it's great
Wasn't worth the wait
lol banana epic so random xd upvote
>reddit game
My dream is to one day slit throats of people like you.
The level design isn't great and the controls are a bit clunky.
It's fun
Dude, you know, like, you know what doesn't go together? Haha.... like how RANDOM would it be if, like, we had BANANAS juxtaposed with graphic violence, like, they don't go together at all? I'm laughing so hard right now dude. how friggin RANDOM would that be man? Haha, BANANAS and MURDER aren't the same thing dude!
how are they wrong though? I saw it pop up on steam and thought it looked like cringey so randumb reddit humor disguised as a game. I logically concluded it would be full of socialist garbage and pro-abortion propaganda as well considering
Glorified flash game
calm down
Reddit post
Every nigger I've met that autisticly insists that gameplay is the only thing that matters are the first to complain that it's reddit or le random without caring about how it plays.
The game's okay, it's not nearly as replayable as I thought it'd be.
it alright
okay but what do you think about the gameplay
its the sequel to an old flash game from way back when if that helps you get over the random banana
I have a feeling you at one point enjoyed that 'lolsorandom' culture and now that everyone makes fun of it you feel insecure. That's okay man. But what do you think of the gameplay?
Yeah. The enemies later became bullet sponges and the bullet time thingy was enjoyable but the stages later wouldn't allow for combos and random kills.
It's just boring after a while and that's the worse thing for a game.
>your brain on /vpol/
3 hours long. Cinematic action game built around cool seetpieces which are were shown in trailers long time ago. The only fun parts for me were music & platforming sections.
bland and boring
It kills me that you can't flip outside of bullet time. I really like that it's there, but it should be a tool when you need it, not the only way to get a high score.
The game also begs for a creation mode. Let me create a small map, place enemies and allow me to fuck around. That would be great.
based retard
stupid le lets play reddit game
lmao like the sequel should bbe u plkaying as apple or orange and they canll it my neme es pedro y applese eh orangenay
bad gy be pear hhahahhah
u stupid
This vs DEADBOLT - which should I get?
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is Pedro but u can call me t3h BaNaNa oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deadbolt, no question
literally went to school with a kid exactly like this but we were probably 10 or 11 when invader zim came out
If the game had a level editor I would still be playing it. Imagine all the other classic movie scenes the community could remake, like hospital from Hard Boiled
t. Spurdo
ti's great, worth a pirate at least.
A buy is something that I'm on the edge of because it has little replay value. after you master the gimmick, you're kind of set in it.
I preordered it, and I'm happy with my purchase.
Its just a shooting game with a protag thats high as balls, how fucking hard is that to understand?
Reminds me of Superhot, it's fun but only 2-3 hours worth.
>Game about shooting motherfuckers with style
Jesus Christ
>"""replay value"""
Yeah this seems up your alley reddit friend