I want fun gameplay in vidya. Is that so hard to ask?
Lowkey hoping it's a psychological scifi twist MGSV
wow look at this expert that has complete understanding over these aspects.
>experiencing art is not fun
maybe play games tailored to your add taste like fortnite
You are supposed to be a criminal and a thief in RDR2.
>mocking the best ladder meme ever to exist
why don't you like life?
>experiencing art is not fun
No, it isn't. Not when it involves a 50 hour non-interactive cutscene.
Then just fucking skip the cutscenes holy shit
>the reason it looked better than ps4 and xbone could handle and had to be downgraded is because the priority was running on the ps360
you make enough money on jobs to fuck around and larp as a gentlemen if you choose. or you can go in to peoples homes and shoot them in the head. that's the glory of it. it's like you didn't play the game.
Yes, because they couldn't make a version completely focused on the next-gen since they had to mantain parity.
It's the same reason why the PC version is downgraded too.
The theme is a band of outlaws on the run. Also upgrading the camp and collecting the resources to do so are completely optional.
>skip cutscene
>walk 5 seconds
>immediately thrown into another cutscene
>right alongside a codec call
>and another cutscene
Rinse and repeat.
what video games are 50 consecutive hours of non interactive cutscenes user? nothing comes to mind.
not every mgs game is mgs4 little girl.
Ebin trolling
Again, why would anyone want to be a "gentleman" in a game where you play as a cowboy?
It's not an RPG.
>are completely optional.
They are there because Rockstar has no idea what to do with their open world, so all they do is just copy what other shitty open world games do.
Not that I blame them, ever since GTA 3 they haven't had a single original idea, they just increase the detail and ship a new game.
Pretty sure Rockstar could actually deliver yearly games if this is the best they can do.
I thought this was a such a hilarious scene to include in a trailer given how terrible it looks. It's like he's trolling.
Maybe it's just me, but I think an "artistic masterpiece" should be able to demonstrate better storytelling methods than just dialogue dumps and static cutscenes. I unironically think Super Metroid has a better plot than the entire MGS series, simply because it knows when to let the game do the storytelling.
MGSV's trailers were terrible too and the redditors here got hyped for it.
Post your top 10 favorite games.
I need a good raff right now.
>I unironically think Super Metroid has a better plot than the entire MGS series
Well yeah no surprise you have a shit, worthless opinion
>They are there because Rockstar has no idea what to do with their open world
They are there because the game has camps. If you think Rockstar needs to copy from you're Ubishit, then you're beyond retarded.
>there are people unironically defending MGSV and RDR2 in this thread
RDR2 was forgotten like a week after it came out for a reason, and MGSV wasn't forgotten because everyone was shitting on it.
Both games are peak representation of the pathetic failure that the 8th gen has been.
someone being an outlaw doesn't automatically mean they're devoid of morality. jesus you're retarded.
>Ubisoft created resource gathering and base building
Retard. Also, optionally upgrading your camp isn't base building.
Slapping my ding dong against the wall
But that's exactly what they did.
They could have made the camp just progress as you completed more missions without having to grind.
They included grinding because that's what all open world games have now.
Much like COD, Rockstar is becoming a trend chaser instead of a trend setter, all out of creative bankrupcy.
>RDR2 was forgotten like a week after it came out
Is that why is still has multiple threads a day, even today?
If the priority was to run it on ps360 they wouldn't make it with next-gen graphics to begin with. PS360 game with graphics that not even ps4/xbone can handle. It doesn't make sense.
Is that why they all die within 10 replies, unless they are spouting ebin memes?
Very well. these games are what I consider good storytelling.
>Super Metroid
>Risk of Rain
>Dwarf Fortress
>Super Mario World
>Hollow Knight
>shovel Knight
>Metroid Prime
These games are some of my favorites, and each understands the importance of not parking the player infront of a 50 hour cinematic.
>Is that why they all die within 10 replies, unless they are spouting ebin memes?
Like every single player game, because they don't need decades of longevity
>PS360 game with graphics that not even ps4/xbone can handle
The PS4 and Xbone can easily handle better graphics than MGSV.
Hell, MGSV is not even a good looking game, outside of the good lighting it has nothing.
Polygon account is a joke, NPC amount is low as fuck, literally no scripts in the open world.
There's nothing, it's all cut down as much as possible because, even with that, the PS3 and X360 versions still run at 20 FPS.
The PS3 and X360 were the priority, the others were just given the typical "remaster" upgrades of higher resolution, higher draw distance and little else.
>2D flash games
I don't know what I was expecting
>having to grind
You don't have to do anything to the camp. You can finish the game without touching it. Stop nitpicking.
There were at least 3 threads I came upon yesterday that all hit limit.
I enjoy most of those games. you should play those games and seek out games similar to them. no one, NO ONE cares that you don't care for long cutscenes. the medium is diverse for a reason.
>good storytelling
i agree MGS could have told stories in a better way for example SIREN on ps2 told the story through the perspectives of many characters and you cared about all of them eventually because you had to survive various dangerous scenerios it was a better concept of storytelling but the controls were awful and puzzles boring and frustrating at times. a stealth game should reach a balance between simple, fun, and interesting and i think metal gear is an example of simple and fun while siren is an example of interesting but niether do it all.
>some of the most highly acclaimed titles in the industry
>2D flash games
>Stop nitpicking.
I mean, what else is there to talk about, the completely unrelated dynamic events?
The side quests that are both disconnected from the main story, and also don't add up anything at all to the game?
There's nothing, Rockstar is just doing what everyone else does.
Only thing to praise about RDR2 was not getting Hollywood actors.
This is some Yakety Sax tier shit.
Yeah, and no one is talking about how fun it was because it was honestly boring as shit, as boring as GTA V.
RDR2 and GTA V are the two Rockstar games that I haven't replayed because they are just awful.
>Reviews determine the nature of the game
Actually, it's the opposite. Every single Kojima game its's good.
>while unironically using reviews to backup MGS's popularity
I'm not seeing anyone claim reviews make MGS a 4D game
MGSV has the best gameplay ever in a stealth game, what the fuck are you talking about?
Pcuks desperately chasing after ps4 exclusive
I just don't find merit in watching cutscenes and walking down corridors. I think games should be a weeeeee bit more interactive than that.
Then you'll love Metal Gear V
Why people keep arguing with ACfag. The guy it's the most autistic person on this shit place.
So you haven't even played the game i see.
Tried to at least. Too many cutscenes. I pretty much lost all interest when they tried explaining why Quiet was a slut.
>nooo really she breathes through her skin
>muh vocal parasites
>that's why she has to dress like a stripper!
just say you want to look at tits Kojima. Stop trying to make up pretentious excuses.
>MGSV is not even a good looking game
Yeah because it was downgraded. It looked like a next-gen game. And it looked bad on ps360 even for ps360 standards. Same as Watch Dogs, it was a next-gen game that was downgraded because they thought next-gen would be stronger and downscaled horribly to ps360 because they were still the most popular consoles.
looks pretty good to me except for the blur.
The guy believes everything it's a movie game as long as it has any cutscene in it. He calls games like Bayonetta moviegames. The only kind of games he accepts are the ones without any bit of story, everything also doesn't count as a game. I don't know why people keep bothering arguing with him as he will never be convinced otherwise.
>It looked like a next-gen game.
No it didn't, the lightning was less bland, but the terrible poly count, low res textures and low NPC count were still there.
If it was just a matter of consoles, and not a general downgrade to achieve parity, then PC would have looked like that.
>downscaled horribly to ps360 because they were still the most popular consoles.
Those are remnants of the fact that MGSV began development on those.
MGSV sold like shit on PS360.
Don't make an open world game if your world is empty, It's just scummy way to stretch the playtime only because you need to move from point A to point B by foot just to get to play the real game. MGS was exactly like this, even worse on Afghanistan because of shitty mountains aka invisible walls that make the player walk even more.
Yeah, ton of "dynamic missions" or some shit.
The map itself was all empty, by far, the worst map Rockstar has ever made.
>VERY fast mailman running at incredible hihg speed
What's wrong with this kind of thinking? Isn't it a fair backlack against pretentious hacks like Neil Druckmann who thinks "fun" shouldn't be part of a game?
right over your head
It's fine not liking story in videogames, but acting like a game like Bayonetta where the focus is 100% the gameplay a moviegame because it has some cutscenes in it is retarded.
>nobody was talking about how fun it was because I didn't find it fun
fucking grow up summer child
yeah where are all the skyscrapers and shit
Do you also call movies like I Am Legend or Interstellar 'fun'? Neil Druckmann just prefers 'engaging' which is objectively more logical
>yeah where are all the skyscrapers and shit
More like where's ANYTHING.
This is why open world games set in the past are trash, just like Assassins Creed.
Ideally, they'd all be futuristic.
>Don't make an open world game if your world is empty
Retarded, because the point of the world is that it's destroyed and you're on a journey. There is no other way to convey this experience than making it open world and 'empty' - which it isn't, because the game has different biomes and towns.
Plenty of game "journalists" find movie games fun. Praise is not exactly a strong indicator of quality from these people. That's why I find it questionable when someone says Bayonetta is a great game, and to back up their claims they'll point to metacritic scores, or when someone says MGS is great and they unironically link to kotaku. You're gonna need a better argument.
Druckmann wasn't talking about gameplay when he said that, he was talking about the themes and the story. He said that in response of the criticism the trailers got for being too violent.
Except it's not just journalists they're also the best selling games and receive the best user reviews so what's your point?
>If it was just a matter of consoles, and not a general downgrade to achieve parity, then PC would have looked like that.
What are you saying here? That they downgraded the ps4/xbone version to achieve parity with ps360? What?
>then PC would have looked like that.
Like what? Pre-downgrade? Since when does PC get the pre-downgrade version? Not in Watch Dogs, not in TW3, not in The Division etc. which are all next-gen games. Sony/MS simply wouldn't allow that.
>MGSV sold like shit on PS360.
That somehow changes the fact that they didn't want to pass up on the potential sales which is why they downscaled it?
Nah i won't bother as is pointless. Keep thinking whatever the fuck you want.
Not same user, but there's something interesting with the fox engine in survive, that could show what would have been a V only on next gen.
While the models still don't have a lot of polygons (but this could maybe be because survive was a mgo3 expansion at first expanded into a spin off because mgo3 was dead.), the lighting actually look a lot better, same for some visual effects, and the game can now show hundred of models on screen while keeping 60 fps on the base ps4, it hype me a little for the next MG game.
Holy shit those spear animations are straight out of a Skyrim mod I had once.
Which, I think was ripped from Two Worlds 2.
>What are you saying here? That they downgraded the ps4/xbone version to achieve parity with ps360?
Yes, that's been done with plenty of games.
>Like what? Pre-downgrade? Since when does PC get the pre-downgrade version?
Never, right?
Because manufacturers force parity.
>That somehow changes the fact that they didn't want to pass up on the potential sales which is why they downscaled it?
No, the PS360 versions were made because they had been working on them for long time, would be a waste to not release them, but that's it.
>but there's something interesting with the fox engine in survive, that could show what would have been a V only on next gen.
What are you talking about?
Survive had more NPCs and higher res textures, but that's it.
Not to mention the entire brown and grey palette made the game look uglier.
>it hype me a little for the next MG game.
Konami is not going to make another Triple A ever again, they froze and cancelled all Triple A development back in 2015.
And even if they did, by the time they do the Fox Engine would be obsolete.
>it hype me a little for the next MG game.
An MGS game doesn't need 1000 NPCs on screen.
Unless you are unironically hoping the next MGS is also open world garbage which would automatically mean the game is shit, since Kojipro has proved already twice that they have no idea about developing open world games.
Why should i trust sales in a medium where any game can sell, given sufficient marketing? Why trust user scores when people can easily be influenced by peer pressure?
You're actually saying that there are games on ps4/xbone that looked better without destroying performance, but were still downgraded because the devs wanted them to look like the ps360 versions? Not because they ran like shit? Are you crazy?
The devs?
The ones who ask for this is always the owners of the platforms.
Don't, your opinion's worthless either way.
They can still update the fox engine, and they are slowly returning to games. And I doubt it's for nothing they still have more than half of the old Kojipro, including some guys like Murata, etsu or the main programmer from mgs1-2-3 who returned at the company in 2017 (but didn't worked on Survive.)
Konami also did a full restructure of the vidya team last year and added a new studio. People don't realize 2015 is now 4 years ago. A lot can happen in 4 years.
user there's already 7 non Kojima mg and most were fine some even very good.
hmph, I'm sorry you feel that way. There's no need to be rude though.
[citation needed]
So you're saying Sony/MS told devs to make their next-gen versions look like last gen on purpose. That makes even less sense.
>non Kojima
Who cares about that?
I'm talking about open world games.
If the next MGS, if it ever happens, is an open world game it's going to be utter garbage.
it looks fine?
Yes, they force parity to avoid making their own consoles look that bad.
They might be previous gen, but they still want sales from all of them.
Some people might be turned off buying on those all together if they see they are horrible.
I'll give this my stamp of approval for having no niggers in sight.
Dumb fucking /pol/ack
Citation needed for what? Check the internet, there's plenty of informations if you search well.
I doubt it would be an open world. I could see something either similar to the old games, but with maps like the camp omega of GZ.
But I think the next MG is either an Mgs1 remake (Mgs1 is the only main game not playable on xbox one or ps4 even with the retrocompatibility of psnow) or MGR2.
its kino action
I hope there's not more.
MGS4 ruined all the mysticism of the franchise, and PW and MGSV proved that it's dead and there's nowhere else to go.
Remake or mgr2 are more likely than a completely new main game for now.
But we could have a new good main game, like, maybe something similar to ghost babel in term of setting: a stand alone story.
You're giving me an example of console parity on PC which makes sense, they don't want PC to destroy next-gen consoles and make them look bad. But suggesting they did console parity with last gen consoles is really out there. They want to sell their next-gen consoles, they want them to impress as much as possible and they want to abandon the old consoles. The only reason next-gen games got downgraded is because ps4 and xbone were weaker than devs expected and ran games like shit.
Doesn't make sense considering MGSV ran well even on toasters and the graphics weren't good at all.
A ton of games, even open world games, came out on PS4 and Xbone that are much better looking than MGSV.
It's because they went for 60fps on consoles