How important is sex appeal in video games?
How important is sex appeal in video games?
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How weeb are you?
>non weeb
Will value gameplay, a tit might get them to pirate a game but rarely buy one
>slightly weeb
Will value gameplay first, waifus are a plus, will generally not intentionally seek fanservice
Will specifically buy full priced games for waifus and fanservice
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums tier weeb
Point of no return
Will buy entire gaming systems and import the filthiest fanservice fest weebest shit
Will get horrendously addicted to gacha, spend thousand of dollars on it
Will unironically start buying doujins and glue magnet figurines irl
Gameplay in games becomes completely irrelevant
Completely assimilated into the average modern japanese nerd mindset
It's not so much the presence of sexy characters that's important but rather the absence of repulsive characters.
Not the most important thing but if a game looks nice i could be more inclined to buy it
Between weeb and Yea Forums. I have a fetish for 3d models and will seek them out even when other porn is equally accessible.
More than gameplay and graphics. It's everything on a game
Most of the best selling and most played games have the most repulsive character designs ever imagined man. Video games aren't all about being cute or pretty.
I would prefer my games free of sex, if I want that I'll watch porn
Between non weeb and slightly weeb.
in between weeb and Yea Forums and Yea Forums tier since i like gameplay and hate gatchas
nice feet.
It's a good bonus but it's not everything. Gameplay is everything. Unlike one user I can and do play with male protagonists I tend to alternate between them and females.
Is that supposed to be Ed? Why would a 30 something woman try to cosplay as a 10 year old kid?
>30 something
user, are you 12?
Im none of that and I consider myself an ultra weeb
I watch anime from 20 years ago and study JP literature and think the Japanese civilization is superior to all of the rest on earth.
I thought that was what weeb meant, being obsessed with anime girls or gambling trash is not part of it dude.
>I watch anime from 20 years ago and study JP literature and think the Japanese civilization is superior to all of the rest on earth.
Definitions changed. Weeb now means anyone who even remotely likes anime instead of being someone who wishes he was born in grorious nippon.
Ed has cute feet
Im not even white thats the best part
And Im so weeb Id never want to go to Japan and stain their homeland with my presence
Thats the kind of weeb you are talking to friend
>"muh weebs"
easiest way to spot a normalfag
>instantly mad at a neutral post
how to spot the hrt weeb normie
I grew up in Hawaii and with alot of asians
there has to be a word for people who are really fucking weebs but they're actually asian so technically they can't be weebs
I guess you are right
Its all the normalfags getting a hold of the term isnt it?
Just like they ruined "waifu"
I should just stay away from both words from now on
is that leeloo?
Slightly weeb
it better have a penis
>non weeb
neir would be my goat if the charicters werent dressed like sluts
its not
doesn't mean it shouldn't be there
You spelled "he" wrong
An added bonus if done well. Titties can't salvage a bad game no matter now nice they are.
gib 6
not important at all. I find it amusing how "muh feminism" is destroying vidya by removing skimpy outfits and unrealistic and unproportional boob size but
>80% of all major AAA titles adopt live service model
>companies locking features behind paywall is now a norm, even on games that already cost $60 on launch
>each open world meme release has less and less content
but we've had 10 threads a day about tifa and how it's the death of vidya
Well... it got me to click on this thread so I guess that's saying something.
Sex appeal is important if the game is to be modeled around being a power fantasy of sorts. Sexual attraction is a power in itself. It's not only that you should want to be the one that is attractive in your fantasies but that other highly attractive people are attracted to you. It doesn't help to play as the smoking hot character when, in game, all you're attracting are some fucks that look like dark souls hollows. No, your character needs to pull equally attractive people in-game to them.
This doesn't even really get all that weird if your playing a character opposite to your own gender as the sexual appeal dynamics in power are still there between player and avatar although in a more direct way. Player being attracted to avatar but avatar literally only existing for the player's inputs.
Now with that said, it's not important for every game, of course, but not every game is based in some power fantasy archetype. Not every power fantasy game needs the sex appeal as the power can be the name of the game all together.
put it this way, if Final Fantasy XV had been about a group of cute girls instead of a band of fags I would have played it.
>greentexting on fucking twitter
I wanna fuck a girl dressed up as Ed
Everything needs to be pretty, not sexual but pretty, an ugly dyke or a fat whale 2 icecreams from an heart attack are not pretty, they are disgusting.
Resetera trannies are huge weebs though and yet they're the most offended by sexualized women in vidya.
When will ethots get through their heads that you don't have the license to post ur feet if they're, and I'm being generous, shit?
and you wonder why people hate footfags
I wonder no such thing. People hate footfags because footfags, like all other x-fags, insist on shoving their x-thing in every situation possible in a show of dreadful imperceptivity and alround twattery. The overreaction in response is to hate everyone who is capable of sustaining an erection over some subsection of human feet - too far, but correcting it must in turn not go too far and allow footfaggotry to rein unchallenged.
As someone who can find feet very sexy, I have no problem never bringing it up under any set of circumstances where one wouldn't bring up sexual matters of any kind. In circumstances where it's appropriate, sure, why not. There's the odd idiot who'll act like an objectively mild sexual outlier is their issue, but they're not as bad as footfags.
Only slightly weeb, thank God.
>Non weeb
Thank God.
I like it because I am retarded and horny. I wont buy a bad game just for good fanservice though.
How much sex appeal does CoD have? Unless you're selling to weeb virgins it's irrelevant.
>non weeb
>Will value gameplay
Stopped reading here.
I appreciate fanservice, but I wouldnt buy a game for it. It has to have at least passable gameplay first and foremost before I'm even willing to consider its other qualities.
Ryan, is that you?
Non weeb. I already fap seventy three times a day to /d/oujins, I don't want even more porn in my games.
What about non-Japanese Asians?
Why are incels so judgemental when it comes to women's appearances but when it comes to women being judgemental of men's appearances suddenly it's not okay and the woman is "shallow?"
Women are expected to be shallow, their only driving motivations are a potential mate's resources and genetic fitness.
Holy shit, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.