Coming back to it after all these years, the game's flaws are glaringly apparent.
Dark Souls 3 and even Dark Souls 2 are easily better.
Coming back to it after all these years, the game's flaws are glaringly apparent.
Dark Souls 3 and even Dark Souls 2 are easily better.
Other urls found in this thread:
You are completely and unironically right, but you can't say such thing in this place.
>play dark souls, enjoy it
>start leveling up
>destroy some bosses
>get destroyed by some bosses
>ask myself, is this the true experience that the developers intended?
I never get over this feeling, when playing dark souls. im always under leveled or over leveled.
so what is the true dark souls experience?
what are the flaws?
why did you make this thread, user? honestly?
You're out of your noncommital vague-ass mind
There's no such thing. You can beat the game at SL 1 dealing satisfactory damage to bosses as long as you keep your weapon upgraded.
I think dunkey captures this feeling very well in this video
Try playing Sekiro, there's no rpg elements like levels, stats, xp or equipment, just bosses
fuck you, I'm so angry I CAN'T EVEN!
>no omnidirectional roll
>most levels are really short
>smaller enemy variety, and most of them have small movesets and easily exploitable ai
>elemental infusions aside from the non-scaling ones are weaker than uninfused weapons at base stats
>passive poise + instant backstabs ruin pvp
>Dark Souls 2
It's flaws are the most apparent after a playthrough of 1
>dark souls
keep saying it
>there's no rpg elements like levels, stats, xp or equipment, just bosses
Have you even played Sekiro yourself user?
That's completely wrong.
Unless you're telling him to play it with no upgrades, then you're subjecting him to a 1 hour Isshin fight.
I wish they kept poise and weight management of DaS' caliber. Tying super armor to weapons makes me upset.
Trying different weapons and builds, different bosses are weak and resistant to certain things, types of damage be it physical or different type of magic.
And some bosses straight up suck mechanic wise and some areas are entirely unfinished. Should have gotten a remake, not a remaster.
I honestly agree, I hate DS1 fags who constantly keep shouting about their "connected world" as if anyone actually gives a shit.
I felt underpowered more often than over, at which point I'd either change gear or grit my teeth.
The developers could've done away with levelling entirely and fine-tuned the balance, but then the game wouldn't be as fondly remembered by so many.
The shape of your first run is tempered by luck. A chance drop in the Burg can let you steamroll the entire game if you obtain the upgrade materials. You can end up stuck at the bottom of the world with your half your max hp.
There is no one true experience. Personally, it involved repeating the journey til it was as precisely tailored to my tastes as is possible, comparing my first run with other players, and spending days in Darkroot Garden
I only took three steps outside the cell before I refunded it.
Clearly many do. This can be hard to grasp when it's lost on you
Not him but most of the skill tree upgrades are fucking worthless and the strength/health upgrades come automatically from just beating bosses/mini bosses. I 100% the game barely using any prosthetics (besides firecrackers) or combat arts (only two of them are even useful)
Its really not even a big deal, most players probably didn't even realize it was a thing until somebody told them.
But because of it, the map was more compacted, you had to backtrack constantly, if you started exploring too early you'd just hit big ugly yellow walls. The maps were smaller and less interesting, when you moved between areas the difference was far more jarring.
there's no real reason for it, and it didn't really help anything either. "but I can go to that mountain!" is such a dumb thing to be excited about, considering how much of a pain everything else was.
And if you're going to go on the "but linear!" argument, it doesn't really matter when you still have to check off all the same exact bosses. In demon souls you could start at whichever map you wanted first too anyways. And in DS3 (and 2 iirc) halfway through it opened up to allow you to adventure where you wanted anyways.
>even Dark Souls 2 is easily better.
Yeah I played the original so many times there was not a single thing I could even imagine doing different. I also heard they made the PvP even fucking worse
I four shot gwyn with an SL1 run and I didn't even maximize damage.
Never played dark souls before grabbing 1-3 a month ago, loved ds1 the entire way.
Normally I hate when games purposefully underlevel you unless you grind but for some reason it felt perfect in ds1. It's you against this huge world that isn't afraid to pull punches like lots of other games. One of the most rewarding games I've ever beaten (especially since the only "hard" games I've played before it was the megaman series)
Not sure how ds2 went so wrong though. Not enjoying it nearly as much as I did ds1.
After playing them all again
BB > DS3 > DeS > DS1 > DS2
DeS gets some bonus points so it might go over 3 on occasion just due to novelty, but DS3 is just so much better mechanically and with the boss fights. Plus the world was still interesting and well put together.
BB is just the most fun and unique of the games. It has its problems, but it was a nice breath of fresh air and the weapons were interesting as well. I liked the fast paced focus without it going full autismo.
DS1 is overrated garbage, that feels like a lackluster version of DeS without any of the interesting aspects.
DS2 is just garbage completely and totally.
>Nu-Yea Forums supports back-of-the-box game design
Honestly I don't know why I'm surprised.
i disagree, it's still the best
you are a retarded pleb
suck my cock, dude
>back-of-the-box game design
What's that mean?
>dark souls 2
we're not gonna let you stupid faggots keep saying this. you've been REALLY pushing it for the past year and its not gonna happen. just shut the fuck up and accept that dark souls 2 is a terrible game vanilla and SotFS
>he likes Dark Souls 3, but dislikes 2
there is no true souls experience. some people get a black knight halberd on their first kill on a blind run through the game and trivialize the entire rest of the game, some people don't get shit and have to use their dinky little longsword for the whole game and have a much different experience
Honestly, while SOTFS is by far the worst game, i didn't think DS2 vanilla was noticeably that horrible outside the stupid fucking durability glitch and the horrible grab hitboxes.
Playing through DS2 the first time I thoroughly enjoyed it though. I hated a few levels, but I always hate a few levels. The gutter was horrible, but so was blight town. The gutter was admittedly worse, but blight town was shit.
name one single flaw you absolute fucking degenerate loser scumbag piece of shit waste of a human being
2 yes, 3 no
3 is superior, but 2 is still the worst by far
Social engineering works, they've taken down Ds3 and Sekiro, Ds1 is next.
ds3 is basically ds1: part 2 whereas ds2 feels completely different and is full of unnecessary bullshit like ADP, slow as fuck animations, and dumb uninspired enemy design.
it makes total sense why someone might dislike 2 and like 3
1 and 2 are good. 3 is garbage and sekiro is okay but it is already forgotten.
nice opinion sweaty
3 has almost nothing in common with 1 aside from a bunch of dumb callbacks
What's wrong with that?
This literally cannot happen. You just suck at the game unless you grind like a day. Git gud
false, DS2 is way faster than DS1
It's true.
Go home faggot
>DS3 world is so well put together
>Ds1 is overrated garbage
LMAO get a load of this fucking retard.
>most players probably didn't even realize it was a thing until somebody told them
Back that up or get out of my face.
The reason for the earlier levels being connected was to imbue Firelink with a sense of safety in the player's mind, the familiar sight and ambience relieving the stress of constantly having your lifeblood on the line. As you better understand the game, this effect trickles down to other bonfires closer to it.
So you can't access the entirety of the map fresh out of the Asylum - so the game involves backtracking - so what? I think it was Miyamoto that professed that his first concern was that it feels good simply to be inside and move about the gameworld, and Dark Souls has that thanks to its hand-made animations and sound design.
if you bought into the hype, took the tagline too literally (and it not unreasonable that both these meta-factors can color your first run) you might conceivably and painfully end up in the Tomb, or the lower part of the Ruins or the Lake, fresh out of the Asylum - and you'd have one hell of an experience to relate, but it's more likely you'd forego that kind of stubbornness and look at a guide, heed a soapstone scribble.. or, uh, pay attention to what the Crestfallen has to say.
Personally, I've run up against Nito's gold fogwall and obtained the Dragon Greatsword before getting the Lordvessel, and in the second case
I had a broken +5 Scimitar and no repairbox, and I enjoyed pushing through the long ways home. Seeing the sky from the tunnel out of the Catacombs was a monumental feeling.
I'm not going to address your quotation-marked strawmen unless you redress them
You are just retarded OP
>I'm not going to address your quotation-marked strawmen unless you redress them
>p-prove it!
>hurr you said a fallacy
and dropped.
It's already fallen behind its 4-year old predecessor. Come off it dude.
3 has almost nothing in common with 1 aside from a bunch of things it has in common
Name me literally one thing DeS did better than anything else FROM made after it.
>Dark Souls 3
>4K Viewers, 2M Followers
Wtf, bros?
>ds3 is basically ds1
DS3 is basically 1 but worse. The world is practically a straight line, the combat is roll-spam, and the levels are mediocre.
The only reason to enjoy 3 is if you're a graphics fag.
and being decent like 1 instead of a piece of shit like 2
Ds1 ripped off Des so fucking hard and nobody cared, Ds3 ripped off Ds1 and these faggots had the audacity to cry about it!
>twitch viewers love to watch retards whacking each other with sticks
>make a spurious claim
>proof is requested
>p-p-prove it
You're the dropped one here lmao
>The reason for the earlier levels being connected was to imbue Firelink with a sense of safety in the player's mind, the familiar sight and ambience relieving the stress of constantly having your lifeblood on the line. As you better understand the game, this effect trickles down to other bonfires closer to it.
>muh feelings
and hub worlds did this better.
>do what if you have to back track
it took forever if you hit the yellow walls under ground first.
if you missed something and were exploring it meant you had to go through entire sections over and over again. It wasn't satisfying to explore because exploring meant just running back and forth over the same hallways.
>b-but Yea Forums is like my high school debate class!
>best Attention to detail in terms of world building
>Lore is by far better than DS2 or 3, 3's lore is fanservice recycled shit
>Bosses are unique instead of just muh roll attack attack roll
Now what retard?
Level has little influence on your damage. The true dark souls experience is killing bosses as soon as available with the highest weapon upgrade available.
For exemple, most people ignore the catacombs until late game when going to tomb of giants. By then they have +15 weapons and two shot Pinwheel, making him a meme. But if you fight him right at the start, it becomes a great and difficult boss.
>not enjoying all dark souls titles
3 is the best btw
Except that DS1 is actually an improvement of DS2 in almost every possible way. DS3 is the opposite.
>frogposter having a shit opinion
wow what surprise.
>>best Attention to detail in terms of world building
Like what
>>Lore is by far better than DS2 or 3, 3's lore is fanservice recycled shit
This line shouldn't even be here since you decided to leave out DS1, because you think it had better lore. You have to remember to read posts before replying to them.
>>Bosses are unique instead of just muh roll attack attack roll
No, they are fought exactly the same way, with the exception of a couple of gimmick bosses (which appear in every single souls game anyway).
I meant DeS
but also DS3
You're wrong
>b-b-but someone isn't using my 4chins like the shithole I want it to be!
>videogames evoking feelings r bad
The Nexus was a better hub, and its being physically disconnected from the rest of the game was a fine touch thematically, but the loadscreens dock points from it
Why do I have to follow your retarded rules? I didn't mention DS1 because it's the undisputed best game, 2 and 3 are trash compared to DeS and DS, not even close.
How many hours do you have in each game?
>I didn't mention DS1 because it's the undisputed best game
not with it becoming a 6/10 game after anor londo
No it doesn't
DeS is the only truly interesting game they made Tbh.
>its bad!
its bad because its completely subjective and you're retarded.
Same as complaining about ''immersion breaking loading screens''
Not him but why would that even matter? His taste is shit regardless of his answer.
>blight town was shit
jesus christ that is a terrible opinion
If DS2 and DS3 are trash why are the x4 and x10 more active respectively then DSR?
t. memeposter who didn't play the game
The only bad part is literally just lost izaith and Demon ruins, it's still better than your average DS2 level though.
t. DS3 baby, your game is derivative and shit.
>everyone always hates on ds2
>nobody ever actually mentions the garbage bugs it had at launch or the actually annoying gameplay issues
>just spam about the "world" or "lore", and periodically try to quote that one youtube autist
I hate ds2, but I'm pretty sure you faggots never played it.
>more popular better!!!
So Fortnite is the best game of all time? Retarded response, as expected from a DS4 baby.
Except I hate DS3.
I consider Dark Souls to be one of my favorite games, but I have to admit that the game’s quality takes a nosedive after Anor Londo.
I’d say it’s definitely the most interesting, but it’s not like the other games are devoid of any interesting ideas. Dark Souls’ healing system and interconnected world are pretty huge. Bloodborne’s aesthetic and trick wealons are also very interesting, although I just started playing it so I’m not sure what mlre it has to offer yet
duke's archives, crystal cave, tomb of giants, kiln of the first flame are all pretty terrible and noticeably more linear than the rest of the game.
In my experience people, people who say the sequels are bad barely play these games, thus their opinions are worthless.
Why didn't you answer how many hours you had, sweetie?
>>nobody ever actually mentions the garbage bugs it had at launch
>at launch
>look at clock
>it's 2019
Fucking 3tards I swear.
No it didn't. Get out of here falseflagger
8/10, genuinely can't tell if baiting for (You)s or actually an idiot.
Nobody waits until the second half to kill pinwheel. Bum rushing him at the beginning is what you do for the rite of kindling, then bone out. Unupgrading short sword is all you need, and he's still a joke.
>It's more popular so it's better
I was playing it recently doing a strength build cause memes and poise + an Ultra Greatsword literally takes all the enjoyment out of the game. I stopped playing after beating Artorias first try in 30 seconds on NG+ and went to fight Gael on Dark Souls 3. I used to be on board the poise meme bandwagon but I see now why Miyazaki nerfed it so hard.
2 is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claimed. That game goes from somewhat open to a straight line (almost literally) for the last half of the game.
Demons souls did let you pick, but you couldn't bypass whole areas/bosses, so the affair became fairly linear because you'd have to beat x boss to get to y boss.
3 suffers from some pretty heavy linear level issues, but diverges sometimes and let's you take a few different directions, it's still rather linear though.
Considering how long all three games have been out at this point, yes, I'd say the best game would have the most people playing.
There's literally nothing wrong with any of those areas, they are just as great as the pre anor Londo ones. And you are covinienty excluding the DLC which is one of the best designed parts of the game. Fuck off and kill yourself
yes it does. izalith is shit, tomb is a major step down after the catacombs, dukes is boring. kiln is underwhelming. new londo and the dlc are the only 2 decent areas after anor londo (ignoring the shitty ghost house).
2fags literally don't know that the controls are still busted. You have to talk to them on a level they understand
No, the newer game is obviously the most played online. You absolute fucking retard.
>implying miyazaki nerfed poise
dsr is the newest, people played it for a month, then went back to the superior game
Considering how bad DS3's online actually is though... I'd say the game is just full of shit eaters.
I did user, I played it without patches
It was the worst experience I had in gaming
They're not terrible, far from it
>noticeably more linear than the rest of the game
nigga what are you saying, did you even play the rest of the game?
Anor Londo isn't linear? Undead Burg is not linear?
>but you couldn't skip
you couldn't skip it in DS1 either, there were required bosses you had to beat to move past.
Its been awhile since I played 2, so that's on me. I just remember the opening area leading out to like 4 different areas.
>Why didn't you answer how many hours you had, sweetie?
I don't remember, nerd
I had played all of them but ds1 until the other day so i can safely say you're retarded OP. The only one i would say is better is bloodborne and not by much
Literally kill yourself low IQ nigger
DS3 has the best online though, that's why it retains such a strong community so many years after release.
3 is just artificial difficulty.
DS3 babies should be gassed. Fuck off
the first area in the dlc is recycled darkroot, oolacile township is basically a short straight line, chasm of the abyss is sort of ok. i don't remember anyone ever praising the dlc for its level design. people remember it for the bosses.
Worst invasions though, I don't enjoy getting ganked by 3/4 players with endgame gear almost everytime I invade
>too dumb to understand DS3
>calls me low IQ
Subjectivity is objectively bad, is it? You're right, I can feel the retardation creeping in.
Calling it a 6/10 nosedive is a bit much
outside of a select few bosses, 3 isnt that hard. acquire proficiency.
How can you be so objectively wrong.
I've been replaying DS2 recently from DS3 and my god does it handle like slow janky nonsense.
>understand DS3
What's there to understand? The "lore" that is the exact same story across all three games?
The pvp? Mashing circle really does require 500 IQ, you're right.
try not invading anor londo at SL 120 then
>Subjectivity is objectively bad, is it? You're right, I can feel the retardation creeping in.
it is when you're trying to prove something.
>well firelink shrine FEELS safe to ME
firelink shrine felt empty and tedious to me, with deadly skeletons 2 steps away that follow you into the shrine, and hollows the other way.
Your subjective opinion is an opinion, which isn't proof of anything, and sounds like some poor justification for an english essay.
>DS2 is faster than one
>the game's flaws are glaringly apparently
Not to mention that while the first half is good, the quality in every aspect of the game takes a huge dump in the second half.
Dark Souls 1 gets called best in the series for two reasons: Nostalgia because it's the first in the series/type in the genre people played (kind of like gen 1 autists for Pokemon) and due to the interconnected world meme. I say meme because the interconnected world contributes next to nothing, exists only for the first completed half of the game, and is something small that people make out to be some big deal.
Dark Souls 1 is better than 2 for sure, but only barely.
have you even played the game? that shit happens everywhere 95% of the time.
Fuck off with your faggot eceleb faggot
u rite nigga I can't read.
Did you even tried invanding DaS3? That's not what's happening here pal
Most of the areas I invade are early game areas like cathedral of the deep, farron keep and catacombs and it's bullshit to encounter players with havel gear or others endgame gears
Stop trying to invade on the wall, that's where the counter twinks hang and because they spam the dried finger it's hard to get a proper player/group that's running thorough normally, unless there's a sale.
As for overleveled phantoms via password summoning, they're weak as fuck due to scaling but can net you 20K+ souls per kill, really super worth it for a new character.
Best level and weapon memory to invade are 55-65, WM 6, you get action in everything from Catacombs, Smouldering Lake, Irythill, Anor Londo, Dungeon, Lothric Casle and DLC1.
It is perhaps autism but I hated how DS2 changed most of the greatsword movesets to those glaringly obvious horizontal swings
Even the claymore didn't get its bigger version of the longswords' thrust and slash combo strong attack, just more horizontal swings
It's been a while but did DS2 have less moveset variety or more? I can't recall
I've got 1100 hours in DS3, with most it spent invading.
Most invasions are 2-3 normal pveers, which I have more fun fighting and chasing across the big sprawing levels than dueling lone hosts in DS1 or 2 at the bonfire.
>Download Daughters of Ash recently
Boy what a mistake that was
Why the fuck would you mention Kiln as if it were meant to be anything other than the path to Gwyn?
what even was this comic BS, some shit about a lady who fights solaire for some reason and meets a crazy homelessman named Aldrich.
>lmao let's throw a boulder made of skeletons at them with zero fucking indication
DS2 has less overall unique moves but each weapon mixes and matches different R1 R1 and R2 R2 combos from a pool so very few have the same attack pattern overall.
For example some hammers have broadsword R1s and club R2s instead of the usual super slow mace R1s.
This, though DS2 has 50/50 in terms of lone hosts at the bonfore and actual groups, especially in the DLCs and endgame areas.
You are correct. Idiots who think DS2 did not improve everything are fucken retarded.
t. almost done with another entire run of the series.
more like its the most overly forgiving game. How bad do you suck at ds3 to even consider the possibility that there's artificial difficulty?
gee, maybe use your ears and listen.
>hmm, what was that noise when i walked through this door? better move back and observe.
Go away faggots, DaS2 and it's moviment sucks dicks
The post I replied to posited that there was no reason for an interconnected world. I proposed a reason. Is it the definite intention of the developer? That was my best guess, and not an unshakeable proof.
Your subjective opinion of Firelink meanwhile, sounds like a failure to put the area within the context of the entirety of the game. The skeletons will not give chase unless you walk all the way down into the graveyard and provoke them - more like thirty steps away - at which point the music has stopped playing. The hollows are all the way up the first staircase.
git gud
>3 better than anything
>BB better than 1
How to spot a Reddit zoomer
t. braindead genwunner
3 is overall the best, it brings most mechanics from DS2 and level design from DS1
Go back.
Wrong. It only activates when you're halfway down the stairs you fucking dick sucker.
keep sayin it
he's obviously a 2fag
At what? I finished DaS2 two times and it wasn't hard, most of the dificult is dealing with a bunch of mobs every turn, the majority of the bosses are piss easy and many are copy pasted
yeah and you can hear it and react to it. not nearly as many people have gotten hit by the skeleton ball as you think.
>refuting an idea without an argument beyond claiming that only your favorite scapegoats supposedly uphold that idea
How to spot a baby. Why even post?
Git gud at dealing with new controls and mechanics when a game isn't exactly like your favorite one.
Dark Souls is unironically my favorite game of all time but these threads piss me off so much.
DS2fags shitting all over 3 while not understanding that 2 is the outlier, DS3fags overrating their game because it's the first one they played, Sekirofags calling their game a masterpiece because it's the first non-Souls FROM game they played, Bloodbornefags showing up for no reason except to act superior, DeSfags acting like their game hasn’t been surpassed by its spiritual successor, and DS1fags acting like people still care about their game.
That's nice
Not my fault the moviment sucks
All the other games have better controls, even DeS
>Not my fault the moviment sucks
Your brain just can't adapt and learn new things, user. You're retarded. It's okay.
What flaws?
>inb4 poise and backstabs
3 at least had proper controls, some good bosses, and a few well designed areas. DS2 had none of those things.
That's always the argument DaS2fags have
>it's not the game fault, it's yours
It's not hard to understand many things in DaS2 sucks unless you have brain problems user
There are attack power and health upgrades but they are limited (until the end for attack power if you want to grind and find a special item). The game paces them out well enough that you never become overlevelled. It isnt' like Souls where you can easily grind levels.
What can be learned from this thread?
2fags are still dumb, contrarian, and ignorant, 3fags are still zoomers, and this board is shit.
It is happening again. It is happening again.
Passive poise was good. Fuck you haters and From for ruining it.
He did because that isn't poise that's hyper armor which comes from the weapon not the armor.
Civil discussion is dead, slamming opinions that amount to "I don't like thing" against each other is the norm, calling the other guy the latest variation of a faggot is king
And? You're invading their game to fuck with them, you SHOULD be at a fucking disadvantage.
The first time I ever got invaded was in road of sacrifices when I was a total dumbass at this game and some naked twink runs at me with a weapon I barely knew how to react to (that I later found out was Friede's Scythe). If invaders were people who were at the same level of progression as I was just looking for a fight then I wouldn't care...but when EVERYONE is a min maxed twink like that asshole then I have every right to mob them with friendly phantoms and I won't feel one bit bad about it.
>And? You're invading their game to fuck with them, you SHOULD be at a fucking disadvantage.
Nigga did you even play DaS3? The host has panthoms, double the estus you could have, seed of giant and 30% more life than you have
Not to mention they can run and summon a new phantom everytime you kill one
Invasions are completely unbalanced in DaS3
As they should. Invading someone's world means you can use the enemies against them. Just play better.
>you can use the enemies against them
Are you fucking retard or just ignorant? I already said they have seed of giant
Most of the time you don't win by playing better, you win because the host made some dumb mistake
>Describe first experience being invaded in DS3
>"Did you even play DS3?"
You have literally nothing to lose when you invade someone and the sole purpose of it is to fuck someone else out of their time...if they go through that much effort to stop you then just pop your orb somewhere else and try again. I don't know why this is hard to understand
>Most of the time you don't win by playing better
>you win because the host made some dumb mistake
So in other words, because you played better? Got it, that settles that.
>user can't learn
>Why do people keep telling me I have a learning disability?
Checks out.
pvpfags are the worst
>trying new build
>its shit, but worth a laugh
>someone invades while I'm trying to just get this part done with
>cries and spams me after I kick him off the cliff
you invaded fuckwit, if you wanted "honor" then put a summon sign down.
Seed of Giant doesn't make enemies ignore the host, user. You can literally bring the entire map to them.
user, no one has a problem "learning" the movement, the movement in 2 is flat out inferior to that of the other games.
nintendie cuck who's girlfreind was BLACKED
>Most of the bosses are broken, unfinished or underwhelming
>1/3 of the area are unfinished
>More than half of the weapons are shit with bad moveset
Dark souls 1 is a meme. Fuck it.
Explain how it is inferior
literal retards
Except you lose your souls in case you die in the place you died for some reason
Did you guys even played pvp in other souls games? The host has too many protections here
>You can literally bring the entire map to them
This could be fun if it was true
DaS falls apart after Anor Londo though, at least DS3 is finished
DS3 took most of the game design of one to it's logical extreme, and not in a good way
>three swamps
>every enemy wombo combos nonstop, making all but the largest shields almost entirely useless, and making rollspam by far the most viable defensive option
>extremely obtuse npc quests that require you to go through the game in retarded ways to complete, especially frustrating and tedious on subsequent playtroughs
The only part of DS1 it didn't beat like a dead horse was the world layout, which is rather linear by comparison unfortunately
I used to be in love with BB until I got a more up to date PC recently and now I can't stand looking at 30fps anymore. I'd say 3 is my favorite right now. May not be perfect but mechanically it feels really tight to play which goes a long way for enjoyment. Plus it's definitely the best looking game in the series for what it's worth. Ringed City is probably the best dlc too.
>my big heavy armor does nothing to stop this tiny little dagger from stunlocking me
No, you are the retard.
>playing the demastered
found the problem
and also grab gravelord covenant while you're in the neighborhood
*blocks your path*
That is what black flame is for stupid.