>shotguns at point blank: can blow a hole through a giant interdimensional demon
>shotguns at 10+ meters: equivalent of throwing sand
Why do developers do this?
>shotguns at point blank: can blow a hole through a giant interdimensional demon
>shotguns at 10+ meters: equivalent of throwing sand
Why do developers do this?
Game balance, idiot. Games aren't designed to be super realistic.
How many games make you lose the remaining bullets in the mag if you reload before its empty? Literally zero games. In every shooter ever if you reload with bullets left in the mag they're magically teleported into a new one.
>literally zero
Lmao underage please go and stay go
Okay idiot.Name ONE (1) game that does realistic bullet/mag management. I'll wait.
Game balance.
Some games do the “lose the bullets in the mag” trick, but its a gaming trope at this point. Its fun and acceptable, who cares.
>literally zero
>rocket only goes straight for five to ten meters
>rocket doesnt explode at a fixed distance
Arma 3
Arma 2
Operation Flashpoint
Project Reality
Red Orchestra
Red Orchestra 2
>t. Has never fired a shotgun irl
>inb4 burger
Not burger.
Have you ever shot a shotgun before? They shoot a lot further than 10 meters
Wow dude, stop naming games.
It is like, you play video games, and shit.
Escape from tarkov
You can load tracer rounds first to make sure you're on target and then blow them the fuck out with arpen rounds in the same magazine. Yes you manually loaf each round during raids.
Acceptable break from reality.
>mixed rounds in mags
>needing to manually load each round into a mag if you run out
holy SHIT how did i never hear about this game
what's the goal? it can't just be deathmatch or ctf
old rainbow six games
Day of Defeat
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 1942
Mafia 1
maybe try playing video games next time
>revover takes 20 minutes to fire
Fps are point and click, that's why
fpbp underrated
>to get an instant kill with a sniper rifle requires a precision shot to the head
>to get an instant kill with a shotgun you just need to be close
How is that fair?
Has got a point, y'know.
While it isn't exactly "Throwing sand", it is a lot less effective and dependent on other factors. Go talk to /k/
It's a scavenger game. Basically you've got a scavenger and a merc, you drop one or the other off in some shithole part of Eastern Europe and you go and collect gear to either equip your merc with or to sell for rubles so you can buy better gear for said merc. There's AI scavengers who won't usually attack you if you leave them alone, plus players who will more than likely kill your shit if they see you.
The main thing is there's no hard structure to missions, you can enter the area then exit the zone as soon as you're in.
Oh and if your merc dies he loses all of his shit.
>Game balance
How are shotguns imbalanced, seriously?
Every time this argument comes up, Shotguns always catch flak because people who use them usually do better than people who use rifles or full-autos. Why? Because in games like CoD - a game mostly focused on close-quarters combat - shotguns would be the dominant pick for weapons because of its realistic power.
If we went by true realism, pellet spread is a thing, and anything caught in its effective cone would take damage.
True balance for shotguns is that - based on the weapon's cone - the damage should decrease for how much the cone extends beyond the enemy until it becomes borderline trivial.
But no, instead, you pea-brains think "give it a range effectiveness of 10m and everything is fine" is a good solution when it's fucking not.
It's a raid game. You do your loadout (limited by money in stockpile and resources) then you enter a raid kill people or ai and extract with loot to sell or missions to complete. It's gimmicky as fuck sometimes, but the gun porn and stash management make up for it. Wait until the .12 wipe which introduces hideout mechanic.
Why don't you let somebody throw sand at you, then let somebody shoot you with a shotgun from further than 20((TWENTY)TWICE THE DISTANCE) meters, retard.
making shotguns realistic tends to make them super OP in the context of game design
The balance to shotguns is armour to prevent it shredding your insides. Still might die from internal bleeding if caught in dicksucking range but stray shot won't be deadly if it hits a plate.
>Literally zero games.
red orchestra 2 and sequels
arma and sequels
metro and sequels
for the same reason real life war essentialy banned them: good ol' boys from America are soo good with shotties, geneva convention banned them in war. you can "miss" and still hit the person, and the range with slugs is amazing.
shotties are the best overall weapon.
>the pump action shotgun in E.Y.E
>No one named EYE, where when reloading you lose the clip/cartridge (with the ammo) and you have it physically occupying space and weight in your inventory
More words doesn't mean you're making good points.
>True balance for shotguns is that - based on the weapon's cone - the damage should decrease for how much the cone extends beyond the enemy until it becomes borderline trivial.
"True balance" isn't a thing. That's a made up word that doesn't mean anything.
Game elements are balanced in relation to other elements in the game.
Guns in FPS are usually primarily balanced around two elements:
1) TTK (time-to-kill - how long does it take to kill someone?)
2) Effective range (how does distance affect the effectiveness of my gun?)
Other variables are only really relevant in relation to these two principles. You can see how damage, bullets per mag, reload times, and accuracy tie back to them.
If shotguns do too much damage and have too much range, then there's less incentive to use other weapons and the game becomes boring. Obviously, quantifying "too much" depends on the game and what the designers want gameplay to look like.
There's just no such thing as "true balance."
there was an attempt to ban shotguns because they filled their niche in close range trench encounters, Germany hated that for some reason
funny that happened in the war with gas and flamethrowers
otherwise shotguns have been relatively irrelevant in infantry combat ever since, they only really showed back up when urban environments became the norm, and even still only typically used in certain scenarios
In The Darkness, Jackie actually just tosses the guns when he "reloads" and takes new guns out and you lose whatever ammo the old guns still had in them.
>Rising Storm 2
>The hunting shotgun is basically a sniper rifle up to about 120m
What other games have realistic shotguns?
>for the same reason real life war essentialy banned them: good ol' boys from America are soo good with shotties, geneva convention banned them in war
Myth. Shotguns are not banned by the Geneva Convention. WW1 Germans complained a bit because they were effective and were considered a "peasant's" weapon, or not a weapon of war and only suitable for hunting birds. Everyone else was experimenting with submachine guns, but Americans started fielding pump action shotguns because it did more or less the same thing as a subgun, just in a different method (lots of projectiles very quickly). Sometimes break action shotguns were also cut down and used during trench raids.
>range with slugs is amazing
A rifled slug out of a smoothbore is efffective out to at least 100m, but they're not consistent. 200m with a rifled barrel and sabot slug is doable. They're still not rifles.
Tarkov does this well. Buck shreds people without armor, but once armor is involved they aren't nearly as good.
Shotguns are underwhelming in tarkov, at least on the current build. If you're not running rip rounds and legging them it's pointless to use one unless your a scav in which case the toz will black out every limb in one shot.
>passing an image more interesting than your thread
Insurgency always each magazine have it's own bullet count.
Because few fps incorporate the length of the weapon in cqb. Long barrels are unwieldy in close quarters so a shotgun is pretty shit to hug walls with, while an smg is easier to manuever around corners and still fire
>How are shotguns imbalanced, seriously
Normalfags exclusively pick up 'standard' weapons like rifles, snipers, and maybe if they're feeling crazy, an SMG. They absolutely hate when any weapon they don't often pick performs well.
See: any time something relatively unique is added to a game and subsequently nerfed into oblivion if it was even somewhat viable. Mobas do this all the time
How many games have firefight with realistic distances between the two sides?